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The Airbus A330-300 is the largest aircraft in the A330 series. It can be considered a relatively new model. The Airbus A330-300 is a wide-body aircraft equipped with two engines. It has two aisles between the rows of seats in the cabin. Such aircraft are designed for long-distance flights, so the cabin is equipped in such a way that it is comfortable for all passengers. For example, each seat has a built-in display with an entertainment system. Wi-Fi is available for a fee. The aircraft has a high capacity, but variants of this model vary in the number of seats (the current plan of the airliner is on the official Aeroflot website).

The A330-300 model has three configurations:

  • Single class (440 passengers on board);
  • Two-class (335 passengers on board);
  • Three-class (295 passengers on board).

From the point of view of seating arrangement, the difference between these variations is not too noticeable. The main difference is only in the number of rows of seats in business class.


Airbus passenger cabin configuration

Current layout of the cabin of the A330-300 aircraft of Aeroflot airlines

Business Class

Business class seats are located in the first six rows of the cabin. The seats are highly comfortable and can recline 180º, allowing you to sleep during a long flight. Business class is quite calm. Passengers flying business class receive food before economy class, their menu is more varied, and more drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) are offered. However, this also has its drawbacks. In the 1st row - this is close to the wardrobe, kitchen and toilets. But there is also an advantage here - there is a lot of legroom and the 1st row gets food first. The 5th and 6th rows can cause some discomfort due to their proximity to economy class, where there is a noisy atmosphere.

Economy class

Economy class on the Airbus A-330 300 is divided into 2 parts, between which there are toilets and emergency exits. The seats are arranged with eight seats in each row - two on the left, four in the middle and two on the right. The middle seats in almost all rows are moved slightly forward. Food on an airplane is served starting from the nose. Therefore, you need to take into account that the closer your seat is to the tail of the plane, the later your food will be served. There are some general things to keep in mind when flying economy class:

  • The seats are hard, and the distances between the seats and rows are quite narrow;
  • The food is tasty, but the menu selection is not as rich as in business class;
  • If you want to sleep during the flight, do not want to be distracted by neighbors and flight attendants and do not intend to get up often, then window seats are suitable for you. They are also good for those who like to look out the window during a flight;
  • Aisle seats are good because they are easy to get up from. This is very convenient if you need to go to the toilet often or if you are flying with a child and often have to leave him to relieve himself.

Choosing the best seat on an Aeroflot A330-300 aircraft

In business class, the arrangement of seats in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows is considered to be as comfortable as possible. They are calm, no one is distracted by extraneous noises, smells, etc.

But seats in some economy class rows require separate characteristics:

Row 11 is the first row in economy class. Its advantages and disadvantages are similar to the 29th row, from which the second economy class compartment begins. There is a lot of free space in front of the chairs, which allows you to stretch your legs and allows you to sit comfortably tall people with long legs. Another plus is that no one will recline the back of the chair, reducing the free space. In front of the side seats there is a wall on which there are large monitors broadcasting current information about the flight. They burn throughout the entire flight and can interfere. These walls also accommodate bassinets for small children, making these rows the best for those flying with babies. If you are annoyed by the screams of children in the immediate vicinity, it is better to choose another place. The peculiarity of this row is that the armrests of the chairs are motionless due to the tables built into them. A significant disadvantage is the proximity to the toilet, sounds of flushing, noise, conversations, queues of passengers.

The 15th row is characterized by the absence of portholes. For some this is an advantage, but for others it is a disadvantage. It depends on the personal preferences of the passenger.

Rows 12-26 are standard economy class seats without any significant disadvantages or advantages.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

The seats in the 41st, 42nd and 43rd rows are considered not very comfortable. Starting from these rows, the plane begins to narrow, and the paired outboard seats are angled relative to the next row. Four chairs in the middle of the 41st row protrude slightly into the aisle, so people walking along the corridors can be distracting and in the way. From the 42nd row in the middle there are only 3 seats.

The 27th, 28th, 44th and 45th rows are considered completely uncomfortable. These seats are the last ones in the economy class compartments. They border the toilets (row 45 borders the kitchen and is between the toilets), which are located immediately behind them. You will be distracted by queues of passengers, noise, smells and flight attendants cruising. Because of the wall located at the back, the chair cannot be reclined. This is especially inconvenient on a long flight or if you have back problems. Moreover, in the last rows there are often drawers under the seats that make it difficult to stretch your legs.

Only accept these positions if all others are already taken. Otherwise, you are guaranteed an uncomfortable flight, fatigue and a spoiled mood.

  • Keep in mind that if you are flying with a child, a disabled person or an animal, Aeroflot will not sell you tickets for seats in front of the emergency exits. The same applies to pregnant women and very elderly people;
  • The safest seats are located at the rear of the plane.

Before purchasing a ticket, be sure to study the plane layout, choose a seat taking into account your individual preferences and try to book it as early as possible.

The wide-body airliner Airbus A330 (Airbus A330) is used for medium and long-distance flights and has been produced since 1992.

In parks Russian airlines most common Airbus modifications A330-200 and A330-300. Capacity - from 253 to 440 passenger seats, depends not only on the modification (on the A330-200 the fuselage is shortened by almost 6 meters), but also on the cabin layout, which is determined by the airline.

The world's largest operator of Airbus A330 aircraft - Turkish Airlines. In Russia, these aircraft are operated on some regular flights of Aeroflot and Nordwind Airlines, on I Fly charters.


Aeroflot airlines use 4 layout options for A330-200 aircraft.

A330-200 interior diagram No. 1

  • Business class - rows 1-6 (exits are located behind row 4), number of seats - 34, arranged in groups of 2;
  • Economy class - rows 11-37;
  • Places increased comfort Space+ (more legroom) is best places in the A330, if you take into account only economy class. Located on row 24: A, C, H, K.

On which aircraft it is used (tail numbers): VP-BLX, VP-BLY, VQ-BBE, VQ-BBF, VQ-BBG.

Interior diagram No. 2

  • Business class - rows 1-6 (without separation, exit behind row 6), a total of 34 seats, arranged in groups of 2;
  • Economy class - rows 11-45;
  • Space+ seats are located on row 29, there are only two of them, and not next to each other - C, H.

The scheme is relevant for boards: VQ-BCQ, VQ-BCU, VQ-BCV, VQ-BEK, VQ-BEL, VQ-BQX, VQ-BQY.

Salon diagram No. 3

  • Space+ seats: row 29, C, H.

This layout scheme is implemented on the following aircraft: VQ-BQZ, VQ-BMV, VQ-BMX, VQ-BMY, VQ-BPI, VQ-BPJ, VQ-BPK, VP-BDD, VP-BDE.

Interior diagram No. 4

  • Business class - rows 1-5, number of seats - 28, located in groups of 2;
  • Economy class - rows 11 to 45;
  • Space+ seats: row 29, A, C, H, K.

The diagram below applies only on board VQ-BNS.

I Fly

The charter airline "I Fly" uses 4 layout options on its aircraft, each unique.

Seat map on the A330 at iFly No. 1

Classes are not highlighted. Total capacity - 387.

Seat chart No. 2

First salon - 19 comfortable places. The rest of the seats are standard, there are 268 of them.

Seats at emergency exits: 36 A, C, H, K.

Seat chart No. 3

The first 48-seat cabin has increased legroom in front of each seat. The rest of the seats are standard, 263.

Seats at emergency exits: 26 A, B, J, K; 39 B, J; 40 D, F.

Seat chart No. 4

The first cabin has a comfort class with 18 seats. The number of standard seats on the plane is 251.

Seats at emergency exits: 24 A, B, H, K.

Nordwind Airlines (Nordwind, North Wind)

On board the Airbus A330-200, Nordwind has a two-class layout with 279 seats. This type of aircraft is the only one in the airline's fleet. tail number— VP-BYV.

The Airbus A 330 is a wide-body passenger aircraft. Its production was carried out by Airbus. It is designed for medium and long-distance flights. This aircraft is equipped with two turbofan engines. The first commercial flight was carried out on November 1, 1992 on the A 330-300 airliner. Aircraft of this model, equipped with two turbojet engines, an arrow-shaped wing and a single fin, have conquered the vast air transportation market.

574 Airbus A 330 models were ordered as of June 30, 2006. Of these, approximately 420 units have been delivered to service. At that time, there was the following distribution among model options:

  • 322 units for "A 330-200". Of these, 227 were delivered.
  • 252 units for "A 330-300". Of these, 191 were delivered.

Engines: Pratt & Whitney or Rolls-Royce are available in all A 330 models. This type of aircraft is the most in demand, and this is definitely a reliable fact. The most new model for today - “A 330-300X”. In many ways, this is an improved version of the “A 330-300”.

From the history of the development of this aircraft

In 1972, work began on this powerful Airbus. The project included a different model of the airliner. Namely - “A 300-B9”. This version of the aircraft belonged to the wide-body class. It was designed to transport 322 passengers. The following year, work on this model was suspended. Then the designers were given another target designation. It consisted in creating a board that would have more seats compared to previously produced aircraft. The plan for this development was renamed “A300-B11”. This project was distinguished by the presence of four turbofan engines (turbojet engines). This was the determining factor for carrying capacity. In 1980, the current project was modified. Now an aircraft was being developed that had a common airframe design. As a result, in 1986, drawings of the world-famous Airbus A330 were drawn up. However, official documents confirming the start of work are dated 1987.

The main task of the designers and managers was to oust Boeing from the world market. This was the main goal at that time. And in 1992, the first Airbus A330-300 with two turbofan engines was presented to the public. From its predecessors, it borrowed the extended fuselage of the A 300 model and the cabin from the A 320. A couple of months later, the second A330 was released. After extensive testing and flight testing, the model entered mass production in 1994.

"A 330" (aircraft): diagram

This perfect device was created on the basis advanced technologies. The A 330 has a unique design in its Airbus family, which was considered one of the most modern. This is an ideal solution for international air carriers.

Unique characteristics air board allow servicing medium and long-distance airlines. The presence of a comfortable cabin, an optimal ratio of payload to maximum flight range, and complete high-quality unification in the interior are the main advantages of this aircraft. The crew cabin equipment of the Airbus A 330 is the same as in the A 340 and A 330 models. This was one of the general objectives of the consortium, which is aimed at producing long-haul aircraft. Namely: “A 319”, “A 320”, “A 321”, “A 330”, “A340”. They have a unified avionics complex and a cockpit design common to all modifications, which greatly facilitates the process of moving pilots from one aircraft to another.

The implementation of the Airbus A 330 project is the first of its kind, an unprecedented program. It is aimed at providing the right to different airlines to choose from various models of the specified equipment, which will fully ensure the satisfaction of the constantly changing needs for the development of their respective fleets. The presence of various configurations is an excellent tool that ensures the effective implementation of the necessary potential in changing market conditions.

A number of model variations: Airbus A 330

World statistics show that by the end of 2011, 830 aircraft of this class took to the skies. Among them are military, passenger and cargo versions.

There is the following list of Airbus A 330 class aircraft:

  • "A 330-100." Model with a short fuselage. It is considered not the most successful variation.
  • "A 330-200." U of this aircraft less bulky fuselage. It is capable of transporting 253 people.
  • "A 330-200F." This is a cargo plane. Capable of lifting 65 tons of cargo into the air. Its flight range is up to 7.5 thousand km.
  • "A 330-200HGW". This is a plane passenger type. It began to be produced in 2010.
  • "A 330-300". This type is based on the A 300 model. The A 330-300 (aircraft) is equipped with an extended fuselage. Aeroflot, among other airlines, also widely uses this model. Available in three variations. Namely: the first (440 people), the second (335 people), the third (295 people) - the passenger capacity differs.
  • "A 330-300P2F". This aircraft is designed to transport cargo. It is currently under development. According to preliminary information, this model will move up to 59 tons of payload.
  • "A 330-MRTT/FSTA" and "A 330-KC-30". These models are military variations of tanker aircraft. They can accommodate and transport up to 110 tons of fuel on board.
  • "A 330 MRTT". This type is a tanker aircraft. Currently under development. Potentially, this is a multifunctional transport class aircraft.

Popular types

Today, the most reliable and safe airliners are the A 330-300 and A 330-200 models. These are popular variations. They have comfortable interiors, high fuel economy rates and powerful, reliable engines. This is an important fact. As for the interior, it is necessary to note the comfortable width between the seats, as well as the chairs, the backs of which have high-quality monitors built into them. On their screens you can enjoy watching your favorite movies or playing an exciting computer game. On long-haul flights, excellent food is provided, and passengers are served by polite and well-trained stewards and stewardesses. The only thing that can be called a minus in these variations is that the eleventh and twenty-ninth rows of this airliner are not equipped with lifting armrests.

Technical characteristics of the aircraft "A 330-300"

This model is intended for air transportation passengers for medium and long distances. It has the following technical parameters:

  • The wing span is 60.3 m.
  • Model length - 63.6 m.
  • The height is 16.7 m.
  • The fuselage diameter is 5.64 m.
  • Passenger cabin: width - 5.28 m; in height - 2.54 m.
  • Two motors: Genera lElectric CF6-80E1, Pratt & WhitneyPW4000 or Rolls-RoyceTrent 700. Power of each is 303-320 kN.

Flight characteristics of the A 330-300

The Airbus has the following operational parameters:

  • The aircraft speed is 925 km/h.
  • The maximum flight length is 8980 km.
  • Passenger capacity - 295: in a 2-class cabin - 335, in economy - 398, max - 440.

Serial production of this model has been carried out since 1993.

Description of technical characteristics of “A 330-200”

This aircraft is designed for air transportation of passengers over medium and long distances. His are:

  • The length of the aircraft is 59 m.
  • It reaches a height of 17.89 m.
  • The wing length is 60.3 m.
  • Fuselage diameter - 5.64 m.
  • Cabin width - 5.28 m; its height is 2.54 m.

Availability of two engines: General Electric CF6-80E1, Rolls-Royce Trent 700 or Pratt & Whitney PW4000. The power of each is 303-316 kN.

Flight characteristics of "A 330-200"

In this case, the following main parameters are taken into account:

  • Aircraft speed: 925 km/h.
  • The maximum flight length is 11,900 km.
  • Passenger capacity is 256 seats (maximum 405).

Serial production of this model began in 1997.

Bottom line

Having read the above, everyone can imagine what the specified type of aircraft “A 300” is, as well as what variations there are. In general, this model is quite effective in its own way and enjoys considerable popularity in international market aircraft equipment. The equipment of this type of aircraft meets all modern safety and comfort requirements.

Aeroflot's fleet includes 22 wide-body Airbus A330-300 aircraft. The body length is 63.7 m. This model is considered the largest and most spacious among other airbuses in the A330 line. Cruising speed – 900 km/h. Maximum flight range – 9500 km, altitude – 12.5 km.

Airbuses 330-300 from Aeroflot operate regularly Passenger Transportation in domestic and international directions. When planning a flight on an aircraft of this model, we recommend choosing in advance comfortable spot in the cabin for a comfortable flight.

In the article we will look at the cabin layout and where it is better to sit in the economy, business and comfort class of the Airbus 330-300 of Aeroflot airlines.

Description of Airbus A330 of Aeroflot airline

The Airbus A330-300 is based in three different cabin configurations.

Aeroflot Airbus fleet:

  1. One aircraft with a passenger capacity of 301 people: 265 economy class, 36 seats in the business cabin.
  2. Five Airbuses carrying 302 passengers: 268 in economy class service and 34 in business class.
  3. 11 airliners with a comfortable cabin for 296 people: 268 seats in economy and 28 passenger seats in business class.

The cabin has a cozy interior and comfortable passenger seats for flights over any distance. It is equipped with a modern ventilation system, built-in monitors for passenger entertainment, lighting fixtures and sockets for charging gadgets. In the bow there is a special cabin for rest of the crew members. Separate restrooms are provided for each class of service.

Interior layout

The most comfortable seats on an Aeroflot Airbus

Aeroflot airbuses with three different cabin options have a minor difference: the number of seats and rows in service classes. We propose to consider the most comfortable seats in the Airbus cabin with a capacity of 301 people (265 economy class, 36 business class).

The first six rows are a business class cabin. The seats are arranged in pairs in three rows in a 2x2x2 configuration.

From 11 to 45 – economy class. The cabin has three rows of passenger seats in a 2x4x2 layout.


Located in two salons, located in the middle and rear parts of the aircraft (from 11 to 28 and from 29 to 45 rows). Exit from the plane between the cabins. Behind the last rows of each salon there are toilet rooms.

The most convenient and uncomfortable places in economy class:

  1. Rows 11 and 19 – seats with increased legroom. There are no passenger seats in front. The partition has special mechanisms for fixing the cradle. The most comfortable seats for passengers with children. Pregnant women can also be comfortably accommodated here. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for flying with a baby at Aeroflot.
  2. There are no portholes in row 15 near seats A and K.
  3. From rows 16 to 28 - there are portholes, but beautiful view airplane wings are hidden from the window.
  4. Row 29 – seats at the emergency exit. They have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages is the increased legroom. The negative point is the close location to the toilet room.
  5. The most uncomfortable seats are located in rows 27-28 and 44-45. They are located next to the toilet. Some seats located in front of the wall do not change position due to locked mechanisms.
  6. From 41 to 45 there is a narrow passage between the rows, which is due to the narrowing of the aircraft body.
  7. In the middle row of row 41, the outboard seats protrude slightly into the aisle. During the flight, passengers may be hit by flight attendants passing with trolleys and other travelers heading to the toilet.

In the rear of the plane, the noise of the engine is more audible, but there are unlikely to be passengers with small children in the neighborhood.

In the middle part there is less motion sickness, but there is no beautiful view from the window.

From the first rows of economy class, flight attendants distribute drinks and food. There may be passengers nearby with babies who do not always tolerate long flights calmly.

Take these nuances into account when choosing the most comfortable seat in the economy class cabin of the Aeroflot Airbus A330.


In an Airbus with the seat layout we have chosen, for example, the first six rows are a business class cabin. The seats are arranged in three rows of 2 seats (2x2x2).

All passenger seats have an extended seat with reclining backrests of almost 180 degrees. The places are located at a fairly large distance from each other. There is increased legroom in front of the seats.

Features of business class passenger seats:

  • Row 1 is located close to the dressing room and toilet, but the distribution of food and drinks begins from there;
  • The last row is close to economy class, where a noisy atmosphere can prevail.

In general, all business class seats in the Aeroflot Airbus A330 are quite comfortable and convenient for flights on domestic and international flights.

The airline offers an economy cabin service at a fixed rate. You can reserve the selected seat when purchasing an air ticket or when registering online on the carrier’s website. For those who did not have time to choose the most convenient place for the flight, the company offers to make a reservation at , selecting best option from free seats in the cabin.

Business class passengers can choose comfortable seats for their flight at no additional cost. This service is provided in the carrier's tariff plan.

09/03/2019 Guest

The soft landing is in the hands of the PIC, no need for fairy tales. We took off and landed no worse than on the A320/321, B738.
The layout is great for flying as a couple! More than legroom. The entertainment system also works on domestic flights.

Well, if a car doesn’t land well, it’s either the weather or the crooked hands of the pilots. There is no need to use such technology.

Is the review helpful? 3 / 1

07/13/2019 Guest

I flew on this plane. The plane is great, but the only thing I didn’t like was the seat layout. 2-4-2 for a family of 3 people is very inconvenient

Is the review helpful? 2 / 2

09.15.2018 Kolya

Is the review helpful? 10 / 5

07/30/2018 Guest

Flew Khb-Msk several times. In principle, it’s good, cozy, but as already said - hard, completely uncomfortable chairs, which, in addition, sometimes are not fixed properly. However, with my height of 180, there is plenty of legroom. The airplane takes off perfectly, flies well, but landing... damn, it's probably not its strong point. If the B-777 usually lands smoothly in “one breath”, and if it is necessary to circle over the destination airport - also without problems, without unnecessary discomfort for passengers, then during landing maneuvers the Arbus, sometimes it seems, is holding on to the air with all its strength, falling through, twitching convulsively, swaying, if there is still turbulence at the same time, then it’s generally fucked up, the fun rollercoaster begins. Ears are blocked, head is cracking. Uncomfortable and sometimes a little awkward. Something like this. The overall rating is a not too solid four.

Is the review helpful? 11 / 5

12/29/2017 Dmitry

Multimedia, excellent service. BUT!!! From New York to Moscow I flew in economy class as if on a stool. Being 182 cm tall, I could neither sit down normally nor turn around normally. I was tired and didn't sleep at all. There is nowhere to put my legs. The best ones would put normal seats instead of bells and whistles. If you are a yogi, then please fly!

Is the review helpful? 24 / 7

11/26/2017 Vladimirovich

We flew as a family on the Irkutsk-Moscow route and enjoyed the flight.
Interactive monitors (Aeroflot) and entertainment system brightened up the 6-hour flight perfectly. Everything turned out to be comfortable and pleasant.

Is the review helpful? 7 / 9

09/21/2017 Guest moo

The plane is for short people, no taller than 150 cm. Maybe you can endure it for short distances. But for flights longer than 1.5-2 hours it’s unbearable! I flew by myself and, given my short height (162cm), I felt inconvenienced. The seat backs are like boards, made without the slightest consideration for the curves of the backs. The seats themselves are for short legs! Horror! I agree that only excellent service from the crew can alleviate the agony of sitting on this plane. I really sympathize with those who fly long-distance flights 😦

Is the review helpful? 22 / 17

09.15.2016 Guest

I flew on this plane from Moscow to London.
I really liked the plane. Comfortable, the seats are soft, the multimedia was freezing, but I didn’t use it, I listened to music. Not noisy, unless only during takeoff) The turbulence is strongly felt.

Is the review helpful? 25 / 12

01/06/2016 Sergey

Good night everyone!
I flew this bird for 5 years.
And I can say one thing - the airliner fully corresponds to its parameters, the only negative thing is that upon landing it gives an LL error. It is very convenient and portable,
I have flown on many airliners 777 737 787-8 120 33-50 747 330 320 321 300 oldest 20 years - youngest 1 year
My experience is 13 years, flight hours are 3,359

PIC - Emirates Airlines

Is the review helpful? 64 / 32

06/30/2015 Guest

I recently flew on one of these Aeroflot planes. MSC-Tenerife and back. Pasternak board there, Sakhorov board back.
On the first one, the cabin is tired, half of the multimedia is broken, the rest freezes (during the flight it was overloaded 5 times). The second one is better.
Economy class: the seats are terribly uncomfortable for a person of any height, very hard and with the wrong angle. For tall people it's hell. I'm 190 tall. 7 hours of flight - everything is numb, everything hurts. By the end of the flight, all the aisles were filled with standing people, because no one could sit on such a g...
To Aeroflot's credit: The crew is excellent. The flight is perfect. The stewards are awesome. The service is excellent.

Is the review helpful? 48 / 10

06/18/2015 Guest

The plane is ideal for long-distance flights, the cabin is comfortable and quiet.

Is the review helpful? 18 / 12

01/06/2015 Valentin

Flight Tel Aviv-Moscow Moscow-Khabarovsk and back in 21 days on the same Aeroflot A330-300 aircraft! I flew economy for a total of four flights. Of course, this is the only minus of the distance between the seats; I admit, it was a bit cramped for my height of 186 cm. I really liked everything else! The food is wonderful both on international and federal flights! Well, I won’t even discuss business class, you understand))) I liked the excellent airliner!!!

Is the review helpful? 28 / 3

12/28/2014 Alexey

Great plane. I flew on it from Phuket to Kuala Lumpur (Qatar Airlines) and from Moscow to Istanbul (flight Turkish Airlines). There were no complaints about the flights: takeoff, flight level, landing - everything was normal. The turbulence is not felt as much as in an Airbus 319 or 320. My ears felt a little stuffy when landing. The distances between seats are a choice of airline operators and complaints against them. I didn’t like the design of the seats: the headrest goes a little back, because of this, after a short flight, your back starts to hurt and you need to get up and walk around the cabin to warm up. Sound insulation is good. I think the plane is ideal for medium-distance flights. For long transcontinental flights, it is better to choose a Boeing 767, 777 or 747.

Is the review helpful? 23 / 0

12/22/2014 Denis

disgusting plane, the seats are hard and uncomfortable, they are installed in the cabin to the maximum without any concern for the passengers, the cruising speed is usually 800 km/h, versus 850 for Boeing. The multimedia system is extremely sluggish, it thinks for a long time after pressing a button on the remote control, and organizing the menu means nothing. As a long-haul aircraft, it is designed for extremely unpretentious passengers. If possible, it is better to fly on a Boeing 767.

Is the review helpful? 12 / 31

05/11/2014 Andrey

I flew it in February 2014 from Moscow to Los Angeles and back by Aeroflot. All liked it. I'm short, so I didn't have any problems with my legs. I bought an inflatable neck pillow, which is quite comfortable. The service was good. The wine came in handy. The only negative is that multimedia systems take a long time to respond to button presses on the remote control.

Is the review helpful? 11 / 1

08/31/2013 Guest

The flight went unnoticed. I flew economy from Moscow to London on an Aeroflot A330. For such short flights it is better to fly economy if you have an entertainment system.

Is the review helpful? 5 / 6

05/17/2013 Guest

I fly to Hong Kong very often. 2.4 flights per month. From Moscow there is a direct flight only with Aeroflot. As a rule, they set up an A-330 and spending nine hours in the cabin of this aircraft is not an easy task. It’s so banal: there’s nowhere to put your legs, the chairs don’t recline. I tried compression garments - they didn’t help, my body ached and went numb. Several times they changed the plane to Il-96 and Boeing-767. What is called feel the difference. Airplanes are for people, not for short Chinese people.

Is the review helpful? 24 / 10

05/14/2013 Guest

I flew from Helsinki to Delhi. The plane was good, but the only drawback in my opinion was that the distance between the seats was too small. My legs rested on the seat in front. Everything else was at a high level, considering that I was flying in economy class. The toilets are also quite comfortable.

Is the review helpful? 8 / 1


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