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The majestic building in Buda, adorning the top of the mountain, is visible from virtually anywhere in Budapest. It’s rare that a tourist coming to the capital ignores an excursion to this legendary place. The Royal Palace initially (in the 13th century) consisted of three fortresses, but the Tatar-Mongol and Turkish invasions made adjustments to the architecture of the building. The castle was revived more than once, but the current Baroque style appeared only in 1714. World War II thoroughly damaged the interior decoration and walls of the palace - there was a severe fire. In the post-war years, the Hungarians lovingly restored the premises, equipping the castle according to the latest technologies. Now this place is the pride of Hungarians and a point of pilgrimage for many tourists who worship history. The National Gallery of the country, the Museum of the History of Budapest, and the Central Library are located here. Széchenyi and the Museum of Modern Art. The external territory of the Palace is no less meaningful than the internal one - outside you can see the famous huge sculpture of the Turul bird, the equestrian statue of E. Savoy, the tower of St. Stephen, a bronze fountain in the form of a group of hunters led by the leader - King Matthias. Coordinates: Budapest Szent György tér 2. Entrance fee - 1400 Hungarian forints (just over 6 US dollars).

Diosgyor Fortress - the musical pride of the country

A 4-hour drive from the capital, in the city of Miskolc, is the most musical fortress in Hungary. Diosgyor is the creation of the hands of King Laois the Great, which appeared in 1364. Previously, the fortress was located outside of Miskolc, covering the eastern slopes of the Bükk Mountains, but now the structure is part of the city line. The approach to the fortress is decorated with a protected alley of wild chestnuts. The interior of Diosgyor consists of the Museum of Medieval Weapons, galleries of wax figures and a hall of archaeological monuments. main feature The fortress lies in the special acoustics of the courtyard, thanks to which it becomes a place for organizing exciting festivals, musical celebrations and summer historical shows. Get to historical place Can public transport(trolleybus or tram number 1). In summer, the fortress is open from 9.00 to 18.00, and until 17.00 the rest of the time. Weekend ticket price: adults 1100 forints ($5), students, pensioners and children under 6 years old - 800 forints ($3.5). On weekdays, the price for both categories is reduced by 200 forints. Diosgyor coordinates: Miskolc, Vár u. 24.

Brunswick Castle - English style

Brunswick is the most striking neo-Gothic castle, with a large (70 hectares) English park, located in Martonvászár (30 km from Budapest).

Nowadays it houses the Agricultural Research Institute, the Beethoven Museum and the Museum of the History of Kindergartens. The famous composer visited the Brunswik family more than once and even wrote the famous “Apassionata” here, and Theresia Brunswik distinguished herself by opening the first kindergarten in Hungary. On weekends, Brunsvik is open from 10.00 to 18.00, and on weekdays - until 16.00. Entry price is 2650 forints ($12). Address - Martonvásár, Brunszvik utca 2.

The creation was erected by the architect Jeno Bori as a sign of love for his wife, Ilona. Construction lasted 40 years, starting in 1912. The completion of the project was first prevented by the war, and then by a lack of funds. The creator sold his paintings and sculptures, and invested all the proceeds in construction, which he did until the end of his days. The castle is rich in images of his beloved wife, sculptures of the kings of Hungary and fresco decorations. In the courtyard of “Bori” there is a romantic chapel with a monument to marital love. It should be noted that Ilona outlived Jeno by 15 years, which she spent in the castle in memories of a happy family union. In 1980, the grandchildren of the romantic couple reconstructed the building. Today this place is popular among lovers and newlyweds who want to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of romance and the love story carried by the Bori family throughout their lives. How to get here? From Budapest 1 hour by train, and then by bus No. 32 or No. 31. “Bori” is available to tourists from 9.00 to 17.00 and is located at Székesfeheérvár, Máriavölgy út 54. Entrance fee: 800 forints (3.5 dollars) - adults and 400 forints (less than 2 dollars) - pensioners and students.

Not only Romania is famous for the habitats of Dracula; there is a similar attraction shrouded in mystery in Hungary - in the city of Visegrad. The fortress was built in the 14th century by order of the country's ruler, Karoly Robert. Later, Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg and Vlad the Impaler III (Dracula) were alternately imprisoned within the walls of the fortress. According to one legend, in the basements of the fortress, Vlad the Impaler mocked the captured animals. And another version of the story says that upon arriving in Hungary, Tepes settled down and was not in captivity in the Visegrad fortress, but under “house arrest.” Soon Vlad Dracula, having secured the favor of the king, married his cousin, and the couple lived happily and for a long time in Solomon's tower. Be that as it may, Dracula's castle rightfully bears its name and is interesting place for many tourists. The address of the fortress is Visegrád, Fő utca 23. Gate opening hours are 9.00 - 17.00. The price of visiting is for adults - 1100 forints or 5 dollars, for children, students and pensioners - a 50% discount.

This large and rich castle in the Rococo style is located 192 km from the capital - in the city of Fertőd. Its construction in 1720 was initiated by the Esterházy family, who had a love of ostentatious luxury. It should be noted that the architect who was entrusted with the construction completed the basic residence in just 3 months. Then the castle was rebuilt, building buildings in the shape of a horseshoe. During World War II there was a hospital here. Now part of the castle is given over to a hotel, the rest of the property is divided into 4 halls - the Opera House, the Music House, the Puppet Theater and the so-called “Orange House”. Coordinates: Fertőd, Joseph Haydn út. The castle gates are open: spring-autumn - from 10.00 to 18.00, winter - until 16.00. Cost of visiting: adults - 2000 forints ($9); pensioners, children and students - 1000 forints ($4.5).

Gödöllő is located 30 km from Budapest - in the town of the same name and has its roots in the 18th century, when Count Grassalkovich, the then head of the Hungarian Parliament, decided to build a palace here in the Baroque style and surround it Catholic city. Construction lasted for a quarter of a century, then the owners of the palace changed until it ended up in the hands of the family of Emperor Franz Joseph and turned into a royal residence. In this regard, changes were made - the arena, stables and other blocks were completed. However, World War II fundamentally shook the architecture of the palace, and for a long time (until 1994) it was used as a warehouse. However, after reconstruction in 2007, it came to life again and delights tourists with its splendor. Now the castle is a historical exhibition. Memorial programs, shows, musical performances and horse shows are often held here. At the palace there is a souvenir shop and a restaurant with national cuisine. By the way, when it’s warm, weddings are often held here, so you have a chance to watch a national wedding. Address: Gödöllő, Grassalkovich-kastély. Entrance fee: for adults - 2200 forints, which is equal to 10 dollars, for students - half that. When it’s warm, Gödöllő Palace is open from 10.00 to 18.00, in winter - until 16.00, and from mid-January it is closed for a month for renovation.

The fortress in the city of Eger was born in the 13th century, but its current appearance comes from the 16th century. The Eger fortress became famous throughout the planet for becoming the site of a battle between the Hungarians and the Turks, and the latter were 40 times more numerous than the defenders. The confrontation lasted 33 days, in the end, the enemy army, suffering heavy losses of its fighters, retreated from the city. According to legend, the brave men were helped by “Bull’s Blood” - a local, world-famous wine that gives strength and invigorates with its rich taste. The modern Eger Fortress is no less interesting than its history - you can explore here underground labyrinths, shoot in an archery range, conduct a wine tasting and take part in bottling them, visit an exhibition of instruments of torture and execution, and also mint a coin with your own hands, which the master will give you as a memory of the trip. Every summer, knightly tournaments are held in the fortress with real medieval performances and colorful costumes, accompanied by music, dancing, gastronomic treats and fun. As a rule, during mass spectacles, folk craft fairs are held here, so tourists can buy souvenirs and unusual things directly from the hands of their creators. Fortress address: Eger Vár 1. Opening hours vary depending on the season - the miracle fortress always opens its gates at 8 am, but closes it differently: in summer at 20.00, in spring and autumn - at 19.00, in late autumn - at 18.00, and in winter even earlier - at 17.00. The entrance price is 1800 forints or 8 dollars for adults, and 900 forints or 4 dollars for pensioners, students and children.

There is no such Hungarian palace or castle that would leave tourists indifferent. The spirit of the Middle Ages, the luxury of decoration, masterpieces of exhibitions, picturesque nature, a romantic aura and the ancient secrets of Hungarian castles - all this attracts travelers like a magnet...

Ancient castles, shrouded in a veil of mysticism and mystery, have always attracted the attention of travelers. The walls of silent witnesses to the country's glorious past remember internecine wars and long sieges. And visitors, immersed in a magical atmosphere, imagine magnificent receptions held by the owners of medieval buildings, and colorful knightly tournaments.

Castle Country

The well-preserved castles of Hungary are recognized as the hallmark of the country, comfortably located in the heart of Europe. Architectural monuments, which are an important part of the cultural heritage, are scattered throughout the state. And everyone who has read books on knightly themes can touch the history frozen in stone.

In the Middle Ages, local aristocrats built family nests for themselves and their families, which were passed on by inheritance. Restored to their original form, they now welcome tourists from all over the world.

A unique architectural masterpiece

In the very center of Budapest there is one of the most unusual buildings in Europe, which is impossible to pass by without stopping. In an amazing place in Hungary that has a very interesting story, representatives of the local nobility never lived.

At the end of the 19th century, the whole country celebrated its millennium, and in honor of such a significant event, a unique pavilion made of wood, plywood and papier-mâché was erected in the picturesque Városliget Park. The building, which was called a “hodgepodge” because it was a mixture of a variety of architectural styles, the people liked it. After the holiday is over, popular among local residents the pavilion was dismantled, but the authorities promised that a real castle, embodied in stone. And already in 1908, an architectural masterpiece, as if straight from the pages of a fairy tale, delighted the eyes of people.

It is curious that the architect, when creating the project, remembered the gloomy castle of Count Dracula in Transylvania, and guests should not be surprised that some parts of the structure very much resemble it. IN architectural complex It also includes the current Church of St. James (Jacob) with a beautiful courtyard.

At first glance, tourists get the impression that the fabulously beautiful castle in Hungary, the photo of which delights contemporaries, is an excellent example of medieval architecture. And even after travelers learn its history, they cannot get rid of this impression.

40 kilometers from the capital of the country, in a picturesque area, there is another attraction, the powerful walls of which vaguely remind of its former greatness.

Vlad III Tepes, the ruler of Wallachia, was always distinguished by his stern disposition and cruelty. He carried out mass executions and enjoyed the agony of the unfortunate prisoners impaled. Their bloodless corpses caused horror among the people. And soon there was talk that the famous commander was drinking the blood of his victims. The Count, nicknamed Dracula, languished in a fortress on the rocky hill of Sibrick, which was built by King Charles (Karoly) Robert. In the 15th century, the ruler moved the capital of Hungary from Buda to Visegrad, where he started building a luxurious residence. But the castle became famous thanks to its prisoner - Count Dracula, who was imprisoned for 12 years. Tepes, who was suspected of treason, was arrested and thrown into Solomon's tower. Vlad III's stay in captivity is surrounded by many legends.

In the 16th century, the Turks invaded the country and destroyed the Vysehrad castle in Hungary, the revival of which began only 4 centuries later. Now part of the historical monument has been restored, and descendants can admire the former splendor of the royal residence. Most of the halls serving observation decks, while remaining in the open air. To this day, tourists’ interest in this curious landmark rising above the Danube does not fade.

"City within a city"

Buda Castle in Hungary is a whole architectural ensemble, located on Buda Hill in Budapest. It is no coincidence that the beautiful royal residence is called a “city within a city”: its powerful stone walls separate the territory of the giant complex from the populated area.

Historical monument included in the List World Heritage UNESCO, erected by order of King Bela IV in 1255. He ordered the construction of a fortification that would protect against Tatar attacks. And soon a city grew around the walls of the citadel.

Historical complex

Within three centuries it became the center of Hungary, and Buda became the capital of the country. The reconstruction of the fortress walls begins, bastions are erected, churches and a palace in the Gothic style appear. With time huge complex falls into decay, and the court staff does not have enough funds to restore it. In 1526, the Turks entered the city, and even the dilapidated Buda Castle in Hungary aroused their admiration. The conquerors turn palaces into soldiers' barracks and churches into mosques.

The architectural ensemble, which time has not spared, found its final form only 2 centuries ago: it was completely rebuilt by the Hungarian architect Miklos Ibl. During the Second World War, the castle suffered greatly, and after its end, restorers immediately began large-scale work. Nowadays, contemporaries can enjoy the majestic complex, which cannot be explored even in a few hours, and it is best to set aside a whole day to get to know it.

A castle steeped in romance

This snow-white Hungarian castle, designed in English style, attracts tourists who want to immerse themselves in a peaceful atmosphere. But most of all it is adored by fans of classical music, because the owners of the architectural monument - members of the Brunswick count family - were friends with the great Beethoven, who gave music lessons to the daughters of the head of the family. It is known that the composer dedicated many works to his friends, including the “Moonlight Sonata”.

In the 18th century, the Brunswicks became the owners of a small estate located in the town of Martonvasar. For more than 10 years, the count rebuilt the family nest under the leadership of the architect I. Taller, and soon the tiny mansion turned into a luxurious palace with fabulous towers. The famous statesman, who poured his whole soul into his home, also built a small church. In addition, a huge garden was laid out where family members relax. However, at the end of the century, Joseph of Habsburg became the new owner, who resold the estate to Baron Dreher.

After World War II, Brunswick Castle in Hungary, destroyed by bombing, was simply forgotten. It was only in 1953 that the architectural masterpiece gradually began to be restored. He was even given the status national reserve.

Wonderful atmosphere of a wonderful corner

Now there is the Beethoven Memorial Museum, the exhibits of which tell about the friendship of the brilliant composer with family members. And in the summer, in a picturesque park covering an area of ​​about 70 hectares, concerts of works by the last representative of the Viennese classical school are held. The amazing atmosphere of a wonderful place, setting the mood for a lyrical wave, and the enchanting sounds of music make an indelible impression on all visitors, captivated by the natural beauty.

Symbol of eternal love

To be in the land of castles and not visit the amazing creation created by the architect Jeno Bori as a sign of love for his adored wife is a real crime. Looking at the grandiose structure located on a hill in the suburb of Székesfehérvár, one cannot even believe that it was built by one person. The incredibly talented artist, who began to realize his dream, worked for almost half a century, but he did not manage to enjoy life in his brainchild: he died at the age of 80 in 1959, when the construction of Bory Castle (Hungary) was completed.

This real work of architectural art, made of concrete, reflects various styles. Symbol eternal love, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, pleases the eyes of visitors who are amazed at how a common person without special equipment he was able to create a true masterpiece.

Obsession and tenacity

The obsessed architect, for whom the construction of the castle became the meaning of his whole life, assured that he was driven by the great power of love for his wife Ilona. She was a real muse, inspiring her husband to great deeds. At every step here you can see sculptures, paintings, bas-reliefs depicting your beloved. Everything here is imbued with an atmosphere of romance, and it is no coincidence that this amazing building is very popular among newlyweds.

The walls of the castle are painted with bright frescoes; busts of famous painters and architects who glorified the culture of the country are installed in the garden and in the halls. And the sculptures of the Hungarian kings silently tell about victories and defeats, about joyful and tragic moments of history.

Visitors walking through the castle grounds seem to be immersed in the past, experiencing an unusual feeling of falling out of time. Everyone has a unique opportunity to touch a masterpiece filled with beauty and love.

Time spent within the walls of the ancient castles of Hungary allows you to forget about the bustle and worries. Each architectural gem, which has its own history, is the greatest cultural value in which the legends of the past come to life.

Fertőd Castle is one of the most luxurious and expensive castles in Hungary. It was built in the 18th century by order of Prince Miklos II in the form of a horseshoe on the site of an old hunting castle. The great composer Joseph Haydn lived within its walls at the invitation of the prince. Today there is a museum dedicated to the work of this composer.

On the territory of the huge building, a puppet and opera theater, a horse yard, a music house, a church, and a Chinese entertainment house, surrounded by a luxurious park with orange trees and pretty fountains, were erected. After the death of the prince, the castle fell into disrepair, and all its decorations and art galleries were confiscated by the descendants of Miklos II.

After several restorations, the building was returned to its original appearance. Visitors are greeted by openwork gates, the gilded walls of the music hall attract the eye, and on the ceiling of the main hall, Apollo majestically sits on his chariot. The interior of the castle is made in white colors: the floor is made of white marble, the walls are decorated with white stucco with silver wreaths, which conveys all the chic in which the Esterhazy princes lived. A French garden was planted around the modern castle, complementing the unique composition.

Coordinates: 47.62181400,16.87157800

Castle in Tati

Hungary has more than a hundred castles throughout the country, they were built to protect themselves from enemies, it has a very rich historical past. One of the best that you can visit is located in the north-west of Hungary, in the city of Tata, in the valley between the Gerecse and Vertes mountains, about 70 kilometers from Budapest, on a small island in Lake Öreg, it is called Tata Castle. The castle became the main fortress after the conquest of Hungary by the Turks in 1221. It was captured in 1529 and had many different owners over the coming decades until it was burned by the Habsburgs when the Hungarian people rebelled under the leadership of Ferenc II Rakoczi.

Built in the late 1300s by the Lackfi family, the castle was built in the Renaissance style, and today it is one of the pearls of the city of Tata. The castle walls show traces of the romantic style associated with the Esterházy family who lived here. The building on the shore of the Old Lake still has a very amazing panoramic view.

Tata Castle became a heroic sign of the past, the country of Hungary, since many of them were destroyed by enemies during the war. But on this moment, all of them are renewed, strengthened and await their visitors. Looking at them you can visit the Middle Ages and see how people lived in those days.

Coordinates: 47.68942800,18.32473700

Vajdahunyad Castle

Vajdahunyad Castle is a copy of the fortress of the Transylvanian rulers of Hunyadi, which was built in the thirteenth century.

This amazing castle located in the Városliget Park and is a true gem that complements the natural beauty of the place.

In 1896, large-scale celebrations were organized on the occasion of the millennium of Hungary, and it was then that the decision was made to build a castle in Városliget Park, the design of which included details of other famous buildings Hungary: Corvin Castle, Shegesvár Fortress and many other architectural sights of Hungary.

There are several statues on the grounds of the castle. In particular, the statue of Anonymous, a monument to the architect who built the castle - Ignaz Alpar, and also the Museum of Agriculture is located here.

Coordinates: 47.51527800,19.08194400

Šimontornya Castle

Šimontóryi Castle was built at the beginning of the 20th century by the Fried Family, who owned the largest tannery in Hungary and played an important role in the cultural, social and economic life of Šimontóry.

In 2005, the rebel castle became a first-class hotel with a gourmet restaurant and wellness services. Here guests will be greeted by sincere smiles, natural courtesy and a helpful approach.

The hotel has ideal conditions for those wishing to relax in a calm environment.

The rooms have retained their antique atmosphere with oak parquet and wooden ceilings in the style of Louis the Great.

The presidential apartments charm visitors with beautiful carved furniture.

It is worth mentioning the two huge throne-shaped handmade wooden chairs located in the foyer and the staircase leading to the second floor, the railings of which are decorated with carvings of dragons.

There is a beautiful French-style park around the castle. The hotel has its own vineyards and wine cellars, allowing guests to taste the Castle's own wines. The surrounding protected forests with rich game are a paradise for hunters, and Lake Mislai also has scope for avid fishermen.

Coordinates: 46.74940000,18.54260000

Koszeg Castle

Köszeg Castle is an old Hungarian castle located at the foot of the Alps near the border with Austria. It was built in the 15th century and belonged to the noble family of Garai. He became historical monument country, since in the 16th century he detained Turkish troops on the way to Vienna for about a month by the forces of Captain Miklos Juršić. So Miklos became the hero of his people, and in his honor a bronze monument was erected in front of the main entrance to the fortress.

The historical building is made in the style of the Middle Ages. It consists of an outer body and a trapezoidal inner citadel, which are connected by a small bridge. At the time when the castle belonged to the Garai family, the first floor was given over to a wine cellar, and on the second floor there was a knight's castle. At the same time, the northern part of the fortress was replenished with a chapel, and the southern and eastern parts were converted into living quarters for guards and servants.

Today Köszeg Castle belongs to the state. The fortress theater, local history museum, and Cultural Center and even a small hotel.

Coordinates: 47.38867500,16.54056100

Brunswick Castle

Brunswick Castle is not only historical architectural monument Hungary, but is also considered a monument of classical music, because within its walls the famous composer Beethoven taught music lessons to the daughters of his best friend Count Brunswick. The castle was built in the 18th century in the Baroque style and for a long time belonged to the Brunswick family. Now the building has been rebuilt in the English Neo-Gothic style and invites everyone to visit the memorial museum dedicated to Beethoven, where evidence of his great friendship with the creators of the residence is presented.

The construction of the castle took place under the direction of the Viennese architect Joseph Thaller, the church on the territory of the residence, made in the Baroque style, was built by the architect József Jung, and its luxurious decorations in the form of various frescoes were the result of the work of Johann Cymbal.

The white stucco of the castle gives it special grandeur, and its unique history creates a special musical atmosphere. A quiet fountain is comfortably located in front of the main entrance, and the castle park with an inconspicuous picturesque lake and a small island, to which an openwork bridge leads, is truly inspiring.

Coordinates: 47.31591400,18.78539000

Buda Castle

Buda Castle is a unique architectural ensemble on Buda (castle) hill in Budapest. One of the most popular tourist places in the city. In 2002 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The oldest part of the modern castle was built in the 14th century by Duke Stefan of Slavonia, the younger brother of the Hungarian king Louis the Great, and was first headed by the Hungarian king Bela IV in the 13th century. During its existence, the residence and castle were constantly rebuilt,

During the reign of King Sigismund, the castle was seriously expanded and became the largest in the late Middle Ages.

After the Battle of Mohacs in 1526, the Kingdom of Hungary ceased to exist, and the Turks occupied the castle unopposed. Under Ottoman rule, the castle complex of buildings was used as military barracks and a stable; some of the premises were empty.

In 1944, during the capture of Budapest, Buda Castle became the last center of resistance of fascist troops. Heavy fighting turned it into ruins.

After the war, archaeological excavations were carried out in order to restore some medieval buildings,

Since the communist government of Hungary believed Royal Palace a symbol of the former regime and the oppression of the nation, many valuable architectural features were removed.

The palace was finally restored in 1966, and the castle grounds were completely restored only in 1980.

Three main parts of Buda Castle: the Royal Palace, St. George's Square and the historical residential area.

Coordinates: 47.29460000,19.02230000

Royal Castle in Gedelow

The Royal Palace in Gedelöv is the largest baroque palace in Hungary. Built for Emperor Franz Josef and the Austro-Hungarian Princess Elisabeth of Bavaria.

The building is recognized as the second largest palace complex after Versailles. The total area of ​​the castle is 17 thousand square meters, and the adjacent park occupies 29 hectares.

With its magnificent decoration, the castle is reminiscent of French palaces, famous for their luxuries. Almost at every step you can find skillfully restored items of royal use: furniture made by masters of the 18th - 19th centuries, antique objects, paintings and sculptures.

The main hall of the castle, richly decorated with white and gold stucco molding in the Baroque style, amazes the imagination. Huge crystal chandeliers with candelabra hang from the ceiling, and on carved tables there are porcelain services preserved from the time of Maria Teresa. By the way, it was in this hall that the wedding of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Sissi took place.

The castle is also famous for its garden and park complex - Elizabethan Park. Here you can visit a museum, various exhibitions and a theater.

Coordinates: 47.60431100,19.34584200

Vajdahunyad Castle

The name of the pavilion - Vajdahunyad Castle - comes from Hunyadi, a 13th-century fortress that once belonged to the rulers of Transylvania.

The exhibition featured a model of a castle made of papier-mâché; after the millennium celebrations, the composition was closed, and the cardboard fortress went with it.

In 1907, the opening ceremony of the renovated castle took place. It was made of stone, and a statue of the architect, cast in bronze, was installed in front of the entrance.

The castle was headed by the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph.

To get inside, you need to cross the bridge, passing the gates made in the Gothic style, we find ourselves on the territory of the castle ensemble.

The most beautiful building in the complex is considered the chapel; it is used for much more ceremonial purposes. According to custom, newlyweds come here on their wedding day.

When it gets dark, multi-colored lights turn on, illuminating the buildings, making the complex look like a set for some theatrical production.

Coordinates: 47.30550000,19.04550000

Gedelle Castle

Gedelle Castle is one of the most luxurious and largest castles in Hungary, which represents its palace architecture and attracts a lot of tourists with its splendor. The construction of the building began in the 13th century under the leadership of Count Antal Grassalkovich I, whose descendants repeatedly rebuilt the structure. The castle, originally U-shaped, acquired several more wings to each arm and today, after numerous restorations, it is open to visitors and various exhibition and concert programs.

The famous architect Andras Mayerhoffer, a native of Salzburg, worked on the construction of the structure. The main building of the castle is crowned with a majestic dome, which has undergone a lot of reconstruction. Throughout history, a palace chapel, a luxurious theater, a greenhouse, an arena, stables and quarters for carriages were added to the castle. During the Second World War, a small air-raid shelter was built in the northern part of the residence, and at the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of major restorations, the royal apartments were opened, which are part of the historical exhibition of the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the course of subsequent work, the luxurious royal chambers were restored, and halls dedicated to the history of the Grasszalkovich dynasty and Baroque architecture were opened.

Coordinates: 47.59594800,19.34766400

Rackieve Castle

Rackieve Castle is an architectural monument of Hungary, erected by order of the Prince of Savoy, an outstanding commander who defeated the Turks in 1697. It was built in 1720 and now serves as one of the most cozy hotels countries. There are 28 rooms and a majestic park with neat alleys.

Type of tour: Group, Excursion
Duration of the tour: 8 days / 7 nights

Departure from Moscow - air: on Mondays
Departure from Moscow - railway: on Saturdays

Tour program

1 day: Arrival at Budapest, the guide meets the group. Transfer to the hotel. Posting

Staying in a hotel of the selected category. Free time. Optional: “Evening Budapest” with a boat trip on the Danube or dinner at a restaurant with a folklore program and round-trip transfers.

Day 2: Breakfast. Bus sightseeing tour around the city: Buda Castle, Matthias Temple, Fisherman's Bastion, Royal Palace, Gellert Mountain, Citadel, Freedom Monument, Városliget City Park, Heroes' Square, Vajdahunyad Castle, Baths " Széchenyi", St. Stephen's Cathedral, Parliament. Return to the hotel. Free time. Visit if desired thermal baths .

Day 3: Breakfast. Bus tour "Bend of the Danube" in three cities: Esztergom- center of the Catholic religion in Hungary, Cathedral. Visegrad- former residence of the Hungarian kings, Solomon's Tower. Sentendre- a city of artists and craftsmen, an Orthodox church, a marzipan museum, a museum of Hungarian wines with wine tasting and lunch. Return to Budapest. Free time

4 day: Breakfast. Free day. Optional: Bus tour on Balaton. In the evening, bus excursion "Evening Budapest" with a boat trip along the Danube.

5 day: Breakfast. Bus tour in town Gyor- "city of rivers", - Roman-Arrabona and Pannonhalma- Benedictine main abbey. Includes lunch and entrance tickets to the museum.

Day 6: Breakfast. Bus tour V Eger - one of the most beautiful cities Baroque style, famous for its medieval fortress, rich thermal springs and excellent red wines. Includes lunch and wine tasting. In the evening return to Budapest.

Day 7: Free day. Optional Bus tour V Vienna. Along the way, Gyor (short excursion). On the way back to Bratislava.

Day 8: Breakfast. Airport transfer. For those leaving the railway there is free time, at 18.00 - transfer to the railway station.

The company reserves the right to change the order of excursions without changing the tour program

Railway 12 days/11 nights cost from 512 EUR

Tour cost in EUR/person. AVIA (8 days/7 nights).
HotelCategoryNutritiontype of number7 n.
Ibis City3* BBStandard512 645
City Ring3* BBStandard521 687
Ibis Heroes Square3* BBStandard524 645
Mercure Buda4* BBStandard533 716
Mercure Metropol4* BBStandard533 716
City Pilvax3* BBStandard542 725
City Matyas3* BBStandard542 725
Zara Boutique4* BBStandard552 657
Ibis Centrum3* BBStandard553 756
Zara Continental4* BBStandard573 756
Novotel Budapest Danube4* BBStandard573 729
Novotel Centrum4* BBStandard573 797
City Ring3* HBStandard619 785
Zara Continental4* BBDeluxe655 919
City Pilvax3* HBStandard664 847
City Matyas3* HBStandard672 855
Zara Continental4* HBStandard720 903
Zara Continental4* HBDeluxe801 1066
Zara Continental4* BBSuit980 1570
Zara Continental4* HBSuit1127 1717

At the Ramada Resort entry tickets to the water park with a 50% discount.
Flight:A/K Aeroflot

The tour price includes

Additionally offered

  • Full day excursion to Vienna- 65 EUR / person
  • Excursion " Evening Budapest" with a boat trip on the Danube - 25 EUR / person
  • Excursion " Evening Budapest"with a boat trip along the Danube, with dinner (buffet with drinks), live gypsy music - 45 EUR/person.
  • Dinner with folklore program - 35 EUR / person.
  • Excursion to the lake Balaton - 25 EUR/person
  • Visit thermal baths in Budapest- 10 EUR/person.
  • The castles of Hungary are those attractions and iconic places this country, where a large number of tourists from all over the world flock every year. Perfectly preserved, they will delight all connoisseurs of European history without exception, as well as those who simply read books on knightly and royal themes. Currently, there are more than 3,000 castles in Hungary, most which were preserved and restored in their original form. By the way, some of the castles these days are full-fledged hotels that welcome tourists from all over the world.

    Brunsvik Castle (Brunszvik-kastеly)

    One of the most popular and famous castles in this country, which is one of the best examples of Hungarian architecture of the 18th century in the neo-Gothic style. Located in the small town of Martonvasar, 30 kilometers from Budapest. Around, there is an English park of 70 hectares, in which about 300 rare tree species grow. There, on the territory of the palace complex, the Beethoven Museum and the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are located. The castle regularly hosts film screenings and concerts in honor of the great composer. The fact is that Ludwig van Beethoven was very friendly with the Brunswick family, he often came here and gave music lessons to the sisters Juliet and Teresa. Some music historians believe that it was here that the legendary Moonlight Sonata was written. The cost of a ticket for the excursion program is 10 euros.

    In addition, on the territory of the palace complex there is a very interesting museum history of kindergartens, showing the life and conditions of the very first European kindergartens.

    Festetics kastely Castle

    Festejic Castle, one of the largest and most beautiful castles in the country, dating from the 18th century, is located in the city of Keszthely, on the northwestern shore of Lake Balaton. At one time, it was built in the manner of French palaces and is distinguished by its external splendor and luxurious interior decoration.

    On the ground floor there is a huge collection of Hungarian weapons from different eras on display. In addition, the castle houses a unique library containing the largest private aristocratic collection of books, which includes the first printed books, unique engravings, and sheet music autographed by the composer Haydn. The stables deserve special attention, where carriages, carts and carriages of past years have been displayed since 1974. The cost of visiting is 9 euros.

    Visegrad Castle

    Visegrad Fortress is the former possession of King Matthew Corvinus, located in city ​​of the same name Vysehrad, located on the right bank of the Danube River. Historically, it was a very turbulent region, which is remembered for constant raids by neighbors, military actions, as well as such famous historical events as the kidnapping of the Hungarian queen and the prisoners of the Salamon Tower. The Visegrad fortress was built after the Tatar invasion on the site of old fortifications built by the ancient Romans. This was an extremely favorable place for a defensive structure.

    Castle hotels

    Shashvar Castle (Kastely Sasvar)

    Szasvár is one of the most beautiful castles in Hungary, located in a secluded place on the northern slope mountain range Matra. Surrounded by mountain scenery and the Tarna River valley, it is a truly beautiful sight. “Eagle Fortress,” as the name Kastely Sasvar sounds in translation, was built in the second half of the 19th century and served as a luxurious country residence. Since 1998, this castle has housed a five-star hotel where any tourist can stay.

    As befits an excellent European hotel, all modern amenities are available here. Each room is equipped with a minibar, safe, satellite TV and air conditioning. More expensive apartments are also equipped with their own saunas and jacuzzi. The hotel has a restaurant, brasserie and wine cellar. IN summer time There is a swimming pool and additional verandas around it. In Shashvar, accommodation is possible according to the system all inclusive.

    Batthyany Castle

    This castle is located very close to famous resorts on Lake Heviz and Lake Balaton. If your trip takes you through these places, be sure to stop by here, and perhaps stay overnight. Battyany Castle is currently a hotel-museum, the rooms of which have preserved interiors from the 1880s. In addition, there is a 300-year-old park around, where you can have a great time with a leisurely walk or a picnic.


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