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No one will argue that our fatherland is rich in unique places.

Take, for example, Staraya Ladoga in the Leningrad region and its attractions.

Taking a walk through this village, you can not only relax, but also plunge into the history of our country, learn a lot of new and interesting things. One can talk for hours about this village, which was once a formidable and mighty Russian capital city...

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Where did the name come from

No one can say for sure what the name was settlement. After all, others are called exactly the same geographical features: river, lake. They got their name before the settlement appeared.

Staraya Ladoga- the oldest trade and craft settlement in the North-West. People lived here during the Neolithic period, but the official date given by archaeologists is 753

There are many variations of the name. In short, some researchers believe that the word is of Scandinavian origin, because the Scandinavians were the first to explore this place, almost two decades before the Slavs. If we judge based on this fact, then the word is translated as a low area near a river.

Russians began to settle here in the middle of the 13th century. The settlement played an important role: the main hub connecting trade sea routes. Moreover, Staraya Ladoga was at one time the first capital city of Rus'. Rurik reigned in it. That is why a trident in the form of a diving golden falcon was placed on the flag of the Staraya Ladoga rural settlement - the sign of the Rurikovichs. During the excavations, a scroll made of birch bark was found, on which a boat was depicted. Who knows, maybe this sea transport is the symbol that gave the name to the settlement.

Geographical location

It should be noted that at the beginning of the 18th century Staraya Ladoga was considered a city. Today it is a large village that attracts not only residents of Russia with its unique attractions. There is an endless flow of tourists to Staraya Ladoga. The village belongs to the Leningrad region, Volkhov municipal district.

The geographical position of Staraya Ladoga was very advantageous. It is located at that point on the route from the “Varyags to the Greeks”, which is almost impossible to bypass. Even if the merchants sailed to the Volga through the Svir River, their path still lay along south coast Lake Ladoga, that is, past Staraya Ladoga. Staraya Ladoga was a shopping center

Today the ancient village is a museum-reserve. Start of action 1971. In 1984 it became a historical and architectural museum, and at the same time received the title of a museum-reserve of federal significance.

Many tourists who dream of seeing amazing places wonder how to get there: public transport, or by car? From St. Petersburg to the village 120 km.

This can be done in different ways:

  1. By car: An asphalt road passes through Staraya Ladoga, which is called differently - M18, E-105 and “Kola Route”.
  2. By train:(ticket price from St. Petersburg is about 200 rubles) to Volkhov, then transfer to a bus. There is no railway traffic to the ancient village. Buses run 3 times a day.

As you can see, it is not so easy to get into the village, but tourists are not afraid of difficulties.


Today, life in the village is not much different from how other Russians live. Although it should be noted that everything in it is measured and calm. Why do tourists, not afraid of difficulties, come here in droves? There is nothing to be surprised about. The village residents, despite the passing centuries, managed to preserve the unique architecture of their settlement in its original form. It is not for nothing that Staraya Ladoga often became an object of inspiration for artists - many famous Russian painters painted paintings dedicated to it.

Staraya Ladoga is a small village in the Leningrad region with a great past; it was once one of the ten largest Russian cities. Today, it is distinguished from other villages by an ancient fortress standing on the high bank of the Volkhov, and several ancient monasteries and churches beyond its borders.

There is something to see here both in winter and summer. Tourists, arriving in the village, visit monasteries, churches, and museums. Admire mounds, caves and others amazing places. After visiting these memorable places, you better understand the history of the country and become an accomplice in distant events.

Any person who visits this museum-reserve feels attention and care. There are places to stay for every taste and budget, there are cafes and restaurants that serve delicious food.

It is worth noting: Accommodation on the territory of the museum-reserve costs from 1,350 rubles per person.

Most often tourists visit:

  • cafe "Prince Rurik";
  • cafe "Ladoga Compound";
  • Cafe "Ladya"

Information about hotels and catering places can be found on the official website and in guidebooks.

If you order a sightseeing bus, the cost is:

  • adult ticket from 1650 rubles;
  • preferential from 1550 rubles;
  • for children from 1250 rub.

In this case, the guide will show you the most important attractions. In addition, tourists can take water with them from the holy spring of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

There are many presentations on the Internet on what to see and where to go for tourists. We will try to tell you about everything that is worth looking at when arriving in the old village.

Defensive structures

The settlement served not only as a junction of sea routes. It was located on the border with other states, so it had another important role - the defense of the borders of Rus' from enemy attacks. It is clear that it would not have been possible without the construction of reliable fortresses with thick walls.

The walls, made of flagstone and lime mortar, reached a height of 8 meters. The Ladoga stone fortress outlined the path in defensive architecture that became widespread only a century later. It turned out to be invulnerable to the Swedes and Germans, and throughout the 12th-15th centuries it reliably protected the northern Russian lands.

Unfortunately, many of the fortresses have sunk into oblivion, and even no memories remain of them. But travelers can visit unique place, imagine yourself in the place of your ancestors who defended the city of Staraya Ladoga by visiting the Staraya Ladoga Fortress.

Ancient Staraya Ladoga fortress

On the opposite side of Varangskaya Street is the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. In ancient times, it reliably protected the settlement. The stone part of it came close to the water. The presence of the river, which served as a natural moat, did not allow the Vikings to get close to the Slavs unnoticed.

Staraya Ladoga Fortress - located in the village of Staraya Ladoga on Cape Ladoga, at the confluence of the Ladozhka River with the Volkhov

The view was carried out from four round and one square towers (the gate to the fortress). Three walls were made of wood, but the earthworks were strong. Residents always stocked up on food and water, so the defenders could hold out for a long time.

The stone fortress was founded in 1116 by order of mayor Pavel. Today she found herself in the center of the village at the confluence of the Elena and Volkhov rivers. In ancient times, it was a safe harbor for ships that could not pass through the destructive rapids of the Volkhov River. They began to strengthen the fortress by order of Prince Oleg.

Today, anyone can freely visit the fortress. The standard entrance fee to the fortress territory is 20 rubles, a single ticket to all museums is 150 rubles.

Monasteries and temples

There are many temples and monasteries in this ancient village.

Inside the fortress there are the St. George Church and the wooden church of Dmitry Solunsky, the St. Nicholas Monastery, the Assumption convent, Museum of Merchant Life (the second half of the house is occupied by a post office), St. John the Baptist Monastery. From the entire monastery, one temple has survived - the huge Cathedral of the Nativity of John the Baptist, built in 1695.

Over the centuries-old history, many of them have lost their former grandeur and fallen into decay. But those that still remain are capable of melting the ice of the coldest hearts.

Nikolsky Monastery

Nikolsky Monastery has been classified as a historical monument of federal significance since 74 of the last century.

The monastery building was erected in 40 of the 13th century, when Alexander Nevsky managed to defeat the Swedes on the ice of Lake Nevsky.

Founded in 1241 by Alexander Nevsky after a victorious battle with the Swedes in the Battle of Neva at the mouth of the Izhora River, dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia

Do you know that: commander Alexander Nevsky highly revered Nicholas the Wonderworker and dedicated a new monastery to him - Nikolsky.

Over the years there have been many troubles, even complete destruction. But the believers again raised the monastery from the ruins. The last time the building was restored was in the 19th century. With the advent of Soviet power, the monastery was closed and various institutions were located there.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Patriarch Alexy II gave instructions for the restoration historical monument. Today, the active monastery houses the relics of Saints Sergius and Herman.

On the territory of the monastery there is the Church of St. John Chrysostom, St. Nicholas Church, and a bell tower. These objects attract tourists with their unusualness and pristine nature.

Note: There is no charge for visiting the Nikolsky Monastery. Open every day from 9.00 to 17.00. Located on Nikolskaya street, building 1.

Assumption Monastery

The exact date of construction of the Assumption Monastery is not found in any historical source. Believed to be 15th century. It was erected on the site of the Assumption Cathedral (12th century). The monastery building and courtyard buildings can easily be called an architectural masterpiece.

The monastery ensemble was mentioned already in the 15th century; the date of its foundation is considered to be 1156. In 1718, the first wife of Peter I, Evdokia Lopukhina, named Elena, was transferred to the Ladoga Assumption Monastery. She stayed in the monastery until 1725

Interesting fact: The oldest Assumption Monastery was the place of imprisonment of Evdokia Lopukhina, the disgraced wife of Peter the Great.

Address: Uspensky lane, left bank of the Volkhov. The monastery is open every day from 9 am to 7 pm.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dates back to the 15th-16th centuries. Volkhov slabs and brick were used for its construction. It has a height of 23 meters, its length is 21 meters, its width, including the northern aisle, is 20 meters. By the way, the chapel was added much later, already in the 18th century. The initiator of the construction was the merchant Barsukov.

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the main temple of the Staraya Ladoga St. Nicholas Monastery. Unique monument ancient Russian architecture of the 13th century. Currently inactive, restoration underway

Before going to sea, the fishermen went into the cathedral and prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to be a protector during the Putin season. Near the icon there was a mug for donations.

The church was never empty; people from surrounding villages came to pray. Unfortunately, when the cathedral was closed in 1938, the icon disappeared without a trace. Where it is now is unknown... What can we say about the temple decoration: practically nothing remains of it.

Currently, restoration is in full swing, but there is still a lot of work.

Note: tourists can enter the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for only one hour. If you get there by bus, it stops at 16 Nikolskaya Street.

Visitors are accepted from 9.00 to 18.00. The entrance is free.

Alexander Nevsky Church

On the embankment of the Staro-Ladoga Canal there is another ancient building– Church of Alexander Nevsky. It was built on the territory of a military prison during the time of Suvorov.

The Alexander Nevsky Church was built as a military prison in 1871 (the Suzdal regiment, which was once commanded by Suvorov, was stationed in Novaya Ladoga). It was rebuilt in the old days, and now it is a utility room

This is a two-story building. It was rebuilt after the prisoners escaped. Almost all the windows were bricked up. They were broken through already in the last century.

Worth considering: Currently, the Alexander Nevsky Temple is not operational.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This stone cathedral was built before the Mongol-Tatar invasion and is the main temple of the Holy Dormition Convent.

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Novaya Ladoga used to be part of the complex of Ioannovsky and Nikolo-Medvedsky monasteries, now abolished. Initially it was consecrated as the Church of St. John the Evangelist; since 1954, after the name of the chapel (1733), it has been called the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Its architecture lacks pomp and has a lot of asceticism inherent in Christianity. At one time, portals were added to it from the north and west.

The cathedral amazes with its decorative relief crosses. You can also see the surviving niche - golbets, intended for painting. On the dome there is an old faded cross. In the internal space there are special excavations for burial.

This active cathedral, open to tourists, is located on Karl Marx Avenue, at 49.

Church of Alexy, man of God

The church was built in 31 of the 19th century on the initiative of parishioners of the Assumption Convent. Two years later, merchant Semyon Kalinin and other wealthy people built a stone temple with their personal savings.

The church was built in 1831 at the expense of the St. Petersburg merchant Semyon Kalinin and other parishioners of the Staraya Ladoga Assumption Monastery and belonged to him along with the cemetery. At one time the temple was even the main source of income for the monastery

The Soviet government did not ignore the Orthodox church, closing it for services. The premises were used for various activities. In 2000, the church was restored by employees of Volkhov Aluminum OJSC, thus honoring the memory of former director B. A. Alekseev.

Take note: today it is a functioning temple that welcomes parishioners and tourists. The location of the Alexy Church is near the cemetery.

Church of St. George the Victorious

St. George's Church, built in the 12th century, is another monument of world culture and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The “calling card” of Staraya Ladoga in general and the fortress in particular is St. George’s Cathedral (the canonical name is the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious), built in the 1160s, was originally a monastery and ceased to be such in the 18th century. Currently inactive, being a museum

It combines two great traditions: Byzantine and Novgorod stone temple architecture. The temple, together with its bright dome, rises 15 meters above Staraya Ladoga.

During construction, limestone slabs were alternated with plinths (a kind of brick), and they were laid on lime-cement mortar. It consisted of slaked lime and brick chips. It was also used for cladding the facade. Therefore, it had a warm creamy surface, on which brown spots appeared. It seemed that the façade was made of marble slabs. The walls and other structural elements are connected using wood.

It is important to know: At present, the Church of St. George the Victorious is not active; it is a museum of one fresco, “The Miracle of St. George the Serpent,” the oldest image of St. George the Victorious. Located on the Volkhov River.

Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

Judging by ancient records, the church was built around the end of the 9th century. At this time, Rurik reigned here. The building is wooden, the internal space is divided into cages, in fact, everything in it is located as it was in a peasant’s hut.

A modest wooden church in the name of Dmitry of Thessalonica. Currently inactive, it houses a museum of peasant life

The design of the dome resembles scales; it is covered with an aspen ploughshare. There is nothing superfluous either in terms of architecture or decoration inside the church: simplicity and asceticism. The royal gates attract the attention of tourists, but they appeared much later - in the 16th century.

Church of Clement of Rome

The first church made of stone was located in Staraya Ladoga; the construction dates back to 1153. The church, which is now located in Novaya Ladoga, was moved here by order of Peter the Great and was built in 1704. At first it was a wooden structure, and in 1741-43 a stone one was built on the same site.

It was built from 1741 to 1743 in the style of Russian churches of the 17th century. In the 1870s, a high bell tower was added to it, which greatly distorted the appearance of the church. A cinema was built here in 1938, and then the building was abandoned

The restoration was done at the end of the 19th century. We updated the spire, securing it to a metal structure, the bell tower and the iconostasis. The work was carried out according to the design of the architect Fortunatov. The restoration was led by the elder Stolyarov and the priest Nikifor Verolsky.

The temple was closed in 1937, and a cinema was installed there. Today it is practically destroyed and does not function. From its former grandeur, after repeated robberies, you can admire the individual fragments with which the dome and walls were painted.

Good to know: The Church of Clement of Rome is located in Novaya Ladoga on Engels Street, 10.

Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands

Construction time: 1763-67, erected after the wooden building burned down. The elegance of the bulbous five-domed structure attracts attention. As for the frescoes, which were previously a distinctive feature of the church, they have practically not survived.

The Chapel of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands is a now defunct Orthodox chapel in the village of Staraya Ladoga, Leningrad Region. It is part of the monastery wall of the Nikolsky Monastery

Under Soviet rule, the temple was closed and beheaded (1935) .). The revival began in 2002. Under the leadership of Archpriest Roman Gutsu, a new chapel was built, and a place appeared where parishioners now come to pray. The temple is famous for its services and Sunday school.

Do you know that: The Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands engages in charity work (from donations from parishioners) and provides assistance to needy children and the elderly.

The temple stands on Rumbolovskaya Mountain, so it is clearly visible from anywhere in Novaya Ladoga. Open from 9.00 to 18.00, admission is free.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

This temple, located on Malysheva Mountain, was built in the 15th century. At first it existed as a monastery, but after its abolition in 64 of the 18th century, a parish was opened.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist is a former four-pillar, five-domed cathedral of the John the Baptist Monastery, now a functioning Orthodox church with a side chapel of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and the octagonal pillar-shaped bell tower, located on the northern outskirts of Staraya Ladoga.

It has a cubic shape, standing on four domed pillars, with five domes and one seven-sided altar apse. The walls are decorated with bricks, there are many niches, and there are carved frames on the windows.

It has been closed since the 1920s and reopened in 1991 after reconstruction. Assigned to the Nikolsky Monastery. Liturgies are held for parishioners on holidays and Sundays. Pilgrims love to come here.

Interesting fact: from the center of the village to Pozemskaya street, 1 - only 642 meters. The parish of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 a.m. yesterday. There is no need to pay for entry.

Church of Basil of Caesarea

The monastery has gone through many difficult times. The wooden structure often fell into disrepair. In 1618, there were only 8 monks who lived in a literally crumbling building.

The Church of Basil of Caesarea was built and consecrated in 1684-86. like a temple at the Vasilievsky Monastery with the money of Tikhon Bestuzhev

After forty years or so, the temple fell into complete disrepair. In 1686, voivode Bestuzhev built a new monastery with his own money. The monks lived in it until 64 of the 18th century; later it was abolished and a parish was opened, which still operates today.

Source of Saint Paraskeva Friday

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa patronized merchants and church ministers. The Assumption Convent was built in her honor (late 13th century). They knew about the holy spring in ancient times and worshiped it since the 9th century. Symbols of this are Varangian crosses and crosses dating back to the X-XII, XVI centuries.

A source in the name of Saint Paraskeva Pyatnitsa under Malysheva Mountain, the construction of which began in the period from 1276 to 1299. A place for collecting water has been equipped at the holy spring, a cross with a prayer to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has been installed, a stone font and a wooden changing room have been equipped

On the slope of the bank, going behind the temple, you can see a source.

Tourists and parishioners can:

  • collect water in a specially designated place;
  • swim in a stone font (change clothes in a wooden changing room);
  • read the prayer, the text of which is on the cross.

Note: The water in the font of the spring of St. Paraskeva Friday is icy, it seems as if ice needles are piercing the body. But no one catches a cold; on the contrary, after a while, warmth spreads throughout the body.

Having reached the village, immediately at the entrance you need to go towards the Baptist Cathedral. The source is very close. There is no fee to visit, but you can leave a donation.


In the village, whose history began many centuries ago, there are many museums that help to understand the past of all of Russia as a whole.

Archaeological Museum

Archaeological research has not stopped for many decades. Every year there are more and more finds. The archaeological museum widely displays household items, weapons of battle, labor and much more.

The museum is located in the two-story house of the merchant Kalyazin, located in the center of the village, near the walls of the Staraya Ladoga fortress. The building itself is quite modern - it was built in the 19th century. The museum’s exhibition is so extensive that it is considered one of the most interesting in our country. Some unique exhibits of the museum date back to the 8th century.

Antiquity lovers collected various exhibits, but it was impossible to combine them in one place. The first exhibition was presented to the court in 71 of the last century. A huge number of exhibits and their skillful presentation captured the souls of visitors. Since then, a huge number of Russian citizens and foreigners have visited the museum. After 13 years, the museum received the status of a federal nature reserve

The museum is located right in the Staraya Ladoga Fortress, in the Gate Tower.

Open seven days a week from 9 am to 5 pm. For an adult ticket – 150 rubles. There is a discount on children's tickets. There are also discounts for preferential categories of citizens.

Museum of Local Lore

The local history museum is located in a house that was built by the merchant Timofeev in the 20th century. Viewers saw the first exhibition in 1987. It consists of 8 halls containing various objects that help us understand the life and way of life of our ancestors.

Now visitors have the opportunity to examine the restored Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya fortress towers. In one of them the Staraya Ladoga local history museum. In 1984, the local history museum received the status of a historical, architectural and archaeological museum-reserve of federal significance.


  • in May-September every day, opening hours from 9.00 to 18.00;
  • in October April, working hours are 9.00-16.00 all days, closed on Mondays.

The duration of the excursion is 2 hours 30 minutes.

For groups of more than 15 people the following fees:

  • for an adult – 60 rubles;
  • students discount 20 rubles;
  • children under 14 years old are free.

If less than 15 people arrived on the excursion, the ticket price increases by 15 rubles.

Note: The museum is located on Pionerskaya Street, building 16.

House of merchant Kalyazin

In the very center of the village, on Varyazhskaya Street, 8, you can see the house that was built by the merchant Kalyazin in the 19th century. After the revolution, various organizations were located here. Until 2003 – Russian Post. Then there was restoration, repairs, and finally the museum “Archaeology of Ladoga VIII - XIII centuries” was opened.

The house of the Kalyazin merchants, known as the museum of merchant life. An exhibition of merchant life is now open in a wooden house on the banks of the Volkhov

In the halls you can see medieval objects, various weapons, and decorations. The model of the ship on which the Vikings arrived in Ladoga amazes all visitors.

Surviving monastery and church frescoes have also been collected.

Fortress Museum

The Staraya Ladoga Fortress constantly hosts various exhibitions.

Museum exposition in Staraya Ladoga

You can visit museums on your own, or as a group excursion group. The prices are reasonable, for example, those who want to attend the “Holy Abodes” program will pay 150 rubles, the “On the Roads of Medieval Ladoga” program - 200 rubles, you can take a sightseeing tour of the entire fortress and learn about ancient crafts for only 250 rubles. Details should be found directly at the museum or on the official website.

Architectural monuments

Quite a few in the village architectural monuments, which the villagers cherish. It is impossible to tell about everyone. We present some of them.

Barracks of the Suzdal Regiment

The second half of the 18th century was marked by numerous peasant riots. Staraya Ladoga did not escape the same fate. To pacify the rebels, the Suzdal Infantry Regiment, commanded by Suvorov, was transferred.

The barracks appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, when Peter the Great ordered the construction of a canal here to bypass Lake Ladoga during storms. Workers lived in the buildings

At first the soldiers were housed in private houses. Controlling a scattered army was difficult.

Suvorov initiated the construction of barracks with all the necessary buildings.

In addition to the premises for soldiers, on the same territory there are:

  • stable;
  • infirmary;
  • officers' club;
  • parade ground with a shooting range;
  • wooden temple.

Currently, the barracks are dilapidated, but a memorial plaque in which Suvorov is noted is on the wall.

Take note: The monument to the Barracks of the Suzdal Regiment is located on Proletarsky Kanal Street, building 12.

If a tourist comes to regular bus, then it will reach the barracks in a quarter of an hour. You need to go towards the exit from the village, cross the canal and turn left. The ancient monument will be on the right.

Gostiny Dvor building

There is no exact date for the construction of Gostiny Dvor, but historians suggest that it was built in the 19th century. Going inside, you can see a quadrangular square. Along the walls there are benches where merchants once sat.

It has a standard layout, typical for buildings of this type: a quadrangle with an area inside, along the perimeter of which there are merchant shops, separated from the street by an arcade. The building was probably built in the 19th century

The house is located in Novaya Ladoga, 11 kilometers from Staraya. Between Karl Marx Avenue and Pionerskaya Street.


The Leningrad region is rich in various reservoirs. The museum-reserve also has its own remarkable places.

Volkhov River

The village of Staraya Ladoga is located on the banks of the Volkhov River. The “culprit” of this name was one of the Scythian princes - Sloven. At first, of course, the name Magi (magician) was given to the tribes living on the shore.

View of Staraya Ladoga from the Volkhov River during sunset

At all times, the river was rich in fish. Today, tourists can not only go fishing, but also go boating along the difficult Volkhov riverbed.

Take note: tourists who are not afraid of difficulties can travel by boat along the route along which they sailed along the Volkhov River “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”

Staraya Ladoga Canal

The Staraya Ladoga Canal, 117 kilometers long, connects the Volkhov and Neva, while bypassing Ladoga lake. The canal begins on the Volkhov River four kilometers from the mouth and leads to the Neva.

Staraya Ladoga Canal in the Leningrad Region. An object cultural heritage, included in the UNESCO list - however, its condition does not correspond to its high status. Experts say that the monument is in danger of complete destruction. It has been impossible to clean or repair the canal for many years

Peter the Great himself began and supervised the construction of the canal, who took out three wheelbarrows of earth with his own hands. At the same time, the tsar gave freedom to every peasant who came to work, and this was in 1719. Construction was very difficult and proceeded slowly, ending only in 1731 during the reign of Anna Ioannovna, who broke through the earthen bridge with a shovel. These tools - a wheelbarrow and a shovel - were stored for a long time in a chapel built near the canal.

Ladoga lake

Lake Ladoga was called differently: “Little Sea”, “Lake of Life”, Ladoga. In ancient times, the lake bore the name Nevo, then it began to be called Ladoga after the name of the fortress.

Lake Ladoga is the most big lake in Europe. Our ancestors considered Ladoga a sea, and they called the Varangians precisely because of this sea, and not because of the Baltic Sea

The shores and waters of the lake have gone through many events. Archaeologists have been studying the bottom of the lake for decades and have found many historical artifacts.

This is the largest lake in Europe of glacial origin. To the north there are rocks cut by skerries. There are no cliffs on the other shores of the lake. Part of the coast is sandy, part is difficult to access due to swamps. It did not always flow into the Neva; a new channel was formed after the Karelian Isthmus was raised.

It is important to know: During the Second World War, an important artery passed through Lake Ladoga - the road of life, which saved many Leningraders from hunger and death.

Other attractions

Mounds of Staraya Ladoga

The mounds remained from the Varangians, there are only three of them: one large, the other two smaller. There is not one ancient monument on the territory of Russia, except for Oleg’s Tomb, in which princes were buried.

The mounds located in the Sopki tract look like ordinary hills or embankments overgrown with grass. Experts believe that the hill has a certain biofield that has a positive effect on people. Some doctors and psychologists believe that Olegova Mogila helps to put thoughts in order and free oneself from overwhelming psychological attachments.

Mounds have always attracted lovers of profit, which is why there are no tops. But archaeologists still manage to find interesting things. For example, in 2008 they discovered a mold in which the coats of arms of Rurik’s descendants were cast until the mid-16th century. It depicts a trident-falcon. This suggested that the Rurikovichs were buried here.

The large mound, as historians suggest, is the burial place of Prophetic Oleg. The mound is quite steep and high, up to 30 meters. Getting to the top is not as difficult as getting down from it. There are not many brave souls. But what a view from there!

Note: The location of the cave is the lower slope of Malyshevskaya Mountain from the north of the village. Usually they focus on the Church of John the Baptist.

Caves of Staraya Ladoga

Staraya Ladoga is famous for its dungeons, which are called caves: Staraya Ladoga Cave and Tanechkina Cave. Travelers cannot miss these attractions.

The former site of quartz sand mining, the quarries were created in the 19th century,
They are a partially flooded and collapsed column, stretched along the Volkhov. Several species of bats live in Tanichkina Cave

Interesting fact: The caves of Staraya Ladoga of artificial origin remained after the extraction of white quartz sandstone in them ceased.

When scientists visited them, they found petrified animals. The caves have their own ponds and limestone deposits on the walls.

Getting into the Staraya Ladoga Cave is not so easy: it was partially blocked or flooded. In this dungeon, at any time of the year, the temperature never changes, remaining at +6 degrees.

The length of Tanechkina Cave is almost 8 kilometers. It is also partially inaccessible to tourists. The most interesting thing in the cave is the large lake underground. It contains stable water. The main inhabitants of the dungeon are bats, almost 400 species!

Visiting the cave on your own without an accompanying person is strictly prohibited. Tanechkina Cave consists of narrow, low passages. It is advisable to wear appropriate clothing before visiting.

Worth considering: from the Church of John the Baptist to the cave of Staraya Ladoga you need to walk 100 m. If you walk from the Staraya Ladoga mounds, you will have to walk at least a kilometer.

Varyazhskaya street

There is no street older than Varyazhskaya in Russia. It stretches for 200 meters. Appeared in the 15th century. In the 18th century it was rebuilt and even changed direction. The chapel on it appeared in the 13th year of the last century; it was erected with funds provided by the Imperial Geographical Society.

The oldest surviving street in Rus' is Varyazhskaya. Facilities in the yard, water from a well. The street leading to the temple (to the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary). Just around the bend there is a booth with an untied dog. The dog is angry and big. The path to true faith is thorny and difficult...

The street is also famous for its monuments - the Kalyazin house and the archaeological museum. In 2003, a sculpture appeared - a small falcon. It is he who is the main symbol of Staraya Ladoga, his image on the coat of arms. Tourists put a coin in their beak for good luck.

Rurik and Prophetic Oleg stood on the street like eternal guards in 2015. Travelers come to bow to this monument.

Reconstructions of ancient battles

An interesting sight opens to tourists every year. You can watch theatrical fights, the participants of which are actors dressed in the armor of medieval warriors.

You can often hear - “amazing is nearby...” And this is true, because one and a half to two hours drive from St. Petersburg there are such places: the oldest capital of Northern Rus' - Staraya Ladoga

Having been here once, you want to come back here again and again plunge into the historical past of Russia. No travel difficulties can become an obstacle. The photographs and pictures below will help you once again enjoy the views of Staraya Ladoga and its surroundings.

Nowadays, Staraya Ladoga is a small village located on the high bank of the Volkhov, 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. It is quiet and calm here, life flows measuredly and leisurely. But numerous burial mounds and ancient architectural monuments indicate that this is a difficult place. It is the first capital of Rus'.

In 2008, I had the opportunity to work here in . I offer you, my readers, my small guide to the sights of Staraya Ladoga.

The first wooden fortress on this site was built in the 9th-10th centuries at the confluence of the Ladozhka (Elena) river into the Volkhov. In 1116, under Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great (1076-1132, baptized Theodore), construction began on a stone fortress, which was subsequently rebuilt several times. The enemy stormed it many times. In 1617, according to the Stolbovsky Treaty, it went to Russia and was a border area for almost a hundred years. After 1702, when Noteburg () was taken, the fortress lost its strategic importance.

Currently, archaeological research and restoration work are being carried out in the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. Some of the buildings were reconstructed at the end of the 16th century, the rest are preserved ruins. On its territory are St. George's Cathedral, the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica, and the fortress museum.

St. George's Cathedral was built in memory of the Swedes' attempt to take Ladoga in 1164. It is one of two temples from pre-Mongol times that have survived in Staraya Ladoga (initially there were 7 or 8 of them). Inside, about 20% of the frescoes of the 12th century have been preserved, among which the most expressive are “The Ascension of the Lord” on the drum and dome, “The Miracle of George on the Serpent” in the altar part and others. According to legend, before the battle with the Swedes, Prince Alexander Nevsky prayed and blessed his sword in this temple.

St. George's Cathedral and the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

The first mention of the church dates back to 1646. Rebuilt several times. The current temple was built in 1901.

Museum of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress

The museum was founded in 1971 in the Gate Tower of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. The exhibition includes objects from various eras, starting from the Stone Age.

Address: 187412, Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, Volkhovsky pr., 19. Tel. (8-1263) 493-70. Working hours: 10.00-17.00, closed on Monday.

In 1584-1585, to the south of the stone fortress, the Earthen City was built from wood and earth, which had three bastions. Apparently, this was one of the first bastion-type fortresses in Russia. On a four-meter earthen rampart stood an oak palisade with three towers: Naugolnaya, Berezhnaya and Nadvratnaya. Currently, archaeological excavations are being carried out here, ancient dwellings of the 9th-11th centuries, numerous objects of that time, many of which are of European and Arab origin, have been found.

According to legend, the Nikolsky Monastery was founded by Prince Alexander Nevsky “in memory of the lost Ladoga relatives” who fell in the Battle of Neva in 1240. In 1611, monks moved here from the Valaam Monastery destroyed by the Swedes. Soon the St. Nicholas Monastery was destroyed by the troops of Jacob Delagardie (1583-1652), one of the active participants in the events of the Time of Troubles. After the Time of Troubles, the monastery was restored. At the end of the 18th century it was abolished, but at the beginning of the next century it was reopened.

In recent years, restoration work has been carried out at the St. Nicholas Monastery.

The oldest building of the monastery is the four-pillar, single-domed Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the 17th century, built on the site of a 12th-century cathedral with fragments of the latter. The Church of St. John Chrysostom was built at the end of the 19th century in the form of an ancient Roman basilica, with elements of pseudo-Russian style.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, st. Nikolskaya, 1

Founded in 1156 on the site of the ancient monastery of Simeon the God-Receiver. In the first half of the 12th century, the Assumption Cathedral was built here, which has survived to this day. Fragments of frescoes from the 12th century were discovered inside the cathedral. The remaining buildings of the monastery were built in the 19th century in the late Empire style and pseudo-Russian style. Anna Kashinskaya found shelter in the Assumption Monastery, Evdokia Lopukhina and Evdokia Hannibal were imprisoned, and the nun-poet Elisaveta Shakhova lived in the 19th century.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, Uspensky lane.

Estate "Uspenskoye"

Located next to the Assumption Monastery. It was built in the 1780s by Lieutenant General Roman Nikiforovich Tomilov. In 1816-1817, his son Alexei rebuilt his father's estate. Here Tomilov kept his richest collection of paintings, among which was the largest collection of drawings and etchings by Rembrandt in Russia. The guests of “Uspensky” were many Russian artists, including O.A. Kiprensky, I.K. Aivazovsky, N.K. Roerich.

In 1918, more than 6,000 paintings were transferred to the Russian Museum in Petrograd. The manor house burned down in 1928; only the former service house survived.

Uspenskoe estate, photo from the Internet

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Located on Malysheva Mountain. Until the middle of the 18th century, the St. John the Baptist Monastery existed here, the first mention of which dates back to 1276. The current temple was built in 1695 in the Yaroslavl style. Frescoes from that time have been preserved inside. In the 19th century, mining of quartz sand began near the temple, and underground cavities formed. Perhaps they served as the beginning of stories about underground passages connecting the temple with the Staraya Ladoga fortress and caves. Until the 1930s, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was considered the main temple of Staraya Ladoga.

The entrance to the Staraya Ladoga Cave is located 64 m southeast of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. To the northeast of the temple is the Holy Spring of Paraskeva Friday, equipped with a font.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga settlement, Pozemskaya st., no. 1

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Malysheva Hill

Varyazhskaya street

Varyazhskaya Street is considered the oldest street in Russia, which, according to written sources, existed already in the 15th century. Various household items of the 9th-10th centuries were discovered here. Since the 18th century, it began to be built up with merchant houses. Currently, along it there are mainly one-story private houses behind fences.

In 2013, a bronze monument was installed on Varyazhskaya Street falcon sculpture- a totemic symbol of the Rurik family and a symbol of Staraya Ladoga. It is believed that you should leave a coin in its beak for good luck.

The sculpture “Attacking Falcon”, a symbol of Staraya Ladoga. Falcon is a totemic symbol of the Rurik dynasty, often found as a heraldic symbol in the culture of the Eastern Slavs.

On September 12, 2015, it was installed in the park on Varyazhskaya Street monument to Rurik and Prophetic Oleg, architect Oleg Shorov.

Chapel of the Assumption Monastery on Varyazhskaya Street

Built by the architect N. Brandenburg in 1913 with funds from the Imperial Geographical Society on the site of the foundation of an ancient temple of the 12th century, presumably Spassky.

House of merchant P.V. Kalyazin

The stone house of the merchant P.V. Kalyazin was built in the 19th century. The Archaeological Museum of Staraya Ladoga operates within its walls, the exhibition of which presents objects discovered during archaeological excavations in Staraya Ladoga.

House of merchant A.V. Kalyazin

A wooden house built in the 19th century on Varyazhskaya Street. At one time it housed the museum “Merchant Life of Staraya Ladoga”.

House of merchant A.V. Kalyazin (green, near the monument to Rurik and Oleg)

Crafts Sloboda

Located on the Volkhov highway, not far from the burial mounds. This is a working old-time farmstead where a restoration artist and his family live. There is a souvenir shop nearby. You can also drink tea from the samovar with pies for a small fee.

Park in memory of fellow countrymen who died in 1941-1945

A small park with a memorial sign with the inscription “A park was founded here in memory of fellow countrymen who died on the fields of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The park was founded in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory.”

Park in memory of fellow countrymen who died in 1941-1945

Installed in the park next to the regional cultural and sports center "Ladoga".

Mounds in the Sopki tract

A large field between Volkhovsky Prospekt and Volkhov, on which mounds of the 8th-12th centuries rise. The most famous of them is Oleg’s grave, where the Prophetic Oleg is believed to be buried. On its top and slopes there are remains of ancient robberies. Archaeological research Unfortunately, no traces of Oleg’s grave were found.

There are many legends associated with the mounds: that there is a whole system underground passages, connecting the mounds with the caves, fortress and monasteries of Staraya Ladoga. Rodnovers and lovers of antiquity also gather here.

Caves of Staraya Ladoga

The most famous caves are Staroladozhskaya, Tanechkin, Malyshka. To the south of the village there are several unexplored caves. They represent workings of the 19th century. The largest colony of bats in northwestern Russia lives in Tanechkina Cave.

Lyubsha fortress

The Lyubsha fortress is considered the oldest in Rus'. It is a cape settlement with a diameter of about 50 meters, surrounded by an arched rampart about 70 meters long and up to 18 meters wide at the base. The first Finno-Ugric settlement on this site arose in the 3rd century. In the second half of the 7th - first half of the 8th century, Slavic tribes (possibly Ilmen Slovenes) came here and displaced the local population. The old Chud settlement burned down, and a new, Slavic one was built in its place. Died at the turn of the 9th-10th centuries.

The armored flagstone masonry, fragments of additional retaining walls and wooden fortifications along the top of the rampart have been preserved. Located near the village of Seltso-Gorka, on the territory guest complex"Staroladozhskaya Dacha".

Field research of the Lyubshan settlement in 1999. Photo from the website of the Staraya Ladoga Museum-Reserve

Lyubsha Estate

The former estate is located in the village of Seltso-Gorka. It belonged to landowner Nadezhda Konstantinovna Izmailova, mother-in-law of the Itinerant artist Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov (1844-1911). The estate and its owner can be seen in the artist’s famous painting “Everything is in the Past.”

Vasily Maksimov. “Everything is in the Past”, 1889. Oil on canvas. 72 × 93.5 cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Vasilyevsky Pogost

Vasilyevsky Pogost is located on the opposite bank of the Volkhov River, in the village of Chernavino. Until 1764, there was the Vasilyevsky Monastery, whose inhabitants at one time were monks who fled from the Valaam Monastery occupied by the Swedes. The Church of St. Basil of Caesarea, built in 1686 on the foundation of a 13th-century stone church dismantled due to dilapidation, and the Transfiguration Church, erected in 1871 on the site of a wooden church built in 1684, have survived. The famous Itinerant artist Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov (1844-1911) is buried at the Vasilievsky churchyard.

♦ More details:

Kurgan burial ground in the Plakun tract

Located opposite the Staraya Ladoga fortress in the village of Lopino, on the other bank of the Volkhov River. It is a large burial mound consisting of 13 flat mounds with a height of 0.3-0.6 meters and a diameter of mounds of 10-20 meters. Traces of the remaining mounds may have been destroyed in the past. They are Scandinavian, dating back to approximately the 8th - late 9th centuries.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Babino

The village of Babino, formerly the village of Pokrovskoye. Here is the ruined Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1737-1739 in a style close to the Naryshkin Baroque.

Gorchakovshchinsky waterfalls

Located in the village of Gorchakovshchina. On the north side of the village - big waterfall, from the south - less.

How many days to come to Staraya Ladoga and where to stay

I think you are convinced that there is something to see in Staraya Ladoga. However, people usually come here for one day. In this case, many sights are seen on the run, while others remain completely “behind the scenes”. If possible, it is worth coming here for a few days to feel the whole atmosphere of this place, go to Novaya Ladoga, to the mouth of the Volkhov, and take a walk around the surrounding area.

In recent years, several hotels and recreation centers have appeared in the vicinity of Staraya Ladoga. The choice is small, but it is there. You can see a selection of hotels in Staraya Ladoga and the surrounding area.

The one already mentioned above seemed to me to be quite an interesting option. "Staroladozhskaya Dacha" on the opposite bank of the Volkhov. Another option is to stay at a hotel "Metallurgist" in Volkhov, 15-20 minutes by car from Staraya Ladoga.

Sights of Staraya Ladoga on the map

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I couldn’t even imagine how many attractions there are in the east of the Leningrad region, where we will live and travel during our trip to the North-West. The plans included: Volkhov, Staraya Ladoga, Novaya Ladoga and Lodeynoye Pole, or rather the village of Staraya Sloboda, Lodeynopolsky district, where A Lexandro-Svirsky Monastery. When, upon arrival, we “plunged into reality,” we realized that we would like to see a lot more. For example, the Tanechkina and Staroladozhskaya caves, the Gorchakovsky waterfall, the Lyubsha fortress, the village of Isaad, the canyon of the Lava River... As you can see, there are plenty of natural attractions here, and there are many of them not only in Karelia.

But our goals and objectives were initially different. But you won’t be able to see all the local attractions in just a day or two. So much the better, there will be a reason to return. The most important thing is that we visited everything planned. Today in my post I’ll briefly show you some of what I saw:

  • Staraya Ladoga Nikolsky Monastery,
  • Staraya Ladoga Holy Dormition Convent,
  • Staraya Ladoga fortress,
  • museum-reserve Staraya Ladoga,
  • a bird on a stone - a sculpture of a falcon, the symbol of Ladoga,
  • cafe "Prince Rurik" in Staraya Ladoga,
  • Sopki tract - burial place of Prophetic Oleg,
  • the city of Novaya Ladoga, its architecture,
  • sights of Volkhov.

Why can you only show everything briefly? Yes, because each (each) of the cities and places visited is a whole Universe, worthy of a separate conversation.
However, even fluently I can’t get up to speed. The brief report about the trip stretches into a multi-volume book... Why? Yes, because this is not a trip or when every day can be described with three to five photos... I wanted to do the trip to Karelia like that, in one post. Nooo, that's impossible. :) So be patient, the conversation will be long, the report will be multi-article.

Day IV. Staraya Ladoga, New Ladoga, Volkhov

After having breakfast “on our own” in the hotel room, we moved towards Staraya Ladoga.

Staraya Ladoga

From the small, fairly young town of Volkhov to the small but very ancient village of Staraya Ladoga , just 10 minutes drive. And a whole chasm in time - the year of Volkhov’s foundation - 1918, the year of the foundation of Staraya Ladoga - no later753 According to most historians Staraya Ladoga is the most ancient city in Russia.
So, just 17 kilometers and we are there. Yes, settling in was the right decision. This is an ideal option for those who come to get acquainted with these places.

We got acquainted with the sights of Staraya Ladoga as we progressed. What is surprising and pleasant - for everything iconic places there are signs in the city, and all these places, like pearls on a string, are “strung” on the main street - Volkhovsky Prospekt. You won't get lost.
The very first sign to the right (from Volkhov, of course) “sends” us to Staraya Ladoga Nikolsky Monastery. We drive up to the northeastern tower, leave the car there and go on foot to get acquainted with the monastery. First outside, and then inside.

The weather is a miracle, the surrounding nature is amazing, ancient place, which still remembers its founder - Alexander Nevsky... What else is needed for the happiness of a traveler?
Nikolsky Monastery stands on the left bank of the Volkhov River. The rivers in the Leningrad region are incredibly beautiful - blue water and fluffy, velvet-like greenery of their banks.

We enter the gates of the monastery.

We look around a small area, Church of John Chrysostom(1860–1873).

The interiors are awe-inspiring - very good.

Stands next to the church St. Nicholas Cathedral(Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker). It is he who is the main mystery of the St. Nicholas Monastery. Built in 1160, rebuilt in the 17th century (after partial destruction in the Time of Troubles, when Ladoga was under the Swedes for seven years), unsuccessfully restored in 1958, it is on this moment preserved and closed.

Hello travelers! ;)

After visiting the St. Nicholas Monastery, our acquaintance with Staraya Ladoga continued. Driving along Volkhovsky Prospekt, to the right of the road we noticed a bird on a stone, or rather a falcon, spreading its wings wide. Falcon - the symbol of Staraya Ladoga.

Well, we’re going to see perhaps the most famous landmark of the city - Staraya Ladoga fortress. The car was parked in a small parking lot near the road (just opposite the fortress). Before us, in full view, is a powerful historical artifact.

The Klimentovskaya watchtower immediately catches your eye with its impressive size.

The Staraya Ladoga fortress was built during the time of the Prophetic Oleg at the turn of the 9th-10th centuries. Rare historical, architectural and archaeological sites XIII - XIX centuries. It costs a lot beautiful place, the place where the Ladozhka River flows into the Volkhov.
Entrance to the fortress and two exhibitions is paid. We buy single tickets (80 rubles - adult) and through the Gate Tower we enter the territory of the museum-reserve.

The thickness of the tower walls is impressive.

The first exhibition of the museum is located in the Gate Tower, so we immediately go there.

On the first floor of the exhibition...

admire the territory of the fortress and stunning views of the surrounding area. Yes, the fortress itself is small, but very picturesque.

Only one moment really upset me - St. George's Church, where I so wanted to go, turned out to be closed due to restoration. Moreover, it is closed both from the inside and from the outside.

Near the Church of St. St. George's wooden stand Church of St. Dmitry Solunsky(early 17th century), which was also closed to the public.

In order to get to the second exhibition of the museum, we left the fortress, walked straight to the bridge, crossed the bridge (it is clearly visible in the photo below)... And there it’s a stone’s throw to

an old white mansion on Varyazhskaya Street, in which the exhibition “Archaeology of Ladoga” is located.

At the Museum of Archeology.

Next to the museum lies Varyazhskaya street- the first street in Rus'. Near the excavations on Varyazhskaya, enclosed by a wooden fence, there is now a memorial stone indicating that a monument to princes Rurik and Oleg, the creators of the Russian state (862 - 882).

We enter the monastery through the Holy Gate (XIX century).

I should note that both monasteries in Staraya Ladoga - both male and female - are very sincere and calm. They treat tourists and travelers normally, they don’t chase women in trousers, and neither do people with cameras. There is an adequate understanding of its own historical significance and attractiveness for people. In general, it would be like this everywhere. I walked here with a calm soul and heart. This is probably how visiting monasteries should be.
The Assumption Monastery is much larger than Nikolsky. Large green area. Flowers and animal figures are everywhere. Caring female hands are visible in everything.

The exact date of foundation of the Assumption Monastery is not known. The time period when this possibly happened is determined by historians as follows: 1040-1116. Someone says 1156
This monastery is the second one I know of (the first is) where famous Russian women and aristocrats lived. The first wife of Peter I, Evdokia Lopukhina, was forcibly exiled here (and, initially, she was in the Suzdal Intercession Monastery). She lived here for a short time and died at the age of 23, forced into marriage, but as a result disliked by her husband, Evdokia Hannibal. Relatives of the Decembrists were also exiled here during the time of Nicholas I.
Main temple monastery and its main attraction - Assumption Church. It was built simultaneously with the Staraya Ladoga fortress in 1114-1116. The round date of 1000 years is just around the corner!

The interior of the temple is quite modest.

In 2013, a cross was installed in the Assumption Monastery. On the cross it is written:

This holy life-giving Cross of the Lord was built in memory of the cross of 1688 on August 5, erected by the sovereign's people Zheltukhin Vasily Simonovich and his son Mikhail Vasilyevich...

Abbot's Corps (1880).

Chapel over the well of St. Barbara (2008-2011, pictured on the right), Hospital building with the house church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (1861-1862, pictured on the left). Between them is the cell building (1859).

After the Assumption Monastery, we went to see another attraction of Staraya Ladoga - Church of St. John the Baptist on Malysheva Mountain(1695). This is the only thing left of the Ivanovo Monastery, founded on this place in 1276. If you go down the path, you can get to the source and the font.

But we didn't have time for this. We looked at the temple and went further - to Novaya Ladoga.

Novaya Ladoga

From Staraya Ladoga to Novaya Ladoga it’s just a stone’s throw away. Only 12 kilometers drive. Before they had time to blink, they were already there.
Novaya Ladoga is an old city, but not ancient. Founded in 1704 by decree of Peter I. The main attractions of Novaya Ladoga are numerous monuments and architecture. Actually, we came here to see them. We didn’t see everything, of course, but we took in the city as a whole, walked around it, felt the atmosphere of this small provincial town in the Leningrad region.

The Nativity Cathedral is almost the same age as the city. It was built in 1702. The temple is operational, and therefore is in fairly good condition. Unlike their neighbors.

Church of St. Clement and Peter (1741 - 1743), or rather its bell tower, is already overgrown with trees.

Side by side with the Clement Church stands the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands. When I passed by it (1763 - 1767), looked at it and took photographs, a woman with a child came up to me and said: “This church is unusual. Do you know about this?”

And she told me that above the entrance to the temple, in the portal, there is a drawing depicting a dove. So - many times this dove was painted over, erased, but it always appeared again.

The church as a whole is in very poor condition. I found this photograph of the temple, taken in 1909 by S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky. There were times...

There are a lot of such wooden houses in Novaya Ladoga. However, what Russian provincial town does not have such houses?

It is these houses and the red “lump” next to it that create a special, very familiar atmosphere and warmth...

On the banks of the Volkhov River there is a large memorial complex in honor of the sailors of the Ladoga Military Flotilla and rivermen of the northwestern river shipping company, who guarded the water route of the “Road of Life” and provided transport links between besieged Leningrad and the country.

There are two vessels at the memorial - the minesweeper "TShch-100"

and the motor ship "Kharkov". Both are actively climbed by children and even adults.

And there is grace all around!!!

Gostiny Dvor (Trading Rows). At the top is the inscription “Manufactured Goods” - a real artifact of almost half a century ago. A miracle preserved in the outback!

What do you think of the Manufactured Goods store, built in 1956? Also a miracle! This is what it is, Novaya Ladoga. Some kind of solid artifact.

Literally 3 kilometers from Novaya Ladoga (towards Staro Ladoga) there is the village of Yushkovo.

There is a fish shop right next to the road. I knew about this tent. That's why we came here deliberately. We bought cold smoked bream - 125 rubles. fish and dried roach for 30 rubles. The bream was good! In general, the selection of delicacies here is impressive - several types of fresh and smoked fish (hot and cold smoked), caviar, etc. Don't pass by!

By plane. From Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo airports on flights Moscow - St. Petersburg. Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 4.2 0 hours.

By bus. From Kazansky railway station by bus “Kazan - St. Petersburg”. Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 12.30 hours.

From the Krasnogvardeyskaya bus station by bus “Moscow - St. Petersburg”. Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 13.10 hours.

From the Novoyasenevskaya bus station by bus “Moscow - St. Petersburg”. Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 13.50 hours.

From the Planernaya metro station by bus “Moscow - St. Petersburg”. Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 12.40 hours.

By long-distance train. From Leningradsky Station by trains "Moscow - St. Petersburg", "Moscow - Murmansk" and "Moscow - Helsinki". Next, take the bus “St. Petersburg - Staraya Ladoga”. Travel time - 12.10 hours.

By car. Along the M-10 "Russia" and A-121 highways. Travel time - 13.40 hours.

Walk along Staraya Ladoga

You should start your walk around Staraya Ladoga by visiting Staraya Ladoga fortress. Currently, the fortress is being actively restored, and some of its fragments are being rebuilt almost from scratch. On its territory there are two preserved beautiful cathedral, and in the fortress tower there is a museum of the Ladoga land.

Staraya Ladoga Fortress

Then you need to get to St. George's Cathedral, which is located on the territory of the fortress. It was built in the 13th century in memory of the victory over the Swedes.

Of interest to architecture lovers Nikolsky Monastery. According to legend, it was founded by Prince Alexander Nevsky back in 1240 in memory of the victory over the Swedes on the Neva.

Nikolsky Monastery

Can't help but visit museum of historical life, where things are presented from the beginning of the 12th century until the present day.

Popular with tourists Church of Alexius the man of God. This is one of the most striking attractions of Staraya Ladoga, built in the ancient Russian style.

Church of Alexius the Man of God

Rich collection archaeological museum, where more than one and a half thousand exhibits are collected. Well, you need to finish your walk around Staraya Ladoga with an inspection Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built in the first half of the 14th century and has been rebuilt several times since then. Now the temple is under restoration.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Attractions near Staraya Ladoga

Those who come on an excursion to Staraya Ladoga always visit mounds. These are the hills near the Church of John the Baptist. The mounds, in one of which, according to legend, the Prophetic Oleg was buried, attract increased attention from tourists and just passing by.

How to get to Staraya Ladoga- the question is simple. The answer is the same. But implementing the planned route is the most difficult part of the journey. After all, Staraya Ladoga is located 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. It takes a long time to get here; not many people would dare to make such a journey. But still, this ancient Russian city is worth writing a note “Old Ladoga - how to get there?” and tell you all the road options here.

1. How to get to Staraya Ladoga by car

To get to old Ladoga, leave St. Petersburg on Murmanskoye Highway. It is also called M18, E-105 and “Cola Route” - all this is the same road. You have to drive along the highway for a long time – hundreds of kilometers. At first the road is wide, four-lane, then the Ladozhsky Bridge, Sinyavino, and the highway becomes two-lane. So it goes up to 107 kilometers. Kiselni village – Attention! At the exit from it, turn right with the sign “Volkhov - 12 km”. Let's turn. After 2 km there is a fork without signs. Here to the left. About 15 minutes along a deserted road - and a large unregulated intersection right in front of the Volkhov River. Here - again to the left. A few more kilometers - and the treasured sign “Old Ladoga” is ahead!

There is another way. You can get off the Murmansk Highway to the right later, somewhere around the 130th kilometer. Thus, after ten kilometers you will also enter Staraya Ladoga, but only from the other side. This path is a little longer, so it is less preferable.

2. How to get to Old Ladoga by train

I’ll say right away that trains do not go to Old Ladoga. Only to Volkhov, and from it to ancient city You will also have to travel a couple of tens of kilometers by bus. Buses do not run often, trains - even less often. The road, frankly speaking, is not a gift. However, you can get to old Ladoga this way too.

Electric trains to Volkhovstroy run from Moskovsky and Ladozhsky stations; you can also board at Sortirovka, Rybatsky or Obukhovo. A ticket in the summer of 2010 cost approximately 200 rubles. The journey takes more than two hours, the train goes through Mga, Nazia, Pupyshevo and other villages. Having arrived in Volkhov, you need to change to a bus and get to your destination – Staraya Ladoga. I won’t lie – the road is hard and exhausting. Therefore, Staraya Ladoga has not yet become the most popular suburb of St. Petersburg.

3. How to get to Old Ladoga by bus

This option also exists. Again - first to Volkhov, then to Staraya Ladoga. I can’t tell you more about this option - I’ve never traveled like this myself, but I don’t want to lie. It is not entirely clear where the buses depart from. Some sources say - from the Obvodny Canal, others - from Staraya Derevnya. Maybe from there, and from there. Bus frequency is 3 buses per day. Travel time is two hours. And then on another bus. It’s not convenient - you can’t say anything.

All three options how to get to old Ladoga They rest on one thing - that she is far from St. Petersburg. And no matter how you look at it, the road is exhausting. But for those who have decided on such a journey, I hope my article “ Staraya Ladoga – how to get there" will come in handy!


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