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This atmosphere helps people open up, get closer, and make friends, so when you come to Georgia, you can easily make new friends who will always be happy to see you.

About the main thing: how much wine can you export from Georgia

Georgia is a wine-making country with ancient traditions and many secrets of wine making. Georgian wine has existed as long as the Georgian people. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations, during which clay vessels for wine - qvevri, as well as grape leaves and vines were found.

No matter where you come from, if you visit Georgia, it is impossible not to take with you a bottle of real Georgian wine, which is completely different from those produced in Europe.

But no matter how much you are in love with Georgian wine, you must understand that at Tbilisi airport, only four liters of wine per person, both home and factory bottling, are officially allowed in your luggage. But that's not all: all countries have their own rules for importing alcohol. So, when leaving Georgia, you must take into account not only how many bottles of wine you will be able to take out of Tbilisi airport, but also how many you will be allowed to bring into your host country.

It is necessary to know these rules in order not to find yourself in a funny situation. At the Tbilisi airport, employees like to recall how one tourist drank three bottles of wine in one gulp when they were about to be confiscated due to violating transportation rules.

My own winemaker

Wine has always been of great importance for Georgians: not a single event takes place without it, including church holidays. In Georgia, almost every family keeps their own wine in the basement.

Wine in sunny Georgia is made with special love, the grapes are collected by the entire family, and all the men in the family take part in the production process. Maybe this is the main secret, because of which Georgian wines have a special taste.

Neighbors and friends gather for a wine tasting - barbecue, taste wine, sing songs and, of course, make toasts. One of the most favorite is a toast to the Almighty, who gave Georgians such a fertile and rich land. In Georgia, neighbors are almost family members; not a single feast takes place without them. A neighbor should be there in both sorrow and joy.

Georgian men drink a lot of wine during feasts. Light dry white wine is served at the table for men; one Georgian can drink about three liters per evening. Red wine is usually served for women. You should not drink a lot of it, as red wine increases blood pressure. So for hypotensive people, red is both the nectar of the gods and medicine.

The favorite holiday of all Georgia is Rtveli, the grape harvest, which lasts from August to the end of October. During Rtveli, townspeople go to help relatives and friends in the villages - both to help and to have fun. Even in the city, many Georgians have their own small vineyards, which are planted right in the yard, surrounded by high-rise buildings or on balconies. However, the lack of their own vineyard is not a hindrance for a real Georgian: connoisseurs buy grapes from peasants and make the drink right in the garage or basement.

Each family has its own secret of making wine, in addition to the fact that in every corner of Georgia it is made in its own way. This is an entire art that is passed down from generation to generation. In creating good wine, Georgians are helped not only by knowledge, but also by the wonderful climate of the country.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Wine varieties

Tsinandali. One of the most common varieties of wine in Georgia, dry white, tastes very light and pleasant. It is prepared from Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli grape varieties, which grow in the Tsinandali microzone in the Kakheti region. The wine ferments with the grape skins for several weeks, and then matures in oak barrels for three years. This is one of the oldest Georgian wines, produced in the country since 1886. The wine is excellent with chicken, lamb, and vegetable dishes.

Kindzmarauli. Lovers of semi-sweet red wines should try Kindzmarauli. This is one of the most famous wines of the Kakheti region; it has a very delicate and velvety taste, as it is produced from the Saperavi grape variety, which grows in the Kindzmaraul microzone of the Kvareli region. Produced since 1942. Kindzmarauli is best suited to grilled meat and goes well with desserts and fruits.

Akhasheni. It is also a red semi-sweet wine and is also made from Saperavi grapes. For real "Akhasheni", grapes are grown in the Gurjaani region (Kakheti), in particular, near the village of Akhasheni, whose name gave the name to the drink. Produced since 1958. They drink it with fruits, sweets and nuts.

Saperavi. This is one of the most beloved red wines in Georgia, it has a harmonious taste and pleasant astringency. Almost all Georgian wineries produce Saperavi. Translated, "saperavi" means paint. It is distinguished by its ruby ​​hue. Produced since 1886. Saperavi is best served with fatty dishes. For example, for barbecue, satsivi, pilaf, and lamb dishes.

The homeland of this grape is Kakheti, but due to its popularity in the wine industry, this variety is cultivated throughout Georgia and far beyond its borders. Now Saperavi grapes are actively grown in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Moldova.

Mukuzani. One of the best dry red wines with a fruity aroma, soft oak and berry flavors. Mukuzani is made from the Saperavi grape variety, which grows near the village of Mukuzani in the Gurjaan region. Mukuzani is also different in that it is aged for a long time, at least three years, in oak barrels. The wine goes well with meat. Produced since 1888.

Khvanchkara. This is a real pearl of natural semi-sweet wines, the pride of Georgian winemakers. This semi-sweet red wine with a rich flavor is made from two different grape varieties: Mujuretuli and Aleksandrouli. It is cultivated in the Racha region. Locals claim that the Aleksandrouli grape variety protects the local population of Racha from poverty and hunger. By the way, “Khvanchkara” was Joseph Stalin’s favorite wine.

Twishy. White semi-sweet wine is made from the Tsolikouri grape variety, which is grown in the Tsageri and Tskaltuba regions of Georgia (Imereti region). The wine began to be produced in 1952; it has a delicate, piquant taste. Sommeliers recommend drinking the drink with desserts and fruits.

In Georgia, it is customary to drink real Kakhetian wines “young”. But, if they are stored in a cellar deep underground, they can live quite a long time.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

How much does wine cost in Georgia?

Prices for Georgian wines fluctuate depending on which company produces them. Once in wine shop, do not be surprised at such a difference in prices. “Khvanchkara” in Tbilisi stores can be bought from 33 to 70 lari (from 14 to 31 dollars); “Tvishi” - for 20 lari (about 10 dollars); "Akhasheni" - from 20 to 25 lari (about 12 dollars); “Tsinandali” - from 12 to 19 lari (from 5 to 8 dollars); "Mukuzani" - from 25 to 45 lari (from 11 to 20 dollars); "Kindzmarauli" - from 19 to 35 lari (from 5 to 15 dollars); "Saperavi" - from 15 to 200 lari (from 6 to 89 dollars).

For collectors, stores offer a special assortment of wines, which are limited in quantity. For example, a collectible Saperavi from 2005 will cost you 1,500 lari ($672). This is one of the most expensive and valuable gifts that can be purchased in sunny Georgia.

It should be noted that you can buy one liter of white homemade wine from private owners for only two lari (90 cents), while red homemade wine can be found for 5 lari (two dollars) per liter.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Winemaking methods

The taste and properties of wine are influenced by the grape variety, where it grows and, of course, technology. In Georgia, the most common wine production technologies are Kakheti, Imeretian and European. There is also the Racha-Lechkhumi method.

Using European technology, grape juice is separated from seeds and branches and poured into fermentation containers. The skins are only left on during red wine making to give the drink its color.

The European method came to Georgia at the end of the 19th century. Wines from Tsinandali, Napareuli, Gurjaani, and Manavi are produced using this technology.

Kakheti technology is famous for the fact that the mixture is not separated from seeds and twigs; it is placed in fermentation containers for three to four months. The wines of Saperavi, Mukuzani, Sameba, Rkatsiteli, Tibaani, Kakheti, Shuamta are produced using Kakheti technology.

According to Imeretian technology, the mixture is separated from the branches, but the seeds and skin are left. Everything ferments for one and a half to two months. The wines of Tbilisuri, Tsitska, Sviri and Dimi are made using Imeretian technology.

The Racha-Lechkhumi method is practically the Imeretian method, but due to the cold climate of the region, the wine ferments here (at four to five degrees) much more slowly than in other places. It is advisable to store the wines of this region refrigerated.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Leaders of Georgian winemaking

In Georgia, the largest wine producers are Telavi Wine Cellar, Tbilgvino, Badagoni, House of Georgian Wine, and GWS.

"Telavi Wine Cellar" was founded in 1915, near Telavi (Kakheti region). Since 1997, the company has acquired 450 hectares of land to plant new vineyards in various controlled microzones of Kakheti. In a year, the company can produce 200 thousand high-quality grafted seedlings.

The company's products are exported to Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, USA, New Zealand and Kazakhstan.

The history of the Tbilgvino enterprise begins in the 60s of the 20th century. Every nine bottles of wine out of 10 that were exported from Georgia to Russia and other countries were produced at this enterprise. Today the company produces about 21 types of wines and sells them in 18 countries.

Badagoni is an Italian-Georgian joint venture that was created in 2002. The company began producing wine in 2006 and owns 700 hectares of land. The company is located in Kakheti, in the town of Zemo Khodasheni. Badagoni produces 1.5 million bottles of wine per year. Wine is exported to 18 countries. By the way, Badagoni is the goddess of winemaking and fertility, whose statue was found in Georgia in the 80s, and its age is determined to be 8 thousand years.

The House of Georgian Wine company was founded in 1996 in the city of Gori (Shida Kartli region), but the plant’s own vineyards are located in the Kvareli and Gurjaani regions of Kakheti. The company produces six thousand bottles per day in ceramic containers, and 3 thousand 600 bottles per hour in glass containers.

As for the GWS company, it was founded by French and Georgian shareholders in 1994, produces both Georgian wine and chacha (Georgian vodka), with a total of 27 items. Products are supplied to 13 countries.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko

Drink for your health

Long-livers of the Kakheti region say that the secret of their health lies in drinking no more than 50 grams of wine daily.

Georgian wine is not just a drink, it is the honor and pride of local residents, a tradition guarded by the proud people of the Caucasus.

To this day, there is a tradition in Georgia: at the birth of a child, family members lay a qvevri, and drink wine from it on the day of coming of age.

Once in Georgia, try to taste real Georgian wines in order to understand and take with you a piece of Georgia hidden in the wine.

© photo: Sputnik /

What you need to know before going to Georgia: or how to properly prepare for the trip

Every year Georgia becomes more and more attractive for tourists. It has everything: mountains, sea, clean air and amazing landscapes. And there are legends about Georgian hospitality and their cheerful feasts and fiery dances have become the very highlight that sets Georgia apart from many other tourist destinations.

And this is Georgia!

How to get to Georgia: car, plane, train

When planning a vacation in Georgia, you need to correctly calculate travel time and choose the most convenient mode of transport.

Of course, the fastest way is by plane. Several flights fly from Moscow to Tbilisi daily; the flight takes about 2.5 hours. On weekends, flights to Batumi, Kutaisi and other resort cities are also added.

You can get from Moscow to Georgia by train only with a change in Sochi, Baku, Vladikavkaz or Yerevan. But the road is so grueling, and the cost of a ticket is higher than on a plane, so this method is completely unprofitable when traveling from afar.

Your trip will be filled with unforgettable impressions if you decide to travel to Georgia by car. You don’t have to look for how to get to this or that attraction, or adjust to the excursion schedule. But if you have little time to rest, you will spend more on the road.

In general, choosing your own mode of transport, of course, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The heart of Georgia – Tbilisi

And this is Georgia!

The capital of Georgia should be a must-see for every tourist. In addition, this is the most convenient point where you can stop to see the sights of the country.

The city was founded in the 5th century and began to develop very quickly, as it lies on the way from Asia to Europe. According to legend, Tiflis, as the capital was called for a long time, was founded by Vakhtang I when he saw how a shot deer, which had washed in a spring, was healed. And according to another legend, the king’s favorite falcon, which was burned in a hot spring, was boiled here; King Vakhtang founded baths here, which, however, still exist today and their terracotta, domed roofs coexist perfectly with modern glass business centers.

Today Tbilisi is an important center where the whole life of Georgia is in full swing. It is located almost in the center, like a pearl, surrounded by precious gifts of nature, of which there are a lot in Georgia. From here you can reach all corners of the country. Therefore, Tbilisi is the best place to stop a traveler.

Public transport in Tbilisi is represented by minibuses, taxis and the metro. In the metro, stations are announced in Georgian and English, but you can always ask passengers where to get off.

Ground transport is buses and minibuses. There are no stops as such; you can simply wave your hand and stop the minibus. And, of course, the ubiquitous taxi, which gives Tbilisi a special flavor. By the way, the cost of a taxi trip should be agreed upon in advance, so as not to be surprised later by its “high as the Caucasus” cost.

Stories about Tbilisi:

Tbilisi is the multifaceted capital of Georgia

Tbilisi city: attractions, wine, baths

What every tourist needs to do in Tbilisi

Take a walk through the streets of old Tbilisi;

Take a steam bath in Abanotubani;

Visit the ethno-center on Turtle Island;

Buy souvenirs at flea market at the Dry Bridge;

Ride the cable car from the Old Town to the Narikala Fortress.

You can stay in Tbilisi at one of the hotels, information about which can be found on

Resorts of Georgia

And this is Georgia!

The Georgians themselves call Georgia a paradise on earth, and here, as it should be in such places, there is everything. The sea, mountains, pine forests, crystal lakes, mud springs - all these are magnificent places for various resorts, known since ancient times. It’s not for nothing that there are so many centenarians in Georgia. There are 340 resort areas in Georgia with different natural factors.

It is impossible to visit all resorts in Georgia, so you should choose what you want: sunbathe on the beach, breathe cleanest air or drink mineral water.

Sea resorts: Batumi, Cape Verde, Kobuleti, Anaklia, Ureki, Tsikhisdziri, Chakvi and others.

Mud resorts: Akhtala

Balneological with baths and mineral water: Gorijvari, Menji, Nabeglavi, Skuri, Suori, Tbilisi resort, Tsaishi, Borjomi, Kvereti, Kvishkheti, Sairme, Tskneti.

High-mountain resorts located at an altitude of over 1000 meters: Abastumani, Kiketi, Kordjomi, Shovi. Tsikhisjvari is the highest mineral water resort in Georgia, located at an altitude of 1800 meters.

TOP 10 sights of Georgia

And this is Georgia!

1. Vardzia. Amazing rock fortress city. Built by Queen Tamara and her father George I, it is the oldest friary still in operation today. The complex has more than 3,000 caves. Vardzia stretches almost a kilometer in length and eight floors in height.

You can get here from Tbilisi by the Rustavi-Vardzia minibus, which goes through Tbilisi. But you can also take the Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki bus and get to Khertvisi. There you can stay in one of the guesthouses (hostels) and negotiate with the owner about a trip to the monastery. More details

2. Khertvisi fortress. Proud and impregnable fortress on a cliff in a picturesque area. It is also called the Golden Fortress of Georgia. In some places the fortress is badly destroyed - evidence of the disasters that unfolded here, but in general Khertvisi is perfectly preserved and there is something to see here.

The fortress is located away from the main tourist routes, but it's still worth taking the time to come here. Go from Tbilisi to Khertvisi Shuttle Buses, and then you will have to get there on foot, which is not so easy.

3. Old Tbilisi. The city seemed frozen in time. Cobbled, crooked streets, squat buildings, ancient churches. And it's a stone's throw from the ultra-modern center of the New Town. Old Tbilisi will be a great start to a trip to Georgia.

4. Betania Monastery. Monastery, has been functioning since the 11th century and even in Soviet times it did not close, and it was the only place in Georgia where services were held, although the monks were listed as museum caretakers.

Despite the fact that Betania is very close to Tbilisi, there is absolutely no transport going here. Maybe you can negotiate with a taxi driver who will take you to Kveseti, but you will still have to walk from the village to the monastery. A passenger car will not pass here - only a jeep. You can also try hitchhiking - this is a very common type of travel in Georgia.

5. Mtskheta is the ancient capital of Georgia. It was here that Christianity became the official religion of Georgia back in 335. The city is simply dotted with ancient churches, cathedrals and places of pilgrimage. And on the mountain above Mtskheta rises Jvari - the keeper of one of the main relics of Georgia - the cross of St. Nina. From the heights of Jvari there is a magnificent view of Mtskheta at the confluence of the Kura and Aragva, which has become the hallmark of Georgia.

Buses depart from Tbilisi to Mtskheta from Didube station every 10 minutes. The trip itself will not take much time, since Mtskheta is located only 20 kilometers from the capital. More details

6. Sighnaghi is small, Italian Georgia. The city is located in the Alazani Valley in Kakheti, one of the main wine-growing regions of Georgia. There is an amazingly blue sky, unusually green tree crowns or charming houses with red roofs, and also delicious wine that is definitely worth trying. Sighnaghi is also called the city of love, as you can sign here at any time of the day.

You can get there from Tbilisi by minibus, which departs every 2 hours from Samgori station.

7. Uplistsikhe - the fortress of the gods. The city was founded in the 2nd century BC. Once upon a time, Uplistsikhe was the center of Georgia, and life was seething in these caves. The complex consists of 700 caves, where living quarters, religious buildings, and barns were located; about 150 have survived to this day.

You can get there from Tbilisi via Gori, where minibuses go from Didube station. By the way, Gori is Stalin’s birthplace, and it’s certainly worth wandering through the places of his childhood and visiting the museum dedicated to this great Georgian. But from Gori to Uplistsikhe you can rent a car or hire a guide.

8. Svan towers of Mestia. This is a small village located in the highlands of Georgia. This region has long lived separately and has developed its own, amazing traditions. They even defended themselves here in a special way and the Svan towers became a symbol of Mestia.

Getting from Tbilisi to Mestia is not so easy. Minibus planes fly between Tbilisi and Mestia and will take you to your destination in an hour. But by car the road from Tbilisi will take about seven hours.

9. Prometheus Cave in Sataplia Nature Reserve. First of all, this place will appeal to speleologists, but even ordinary tourists will also be interested in seeing underground Georgia. Karst caves, the length of which is several kilometers. Stalactites, stalagmites, underground lakes and rivers, mysterious grottoes and labyrinths. The caves are equipped for tourists, special paths have been laid here, and amazing lighting has been created that turns this place into a marvelous palace of fairy-tale gnomes. By the way, this is the only place in Georgia where you can see dinosaur tracks.

From Tbilisi you can take a train to Rioni station or a minibus to Kutaisi. From there you can either walk about 5 kilometers or take a taxi.

10. Ananuri fortress. One of the main outposts of medieval Georgia. A lot of battles took place here and many tragedies took place. The majestic citadel has survived to this day, defensive tower and churches. The fortress is famous not only for its interesting story, but also the picturesque nature that surrounds this majestic building.

You can get to Ananuri from Tbilisi by minibuses heading to Gudauri or Stepantsminda. More details

Here is a collection of reports on visiting the sights of Georgia

Georgian cuisine: traditions and features

Georgian cuisine

Georgia stands at the crossroads between Asian and European civilizations and their cuisine is a symbiosis of the influence of two cultures. Maybe this is what made Georgian cuisine so special and unusual, for which they love it.

One of the features of Georgian cuisine is that only the freshest ingredients are used for cooking. No, this is not to say that in other cuisines they use spoiled ones, but here they do not cook from salted or dried meat, salted or pickled vegetables, and especially blue cheeses. And even Georgian wine is predominantly young wine, and cannot boast of such aging as, for example, French wines.

Georgian cuisine is very balanced, and even excess animal fats are usually neutralized by drinking wine (and you sinfully thought that Georgians simply love wine, but it turns out that they drink it for better digestion, that’s how). By the way, wine in Georgia is drunk only on holidays; on ordinary days it is replaced with fermented milk products.

By the way, if you think that Georgian cuisine mainly consists of meat, you will be disappointed; here, most dishes are vegetable and even meat, served with a vegetable side dish. The famous tabaka chicken is served exclusively with borani (stewed vegetables drenched in sour milk).

Another tradition of Georgian cuisine is to eat only freshly prepared food. Fried and boiled dishes are eaten immediately; reheating is simply not accepted, so it is simply impossible to get upset by eating something stale.

A special place is occupied by sauces, to which not only herbs are added, but also berry and pomegranate juice. By the way, sauces in Georgian cuisine can also be used as an appetizer. Nuts are added to almost every dish, which adds piquancy.

Most dishes are prepared from beans, eggplants, tomatoes, beets and cabbage. Favorite grain is corn, from which everything from tortillas to porridge is prepared.

They love to use cheese in Georgian cuisine. Soft cheeses prepared using the brine method are in favor here. But each region can boast of its own special cheese.

When ordering a dish in a restaurant, even if you are not familiar with it, you can say with confidence that you will like it. But remember, all Georgian dishes (except desserts) are hot, spicy and served in large portions.

Georgian is so interesting and unusual that it can easily be included in the list of the most amazing attractions of the country.

Souvenirs from Georgia: colorful country - unusual souvenirs

Souvenirs from Georgia

Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is Georgian wine, where would we be without it? You cannot bring more than three liters per person into Russia, and there are many relatives who want to receive a present. But in Georgia there are many different wonders that will become a good memory of this amazing journey.

Antique dishes, paintings, carpets, national costume and other antiques that can be purchased at the flea market in Tbilisi;

Caucasian horn for wine. When choosing it, remember that there are souvenir horns, from which you cannot drink, and traditional ones, which are the very cup of feasts;

Minankari - traditional Georgian enamel jewelry (earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, belts - women will be delighted);

Souvenirs with Christian symbols: crosses, amulets, bracelets with prayer;

Magnets (of course, it’s banal, but how nice it is to go to the refrigerator and again see images of picturesque places you’ve visited);

Spices, seasonings, cheese, churchchella and other gastronomic delights that you liked.

Rules for crossing the border or how not to ruin your vacation

For Russian citizens, a visa is not required to enter Georgia if you do not intend to stay in the country for more than 90 days. It is enough to have a passport with you, but make sure that it is valid for more than 6 months.

Another important point– if the passport contains a note about visiting Abkhazia or South Ossetia, the tourist may be denied entry into the country. In addition, if tourists try to enter Georgia from these countries, this may be regarded as an attempt to illegally enter the country and face a fine or imprisonment and deportation.

What needs to be included in the declaration:

Jewelry, valuable metals, stones, antiques, art objects. If you decide to give a Georgian friend some ancient icon, take care in advance about the permission of the Ministry of Culture;

It is necessary to indicate in the declaration any weapons and ammunition, and have a permit to carry with you. Therefore, do not forget to bring in the hunting knife that you have lying around in your glove compartment, or it is better not to take such things at all;

Naturally, flammable liquids and substances (yes, a lighter too), high-frequency electrical and radio devices are subject to declaration. However, all this is unlikely to be useful to you on vacation. But if you or your children are taking psychotropic medications or those that are not freely available in pharmacies, all this must be declared and a prescription from a doctor who confirms the legality of purchasing such drugs;

The amount of money is above 25,000 GEL (Georgian lari), equivalent to about 14,000 US dollars.

What cannot be imported to Georgia

We will not duplicate the list of prohibited items and substances here; they are the same in every country: weapons, drugs, pornography, etc. Please note that pyrotechnics, including signal flares, cannot be imported into Georgia. And, of course, everything that you did not include in the declaration automatically becomes prohibited.

What cannot be taken out of the country

You cannot export more than 3,000 lari of national currency, and foreign currency more than that amounts than you declared upon entry. It is also prohibited to export cultural and historical value. Please note that it is prohibited to export wine and other alcoholic beverages not in factory packaging, so it is better not to try to export wine or home-bottled chacha that was given to you by local hospitable residents. But keep in mind that more than three liters of alcoholic beverages per person can no longer be imported into Russia.

What can you import into Georgia without duty?

Firstly, everything that you included in the declaration (if it is not prohibited) in the amount necessary for the needs of the person. Personal belongings up to one hundred kilograms, such as clothes, shoes, cameras, laptop, musical instruments, boat, baby stroller, tent, bicycle, PC, TV, etc. (well, that is if you decide to bring gifts for friends). You can bring no more than two liters of alcoholic drinks, up to ten liters of beer, although I have not met anyone who would bring alcohol to Georgia.

Products can be imported up to 30 kilograms, and their cost should not exceed 500 lari (about 280 dollars). This point of customs rules looks like a kind of Georgian joke, considering how delicious the cuisine is here and how hospitable the people are.

Features of the Georgian climate or how to choose the right wardrobe

And this is Georgia!

But before you breathe in the mountainous Georgian air for the first time and taste the local chacha with a delicious barbecue, you will have to pack your things, pack your suitcases, well, in general, here is everything that all travelers do before the road.

Georgia is a multifaceted country and the climate here is special. You should plan your wardrobe depending on where exactly you are going on vacation. If you spend your entire vacation on the coast, your wardrobe will be light and made from natural materials, since the climate here is subtropical. But if you are going to visit high mountain areas, it is better to take with you warm clothes and comfortable shoes, which will not be superfluous in the mountains.

By the way, there are peaks in Georgia where there is snow all year round, for example, Kazbek, and if you decide to conquer them, you should think about special ammunition. This is a warm suit, jacket, gloves, special boots, a hat, and even though it’s thirty degrees outside, it will come in handy in the mountains.

Another thing is that in the mountains it is often windy and there may be short periods of rain, so it is good to bring something like a windbreaker with a hood.

How not to get lost in Georgia

And this is Georgia!

Despite the fact that the Georgian language is not at all similar to Russian, you will not have any difficulties in communication. It’s rare that a Georgian doesn’t know the Russian language, and everything that you don’t understand from the words, he will colorfully show with gestures. In general, a conversation with a Georgian is such a fireworks display of colors and emotions that even without words everything is clear. Many people, especially young people, speak English, so if you do not meet a single Russian-speaking Georgian, which is very unlikely, you can try addressing passers-by in English.

Georgians are very friendly and helpful people. They will always tell you which bus to take and where to get off. They will help you find the right street on the map or even give you a ride by car. In addition, such street dating can solve your problems with housing in remote mountain villages. Everyone there knows each other, and it is a matter of honor for them to help a traveler.

In order not to get lost on the roads of Georgia, it is better to buy a map. A navigator and GPS are, of course, good, but in the mountains there is not always communication. But the signs in Georgian won’t tell you much. Locals will be happy to help, but keep in mind that not many people live in the mountains and you can drive for a long time before you meet anyone. Still old good cards highways are much more reliable.

“Wow, how he drives!” - features of national driving

And this is Georgia!

If you are traveling to Georgia by car, be prepared for the peculiarities of Georgian rules. What are these features? Yes, they simply don’t exist. That is, of course, they probably exist, but for some reason no one adheres to them.

The traffic lights in the city are more for beauty, since cars don’t stop even when it’s red, and they drive through intersections on the principle of “whoever has the loudest signal.” However, they honk here for any reason, and, probably, for a Georgian this is the main detail of any car. Pedestrians have a hard time, as crossing the road requires special skill. But, despite everything, all pedestrians remain unharmed, since in Georgia the driver is always to blame.

Here is a common picture: two drivers meet on the road and talk to each other through the window, despite the fact that a whole column has already gathered behind each of them. By the way, everyone is patiently waiting for the culprits of the jam to disperse.

But in the mountains you need to be careful, as there are reckless drivers here who masterfully cope with the dashing turns of the serpentine.

Another feature that a motorist tourist will encounter is cows. Here the Burenki are almost equal participants in the road. They can walk along the highway without hindrance, stand thoughtfully, or even lie down - drivers simply carefully go around them.

If we talk about the rules, then the driver and passengers must always wear seat belts, the fine for this is 40 GEL. And, by the way, there must be 0.0 ppm of alcohol in the blood, and you cannot refuse to conduct an examination, for this there is a very severe punishment. This is probably why there are so few accidents here, despite the complete chaos on the roads.

Another unspoken rule that is sacredly observed in Georgia is to give travelers a lift. Not stopping and giving a lift to a person who is on the road with you is not only impolite, but simply not accepted. This is the law of the mountains - everyone must help each other.

View hotels in different regions of Georgia

View hotels in different regions of Georgia

Choosing a hotel in Kutaisi

Choosing a hotel in Tbilisi

Choosing a hotel in Batum

Choosing a hotel in Gudauri

Choosing a hotel in Kazbegi

After a rather long, almost complete cessation of all relations between our state and Georgia, fortunately, the flow of guests and tourists is gradually returning to its previous numbers. The border between Russia and Georgia is again open for free crossing, and citizens can travel not only by plane, but also by car, because Ground checkpoints are also operational. If you wish, you can cross the border by bicycle; this is permitted by customs and migration rules (although there are not many who wish to do so).

Traveling by plane does not raise any serious issues; crossing the border and going through control in this case is simple and straightforward. Traffic by land is difficult for one reason or another, requiring detailed consideration before undertaking such a trip.

Border crossing points between Georgia and Russia

The border between Russia and Georgia is a problematic and quite controversial territory. This is due to the uncertain status of the state entities of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, which are recognized by some countries (Russia among them) as independent states. And although this problem arose in the early 90s of the last century, it worsened since the conflict of 2008, after which the official recognition of these self-proclaimed republics took place.

Including this, there is a single existing checkpoint between our states through which citizens of these states (and other persons legally present in the country) can visit the neighboring power. On the Russian side there is a checkpoint called Upper Lars, and the Georgian border is guarded by the Dariali checkpoint, which previously had the name Kazbegi.

Currently, both checkpoints operate around the clock. But the section of the road on which both points are located is located in a problematic mountainous area, where problems with snow melting, landslides, etc. periodically arise. In this regard, immediately before the trip, it is better to look for information about the current work schedule of the posts.

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There is a lot of speculation about how Russian citizens can cross the border with Georgia from Abkhaz or South Ossetian territory. But Georgian border guards have a firm conviction on this matter. The government of this country perceives the territories of the self-proclaimed republics as its own administrative territory.

Therefore, any attempts to enter the territory of Georgia by any of these state entities will entail punishment for illegal border crossing, up to a large fine and arrest.

In addition, the passport of anyone entering the territory of this country should not contain any stamps indicating their stay in Abkhazia (as well as South Ossetia). Otherwise, such a stamp will also serve as evidence of illegal entry into Georgian territory, which may entail not only a fine, but also imprisonment of the violator.

Hypothetically, any person who is legally in this state has the opportunity to freely, without passing through any borders or making marks in the passport, visit, in particular, Abkhazia. However, in this case, a clash with Abkhaz border guards and Russian peacekeepers, who are not very welcoming of such persons, is inevitable.

Another significant disadvantage of such a hypothetical trip is the fact that you will have to return to Russian territory through the same checkpoint. Otherwise, such a traveler will not have an exit stamp, which means that the rules for staying in or leaving the country have been violated. If such an act is carried out, entry here for such a person will most likely be closed forever.

In addition to compliance with the specified condition, in order to close the Russian border with this neighboring Caucasian state, it will be necessary to fulfill a number of other generally binding rules:

  • Russians are required to obtain a visa if they arrive in the country for a period of more than 1 year (otherwise entry is visa-free).
  • Crossing the border with Georgia is carried out using a foreign passport; a general civil passport of our country will be useless here.
  • If it is necessary for the Georgian side to obtain a visa based on an invitation, this document must be approved in advance by the border police service.
  • Children whose parents require a visa to enter must also obtain a similar entry permit and pay a fee on a general basis.

If you import an animal, you will need an international veterinary passport. In addition, the animal must be vaccinated against rabies no later than 1 year before the day of entry (but no later than 1 month before crossing the border). Naturally, the passport must contain notes on all necessary vaccinations.

In this case, border guards always have the right to refuse a person entry into the country. But, unlike the cases of obtaining visas at most foreign consulates, in this case the person whose entry is denied is given a written document explaining the reasons for such refusal.

Rules for crossing the border by car

In the case of crossing the Russian-Georgian border by car, in addition to the general requirements, there are some other mandatory conditions. In particular, in addition to the general list of documents, a road traveler must have:

  • Driver's license (although, of course, the person driving the car must have one).

  • Title documents for a motor vehicle (PTS).
  • Power of attorney for the right to drive a car if the driver is not present among the passengers (at the same time, for the Georgian authorities this document must be drawn up in English language and have it notarized). Although this document is currently not generally required by either party, it is better to have it with you to avoid possible misunderstandings.
  • Compulsory car insurance policy. This requirement came into force in March 2018.

Among other things, it is necessary to comply with all customs rules and restrictions under both Russian and Georgian legislation. If any requirements are not met or the required documents are missing, the person will be denied permission to cross the border legally.

Actions at the checkpoint on the side of the Russian Federation

A long line of heavy trucks will inform the driver of a passenger car that they are approaching the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint. There is no need to be afraid of it, the procedure is special for these vehicles, and you can safely drive on.

In order to get directly to the checkpoint on the Russian border, it may take an average of 2-3 hours; during peak loads or if circumstances arise that prevent the 24-hour operation of border checkpoints, the waiting time in line can increase significantly. In this queue you can meet “kind” people who offer their services to cross the border out of turn. It is highly not recommended to resort to the services of such individuals.

After the car managed to get to the checkpoint on the Russian side and cross the treasured barrier, the first thing you need to do is go through border control. This procedure includes traditional border control of both passengers and an inspection of the vehicle (it is performed with the help of mirrors, so this smuggling route is well known to the guards).

Upon completion of the previous procedure, the driver and all passengers must go through passport control and receive the necessary stamp for leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. The process of passing control is no different from this procedure, for example, at the airport.

The final stage of crossing the Russian border is customs. Those. persons and equipment are checked for compliance with customs regulations. To do this, they may be required to empty the car of things, check it using an X-ray machine, and perform a number of other actions. In practice, customs officers ask several traditional questions, and also conduct a cursory inspection of the trunk of the car and its interior. If the person does not cause suspicion to the official, then he is safely allowed through without unnecessary searches.

Actions at the checkpoint from Georgia

From the Russian border crossing point to the Georgian checkpoint you need to drive about another 3 kilometers. The time required to complete all procedures at the Dariali checkpoint is limited to a couple of tens of minutes. Everything here is much faster and simpler. The whole process falls into a few simple steps:

  • Upon arrival at the point, all passengers must leave the car to undergo separate passport control (in a separate building).
  • The driver goes a little further and submits the necessary documents to the checkpoint employee (in this case, as a rule, the driver will not be required to leave the car, photographing the driver’s face is carried out through an open window).
  • Next comes customs control to ensure compliance with Georgian customs legislation. As a rule, it consists of the same few traditional questions and a visual inspection of all parts of the car.

At this point, crossing the border is completed, and the motorist receives a passport with an entry stamp affixed to it (and, if necessary, with a properly issued visa).

Travel by train

There is currently no railway communication between our states; the consequence of this was the same Georgian-Abkhaz conflict that occurred in 2008. Previously, a direct train ran from Sochi to Tbilisi and back, but currently passengers are not transported in this way.

Thus, it is possible to enter the territory of Georgia by rail, but only from the territory of neighboring Azerbaijan or Armenia. There are daily departures between the capitals of these states. passenger trains. It is currently impossible to get to Georgia from the territory of our state in this way.

Customs rules of Georgia

Like any other state, Georgia has a number of rules and restrictions on the import and export of certain items, things and goods, which must be strictly observed in order not to be subject to sanctions by the Georgian authorities. There are different categories of items that are subject to different import and export rules:

Prohibited for import and export (due to limited or prohibited circulation)You cannot bring it into or out of the country without declaration.Personal items (do not need to be included in the declaration)There is no need to declare when imported by an individual no more than once a day
Various forms of weapons.

Consumables for weapons.

Narcotic substances.

psychotropic drugs

Those types of goods that are planned to be used for profit (i.e. for commercial purposes).

Precious items.

Antique items of antique value.

Paintings, icons and other works of art that have artistic value.

animals and plants;

Financial resources (in various forms), which in total are equal to or exceed an amount equivalent to 30 thousand lari or 10 thousand US dollars (calculated for each person crossing the border).

400 cigarettes/50 cigarillos/50cigars/250 gr. tobacco (for every adult citizen).

4 liters of alcohol (per person over 18 years of age).

Items included in the inheritance received (including one car).

The cost of all personal items does not exceed 1,500 euros (for those traveling by car) and 10,000 euros (for those arriving by plane).

Personal jewelry (used solely as jewelry, accessories for oneself).

Food products (weighing no more than 30 kilograms and costing less than 500 GEL).

The customs declaration can be filled out not only in English or Georgian, but also in Russian, at the choice of the person crossing the border.

In addition, there are special rules for the import of medicines in Georgia. Due to the fact that many antibiotics in the country are sold in pharmacies only by prescription (if not prohibited altogether), it is best to try not to display any medication. And to be on the safe side, it would be safer to take with you a prescription for the drug prescribed by your doctor.

Georgia is a beautiful, interesting and colorful country, so if you want to visit it, you shouldn’t hesitate for long. There is no “special” or biased attitude towards Russians here, as some people say. If a person is not rude, behaves politely and does not try to violate the laws of a neighboring state, then the attitude here is appropriate for him. So the Georgian border is always open to respectable Russians who cross it legally.

Georgian customs allows you to import any foreign currency into the country without restrictions. You can import Georgian currency in the amount of no more than 25 thousand lari (about 510,000 rubles).

Going through Georgian customs does not cause any particular problems; there are small queues of cars at land points, but all procedures take very little time, and customs inspection is carried out quite quickly.

Import to Georgia

The following are allowed to be transported duty free to Georgia:

  • alcohol - up to 3 liters of wine or up to 10 liters of beer
  • cigarettes - 200 cigarettes, 50 cigarillos or 250 gr. tobacco
  • jewelry (must be declared)
  • personal items weighing no more than 100 kg.

Prohibited from importing into Georgia

  • weapons and ammunition, as well as their copies and dummies
  • drugs, narcotic substances and medicines based on them
  • pornography and extremist literature
  • defamatory materials political system Georgia

Export from Georgia

It is allowed to export duty-free from Georgia:

  • alcohol - up to 3 liters
  • jewelry (declared upon entry)
  • personal items
  • souvenirs

You can read more about the rules for importing into Russia.

No more than 4 copies of banknotes of each lari denomination can be exported from Georgia; to export a larger amount, permission from the National Bank of Georgia is required.

It is prohibited to export from Georgia:

  • weapons, ammunition and their copies
  • objects of artistic or historical value

Tax free in Georgia

Recently, a tax-free system began to operate in Georgia - tax refunds on goods purchased in the country. The tax is 18%, but tourists can return only 13%, the remaining percentage is withheld as a bank commission.

At the moment, there are very few shops operating under the tax-free system in Georgia; they are located mainly in Tbilisi.

Export of purchased goods must be completed no later than 3 months from the date of purchase.

In order to correctly process a tax refund you must:

  • Make a purchase worth more than 200 lari (about 4,500 rubles) in stores that support the Tax Free system (this information is indicated on the sign, you can also check with the seller).
  • Receive a tax free receipt from the store filled out by the seller. A cashier's check and a tax-free check are different papers; you need to save both of them.
  • Show the seller your international passport to fill out a tax free receipt.
  • At customs, present: sealed goods, filled out tax free check, cash receipt and passport. There must be a stamp on the tax free check.
  • Present a stamped receipt, as well as a passport and credit card at the point for returning payments for Tax Free goods.
  • Tax Free return points can be found on the airport map or inquired at the information desk.

Tax free refunds in Georgia are not provided when purchasing gold and precious stones (but not jewelry), vehicles, and perishable products.

Trip to Georgia with animals

To transport pets to Georgia, you will need to obtain a veterinary passport, which will indicate that the animal is healthy.

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Information about Georgian customs rules, border crossing rules and restrictions on the import and export of goods, products and animals.

On the one hand, going through Georgian customs should not be a problem in principle; on the other hand, there are several unique restrictions in this country. In order for tourists to come to Georgia and return home safely, they need to know these restrictions.

Carrying currency

The movement of currency across the Georgian border is not limited, that is, tourists can travel with any amount of money. However, it is recommended to include in the declaration amounts exceeding 2000 USD in equivalent. This must be done so that you can prove the origin of your money when crossing the border back, and also so that officials do not have questions about the origin of the things that you purchased in Georgia.

Re-export of declared currency is not prohibited, but with one limitation. This can only be done within one year after the money is brought into the country. This must be taken into account by those traveling to Georgia for a long time.

Transportation of Georgian laris

There are even more restrictions associated with the transportation of lari. You can freely import no more than 25 thousand lari. If you have to exceed the limit, you must present documents to customs proving the origin of this money. You are allowed to export no more than 3 thousand lari, with no more than 4 banknotes of each of the existing denominations of the Georgian currency.

Permitted goods

Without paying a duty, but in some cases with entry into the declaration, you can import two blocks of cigarettes, 250 grams. pure tobacco or 50 cigars, personal belongings whose weight does not exceed 100 kg, 10 liters of beer and 3 liters of wine. If imported goods are imported across the border, then weighing up to 20 kg they can be imported without paying a fee. If the specified weight is exceeded, then for each kilogram over the limit you must pay a fee of 1 lari per 1 kg. The declaration includes personal jewelry, photographic and video equipment.

To transport antiques and similar things, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture of Georgia, and also take a photo of these items. Hunting weapons are allowed to be imported under license. Animals must be accompanied by permission from the veterinary service for their transportation. Customs will allow medications if you have a prescription.

The export of alcohol is limited to three liters, which will not please lovers of Georgian wine at all.

Prohibited items

These include drugs and substances that contain them, materials that discredit Georgia, discredit it and offend national feelings, pornography, weapons (including knives) and ammunition.

VAT refund upon departure

Tax free in Georgia is 13%, and there are still very few such outlets in the country. The purchase amount must be 200 GEL or more. The tax-free system does not apply to cars, gold and precious stones.

Visa and other documents

For citizens of CIS countries, entry into Georgia is visa-free. Ukrainians can come and stay freely in the country for 90 days, while for Russians this period is as much as 365 days at the moment. This huge visa-free period is explained by the desire of the Georgian authorities to restore normal relations between the countries. The only required document for crossing the border is a passport.

However, not everything is so rosy and the problems with crossing the Georgian border lie in the details. If your international passport contains stamps from the customs services of Abkhazia or South Ossetia, entry will be closed for at least five years, and possibly forever. To avoid these problems, the republics that have seceded from Georgia must be visited only from its territory, without putting any marks in the passport.

In general, Georgian customs officers are loyal to those entering the country. A completely different situation arises in the event of an attempt to enter illegally, including through Abkhazia.

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