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One of the main attractions in Bali is Mount Batur. All tourists on the island definitely come here: either just to look at the famous active volcano and drink coffee in a restaurant with a view of it (like us), or conquer it and watch the sunrise at the top. We did not dare to climb the volcano at night or even during the day with a 5-year-old child, and we came to Batur just to admire the views.

Gunung Batur is an active volcano in Bali, which is what makes it interesting. The most destructive eruption of Batur was recorded in 1917: then more than 1,000 people died, more than 65,000 houses and temples were destroyed.

Solidified volcanic rock in the Batura crater

Its last eruption occurred in 1964: then lava destroyed 16 houses of a village located in the valley. But after this, various kinds of activity often occurred. So, in 2000, there was a powerful emission of ash to a height of as much as 300 meters. And in 2011, a release of sulfur dioxide was recorded, which is why a lot of dead fish were observed in the lake of the same name. All this volcanic activity does not seem to bother the local residents living right in the Batur caldera at all: they are in no hurry to change their place of residence.

The Balinese are some of the most superstitious and religious people in the world: altars with offerings can be found in the most unexpected places!

Volcano Batur in Bali has two craters: the diameter of the outer one is 14 × 10 km, in this caldera (that is, the basin of a volcano with a flat bottom) there are villages and it goes quite usual life. Inside it there is a second crater, smaller - 6.5 × 9.5 km. It is this mountain that tourists climb.

The gentle slope of Batur volcano

The height of the volcano is 1717 meters. Quite a bit, the climb to Batur will only take a couple of hours. But climbing it on your own, without a tour and local guides, is quite problematic: they simply won’t let you through, because this is their main income.

Another attraction near the Batur volcano is the lake of the same name. It was formed at the bottom of the crater as a result of volcanic activity more than 20 thousand years ago. The lake is quite large: 8 km long and 3 km wide. And it's very unusual lake.

On its shores there are several villages, called local “lake stars”. Among them is the village of Trunyan, which is not quite usual for us, where the Bali-Aga people live. These are people who profess animism (worship of nature), while the rest of the population of Bali professes Hinduism. While it is customary for other Balinese people to cremate the bodies of the dead, the Bali Aghas place them under the sacred “fragrant” Menyan banyan tree in their “cemetery.” To prevent the bodies from being eaten by wild animals, special cages are built around them. When only bones remain from the body, they are placed in a common pile not far from the tree. By the way, everyone who has visited the unusual cemetery claims that there are no unpleasant odors there. This is usually explained by special essential oils released by the sacred tree.

The tradition of taking the dead under the roots of a tree has become a good way for local Trunyans to make money. You can only get to this cemetery by boat, and almost any resident of the village will offer you such an excursion for 500 thousand rupees ($37). This is a considerable sum for the crossing, but for less, no one will get tourists across the lake. Along the way, local “guides” intimidate tourists with creepy “keepers” of secrets living in the cemetery, who do not like tourists. Our driver said that local residents They can steal from and harm visitors without a twinge of conscience, so I strongly advised them not to go to the famous creepy “cemetery.”

Volcano Batur on the map: how to get there

Visit famous volcano Batur in Bali is possible with organized excursion, bought on any beach in Bali. The cost of the excursion is on average $30 per person. This includes tickets for observation deck, English-speaking or even Russian-speaking guide, visit to the monkey forest and coffee plantations.

We rented a car with a driver for the whole day for 500 thousand rupees ($37) and during this time we visited several interesting places islands. Since we rented a large car with friends, it turned out to be very profitable (compared to an excursion).

Restaurant overlooking the volcano on the edge of a cliff

Of course, you can rent a bike and get to Batur on your own. This will be the cheapest option. Get to the volcano from the very popular area Kuta can be found on the map:

On observation deck There is a buffet restaurant. By paying only $4, you can eat delicious and beautiful Indonesian or European food and drink a cup of coffee while enjoying a gorgeous view.

Lunch with a view of the volcano: unforgettable

Gunung Volcano Batur is one of the most interesting places that the island of Bali gives us. The height is 1717 m. This is one of the volcanoes, the activity of which was observed in 1964, and in 2000 there was an emission of ash. Now you can observe the emission of steam streams in some places of the volcano.

Organized to the top of the mountain where the volcano is located. From the top of Batur there is a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding area. The spectacle is truly breathtaking.

One of the favorite tricks that guides offer to tourists is the opportunity to boil an egg in the crater of a volcano.

How to get up

Climbing the volcano can be done in the following ways:

  • At any travel agency, purchase a tour for an excursion as part of a group. The price for the excursion will be from 35 dollars. For this price they will offer guide services and a light breakfast.
  • Get to the volcano on your own. To do this, just take a bus to the place and hire a guide. As a rule, such groups are composed of up to 4 people. The guide asks for 500 rupees for organizing the excursion, but you can negotiate.
  • Familiarize yourself with the route on the map, drive to the foot of the volcano and, without a guide, follow the path to the top of the mountain to the volcano. But still, in a foreign country, without knowing the features of the terrain, it is not recommended to make your way to the volcano on your own for the first time.

The most interesting thing is to reach the top by nightfall. Watch the sunrise on the volcano high mountain- that sounds interesting. And walking uphill in the cool of the night is much more pleasant. But you should not move at night without a guide.

Facts about the volcano

  • It is believed that the volcano began its active activity almost 500 thousand years ago.
  • in the crater - the most largest lake in the mountains. Just imagine, its width is about three kilometers, and its length stretches for eight.
  • The foot of the volcano also greets tourists with an attraction - there is thermal source Hot Spring (pictured). While swimming in the spring you can admire the lake.
  • The consequences of the largest eruption in the 60s were the destruction of many settlements on the island. It took a lot of money and effort to restore.If we recall the activity of 2000, it was limited only to the emission of ash at a height of 300 meters.
  • In 2011, another tragedy occurred - the release of sulfuric acid intensified on the volcano, which caused panic and health problems among residents, and fish deaths were recorded in the lake.
  • The Balinese are sensitive to their “miracle”. They are not afraid of periodic excesses or the threat of eruptions - they carry out agricultural work at the very foot, since the land there is fertile.

If you decide to climb Batur Volcano, then carefully read the advice given by guides and experienced travelers:

  1. Shoes for climbing should be comfortable and simple. Climbing will be much easier in comfortable soft sneakers.
  2. Fuel your car or motorcycles in the daytime before you start your trip, because at night you will have nowhere to do it - gas stations are closed. There is a chance that you will meet gasoline sellers on the side of the road, but you should not rely on this at night.
  3. You will need warm clothes. It will be cold at night. Even if you don’t feel cold while climbing the mountain, you will be greeted by a piercing, not at all warm wind at the top. The possibility of rain cannot be ruled out, so an excellent option would be to grab a raincoat that will protect you from the rain and protect you from the wind.
  4. Take care of the lanterns. It's better if he's not alone. At night, it is quite scary to walk along a dark forest path. With a flashlight you will overcome the path with much greater pleasure.
  5. Photos and videos of your trip are memories for many years, so don’t forget to capture interesting moments.
  6. Bring food and water with you. You will feel thirsty along the way, and after conquering the peak you will definitely feel hungry.
  7. You must have a compass or navigator. Don't forget to mark the place where your car or bike will remain parked.

The volcano in Bali, in addition to being a tourist attraction, plays a big role in the cultural and spiritual life of the Balinese people. There are two volcanoes on the island of Bali - Mount Agung and Mount Batur. The proximity to formidable giants could not but affect folklore and fine arts. Volcanoes Batur and Agung also influence the daily lives of the islanders and the climate of Bali.

Volcano Agung

Most high volcano in Bali rises 3142 meters above sea level and is highest point islands. The title can be translated as “ great mountain" Belongs to the type of stratovolcanoes. The crater of the volcano measures 500 by 200 meters. Located in the eastern part of the island. During the history of observations, the volcano has erupted only 5 times - in 1808, 1821, 1843, 1963-1964 and in 2018. Moreover, the eruption of 1963 was the most powerful and destructive and was accompanied by the descent of mud flows from the slopes of the volcano.

According to some sources, crimson sunsets in Europe were caused by this eruption. It is estimated that about 2,000 people living near Agung died. There was little volcanic activity in the 1980s. In 2000-2001, thermal anomalies occurred at the foot of Mount Agung. On this moment Agung is dormant, but this volcano in Bali is under the close attention of Indonesian volcanologists.

Volcano Agung also affects the amount of precipitation in various regions. Clouds coming from the West of the island are blocked by the slopes of the mountain and as a result this area receives more moisture. Thereby eastern regions Bali is drier and hotter.

Volcano Batur

It also belongs to the type of stratovolcanoes and rises to 1717 meters. It is located in the northeastern part of the island in the Kintamani region and is one of the island’s attractions. The outer caldera (circus-shaped basin) of the volcano measures 10 by 13.5 km. and was formed 29,300 years ago during colossal eruptions. Lake Batur is located in the inner caldera of the volcano. Volcano Batur is quite active and the last major eruption was in 1968, as evidenced by frozen basaltic lava flows.

The last significant activity of the volcano was observed in 2000, when a column of ash rose 300 meters. In 2012, UNESCO declared the area of ​​the volcano's caldera a Geological Park. For tourists who want to enjoy the stunningly beautiful view, a similar excursion is organized. The ascent, accompanied by a guide, will take only 3 hours. A popular tour is also being organized to the volcano, during which you can see Batur itself and other attractions of the center of the island.

The significance of the volcano in Bali in culture and religion

In Balinese-Hindu mythology, the center of the universe, its axis of the universe, is the sacred mountain Mahameru, which the Gods later split and the two most sacred mountains in Bali - Agung and Batur. The Balinese believe that the tops of volcanoes are the abode of gods and deified ancestors, who descend to people several times a year (during ) and then return again. All Balinese villages are oriented towards Agung, and the Balinese always try to sleep with their heads towards the top, since according to beliefs, the human soul is in the head and in this case it will be closer to the gods.

The patron saint of Mount Agung is considered to be Batara Mahadeva (in traditional Hinduism, Shiva), who personifies the masculine principle. The legends of the island say that before the appearance of Agung and Batur, the island of Bali was a lifeless and barren plain. The legend is partly right - the island owes its mineral-rich soil fertility to volcanoes.

On the slopes of Mount Agung is the most important and revered temple in Bali - the “mother” of all temples in Bali. According to ancient Balinese texts, once every 100 years it is in this temple that the unique and most important ceremony of cleansing the whole world from sins is held - Eka Dasa Rudra. Such a ceremony was planned in 1963.

When the volcano woke up in February 1963 and began to make itself felt, the high priests began to claim that this was a very bad sign from the gods and that the Balinese had chosen the wrong date for the ceremony. However, the then President of Indonesia Sukarno, who invited foreign delegation, ordered the ceremony to be held anyway.

However, already on March 18, explosions occurred and the active phase of the eruption began, during which a large number of people died. Although the Besakih temple was located on the slope of the volcano, it remained undamaged and the lava passed a few meters from the buildings. The Balinese found an explanation for this miracle in the fact that the Gods decided to take pity on the majestic temple. Although another temple, Pura Pasar Agung, was not so lucky and was completely destroyed. The most significant volcano in Bali can also be recognized in decorations during ceremonies and holidays, when the Balinese decorate the thresholds of their houses with a tall, curved bamboo pole called a penjor. This pole, bending under the weight of gifts to the gods at the end, follows the contours of Agung and symbolizes him.

Lake Batur in the caldera of the Batur volcano is considered sacred by the Balinese and is one of the abode of the Balinese goddess fresh water Devi Danu, in whose honor the Ulun Danu Batur temple was erected (also dedicated to her in the Bedugul region).

It is believed that the sacred lake is fed by 11 springs. The water from them then flows to other islands through underground channels. Swimming is prohibited in the lake; you can only fish and irrigate the land.

There are many legends about this. One of them tells how the king on the island of Java, Sri Jaya Pangus, and his wife Kang Ching Wee did not have children for a long time. And the king decided to leave his wife and go on a long journey. After a storm, he was thrown ashore on a magical island. After trying to explore the island, he decided to meditate. To do this, he found himself a place near a beautiful and clean lake(Batur). When he woke up, he saw the goddess Devi Dana in front of him. The goddess seduced him and he stayed with her. After many years of waiting, Kang Ching Wee's wife went in search of her husband. However, I found him in Bali already married to Dewi Danu and with a child. Out of resentment, she ordered her guards to kill Sri Jaya. In response to this, Devi Danu turned the king and queen into statues. The son became the heir to the throne and the dynasty continued to exist.

The second most important volcano in Bali is especially revered by. They live isolated from the rest of the world in the village of Trunyan on a small strip of land. It is located between the Batur caldera and the lake. This tribe is known for burying the dead simply by placing them under a special magical tree. Local residents explain their isolation with a legend. According to it, a Javanese prince fell in love with a goddess living in the branches of a huge Banyan tree. She agreed to marry him only on the condition that he would not bring anyone with him. And she forbade him to show him the way to the village. The Bali Aga believe that eruptions and other disasters are the cause of the spiritual pollution of the people in Bali.

In the 2000s, after another volcanic activity, the Balinese decided to appease the gods. They remembered the catastrophic destruction in 1963-1964. For this, it was decided to hold a ceremony on the Batur volcano. Pilgrims from all over the island took part in it. They surrounded the volcano with many kilometers of sarong (white cloth) and left a large number of offerings near the crater. After this, activity decreased significantly and the mountain calmed down.

The volcano in Bali, like on many other islands of the archipelago, has always destroyed and created. Therefore, the islanders always treated him with respect. They created an aura of divinity and greatness around him. It is very difficult to imagine Balinese culture and religion without Agung and Batur volcanoes. Modern development of geology and the study of processes in earth's crust gives answers to many questions. However, for the Balinese, the volcanoes of Bali are still sacred and inhabited by gods and spirits. This makes the island's culture unique and distinctive.

Many tourists are attracted by adventure and Beautiful places. Volcano Batur can give you stunning views of the surrounding Bali, a lot of positive emotions and great photographs. If you are full of strength and energy and are not afraid of a long climb up the mountain, then be sure to climb to the top of the Batur volcano. At the moment, this is a popular excursion and finding an experienced guide will not be difficult. Although there are many daredevils who climb Batur on their own.

Volcano Batur is the second largest volcano in Bali after Agung and has the following characteristics:

  • Height: 1717m.
  • Location: northeast of the island.
  • First eruption: 500,000 years ago.
  • Last eruption: 1964.
  • Activity: constant tremors. Cracks form in the craters, from which gas is released (visually looks like steam).
  • Climbing duration: 2 hours.
  • Last recorded activity: 2011. There was a release of sulfur dioxide, which killed the inhabitants of the lake.

How to get up?

There are 3 main methods:

  1. On one's own. You need to know the exact route, arrive at the foot and start climbing.
  2. With the help of local residents. Forget the beautiful stories about the kind people living on the island. The locals who occupy the foot of the volcano will do everything possible to get you to buy a tour from them. There have already been many cases where the Balinese did not allow unaccompanied tourists to enter the volcano. They threatened them, pierced the tires of motorbikes, attacked them with fists and sticks. Therefore, if you feel resistance, it is better to pay them and rise with them. Don't ruin your vacation.
  3. WITH tourist group. The safest option. Usually sightseeing tours are relatively inexpensive. You will be picked up from your hotel, driven to the volcano and provided with a guide to the top. Usually food is included in the price. You can book a tour to Batur Volcano on this website.

Is it worth climbing on your own?

You have a chance to climb the volcano on your own if you follow the main road without turning into the parking lot. You can park near Pura Tampurhyang - this is the safest. Remember, under no circumstances walk on tourist routes. In this case, you will come across locals who sell tours and will not let you in without payment and a guide.

And now about the main thing - about the danger. Of course, any climb is dangerous. A volcano, mountain or any other area where there are sudden changes in pressure is fraught with health problems for people who have weak blood vessels and hearts. However, this is not the only thing to be afraid of in Bali. As I wrote above, the danger for tourists who decide to climb the volcano without a guide is the aggressiveness of the local residents.

Balinese people struggle to make money. There is a whole gang working on the island (more than 50 people), which can attack you en masse and prevent you from climbing the volcano. They won't care about women and children; they can beat everyone with their fists and sticks.

People living near the volcano believe that this is their territory and they themselves have the right to decide who walks on it and how. Naturally, you will be allowed in with a guide, but you are unlikely to be alone. The group near the volcano is called “HPPGB”.

If you still decide to take a risk and start climbing on your own, then I advise you to lighten up and plan your route in advance. Take with you a friend who has already climbed the volcano and knows the route. Under no circumstances should you travel along tourist routes, and tell local residents that you are visiting friends or just taking a walk. If you have little experience in climbing a mountain, then it is better to pay money and be guaranteed to climb the volcano.

How to get to the volcano?

Volcano Batur is located in the northeast of Bali, you can only get to it by rented car, bike or taxi, since public transport doesn't go there. If you decide to get there on your own, use a navigator, otherwise you may get lost.

There are several options for climbing the volcano. I’ll tell you about a relatively safe route where you are unlikely to meet locals from the group:

  1. Drive along the main road without turning anywhere.
  2. After the fork, after about 4 km, there will be a small path leading into the forest - turn onto it. You will come across a sign to the temple.
  3. Follow the sign for 600-800 meters to the hut. You can also leave your transport here.
  4. Go to the foot and start climbing.

Reminder for tourists

  • The local is always right. If one of them beats you or demands money, you will not be able to prove anything. No matter what lawlessness happens, the local is always right, even if from the point of view of justice this is not the case. Suppose your car window is broken, you will be powerless, since no one will punish the offender, and if you decide on such an arrogant act, then see the next point.
  • Don't get into conflicts with anyone. Local residents stand by each other like a mountain. If you have a conflict with one person, then don’t be surprised if within 10 minutes a group of Balinese people are standing around you with sticks and stones. You could be in big trouble if you suddenly get into conflict.
  • Have minimal contact with local residents near the volcano. They will do anything to get you to pay them money. For example, they will specially place their bike in such a way that it is physically impossible for a car to pass without hitting it. Once the bike tilts the other way or falls, you will be required to pay and if you only get away with money, you will be very lucky. Try to stick to groups of tourists, preferably large ones. This way you have at least minimal security.

Is everything really that scary?

Of course, there are friendly locals who will help you in case of injury and give you directions, but you need to be prepared for anything. Over time, the situation only heats up and it is better not to climb the volcano without an organized excursion group.

Volcano Batur on the map

On this map you will find the exact location of the volcano.

Remember that a foreign country means foreign rules. Bali is not just a paradise with beautiful scenery, so be careful throughout your trip, using the reminder and all the above information. Climb Batur Volcano with a tour group - this is the safest option.


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