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Last week my sister came to visit us. For the first time I went to Thailand alone on a tour package. Due to the fact that she was flying to Asia for the first time, she had many organizational questions that arise for most tourists who travel to Thailand for the first time. Many beginners who are going on holiday to Thailand may find this information useful.



What a tourist needs to know about Thailand and always remember to avoid getting into trouble. Travel agencies don't talk about this, unfortunately. The Thai sun is relaxing, but never forget these simple tips:

  • In Thailand, the king and his family are revered. Avoid any discussion of the king, including on the Internet. Cases of imprisonment for 20-30 years simply for a bad or humorous word addressed to the royal family are real and occur regularly.
  • For drugs, imprisonment for decades. Yes, it's true, every year many foreigners go to prison for using and transporting drugs. Have you seen the movie "Broken Palace" or "Bangkok Hilton"? If you are going to Thailand, under no circumstances should there be anything narcotic. Forget about weed. Do not agree to carry anything in your luggage if strangers ask you to do so.
  • Electronic cigarettes and hookahs are banned in Thailand. You cannot carry or vape vapes with you. Problems with the police are guaranteed.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the beaches. You can get a very large fine if you smoke on the beach.
  • You can't feed fish in the sea. On excursions, do not throw anything into the sea for the fish. This could result in imprisonment or a fine of several thousand dollars.
  • Quadcopters (drones) are prohibited. Huge fines or imprisonment for using drones without registering each device with the police. It’s easier not to take it and do without video from above than to fool around with it.
  • Standard insurance does not apply if you rent a bike. Even if they were sober. For insurance to be valid, you need to: a) enable this additional option, b) have category A license. So, take the bike at your own peril and risk, if something happens, the insurance company will not pay for the treatment.
  • Insurance is not valid if you have drunk alcohol. If the injuries were sustained while intoxicated, even if you drank a can of beer, that’s all, there will be a refusal. More information on insurance
  • Don't try Jackfruit (breadfruit). In many people it causes a severe allergic reaction.
  • When renting a bike, do not leave your passport as deposit. It often happens that your passport is taken hostage and then they demand money to repair the bike on which you allegedly had an accident.
  • Divorces when renting housing from Russians and Europeans. Do not send money to anyone who offers to help you book accommodation online. There are normal people, of course, but most of these pseudo-realtors from the Internet are scammers. A lot of divorces take place according to this scenario, when money was sent, they arrived and it turned out that there was no housing, no money, and there was no trace of the assistant. Do not give in to any persuasion, even if he sends you a scan of your passport.

What to take with you to Thailand

Take a minimum of everything with you, especially clothes. For the first day, 2-3 T-shirts, 1 shorts, 1 skirt will be enough. Don’t buy anything in Moscow, here it all costs a penny - 200-400 rubles for one thing. In any case, you will start shopping here when you see what bright and cheap clothes there are, so take a minimum of things.

The shoes are also very cheap. All you need in terms of shoes are flip-flops, which cost 100 rubles here if you don’t have your own. You won't need sneakers or shoes, just extra weight and space in your luggage.

Don’t buy a swimsuit in Moscow either - in Thailand you can actually buy a normal swimsuit for 500-800 rubles (and in Moscow for 3000). It’s just that when you find out how much all this actually costs, you won’t be able to overpay in Moscow.

Sun protection products in Moscow cost a fortune. Here we take Nivea 50 sunscreen for 199 baht (400 rubles). I think even with this course it will be cheaper to buy the cream in Thailand.

Fashionable shorts for 129 baht (260 rubles). How much do these cost in Russia? From 1,500 rubles for a noname to 8,000 rubles for a “brand”...

What not to take

100% you will not need evening dresses, high heels, sneakers, jeans, trousers, long sleeve sweaters, windbreakers... Jeans and trousers are hot even at night. Sneakers will definitely not be useful. Unless you plan to climb mountains or ride a motorcycle.

Don’t take any equipment except a phone/tablet and a camera.

Don't take a towel with you. Even the cheapest hotels always have towels that are changed every day.

Shampoos, soaps, shower gels, and toothpaste also don’t need to be carried with you; at any 7-Eleven, all this is sold in small jars for 20 baht. Also, the hotel often provides free shampoo and soap during cleaning.

Under no circumstances should you take hookahs, vapes and other electronic cigarettes with you! Prohibited by law throughout the country.

What money to take to Thailand and how much?

Take as much money as possible with you to Thailand. There will be a lot of temptations, since everything is very cheap and you really want to buy it. It depends on what your requests are, but on average $1000 for two people is definitely enough for a vacation. If you don’t have a lot of money, then $500 will be enough, but you’ll have to save money, don’t take a taxi, don’t eat in expensive cafes for tourists, but eat at markets, 7-Eleven or , and reduce the number of excursions. But it’s better to take more money and save money later in Moscow.

What currency should I take? Dollars or euros? Dollars. Euros are also possible. If you have euro cash, take it. If you have rubles, then exchange them for dollars. Ask the exchanger only for large bills of 50 and 100 bucks— the exchange rate for them is higher than for small ones. Exchange all rubles for dollars, the more you take, the better.


Do not take any liquids, scissors, or spray deodorants with you into the cabin of the plane (in case you don’t know). It seems that liquids can be up to 100 ml, that is, nail polish will most likely be missed, but you will have to buy water after all the hassle. You can take water on the plane that you buy at duty free. Is it possible to take perfume on a plane? If it is less than 100 ml, then you can take it with you in your hand luggage.

Nail scissors, nail files, and disinfectant spray are definitely not allowed. Lighters are also often taken out.

Do not put anything valuable in your luggage - take money, documents, equipment with you into the cabin in a backpack.

What weight of luggage is allowed - usually up to 20 kg per person. Is it possible to pack your luggage in 2 bags if you are flying alone? No, only 1 piece of luggage per person.

Life hack: you can wrap a suitcase with regular cling film for 50 rubles. At the airport, wrapping luggage costs 500 rubles.

If you get motion sickness in transport, take Dramamine before the flight (this is a pill for motion sickness)

Another tip is to take something to eat with you. Sandwiches, chips, peanuts - something like that. Because you really want to eat, but the food will only be available an hour after departure. At the airport the prices are brutal, for example, a small peanut costs 100 rubles. In duty free, with the current exchange rate, everything has now also become very expensive.


How to navigate an airport abroad? There is no need to worry, everything is usually logically clear there. You will most likely not need to speak English with anyone, but understanding the language will be useful to find the transporter from your flight.

Just follow the signs there:

  • arrival - arrival
  • passport control - here you will need to fill out a card, everything is simple, last name, first name, hotel
  • baggage or luggage - conveyors
  • flight N — flight number from which the baggage

At the airport, take a trolley and throw the stuff on it so you don’t have to drag it in your hands.

Don't change money at the airport, the exchange rate is the lowest there. 10-20 dollars can be exchanged to buy some water or a snack.

Local SIM cards may be handed out at the airport, grab one for yourself. Don’t call from a Russian number, it’s very expensive, more than 150 rubles per minute, in extreme cases an SMS is 20 rubles.

After collecting your luggage, where to go? With your luggage you walk towards the exit. A person from the travel agency (Russian) will meet you near the exit or on the street. At the exit, look for the tour operator's sign. It was the operator, Pegasus, Corel, Anex or whoever will be there, and not the site where I bought it. A person from the company may even be standing on the street where the taxi is.


The package includes transfer to the hotel in the price. At the airport, a guide from the travel agency will meet you and lead you by the hand to the desired bus. The bus will bring you directly to the hotel door. There at the reception you will be accommodated with your passport and voucher. On the bus they will say something interesting in Russian about the country; the guide usually always greets you with a Russian.

If you don’t want to go on a bus with all the tourists, turn it down to the travel agency and order a private transfer.


To check in, you need to give your passport and voucher at the reception. Some hotels may require you to pay a deposit, which is returned upon check-out.

The room may have a so-called “minibar”. Usually this is a small refrigerator in which there are several cans of beer, cola, soda, and there may also be chips, nuts, and chocolate. All this is paid, and 2 times more expensive than in the store. Usually 2 bottles of water are free. Payment for minibar upon check-out. You can check at the reception what is paid and what is not.

Life hack: if you really want to drink something from the minibar, you can drink it, and in the morning before cleaning, run to the store and buy exactly the same bottle at a normal price and put it in the bar.

If the bed is dirty or there are not enough towels, contact the reception, they will change everything (just don’t “pump up your license”, but calmly explain the situation with a friendly smile).


Don’t be ashamed of your English, as the locals don’t know it perfectly either, many are much worse than you. Pronunciation? Grammar? Time? No, we haven't heard. In practice, everything is simpler, and no one pays attention to grammar.

If you are flying on a package tour, in principle you may not know the language at all. We often see our aunties here, rubbing something in Russian with the Thais. And they don’t understand a word, then the aunts begin to speak in syllables or raise their voices. The main rule of communication is to smile, be calm, and not raise your voice. If you can’t explain something in words, show with gestures.


Meeting with a guide is a waste of time, since the guide will give a minimum of information, and most meetings will sell excursions at an inflated price. So, it is not necessary to come to the meeting at all. Especially if they start intimidating you on the bus that at the meeting with the guide you need to fill out a registration card for the tourist police or activate your insurance or something like that. This is a 100% scam, there are no cards for the police, there is no need to activate insurance and air tickets, all this does not concern the guide at all. The main task of a hotel guide is to promote you on an excursion.


For some reason, many guides try to intimidate package tourists. I don’t know why, maybe so that there would be fewer adventures and he wouldn’t be disturbed once again. Or to sell your excursions, and people should be afraid of everything else. In general, here are the most popular intimidations of guides:

  • In Thailand, there are poisonous snakes under every bush…….. During the year and a half of living in Thailand (Pattaya, Krabi, Phuket), we probably saw snakes 2-3 times. What is the probability that you will see a snake in 10 days of vacation?
  • Thailand is very dangerous. Don’t go anywhere on your own, just the hotel and the beach……. Well, no comments here. Complete nonsense. In Thailand it is safer to go somewhere on your own than in Russia. Well, maybe you shouldn’t walk along dark streets at night, lighting the way with your iPad, you shouldn’t go into the jungle or swim in stinking rivers.
  • You must attend the information meeting with your guide. If you don’t come, your insurance and air tickets will not be activated, you will be taken to the police, as you will need to fill out a registration card……… Also complete nonsense, the guide has no effect on either air tickets or insurance, they are “activated” from the day of purchase tour. There is no need to take any cards to the police. All this is just so that you buy excursions from him.
  • Don’t buy excursions from street travel agencies, your insurance is not valid there……… Nonsense, insurance is valid everywhere and it has nothing to do with your guide. Does not apply if the insured event occurred while drunk. Read more.
  • All Thais want to deceive you……… In fact, there is some truth, they often try to trick tourists into higher prices, but hotel guide deceives you much more, telling all these horror stories, and then offers excursions that will cost 2-3 times the real cost.
  • You can’t put money in your back pocket, you can’t put money on the table, only give it to your hands, etc……. These are all myths. One thing you really shouldn't do with Thai money is paint the faces on it.


You can take excursions from a guide from a travel agency, or from street agencies (cheaper), as well as from online services. Insurance will be valid in both places, despite the guide’s assurances that street travel agencies do not pay for insurance. The guide has nothing to do with insurance at all actually. Insurance does not pay if injuries are sustained while intoxicated or while driving a motorbike.

In fact, everything will be simple. Traveling on a package tour to Thailand for the first time is not at all stressful. At independent travel Tai is much more nuanced.

Dear readers, if you have experience traveling to Thailand, write in the comments what other useful tips will be useful on vacation and what tourists who are going to Asia for the first time need to know about Thailand.

The next no less popular excursion destination among tourists is. A city tour necessarily includes a visit to a park called. In this park, curious tourists are presented with about one hundred of the country's most famous architectural buildings, which are approximately two hundred times smaller in size than their originals.

Among the popular excursions in the vicinity of Pattaya is a two-day trip to the River Kwai (...) This trip is carried out on rafts with a visit along the way to a coconut plantation, a factory where teak furniture is produced, thermal springs and waterfalls, elephant village. And for extreme tourists this sightseeing tour offers rafting along fast sections of the river in special equipment.

The most popular excursion tour, especially for tourists with children, is a visit to the largest zoo in the world called Khao Kheo(...). This zoo is characterized by the fact that the animals in it are in very close conditions to those in which they are accustomed to living. Moreover, they can be fed by approaching the long and extensive enclosures directly. The territory of the zoo is very large, so it can only be covered on foot in a few hours. And for the convenience of tourists, there are means of transportation - golf carts, small trams, and cars. There is also a Tiger Zoo, a visit to which is also included in the excursion program. Here you can even hold cute little tiger cubs in your arms.

An equally popular excursion to the Orchid Village, located in the vicinity of Pattaya. Here, tourists are breathtaking from the incredibly large number of exotic plants, including orchids, cacti and others. In addition, this excursion includes a visit to Thai and cockfights, and an elephant show, which you will not be able to see anywhere else on the planet. Many tourists who love leisure and want to simultaneously enjoy the beautiful exotic nature, they prefer excursions to, located near Pattaya.

Be sure to take an excursion to the Karen village. It is located in a mountainous area near Pattaya. This village is notable for the fact that it is inhabited by long-necked women called Karens. They owe such a neck to the fact that from the age of five they wear special wire products made of copper. Thanks to this, the length of the neck increases. By the way, the necks of these women living in the Karen village are considered the longest in the world.

Phi Phi Islands

The next well-known and popular excursion among tourists is the islands, which are located near the resort of Phuket. This is truly a paradise with beautiful exotic nature. This is precisely the reason why this piece of paradise was chosen for the filming of the film “The Beach”, in which Leonardo DiCaprio participated. This one-day excursion will not only allow you to enjoy the exotic picturesque nature of this place, but will also introduce tourists to the famous Viking cave and give you the opportunity to see the stunning local undersea world with tropical fish and amazing corals.

Koh Samui

It is especially popular among tourists coming to Thailand. Most of the excursions organized here are dedicated to various natural attractions. Among the most popular excursions on Samui, for example, is a trip to the Paradise Park farm, which is a private zoo where most animals and birds roam freely around the territory without fear of passing tourists. This zoo is located on highest point Samui, and from the infinity pool, which is located on the territory, you can observe a truly mesmerizing picture of the surrounding picturesque surroundings.

A stunningly beautiful excursion to the sea, consisting of forty islands belonging to the protected area and protected by UNESCO. The excursion is carried out on a boat, which takes tourists close to the most beautiful islands. During this excursion the most active tourists You can enjoy the stunningly beautiful coral reefs here with a snorkel and mask rental.

An excursion on the Sky Fox cable car, which passes through the mysterious jungle of the island, is also popular among many guests of the country. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of a real mysterious jungle with high altitude for three hours. And the descent cable car takes place near a picturesque eighty-meter waterfall called Namuang, offering tourists a refreshing dip after an exciting excursion.

Another excursion to Samui is to the rocks called Hin Ta – Hin Yai, which means “Grandmother and Grandfather”. This unique creation was created by nature itself, without any human intervention. The statues have an unusual appearance, resembling the genitals of a man and a woman. Moreover, these piles of stones are located in close proximity to each other.

For those who love danger - an excursion to the Snake Farm of Koh Samui. Here, the bravest tourists will be able to see very closely the snakes living on the island. In addition, you can watch a show with their participation, the crowning number of which is the famous “kiss with a cobra.” By the way, it is on this farm that completely unique medical preparations are created, which are famous throughout the world for their effects and are based on processed snake venom.

Fans of cultural attractions can go on an excursion to the most outstanding and beautiful temples on Koh Samui. This is, for example, the Temple Big Buddha, which is built on Fan Island, connected to Koh Samui by an artificial embankment. This temple is distinguished by an eleven-meter tall Buddha statue, which guards the tranquility of the island, rising majestically above its surface under the bright rays of the sun. The second temple in the program of this excursion is “Wat Plai Laem”, built in the Chinese style and is the most unique on the island. On the inner territory of this temple there is beautiful lake. Here you can also see a statue of the Happy Buddha, as well as a statue of the Goddess Guanyin, who has eighteen arms. By the way, her big toe is larger than a human head.

Another temple on Koh Samui that tourists visit during this sightseeing tour is “Wat Khunaram”. It is popular due to the fact that it contains the mummy of a monk who, thanks to a special meditation technique, consciously left this life, gradually slowing down all vital processes in his body. This meditation technique is called tukdam and can only be used by the most skilled meditators. Therefore, it is in this temple that you feel a special energy, and there you can get answers to those questions that are most important to you.

If you book a sightseeing tour of Koh Samui, you will have the opportunity to visit a coconut plantation, but not just like that, but by watching the famous “Monkey Show”. By visiting it, you can see how specially trained monkeys collect coconuts, and if one of them is in the mood, you can take a photo with it as a souvenir. Do you want to see sea shells that have no analogues in the world? Then a sightseeing tour of Koh Samui will help make your dream come true by offering a visit to the sea shell museum.

If you are going on holiday to Thailand, it is better to study the features, traditions and rules of this country in advance. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from some ridiculous situations and learn how the locals live and what their customs are. Of course, it won’t be possible to talk about all the features in one article, but I want to present to your attention the 25 most interesting facts about Thailand.

1. Thais are very religious people and they are sensitive to their religion. Buddhism mainly flourishes here. No matter what conditions the Thai himself lives in, even in an old hut, there is always a beautiful house of spirits next to his house.

2. Thailand has a completely different calendar. When we celebrated 2015, Thais welcomed 2,558.

3. The King of Thailand has American citizenship.

4. King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand has been in power since 1946 and is included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest reign.

5. Thais greatly revere their king and the entire royal family. In cinemas, before the start of the show, the national anthem is always played, and the king is shown on the screen, at which time all Thais stand up and listen to him silently. All students start their day in the same way; the anthem is played in schools and universities. In cities, posters with the image of the king hang on the streets. Under no circumstances say anything bad about the king, this will be considered an insult to His Majesty. Do not throw money on the floor, do not crush it or get it dirty. The thing is that the king is depicted on banknotes. For insulting the king, you can get a fine or even go to prison.

6. Thais are relaxed and slow people; they are not in a hurry. The Thai people live by the principle: “if I don’t have time in this life, I will do it in the next.” For them, the main thing is the joy of the moment, they do not pursue material wealth, they do not see the need for it.

7. Thais do not complain or whine, unlike many Russian people, where this is considered normal. They believe that everything that comes into their life they deserve and the cause of problems should be looked for in themselves, and not to blame others. In this I share their views. After all, we ourselves attract events into our lives with our thoughts, and this has been proven more than once. So, think positively and you will be happy!

8. In Thailand, in all public institutions, buses, trains, air conditioners operate at full capacity. When you enter a store, cold air immediately blows on you and you want to dress warmly.

9. The cult of food is thriving in Thailand. Here at every step there is either a cafe, or a restaurant, or makashnitsa. It seems that Thais eat all the time. However, they very rarely cook at home.

10. In street cafes everyone eats, regardless of social status. In the most shabby cafe they dine like simple people, as well as the rich people who drive up to this place in expensive cars. In Thailand there is no such division that the rich visit some places and the poor visit others. And no matter whether you are poor or rich, you will be treated respectfully and equally.

11. In Thailand, the wiring is at the top, there are a lot of wires hanging and this is the first thing that catches your eye when you first visit this country. This does not at all beautify the city. It looks just like in the picture.

12. In Thailand, you drive on the left. Road rules are often ignored here, so you need to be very careful on the road.

13. Foreigners in Thailand are called “farangs” and are often looked at as a bag of money.

14. There are practically no sidewalks in Thailand; Thais prefer to ride motorbikes and cars rather than walk.

15. In Thailand, you can rent a motorbike or car without having a driver’s license.

16. No matter how poor a Thai is, he will always have enough expensive car, since in Thailand there are very favorable car loans.

17. celebrated three times: European (January 1), Chinese (date of celebration depends on lunar calendar) and Thai (April 14).

18. If you see a beautiful tall Thai woman in Thailand, do not forget to check her gender, as most likely she is a man.

19. Before entering many pharmacies, massage parlors, hairdressers and other establishments in Thailand, it is customary to take off your shoes.

20. You cannot touch the heads of Thais, including children, it is considered disrespectful. Thais believe that it is in the head that the spirit or soul is located and cannot be touched.

21. Thais smile much more often, so it’s not for nothing that I call Thailand “The Land of Smiles.”

22. The elephant counts. And all white elephants belong to the king. Each elephant in Thailand has health insurance and a pension of 15,000 baht.

23. Men in Thailand are prohibited from showing their naked torsos in public places.

24. It is impossible to meet a drunk and noisy Thai on the street. They rarely drink, but when they do, they are quiet.

25. In Thailand it is not customary to swear or raise your voice. In Thailand, swearing is perceived as a dog barking. But it is indecent for a person to stoop to the level of an animal.

Important point: from November 22 to citizens of Ukraine for a tourist trip to Thailand for up to 30 days.

Who is this article for?

  • for those who are going to visit Thailand for the first time and do not know where to start planning their trip;
  • for those who are traveling to Thailand, but do not know what to expect from this country;

1. How to choose a time for a trip?

When going to, it is worth remembering the peculiarities of the local climate: it is tropical here, but the length of the country from south to north is large, and therefore the weather in different parts of Thailand can differ significantly.

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The best time for tourists to travel to Thailand is from November to February-March. From May to November there is a rainy season, but again it can occur differently in different parts of the country: there are times when tourists come in the middle of summer and hardly ever see the rain.

From March to May, it is not recommended to travel to the central and north-eastern parts of Thailand, as at this time it is very hot here: the temperature can rise to +40°C, forests can burn, and in the cities there is smog, which makes it difficult to breathe .

The only thing that needs to be taken into account for those who are interested not only in the beach, but also in excursion holidays: While in the southern and central parts of Thailand the temperature rarely drops below +25-30°C, in the north it is much cooler from November to February. At night the temperature can drop to +10-15°C, so you should stock up on warm clothes and take this into account when choosing housing.

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The most comfortable period for a holiday in Thailand is the winter months. It is for this reason that if you decide to go to Thailand in winter, you should worry about tickets in advance, preferably several months before the intended trip.

2. How to plan a trip and do I need a visa?

One of the most cost-effective ways to get to Thailand is to fly to Bangkok, from where you can get to the coast and islands. Many people plan their trip in such a way as to fly to Bangkok (tickets usually cost 400-450 euros round-trip), spend several days there, as this is one of the most interesting metropolises in Asia, and then head towards the beaches. This can be done using domestic flights, or by bus or bus with ferry.

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Flights to Pattaya, Phuket or Krabi usually cost more (500-550 euros round trip per person).

If you are interested in the history and culture of the northern part of Thailand, then pay attention to Qatar Airways flights to Chiang Mai for 350-400 euros.

For a stay in Thailand of up to 15 days, you can apply for a visa upon arrival, right at the airport. To do this, you need to have with you: a foreign passport with a validity period of at least 6 months as of the date of entry into the country, 2 photographs 4x6; a migration card - it is usually issued on the plane, a copy of an air ticket from Thailand (if you flew from Kiev, the air ticket may be to a third country, for example to Hong Kong or Kuala Lumpur - the very fact of departure from the country is important), a visa application form issued by migration services Thailand.

If you are traveling for the purpose of tourism for a period of more than 15 days, then a visa must be issued in advance through the Consulate.

The visa fee is 2,000 baht (approximately 53 euros).

3. Local etiquette rules

Perhaps the first thing Thailand is interesting for tourists is the differences in lifestyle and traditions. But this is exactly what can become the “fly in the ointment” of your Thai vacation if you don’t at least know the basic cultural features of the exotic country.

For example, in Thailand it is not customary to gesticulate loudly and excessively in public places, or indeed on the street. Locals may simply consider you unrestrained and ill-mannered. Excessive display of romantic feelings in public will also cause disapproval among decorous Thais.

This rule applies to communication in general: Thais are very calm and reserved people. Any fussiness and aggression is simply incomprehensible to them, and therefore, even in conflict or controversial situations, it is recommended to maintain an even tone and be respectful towards the interlocutor.

You should also avoid touching another person's head or shoulder, as this will be considered an unfavorable sign (the head is considered a sacred part of the body among Thais).

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When visiting temples, as well as when entering a house, local residents It is customary to take off your shoes. You will show your respect for local traditions if you do the same. And if you decide to go to one of the temples (or any other sanctuary open to the general public), remember that clothing must be appropriate: no bare shoulders or legs for both women and men. Ladies should also avoid clothes with a low neckline.

The country professes Buddhism, hence another feature of the Thais - a very reverent, respectful attitude towards Buddha. Therefore, any offensive or disrespectful actions or gestures towards statues or any other images of the Great Enlightened One will be frowned upon. The same goes for the ruling royal dynasty of Thailand: any disrespectful attitude towards their images (even on money) will definitely not endear you to the locals.

It is not customary in Thailand to treat our smaller brothers rudely - according to the canons of Buddhism, any life is considered sacred and animals are treated with the same respect as people.

4. Safety rules

Thailand, of course, is not a wild jungle, but even here it is worth remembering basic safety rules that will help save your nerves and leave only the most pleasant impressions of your trip.

So, when going for a walk (especially in large tourist cities), leave all valuables in the hotel safe. It is better to have only copies of your passport and insurance with you in case of a police check. It is also better to keep bags, purses, and laptop cases with you.

If you are going not to check into a hotel, but to rent housing from the owners, be sure to make sure that this person is reliable, and also enter into a rental agreement with him and take a receipt.

Be wary of meeting new people, especially if it happens in nightclubs, cafes or bars. Cases of fraud and serious “scams” ​​from neighboring residents or posing as locals are not uncommon.

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On many beach resorts There are quite free morals - almost 24-hour discos and bars, street food, cocktails with dubious composition, soft drugs and other entertainment that force tourists to go all out. We advise you to refrain from suspicious places, since, among other things, such clubs are often subject to raids.

The official penalty for drug use in Thailand is the death penalty, but most often tourists here get away with a lot. They also have the right to fine and deport you for any violations, but most likely they will simply demand a bribe.

By the way, for tourists there is a separate tourist police, representatives of which speak good English, and it is better to contact them if something happens.

5. What to consider?

Be sure to take out insurance before departure. This is universal advice that applies to everyone traveling to Asia. Firstly, due to unusual food there may be problems with digestion. Secondly, sanitary standards in Thailand do not correspond to European ones. Thirdly, even if you are only going to relax on the beach, exotic insects, animals and local diseases have not been canceled. When going to these parts, many people ask about malaria - well, it practically does not occur here, but the risk of contracting, say, Dengue fever, which is carried by mosquitoes, is not excluded.

However, one of the most common insurance cases in Thailand is injuries from falling from a bike. Before renting, consider whether you are confident in your abilities, or whether it is better to move around in a more traditional way.

Make a copy of your passport in advance - this is often necessary to rent a car or even a bike. For some reason, they usually don’t ask for your rental license, but if you are stopped by the police and it turns out that you don’t have a license, you can get a fine.

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If you are going to Thailand for a long time - on vacation for several weeks or going here for the winter, it is best to immediately get a local SIM card (costs about $4).

6. Getting to know the country

Thailand is a real treasure trove for a traveler; there are so many interesting and unusual things to see here. In addition to the intricate architecture of Thai temples and shrines, it is also worth appreciating its other beauties.

For example, in the Nong Nooch Orchid Park, in addition to these fragile beautiful flowers, you can also see colorful tropical butterflies and birds, admire the subtlety of the work of gardeners in the bonsai park and the exquisite geometric designs in the flowerbeds of the French Park. This is the Big Buddha Hill with an impressive statue on its top, and the island of Koh Larn - a real piece of paradise on earth with the purest azure water and snow-white sandy beaches. You can feel the spirit of Thai culture in the magnificent, carved Temple of Truth, and you can completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere and way of life of the Thais at the Pattaya Floating Market - even if you are not going to buy anything, a simple walk through this colorful place will bring a lot of impressions.

Thailand is a country of hot sun, gentle sea and incredible drive. Spacious clean beaches, exotic vegetation and the smiles of local residents leave Russian tourists with excellent memories of their holiday in Thailand. There is a place on the coast for families with small children, party-goers, and lovers of attractions - there are resorts in Thailand for every taste.

Why go

It's warm in Thailand all year round, so many people prefer to spend the whole winter here, escaping from the Russian frosts to the hot coast.

Thailand is very diverse: there are quiet deserted corners, noisy party resorts and cozy small beaches. Among the resorts in Thailand, you can easily find one that is suitable for a family with small children, one that will appeal to a group of young people, and a secluded area where monkeys are more common than people.

This country has long been loved by Russian tourists for its unique culture, affordable prices and active nightlife. There are nightclubs in almost every resort in Thailand; some islands (,) are famous for hosting noisy, unforgettable parties.

Tours to Thailand

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.


For short-term trips (up to 30 days), Russians do not need a visa. It is enough to fill out the immigration card upon arrival and present it at passport control. No need to pay.


The currency of Thailand is the Thai baht. There are 100 satangs in one baht. In January 2018, 1 baht was equal to approximately 1.8 rubles.


Thailand is the territory of eternal summer. When talking about weather, there is a dry season and a rainy season. The dry season lasts from November to March and is characterized by mostly clear weather. This time is considered the tourist season. The temperature stays around +30 °C, the water warms up to +27 °C. It rarely rains, the sea is clear, and there are no strong waves.

The rainy season in Thailand is from April to October. It gets hotter, there are frequent showers, the sea is stormy, although there are clear days. There are significantly fewer tourists at the resorts, and prices for hotels and food are lower. Surfers and windsurfers come at this time to catch waves.

The duration of the seasons and their features may vary slightly depending on the resort.


Thailand has a large selection of hotels. IN resort areas and most often there are hotels of the 2 or 3 star category. Hotel areas are small. The level of service is quite decent - the rooms have air conditioning, a bathroom, a refrigerator, a terrace or balcony (depending on the floor), a safe (can be located at the reception). On, and you can choose accommodation in a bungalow.

Most often, hotels offer only breakfast, or breakfast and dinner. The all-inclusive system is unpopular in Thailand and can only be found in five-star hotels of major global chains.

All hotels in Thailand (with rare exceptions) require a deposit. This is a fixed amount for each day of stay or for the entire vacation period. The deposit can be made either in cash (baht only) or frozen for credit card. The deposit will be returned before departure.

Hotels often have swimming pools, spas, massage rooms, beauty salons, a tour desk and currency exchange.

Suitable for families, party-goers and lovers of secluded areas. Many clean beaches with clear sea.

Vibrant nightlife, many clubs and bars, shows for adults. For a clean beach you need to sail to the nearby islands. The most inexpensive tours.

Ideal for families with children or a romantic getaway thanks to its developed infrastructure and half-empty beaches.

It will be of interest to nature lovers and those who want to go rock climbing. From here it is convenient to get to Phi Phi.

An ideal place to relax in unity with nature and for night parties.

The visiting card of the island is clean beaches and untouched jungles and at the same time developed infrastructure. Suitable for all categories of tourists.

An ancient Thai resort town for wealthy travelers.

The capital of Thailand is a city of skyscrapers, Buddhist temples, shopping centers and nightlife. Bangkok is a must-visit to fully explore the country.

How to get there

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia on the Indochina and Malacca peninsulas. The state is surrounded on two sides by seas: from the west - the Andaman Sea, from the east - the Gulf of Thailand of the South China Sea. Resorts with magnificent beaches are located in the south, while in the north there is a lot of greenery and mountainous terrain.

Round-trip flights to Thailand

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.

Boat excursions to nearby islands are popular at all resorts - both one day and overnight. The program usually includes meals, snorkeling, and diving.


In Thailand, both adults and children will find a lot of activities to their liking. On most beaches you can go water skiing, parasailing, rent a kayak and dive with fish in the depths. Other popular activities include paintball, quad biking, and visiting a water park.

You can go shopping. On major resorts( , ) there are big ones shopping centers with European and Asian clothing brands. You can inexpensively update your summer wardrobe and buy souvenirs in the sales tents that can be found on every corner. You can and should bargain with sellers.

For lovers nightlife It won't be boring either. Known for its nightly entertainment. As soon as a hot southern night descends on a Thai resort, multi-colored lights flash on, music thunders from bars and restaurants, and night markets open their stalls. One of the famous brands of Pattaya, and Thailand in general, is the transvestite show. (Alcazar Pattaya) and (Tiffany’s Show) can be visited with children, there is nothing indecent there, just all the roles in the show are performed by men - just like the legendary Japanese kabuki theater.

Good to know

  • slightly different from Russian ones in appearance (sometimes they have three holes). However, Russian plugs and Thai sockets go well together. No adapter needed.
  • Shopping lovers will be able to return up to 7% of the cost of purchases by applying for a VAT refund on the way back. To get a refund, buy in stores with the “VAT Refund for tourists” sign and ask for the necessary documents (you will need a passport). The purchase amount must be at least 2 thousand baht (in one store).
  • Night markets in Thailand operate from approximately 16:00 to 23:00. Read about the legendary.
  • Since February 1, 2018, smoking has been prohibited in Thailand on 24 beaches, including Patong (Phuket), Bophut (Samui), four beaches in Pattaya, beaches Hua Hina and Cha-Ama et al. Pay attention to warning signs near the beach. Smoking will be allowed in specially designated areas. The maximum penalty for violating the ban will be a year in prison and/or a fine of up to 100 thousand baht (almost $3 thousand)
  • Vapes are completely banned in the kingdom: they cannot be imported, purchased or used. You should not take electronic cigarettes with you, so as not to get acquainted with a Thai prison.
  • Do not leave valuables unattended, especially on the beach. Keep an eye out for signs posted by beach workers.

Currency- baht 1 baht is equal to approximately 2 rubles.

You can take both dollars and euros with you. Exchangers work in hotels and on the street.

When to go- from October to April.

The best time for vacation is from November to March.

Language- Thai.

IN tourist places speak English well.

The most popular resorts - Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Koh Chang Island.

On excursions they go to Thai temples, waterfalls, and animal parks.

No visa required for a trip of less than 30 days.

Time ahead of Moscow by 4 hours.


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