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Almaty - a beautiful city, located near the majestic mountain range Trans-Ili Alatau. Walking along the cozy streets, you will see parks, temples and monuments. In the vicinity of the city there are unique natural attractions that will amaze you with their unique beauty.

General information about the city

Almaty - Big City Kazakhstan, as well as a cultural and economic center. The unofficial name of the city is “Southern Capital”. It occupies an area of ​​680 m2, the population is 1 million 800 thousand people.

The coat of arms depicts a snow leopard holding in its mouth a branch with seven apple blossoms, which represent the seven districts of the city of Almaty

Some historical facts

During the Middle Ages, the nomadic camp of Almaty was located on the territory of the city. In the middle of the 19th century, the Zailiysky fortification was located on the site of modern Almaty. From the 70s of the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th century, the city was called Verny. In 1921, the authorities of the newly formed Kazakh SSR decided to give the city the name Alma-Ata (in Kazakh - Almaty). Since the 90s of the 20th century in Kazakhstan, the city in Russian and Kazakh languages ​​has been officially called Almaty, but in Russian Federation The name Alma-Ata is used.

In 1991–1997, Almaty was the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. But in 1997 the capital was moved to Astana. However, Almaty continues to remain the most important city Kazakhstan and plays a huge role in the financial, political and cultural development of the republic.

How to get to Almaty

You can get to Almaty in the following ways:

  • by plane. Direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg are operated by carriers Belavia, Air Astana, and Aeroflot. You can also fly to Alma-Ata from Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara;
  • by train. Most trains make a stop in the city at the Almaty-2 station. Train 007TS will take you from Moscow to Almaty; travel time is 3 days 4 hours. You can get from the Northern capital to Almaty only with a transfer in Saratov, the trip duration is more than 4 days. It is convenient for residents of Siberia and Altai Territory: train 0369Н runs from Novosibirsk, which arrives in Alma-Ata in 1.5 days;
  • by bus. This method is suitable for residents of Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Tomsk or Omsk, from where there are direct bus services to Alma-Ata. Routes from Moscow and St. Petersburg are operated only with transfers.
  • Main attractions

    Sights of Almaty will introduce you to the history and culture of the city.

    Mount Kok-Tyube

    Kok-Tyube is a hill 1130 meters high. Translated from the Kazakh language, the name of the mountain means “Green Hill”. You can get to the top by car or by cable car. The length of the cableway is 1620 meters. As you climb the cable car, you will observe the life of Almaty, and also appreciate the beauty of the surrounding places: beautiful green gardens, endless city high-rises. The cable car stretches over Yablochnaya, Grushevaya and Vishnevaya streets, so city residents nicknamed this area “compote”.

    While traveling by cable car, you will have a stunning panorama of the city.

    Cable car operating hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - from 10.00 to 00.00; Tuesday - from 13.00 to 00.00; Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays- from 10.00 to 01.00. Address of the cable car starting station: Dostyk Ave., 104 B.

    Kok-Tyube Park

    The final station of the cable car is Kok-Tyube Park. The park's infrastructure includes various attractions, cafeterias and restaurants, and children's playgrounds. The most beautiful place in the park is the lovers' alley, decorated with flower arrangements. Spreading trees create shade, so it is especially pleasant to walk along the alley on hot summer days.

    Lovers' Alley is the most romantic place in Kok-Tyube Park

    On the territory of the park there is the most high building city ​​- Alma-Ata television tower. The tower is closed to tourists, but anyone can admire its appearance.

    Alma-Ata television tower is the tallest building in the city

    The original attraction of the park is the Alma fountain of wishes, made in the shape of an apple - the symbol of Almaty. There is a belief in the city that if you throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish, it will certainly come true.

    The central element of the fountain is a huge apple made of granite

    In 2007, a monument to the legendary Beatles was unveiled in the park. The bronze sculptures depict Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and John Lennon. The monument is the most photographed place on Mount Kok-Tyube.

    The sculptures depict musicians of the legendary group "The Beatles"

    Opening hours of the Kok-Tube park in the summer: weekdays - from 10.00 to 00.00, weekends - from 10.00 to 01.00. In winter: from 10.00 to 22.00.

    Palace of the Republic

    This is the main cultural platform of Kazakhstan, where important concerts and festivals are held. The building is included in the register of historical and cultural monuments of the republic. It occupies an area of ​​10 thousand m2 and can accommodate more than 2.5 thousand people. Thanks to the original architectural solution, in which the roof “stands” on reinforced concrete supports and is located at a distance from the main building, it seems that the roof is floating in the air. During the last reconstruction, carried out in 2010, a major overhaul of the building and landscaping of the surrounding area were carried out.

    Many famous pop artists performed on the stage of the Palace of the Republic: Joseph Kobzon, Alla Pugacheva, Valentina Tolkunova.

    The beauty of the Palace of the Republic is complemented by flower arrangements located in the surrounding area

    The Palace of the Republic is located on the square named after Abay Kunanbayev, which is decorated with green lawns and flower arrangements.

    Address of the Palace of the Republic: Dostyk Avenue, 56.

    In the 70s of the last century, the city's population grew rapidly, but Almaty did not have a spacious place for holding mass cultural events. In this regard, a decision was made to build a new square. The opening of the facility took place in 1980. Since then, mass demonstrations, holidays, military parades and festivities have been held on the square.

    Republic Square is the most spacious and beautiful in the city

    The Independence Monument, opened in 1996, stands on Republic Square. Construction of the facility took several years. There is a version that the construction of the monument began after the trip of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to Egypt, where a similar monument was erected in the city of Luxor.

    The central part is a high stele, reminiscent in shape of kulpytas (ancient Kazakh buildings). At the top of the stele there is a sculpture of the Golden Man, which is the national symbol of Kazakhstan.

    In the 70s of the 20th century, during archaeological excavations in one of the ancient mounds of Kazakhstan, the Golden Man was found - a Saka warrior, dressed in a golden suit and a cone-shaped helmet. Elements of the Golden Man's helmet are depicted on the coat of arms of Kazakhstan, and the statue depicting the Golden Man was installed on Independence Square in Almaty.

    At the top of the stele there is a statue depicting the Golden Man - the symbol of Kazakhstan

    You can get to Republic Square by bus No. 32 or by metro to the Abay station.

    Park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen

    The park was founded at the end of the 19th century on the site of an old cemetery, which was destroyed by a mudflow. The name of the park changed many times: at first it was called Starokladbishchinsky, then City Garden, Pushkin Garden, Lenin Park. During the Great Patriotic War, this place was named in honor of the Panfilov guardsmen, who became famous for their courage in the battle near Moscow in 1941. In honor of the feat of Soviet soldiers, a Glory Memorial was erected in the park, in front of which the Eternal Flame burns.

    The Memorial of Glory was erected in honor of 28 Panfilov guardsmen

    And also in the park you can see other monuments dedicated to military valor:

  • monument to Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov - Hero of the Soviet Union, commander of the 316th Infantry Division. Installed in 1968; A granite bust of I. F. Panfilov rises on a high pedestal
  • monument to Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly - Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the 28 Panfilovites, writer. The grand opening of the attraction took place in 2010;
    The monument is dedicated to Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly - one of the 28 Panfilov men
  • a monument to Afghan soldiers, erected in 2003 not far from the Memorial of Glory.
    The monument was erected in honor of the soldiers who died in Afghanistan
  • Coordinates: st. Gogol. The park can be reached by metro. Exit at the Zhibek Zholy station.

    On the territory of the park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen, the Holy Ascension Cathedral rises - an Orthodox cathedral church, as well as a historical monument of Kazakhstan of republican significance. The church was erected at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of the architect K. A. Borisoglebsky. The temple is made of wood using original technology, which ensures the strength and flexibility of the structure. Thanks to this, the Holy Ascension Cathedral avoided destruction after a strong earthquake in 1910. The interior is decorated with beautiful frescoes and a painted iconostasis. Until the 30s of the last century, the temple was the center of Orthodox life in Almaty. During the Soviet period, the cathedral housed the State Museum of Kazakhstan and various public organizations. Only at the end of the 20th century was the cathedral returned to believers and services began to be held there again.

    The appearance of the Holy Ascension Cathedral is striking in its colorfulness: five bright domes with crosses proudly rise above the ground

    Address: st. Gogol, 40V.

    Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

    The museum is housed in a historical building, which was built at the beginning of the 20th century and is an example of wooden architecture. The interior is decorated with Kazakh folk patterns. The exhibition contains more than 1 thousand items, most of which are Kazakh folk musical instruments. The oldest specimen is a striking stone, which was used by shamans in ancient times. The museum's special pride is the instruments that belonged to Akhmet Zhubanov (Soviet composer, conductor), Abai Kunanbaev (Kazakh poet, composer), Kenen Azerbaev (Soviet writer and composer).

    The Museum of Musical Instruments is housed in a historical building made of wood.

    The museum is equipped with audio guides and a multimedia system. Upon entering, you will be greeted by a hologram of a man with a brief description of the exhibition. Address: st. Zenkova, 24 A. Working hours: from 10.00 to 19.00, closed on Monday.

    The building is located near the eastern entrance to the park. The House of Officers was built in 1978 in the style of Soviet architecture. The building has a through passage that leads to the Memorial of Glory. On the territory of the House of Officers there is a concert hall, a cinema, a cafeteria, and office premises.

    The officers' house is designed in the style of Soviet architecture

    Coordinates: st. Zenkova, 24.

    Central Mosque

    The central mosque is one of the largest in Kazakhstan. The construction of the temple began in 1993 and ended only 6 years later. The snow-white building is crowned with a huge blue dome 36 meters high. A minaret rises on the south-eastern side. About 7 thousand believers can fit in the temple at the same time. The mosque is equipped with sound amplification equipment and powerful air conditioners.

    The Central Mosque of Almaty is one of the largest and most beautiful in Kazakhstan

    Location: st. Pushkina, 16.

    Medeo is one of the largest high-altitude sports complexes in the world. Located at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level. Construction of the complex began in 1949, and just 2 years later the first major sports competitions took place here. In the 70s of the 20th century, a huge stadium with artificial ice, which made it possible to hold large-scale competitions in winter sports: figure skating, hockey. After the collapse of the USSR, the complex was empty and gradually fell into disrepair. At the beginning of the 21st century, Medeo was restored and began to function again. Thanks to a modern system of artificial ice freezing, the largest skating rink in Kazakhstan operates here for 8 months a year.

    On the base sports complex"Medeo" operates the most big skating rink In Kazakhstan

    Coordinates: st. Gornaya, 465 B. Travel by bus No. 12 from the Dostyk stop (Kurmanzy St.). The skating rink operates from October to May.

    Working hours: Wednesday-Thursday - from 10.00 to 15.00 and from 18.00 to 23.00; Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays - from 10.00 to 16.00 and from 18.00 to 23.00. Entrance fee: adults - 1800 rubles; youth (13–23 years old) - 800 rubles; children (7–12 years old) - 400 rubles; Children under 7 years old, pensioners, disabled people - free.

    The museum was founded in the 30s of the last century and was originally located in the Holy Ascension Cathedral. In 1985, he moved to a new three-story building, which today is considered one of the most beautiful in the city. The collection contains more than 200 thousand artifacts telling about the history of Kazakhstan: archaeological finds, ancient objects of art and everyday life, weapons and armor. The exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, where rare photographs, documents, orders and medals are displayed, deserves special attention.

    The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in a building that is one of the most beautiful in the city

    Coordinates: Samal-1 microdistrict, 44. Opening hours: from 9.30 to 17.30, closed on Tuesday. Travel by buses No. 2, 86, 45 or by metro to the Abay station.

    Theaters of Almaty

    Join the cultural life of the city by visiting the beautiful theaters of Almaty.

    The theater was founded in 1934 on the basis of a music studio and was the first in Kazakhstan to use national songs in its productions. In 1938, a ballet troupe was formed, which began its activities with the production of Swan Lake. In 1941, the theater moved to a new building, where it is currently located. The peculiarity of the structure is the facade, decorated with ornaments. In 1945, the theater was named after Abay Kunanbayev, the legendary Kazakh poet and composer.

    Today the Abai Opera and Ballet Theater is one of the leading theaters in Kazakhstan. Here you can see both performances staged based on national themes, as well as masterpieces of Russian and world classics. Opera works are popular: “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Abai”, as well as ballet productions: “Scheherazade”, “Anna Karenina”.

    The building of the Abai Opera and Ballet Theater is decorated with snow-white columns and relief ornaments

    Location: st. Kabanbay Batyr, 110. Travel by metro to the Almaly or Abay station. Cash desk opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00 daily.

    Russian Drama Theater named after Lermontov

    The Russian theater began to function in 1933. In 1964, it was named after M. Yu. Lermontov. In honor of this event, the play “Lieutenant Lermontov” based on the play by K. Paustovsky was staged. In 1984, the theater was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples (state award of the USSR), and in 2000 - a diploma from the Committee of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for its contribution to the development of theatrical art.

    The Russian Theater is located in a building built in the 60s of the last century. The building is decorated with stained glass windows and columns. The theater is equipped with modern sound and lighting equipment, air temperature control systems. The creative team is led by People's Artist of Kazakhstan R. Andriasyan. The theater's repertoire includes performances based on classical works ("Woe from Wit", "Romeo and Juliet", "The Government Inspector"), modern plays ("The Rainmaker", "Hotel of Two Worlds"), as well as famous folk tales (" Vasilisa the Beautiful", "The Crystal Slipper", "The Scarlet Flower").

    The Russian theater is surrounded by fir trees and fountains

    Address: Abay Avenue, 43. Cash desk opening hours: weekdays - from 10.00 to 19.30, weekends - from 10.00 to 18.30.

    This is the most popular trading place in the city and has a long history. At the end of the 19th century, the Gostiny Dvor, consisting of two pavilions, was built at the expense of the influential merchant Rafikov. All kinds of goods were sold here: vegetables, fruits, cereals, firewood, household utensils. Cab drivers were parked near the market, ready to take market visitors home with their purchases. 12 years after the construction of Gostiny Dvor, a strong earthquake occurred, which destroyed not only the market, but almost the entire city. The new Gostiny Dvor was built after the revolution and was officially called the Central Collective Farm Market. However, another name has taken root among the townspeople - “Green Bazaar”.

    Apples of the Almaty Aport variety were in particular demand among buyers. In those days they could be purchased for three kopecks per kilogram.

    Today, in place of the wooden stalls there is a huge covered pavilion and a small summer market. Here you can buy food products, handicrafts, and original souvenirs. The Green Bazaar is not only the main trading platform of the city, but also a place to get acquainted with the simple everyday life of the Kazakhs.

    At the Green Bazaar you can purchase various goods at competitive prices.

    Location: Zhibek Zholy Avenue, 53. Opening hours: daily from 9.00 to 18.00. Travel by metro to the Zhibek Zholy station.

    This natural monument attracts travelers with its amazing beauty. The color of the lake's water is variable: it can be emerald, pale blue or dark blue. The natural reservoir is surrounded by majestic mountains, the highest of which is Ozerny Peak. Big Almaty Lake is glacial, so the water in it is always cold.

    Big Almaty Lake is an emerald body of water surrounded by majestic mountains

    Previously, the lake was part of the Ile-Alatau Park, but since 2011 it has been transferred to Almaty. If you are planning a trip to the lake, then consider the following circumstances:

  • Entry to the lake is paid;
  • The water in the lake is always cold, so you should not swim or swim;
  • There are no cafeterias or shops near the pond, so take food and water with you.
  • It’s easier to get to the lake by car:

  • Leave the city along Dulati Street, drive 9 km towards the mountains.
  • At the fork, turn left and follow the sign “Hotel Alpine Rose”.
  • Turn right and drive another 14 km.
  • Exciting places for little travelers

    There are many interesting places in Almaty that children of any age will enjoy:

  • Alma-Ata Zoo, home to more than 500 species of various animals and birds. The pride of the zoo is its huge population of cats, represented by lions, Persian leopards, panthers, and pumas. There is also a terrarium and an aquarium at the zoo. Location: st. Esenberlina, 166. Travel by buses No. 117, 60 or trolleybuses No. 1, 12. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00, seven days a week.
    The Alma-Ata Zoo is home to various animals, including magnificent lions
  • Cinema "Sary-Arka", equipped with the largest screen in the city. It includes 5 halls, equipped with digital film projectors and a 3D system. Address: Altynsarina, 24.
    "Sary-Arka" is the most popular cinema in Almaty
  • “Fantasy Park”, where there are various attractions for both children and adults. Territory entertainment center equipped playgrounds and cafeterias, and alleys, fountains and sculptures create an atmosphere of comfort. The park is open from April to September. Working hours: Monday-Friday - from 13.00 to 21.00; Saturday, Sunday - from 11.00 to 21.00. Entry cost is from 2000 to 3500 tenge. Travel by metro to the Auezov Drama Theater station, trolleybuses No. 2, 6, 25, buses No. 9, 95, 121.
    “Fantasy Park” is equipped with attractions for children of any age
  • Almaty Circus, where children can see exciting performances with the participation of trainers, aerial acrobats, and clowns. The circus is known not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad: it toured in Mongolia, Cuba, and European countries. The circus troupe is a laureate of many prestigious competitions and festivals. Travel by buses No. 121, 401, 95. Get off at the Kasteev Museum stop.
    Exciting performances are demonstrated in the arena of the Almaty Circus, including with the participation of aerialists
  • What time of year is best to come to Almaty

    Summer is a great time to relax in Almaty. The city is completely surrounded by greenery, and the temperature outside is a comfortable 20–22 degrees Celsius. After getting acquainted with Almaty, you can devote several days beach holiday. Go to the Kapchagay reservoir, the banks of which are equipped with beaches, water parks, and hotels. Popularly the reservoir for its big sizes nicknamed Kapchagai the sea. In summer, the water in the sea warms up to 25–27 degrees. Amazing nature and developed infrastructure attract numerous vacationers to these places.

    The Kapchagay reservoir is famous for its clear blue water

    It’s easier to get to the Kapchagai reservoir by car:

  • Travel from Almaty to the city of Kapchagay.
  • Overcome the dam and move another 30 km along the Taldykurgan highway.
  • Cross the bridge and turn right. After the turn you will see the Kapchagai Sea.
  • The winter months are also good for exploring the city: the air temperature rarely drops below 5 degrees below zero, so the cold will not interfere with pleasant walks. In addition, in winter the sightseeing tour can be diluted with a visit to the ski resorts:

  • Shymbulak, 31 km from the city. The recreation center includes ski slopes of varying difficulty, two hotels, and seven restaurants. Coordinates: Trans-Ili Alatau. Travel by buses No. 6, 12 from the Dostyk stop. When traveling by car, follow the route: Dostyk Avenue - Medeo-Shymbulak station.
    The Chimbulak ski resort has a developed infrastructure
  • Ak-Bulak, 18 km from the city. The resort is surrounded by the picturesque Talgar Mountains. The recreation center is equipped ski slopes, the length of which exceeds 5 km. After skiing or snowboarding, you can use the services of saunas, swimming pools, and restaurants. It is easier to get to the resort by car via the Taglarsky tract or by taxi.
    Ak-Bulak resort is surrounded by picturesque mountains
  • Travel plan

    Plan your trip so that you have at least three days left. One day will be spent exploring Mount Kok-Tyube, the second - on a tour of the park named after. 28 Panfilov guardsmen, the third - to get acquainted with other sights of the city.

    If you have 5 days left, be sure to visit the Medeo sports complex and Big Almaty Lake.

    If you come to Almaty for a week or more, then after a sightseeing tour of the city you can plan a long trip. For example, visit the Charyn Canyon - a unique natural attraction created from sedimentary rocks that are more than 12 million years old. In this place, archaeologists still find the remains of extinct animals. The total length of the canyons is 100 km. The most accessible area is the Valley of Castles, which is a popular destination among tourists. Many travelers note that this place feels the spirit of mysticism and magic. There is a belief among local residents that these unusual reliefs were created by extraterrestrial civilizations.

    Charyn Canyon is an amazing natural monument with unusual mountainous reliefs

    While staying in the city, follow some rules that will help you avoid trouble:

  • book your accommodation in advance, the hotel rooms here are not empty;
  • don't litter on the streets. Almaty is a very clean city and the locals are proud of it;
  • if you are going to travel outside of Almaty, it is easier to rent a car. Transport connection outside the city it is not very developed, and taxi services will be expensive;
  • Be careful when choosing clothes. Flashy and provocative outfits are not welcome in the city.

  • The map of Almaty shows all the significant sights of the city

    Almaty is the second capital of Kazakhstan. It was built during the Soviet era, so the sights of Almaty are mostly Soviet architecture. Huge parks with shady alleys, the old center, the metro and many other objects that were built before the country's independence are still of interest and benefit to both tourists and city residents. Don't know what to see in Almaty? We have compiled a list especially for you popular places of this city, which includes the most interesting sights.

    Main attractions of Almaty

    Photos and names of Almaty attractions are unusual. Mount Kok-Tobe, whose name is translated from Kazakh as “Green Hill,” amazes with its beauty. It is located near the city, and there is a television tower on it, which, due to its location, is the tallest structure in Almaty.

    Symbols of Almaty

    The Kok-Tobe rock and the tower are the main symbols of the second capital. To enjoy the magnificent view from the top, you can climb to the observation deck by cable car, which starts almost from the city center. In just six minutes of ascent you will see Almaty from different angles. After climbing the rock, visit “Kok-Tobe Park”, where you can:

    • see the monument to the legendary group “The Beatles”;
    Monument to The Beatles in Kok-Tobe Park Ken and Nyetta
    • throw coins into the “Fountain of Wishes”;
    • relax in a cafe or restaurant, of which there are many here;

    Cafe on the street in Almaty tjabeljan
    • visit a climbing wall;
    • visit an art gallery.

    Independence Monument in Almaty tjabeljan

    Independence Monument

    The historical development of Almaty and the country as a whole is symbolized by the Independence Monument, rising on the central square. He represents the “golden man” standing on a winged leopard and controlling it. This composition symbolizes firmness of will and invincibility of power.

    Kok-Tobe TV tower in Almaty Nomosb

    Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Almaty!

    Palace of the Republic

    In addition to the Kok-Tobe TV tower, visible from all points of the city, among the religious buildings of Almaty one can note the Palace of the Republic, which can accommodate 3,000 people. Exhibitions and important conferences are constantly held here, as well as concerts by world stars.

    Palace of the Republic in Almaty tjabeljan

    Other interesting places in Almaty

    Not far from the Palace of the Republic there are such famous buildings of the city as the Kazakhstan Hotel and the Arman Cinema. The first establishment is a calling card not only of Almaty, but also of the entire republic, since the high-rise 102-meter building from the times of the USSR is a symbol of the country.

    Orthodox Holy Ascension Cathedral in Almaty Stomac

    An interesting place in the city, located in the park named after. 28 Panfilov guardsmen - Russian Orthodox Holy Ascension Cathedral, which was previously called the Turkestan Cathedral. The building is made of wood and its beauty has no equal in the whole world. The exterior of the cathedral is impressively colorful, especially the 5 unusual colored domes with crosses. The interior of the building is also magnificent: manuscripts on the walls, a painted iconostasis and other religious decorative elements that have been preserved since the beginning of the 20th century.

    Central mosque in Almaty MaratD

    In Almaty, the main place of worship is the Central Mosque. It has an unusual appearance: a structure made in white, decorated with blue domes that symbolize harmony and simplicity. The courtyard of the mosque is equipped with a cozy square with alleys, benches and flower lawns, so it is comfortable to relax here. The building itself is one of the largest in the republic; it can accommodate up to 7,000 people.

    Central State Museum in Almaty Tisoiso

    The city is famous for the Central State Museum, which is the largest in Kazakhstan. Here you can see the three hundred thousandth exhibition of exhibits of the republic’s heritage, presented by:

    • national clothes;
    • yurt;
    • objects of nomadic tribes;

    Household items - exhibits of the museum in Almaty Jean-Pierre Dalbéra
    • armor and weapons of warriors;
    • embroidered products;
    • jewelry.

    Museums of Almaty

    The history of Almaty can also be studied in the city museum. Although it was opened recently, it has already collected a considerable number of historical objects: from the Bronze Age to the present day. Among the interesting exhibitions are:

    • Museum of Art with art gallery works of Russian and Kazakh authors;
    • Natural Museum with an exhibition dedicated to the flora and fauna of the republic;
    • Geological Museum with a unique collection of minerals.

    Archaeological site in Almaty m.prinke

    In Kazakhstan, many important and valuable objects were found during excavations, including the bones of ancient animals, fossils and disappeared minerals. All this can be seen today in Almaty museums, so a tour of the exhibitions will be educational and unforgettable.

    Giraffes at the zoo in Almaty Aiganym Kairbekova

    Where to go with a child in Almaty

    It is interesting to visit the Almaty Zoo. On its fairly large area there are sections with a variety of animals and an aquarium. Many of the species presented are in the Red Book. To relax in silence in nature, you can visit the “Park of the First President”; the territory is decorated with the largest fountain in the city.

    City fountain in the Park of the First President in Almaty Andrey.moiseyev

    Children and adults will be interested in watching the vibrant circus performances. In the city, the circus building is decorated with a hyperbolic dome, erected in 1972 and recognized as an example of civil architecture. The key performance in the circus arena is an equestrian performance with the participation of Zhaidarbek Kunguzhinov. Basically, the artists taking part in the performances are gymnasts, tightrope walkers, and horse riders, who have been awarded various prizes and have taken first places at many festivals and competitions.

    Green bazaar in Almaty Spacekid

    For memorable gifts, you can go to the huge colorful markets of Almaty. One of the most visited places by tourists is the Green Bazaar.

    Winter attractions in Almaty and active recreation

    Ice skating rink at the Medeo sports complex in Almaty Vmenkov

    Interesting photos Almaty's attractions are also presented in winter. So, it is definitely worth visiting the high-altitude sports facility “Medeo” at this time of year, which is the largest in the world. It is located in the tract of the same name in the Trans-Ili Alatau near Almaty at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level. During the free period from competitions, which is from October to April, tourists and Almaty residents enjoy skating at the Medeo complex. On the outskirts of the city there are also ski resorts where skiers, snowboarders, and freestyle skiers love to spend time. Such favorite places include:

    • Shymbulak – there are trails for beginners and experienced skiers here, and there are also routes for downhill skiing. In the summer, the ski resort organizes a camp for children, a rope park and excursion hikes in the mountains;
    • Tabagan is an all-season sports and recreation complex, where in the summer you can ride mountain bikes, skate, play tennis and volleyball, visit saunas and massage rooms, and in winter there is a ski resort;
    • Ak-Bulak – operates throughout the year. Here you can go skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.

    Beach on the shore of Lake Kapchagay Torekhan Sarmanov

    Ecological tourism in Almaty

    After getting to know everyone interesting places, be sure to take photos of Almaty sights. Ecological tourists love to travel here, since there are numerous tourist routes. Those who like to walk should visit Ile-Alatau natural park. It is large in size and occupies over 200,000 hectares. In the reserve you can see more than 1000 different plants, and the number of species of different animals exceeds 1500. Most of animals and birds inhabiting Ile-Alatau natural Park, are in the Red Book. The Almaty Nature Reserve with its lush coniferous and deciduous forest vegetation is no less attractive.

    A great place for walking is the Kolsai Lakes Park. The name of this attraction indicates that there are beautiful alpine lakes on its territory. Tourists have the opportunity to climb the mountains and admire numerous unique and interesting places along the way. Also popular are horseback riding in the foothills.

    Yuri Ivankov

    Those who like to go down mountain reservoirs can go to the Ili River. It begins in the rocks of the Tien Shan, flowing into Lake Balkhash. This is also where the national park Altyn-Amel.

    All the sights in Almaty amaze with their beauty and diversity. In the city and its surroundings you can have a great holiday according to your taste and financial capabilities. After visiting Almaty, be sure to visit Astana! We have prepared for you a review of the best ones so that you can be inspired for your further travel around Kazakhstan.

    She is depicted on postcards with the sights of Almaty, and in 2011 she was recorded on the five thousand dollar bill. Hotel "Kazakhstan" is one of the main symbols of the apple city. The building became iconic soon after its construction: in Soviet times, lamps were even made that resembled the shape of a hotel building. It was a very large-scale architectural project of the 70s, and until 2008 it remained the tallest building in Almaty. The hotel is considered the most earthquake-resistant facility, as it can withstand an earthquake of up to 10 points. It is curious that the building's calling card - a crown at the very top - was not even planned initially. This design was conceived in order to hide small unevenness in the roof. At one time, the hotel even housed the city's largest casino. From the windows of “Kazakhstan” you can see a magnificent panorama of the snowy peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau.

    Address: Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 52/2
    Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 91 01, +7 727 291 02

    Almaty metro

    All Almaty residents know that the metro has become the most global and longest construction project in the city. Construction of the metro began in 1988, but financial difficulties prevented the project from being realized for a long time. And only on December 1, 2011, local residents and guests of the city were able to appreciate this type of transport. Nine stations of the Almaty metro have a unique architectural style, decorated with granite and marble; at some stations you can see stained glass. Despite the fact that there are still only a few stations, they have an individual style and perfectly represent the national flavor.

    Address: Almaty, Abay Ave., st. Gogol or Raiymbek Ave.

    Pedestrian street Panfilov

    Today, the pedestrian street Panfilov paves the way from GATOB to Arbat. This is the first public space of this type in Kazakhstan. Architect Roman Shneiderman was inspired by the Las Ramblas in Barcelona. On a hot day, you can hide here in the shade of the alleys, or on weekends meet with friends at the nearby cafes. For kids there are futuristic playgrounds. The street runs in the historical center, so while walking, you may not notice how you find yourself in the area of ​​​​the old Arbat. Now he too has changed. Instead of paintings by street artists, there are paved paths and orderly rows of benches. On weekends there is a crafts fair. In the 90s, people came here to buy audio cassettes with recordings of their favorite bands, young rockers and punks spent time with guitars here, home-grown poets and artists painted pictures and read poems, life was in full swing here. Today there are no music kiosks here, but everything else is the same: a creative spirit reigns here, so attractive to both locals and visitors to the city.

    State Museum of Art named after. Kasteeva

    Museum of Art. Kasteeva represents the architecture of the 70s. This is the largest art complex in the country. Priceless collections of samples of national and world culture by masters of the past and present are collected here. The number of exhibits in the main fund of the museum is more than 23,000 units. The museum regularly hosts exhibitions of contemporary avant-garde and classical artists from around the world. Kasteevka allows the visitor to get acquainted with both the rich Kazakh national culture, experience it through objects of art, and with the art of countries near and far abroad.

    Address: Almaty, microdistrict. Koktem-3, 22/1
    Phone for inquiries: +7 727 394 57 15
    Ticket price: from 200 tenge

    Museum of Folk Musical Instruments

    Museums such as the Museum of Folk Musical Instruments named after. There are only a few of Ykylas in the world, but for Almaty residents he is another source of pride. This is one of the few buildings of the Vernen era, located in the park of 28 Panfilov guards. The building resembles a cathedral in the style of ancient Russian architecture, which was built according to the design of the famous architect A.P. Zenkov. The museum contains a unique collection of not only Kazakh national musical instruments, but also the most exotic instruments from other countries. The museum's exposition features 297 musical exhibits, and the fund houses about 2,000 more. Museum guests will be able to see musical instruments of the Turkic peoples and peoples of the world, the most ancient of which have been restored and recreated thanks to preserved written sources and ethnographic descriptions.

    Address: Almaty, st. Zenkova, 24A
    Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 63 16, +7 727 291 63 37
    Ticket price: 150-650 tenge

    Presidential Park

    The park named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has 12,000 trees, among which 3,000 are only coniferous species. At the entrance to the park, visitors are greeted by an arcade of decorative columns. Upon entering the park, the first thing you notice is the huge fountain complex. With the onset of summer nights, the fountains become “singing”. A little further in the park you can find monuments, fragrant rose beds, themed corners and observation decks with incredible views of the city. The park often hosts apple festivals and fairs.

    Address: Almaty, Dulati Ave., 1/1
    Phone: +7 707 371 2138
    the entrance is free

    Central Park of Culture and Leisure

    The oldest park of culture and recreation was founded in 1856. The park began as a place for walks and recreation for officers of the Vernensky garrison. There are so many entertainments here that they will appeal to any age: a water park, an amusement park, a dolphinarium, a zoo, a dino park, dozens of cafes, sports grounds and even a stadium. In the depths of the park there is a reservoir where you can take romantic walks on catamarans, admiring the mountains.

    Address: Almaty, st. Gogolya, 1
    Phone: + 7 727 382 27 52, +7 727 382 30 82
    the entrance is free

    Depo Evolution Park

    Some Almaty residents associate their childhood and youth with trams, when the carriages slowly moved straight along the green Komsomolskaya (now Tole Bi). Now there are no trams; along with them, it’s as if part of that history, some particularly nostalgic one, has gone away. But the tram depot remains. True, in an unusual form - the first youth loft center Depo Evolution Park opened in its place. City festivals are often held here, there is a co-working center, a volunteer movement center, a center for young artists, a youth resource center with a branch of the dormitory supervision center and a center for working with rural youth, a workout-center and much more. Bright graffiti and street art will be an excellent backdrop for any photo.

    Address: Almaty, st. Baitursynova, 22
    Phone numbers for inquiries: + 7 72 279 30 34, + 7 727 279 12 27
    the entrance is free

    Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

    The park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen is one of the most popular Almaty recreation parks. It was founded in the 70s. XIX century on the site of the village cemetery, which is why it was originally called Starokladbishchensky Park. On the Memory Alley in the park there are obelisks with the names of 28 Panfilov heroes who survived the unequal battle with the Germans. In the center of the park is the Eternal Flame, at the foot of which Almaty residents and guests of the city lay flowers and wreaths in memory of those killed in the Patriotic War. There are also several historical monuments the beginning and middle of the 20th century, including the Ascension Cathedral, built without a single nail, the House of Officers, the Museum of Musical Instruments and the ARTiSHOK theater, beloved by Almaty residents.

    Address: Almaty, intersection of st. Gogol and st. Pushkin
    the entrance is free

    Botanical Garden

    In the southern part of Almaty there is one of the cult places - the Botanical Garden. The garden occupies a huge area - 103.6 hectares. Here you can not only hide from the bustle of the city, but also expand your knowledge about botany. The botanical garden was founded in 1932, but has not yet lost its popularity. Newlyweds often come here for colorful photos for a long memory, they arrange photo sessions, fans of healthy lifestyle go for morning and evening jogging, mothers walk with strollers and enjoy the silence inside this green paradise, and sometimes art events take place here. Sometimes pharmacist students are brought here to introduce them to the medicinal herbs growing here, and marriage proposals are often made in the Japanese garden. In the center of the botanical garden there is a greenhouse - a kind of oasis of rare plants.

    Address: Almaty, st. Timiryazeva, 36d
    Phone for inquiries: +7 727 394 80 40
    Ticket price: 300 tenge

    Almaty Zoo

    In the eastern part of the city there is a zoo - one of the favorite vacation spots of Almaty residents and guests. southern capital. They are attracted here by the opportunity to communicate with wild animals - the inhabitants of the zoo, walk in silence along the shady alleys, and feel like part of this wild world. The zoo was opened in 1935 through the efforts of hunter and expert on Semirechye Murzakhan Tolebaev and famous children's writer Maxim Zverev. Enthusiasts were personally involved in catching representatives of the domestic fauna for our zoo, and negotiated with Moscow, Ashgabat, Leningrad zoos. In the year of its foundation, the zoo was replenished with 70 species of animals. A pair of Indian elephants was given to the zoo in 1955 by Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The most famous baby elephant, Batyr, born to this couple, learned to pronounce his name with his trunk. Today in the zoo you can see 310 species and 2781 specimens of animals.

    Address: Almaty, st. Esenberlina, 166
    Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 291 37 16, + 7 727 291 37 85
    Ticket price: 200 tenge (children), 700 tenge (adult)


    The date of birth of the Almaty circus is July 24, 1970. It was a gift for the 50th anniversary of the Kazakh SSR and the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. The building is designed for 2,160 seats and from the outside it resembles a traditional nomadic dwelling - a yurt. The Almaty Circus has toured abroad several times - in Cuba, Mongolia, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, etc. Today it is a distinctive cultural layer of domestic art. The circus has received awards from the largest international festivals and competitions in Rome, Warsaw, Monte Carlo, Izhevsk, and Moscow. Thanks to him, Kazakhstan is among the ten most developed circus countries.

    Address: Almaty, Abay Ave., 50
    Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 394 49 11, +7 727 394 49 03
    Ticket price: from 3000 tenge

    Kok Tobe

    Kok Tobe Park is one of the main attractions of the city of Almaty. At an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, high in the mountains, a truly stunning view of the picturesque landscapes of the Trans-Ili Alatau and the city surrounded by greenery opens up. From 1967 to the present day, the park has functioned as a recreational place with restaurant complexes, attractions, a zoo, an exotarium, souvenir pavilions and a Ferris wheel. In summer, the park receives two thousand visitors daily. There is a free funicular ride for people with limited mobility. The pride of the park is the monument to the legendary Liverpool group the Beatles. The bench depicting musicians in Kok Tobe Park became the only composition in the world in which all members of the group are represented. How about looking at the city from the top of a cable car? tip: try coming here at sunset to see the city bathed in the warmth of the evening sun. The impressions will be unforgettable.

    Address: Almaty, st. Omarova, 41
    Phone numbers for inquiries: +7 727 272 77 77, +7 702 000 44 88
    Ticket price: 2000 tenge (cable car round trip)


    The Medeu ice skating rink, located at an altitude of 1691.2 meters above sea level, is the calling card of Almaty. It was erected in 1972. In the summer, the skating rink hosts all kinds of music festivals, awards and flash mobs. A dam was also built here to protect the city from mudflows that form on the peaks of the Western Tien Shan. It is difficult to find an Almaty resident who has not been here at least once in his life. Winter or summer - it doesn't matter, this place has magic at any time of the year. There is also a “health ladder”, consisting of 842 steps. Get up and look around: amazing things are just around the corner!

    Address: Almaty, st. Gornaya, 465
    Phone for inquiries: +7 727 232 68 48
    Ticket price: climbing the stairs is free


    At the Shymbulak ski resort you can have fun not only in winter, but also in summer. It is located just above the Medeo skating rink. There is also a cable car here that leads directly to the peaks of the Tien Shan Mountains. The ascent does not occur immediately, but in three stages, so it is better to buy tickets for all three lifts in advance if you want to climb to the very top. It is necessary to take care of warm clothes in advance, since even in summer the temperature at the highest point is about 10-12 degrees. The second and third stages here are called Combi-1 and Combi-2. A ride on the funicular will give you a lot of beautiful scenery and opportunities for good photographs; the cabin has open windows - take pictures to your heart's content. Then these photos will warm you with memories of such a beautiful, warm and sunny Almaty!

    Address: Almaty, st. Gornaya, 640
    Phone: +7 727 331 7777, +7 727 330 90 51
    Ticket price: 1000 - 3500 tenge



    The small Tulebaev Street, located right in the center of the historical “golden square”, was the ultimate dream of any Almaty resident in Soviet times. Previously, it was impossible to buy apartments in this area: they were given out only for special merits to figures in science, culture, and art. This area is also notable for the fact that the filming of some locations of the legendary film by Rashid Nugmanov “Igla” took place precisely on the Tulebaiki alley. The final scene with Viktor Tsoi was captured here. Today, at this place there are granite plaques with the lyrics of the songs of the cult musician, and on the legend’s birthday (June 21), the world’s only full-length monument to a rock performer appeared.

    Address: Almaty, st. Tulebaeva

    Since Soviet times, everyone knows this city as Alma-Ata - “Grandfather’s Apple of Kazakhstan.” Later it was renamed Almaty. Many famous people Russians born in Almaty: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Batyrkhan Shukenov, the A’Studio group, Linda Nigmatulina and others. The city is already 1002 years old. In 2017 it hosted the Universiade. In honor of this event, the Almaty Arena ice palace was built. On the streets of the city you can find monuments in honor of Mametova, Kunaev, Moldagudova, Satpayev and other people important to the country. It has everything: mountains in the surrounding area, architecture, and exotic sights that are worth seeing.

    What to see in Almaty in one day

    Have you arrived in Almaty, but you only have one day at your disposal? You will be greeted by a nice and unusual landscape. You can use the services of a tourist guide. But if you don’t like the same type of excursions, create your own route. The name of the old city of Almaty. This is the most mysterious city in the world.

    For those who like walking, you can start from New Square (Republic Square ). Go down to the fountain cascade and go straight down. The street will lead you to the Abai Ballet and Opera Theater. Cross the road and you are on the pedestrian Panfilov Street. Walking along the picturesque street you will reach the Old Square. Going even lower along Panfilov you will find yourself on Arbat.

    After walking around to your heart's content, head towards the Green Bazaar, one of the main markets in Almaty. Take a look at the company store at the Rakhat confectionery factory. And then go up a little higher along any street from the Green Bazaar, you will find yourself in the park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen.

    Do you like to ride in a car? Try using public transport. On Pedestrian Street there are two descents to the metro station Zhibek Zholy Station and Almaly Station. Take the metro, go by car. Each station is themed. At the Auezov Drama Theater station, visit the Circus, the Wedding Palace, the Aya entertainment complex, and the Central Stadium. To complete the tour, take bus 18, 79 or 30 to the Atakent Business Cooperation Center. There is a large park and exhibition pavilions.

    Where to go in two days

    If you have two days at your disposal, be sure to devote one day to a walk around Shymbulak and the Medeo ice complex. Dedicate the second day to sightseeing, concerts, go to a festival, which are held quite often in the city. Or go beyond. Visit the vineyards in the village of Turgen, Trout Farm and others.

    Where to take beautiful photos in the city

    Almaty is located at the foot of the Tien Shan range. For lovers of exclusive beautiful photos direct path to the mountains. You can take breathtaking pictures at:

    • BAO (Big Almaty Lake)
    • Shymbulak
    • Park of the First President.
    • Issyk Lake

    In summer the city blossoms. Any park, square, street blooms with roses, lilacs and chestnuts. Gorky Park often sets up free decorations for photo shoots.

    Where to go by car

    A car provides mobility for movement. But keep in mind that in Almaty, cars have not been a priority lately. The authorities are intensively developing public transport, which makes life difficult for motorists; waiting in traffic jams will not allow you to enjoy.

    There are many interesting places outside of Almaty. Kapchagay reservoir. Locals call it “The Sea”, family recreation areas in the mountains, such as “FamilyClub”, “Tau Spa”, Trout Farm. Tabagan.

    On your own or through a Travel Agency, you can purchase a tour to the Charyn Canyon, rafting on the Ili River, and the Kolsai Lakes.

      Located at 70/1 Papanina Street, corner of Yaroslavskaya Street. The theater was originally created in Vladivostok. After the deportation of the Koreans, the troupe reunited in Almaty in 1968. The national ensemble "Arirang" serves in the theater.
      Someone will say, “Korean theater is not for me.” But don't rush to conclusions. Along with the multinational flavor of Kazakhstan, the Korean theater has preserved the history of its people, language, and traditions.

      Raiymbek - batyr - warrior and commander in Kazakh history. The legend about Raiymbek says: when the elder realized that his vitality was fading, he bequeathed to put him on a camel. In the place where the exhausted camel falls, place his body on the ground.
      The batyr's request was fulfilled. During the war, they tried to destroy the grave, but the equipment kept breaking down and did not allow the plan to be completed. In 1994, a Mausoleum was erected with the ashes of the batyr, and next to that same camel. Raiymbek's grave is located along the avenue of the same name. The place is quite lively and noisy. But people from all over Kazakhstan come here, they ask for blessings and health from the sacred place.

      The convenient location of the museum will not let you miss it. In the city center on Dostyk Avenue you have the opportunity to see all the wealth of Kazakhstan.
      In the museum you are immersed in the atmosphere of the mine. An elevator, shaped like a miner's cage, takes you to the halls of the museum. The founder, Satpayev Kanysh Imantaevich, collected a large collection of minerals from all over the country. Minerals, agate, crystals, all types of ores, etc. The Museum displays more than 900 exhibits. At the exit you can buy original souvenirs made of agate, fragments of ancient rocks and precious stones.

      The museum is relatively young. Was founded in 1999. The main railway carrier of Kazakhstan is located in the building of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC. Central exhibit layout railway in scale 1:87.
      The model shows the train stations of Turkestan, Astana and Almaty 2. The exhibit is all in motion. Small trains travel along it, spotlights shine. Have you ever seen rail laying equipment? All track equipment, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, cars, etc. are presented here. Lovers railway transport will appreciate the museum.

      The mosque occupies an important place in the history of the city and in the hearts of believers. The mosque was built over two years from 1995 to 1997. The mosque was designed by Yusupov Sh.
      For many people, the mosque is their first home. Here Muslims unite to study Islam, perform rituals and help each other.

      On January 13, 1934, the first performance of “Ayman Sholpan” took place. The brilliant acting will make you fall in love with the theater. World classics are played on stage in the original language. Operas are performed in Italian, French, English, Russian and Kazakh. The plays are mainly staged by foreign experts. Both locals and tourists go to the theater. Guests of the city always try to attend performances. Get a charge of emotions and cultural enlightenment.

      This main square city ​​on Satpayev Street. Most of the important buildings for the city are located here:

      house of government - akimat. State institution, workplace for the mayor - akim of Almaty.
      The Independence Monument is a hundred-meter composition. At the very top, the “golden man” sits on a winged leopard.
      Along the road there are other compositions performed in the national style.
      Central State Museum.

      Located under Republic Square. Construction of the facility began in 2007. City residents did not like the changes. Traffic was difficult. Growing in the Tien Shan park are blue and chopped. And after cracks appeared in the road surface, residents began to drive around the square. Construction ended in 2012.
      The fairy tale of an underground store in an earthquake-prone area has become a reality. It's quite safe. The developer designed the project according to all technical standards.

      You will visit the Kazakhstan Museum of Musical Instruments while walking in the park of 28 Panfilov men. The museum houses exhibits from Asia, Africa, Europe, such as sarangi, dulcimer, kobyz, biin, kokle and so on. Representatives from Japan donated the folk musical instrument Shayim Daiko to the museum.

      On June 10, 1972, the Almaty circus began to receive its first spectators. The circus building resembles a Kazakh yurt in its shape and can accommodate about 2,500 spectators. Vivid spectacles with a taste of Kazakh poetry took first place in the CIS. The circus tours all over the world. Constant government support for the circus allows it to organize grandiose performances.

      Residents of Almaty call the Botanical Garden “the lungs of the city.” A green area of ​​103 hectares filters polluted Almaty air. High concentration of exhaust emissions in the air is an acute problem in Almaty.
      Families or friends come to the botanical garden to walk along the birch, oak and lilac alleys. At the entrance you are greeted by a Japanese garden, designed according to all Japanese traditions. Nearby is a greenhouse of rare exotic plants.

      This is a large entertainment complex on the peak of Mount Kok-Tobe at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level. You can climb it by bus or cable car, the length is 1620 meters. Kok-Tobe Mountain offers a beautiful view of the city.
      On observation platforms there are binoculars. It has its own petting zoo, exotarium, attractions, Ferris wheel, cafes and restaurants.

      In 2007, a monument to the British group The Beatles was erected on Mount Kok Tobe. Any visitor to Kok-Tobe can take a photo with the group members. The creation of a bronze monument to the group received permission from the copyright holder of the Beatles brand, Apple Corporation, and the mayor of the city of Liverpool.
      Band members Paul McCartney and Ringo Star gave their separate consent to the creation of the monument. Sitting on a bench next to the musicians, you will hear the group’s famous musical compositions.

      The park was built back in the seventies of the nineteenth century on the site of the village cemetery. Its first name is Old Cemetery Park.
      The name of the park has changed several times over the years of its existence. In 1942, the park was named in honor of the soldiers of the Panfilov 1070th Regiment of the 316th Infantry Division, who defended with their own forces the German onslaught on Moscow in 1942. On the memory lane there are personalized monuments for each fighter, and blue spruce trees are planted in their honor.


      People's Artists of Kazakhstan, invited Western and Russian stars Concerts are held here. REFERENCE After the construction of the Almaty Arena for the Universiade, the Palace of the Republic began to receive guests less often, but did not cease to be the main attraction of Almaty.

      There are 28 Panfilov men standing on the territory of the park. Cathedral Zenkova. One of the city's leading attractions. The cathedral was built from wood using a unique technology without a single nail. It is one of the eight tallest wooden structures in the world. The cathedral survived a severe earthquake in 1910. But he did not survive Soviet rule. It was looted and became the Central Museum of Kazakhstan. In 1995, the cathedral again received the status of a holy place.

      The palace has a very beautiful architecture in the form of spirals connecting at one point. There is a large dome in the center of the building. This is the roof of the celebration hall. The Schoolchildren's Palace periodically holds events dedicated to international and national holidays.

      This is part of the Tien Shan range. The gorge is famous for the monastery and the Akzhar landslide. Monastic Scythian was founded in the 20th century. The monks who suffered for their faith, Seraphim and Theognostus, are buried on the territory. The Akzhar landslide was formed after the earthquake on May 28, 1887. Tourists come to walking routes. But passage through the checkpoint is only with passes.

      There are always weekends of ice skating. The ice on Medeo is made using technology that allows it to maintain the ice surface 8 months a year. For several years in a row, the skating rink hosts the Voice of Asia music festival.

    Hi all! Anastasia Yusupova is with you.
    In the article I will talk about Almaty attractions for tourists
    and local residents. ABOUT most beautiful places, city and surrounding areas.

    Recently, I spoke on Skype with a person from Russia. She told me that I was blogging about my favorite city, that I was preparing an article about the sights of Almaty.

    This man was very surprised... He thought that in Kazakhstan we only have endless steppes and, in principle, there is nothing to look at. If for some reason you think the same, in this article I will try to show how beautiful our Republic is. In particular Almaty and its surroundings.

    First, I’ll tell you about the sights of the city itself. For guests who are passing through and for those who do not have much time. Then, I’ll tell you and show you the most beautiful places outside the city, for those who are ready for exciting adventures.
    So read the article to the end!

    Top attractions in Almaty

    Now, as vividly as possible, I will imagine myself as a tourist who has recently arrived in Almaty and has already found a place to live for the duration of his stay in the city.

    So, as a tourist visiting Almaty for the first time, I would like to know:

    1. What can I see in the first few days, if I’m passing through, for example, for 2-3 days
    2. Which attractions should you visit first?
    3. Where to go if I still have time and desire for longer excursions.

    I will try to answer all these questions as detailed and accessible as possible.

    It is worth noting that in our city, interesting places are located quite compactly, so to speak, in “islands”, and if you are in a hurry, you can visit several places at once.

    For example, moving along Gogol (Pushkin) Street, you can pass through the Park of 28 Panfilovs, visit the Museum of Musical Instruments and look into the Palace of Officers, where rare exhibits from the times of the Great Patriotic War are stored. There in the Park there is the famous Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension. And not far from the park, the Puppet Theater is located, at the intersection of Pushkin and Gogol streets.

    If you follow further along Gogol, without turning anywhere, towards the general flow (Gogol is now one-way), you will just come across Gorky Park. The walk will take about 30 minutes, maybe less, depending on how fast you go.

    1. Gorky Park - the central park of culture and recreation

    A classic of the genre for lovers of quiet walks in picturesque places. Shady alleys, a pond with a fountain, benches. Both children and adults will enjoy relaxing in Gorky Park.
    There is a children's area with many attractions and a real zoo.

    Gorky Park on Instagram:

    2. Koktobe Amusement and Recreation Park

    Classics are classics, but Almaty is still famous for the beauty of its mountains. And it is simply impossible to miss a visit to Koktobe Park, which is located in the mountains at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level. In addition, it is located quite close to both Gorky Park and 28 Panfilovtsev Park.

    We will go up there by cable car to fully enjoy the beautiful views.

    To get to the Koktobe landing station, we must get to Dostyk Avenue, the exact address is Dostyk, 104B. If you take a taxi, you can tell the taxi driver that you need the Arman cinema. By the way, it can also be considered a tourist attraction. This is the first cinema that was built in Almaty and operates to this day. Also, for reference, I’ll say that the Koktobe cable station is located a little higher than the street. Abaya. (Dostyk Avenue intersects with Abay Street)

    If you are not looking for easy routes, you can get to the park by a specialized bus. Bus station located at st. Omarova, 41.
    And you will most likely have to get to Omarova 41 by taxi, via the Eastern Bypass Road.

    In Koktobe Park you can have a great time for adults and children, couples in love and lonely bachelors. It is here that pop stars often perform.
    From here you can see the whole city at a glance. This is one of those places where you get unique photographs. Many photo zones await you in Koktobe. Come, you won't regret it.

    Even more information:

    Continuing the theme of the most beautiful mountain landscapes, we are approaching the next attraction of Almaty.

    3. Medeo - high mountain sports complex

    One of the main attractions of Almaty can rightfully be considered ski resort Medeo. In addition to the fact that Medeo is architectural monument national significance, it ranks first in terms of ice field size in the whole world. You can get there quite quickly and inexpensively by bus.

    IN winter time you can go ice skating there. If you go a little higher, to Shymbulak, there are trails for skiers and snowboarders.
    In the warm season, Medeo is transformed. It becomes so beautiful there that it is difficult to describe in words.

    The path to Medeo also runs along Dostyk Avenue. Bus number 12 goes from the stop Dostyk Ave. - ug. st. Kurmangazy, every day from 7:00 to 23:00.

    A place where you want to return again and again. Fresh air, beautiful flower beds, singing fountains and a stunning view of the mountains. Perfect place for relaxation and walks.

    Presidential Park is exactly the opposite of Gorky Park, and is located at the other end of the city, along Al-Farabi Avenue (intersection of Navoi Street). The park has a huge territory, but there is no children's play area.

    If you are going for a walk in Presidential Park with children, think in advance about what you will do to keep them occupied. It is known that children do not like long walks, but they can chase, say, their glider for at least an hour. You can take a ball or crayons for drawing on the asphalt; if you have a glider at home, you can take it.

    By the way, I have a separate detailed article about all the parks in Almaty with descriptions and addresses. Here . Be sure to check it out.

    If after a walk through the Presidential Park you still have some energy left, you can go down to the Central State Museum. For this, on the street. Al-Farabi take bus 63 or 86. These buses will go straight all the time and only turn towards Furmanov (the new name is Nazarbayev Avenue). Immediately after the turn, you will need to get off at the first stop. The stop is called telephone network management. Then you will have to go down along Nazarbayev Avenue on foot. On the right you will see a large building with blue roofs - this is the treasured museum.

    5. Central State Museum

    In fact, there are many different museums in Almaty. I focus specifically on the Central State Museum, since many halls dedicated to different topics provide an excellent opportunity to see everything in one place. Starting from the animals inhabiting our open spaces and ending with the culture and art of the Kazakh people. In addition, there are art exhibitions, a hall modern history and much more.

    Central State Museum in Almaty

    So, the places listed above do not require special preparation to visit. Getting to them is easy and quick. All you need is your desire.

    Next we will talk about more exotic places. The road to them takes much longer. These trips should be planned in advance, as they require some preparation. These are so-called one-day tours.

    6. Big Almaty Lake - abbreviated as BAO

    photo of BAO from Instagram user witcher_yeti

    The most beautiful place high in the mountains. Definitely, it is one of the main attractions of Almaty, which attracts many tourists. Yes and local residents It wouldn’t hurt to see what beauty is hidden just a few thousand kilometers away

    Unfortunately, I haven’t been there yet, but a trip to BAO is high on the list of must-sees.

    How to get there:

    If you read the article from the very beginning, then most likely the words “Park of the First President” and “St. Navoi" should be at least a little familiar to you. This is important, since the path to BAO lies precisely along that same Navoi street.

    Of course, the easiest way is to take own car. Moving straight along the asphalt road, you definitely won’t get lost, since there is only one road.
    There is really a nuance, this road is very winding, there is dangerous places reminiscent of serpentine roads and prone to rockfalls, therefore, if you have recently gotten behind the wheel and belong to the category of novice drivers, it is highly recommended not to go there in your car.

    By bus, it is also possible, but then you will have to walk about 11 km, since the bus only goes to a certain point. Moreover, you will have to go up all the time. Are you confident in your abilities? Then go ahead! In addition, when moving on foot, you will fully enjoy the landscape around you.

    Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the First President Park and get to the pipe. From there, you can walk for about two more hours, you can even walk along the pipe itself.

    If you're not intimidated by the route and are still planning to take a look at Big Almaty Lake, don't forget to bring warm clothes, plenty of hot tea, and your ID.
    Since almost all of Almaty is supplied with water from this lake, do not be surprised if you see people in uniform there.

    7. Turgen waterfalls

    The village of Turgen, near the city of Almaty, is fraught with the most mysterious secrets. As many as three waterfalls, different from each other, can be seen while walking through the Turgen Mountains. It is best to travel by car or by tourist bus.
    You will have to get to the waterfalls themselves on foot, moving along the path.

    I myself only saw the first waterfall. The route to it is quite simple, considering that I was pregnant, already in my seventh month, and not at all tired. Even my nephew, who was three years old, walked almost the entire way by himself.

    The splashes fly straight into the face, and my nephew’s happiness knows no bounds)))

    The only way to get closer to the waterfall is to walk along a narrow rocky path above the cliff. Jumping from stone to stone, and the stones are wet and slippery. There, I was a little scared. Although, perhaps, it was the instinct of self-preservation that spoke in me then. After all, at that moment, I was responsible not only for my life.

    I really enjoyed my holiday in the Turgen Mountains. On the way to the waterfall there are many gazebos and benches where you can have a snack and take a breath. In addition, there are many good clearings for a picnic.


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