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November 12, 2012, 10:03 pm

Canyons are some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet. They boast fantastic landscapes and incredible sizes. Most of them are formed by the erosion of rock by fast river flows over millions of years. Every continent is home to many of these amazing natural formations. Below are some of the most beautiful canyons in the world. Antelope Canyon, USA. This is an amazing creation of nature, representing bizarre sandy rocks with giant crevices, illuminated by a delightful magical light. Over the course of several centuries, water and wind carved depressions of several hundred meters in the red sandstone. Every few years, during heavy rains, each canyon, usually dry during the year, is flooded with water. It was rainwater, slowly flowing down and carrying grains of sand with it, that over many years formed these graceful relief lines inside the rocks. The canyon got its name thanks to the red-red walls that resemble the skin of an antelope. The best time to visit is in spring and autumn: March - April and October - November. At this time, the sun's rays penetrate to the very bottom and the canyons look as if a bright light is burning inside a dark palace. In winter, the lighting in the canyons is quite weak - it is quite gloomy inside, with deep shadows and flat reliefs. Blyde River Canyon, South Africa. This unusual canyon, which forms part of the line separating the great plateau South Africa from the Lowveld plain in the east, is one of the most beautiful places in Africa. The escarpment, about 1000 m high, drops steeply to the bottom of the Blyde River canyon. The ancient granite domes of the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa's Transvaal, separated by chasms, rise like giants above the winding valleys of the Blyde River canyon. This is the third largest canyon in the world. The Blyde River Canyon looks huge from any angle. observation platforms you haven’t looked at this twenty-six kilometer gorge. Lush hills covered with subtropical greenery, sharp bends of the river, impressive potholes and varied animal world The canyon is very picturesque.
Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan.
The Charyn River flows 200 km east of Almaty. It originates in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau and flows into the Ili. During her life, Charyn carved such a deep and picturesque canyon into the ground, which in its uniqueness can only be compared with the Grand Canyon of Colorado. The Charyn Canyon is an abyss more than 200 meters deep. The banks of the river are impregnable rock walls. Then the rocks give way to sedimentary rocks, from which nature has created fabulous sculptures. Grandiose colonnades of red and reddish-brown rocks contrast with the pointed blue-black pyramids. A kingdom of mountains with formations of sand castles, valleys and rocky gorges against the backdrop of a bright blue azure sky.
Charyn Canyon is a unique monument nature, preserved from the Paleogene era. Its age is more than 30 million years. Such natural landscapes have been preserved in only a few places in the world.
Colca Canyon, Peru.
This is the deepest canyon in the world, its depth from the bottom to mountain peaks reaches 3400 m. It is twice as large as Grand Canyon in America and, unlike it, is suitable for life and agriculture.
This canyon was formed by the course of the river of the same name, and along the entire path to it you can see numerous Andenes - agricultural stepped terraces. King's Canyon, Australia. Ancient sandstone walls and giant rocky cliffs are the main feature of Australia's Royal Canyon. The delightful Royal Canyon is located in the Red Center of Australia, 323 kilometers from Alice Springs. The height of its walls in some places reaches 300 meters, and the total length exceeds two kilometers. Once sacred to the Aboriginal people, the land of King's Canyon is now one of Australia's top attractions. Canyon of the Tara River, Montenegro This is the longest canyon in Montenegro. Its length is 82 km and its depth is 1300 m. The Tara River Canyon is the deepest canyon in Europe. Flowing through the territory national park, the river forms many waterfalls and cascades, which are known as The Montenegrian Colorado. The canyon has rocky and pebble terraces, sandy beaches, high cliffs and more than 80 large caves. Unfortunately, there are plans to flood the Tara River gorge and build a hydroelectric power station on the river. So far, the efforts of advocates to preserve the gorge remain in vain. Chulyshman Canyon, Russia
The Chulyshman Canyon, a nominee for the “7 Wonders of Russia” competition, is located in the Ulagansky district in the high mountain zone of the eastern part of the Altai Republic. The beautiful Chulyshman River flows here. The Chulyshman Valley is amazingly picturesque. The decoration of the Chulyshman River are numerous waterfalls. The uniqueness of the Chulyshman Canyon as a landscape-geographical area is that it bears traces of the ancient glaciation of Altai, as well as secondary landforms of aeolian origin - stone mushrooms, pyramids, pillars. Copper Canyon, Mexico. According to ancient legend, the canyons of the Sierra Tarahumara were formed during the creation of the world, when the stones were not yet frozen and pliable. Barranca del Cobre is a group of canyons located in 6 different locations in the Sierra Tarahumara in the northwestern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The Copper Canyon system is larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon in the United States. Its area covers 60,000 km². The canyon gained worldwide fame not only due to its incomparable landscapes, but also railway, where you can ride on a comfortable train “Chepe”. From the windows of the compartment there are magnificent views of the mountains and high waterfalls, as well as picturesque villages. Verdon Gorge, France
The Verdon Gorge in southeastern France is considered by many to be the most beautiful canyon in Europe. The gorge is 25 kilometers long and rises 700 meters from the Verdon River, which flows along its bottom.
The river itself, whose name comes from its bright emerald color, is the most attractive part of the gorge. Glen Canyon, USA.
It doesn't matter how much you've heard about him or how many photographs you've seen. Glen Canyon, and in particular the place called Horseshoe Bend, will make you admire the beauty of these landscapes again and again.

The horseshoe meander is just another creation mighty river Colorado, but something makes this particular place attractive.

Waimea Canyon, Hawaii.
Also known as the Grand Canyon Pacific Ocean, Waimea Canyon stretches 16 kilometers in length in the west of the island of Kauai. Its width reaches one and a half kilometers, and its depth in places exceeds 1000 meters. The canyon was formed more than a thousand years ago as a result of rains, severe floods and the overflow of the river of the same name, which left fabulous evidence of the creative forces of nature.
Numerous hiking trails pass above the gorge, allowing you to admire its views, as well as at the bottom of the canyon among dense jungle, red rocks and tropical vegetation.

Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, Tibet, China.
The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is 240 kilometers long, an incredible work of the mighty Yarlung River. Recent Chinese studies conducted at the end of the last century claim that the average depth of the gorge is five thousand meters, and at its deepest point it reaches 6009 meters. Therefore, Yarlung Tsangpo is considered by many to be the deepest canyon in the world.

Grand Canyon, USA. There are many wonders in the world, everyone can say, but it is safe to say that the Grand Canyon and its landscape are incomparable. The canyon is believed to be at least 10 million years old. It is in the Grand Canyon, more than anywhere else, that one can trace what has happened to our planet over the time since which the canyon has existed. Exactly this amazing place, which is still growing.

You can often hear that everything interesting is so far away. And speaking of canyons, these people are absolutely right. The deepest canyons on planet Earth are in Latin America and in East Asia.

1. Copper Canyon, Mexico. Depth 1500 meters

Mexican national park Copper Canyon is often compared to the Grand Canyon in the USA. And this is not surprising: deep dangerous gorges, located in the middle of a hot desert and connected to each other by six picturesque rivers, make a truly strong impression on everyone who finds themselves here.

It is noteworthy that the air temperature is always different at the top of the canyon and at its bottom. This is due to the large elevation difference, reaching 1.5 kilometers. In winter, for example, the slopes are always covered with snow, and subtropical forests grow at the bottom. It is thanks to its climate that the area near the canyon is considered the most biologically active in Mexico. A third of the country's mammals live here: puma, black bear, Mexican wolf. Copper Canyon is home to a huge number of birds and home to more than three thousand species of plants.

2. Cotahuashi Canyon, Peru. Depth 3535 meters

The canyon was carved by the Cotahuashi River between two mountain destinations - Coropuna and Solimana.

The scenery surrounding Cotahuashi Canyon is breathtaking. But to get to the canyon, you will have to spend up to 12 hours on a bus.

3. Colca Canyon, Peru. Depth 4160 meters

The Colca Canyon is more than twice as deep as the world famous Grand Canyon, its depth reaches 4160 meters. However, it has one significant difference - the walls of the Colca Canyon are not located as vertically down as their North American counterpart. However, this circumstance does not in any way detract from the merits of this miracle of nature.

The breathtaking views of the picturesque natural scene with the giant terraces of the Andes, ledges descending to the river carrying its waters at the base of the cliffs, do not leave indifferent anyone who has the pleasure of admiring the beauty of the canyon. No less pleasurable is the sight of a soaring condor, the national pride of the people of Peru. Here, among the gloomy rocks of the canyon, this handsome man feels at home. It's no coincidence that one more ancient name lost mountain spaces - Condor territory.

4. Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon, Tibet. Depth 6009 meters
High in the Himalayas, near the sacred Mount Kailash, a mighty canyon resists the Brahmaputra River in Northern India. With an average depth of 4,876 meters and a maximum of 6,009 meters, Yarlung Tsangpo is often considered the deepest canyon on Earth.

And not only is the depth of the canyon impressive, but also the length of 240 km through the breathtaking Tibetan landscape. The river is popular with kayakers, who give it the name “Everest of rivers” due to its extreme conditions.

5. Kali Gendeki Gorge, Nepal. Depth 6800 meters

The Kali Gandaki River makes its way through the gorge of the same name in Nepal. It is even older than the high Himalayan mountain range that surrounds the canyon. The river is named after the Hindu goddess Kali and its waters are colored black due to the presence of glacial silt.

The exact depth of the giant gorge is still under debate because there is no agreement yet on the height of its rim. However, if the depth were measured from the highest peaks on either side to the river below, it would be the deepest canyon in the world with a depth of approximately 6,800 meters.

Canyons attract a lot of attention from travelers, especially if they represent a grandiose creation of nature. For hundreds of thousands and even millions of years, turbulent rivers flowed across the earth, undermining and eroding their beds, gradually sinking lower and lower than the level of the surrounding area - this is how deep canyons were formed. Sometimes the rivers themselves disappear completely after this, leaving behind deep, dry gorges.
Canyons are distinguished not only by their complex terrain, but also by their own ecosystem. Many of them find shelter rare species fauna and flora that could not withstand competition elsewhere. The deepest canyons are not only incredibly picturesque, but can also be very dangerous. The steep walls of the cliffs are ready to collapse at any moment, a stormy river can flow along the bottom, and below you can find dangerous insects or animals. But all these dangers only fuel the interest of real travelers. What are they, the most beautiful and breathtaking canyons in the world?

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1. Grand Canyon (USA) , Where to stay

The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is unrivaled in terms of beauty and world fame. A national park of the same name was formed around it.

The canyon stretches for 446 kilometers, reaching a depth of 1800 meters. The Grand Canyon has long become an internationally recognized attraction, where numerous tourists from all over the world strive to get to. Its age is about 10 million years, making it one of the oldest such formations on the planet.
Scientists have thoroughly explored it and found a lot of interesting things there: the canyon is home to 150 species of animals and 355 species of birds, and in the waters of the river - over 15 species of rare fish. In addition to interesting live finds, some archaeological finds have been made in the canyon in the form of cave paintings that are probably 3,000 years old.
Over 5 million travelers come to see the Grand Canyon every year. For them, educational walking routes have been developed and impressive viewing platforms are equipped, the most interesting of which are Bright Angel Point, Cape Royal Point and Imperial Point. But walking alone in the canyon is dangerous, especially going down to its bottom, since in the local hot desert climate there are many dangerous inhabitants, for example, scorpions and poisonous spiders.

2. Fish River Canyon (Namibia) , Where to stay

Fish River Canyon is located in Namibia, Africa. This is a very beautiful natural formation, in perfect harmony with environment. The canyon has a length of 161 km with a maximum depth of “only” 550 meters, which is far from the record levels of other famous canyons. But in terms of beauty he has few equals in the world. The longest Fish River in Namibia flows along the bottom of the canyon.
The formation of the canyon continues actively at the present time, because during the rainy season the river turns into a rapid, seething stream, demolishing everything in its path. But during periods of drought, the river becomes very shallow, leaving only a chain of small reservoirs at the bottom of the canyon. Therefore, those who prefer a more relaxing holiday tend to get into this canyon during the dry season, but when the rainy season begins, they are replaced by extreme sports enthusiasts. Exploring the sandy slopes of the canyon at this time is very dangerous, especially since it is forbidden to even approach the bottom of the gorge, since the river can overflow at any moment.

3. Tiger Leaping Gorge (China) , Where to stay

Tiger Leaping Gorge is located on the Yangtze River in southwest China. This canyon is only about 15 kilometers long, but it hides a cascade of rapids, squeezed on both sides by mountains, forming almost vertical walls 3000 meters high. From a certain point of view, Tiger Leaping Gorge is the deepest canyon in the world. However, at its narrowest point it is only 30 meters wide.

4. Verdon Gorge (France) , Where to stay

In the mountains of French Provence there is the Verdon Gorge. The Verdon River made its way through the limestone plateau, giving us another miracle of nature. Limestone rocks along the banks of the river form a gorge 21 kilometers long and up to 800 meters deep. There are roads along both banks, between which the Verdogne seethes somewhere far below, flowing into the Lac de Saint-Croix reservoir.
This is the largest gorge in Europe, for which it is called the “European Grand Canyon”. The river worked over soft limestones for 25 million years. Closer to the surface, the width of the canyon can reach up to 1500 meters, but below the river bed sometimes narrows to 6 meters. In 1997, a regional regional natural Park"Verdon".

5. Antelope Canyon (USA) , Where to stay

About 240 kilometers from the famous Grand Canyon on the Colorado River there is another similar object - Antelope Canyon. It is located on the territory of the Navajo reservation, so those who want to get here must pay a fee and then move along accompanied by a guide. The canyon is conventionally divided into upper and lower sections; in both of them you can see very beautiful rock formations that photographers love to photograph. The lucky ones who find themselves here can walk between sandstone rocks, through the narrow cracks between which sunlight barely breaks through, giving the area an aura of mystery.
Antelope Canyon has a slightly different history. The sandstone rocks with the bizarre shapes that everyone admires today are the result of atmospheric precipitation. And nowadays, Antelope Canyon changes a lot every year during the rainy season. It becomes accessible to visitors only after the rainy season ends. The rocks that form the gorge are red-red in color, reminiscent of the color of one of the antelope species, hence the name of the canyon.

6. Waimea Canyon (Kauai, USA) , Where to stay

The large Waimea Canyon is 16 km long and 900 m deep, and is located in the western part of the Hawaiian island of Kauai. It arose after a tropical rainstorm caused the Waimea River to overflow, which cut a passage into Mount Waialeale. This is the largest canyon in the Pacific Ocean, it is even called the “miniature Grand Canyon.”
The geology of the canyon is closely related to volcanism - it cuts through a layered pie of basaltic lava flows, which proves that the island was born of an unstable tectonic zone in which lithospheric plates shifted repeatedly. The eastern and western sides of the canyon are separated by a huge gap, into which a significant part of the island has fallen. That is, the emergence of this canyon has two reasons at once: habitual erosion and a powerful volcanic eruption, which once created the island itself.

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7. Samaria Gorge (Crete, Greece) , Where to stay

In Crete, near the city of Chania, the largest Samaria Gorge in Europe is located. It is located on the territory of a nature reserve, which can be visited from late spring to mid-autumn - before snow falls in the mountains. Length tourist route it is 16 km long, it passes under the rays of the merciless sun, along boulders, stairs, rocky forest paths, which requires the tourist to be in appropriate physical shape. The route starts on the southwestern side of the island, in the middle mountain range Lefka Ori, and then descends almost to the shore Mediterranean Sea. The total elevation difference reaches 1300 meters.

8. Colca Canyon (Peru) , Where to stay

This canyon is one of the deepest on our planet, its depth reaches an incredible 3,400 meters! Its length is over 100 km, which makes Kolka also one of the largest. At the same time, the canyon itself climbed high into the Andes - to a height of 3,260 meters. The nature in the canyon area is unique; the largest bird of prey in the world today lives here - the condor, whose wingspan can reach up to 3.3 m.
To admire the beauty of the local nature and the soaring condors in the heights, there are several observation platforms in the canyon, for example, La Cruz del Condor. Many tourists who come here strive to end up in the Sangaye region, which has a plateau with a truly tropical climate. Heat-loving palm trees look very impressive against the backdrop of snow-capped mountain peaks.

9. Copper Canyon (Mexico) , Where to stay

The Copper Canyon is located in Mexico and is a system of 6 small gorges that form a single natural formation. The name of the canyon is not accidental, but reflects its most important distinctive feature - its slopes have a rich copper-red hue. In some places they were overgrown with green moss, so the Spanish colonialists who came here initially mistook all this for a copper deposit.
Tourists love to walk along the steep mountain slopes in the Copper Canyon area, and some of them were lucky enough to see rare local predators during their walk. But for the same reason, unaccompanied walks are prohibited in some parts of the canyon.
The elevation difference in the Copper Canyon reaches 1870 meters, which gives you the chance to simultaneously observe snow-covered mountain peaks and subtropical forests at its bottom, in which life is seething. More than 30% of the Mexican fauna lives in a small area of ​​the canyon. The now rare Mexican wolf, puma and black bear live in the dense forests. And the local flora is even richer - there are more than a thousand species.

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10. Taroko Gorge (China) , Where to stay

Taroko Gorge is also called Marble Gorge because there are large layers of this noble stone. The canyon has a length of 19 kilometers, and it is located on east coast Taiwan, north of Hualien. This part of the island rose as a result of the collision of the Eurasian tectonic plate with the Philippine plate. About 100 million years ago, the terrible pressure that formed this area squeezed the limestone rocks, turning them into marble. And the Liwu River then long and persistently carved its way through the marble, as a result of which people can now admire the magnificent Taroko Gorge.
From here to the Pacific Ocean coast is only 60 kilometers, but the local mountain peaks are the highest on the island, rising to 3,400 meters. Until the middle of the last century, there was only one trail running through the canyon, but now a narrow mountain road meanders along its walls along with the terrain.

11. King's Canyon (Australia) , Where to stay

In the center of the Australian mainland, 323 km from the city of Alice Springs, there is the magnificent Royal Canyon. Its walls are up to 300 meters high in some places and their length is more than two kilometers. In the past it was sacred land of the Aboriginal people, and now the canyon has become a popular tourist attraction. An asphalt track was built here only about 20 years ago.

12. Todra Gorge (Morocco) , Where to stay

In Morocco, in the east of the Atlas Mountains, near the city of Tinghir, two rivers - Dades and Todra - cut a narrow gorge in the rocks, which occupied the last 40 kilometers of the river bed through the mountains.
15 kilometers from Tingir the canyon takes on a particularly intricate shape. Over the course of 600 meters, the canyon walls converge to a distance of no more than 10 meters; this gap is limited by smooth side walls 160 meters high. Those who have visited the gorge describe with delight how throughout the day these walls going into the sky change their shades.
Along the bottom of the gorge flow the icy waters of a river that was once fuller, which can be understood by the size of the canyon, washed through hard rocks. Since those time immemorial, the river has almost dried up, turning into a barely noticeable glacial stream.

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Currently, there are 10 canyons that can fully be called the largest canyons in the world. Their beauty amazes anyone. Reasons for the popularity of these places:

  1. Extraordinary beauty.
  2. Magnitude.
  3. Rivers and volcanoes that formed them.

Canyons of the Tara and Blyde rivers

The canyon on the Tara River, which is located in Montenegro, is rightfully included in the list of the largest canyons. The gorge stretches for 80 km at a depth of 1300 m. this moment it is the longest canyon in Europe, but is inferior in size to the American Grand Canyon. This miracle of nature is located between famous mountain ranges Sinjaevina and Durmitor (on one side) and Ljubišnja and Zlatni Bor (on the other side). The creation of nature is part of the national park.

Local guides can offer you a huge number of educational tours, including rafting tours. There is a road connecting the northern and southern parts of the country. But it is considered the most dangerous route in the Balkans. The tunnels are so small that trucks or other large vehicles in opposite lanes cannot pass at the same time.

Second Blyde River Canyon, which created this miracle, is located in Africa, namely in South Africa. Here all its parts are covered with greenery. Nearby are a 450-meter waterfall and the God's Window plateau. From a height of 1000 m, the walls suddenly break away to the bottom of the river, creating a very beautiful view for visiting tourists.

Copper, Cotahuasi and Colca Canyons

In Mexico there is the Copper Canyon, which is a chain of separate, diverse gorges connected to each other. There are 6 rivers nearby. If you want to view the Mexican natural wonder, you can pay for a train ticket, from which you can observe the canyon during the trip. It rises to a height of more than 2400 m. This is an excellent opportunity for a tourist to relax and admire the beautiful view.

The canyon, which is located in Peru, is special. It suddenly falls on a tourist (more than 3000 m). The mountain ranges are dominated by the quaint Cotahuasi River. The depth of Colca is 3400 m. It is located 180 km from Arequipa (a city in Peru). The formation occurred due to the high seismic activity of the Sabancaya and Hualca volcanoes. If you are a rafting enthusiast and love mountain biking, then you definitely need to come here. Excellent tourism programs designed for tourists. You will discover the magnificence of the entire canyon while cycling. Experienced instructors will inform you about rafting.

Fish River, Kali Gendeki Gorge and Grand Canyon in America

The unusual name of the canyon is Fish River.. Its unusual beauty delights any tourist. When you look at it, you create such a feeling of spaciousness and vastness. The length of the natural treasure is 161 km. But if we talk about the depth, then it is not so deep (only 550 km). This place is located in Namibia.

Probably the most famous canyon in the world - American Grand. The largest canyons in the world cannot compare with it in popularity. It was created by the Colorado River, which over a long period (millions of years) eroded the plateau. The length is 446 km and the width is 29 km. Its depth (800 m) is also impressive.

The Kali Gendeki Gorge was named after the Kali River, which in turn is associated with the name of a famous Hindu goddess. The goddess was considered gloomy and mysterious, which was reflected in the river itself. It is not yet known what the exact depth of the gorge itself actually is. Many researchers of this area still argue not only about the depth, but also about where the edge of the gorge is located.

Kaperti valleys in Australia and Tsangpo in Tibet

The list of the largest canyons is completed by the Kaperti Valley and Tsangpo. The valley in Australia is not inferior in either its extraordinary beauty or impressive size. The valley appeared many millions of years ago. The length of the Australian treasure is 450 km, width - 30 km.

A scientific expedition, which was created by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave its name to a natural creation, the first in length and the greatest among the deep canyons in the world. The length is 600 km, depth - 6009 m. A photograph of this canyon always appears in travel magazines

Canyons are considered one of the most amazing and attractive creations of nature. For millions of years, turbulent river flows flowed across the surface of the earth, neutralizing all obstacles in their path and gradually eroding deep valleys. Over time, the stormy streams of water dried up, and in their place only deep gorges. These amazing creations of nature are distinguished not only by their spectacular appearance, but also by their unique ecosystem. Many of them are habitats for rare species of animals and birds; rare plant species grow in the canyons. The deepest canyons on the planet are incredibly beautiful and, at the same time, very dangerous. Steep cliffs ready to collapse at any moment, a fast river flowing along the bottom, predatory animals and insects - the dangers only attract inspired tourists to these places.
Colca Canyon, Peru

Colca Canyon is one of the leaders on the planet in terms of depth, it is about 3,400 meters. Considering that the length of the canyon is more than 100 kilometers, it can easily lay claim to the title of one of the largest on the planet. The location of the canyon is also very unusual; it is located in the Andes, at an altitude of 3,260 meters above sea level. Main feature these places is unique nature, the Kolka Canyon was chosen as the habitat of the largest bird of prey - the condor. Its wingspan can reach 3.3 meters. To admire these majestic birds and the surrounding natural beauty, the canyon has several excellent viewing platforms, including La Cruz del Condor.

Many travelers, when visiting the canyon, strive to get to the Sangaye area. On its territory there is a unique plateau with a tropical climate - a real tropical oasis with palm trees, surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks. It is best to explore the picturesque places of the canyon accompanied by a guide; the danger of collapses remains in the gorge. While walking through the most picturesque places of the canyon, you should definitely look into one of the colorful Andean villages; small mountain settlements can be found on both sides of the gorge.

Tsangpo Grand Canyon, China

Length: 500 km. Depth: more than 6000 m.

The depth of the Tsangpo Canyon, located in Tibet, is more than 6,000 meters, according to this indicator it is the undisputed leader. The length of the gorge is about 500 kilometers, it has a very unusual horseshoe shape. The mountains surrounding the canyon are incredibly high, their snow-capped peaks merge with the heavenly surface and become barely visible. It is they that attract rock climbing enthusiasts; conquering the mountain peaks surrounding the canyon is only possible for great professionals. Among the distinctive features of the Tsangpo Canyon, it is also worth highlighting its unique ecosystem; depending on the altitude, the climate varies from arctic to subtropical.

On the southern slope of the canyon is Mount Namjagbarwa, the main peak of the Eastern Himalayas, rising up to 7,782 meters. The rapid Tsangpo River still flows along the bottom of the gorge; its minimum width is 80 meters, but from a bird's eye view it seems like a subtle thread lost among the mighty mountains. The last large-scale study of the canyon, as a result of which it was recognized as the deepest on the planet, took place in 1994. The results of the study became one of the most significant geographical achievements of the 20th century.

Capertee Valley, Australia

Length: 450 km. Width: 30 km.

The largest canyon in Australia is the Capertee Canyon. It is distinguished not only by its impressive size, but also by its considerable age. The valley was formed millions of years ago, so today its slopes no longer seem so steep. At the same time, extreme areas of steep cliffs are found here. Fans of rock climbing are not recommended to conquer them alone; the rocks are very fragile and can collapse.

The length of the canyon is about 450 kilometers, while the width is about 30 kilometers. Since ancient times, the valley of the Kaperti River local residents used to develop mines, the slopes of the gorge are literally precious gifts of nature. The very first mines in which precious stones were mined were developed here more than 2,000 years ago. It is noteworthy that over thousands of years the deposits of precious stones have not been depleted at all. Just recently, one of the inquisitive travelers spent 6 days in the canyon, during which time he managed to find 77 precious stones. Walking through ancient mines is also unsafe; any strong sound or awkward movement can lead to their collapse. Abandoned mines are not the only attractive feature of the Capertee Valley, but it remains an ideal location for natural exploration and cycling.

Kali Gandaki Canyon, Nepal

Depth: more than 6000 m.

The Kali Gandaki Canyon and the river of the same name flowing along its bottom received its name in honor of the Hindu goddess Kali, who is the personification of the powerful forces of nature. The exact depth of the canyon remains unknown, but is estimated to be more than 6,000 meters. Frame the canyon majestic mountains Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, whose altitude is more than 8,000 meters, attract thousands of travelers every year to admire their snow-capped peaks. If for tourists these places are of interest, first of all, from a “natural” point of view, then for indigenous residents they have been considered sacred since ancient times.

Kali Gandaki Canyon, Nepal The bravest of the local residents regularly go to one gorges to find sacred “saligram” stones in the muddy waters of the river. The latter are indeed quite unusual; they are fossilized fragments of mollusks that lived in the river millions of years ago. These amazing stones in India are valued more than gold because they have unique healing properties. Travelers will also have the opportunity to devote their leisure time to a dangerous and at the same time interesting event. You can only go to the bottom of the gorge accompanied by an experienced guide; only local residents know the shortest and relatively easy routes to the banks of the river. Saligrams are just one of the many mysteries of the Kali Gandaki Canyon.

Grand Canyon Colorado, USA

Length: 446 km. Depth: 1800 m.

Without a doubt, we can say that the most famous in the world is the Grand Canyon of Colorado. It is located on the territory of a unique national park of the same name. The length of the canyon is 446 kilometers, and the depth is about 1,800 meters. Despite the fact that these modest parameters do not allow the canyon to claim world championships, it continues to remain a landmark of world significance and a center of attraction for millions of tourists. The canyon is about 10 million years old; it was carefully studied by scientists who discovered many amazing features.

One of the oldest canyons on the planet is home to 355 species of rare birds and 150 species of animals, and the Colorado River is home to more than 15 rare species of fish. In addition to natural values, archaeological artifacts were also discovered in the canyon - rock paintings, which are about 3,000 years old. Every year, the Grand Canyon is visited by more than 5 million tourists, for whom there are excellent viewing platforms and interesting walking routes. Most popular observation decks Cape Royal Point, Bright Angel Point and Imperial Point are considered. Walking alone in the canyon is very dangerous, especially along its bottom. A hot desert climate has been established here, cacti grow and there are many dangerous inhabitants, including poisonous spiders and scorpions.

Fish River Canyon, Namibia

Length: 161 km. Depth: 550 m.

Canyon with so much unusual name located in Namibia, among its distinctive features is an incredibly spectacular and harmonious appearance. The length of the canyon is 161 kilometers, and the depth is only 550 meters, which is very modest in comparison with the “world giants”. At the same time, in terms of beauty, it can truly claim one of the first places in the world. The name of the canyon was given by the longest river in Namibia - Fish River. The formation of the canyon occurs continuously; during the rainy season, the river is a rapid and seething stream. During periods of drought, on the contrary, the river dries out greatly, so small lakes form at the bottom of the canyon.

Lovers have a relaxing holiday They prefer to visit the canyon during the dry season, while it attracts extreme sports enthusiasts at the height of the rainy season. Walking along the sandy slopes of the canyon at this time is incredibly dangerous, and approaching the bottom of the gorge is completely prohibited - it can be flooded at any moment. Recently, the canyon has become a permanent location for the marathon. The section of the route that the runners need to overcome is, not without reason, considered one of the most difficult in the world; it passes through difficult rough terrain. Tourists are recommended to visit these picturesque places from May to October - during drought. They will have a unique opportunity to walk along the bottom of the gorge, free from the seething streams of the Fish River.

Cotahuasi Canyon, Peru

Depth: 3535 m.

The Cotahuasi Canyon is the deepest in Peru, with a depth of 3,535 meters. The canyon is framed by two majestic mountain ranges– Soliman and Coropuna, also among the local natural attractions it is worth highlighting beautiful waterfalls, the most beautiful among which is Sipia. Translated from the Quechua language, the name of the canyon can be translated as “home for everyone.” During the colonial period, many miniature settlements were founded on the slopes of the gorge and mountain villages. The Spanish colonialists also built bullfighting arenas here, some of which have survived to this day.

Calata is considered one of the most picturesque villages; among its main architectural attractions are the ancient cemeteries of Barrancas de Tenajaja. No less attractive is the village of Lucio, on whose territory there are healing thermal springs. The picturesque Cotahuasi Canyon is a unique treasure trove of natural and historical attractions; it is sure to impress lovers of hiking and excursions. While the gentle slopes of the gorge are suitable for living, its steep cliffs are ideal for honing your mountaineering skills. There are suitable areas for training here for both beginners and experienced athletes.

Canyon of the Tara River, Montenegro

Length: 80 km. Depth: 1300 m.

In Montenegro there is a canyon of the Tara River, it is the deepest in Europe. The depth of the gorge is about 1,300 meters, and the length is about 80 kilometers. The canyon is located on the territory of the Durmitor National Park, so it invariably attracts the attention of ecotourism enthusiasts. The Tara River and the canyon it formed received its name in honor of the ancient Illyrian tribe that once lived in these places. The Tara River is one of the main attractions of the country; it has an unusual cascading structure and along its length there are more than 40 significant differences in height. The water in the river is crystal clear and you can drink it without fear. Experienced tourists those who enjoyed this event note the amazing taste river water, which cannot be compared with any other.

These picturesque places have long been chosen by fans of rafting; the cascade structure of the river makes the conditions for rafting simply ideal. In addition to rafting, tourists also have access to other sports activities - walking along steep mountain slopes and narrow paths on mountain bikes. Among the outstanding natural attractions of the canyon are the beautiful Bajlovic Sige waterfall, as well as the amazing Crna Poda forest, which has preserved its pristine beauty. In 1940, the construction of the Djurdzhevich Bridge over the canyon was completed, from which a gorgeous panoramic view gorge and surrounding landscapes.

Blyde River Canyon, South Africa

Length: 26 km. Depth: 1372 m.

In South Africa, in the province of Mpumalanga, there is one of the outstanding natural attractions of the planet - the Blyde River Canyon. Its maximum depth is 1372 meters, and the length of the gorge reaches 26 kilometers. Human development of the canyon began more than 100,000 years ago; in ancient times, the valley was home to the Swazi tribes. During the exploration of the canyon, scientists discovered rock paintings, as well as the remains of ancient people who died in intertribal warriors.

Currently, the main inhabitants of the canyon are animals, including primates who have chosen the local forests, and rare kudu antelopes, which are attracted by the picturesque green meadows. It is also worth noting that wild animals, including leopards, are found in the canyon, so admiring its picturesque landscapes without a guide is not recommended. A century and a half ago, gold mining began in the canyon; for almost a hundred years, inspired prospectors continuously came here, gradually the gold deposits dried up, only the harmonious beauty of the gorge remained unchanged. Some sections of the canyon are ideal for mountaineering; the fast-moving Blyde River flowing along the bottom of the gorge only adds to the excitement of climbers.

Copper Canyon, Mexico

Depth: 1830 m.

Located in Mexico, Copper Canyon is a collection of six small canyons that are commonly considered to be a single natural formation. The name of the canyon fully reflects one of its main distinctive features; the slopes of the gorge have a rich copper-red hue. Over time, the slopes of the canyon became covered with green moss, which the Spanish colonialists who arrived in these places mistook for copper deposits. Walking along the steep mountain slopes remains one of the favorite pastimes among tourists, and the luckiest ones may have the opportunity to see rare species of local predators. It is for this reason that unaccompanied walks in some areas of the gorge are prohibited.

The height difference in the gorge is about 1870 meters, and while the mountain tops remain covered with snow, life is literally seething at the bottom of the gorge in the subtropical forests. The canyon is home to more than 30% of the Mexican fauna; among the dense forests you can find the rare Mexican wolf, black bear and puma. The number of plants growing in the canyon is in the thousands. These places invariably attract active travelers, and therefore the beautiful Copper Canyon was chosen as a permanent venue for the Festival of Educational and Adventure Tourism. Fans of excursions will be able to visit the settlements of the Rarámuri Indians and purchase handmade souvenirs.

Antelope Canyon, USA

At a distance of about 240 kilometers from the Grand Canyon of Colorado there is another outstanding attraction - Antelope Canyon. It is located on the territory of the Navajo reservation, so travelers can get to the canyon only after paying a fee and accompanied by a guide. The canyon is conventionally divided into two – upper and lower, both of which are distinguished by incredibly beautiful rock formations that serve as a center of attraction for photographers from all over the world. Visitors to these places will have great opportunity take a walk among the fabulously beautiful sandy rocks, through the narrow gaps between which light penetrates and gives these places an atmosphere of mystery.

What sets Antelope Canyon apart from others is its history of formation. The bizarrely shaped sandy rocks that can be admired today are the result of exposure to rainwater. Every year during the rainy season, the canyon undergoes a lot of changes, and when the heavy rains end, it becomes accessible to visitors. During heavy rains, some parts of the canyon are heavily flooded, so going for a walk along it during the rainy season is extremely dangerous. The bottom of the canyon is a complex labyrinth of sandy rocks; rainwater forms narrow passages into which rays of light barely penetrate. The color of the rocks that form the canyon is red-red, it strongly resembles the color of antelopes, this remarkable coincidence gave the name to the canyon.

Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Length: 154 km. Depth: 300 m.

The location of the Charyn Canyon is the Charyn National Park in Kazakhstan, the length of the gorge is 154 kilometers, and its depth varies from 150 to 300 meters. Despite its relatively modest scale, the number of attractions and unique features of the canyon is simply amazing. A mandatory point of the excursion program is a visit to the Valley of Castles. This is the name of the area in which amazing natural formations are concentrated - rocks, shaped like real castle towers. A lot of pleasant surprises await nature lovers; the canyon features more than 1,500 plants, about 80 species of animals and more than 100 species of birds. It is worth noting that many representatives of the local flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.

Experienced travelers compare the landscapes of the Charyn Canyon with the famous Grand Canyon; they are indeed very similar, but only in appearance. The ecosystems of the canyons are different; in the Charyn Canyon, rare species of trees that existed on the planet before the glaciation era have been amazingly preserved. Experienced tourists recommend visiting the canyon at sunset; the setting sun colors its slopes in purple, gold and pink tones - this spectacle looks simply mesmerizing. The area in which the Charyn Canyon is located is characterized by a high sand content in the soil. This feature makes walking along the slopes of the gorge quite dangerous; the fragile rock can collapse at any moment.


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