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26 Mar


Annapurna is a mass of peaks in central Nepal in the southern spur of the main Himalayan range. Between the valleys of the Kali-Gandaki and Modi Khola rivers they form a mountain bastion headed by Annapurna Main (8091 m.). The main peaks of the massif are Annapurna II (7937 m), Annapurna III (7555 m), Annapurna IV (7525 m), Gangapurna (7455 m), Annapurna South (7219 m). They have nothing to do with the main eight-thousander; they received their names only for their proximity to it. The most mysterious in this company is Machapuchkhre (6993 m.). "Macha" is translated from Nepali as fish, "pukhare" - tail. English-speaking tourists call it Fishtail, because when viewed from below, the silhouette of the peak resembles a fish tail. Locals They consider this mountain to be the sacred incarnation of God Shiva. Having reached only 50 meters from the goal, the British climbers vowed never to return here again. After the only unsuccessful attempt After the assault on the summit, it was forever closed for climbing.

Annapurna is the tenth highest peak in the world and the first eight-thousander to be climbed. Unlike Everest and other mountains over 8000 m high, until 1950 no one even tried to climb Annapurna. And in 1950, the French task was to reach the top of Dhaulagiri. However, from the Ghorepani Pass (French Pass) " White Mountain"looked too intimidating, and Maurice Herzog, the leader of the expedition, decided to look for approaches to another eight-thousander - Annapurna. The expedition is considered successful. On June 3, 1950, Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal reached their goal by climbing to the summit from the north. Annapurna surrendered, but at what cost! The climbers, “lightening up” as much as possible, left the assault camp wearing ordinary uninsulated boots. This was a big mistake. At the top, having taken a photo and putting the camera in his backpack, Maurice dropped his gloves, which were immediately picked up and carried away by the wind. Both mountain climbers lost all their toes, and Herzog also lost almost all his fingers. The expedition doctor had to perform the operation in the field and without anesthesia.

The heroic ascent of French climbers marked the beginning of the era of storming the world's 8,000-meter peaks. Over the next seven years, 11 of the 14 most high peaks. Annapurna stood in splendid isolation for another 20 years. And only in 1970, a team of English athletes led by Chris Bonington climbed this giant along the south face. And again for the first time. No one had ever dared to climb wall routes in the Himalayas before. This is how the southern base camp appeared, trekking to which is very popular in Nepal these days.

Annapurna Base Camp. Annapurna Base Camp. For the initiated, password: ABC

If one goes to Everrest in order to touch something from the category of “the very best,” then a trip to Annapurna Base Camp cannot be considered an end in itself. The endless world of the Himalayas, the mysticism of Buddhism and the esotericism of Nepal cannot be comprehended in a lifetime. When going to this country for the first time, after reading guidebooks, you usually want to “embrace the immensity.” A hike to ABC is ideal for exploring the mysterious kingdom. From loggia to loggia, among the fragrant nature, simple trails are laid: no passes, no traverses, the climb is smooth, the highest point is 4100 m. The trek can be diversified (lengthened), partially combined with other routes, or it can be made as short and interesting as possible. Only from Chomrong the section of the route will remain unchanged. And to this locality you will follow the flight of your imagination: pick up a pencil and draw the track of your journey depending on the time you have.

Stupa of Peace and Lake of Harmony

The town of Pokhara is the holy of holies of all trekkers. Most of Nepal's popular treks begin and end here. Half of the tourists visiting this city come here to embark on a journey to Annapurna. Spend a day here. The beauty of Phewa Lake is worth it. Take a boat to get out into the middle of it. IN clean water Machpuchhre and Annapurna are reflected, village houses are scattered along the steep green banks, dogs barking can be heard, and on a small island there is a Hindu temple.

On the southern side of the lake, on a picturesque hill rises the Buddhist Stupa of Peace. This symbol of the unity of peoples of different religions and beliefs was erected under the leadership of the Japanese monk Nichidatsu Fujii. There are 4 Buddha statues in the temple, brought from China, Japan, Nepal, and Vietnam. More than 80 such stupas have been built around the world.

Climb Mount Sarangkot from where updrafts The colorful canopies of paragliders are carried away in different directions. On the horizon is a ridge of Himalayan peaks, below is a mirror-like surface of water, and all around is serenity and complete harmony.

Start of trekking

The trip will not be bright and complete without ethnographic excursions. To do this, the classic route to ABC is usually combined with the Jomsom Trek, part of which passes through small, down to the core Nepalese villages. Everything here is real: architecture, people, way of life. In the village of Ghandruk there is little that reminds us of the presence of civilization. The houses are made of wild stone. On the roofs there is Himalayan slate, which is mined somewhere nearby. Walk along the streets, look into the homes. The centuries-old design of the decoration, the outlandish utensils, the atmosphere - everything is truly exotic.

The start of any Nepalese trekking is the moment when your boot touches the trail, and the thought arises in your head that all around is the most beautiful landscape you have ever seen. The path begins behind the village of Fedi with the “stairway to heaven” - a very steep climb up stone steps. It would not be amiss to mention here that the inhabitants of the first villages through which you will pass are Brahmins, people of the Chhetri caste. You cannot enter their houses without asking permission. You can't even step outside the yard fence.

Next will be the Gurung villages. These people are much more welcoming and easier to communicate with. Like, in fact, all Buddhists. Soon the roads will end completely, and the trails will turn into the only link between the villages and the outside world. Nepalese children go to school along them, local residents carry loads, and tourists head to Annapurna Base Camp. Along the Modi Khola River, climbing higher and higher, we will actually come to its source. The stunning landscapes fuel the idea that things can't get any better, but the next day's surprises disprove all that. The path either dives down into the gorge, then climbs steeply up the slope, then gets lost in the labyrinth of green terraces with rice fields. From every elevation there is a panorama of the Himalayan foothills: mountain slopes in a foggy haze, stretching into the endless distance. You can watch for hours without stopping. The main thing is not to lose track of time from all this beauty.

Nepalese “straight” and “traffic jams” on paths

Never take literally the phrase coming from the mouths of Nepalese: “It’s not far, 2 kilometers in a straight line.” To complete the picture, they will smile welcomingly, but wave their hand somewhere towards the horizon. The above will mean that lunch will not come soon. Another hour and a half on rough terrain with loss and gain of altitude. The concept of “straight” does not exist in these places. You're just in Nepal. Know that you go down to the bottom of the gorge only to cross the river, and then inexorably up again.

A little about crossings. The path is replete with suspension bridges and bridges. Crossing such structures is an adventure. They swing over mountain streams at such a height that it takes your breath away. The bridges are used not only by people, but also by cattle. Some of them were built specifically to reduce the number of traffic jams on narrow paths. (If you meet a donkey or a yak on the way, hung with luggage, never stay on the edge of the path. These hard workers do not feel their size and can push you down with a slight movement of their powerful body.)

Thermal waters

Thermal springs are a nice bonus of the track. In the village of Jinu, there are comfortable swimming pools on the banks of the river. During the high season there are a lot of tourists here, so it’s better to relax in the waters of the source after sunset. With a flashlight we go down to the river and under the starry sky, in a romantic setting, we indulge in complete bliss. After hot procedures, you definitely need to plunge into the cold river. Firstly, it’s in Russian, and secondly, it’s good for health. And again the “stairway to heaven” is right after Gina Danda. The four-hundred-meter rise is almost vertical. Raising your head and peering into the distance for a long time, it is impossible to see where the stone steps end.

Stone steps -uncountable -infinite number.

On the way to Chomrong, stop by Taglung, a hilltop place with authentic mountain tea shops. All paths leading to ABC converge at Chomrong. This is the local "district center". Quite a prosperous Gurung village. The village has a large selection of guesthouses, local pizza is famous throughout the Himalayas, so tourists plan their route to stay here overnight. Still, it must be said separately that most The trails on the way to Machapuchhare Base Camp (the route in ABC passes through Machapuchhare Base Camp) are giant staircases lined with stones with an uncountable number of steps. In general, uncountable is a very specific figure in the local understanding. It describes almost everything that is in Nepal: the number of Gods (there are 3 million of them or something like that), festivals, temples, stupas, places of power, the number of monkeys at the temples, the number of yaks, etc. Beyond Chomrong, the number of stone steps will go into the thousands. Down - joyfully and cheerfully, up - with the hope that then down again.

When going trekking in Nepal, carefully read the descriptions or question the guides. Knowing that the steps are finite will significantly give you strength.

A country of mountains, forests and waterfalls.

The route passes through the territory national park Annapurna, created in 1986. A rare opportunity to visit all of them in 5-6 days natural areas altitudinal zone. It’s hard to wrap your head around how in such a small country, whose territory is almost entirely occupied by mountains, there can be tropics, subtropics, alpine meadows, and glaciers. The world's largest rhododendron forest grows in the park. It's the forest. In the Caucasus, rhododendron is a shrub. And in a tropical climate it grows into impassable wilds. In spring, the mountain slopes are buried in purple and pink flowers. Leaving the rice fields of the foothills far below, the path through thickets of bamboo and banana palms will lead us to the valley of the subtropical jungle. The world here is full of exotic flowers, colorful birds, magical smells and sounds. There are arcades of vines overhead, trees entwined with orchids, and ferns underfoot. Among the dense branches, the curious and impudent faces of little Langur monkeys flash. Setting out on the road in the morning, it seems that the most beautiful thing was yesterday, and today there is only a slight hangover from what we saw. But the closer you get to ABC, the more everything around looks like a picture from Japanese watercolors: the rocks are covered with red rhododendron flowers, and among the rocks there are waterfalls. Large ones, smaller ones, very small ones. They fall down in a noisy stream, flow down the slope in sparkling threads, and simply gurgle along the washed-out hollows with many streams. Consciousness is not able to overcome so many impressions. The recent jungles and monkeys seem far in the past, but you have been admiring the splashes of water sparkling in the sun for an hour now.

Beyond the Himalaya village the forest will end. The deep gorge with dense jungle and bamboo thickets separating Machapuchhre and Annapurna will be replaced by a gentle valley between steep slopes. In the village of Doban, be sure to ask the locals to show you the naturally formed Buddha figure on the rock. People see what they want or what they believe in, so this miracle is not revealed to the tourist eye. This is the last one big village before the finish line. After Doban, look into the Khinku Cave. It's more like a grotto. Once upon a time a holy elder lived here. They say that the energy of the place is off the charts. On the way to Machapuchhre Base Camp (MBC), the trail will cross water streams and pass through traces of avalanches and landslides. MBC is several one-story buildings, an “assault camp” in front of the final goal of the campaign. From here you will see: Khinchuli (6441 m), Annapurna I (8091 m), Annapurna III (7555 m), Gangapurna (7454 m), Machapuchhre (6997 m).

"Sanctuary of the Goddess"

Early in the morning, when it is still dark, a glowing snake of lanterns will mark the path to ABC. Annapurna Base Camp is a flat area bordered by low rocks, and in front is a huge circus. Around 360° there is the most beautiful mountain panorama on the planet: Machapuchhre (6993 m), Mardi Himal (553 m), Tent Peak (5500 m), Hiun Сhuli (6441 m), Corrugated Peak (6390 m), Bharha Chuli (7647 m), Rock Noir (7485 m), Tare Kang (7069 m), Singu Chuli (6501 m), Gangapurna (7454 m), Gandarba Chuli (6248 m), Annapurna peaks. Keeping our cameras at the ready, we will wait for the moment when the dawn graces the tops of the mountains. Streams of sunlight will pour from the sky, emphasizing the details of the relief, the contrast of snowy slopes, rocky ledges and the bottomless blue sky. The circus will sparkle with all its colors, and the Sanctuary of the “Goddess of Fertility” will open before us. And somewhere high near the peaks the wind raises snow “flags”. The sound of avalanches can be heard. This magical mystery can be observed endlessly. Greatness wildlife disarms. Her beauty penetrates into the very heart. Sanctuary Trek ("Annapurna Sanctuary") or Base Camp Trek (Track to Annapurna Base Camp) ends here, and climbers are just starting their route from here. A little above the base camp there is a monument to the famous climber Anatoly Bukreev, who died in an avalanche on the slopes of this mountain. It is designed in the form of a Buddhist chorten. Local residents call it “Russian Stupa”. A monument was erected to Anatoly's friend Linda Wiley. On the plaque are the words once spoken by Boukreev: “The mountains are not a stadium where I satisfy my ambitions, they are temples where I practice my religion.”

In other words, it is impossible to convey the beauty, purity and grandeur of this place.

Natalya Dorozhkina, Travelers Club “Wind of Freedom”.

Day 1. Group meeting
to Kathmandu

Upon arrival at Kathmandu airport, you must apply for a Nepalese visa for 30 days (this is with a reserve).
At the exit from the airport, the group is greeted by a Nepalese office employee holding a bright yellow “Himalayan Guide” sign.
After checking into the hotel, in the evening there is a general gathering of the group and an introductory briefing from the leader guide.

Day 2 . Kathmandu
- Naya Poole
- Tiketunga (1,960m).

Early in the morning - transfer in a comfortable minibus
from Kathmandu to the starting point, in the village of Naya Pul. Kathmandu Valley is located
at an altitude of more than 1,000 m and the road
to Annapurna begins with a descent
down a dizzying serpentine road with stunning views
on terraced fields scattered
on steep slopes.
There are stops along the way
for the toilet, rest and snack.
The minibus arrives in Naya Pool after lunch. Walking distance from Naya Pula
in Tiketungu, to a cozy family guesthouse, it will take about 4 hours.
Before dinner, it's good to take a hot shower and rest a bit.

Day 3-10.
Tracking to base camp Annapurna
(ABC, Annapurna Base Camp, 4,130m).

Trekking is a walk
to picturesque places
with minimal or light load. Time for the walking part of the trek
from 5 to 8 hours a day.
Trekking is the most popular activity in Nepal. active recreation. About tracking
in Nepal, read these helpful tips.
During nine days of trekking, the group will climb the Poon Hill high-rise, visit the picturesque village of Chomrong, and climb up the valley of the Modi-Khola River to the very heart of the Annapurna massif - the alpine base camp Annapurna Base Сamp (ABC, 4,130 m)
and relax in the hot springs
to Gina.
The path follows a hiking trail, through picturesque Nepalese villages, crossing rapid tributaries, past impressive waterfalls
and snow-capped peaks. The culmination of the route is a huge amphitheater
from the Himalayan peaks of Hiunchuli
(6,441 m), Annapurna South (7,219 m), Fang (7,647 m), Annapurna I (8,091 m), Annapurna III (7,555 m), Machapuchhre
(6,993 m).

1st day of trekking.
- Uleri (1,960m)
- Ghorepani (2,860m)

Elevation gain per day – 900 m.
The walk is only 4 - 5 hours. The first part of the journey is an ascent
up the stone steps. This warm-up will last 40-50 minutes.
Then - an easy and beautiful transition among oaks and rhododendrons. Terraced fields are visible all around - an impressive illustration of the hard work and patience of the Nepalese.
Along the way you will come across a wonderful waterfall, in the pool of which you can take a pleasant swim in the spring. From the last village to Ghorepani it is an hour and a half walk. At the end there is a small but fairly smooth rise. In the upper part of the village of Ghorepani, a checkpoint awaits the group to check documents.

2nd day of trekking.
- Poon Hill (3,210m), transition
- Ghorepani (2,860m)
- Tadapani (2,630m)

Early rise at 04-30 and departure at 05-00. The ascent will take
about an hour. Return back to the guesthouse around eight in the morning.
Poon Hill offers an amazing panorama of mountains from Dhaulagiri to Machapuchhre (6,993 m). Machapuchhre is famous for its recognizable profile, similar to the tail of a fish, and for the fact that at one time the King of Nepal banned climbing by a special decree.
One of the few peaks on the planet that remain untouched... Annapurna South Peak (7,219 m) is also clearly visible. After Ghorepani (2,860m) way
lies down - the drop in height to Tadapani (2,630m) will be 230 m. The trek takes about five hours.
The road starts right behind the hotel "The Sunny Hotel"(a good reference point is a basketball court). The trail goes up smoothly at first, then becomes a little steeper. A long and rather difficult hour-long climb will end with the Durali Pass (3,180m). Immediately after the village of the same name, the path continues with a steep, winding descent. First the descent will go along the ridge, then the trail will fall into the gorge. It can be very slippery here after rain. In the spring, at this transition, despite
at a low altitude, you can find yaks grazing.
From the last village there is an hour and a half's walk. Before Tadapani there is a small but steep climb for about thirty minutes. Accommodation in the guesthouse "Fishtail" with good young owners, not greedy and very cheerful.

3rd day of trekking.
- Tadapani (2,630m)
- Chomrong (2,170m)

After breakfast, about 5-6 hours walking to the village of Chomrong.
The trail begins with a fairly steep two-hour descent and leads out
onto a large terrace with a magnificent view. The convenient location of the Mountain Discovery loggia ensures a constant influx of guests - here you can relax, have a snack and admire the excellent view!
After a grueling descent to the river, from the bridge over Kimrong Khola, the road leads up again. Then an easy hike for 2 hours, alternating traverses and climbs. It takes one and a half to two hours to reach the village of Chomrong.

4th day of trekking.
- Chomrong (2,170m)
- Sinua (2,330m)
- Bambuu (2,335m)

Chomrong spreads across the slopes
in all three dimensions.
After spending the night in the loggia on his highest point, a leisurely descent begins down the exotic streets. Chomrong is considered the most large settlement in the Annapurna Nature Reserve. And wealthy - this can be seen from the abundance of good-quality houses and guesthouses for tourists.
The descent ends at the river, after crossing which a long climb begins to the village of Sinua (2,330 m). After it, the trail becomes easier and there will be no such changes in terrain ahead.
Along the way there are several picturesque waterfalls and thickets of wild bamboo. It is highly likely that you will encounter a herd of wild monkeys. Then the trail again “falls” to the river, along a man-made stone staircase - to the village of Bambuu (2,335 m).

5th day of trekking.
- Bambuu (2,335m)
- Himalaya (2,920m)
base camp
- Machapuchhre
(MBC, 3 700m)

At this altitude the mornings are fresh and at times already cool.
Go out to the trail after breakfast, early in the morning. The landscape around is noticeably changing, the mountain slopes are becoming closer, and the scale of the relief is becoming sharper... Starting from this day, it is safe to drink water from mountain streams, since they flow from a glacier. And unfriendly bacteria do not live at such a height. The path slowly climbs up and gradually leads to another world. The forest gives way to bushes, and soon disappears completely. The river, so menacing below, turns into a peaceful, wide-spreading stream. At some point the trail levels out and winds along the river for several kilometers,
along a flat valley sandwiched between steep slopes.
Small buildings are visible ahead - this is the Machhapuchhre Base Camp, 3,700 m.
Machhapuchhre Peak itself (6,993 m) rises majestically to the right.
Machapuchhre base camp is where you will spend the night. Today it's an early bedtime, as tomorrow we'll be leaving for Annapurna Base Camp long before sunrise. As a rule, a motley international of trackers gathers for dinner. This evening everyone is filled with restrained excitement before the upcoming climb to a height of 4,130 meters - to the Annapurna base camp...

6th day of trekking.
base camp
- Machapuchhre
(MBC, 3 700m)
base camp
- Annapruni (ABC, 4,130m)
- Himalaya (2,920m)
- Bambuu (2,335m)

Rise at four o'clock in the morning.
After a cup of hot tea - a leisurely transition upwards
in the dark, with headlamps. The trail is fairly flat, but at night it is often covered with light snow or frozen. Annapurna Base Camp is at least two hours away. As a rule, the group arrives at the top in ten to twenty minutes
before dawn...
This sunrise will be remembered for a lifetime! All around is a panorama of the Himalayas.
Hiunchuli (6,441 m),
Annapurna South (7,219 m),
Fang (7,647 m), Annapurna I (8,091 m), Annapurna III (7,555 m),
Machapuchhre (6,993 m).
The base camp itself is located at
the bottom of a giant circus, surrounded by majestic slopes of cosmic proportions.
The bed of an ancient glacier, which plowed a huge moraine trench, the dimensions of which are measured in hundreds of meters, is impressive. Near the cliff
From the moraine wall there is a small memorial dedicated to the Soviet climber Anatoly Bukreev.
After descent to Machapuchkhre base camp and a hearty breakfast, we head back.
With amazing ease they rush past the places of previous overnight stays! The village of Bambuu is a place for dinner and overnight stay.

7th day of trekking.
- Bambuu (2,335m)
- Chomrong (2,170m)
- Jinu (1,780m)

After an early breakfast the transition
it flies by unnoticed to the village of Sinua. Ahead is a panorama of Chomrong stretching along the slope. Its winding streets no longer seem overwhelming. You feel tired in your legs, but at the same time you feel an unusual elasticity and lightness of gait.
Having rested for observation deck Chomronga, the group is going down,
to the village of Jin. A pleasant surprise awaits you there - a holiday thermal spring. What could be better than relaxing in a hot pool on the bank of a mountain river overlooking snow-capped peaks - just a hot dinner and a healthy sleep.

8th day of trekking.
- Jinu (1,780 m)
- Ghandruk
Moving to Pokhara

Early rise and breakfast.
The vigorous trek to Ghandruk will take about three hours.
By suspension bridge The trail crosses a tributary of the Modi Khola - Kimrong Khola. Under the bridge lies a huge piece of rock, sandwiched in a stone crack...
The group will be transported to Naya Pul by an SUV or a regular bus. Then - transfer to Pokhara on another regular bus. After arrival, check-in and a short rest at the hotel, a friendly dinner of real Nepalese trekkers.
The group became a team.


Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp via Machapuchare Base Camp - one of the most beautiful walking routes to the first eight-thousander climbed by man.

Annapurna - huge mountain range in central Nepal, stretching in the Himalayas for a distance of 55 km.
Annapurna I (8091m) is the tenth of the fourteen highest and the most dangerous eight-thousanders in the world. Two minor peaks are nearby - Annapurna Central (8051 m) and Annapurna East (8026 m).
Along the northern slopes of Annapurna you can find many species of plants of different climatic zones - from bamboos and bananas to conifers of northern latitudes. On the southern side, Annapurna I forms a closed circus with steep walls - the Annapurna Sanctuary.
The peculiarity of the trek is that the path will pass through the Machapuchare Base Camp at an altitude of 3700 m. Machapuchare is considered to be in Nepal sacred mountain and is completely closed for climbing.

You need to go because:

  • Annapurna - a huge mountain range (55 km) awaits you;
  • the maximum altitude gain on your trip is 4310 m;
  • During trekking you will be surrounded by stunning views;
  • the route passes through the Base Camp of Machapuchare - a sacred mountain for the Nepalese, closed to mountaineering;
  • visit Pokhara - the “southern” capital of Nepal;
  • you will see Kathmandu - the oldest cultural center Nepal.

Moscow - Kathmandu - Pokhara - Nayapul - Biretanti - Ghandruk - Chomrong - Bambu - Machapuchare BC - Annapurna Sanctuary - Deurali - Anapurna BC - Bambu - Jinu Danda - Nayapul - Pokhara - Kathmandu - Moscow

Full description of the program by day

    Arrival in Kathmandu

    Upon arrival at Kathmandu airport, you will be met by our representative. Once customs formalities (visa, etc.) are completed, you will collect your luggage and head to your hotel.

    Transfer to Pokhara (823 m). Trekking

    Trekking: 6-7 hours.

    Transfer to Pokhara (5 hours) - beautiful city, located by the lake at an altitude of 823 m. Along the way, you will be accompanied by magnificent views of the Himalayas.

    Nayapul. Trek to Ghandruk (1940 m)

    Trekking: 1 hour 20 minutes.

    After breakfast you will drive to Nayapul. From there, from Biretanti, you will trek to Ghandruk (1940 m) - a beautiful village inhabited by members of the Gurung community. If time permits, you will also visit the Gurung Museum.

    Overnight in the village of Ghandruk.

    From Ghandruk village (1940 m) to Chomrong (2170 m)

    Trekking: 5-6 hours.

    On this day you will ascend to Kimrungdanda. The ascent will take about an hour, along the way you can admire beautiful views of Annapurna South, Hivanchuli, Fishtail Mountain (Machapuchare) and Gangapurna.

    A steep descent will take you to Kimrong Khola. After another steep climb from Kimrong Khol to Chere Danda you will descend for a while and it will be an easy walk to Chomrong (2170m) - beautiful village, located near the giant Annapurna massif.

    Overnight in Chomrong.

    From Chomrong (2170 m) to Bambu (2310 m)

    Trekking: 4-5 hours.

    The trail from Chomrong goes downhill. You have to go down 2,500 stone steps and cross Chomrong Khola on a suspension bridge. This is a climb up Mount Sinuwa. Then pass through beautiful forest until Kuldihar and reach Bambu (2310 m).

    Overnight in Bambu.

    From Bambu (2310 m) to Deurali (3230 m)

    Trekking: 3-4 hours.

    You will pass through a wet and cool bamboo forest before climbing steadily. There will be fewer steep sections along the way. Only after you reach the Himalaya Hotel does the forest part and you step out into the sun again. There are amazing views of the glacial river below.

    Next there is a steep climb up through much drier forests before reaching Hinku Cave. From here you will see how the trail goes closer to the river. Then you will climb again to Deurali (3230 m) - the most picturesque section of this day. The vegetation here is sparse, allowing you to enjoy magical views of the valley, the river below and cascading rocks with thin stripes of waterfalls.

    Overnight in Deurali.

    Route to Annapurna BC (4130 m) via Machapuchare BC (3700 m)

    Trekking: 5-6 hours.

    Today there is a difficult route ahead: first climb through the river bed, then along a steep path to the mountain side. From the Machapuchare base camp (3700 m) there is a beautiful view of the majestic peaks of Machapuchare (6993 m), Hiunchuli (6441 m), Annapurna South (7219 m), Annapurna I (8091 m), Annapurna III (7555 m), Gandharva Chuli ( 6248 m) and Gangapurna (7455 m).

    The vegetation will change along the way to the camp and the path will widen as you enter the Annapurna Sanctuary. The view from here is breathtaking: the southern side of Annapurna rises almost vertically above us. The Annapurna Sanctuary boasts a wide view; here you can capture a 360-degree panorama without any obstacles.

    At the base camp, you can enjoy contemplating the mesmerizing Machapuchare, Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Hiunchuli and other peaks.

    Overnight at Annapurna Base Camp (4130 m).

    From Annapurna Base Camp (4130 m) to Bambu (2310 m)

    Trekking: 7-8 hours.

    From Annapurna Base Camp you will return to Bamba. On this day the path goes down, so the trek is not difficult. In addition, you will be encouraged by the extraordinary landscapes that accompany you throughout the journey.

    Overnight in Bambu (2310 m).

    From Bambu (2310 m) to Jina Danda (1760 m)

    Trekking: 5-6 hours.

    From Bambu you will ascend to Kuldigar and then descend to Chomrong Kol. From there you go up the stone steps to Chomrong. Then the trail descends to Jin Danda (1760 m), where you will stop for the night.

    Today you will have the opportunity to enjoy bathing in the hot springs. The springs are located a 15-20 minute walk down the hill from Jinu Danda. Water will perfectly soothe a sore body after exercise.

    Overnight at Jinu Danda.

    Trekking to Nayapul. Transfer to Pokhara (823 m)

    Trekking: 6 hours, transfer: 1 hour.

    On the road from Jinu Danda to Nayapul, you will enjoy stunning views of the mountain skies of western Nepal. Lunch on the way.

    The trek will end at Nayapul. There a car will be waiting for you to Pokhara (823 m).

    Overnight in Pokhara.

    Moving to Kathmandu

    After breakfast, you will depart for Kathmandu. To celebrate the successful completion of the journey, in the evening there will be cultural program and a gala dinner.

    Overnight in Kathmandu.

    Returning home

    Our adventures in Nepal end today, but you'll have plenty of time to plan the next ones!

    You will be transferred to the airport approximately 3 hours before regular flight to Moscow.

Cost with a local guide per 1 person in a group:

Cost with a “BASK Tour” guide for 1 person in a group:

Included in price included

  • depending on the program: accompanied by a Russian guide or a local English-speaking guide
  • meeting at the airport
  • all land transfers
  • accommodation in a 3* hotel in Kathmandu (2 nights), hotel with breakfast
  • accommodation in a 3* hotel in Pokhara (2 nights), hotel with breakfast
  • accommodation in loggias along the route
  • permits to the national park

Included in price not included

  • air tickets Moscow - Kathmandu - Moscow (price from 40,000 rubles)
  • visa to Nepal 25 USD (issued at the airport upon arrival)
  • meals in cities (except breakfast)
  • meals on the route ($15-20)
  • all personal expenses (recharging battery for shower, laundry, etc.)
  • porter for personal belongings, carries 20-22 kg, payment 18$ per day, one porter for two tourists ($90)
  • tip for guide and porter, $30
  • medical insurance, trekking4.2 $/day

Important information

  • Necessary clothes and shoes
    • down jacket at -10ºС
    • storm jacket with membrane
    • Polartec jacket or fleece
    • storm trousers with membrane
    • trekking trousers
    • polartec trousers or fleece
    • warm thermal underwear
    • thin thermal underwear
    • warm trekking socks (3-4 pairs, warm and light)
    • gloves up to -10ºС
    • windproof hat
    • cap
    • t-shirt
    • long sleeve shirt (2 pcs.)
    • shorts
    • trekking sneakers
    • trekking boots
  • Special equipment
    • telescopic poles
    • headlamp with 2 sets of batteries
    • sunglasses
    • backpack for day trips (30 l)
    • trunk 120 l
    • sleeping bag at -15ºС
  • Travel equipment
    • thermos (1 l)
    • sun cream
    • hygienic lipstick
    • personal first aid kit
    • sunscreen (50 units)
    • towel
    • toothbrush and toothpaste
    • supply of wet sanitary napkins
  • Documents
    • international passport
    • Citizens of the Russian Federation are issued a visa directly at the airport upon arrival in Nepal. The visa must be paid for on the spot. The cost of a visa depends on the number of days of stay in Nepal: up to 15 days - 25 USD, more than 15 days - 40 USD. To obtain a visa, you need 2 photographs 3x4 cm, it is better to bring the photo with you.
  • Transport

    Transfers from/to airports - by taxi or minivan.

  • Accommodation
    • in Kathmandu hotel accommodation with breakfast (2 nights)
    • in Pokhara, hotel accommodation with breakfast (2 nights)
    • on the track, accommodation in lodges, in small rooms, for 2 people
  • Nutrition
    • Breakfast included in hotels in Kathmandu and Pokhara
    • lunches and dinners in Kathmandu and Pokhara are paid for independently (approximately 20-30 USD per lunch/dinner)
  • Weather

    The weather at this time is stable and sunny. And if in the lower part of the trek you can sometimes walk in a T-shirt, then higher up it will be cooler, especially at night. During the day, you can go to the track in a fleece jacket. But a supply of warm clothes is necessary in case of bad weather. Precipitation in the form of rain below and snow above 3500 m is possible. The temperature below is +19C, +21C, in the mountains it is cooler. At night the temperature can drop to -5C or lower.

  • Insurance and medicine
    • No special vaccinations are required to enter Nepal. During the climb, the guide will have a first aid kit, but it is better to have your own first aid kit with you
    • insurance is required that takes into account the risks associated with high-mountain trekking.
  • Responsibility

    Guides accompanying the group throughout the entire program ensure safety only if the rules and safety precautions are observed for all participants without exception. Therefore, we recommend that you listen to the opinions and advice of the guides accompanying you. During transitions and in critical situations, participants must fully and unquestionably follow the recommendations and instructions of the guides. All actions and decisions on the route during a situation that threatens the safety of the participants are solely within the competence of the guides accompanying the group.

    Please note that your guide has the right to change or cancel any part of the itinerary if deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Every effort will be made to adhere to the above route; however, since this adventure is a journey into remote mountainous areas, we cannot guarantee that we will not deviate from it. Weather conditions, health status of a group member, unexpected natural disasters, etc. may result in changes to the itinerary. The guide will try to ensure the trip fits as planned, but please be prepared to be flexible if necessary.

    Our guides have with them the necessary group equipment, a GPS navigator with points along the route hammered into it, a walkie-talkie for communication with each other, mobile phone with the numbers of the area's rescue services, as well as a first aid kit.


In the mountains you need to be prepared for all 4 weather seasons. The weather can change dramatically in a matter of minutes. IN good weather You can walk the entire route in one T-shirt, and if the weather worsens, wear a down jacket! And such changes can happen several times during the day.

Watch the video “How to dress for a mountain hike” -
On this route you don’t need to dress like you did on Elbrus, but the technology is the same!


Expeditionary backpack for a weekend hike (70 l – men, 50 l – women)


An expedition backpack is where you will carry all your personal equipment and some of your group equipment throughout your weekend hike. Volume: Ideal volume is 70 liters for men, 50 liters for women. All your belongings must fit inside the backpack. By hanging something outside, you risk losing it or tearing it on the bushes.

Important characteristics:

Spaciousness, waterproof cape, light weight.

Backpack cover


A backpack cover is used to protect the backpack from rain and snow. Does it say on your backpack that it is waterproof? Don't believe it. A cape is a must. If the night before the hike you find that there is no cape, you can try to make do with large plastic bags (120 liters), but be prepared that they will tear.

Important characteristics:

Waterproof, durable, no holes, light weight. Spring-autumn sleeping bag (comfort temperature -5* C)


A sleeping bag is used as a blanket when camping. This sleeping bag weighs about one and a half kilograms. The manufacturer and type of sleeping bag (blanket or mummy) are fundamentally unimportant. You should not buy sleeping bags in hypermarkets.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, durable, required comfort temperature. Comfort temperature: -5*C Sleepwear


Clothes you will wear to sleep. These things are untouchable while walking. They should be packed in waterproof bags and are needed so that the body has a rest from running clothes and so that you feel comfortable in a sleeping bag that is not warm enough. Good option– thermal underwear and a hat.

Important characteristics:

Suitable comfort temperature, relative cleanliness along the route, light weight. Thermal underwear


Removes moisture, dries quickly, retains heat, and in combination with other pants allows you to achieve a comfortable body temperature. The ideal option is winter thermal underwear made of Polartek material.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, maximum warmth, moisture-wicking properties. Outer running pants (not blown and waterproof)


Protect from wind and moisture.

Important characteristics:

Light weight. Warm pants for the evening (fleece or Polartek)


For use on cool or cold evenings. Fleece or Polartec pants are a good option, but thick sweatpants will also work.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, warmth. Warm thermal socks


Important characteristics:

Light weight, moisture-wicking properties, maximum comfort temperature.

Warm fleece jacket with a neck (thick wool sweater)


The second layer of clothing after thermal underwear for cold weather. Options: Warm wool sweater, Polartec fleece jumper or similar.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, maximum warmth, moisture removal.

Windproof and waterproof jacket (storm jacket/ski jacket)


The third layer of clothing after thermal underwear and a sweater. Used for protection from wind and rain. Options: Windbreaker, ski jacket, Wind Stopper jackets.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, waterproof, windproof. Down jacket (warm jacket)


The third layer of clothing after thermal underwear and a sweater. Used in winter hikes. A long down jacket made of natural down with a hood is recommended.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, maximum warmth, minimum volume when folded. Gloves


For cool evenings or cold weather.

Important characteristics:

Light weight. Warm hat


Needed for winter hiking or climbing Elbrus.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, closed ears, maximum warmth, windproof. Headgear (panama hat, bandana, cap, hat)


Needed for sun protection and sunstroke prevention.

Important characteristics:

Light weight, light colors, UV protection. Sunglasses (degree of protection no less than 3)


Protects your eyes from ultraviolet radiation and bright mountain sun. When climbing Elbrus, such glasses are a must! At an altitude of more than 3000 m, without glasses you will damage the retina of your eyes. Options: mountaineering goggles, ski mask with the maximum degree of protection (at least 3).

Important characteristics:

Light weight, sun protection level 3 or 4, insulation of the eye from external light. Trekking boots


Comfortable boots for walking on the route. Any shoes should be broken in and should not rub your feet.

Important characteristics:

Comfortable, grooved sole, suitable for weather conditions, worn in. Flip flops (sandals)


Needed for traveling on the train, swimming, resting your legs during the day and in the evenings. Options: flip flops, sandals.

Important characteristics:

Convenient, waterproof Trekking poles


The poles take some of the load off the feet (from 5 to 10 kg each pole) and help maintain balance on difficult slopes, slippery mud and other rough terrain.

Important characteristics:

Reliability, light weight, telescopic. Thermos (0.5l.-1l.)


Used for climbing Elbrus and on winter hikes to store hot tea.

Important characteristics:

Maximum heat retention time, light weight. Personal first aid kit


This first aid kit should contain specific and “favorite” medications for individual chronic diseases and additionally adhesive plasters and bandages. You can also take an elastic bandage and nail scissors/nippers. The main pharmacy, which will definitely be in group equipment, contains everything necessary for a standard set of diseases.

Important characteristics:

Minimum weight and volume. Sunscreen and chapstick


Protects against ultraviolet radiation, burns, chapped lips.

Important characteristics:

The higher you are in the mountains, the higher the degree of sun protection should be; on ascents, no lower than 50

LED headlamp


For lighting at night. Options: headlamp, hand-held flashlight. A headlamp is preferable as it does not occupy your hands. To climb Elbrus, a headlamp is a must. Required: replaceable set of batteries.

Important characteristics:

Easy to attach to the head, bright, replaceable batteries.

A selection of the most useful maps of Annapurna. Useful for preparing for and independently. As well as advice on easy navigation on the track and a separate map of the Tilicho Lake area.

If you decide to go trekking in Nepal on your own and you have no experience with GPS, then I can recommend you the Android application Osmand (Maps and Navigation). A very convenient thing and a lot of features in the free version and a huge plus - works offline, without an internet connection. In principle, if you install Osmand and download the map of Nepal (downloaded in the application interface), then you can do without a map; all the trails and points are already marked. I use Osmand + of course I take a paper map with me, firstly, something can always happen to the phone, and secondly, this application has one small drawback - not all peaks are marked, then a regular map helps. It is also very helpful when orienteering in Kathmandu.

You can buy cards in Kathmandu in Thamel. And also in Pokhara, Lukla, Namche Bazaar. The choice is large, the cost of cards is 200 - 400 rupees (that's 2-4 $)

A selection of maps for planning a trek in the Annapurna region.

1.Map of Annapurna trek. Nepa Maps, 1:150000.

2. Annapurna map. Shangrila Maps, 1:125,000 . Original map for download

4. Map of the Tilicho Lake area of ​​the Annapurna massif, includes a section of the Jomsom - Tilicho trail through the Mesokanto La pass.


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