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Montenegro is a country in Europe. In Montenegrin, its name sounds like Crna Gora.

In many languages ​​belonging to the Western European group, the name is an adaptation of a word that came from the Venetian language - Montenegro. Literally translated, it means “black mountain.” Speakers of other languages ​​use the direct translation of this word to refer to the country.

The state is located in the southeastern part of Europe. Its territory occupies the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Detailed map Montenegro gives an accurate idea of ​​the small size of the state. The northernmost and southern points are less than 200 kilometers apart. The distance between the extreme western and eastern points is only 173 kilometers.

Montenegro on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Montenegro on the world map is a state washed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea in the southwestern part and bordering on land with the following countries:

  • Croatia – the length of the border in the west is 14 km;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - the length of the border line located in the northwest is 225 km;
  • Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo – the length of the demarcation line in the northeast is 203 km;
  • Republic of Albania – the length of the border territory in the southeast is 172 km.

The total length of the land borders is 614 km. And the coastline stretches for 300 km. In the southwestern part it is cut through by a vast bay Boka Kotorska with an area of ​​87 km 2. At the same time, Montenegro owns 14 islands in the Adriatic. The total length of the beaches stretching along the southwest of the country is 73 km.

If you look at the map of Montenegro in Russian, you will note that the territory of this state is conditionally divided into three main parts. This is the coastline along the Adriatic Sea, central territory, where the plains are predominantly located, as well as mountainous areas along the eastern borders.


The longest waterways in Montenegro are Tara River, Lim And Cheotina. Half of the rivers in the country belong to the Black Sea basin, the other half to the Adriatic.

A significant part of the rivers flows in mountainous areas; canyons are formed along their course. One of them, located along the Tara River, is the deepest in Europe. Its height is 1.3 km.

The largest freshwater lake in the country is called Skadarsky. It also holds the leadership in terms of water surface area (369.7 km 2) on the Balkan Peninsula. Moreover, a third of the area belongs to the Republic of Albania. In addition, one of the features of the nature of Montenegro are the so-called “mountain eyes”, or mountain lakes. They are formed by melting glaciers and have a beautiful blue-green color. There are 29 such “mountain eyes” in the country.


Most high point country is a mountain Bobotov Cook. It rises 2522 m above sea level. The mountain belongs to the Durmitor massif in northwestern Montenegro. In total there are 70 in the country mountain peaks, whose altitude exceeds 2000 m above sea level.

A significant part of the area of ​​Montenegro is occupied by mixed and coniferous forests (41%), as well as pastures (about 40%).


The country is located in several geographical zones, so that different parts have their own climatic characteristics:

  • on the coast the climate is Mediterranean, with hot (+23 0 - +25 0 C) and dry summers and cool (+3 0 - +7 0 C), but short winters;
  • in mountain systems the climate is harsh, with moderately warm summer months (+19 0 - +25 0 C) and relatively cold winter months (+5 0 - -10 0 C), the duration of snow cover is about 5 months.

In Montenegro, an average of 500–1500 mm of precipitation falls annually. The number of sunny hours per year is up to 2700.

Map of Montenegro with cities. Administrative division of the country

There are 1240 settlements in Montenegro. A map of Montenegro with cities in Russian clearly demonstrates that only 40 of them are cities.

The capital of the state is the city of Podgorica. It is an administrative, political and economic center. The entire territory is divided into 21 communities, or municipality. Their names correspond to the names of the main cities.

Most densely populated cities Montenegro – Podgorica, Niksic and Pljevlja.

  • Podgorica. The population is 150 thousand people. It is located 30 km from the shores of the Adriatic Sea and occupies about 10% of the state's territory. Podgorica lies in the Skadar lake basin, at the confluence of the Moraca and Ribnica rivers.
  • Niksic. Population 58 thousand people. Second by size locality Montenegro, located in the central part, near Mount Trebiesa, in the Niksic Valley. It is the largest municipality.
  • Pljevlja. The population is 19 thousand people. Located in the northern part of the state, it serves as the administrative center of the municipality. The city was built at an altitude of 770 m above sea level, near Mount Lyubishna.

Montenegro – interesting country with unique natural resources and unusual bright places. However, not everyone knows where Montenegro is located and what attractions can be seen here. Therefore, this needs to be dealt with in detail.

Where is it located on the world map?

  • Kotor. This is where most tourists come, as this city has a huge number of various attractions.
  • Bar. Appeared back in the Bronze Age. Almost completely destroyed in the middle of the Second World War, but was later restored.
  • Budva. The history of this city goes back two thousand years. It has everything tourists need - green islands, many attractions and excellent beaches.
  • Top 5 best resorts

    There are many resorts in Montenegro that attract tourists. The most famous:

    Soft sand, bright sun - beaches and coastline of the state

    There are more than 120 beaches in Montenegro. The most famous are:

    • Becici. Its territory stretches for almost two kilometers. The soft sand feels good on your feet. There is a hotel nearby where you can always book a room.
    • Kamenovo. Both the seabed and the beach itself are covered with beautiful white sand. Thanks to bright sun and the turquoise color of the sea creates a unique atmosphere here.
    • DrobniPijesak. Little beach attracts certain categories of tourists with its remoteness from noisy cities, as well as clean spring water.

    Travel around Montenegro

    On what? best to travel in Montenegro? It all depends on how much you want to see. If standard is enough for you tourism program, then it will do sightseeing bus.

    However, if you are interested in visiting places that are not provided by tour operators and do not want to depend on a guide, then it is recommended to rent a car.

    What are main attractions this country? Be sure to look at the following:

    • Ostrog Monastery. Built in the 17th century. Known thanks to Saint Basil of Ostrog.
    • Skadar Lake. In that most beautiful place many species of birds and fish. The ruins of ancient churches remain on the islands, and villages stand on the shores.
    • Budva Museum. The museum is notable for the fact that it appeared in this city only in the middle of the 20th century and was immediately filled with all kinds of exhibits.

    Montenegro is very rich in the most amazing sights. Just listing and describing them would take an entire book.

    Here you can see not only luxurious buildings, but also temples and fortresses. Even the most successful photographs in no way convey the beauty that we will remember (and we really hope that you too) for the rest of your life.

    They deserve special mention - most of them have a lot of interesting corners that are definitely worth seeing.

    Sights of Montenegro on the map

    Initially, we planned to place a map of Montenegro attractions at the end of the article, but it turned out to be quite convenient and useful, so we moved it to the beginning. Of course, not all popular attractions of the country are marked on the map; we have selected only the most interesting ones.

    Natural attractions of Montenegro

    Montenegro is not only and not just how much, but how much amazing beauty. Sometimes it seems to us that in such a tiny corner of the planet God tried to collect as much interesting things as possible.

    The photo shows a street in the city of Ulcin, the sunniest in Montenegro

    And indeed: in Montenegro you will find small islands, amazingly beautiful bays and bays, caves, palm trees, tropical flowers, etc.

    And at the same time, it is here that you can enjoy the amazingly beautiful landscapes, visit, fly on a bungee over the canyon of a mountain river, or raft along it in an inflatable boat.

    Do you think that's all? Of course not. Here you can scuba dive, enjoy the comfort of quiet medieval towns, parachute over the bay, sail on a boat across the sea and bay, and dine in cozy small restaurants with quite a good selection of dishes.

    Were we able to interest you? Then let's go over main attractions countries. We promise to provide detailed and interesting descriptions, add rich photographs and panoramas and provide a map of the country with the most important attractions.

    Boko Kotor Bay is the most accessible of all attractions

    The canyons of the Tara and Moraca rivers are the most amazing corner of Montenegro

    In our opinion, this excursion is considered the most important in Montenegro. Flying to Montenegro and not going is almost the same as never going to.

    Just imagine how from early morning until late evening, for more than 14 hours, you will be driven through the mountains of Montenegro. During this time, you will travel around almost the entire country, see the fantastic, rocky canyon of the Moraca River and the wooded canyon, which is considered almost the hallmark of Montenegro, and even stop at a fantastic one.

    It is simply impossible to talk about the number of amazing landscapes that we were able to see. Not a single photo in any way conveys the fantastic beauty of this place; any description seems faded in comparison with reality. You can enjoy fantastic panoramas of the Montenegrin mountains:

    Durmitor - a fantastic natural and landscape park

    Bay of Herceg Novi (or southern part of the Bay of Kotor)

    To be honest, the bay itself is not much different from. Except that the scale is getting larger. Unlike the rather narrow Boka Kotorska, here the distances between the two banks are very significant.

    At the same time, visiting the bay is very interesting. We were here during . The whole day we enjoyed the sun, the waves that gently rocked the ship, beautiful Montenegrin and Serbian music, a hearty breakfast and lunch.

    But the main thing, of course, is not this. We managed to visit - the greenest, most beautiful and romantic of all that we have seen in Montenegro.

    Wander through the narrow medieval streets, going down countless stone stairs and passages, enjoy the fantastic scenery of the bay, hiding from the hot midday sun under the crowns of lush palm trees, go to small shops (and the prices here are lower than in resorts) or visit one of the small colorful restaurants... What could be better?

    We invite you to enjoy a fantastic view of the bay and the city in the distance:

    Blue Cave - it doesn’t seem like anything special, but it’s very beautiful

    Island of St. Nicholas near Budva - almost Hawaii in Montenegro

    The photo shows St. Nicholas Island from the old town of Budva.

    Yes exactly. Montenegro has its own Hawaii. In fact, this island in the bay is called St. Nicholas Island, but for some reason the locals understand the name Hawaii much better.

    If you have ever dreamed of relaxing on a real island, feel free to negotiate at the pier. For just 5 Euros you will be taken to the island in the morning and picked up in the evening.

    There used to be a small monastery here (16th century), now only ruins remain. There are practically no other attractions on the island. But there is a quite good beach (but pebble, not sandy), where there are usually much fewer people than on, several catering establishments and a small souvenir shop.

    Other natural attractions of Montenegro

    Of course, the list we provided can in no way be considered complete. Montenegro is an amazing country. You can watch its sights for years. It is worth visiting Skadar and Piva lakes; lovers will be pleased to see the heart-shaped Trnovack lake.

    Many will be interested in visiting the Lovcen nature reserves with the grave of Njegus on the top and natural Park Biogradska Gora. It would be interesting to go to the Island of Flowers or visit the beaches of Bar with black sand, which is considered beneficial for the musculoskeletal system.

    The olive grove near Ulcin deserves special attention, and the beaches of Ada Boyana cannot be ignored...

    How many more amazing corners of Montenegro are there that we simply don’t know about? We, too, are exactly the same as you, and we write only about those places where we have been personally.

    Cultural attractions of Montenegro - ancient cities and resorts

    There are a lot of attractions in Montenegro. Unfortunately or fortunately, they are almost evenly distributed throughout the country. Some of them will require a special trip, but most can be reached by car. public transport or visit during one of the. It is about them that we will talk to you.

    The ancient city of Kotor - little Italy, a huge fortress wall, the amazing charm of medieval streets

    The green city of Herceg Novi is the most amazing and beautiful of all that we were able to visit

    Cetinje is the old capital of Montenegro with a centuries-old history and ancient traditions

    For almost the entire history of Montenegro, the city was its capital. It was here that Peter Njeguš, the greatest Ruler of Montenegro, received ambassadors; here the fate of the country was decided and defense against the Turkish invaders was planned.

    The city is located in mountain valley, securely hidden from ill-wishers. In ancient times, this helped defend it from the Turks, but now it has destroyed the city. They decided to move the capital closer to the center of the country, to a place where it could be easier and faster to get to.

    Perast is a very tiny town on one street, which is definitely worth a visit

    Budva is the largest resort town with a lot to see

    Sveti Stefan Island is the most luxurious and most expensive resort in the country, which is not so easy to get to.

    Tivat is a small cozy corner where Montenegrins love to relax

    Locals really appreciate the comfort and tranquility of this small town. There are many green parks here, there is something to see and where to relax. And at the same time, prices are much lower than in other resorts, and there are almost no tourists. Among the attractions of Tivat and the surrounding area, I would like to highlight Porto Montenegro - the largest marina for very expensive yachts.

    The Island of Flowers also deserves special attention, where there is an interesting monastery and many species of rare and exotic plants are collected. There are also several excellent beaches here, which are practically not filled with tourists.

    From the sights directly in Tivat we recommend seeing the Medieval Palace “Buča”, the Monastery of the Archangel Michael and Botanical Garden Tivat. We have already written in more detail about this in a separate article.

    It is worth clarifying that Tivat will not the best option, if you value beaches first. In the city itself, they are mostly concrete, and to get to better options you either have to walk a long way or even drive.

    Djurdjevica Tara Bridge - a visiting card of Montenegro

    For us personally, the symbol of Montenegro was the view from. Just imagine a bridge of incredible height, a river flowing somewhere far, far below and fantastic mountain landscapes. Somewhere in the distance you can see mountain meadows, small villages and even lonely houses, tourists who went rafting float below you, and exactly the same tourists fly past who want to take a bungee ride above. To all this you need to add fresh mountain air, gentle sun and forested mountain slopes. This is exactly how we remember this place.

    Religious attractions of Montenegro - churches, temples and monasteries

    There are a lot of churches in Montenegro. Every city and village has its own church, and sometimes more than one. They say that there used to be a small village here, where there were 365 churches - one for every day of the year. It is practically impossible to talk about all the churches in the format of a short article, and therefore we decided to select only the most important ones that we were able to visit personally.

    Ostrog Monastery is the main religious shrine of Montenegro, receiving millions of pilgrims from all over the world every year

    Cetinje Monastery is the place where the right hand of John the Baptist and a piece of the life-giving cross are kept

    The Church of Gospa from Škrpel (Our Lady on the Rock) is the only church built together with the island on which it stands

    Despite the fact that this church is not on the list of the most visited or significant from a religious point of view, it will most likely be the most interesting for ordinary tourists. Now let's try to explain why.

    Visit this amazing place The easiest way is during a tour of.

    Moraca Monastery is not the most famous, but very interesting and beautiful

    We discovered this monastery during... Despite the fact that at first glance it does not amaze with its antiquity or significance, this is exactly what, in my opinion, a mountain monastery should be. The monks planted a small vegetable garden and an apiary, maintain the garden, cultivate the land and provide themselves with everything necessary. It is amazingly beautiful here, it was in this place that we felt that the monastery really lived, that the monks were here all the time, and did not come in the morning as if they were going to work.

    Church of St. Luke in Kotor, both Orthodox and Catholic

    The photo shows the Church of St. Luke in Kotor. As you can see, it is quite small, but quite ancient

    Associated with this very small but old church interesting story. She was originally Orthodox. But during the attack on Montenegro by the Turks, a lot of Catholics fled to the relative safety of Montenegro, which was protected by powerful fortress walls. They didn’t have their own church, but rituals needed to be held. Therefore, the city residents decided to divide the church into two halves. A second altar was installed here and services were held according to both Catholic and Orthodox rites.

    Over time, there were almost no Orthodox inhabitants left, and the church became completely Catholic. So she changed her “religion” several times - Napoleon intervened, the number of residents of different faiths played a role.

    At some point, the Orthodox residents built a separate church for themselves, much more magnificent than the Church of St. Luke. Then she became fully Catholic again. Now there are no Catholics in the city, and therefore the Church of St. Luke is Orthodox. But if suddenly, for example, many Italians move to the city, the church has every chance of becoming Catholic again.

    This story very well demonstrates the mentality of the Montenegrin people. There have almost never been bloody wars between Christians here, and mixed marriages between Catholics and Orthodox Christians are the norm. At the same time, the Montenegrins fought against the Turkish invaders for centuries, without knowing fatigue.

    Cathedral of St. Tryphon is the largest church in Kotor, which is remembered by almost all tourists

    The Cathedral of St. Tryphon is the largest of all that we were able to see in Kotor.
    Paid entrance.

    This is the largest church in. There are many stories and legends associated with it, which guides or local residents will be happy to tell you. We will focus only on the most popular one, associated with the discovery of the relics of St. Tryphon, hence the name Cathedral of St. Tryphon).

    They say that when Italian merchants sailed to Venice to sell the relics of Saint Tryphon there, an amazing storm broke out at sea. People had no choice but to take refuge with the ship in a safe place near the city.

    The storm raged for three days. Local residents thought that Saint Tryphon wanted to stay in the city. During the night they collected the necessary amount and bought the relics.

    Unfortunately, visiting the church for tourists has recently become paid, and therefore, given that we already had very little time and a lot of desire to see everything, we did not get inside.

    There are usually a lot of people on Slavyansky Beach, but there is a good bottom and beautiful view.

    Mogren beaches are one of the most beautiful beaches in Budva

    If you love beautiful, cozy and romantic beaches, be sure to walk to. Even just the road to them will definitely be remembered by you for a long time. Just imagine how huge slate rocks hang on your right hand, and on your left, somewhere below, another wave breaks on the rocks.

    This is what the beaches of Mogren look like at the time tourist season. If you look closely, you can see a lintel separating Mogren I from Mogren II.

    Richardova Glava Beach is a very small cozy corner near the Old Town of Budva

    This very small beach, about 100 meters long, is included in the prestigious catalog best beaches Nikki Beach. It is located in, two steps from the Old Town.

    There is practically no place to rest on a towel here; almost the entire beach is filled with paid sunbeds. Prices are also slightly higher than in the neighboring one.

    The beach is distinguished by a slightly higher water temperature and a flat, comfortable bottom. Despite the rather high price of sun loungers, it is usually almost completely filled.

    Zanjica beach - the cleanest water, small pebbles and the President of Montenegro

    This beach is considered one of the cleanest in Montenegro. This is partly due to the small pebble bottom, which is not very comfortable to walk on. The water here is so clean that even people living nearby sea ​​urchins. We advise you to carefully watch your step so as not to step on it.

    Zhanitsa beach is pebble. It is not convenient to sunbathe on a towel here; you have to buy a sun lounger.

    The beach itself is quite ordinary. Here, as in any other place, you can rent a sun lounger, have a hamburger or sit in a small restaurant.

    There are also differences. Fresh shower for a fee, automatic. You throw in 50 euro cents and water starts flowing. They don’t save much water; you only have time to wash with two or even three of you.

    There is also an amazing olive grove growing around the beach, which is definitely worth a look. They offer olive oil massages right on the beach, which are a little cheaper than other places.

    There is a fairly large pier next to the beach. If you wish, you can go to, visit the fortress island of Mamula or go to (about 6 kilometers by sea).

    Other popular beaches of fabulous Montenegro

    The easiest way to visit the sights of Montenegro

    The easiest way is to visit the attractions. There are quite a lot of them, you can go and see something every day. This option has a lot of advantages, for example, you will save a lot of nerves, you will show you many attractions, many of which are quite difficult to reach on your own.

    This problem is solved self-guided tours on . This turns out to be both cheaper and more interesting, but you may miss something interesting or waste a lot of nerves in controversial situations.

    The third sightseeing option is the most expensive, but also the most comfortable. If you wish, you can rent a car and travel around the country at your leisure, stopping wherever and whenever you want.

    Which option to choose is up to you. I suggest discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each option in the comments.

    Montenegro on the world map

    Detailed map of Montenegro

    Tourist map of Montenegro

    Montenegro map

    Montenegro occupies a place on the world map west coast Balkan Peninsula, washed by the Adriatic Sea. This state of southeastern Europe borders Bosnia and Herzegovina in the northwest, Serbia in the northeast, Kosovo in the east, Albania in the southeast, and the border with Croatia runs along the western part of the country.

    The Montenegro map explains the fact that this country is often called the Eastern European Riviera - length coastline is about 300 km, of which 70 km are in local beaches. The Arrivo guide will tell you which region is best for beach holiday and where to look historical monuments or nature reserves. Among the natural attractions, the Bay of Kotor, Lake Skadar, as well as the Budva Riviera, where the main resorts of the country are concentrated, deserve the greatest attention.

    The most significant cities and resorts on the map of Montenegro are Budva, Sveti Stefan, Becici, Bar, Tivat, Kotor, Herceg Novi. The most big cities- Podgorica and Niksic. The country also includes 14 islands.

    Basic natural areas on the map of Montenegro - the coastal part along the Adriatic Sea from Herceg Novi to the mouth of the Boyana River, mountain ranges and the valley of Lake Skadar, which includes the valley of the Zeta River, the Niksic field and the Belopavlica plain.

    Detailed map of Montenegro in Russian. Map of roads, cities and regions on the map of Montenegro. Show Montenegro on the map.

    Where is Montenegro located on the world map?

    Montenegro is one of the tourist leaders for budget and environmentally friendly holidays among Russians and Europeans; the country is located in the southeast of Europe.

    Where is Montenegro located on the map of Europe?

    The country occupies a small part of the Balkan Peninsula and is located on the Adriatic Sea between Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Interactive map of Montenegro with cities

    The territory of tourist Montenegro is very small, but very rich in tourist attractions. The Budva Riviera is considered the tourist center of the country. The region is rich sandy beaches, impressive medieval architecture and a variety of entertainment (Budva, Becici, Petrovac, Sveti Stefan, Rafailovici, Przno, Milocer, Sutomore, Bar). The Herceg Novi Riviera is located in the north of the Adriatic, and Herceg Novi, famous for its excellent family vacation, is largest resort this area. The Ulcinj Riviera is known for its good and inexpensive hotels, excellent climate and basalt beaches (Ulcinj and the island of Ada Bojana). Montenegro also has its own ski resorts: Kolasin and Zabljak.

    Geographical location of Montenegro

    The territory of the country can be divided into three geographical region: Adriatic coast, mountain systems in the northeast of the country and the relatively flat basin of Lake Skadar and the valleys of the rivers flowing into it. Geographical coordinates Montenegro: 42°30′ N and 19°18′ E.

    Territory of Montenegro

    The area of ​​the state is 14,026 square kilometers, the country ranks 155th in the world for this indicator. Montenegro is very compact - in less than one day by car you can get from one end to the other. Despite the rather intimate size of the country, its geographical and climatic zones are quite diverse. There are many lakes and mountain rivers, natural national parks.


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