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Special project H

Purpose of the expedition:
– attempt to climb Mount Belukha Eastern - the highest peak in Siberia (4506 m);
– creation of a documentary film (using photos and video materials of participants).

Vertical limit of Siberia – ascent

Photo by usachov

-climbing Belukha, takes place in the border zone Gorny Altai, at the junction of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan;
-an expedition to the habitat of the mystical “snow demon – Yeti”;
-visiting protected areas.

Dates: 19.06 (2 places left), 29.07 (3 places), 20.08 (upd 7/07 5 places) for 14 nights
Expedition fee: 46,550 rub. per person

Accommodation: in tents
Nutrition three times a day, corresponding to expeditionary conditions.

Belukha is the highest peak of Altai and Siberia, the most powerful node of mountain glaciation in Altai. The western (4440 m) and eastern (4506 m) peaks are separated by the famous “Belukhinskoe saddle”. Altaians call this peak very poetically - “Uch-Sumer”, “Kadyn-Baazhi”, “Ak-Sumer”. Belukha is located in the territory Ust-Koksinsky district. The rapid mountain river Katun originates here.
Climbing Belukha is a test of your own physical and spiritual strength. In addition to the fact that the climber must be in good physical shape, he must also decide to take this bold step.
Climbing Belukha Vostochnaya 4506 m is a unique opportunity to conquer one of the most famous peaks in the world. Thanks to the creativity of N.K. Roerich Belukha has long gained world fame as the place where the mysterious country is located - Belovodye, widely described in his works. Belukha in the Altai Mountains is undoubtedly a place of power, a sacred peak that is sacred to the local population.

Weather: Summer - best time to climb Mount Belukha. The weather is quite stable, sunny. Daytime temperature on the track is +20+23, at night +13+15. The temperature at an altitude of 3000 and more is +5+12, at night the temperature can drop to -7.
Requirements: The expedition to the Altai Mountains to Mount Belukha will be led by experienced travelers. Climbing requires specific skills and endurance. You will master all this during ice and rock classes, under the guidance of an instructor. But don’t forget about your own physical form. Help with daily bivouac work is required. Food on the river and in the base camp is prepared by a cook over a fire and gas; on the ascent, participants cook their own food on a gas burner in a tent. Given the high altitude of the area, prior consultation with a doctor is necessary. Expeditionary conditions imply neglect of comfort.
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is mandatory.
Note: The ascent to Mount Belukha will be carried out in an extremely high-mountainous region of the Altai Republic, so changes and actions are possible in the expedition route depending on the situation.

The history of the conquest of Belukha
The first mention of Belukha as highest peak Altai, date back to the end of the 18th century. Much later, Mount Belukha was first described by Gebler, who also determined the height eastern peak Beluga whales (4506 meters above sea level). The names of such scientists as V.V. are associated with the beginning of its study. Sapozhnikov, A. Humboldt, N.K. Roerich and others. The first attempts to conquer the peak were made at the end of the 19th century, but they were all unsuccessful, and Belukha was never climbed. It is difficult to say how many attempts have been made to climb Belukha. There are no exact statistics. The first to successfully climb Mount Belukha in 1914 were Russians: Boris and Mikhail Tronov. Actually, the restless brothers laid the tradition of climbing this beautiful and mysterious mountain range. Currently, every year dozens of people conquer the crown of the Katunsky ridge.

Preparing for the climb
Nowadays, every Russian traveler has at least once thought about conquering this treacherous peak. Technically, Belukha is a rather difficult peak. The simplest climbing route is rated category 3A, which is higher in difficulty, for example, than the highest point in Russia - Mount Elbrus in the Greater Caucasus. At the same time, the highest point of Altai is a thousand meters less.
Climbing Belukha along the “classic route” through the Delone Pass is not technically difficult. In the climbers' classifier, this route is assigned category 3A. For beginners and beginners, going to Belukha is quite a serious test. The route to Belukha has two key sections: the Delone (3400 m) and Belukhinsky (4200 m) passes, which require participants to have certain technical skills - the ability to belay and self-belay, move along a fixed rope, and move “in two steps.” Don't let the special terms scare you. During transitions and special classes, we will help you acquire the necessary minimum skills for a successful ascent to Belukha. At the same time, the success of the ascent, which lasts several days, largely depends on the weather. You should listen to the opinion of guides regarding weather conditions.
To climb Belukha (4506 m) you need acclimatization. Pre-acclimatization is encouraged. For example, periodic trips to the mountains throughout the year and stay at altitudes from 1800 to 4000 meters. For physical training we recommend: running, cross-country skiing, cycling, swimming, long walks (possible with ski poles), yoga. Good for acclimatization and physical training skiing and snowboarding, but only in combination with aerobic exercise. In everyday life, avoid using the elevator. Remember, walking up stairs is one of the the best ways preparation for climbing. For technical training, we recommend attending rock and ice climbing classes (sections exist in almost all major cities). There, you will be able to gain a general understanding of belaying and self-belaying, as well as acquire some skills in using personal climbing equipment and techniques for moving through rocky and ice-snow areas. It's great if you have climbing experience.

Security and insurance
We pay great attention to safety. Our guides are true professionals: they have high sports ranks in mountaineering and are experienced mountaineering instructors and methodologists. Participants are insured under the program of the insurance company Ingosstrakh-Barnaul, which provides coverage for medical expenses and expenses in the event of an accident, as well as search and rescue operations, including the use of helicopters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. During the ascent, our team is in direct contact with base camp and the Ministry of Emergency Situations camp on Ak-Kem. Rescuers are always ready to help us. The medical first aid kit meets the necessary requirements for carrying out alpine measures.

Nutrition– this is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a vital necessity, especially in the mountains. A properly selected and varied diet is our distinguishing feature when preparing expeditions. At the base camp and on the trek, the cook prepares food. At the base camp on Lake Akkem there is a mess tent where, at camp tables and chairs, you can not only eat, but also in the evenings, by the light of gas burners, discuss the features of the ascent. During ascent, food preparation is structured differently. Each tent (2 participants) is given a set of products, gas, a gas burner, a set of dishes for a gas burner (2 people). After receiving a little instruction, participants prepare their own food. This is dictated by considerations of efficiency, autonomy, convenience and safety.

The expedition fee includes:
- transfer: Barnaul – Tungur – Barnaul;
- expedition support: 2 guides, cook, groom;
- food corresponding to expedition conditions;
- medical insurance;
- pack horses;
- airport transfer.

Additional charges:
- use of satellite communications;
- expenses associated with the purchase of souvenirs;
- alcoholic drinks;
- hotel rooms in Barnaul.
- transfer:
air flight Moscow-Barnaul-Moscow – air travel ~ 4 hours from 17,840 rubles (as of 19.06 and 20.08), from 19,690 rubles (as of 29.07) per person (direct)
or railway, You can purchase train tickets from us 45 days before the departure date, approximate prices - Moscow - Barnaul - Moscow, travel time depending on the train ~ 55 -59 hours, price from 6880 rubles. - reserved seat and from 12850 rub. - a place in the compartment,
+ 20 euro service fee per ticket

During the hike, participants are provided with:
- climbing equipment
- sleeping bag Basque PACIFIC -30C;
- 2-person tents Basque SHARK FIN FLAP;
- heat insulating mat;
- group tent (10-15 places);
- dishes;
- tables, chairs and other bivouac furniture;
- branded T-shirt;
- radio stations, satellite communications “Iridium”;
- first aid kit.

Description of the expedition route:

1 day.
Arrival in Barnaul. Moving to the office. Next, transfer to the first place of overnight stay in the village of Tungur. The transfer lasts about 10 hours. Transfer in comfortable minibuses. The road does not present any particular difficulties, especially the asphalt part of the Chuysky Trakt. Lunch at a cafe. In the evening, a bath and dinner made from fresh village products - meat, potatoes, homemade cheese, herbal tea. Accommodation in houses with a fireplace. Next, all overnight stays are in tents. The food is prepared by the cook over a fire or gas.

2-3 Day.
Breakfast. Next, transfer (1 hour) to the starting point, where pack horses will be waiting for us. Climbing Mount Belukha in the Altai Mountains requires a lot of group and personal equipment, plus food. Members of sports groups carry all this in their backpacks, we are lazy people, that’s why we hire pack horses. It will also be possible to load your climbing boots onto the horses, which, as a rule, have a decent weight and volume. Participants carry clothes and a sleeping bag in backpacks (the weight of the backpack on the trek to the base camp does not exceed 7-10 kg). A two-day trekking begins and, at the same time, a good acclimatization stage through the Karaturek pass (3060 m above sea level), up the Kucherla River to the base camp on the shore of Lake Akkem (2150 m above sea level).

Day 4
Kara-Turek pass. IN good weather from here, perhaps, the most best view to the Belukha massif. Next is a 3- or 4-hour descent to Lake Akkem (2150 meters above sea level)! We live in our base camp on the territory of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and are preparing for the ascent. The camp has a 20-person dining tent, where participants can calmly not only eat at the tables, but also spend their free time. There is also a kitchen tent, where entry is strictly prohibited without a health certificate and a white robe.

Day 5.
Depending on the weather and tactical considerations: either a) we rest at the base camp and calmly prepare for the ascent, or b) we actively gather, and by lunchtime we go to the intermediate camp “Tomsk Stops” at an altitude of 3000 meters. There is a mountain hut here, where some people, after climbing, rest and remember the past, while others, before going out on the route, listen with trepidation and secret envy to those who have returned from the mountain. All daylight on the road. The weight of the backpack increases noticeably to 12-15 kg. (individual alpine equipment + gas + food). We climb the Akkem glacier. The approach to the Tomsk Stops is perhaps one of the most physically and psychologically difficult days of ascent. Firstly, the backpacks are already filled not only with personal belongings and a sleeping bag, but also with food for 4-5 days, with one tent for two and another set of mountaineering equipment! Secondly, you will have a rather long transition in terms of distance (12 km) with a serious climb from 2150 to 3000 meters above sea level. We spend the night in tents. Now all participants live in tents, two at a time. For each “two” you are given: food (including freeze-dried food), a set of gas cookware, a gas burner and two 450 g gas cylinders. After a short briefing, the participants prepare their own food until they return to base camp.

Day 6
Special technical training. Ice activities on a funny convex glacier - “Watermelon”. Super intensive course. Training exactly those skills that will allow you not only to climb, but also, if possible, to stay alive. Particularly acute experiences from the “self-restraint on an ice slope” exercise.

Day 7
It's early morning, but all participants are already on their feet. Breakfast. Exit to the Delaunay pass (45 minutes). The guides fix the “railings” to the Delaunay pass (3400m). After the pass, trek across the huge snow-ice field of the Mensu glacier. Then we climb again without a fixed rope to the Berel Pass. Setting up the camp. We set up tents in the snow. We spend the night at an altitude of 3520 meters.

Day 8
Early rise, at 4 am. We're having breakfast. The first obstacle is the TKT pass with an altitude of 3800 meters. A huge icefall hangs here, this is the place where the glacier on the steep terrain begins to crack, forming a kind of ice relief with giant cracks and ice cliffs - “seracs”. This place fascinates with its wild beauty. It becomes more difficult to breathe. Ahead is the next “railing section” - Belukhinsky Pass with an altitude of 4300 meters. From the pass you can see a huge saddle and the second peak of Belukha. The start of the summit assault. After 3 hours of work on a rather steep ice and snow slope, the participants are at the highest peak in Siberia. In case of good weather, 30-minute rest at the top. Descent to the Berelsky saddle, then after a short rest, descent to the “Tomsk sites”.

Day 9.
Descent to the base camp on Lake Ak-Kem. Bathhouse. Free time. And there was day, and there was rest. There is no more wonderful bathhouse than the bathhouse on Lake Akkem. After the steam room, dive into Ak-Kem, and there the water is +4!!!

Day 10
A day in case of stormy weather.

11-12 Day.
Trekking through the mountain forest and forest-steppe zone with light backpacks along the Akkem River through the Kuzuyak Pass (1340 m).

Day 13
Arrival and overnight at a recreation center in the village of Tyungur. Bathhouse with access to a mountain stream. Farewell dinner made from fresh village ingredients. Overnight in houses.

Day 14
Breakfast. Arrival in Barnaul. Transfer to the hotel.

Day 15
Airport transfer.

List of recommended personal equipment: boots for mountain climbing;backpack (80 or more liters); warm jacket with a hood with down or synthetic filling; storm clothing set: jacket and trousers; warm jacket and trousers from Polartec; thermal underwear; a cap; trekking poles; sunscreen(protection factor not less than 30); headlamp; Sunglasses; gloves or mittens; light summer clothing: cap, trousers, shorts, T-shirts, sandals (for the transport part).

Group meeting place and time:


Meeting ALL of our groups takes place on the first day of the tour in the city of Barnaul: from 8:30 to 9:30 at the airport, from 10:00 to 10:30 at the railway station (local time). We will meet you with a “Wanderer” sign at the exit from the arrivals hall or at the main entrance of the station. We will also have flight, train and telephone numbers, so we will contact you in any case.

Those. if your tour is from 10/02-16/02, then we will meet you on 10/02 from 8:30 to 9:30 at the airport or from 10:00 to 10:30 at the railway station, depending on where you arrive.

Answer to a frequently asked question: “No, you cannot come by bus that arrives from Novosibirsk at 11:00, 11:30, etc... If you arrive last flight in Barnaul at 8:55, we will wait for you!"


We return to Barnaul at approximately 21:00 (local time).

All planes from Barnaul take off only in the morning. Since we arrive in the city in the evening, the ticket must be taken the next day after the end of the tour! You can spend the night in a hostel or hotel. You can view and book a room on

Dear tourists! Many airlines now sell tickets, the price of which does not include baggage, lunch, service charge, etc., and ONLY hand luggage. Be careful when purchasing air tickets!

ATTENTION! You can purchase tickets ONLY after submitting an application and confirming the availability of seats by the regional manager.


Most of The route goes along the Russian off-road! Due to constant shaking, dust sometimes gets into the interior. The seats in the car are good, but not super comfortable, and the distances are very long, so you should be mentally prepared. But all these inconveniences will pay off with interest.


On days 1 and 12 of the tour we will spend the night in houses without amenities. On the territory of the camp site there is a bathhouse, toilet, washbasins, electricity and a storage room in which you can leave things you don’t need during the trip.

On other days - accommodation in 2-3-4-bed tourist tents.

ATTENTION! We can place you with other tourists in our group of any gender.

During the day 0...+25, at night -5...+10.

In the mountains, the weather is cool and very changeable - even at the height of summer, within a few hours, you can experience all seasons. Bad weather, snowfalls, strong winds and frosts are possible at the top.

Requirements for participants:

No special mountaineering training is required, but is encouraged.

Participants must be in good physical shape and endurance. During the hike, everyone carries their personal belongings themselves + some public equipment.

Required vaccinations:

Vaccination requires at least 3 weeks: you will need to get 2 injections, one tomorrow, and the second in half a month. During the year (before the start of the season) you will receive a third injection. From now on, you will only need to be vaccinated once every three years. The cost of a domestic vaccine is 1200 rubles, an imported one is 1500 rubles. You can get vaccinated at the address: Moscow, Maly Kazenny Lane, 5 (Mechnikov Institute), from 9.00 to 18.00.

Ekaterina and Daria

Belukha August 2019

Thanks a lot! We really enjoyed the tour and really liked the work of the instructors along the route. They are wonderful professionals, wonderful people, attentive, caring, always supportive both with advice and physically when they were very tired, with a sense of humor, responsible - very good instructors! Thanks a lot! Personally, I had a hard time going from the Three Birches camp to Ak-kem, where it was 22 km along a forest path; it seemed that such distances at such a pace were difficult. It was the hardest day of the entire journey, and he was defeated! On the way back, I had the pleasure of flying in a helicopter. We didn’t get any photos from the top - we climbed there before dawn, 4.27. And there's a little underneath. Thank you very much again for this tour!

Ivan Alekseev

Everything was wonderful, we are very pleased! And we are even more pleased that everything worked out for us. The guys who were our guides were all wonderful. We were lucky with the weather. But we still waited at Berelsky for three days. We met very good fellow travelers. We reached the top at approximately 4:30.

Sergey Shabalin

The climb was great. We were lucky with the weather: throughout the approach and assault it was sunny and without precipitation. It rained a couple of times after descending from the mountain. Belukha let us in. We were the first to climb the mountain and caught the sunrise in all its glory. For me this was the hardest climb so far. Despite the fact that the mountain is relatively low, it has a very difficult approach: 6 days of clean sailing there and back. Kazbek, for example, is taller, but much easier in approach. In total we walked about 120 km back and forth, including acclimatization trips.

The guides are excellent, the team is great. Well, the people we met along the way were friendly. Belukha itself is very beautiful. Most of all I remember life in the assault camp on the Big Berelsky Saddle (I never spent the night in the snow). And there is real “winter life”: a tent buried in the snow, from which you cannot leave without glasses, otherwise you will go blind, even the toilet is digging in the snow.

Alexander Yulov

The program is excellent with first class guides. Throughout the route, the guides provided due care and safety to the best of their ability. The hike to the foot of Mount Belukha is difficult, but can be overcome even by unprepared participants. But the ascent takes place on the edge of human capabilities, both physical and physiological.

The whole hike was difficult from the point of view of physical activity, but the first day was especially difficult, on which we covered 22 km with 30 kg backpacks (we took a lot of extra stuff). The most memorable experience was conquering a height of 4506 m. And in the evening of the first day of the hike at the Vysotnik base, drinking herbal tea and eating a pie with potatoes (I’ve never eaten anything tastier in my life). The mood was fighting throughout the entire campaign: no one gave up or lost heart. We were lucky with the weather almost all the way, only on one day, when descending from the conquered peak, it started to rain and hail. On rest days, guides took us on excursions.


The program is very interesting and rich, the long approach allows you to more than enjoy the beauties of Altai, and from the moment when Belukha begins to loom on the horizon, you begin to understand how big mountains they are waiting for you) If you wish, the program can be diversified with river rafting, horses or even a helicopter. The organization of the ascent itself was top notch. Special words of gratitude to the guides Ivan and Danila! You can tell and describe a lot, but it’s better to go once and see how everything really is there - I liked it) As you asked, I’m attaching a few photos)

Olga Prokopyeva

Everything was wonderful, despite the fact that the first week it rained every day, but the second week the weather was generous! There was an excellent team, guide Vladimir did everything to make us feel in good shape, conducted mountaineering classes, showed us a lot, etc. Unfortunately, before the first ascent (there were two), I got a little beaten and was only able to climb the first peak. Altai is fabulous nature reserve. We stayed for 2 days in the town of Semiozerye and this is a real piece of paradise! Along the entire route there are many waterfalls, streams with fresh water. And in general, brushing your teeth in the morning and at the same time admiring the snowy peaks, the colors of Lake Akkem, inhaling the clear air - this is a fairy tale that was our reality! And how many different people we met along the way: from yogis who were not fed to a Hare Krishna who baked us pancakes over the fire! And there was also a strange black preacher who went to Akkem to Shambola and supplied everyone on his way with very funny letters, etc. In general, I can talk for a long time, because... the delight of the soul has not yet faded and she sings! Gurin Alexander

Everything was great!

I am one of the participants in this ascent, and I want to note the following: excellent distribution of load along the entire route, and as a result, whole backs and reserves of strength. Sufficient amount of gas. No expense was spared on “heavy” products that were purchased at the Akkem camp. Good work of the guides on the slopes, despite the dense flows of oncoming groups. Many participants themselves helped in this work, and in general, they were happy to do any social work. The team was always positive and well-coordinated. Because there was a goal, desire and will to win. An “additional” contribution was added from myself in the form of an evening fire, fried butter (“test!”), an excursion to the “Yarlu” valley and some stories about Altai. Thanks to all participants, especially Zhenya Pismenny. I hope for further cooperation!

Hike to Belukha- This is not an ordinary sporting event. This is a unique experience of climbing a mountain of unsurpassed beauty, a mysterious peak, a place of power called Altai Shambhala. The name of the peak comes from the huge layer of snow that covers the mountain from the peak to the very base. Like a mirage, Belukha rises above the taiga-covered ridges of Altai, like a symbol of the highest perfection and pristine purity of the world.

Belukha is one of the largest peaks in Russia and highest mountain in Siberia. Belukha - highest point Mountain Altai, located on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan on the Katunsky ridge. It has two peaks - Eastern (4509 m) and Western (4435 m). We will climb Belukha Vostochnaya, which is higher.

Belukha - sacred mountain for local peoples. Buddhists believe that there is the sacred land of the gods, Shambhala, a paradise that will appear to the world when people disappear from the face of the Earth. Old Believers claim that somewhere near Belukha there is a secret entrance to the magical country of Belovodye.

In addition to the beauty of Belukha itself, every tourist admires the passage of the Akkem trail along the picturesque edge of Altai lakes, rivers, waterfalls, taiga and mountain ranges.

Climb this great mountain travelers come from all over the world. Everyone will find something here: some will find peace of mind, some will find an extreme adventure, but only the brave in spirit will be able to stand on this mystical peak. So, without delay, let's make this unforgettable climb together!

If you are not ready to climb yet, but want to see the Altai mountains, then you can go on a Hike to Altai to the foot of Belukha

1 day. Novosibirsk

Group meeting in Novosibirsk at 18:30 local time. After gathering and solving organizational issues, we move to the village of Tyungur. The journey is not close, about 14 hours. We eat at roadside cafes.

Day 2. Tyungur

We issue passes at the border post, since Eastern Belukha is located in the border zone of Russia and Kazakhstan. Upon arrival in the village of Tyungur, we break camping on the territory of the camp site. Completing safety training and checking personal equipment. Distribution of food and public equipment (some of it will be delivered on horseback).

Day 3. Tungur - Kuzuyak pass (1513 m) - "Three Birches" clearing

Moving to the Kuzuyak pass off-road. If the weather is favorable, we will go further to the Three Birches clearing. If driving is problematic, then part of the path after the pass (about 9 km) will have to be walked. Along a picturesque path passing through the forest, we reach the Akkem stream. We set up camp near beautiful waterfall Tekelu.

Day 4 Glade "Three Birches" - Lake Akkem (2100 m)

Along the path along the Akkem River we move to Lake Akkem, admiring excellent views of the Belukha massif along the way. Horses with our equipment will also go out to the lake. We spend the night on the shore of the lake.

Day 5 Akkem Lake - Akkem Glacier - Tomsk sites (3000 m)

We get up early - we have big plans today. Having left the lake, we begin our ascent, cross the Akkem glacier and go out to the Tomsk sites, where we will spend the night. On the way we will visit the chapel.

Day 6 Watermelon Glacier - Delaunay Pass

Today the program includes intensive training necessary for a successful ascent to Belukha. On the Watermelon glacier we will practice the technique of moving in ropes, in crampons, and with an ice ax. Then we will make an acclimatization climb to the Delaunay Pass. We return to the Tomsk parking lots for the night.

Day 7 Delone pass (3300 m) - Mensu glacier - Big Berelskoye Sedlo pass (3520 m)

We leave the Tomsk parking lots and climb, using alpine equipment, to the Delaunay Pass - a 300-meter slope with an inclination of 30-40 degrees. This is already the beginning of our ascent. Having crossed the Delone, we will go out to the Mensu glacier and then climb to the BBS pass. At the pass, under the guidance of instructors, we set up a camp.

Day 8 Climbing Belukha Vostochnaya (4509 m)

Today we will try to achieve our cherished goal - to climb to the top of Eastern Belukha. We leave at 3-4 o'clock in the morning. We climb in groups to the Belukhinsky Pass and move further along the ridge of the peak. And now, finally, we are at the highest peak of Siberia! We admire the incredible mountain views around us and congratulate each other. We descend back to our assault camp at the BBS pass.

Day 9 Reserve day

Reserve day in case of bad weather.

Day 10 BBS pass - Mensu glacier - Delone pass - Tomsk sites - Akkem lake

We go down the same way we went up. From the BBS pass we will get to the Mensu glacier, descend from the Delone pass to the Tomsk sites and further to Lake Akkem.

Day 11 Akkem Lake - Tekelyu Waterfall - Three Birch Glades

From Lake Akkem we move to the familiar “Three Birches” clearing. It is possible to send some things from the lake to Tungur on horseback. This must be discussed with the instructor at the beginning of the hike.

Day 12 Glade "Three Birches" - Kuzuyak pass (1513 m) - Tungur

From the Three Birches clearing we go towards the transport that will take us to the village of Tyungur. A hot bath and a farewell dinner await us in the village. Late in the evening we leave for Novosibirsk by minibus.

Day 13 Novosibirsk - returning home

We arrive in Novosibirsk at 16:00. Our trip to Belukha is completed. We say goodbye and go home.

Cost of participation in the tour: RUB 56,800

Payment is made on the day of the meeting to the instructor in rubles.

To reserve a place in a group, you must make a prepayment of 15% of the cost of the trip. If you cancel the trip no later than a month before the start of the tour, the prepayment is not refunded, but remains in your “account” to pay for future hikes and climbs throughout the year.

The price of the tour includes: personal climbing equipment (if you have your own, the cost is reduced by 4,000 rubles): system, helmet, ice ax, crampons, descender, jumar, carabiners, self-belay; transportation of public equipment and provisions (parts of personal climbing equipment) on horseback, transportation to or through the Kuzuyak pass on all-terrain vehicles, cook services on days 3, 4, 5 and 10, 11, 12 of the hike as scheduled, transfer Novosibirsk-Tyungur and Tungur -Novosibirsk, meals on the route, group medical kit, group medical insurance (issued only for the period of ascent: 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th days according to the schedule), instructor services, sauna, accommodation at the base in village of Tyungur in tents, group tourist equipment (tents, fire and gas equipment), camping accommodation on Lake Akkem, group climbing equipment (ropes, ice augers, station loops), registration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, walkie-talkies and navigation equipment, satellite communications on case of emergency.

The price of the tour does not include: air tickets to Novosibirsk, meals on the road to Tungur and in Tungur (on average 150-200 rubles per lunch), additional baths, extended medical insurance.

Features of the hike to Belukha

  • Climbing Belukha is potentially dangerous to the health and life of any of the participants. Instructors take all measures for the safe ascent, while participants are required to strictly adhere to safety rules. If conditions prevent safe climbing, the instructor may decide to abort the climb and this decision is non-negotiable. If you leave the route early without a good reason (illness, injury), the money will not be returned!
  • Attention! Due to the fact that the trek to Belukha takes place along the border territory, residents of the Russian Federation must provide documents for issuing passes 1 month in advance, and non-residents of the Russian Federation 2 months before the start of the trek!
  • Depending on weather conditions and the condition of the group, changes may be made to the route.
  • Daytime treks on the route range from 10 to 25 km.
  • Group size is usually from 5 to 12 people, accompanied by one or two guides.
  • During the hiking part of the route, meals are prepared by a cook. During the climb we prepare our own food. Each tent will be provided with a burner, gas and food.
  • Delivery of food, public equipment and some personal climbing equipment is carried out on horseback.

Climbing Belukha along the “classic route” through the Delaunay pass is not technically difficult. In the climbers' classifier, this route is assigned category 3A. For beginners and novices, trekking to Belukha is quite a serious test. The route has two key sections: the Delone (3400 m) and Belukhinsky (4200 m) passes, which require participants to possess certain technical skills - the ability to belay and self-belay, move along a fixed rope, and move “in two steps.” Don't let the special terms scare you. During transitions and special classes, we will help you acquire the necessary minimum skills for a successful ascent to Belukha. At the same time, the success of the ascent, which lasts several days, largely depends on the weather. You should listen to the opinion of guides regarding weather conditions. To the untrained eye, the signs of approaching multi-day stormy weather are sometimes barely visible (see photo on the right). Climbing Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola(4082 m) does not require serious technical training from participants. Minimum required: moving in ropes, belaying and self-belaying.

Acclimatization in mountainous areas

To climb Belukha (4506 m) you need. The best option For this purpose, trekking to the foot of Belukha through the Karaturek pass (3080 m) is served. Pre-acclimatization is encouraged. For example, periodic trips to the mountains throughout the year and stay at altitudes from 1800 to 4000 meters. For physical training we recommend: running, cross-country skiing, cycling, swimming, long walks (possible with ski poles), yoga. Alpine skiing and snowboarding are good for acclimatization and physical training, but only in combination with aerobic exercise. For example, . In everyday life, avoid using the elevator. Remember, walking up stairs is one of the best ways to prepare for climbing. For technical training, we recommend attending classes rock climbing and ice climbing (sections exist in almost all major cities). There, you will be able to gain a general understanding of belaying and self-belaying, as well as acquire some skills in using personal climbing equipment and techniques for moving through rocky and ice-snow areas. It's great if you have climbing experience. For example, in the Caucasus. However, it should be remembered that each mountainous country has its own characteristics and each peak also has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, climbing Elbrus (5642 m) cannot always be equated with climbing Belukha (4506 m). We warn you against quite common snobbery, which sometimes prevents you from really assessing your own strengths and capabilities. No “hat-shaking”!

Equipment for climbing

We provide you only high-quality equipment from the best domestic and global manufacturers. This certainly increases the level of safety and increases the chances of success! Bivvy equipment: Sleeping bags, Basque MILD -20, 2-person tents, Basque Reach 2, heat-insulating mat, bivouac furniture (tables, chairs), fire set, dishes. Group climbing equipment: gas, gas burners, utensils for gas burners, ropes, drills, hooks. Personal kit:

To climb you only need a backpack, boots and clothes! If you need to purchase such things, we recommend using BASK equipment(clothing) and Boreal (boots) or their equivalents: Mountain climbing boots with a welt for attaching crampons, a down jacket with a hood or a jacket with synthetic filling, a storm jacket and trousers, a warm jacket and trousers, thermal underwear, mittens and socks, a hat, backpack, sunglasses, sunscreen, headlamp, thermos. Light summer clothing: cap, trousers, shorts, T-shirts, sandals.

Security and insurance

We pay great attention to safety. Our guides are true professionals: they have high sports ranks in mountaineering and are experienced mountaineering instructors and methodologists. Participants are insured under the program of the insurance company Ingosstrakh-Barnaul, which provides coverage for medical expenses and expenses in the event of an accident, as well as search and rescue operations, including using helicopters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. During the ascent, our team is in direct contact with the base camp and the Ministry of Emergency Situations camp on Ak-Kem. Rescuers are always ready to help us. The medical pharmacy meets the necessary requirements for carrying out emergency measures.

Attention! Thoughts and ambitions play an important role when climbing Belukha. This is not just a stupid “morality” or superstition, but your safety. It is during the ascent to Belukha that Stalker’s words always come to mind: “The zone is a very complex system of traps, or something... And they are all deadly... Former traps disappear - new ones appear. Safe places become impassable... This is the Zone. It may even seem that she is capricious, but at every moment she is what we ourselves have made her, with our condition...” We hope that your will, intelligence, as well as preliminary physical and technical preparation will allow you to realize your dream!


Food is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a necessity of life, especially in the mountains. A properly selected and varied diet is our distinguishing feature when preparing expeditions. At the base camp and on the trek, the cook prepares food. At the base camp on Lake Akkem there is a tent for the Altai Guide cabin, where at camp tables and chairs you can not only eat, but also in the evenings, by the light of gas burners, discuss the features of the ascent. During ascent, food preparation is structured differently. Each tent (2 participants) is given a set of products, gas, a gas burner, a set of dishes for a gas burner (2 people). After receiving a little instruction, participants prepare their own food. This is dictated by considerations of efficiency, autonomy, convenience and safety.


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