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How it all started

The issue of building a bridge that will establish regular communication between Vladivostok and Russky Island was raised in Tsarist Russia. All this time, local residents had only two possible options for crossing to the mainland: a ferry, as well as a pedestrian crossing over the layer of ice that covers the strait in winter.

The first engineering project of the Russian Bridge was developed back in 1939. It was assumed that the structure would be wooden and would connect Cape Tokarevsky and Helena Island. Later attempts to build a structure (70s, 80s) remained in the development stage.

The last time the need to build a bridge across the strait was discussed was in connection with the preparations for the APEC summit. As part of the investment project, Russky Island was supposed to be turned into a major center of international cooperation, and for this it was necessary to establish transport links with the mainland.

Despite the fact that the upcoming event was accompanied by another economic crisis, the government decided not to abandon the decision. Moreover, the construction of such a grandiose object as the Russian Bridge was supposed to give a tangible impetus to the revival of the Far Eastern region.

Design and construction

In 2007, the research and production association "Mostovik" received permission to create a project for the future bridge. Among several options proposed by the engineers, preference was given to the cable-stayed design. The foundation for the future construction was to be pylons, which would "bear" the main weight of the bridge. A well-thought-out system of cables (cables) should have been responsible for the distribution of the load. Metal cables were attached to different points of the pylon in the form of a fan, giving the structure maximum stability.

The main difficulty in this was the too short time allotted for the design of the Russian Bridge. It was necessary not only to develop a site plan, but also to take into account such negative factors as unstable weather conditions, high seismic activity in the region, as well as seasonal temperature fluctuations. In addition, we had to take into account the inevitable bulk of ships passing through the strait, and at the same time the half-meter ice crust that forms on the water surface in winter. However, despite all the difficulties, the project was fully completed and handed over to construction companies in 8 months, which became a kind of world record.

Work on the construction of the Russian bridge began in September 2008. The construction was entrusted to the general contractor USK MOST, the creation of the cables was undertaken by the French company Freyssinet, and the Russian team of MT Electro specialists took up the lighting project.

Especially to reduce the load on the structure, a special type of cables with a ribbed surface was created. It was assumed that the network of “grooves” applied to the cables would remove raindrops, as well as air currents, thereby increasing the endurance of the Russian Bridge.

The construction of the structure was sometimes carried out in extreme conditions. Sharp gusts of wind, low temperatures - all these negative factors were constant companions of the installation work. As an example, it suffices to cite the fact that the last consoles that were supposed to close the structure were installed at night. Since, under the influence of solar radiation, the parameters of metal blocks can change their characteristics, and maximum accuracy is required for joining the grooves, the work was postponed to night time.

Russian Bridge Records

  • The structure has the highest pylons (bearing structural elements) - 324 m.
  • Compared to all existing similar structures, the Russian Bridge has the maximum cable-stayed span (1104 m).
  • During the construction of the bridge, the longest guys (cables attached to the pylons) were used - from 135 to 580 m.

The total length of the structure, including overpasses, is 3100 m. The length of the bridge itself is 1885.53 meters. On August 29, 2012, the structure passed the strength test with honor, having withstood the devastating pressure of the Pacific Typhoon Bolaven. And a few days later, on September 2, 2012, the official opening of the working movement on the carriageway of the Russian Bridge took place, which was attended by D. A. Medvedev. The solemn event was timed to coincide with the day of the city, marking it with festive fireworks.

Grace incarnate

Despite the fact that the main function of the Russian Bridge is a transport connection between the island and the mainland, the aesthetic characteristics of the most modern landmark of Vladivostok can cause genuine admiration. A fantastic view of the structure opens at night when the architectural lighting is turned on. Professionally built lighting creates an optical illusion of flight. The bridge seems to hover over a dark strait.

The futuristic appearance of the Russian Bridge is complemented by the guys themselves. Painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor, they give the composition a special, unique flavor and extraordinary solemnity. To fully appreciate the true power of architectural design, it is enough just to ride from the mainland to the island. Only by driving along the motorway leading through the bridge, you can truly feel the solidity and amazing beauty of this unique structure.

  • Initially, three projects for a cable-stayed bridge were proposed.
  • The structure is closely monitored, and its condition is monitored around the clock by satellite systems.
  • The image of the Russian bridge can be seen on banknotes with a face value of 2000 rubles.

How to get there

The address of the Russian bridge: Vladivostok, the East Bosphorus Strait, st. Velvet.

The easiest way to get to the main seaside attraction is bus trip. Routes No. 15, 22, 29, 74 and 76 go through the Russian Bridge. A more comfortable and, accordingly, more expensive option is a taxi.

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Due to theft and design errors, the bridge is gradually being destroyed.

“A grandiose construction of mankind”, “a masterpiece of design thought” - these are just a few of the enthusiastic epithets that accompanied the construction of the bridge from Vladivostok to Russky Island. Officials and builders patriotically exclaimed: “Finally, we'll piss off all these Chinese and Americans. Our bridge will be the largest, the most beautiful, and it will be built using innovative technologies (which ones and what they are, however, were not specified).

The largest, most modern

This bridge, without exaggeration, can be called the "construction of the century." For example, during its construction, a unique inclined formwork was used to construct the pylon grillage, the length of which was 320 m. The pylon grillage itself was divided into three sections, in each of which a complete concreting cycle took place. The volume of one such site was 9,000 cubic meters of concrete, which in terms of scale is equal to the construction of six monolithic houses with 10 floors. And in terms of the volume of material used, the foundation of the pylon on the island is equal to the whole microdistrict, while the width of the span (steel structure) is 21 m, and the clearance under the bridge is 70 m.

For reference: the bridge to Russky Island is the largest cable-stayed bridge in the world. Traffic on it was opened on August 1, 2012. The bridge was built for the APEC summit, which took place in September 2012, and connects the mainland of Vladivostok with Russky Island through the East Bosphorus Strait. The central span of the bridge with a length of 1104 m is a record in the world practice. The total length of the crossing is 3.1 km, the height above the water level is 70 m.

Metal was stolen by the tons

However, one should not forget that a bridge was being built in Primorye, and in those parts governors and high-ranking officials are often imprisoned for bribes. So at the “construction site of the century”, cunning people decently “warmed up their hands”. Only 4 months have passed since the opening of the bridge, and it turned out that more than 96 million rubles worth of metal structures were stolen during its construction. The suspect is a security officer of the company "Mostovik" Rafael Javadov. He created an organized group, which included workers from the checkpoint, who freely passed certain vehicles, and storekeepers who had free access to the metal. Javadov even purchased special equipment for the removal of the stolen person and appointed a city resident previously convicted of kidnapping as a driver. The stolen goods were handed over to metal collection points in Vladivostok.

The bridge rests on parole

Less than a month passed, and it turned out that due to weather conditions, the outer shell of the bridge guy had "sagged". However, the administration of Primorye, citing specialists, states that these changes will not affect the safety of the facility.

Meanwhile, the former deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol admitted that the bridge guys sagged too much, which corresponds to the 40th or 50th year of operation, that is, "so they could sag in half a century."

Oleg Mitvol believes that initially, at the design stage, the wrong constructive decision was made. He calls for the designers of these structures to be held criminally liable and to reimburse the budgetary costs. “True, I don’t know how they will reimburse the multibillion-dollar costs. In a good way, it needs to be taken apart and redone. It's a disgrace," he says. Oleg Mitvol. And many builders agree with him. They insist that it is necessary to change the approach to construction, especially for such large objects as bridges.

The general contractor was not allowed to the project

Here is how, for example, construction is carried out abroad. First, a project is developed on paper, graphs, in technologies, everything is calculated, and only then we are talking about cash injections. And we first get funding (as a rule, it is state), while the "beaters" often do not even have project documentation, working drawings. When the first funds arrive, an agency is selected to draw the details, the concept, for example, how long the overpass will be, etc. After a bridge is “built” on paper, it is necessary to pass an examination. It is usually formal. Specialists who would understand the subtleties of construction and technology are not present there. Therefore, no one usually thinks about how to build spans, beams, felons. In order to pass the examination, you need to lay down the approximate cost of the project (it is usually greatly underestimated and does not include the cost of technology). When the examination is passed, the work of the designer begins. Moreover, general contractors and contractors do not take any part in the project. They are given a ready-made solution. The contractor starts working on it, and then various “blunders and shortcomings” emerge, for which he is now responsible. And such a "mutual responsibility" exists only in our country, even our neighbors in the CIS do not have such lawlessness.

"Sprinkled with stability"

Vladivostok knows firsthand what such serious errors lead to in the construction of such large facilities. So, in June last year, the section of the new Sedanka - Patrokl highway began to collapse. Stones and soil collapsed onto the garages below. According to investigators, the total damage amounted to almost 1.8 million rubles. And 2 months later, as a result of a landslide, a section of a retaining concrete wall collapsed onto the same route, which leads to the bridge to Russky Island.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just that we were sprinkled with a little stability,” they joked locals.

A landslide hit the Sedanka - Patrokl highway

The culprits were quickly found - CJSC Pacific Bridge Construction Company, which is also building a bridge across the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok, blamed the designers. Chief project engineer of the road department of the Khabarovsk branch of GiprodorNII Alexey Mikhailov stated that the builders did not make the drainage system, which was in the plan. The designers determined its absence only by looking at the track after the collapse.

They built, built ... and for whom did they build?

The bridge was built, the summit was held - and what's next? It was supposed to open a federal university on the island. But who will study there? Youth and teachers are in no hurry to leave the mainland. “There is not even drinking water there, it is not known in what conditions we will live,” one of the students complains.

Indeed, drinking water is brought to the island in canisters. And it is still unclear when a water pipeline will be built on Russky. In the meantime, water for technical needs is produced by a distiller.

Residents of the island say that heating has not been supplied to some buildings of the future university, it is not even provided for in the project. For example, they jokingly call building No. 7 a “float”, since it was erected at the site of groundwater outlet and its foundation is constantly flooded.

Civilization smells bad

Not so long ago, a representative office of the prosecutor's office was opened on the island in order to simplify the acceptance of applications from disgruntled builders. And the outraged inhabitants of the island do not seem to be heard. They are trying to convince the Crocus company, which built the FEFU buildings, to change the sewerage scheme. According to the project, all sewage discharges after cleaning will fall into the closed Novik Bay, located in the middle of the island. For environmentalists and hydrologists, it is obvious that, given the volume of discharge, in a couple of years, fresh water will replace sea water. The fauna of the bay will die first - fish, delicacy mollusks, holothurians, then algae, seaweed. And then the bay will turn into a swamp.

Representatives of the Crocus company, in their defense, put forward an argument, they say, there used to be a desert here, and we built it up and brought civilization to these desert lands. But local residents do not need such progress. They want to breathe clean air, and not ... you know what.


August 1, 2012 there was a significant event in the history of the Far East region of our country. On this day, the Russian Bridge (Vladivostok) was put into operation, the photo of which immediately graced the pages of leading domestic and foreign publications. And this did not surprise anyone, since long before the opening ceremony, many world media called the construction of this structure one of the most ambitious projects of the 21st century.


It was decided to open the Russian bridge for traffic by the time the APEC Summit began, which was supposed to be held on the island of the same name. The construction of the facility began in the second half of 2008 and took four years to complete. However, the idea of ​​building an object arose many decades before, and more than once. During the 20th century, two projects were developed with an interval of almost 25 years, but neither of the presented developments proved to be viable.

In 2007, new options were proposed. Among the 10 architectural and engineering works presented by the leading design bureaus of our country, experts singled out the original design of a cable-stayed bridge, although the possibility of erecting a suspension bridge was previously considered.

Foreign specialists and the best Russian engineering organizations actively participated in the work on the project.

USK Most became the general contractor for the construction, and the total amount of the contract amounted to 32.2 billion rubles. As for the supervision of the project, it was entrusted to V. Kurepin.

The new bridge was built at an accelerated pace simultaneously from the mainland side and from the coast of the island. Two teams of builders were moving towards each other, which met on April 12, 2012.

A month after the opening, the object received official name- Russian bridge. Vladivostok has acquired a new attraction, which today is considered the main architectural symbol of the city.

architectural features

Thanks to a span of 1104 m, the Russian Bridge is the pride and the largest object among similar ones in the world. The whole structure rests on the guys, which are strong cables. They are fixed on poles - pylons with the help of fasteners. The height of the Russian bridge in Vladivostok is 321 m, the distance between the vaults and the water surface is 70 m. This circumstance allows heavy ships to freely ply under it.

The load on the pylons of the Russian Bridge is evenly distributed. For the construction of each of the pillars, 9,000 cubic meters of high-quality concrete were used. One pylon could accommodate a residential microdistrict, and there are two such supports near the bridge.

The Russian Bridge is 1,885.5 meters long and weighs 23,000 tons. equals 24 meters (four lanes).

Bridge maintenance

The state of the structure is constantly monitored by a team of technicians and meteorologists. The specialists serving the bridge climb to a height of 300 meters along the stairs arranged inside each pylon. Occasionally, these premises are allowed to visit journalists and professional photographers. Weather on the bridge, wind direction, visibility, sea waves are monitored for timely action.

An observation deck is equipped at the congress. It offers an amazing view of the endless Pacific expanse.

Construction features

Many experts call the Russian Bridge unique, and not only because of its length. The very construction of such a structure in the climate of Primorye can be considered unusual. High humidity, frequent squally winds, significant temperature fluctuations created big problems and forced architects and engineers to look for extraordinary solutions. for the Russian Bridge was developed by French scientists who proposed the use of a special steel composition with a long service life (up to 100 years), at temperatures from -40 ºС in winter to +40 ºС in summer. In addition, the design was created taking into account the requirement of increased aerodynamic stability.

The value of the structure

The Russian Bridge plays an important role in the life of Vladivostok. It is of great economic and political importance, and also provides road links between the mainland and the island parts of the city. At the same time, those traveling to Russky Island should remember that military bases have been located there for more than a century, and you can accidentally get into the territory, the entrance to which is prohibited for the inhabitants.

The administration of the region plans in the near future to place modern manufacturing enterprises, hotels, sports facilities, museums and attractions, residential neighborhoods and educational centers on Russky Island. Thus, with the commissioning of the bridge, broad prospects for investment in new housing construction and the creation of infrastructure facilities have opened up. It has also become the main highway for FEFU students to get to their new campus on Russky Island. On the this moment dormitories are already operating there, in which up to 11,000 students can simultaneously live. In addition, there are several academic buildings, a high-rise Student Center building, and many sports facilities on the campus.


Unfortunately, you won't be able to walk across the bridge. It is intended only for the movement of public and private vehicles, and today it is considered the fastest and most convenient road from the main part of the city of Vladivostok to the historical one. However, even for drivers and passengers of cars, the passage on the bridge causes delight and admiration, as they find themselves at a height of 70 meters above the water surface.


The Russian Bridge is often used today as a highway, along which the residents of Vladivostok go to the island of the same name on weekends. There is the historical part of the city, and the ruins of an old fortress have been preserved. In addition, there are cannons at the descent from the Russian Bridge. They once belonged to the Novosiltsevskaya Battery, built in 1901.

Some Vladivostok residents go to Russky Island in the summer to organize picnics and to sunbathe and swim. In addition, some travel agencies organize sightseeing tours, including a visit to the city's famous bridges. Their program necessarily includes a visit to the islands in Peter the Great Bay.

If you have a chance to visit Vladivostok, be sure to check out the Russian Bridge. It will surely impress you with its size and power. This building is especially beautiful in the evening, in the lights of decorative lighting, so many travelers prefer to climb viewing platforms after the Sunset.

On the Far East this spring, the construction of one of the largest cable-stayed bridges in the world was completed. The new bridge passes through the Eastern Bosporus Strait and connects the mainland with Russky Island. In April 2012, the builders completed the welding of the 1104-meter channel span.

The project of the bridge to Russky Island

This is the first bridge of this size and similar design in Russia. It can rightly be called a unique achievement of Russian engineers, as the bridge has become a champion in several indicators at once: the longest cable-stayed span in the world (1104 m), the longest stay cables (580 m). In addition, it ranked second in the world in height, its pylons reach a height of 320 m. The total length of the structure is 3100 m, and the height of the main canvas is 70 m above the ground, which allows even the most bulky ocean liners to pass under it.

History reference

The authorities of the USSR were going to build a bridge that would connect Russky Island with the mainland in the first half of the 20th century. This was first discussed in 1939, when the first draft of the bridge was proposed. But then, because of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the matter never came to fruition. Later, in the 1960s, a second attempt was made, but the second project was never implemented.

However, what was not done then was finally realized in the 21st century. In 2007, a tender was held to develop a project for a modern bridge to Russky Island, which was won by NPO Mostovik.

Together with the largest design organization in Russia, CJSC Institute Giprostroymost St. Petersburg, the production association began development. Several small Russian and foreign scientific companies also worked on the project, including: Cowi A / S (Denmark), Primortisiz, Primorgrazhdanproekt, NPO Hydrotex, Far Eastern Research Institute Morflota and some others.

During the development of the project, the experts considered more than 10 of the most various options, among which were projects of both classical suspension and cable-stayed bridges. As a result, preference was given to the construction of a cable-stayed bridge. The design was completed in March 2008 and cost the state 643 million rubles.

The construction of a cable-stayed bridge across the East Bosphorus to Russky Island started on September 3, 2008 as part of preparations for the APEC international summit to be held in Vladivostok in 2012. The building was completed in the spring of 2012.

On June 22, 2012, full-scale dynamic tests of the structure were completed, which confirmed its reliability and full readiness for operation.

The construction of the bridge proceeded in rather difficult conditions. The work was complicated by the unfavorable temperature regime and strong winds. Temperature fluctuations in Vladivostok can range from -31°С to +36°С, the height of a storm wave can reach 6 m, and the thickness of the ice cover is 70 cm.

In total, for almost 4 years, which lasted for construction, 33.9 billion rubles of budget money were spent on the implementation of this project. But it was worth it.

Technical parameters of the project

Bridge Options

The design of the bridge across the eastern Bosphorus was developed by engineers, taking into account two determining factors:

  • The shortest distance along the water area at the intersection of the bridge is 1460 meters, and the depth of the fairway reaches 50 meters.
  • Strong wind load in the construction area, as well as a wide range of temperature differences.

The main technical parameters of the new bridge across the Eastern Bosphorus:

  • The length of the central span is 1104 meters;
  • The shortest guy is 135.771 meters;
  • The longest guy is 579.83 meters;
  • The height of the pylons is 320.9 meters;
  • The height of the bridge space is 70 meters.
  • The total length of the bridge crossing is 1885.53 meters;
  • The total length of the bridge with overpasses is 3100 meters;
  • 4 traffic lanes (2 in each direction);
  • The total width of the carriageway is 21 meters.

I would like to note that this is a really grandiose project. For example, for the construction of the anchor spans of the bridge to a height of seventy meters, more than 21,000 cubic meters of concrete mixture were supplied, and the total amount of reinforcement of the side spans amounted to about 10,000 tons.

Features of the construction of pylons

In order for the bridge to be strong and reliable, 120 bored piles were installed under each of the two 320-meter pylons. Concreting of the pylons was carried out using a unique self-climbing formwork in 4.5 m clamps. According to the engineers, a crane was used for the first three clamps, then the formwork moved up independently thanks to the hydraulic movement of special modular elements.

At the base of each pylon - 120 bored piles with a diameter of two meters

It should be noted that the technology with the use of self-elevating formwork allowed not only to improve the quality of construction work, but also reduced the construction time of the bridge by 1.5 times. Since the pylons of the bridge are A-shaped, the use of standard formwork was not possible. As a result, a separate set was specially assembled for each pylon.

The construction of the foundation for the M7 pylon was carried out without a bulk platform. All drilling operations were carried out in deep water. It should be noted that the depth of the water area in this area is from 14 to 20 m. Steel casing pipes were submerged under water using a special floating crane. After the construction of bored piles, the foundation of the pylon was strengthened with a grouting layer of concrete up to 2.5 m thick.

Approximately 20,000 cubic meters of concrete and about 3,000 tons of metal structures were required for the construction of each pylon grillage.

Everything was done in strict accordance with the technology to ensure the strength and stability of the pylons.

Construction of a cable-stayed bridge system

The cable-stayed system is, without exaggeration, the basis of the bridge. It is she who takes on the main static and dynamic loads; without it, the existence of the bridge is simply not possible. In order for the bridge to be strong, the guys must be protected as much as possible from the effects of natural elements and other adverse factors.

The massive structure of the bridge across the East Bosvor Strait is supported by 168 stay cables ranging in length from 135 to 579 m.

During the construction of the bridge, cables made by the French company Freyssinet were used. According to the manufacturers, all shrouds were manufactured at factories that passed the strictest selection and were approved by Freyssinet specialists.

They have the highest rates of endurance, strength, corrosion resistance, which, according to experts, ensured an estimated service life of at least 100 years. The structure is capable of withstanding a tensile load of 1850 MPa.

An improved “compact” PSS system was used to fix the central span of the bridge structure, which has a denser arrangement of strands in the shell. Due to the fact that the compact configuration of the cables has a shell of a smaller diameter, it was possible to reduce the wind load on the bridge by 25-30%. In addition, this technology made it possible to reduce the cost of materials for the construction of foundations, stiffening beams and pylons by a third.

The shrouds consist of parallel, individually protected against corrosion strands, the number of which varies from 13 to 85

On how strong the protective sheath of the cable will be, its strength depends. For the new bridge, a high-density polyethylene sheath was used, which has the following extremely important properties:

  • temperature resistance from -40°С to +40°С;
  • resistance to the negative effects of solar ultraviolet rays.

The PSS cables contain parallel strands with a diameter of 15.7 mm, each of which includes 7 galvanized wires. In total, each guy has from 13 to 85 strands (strands).

In addition, the installed shrouds have a vibration damping system that allows them to stabilize the structure in strong winds.

The cables were fastened to the pylons after the foundation was strengthened and was carried out at a height of 189 m. Modern technology was also used here, which made it possible to significantly speed up the construction - the pylon body was concreted and the cable pairs were installed simultaneously.

Installation of the central span

There are currently only three cable-stayed bridges in the world with a span of more than 1000 meters. In addition to the Far East Bridge, this list also includes: the Sutong Bridge in China (span length 1080 m) and the Stone Cutters Bridge in Hong Kong (1018 m).

The bridge to Russky Island, thanks to the world's longest cable-stayed span of 1104 meters, has already become a record holder and entered the history of world bridge building. Of course, it was quite difficult to do this, since a strong wind in this area exerts a large load on the frame and the span itself. The engineers managed to develop a special design of the superstructure with a special aerodynamic section, which allows to reduce the load from squally wind.

The central stiffening beam is a single, all-metal box with an upper and lower plate, as well as a system of transverse beams and diaphragms. It should be noted that the total weight of the structure of the central bridge span was about 23 thousand tons.

In order to determine the optimal configuration of the section, additional aerodynamic calculations were carried out at the detailed design stage, which were then optimized as part of the processing of a large-scale experimental model.

The installation of the central span required precision and quality from the builders. High-strength assembly joints were used for joining the vertical walls of the blocks, transverse beams, longitudinal ribs and diaphragms.

The panels were delivered to the installation site by barges and then lifted by a crane to a height of 70 meters.

The large-scale sections required for the installation of the central span of the bridge were delivered to the assembly site on barges and then lifted by a tower crane to a height of 76 meters, where the multi-ton elements were connected to each other and the guys were attached to them.

Among the record holders, but not the main winner

Our bridge rightfully topped the list of cable-stayed bridges with the longest cable-stayed span. Russian specialists have managed to build an impressive structure, but we have not yet succeeded in becoming a leader in length and height among bridges of a similar type.

The longest cable-stayed bridge in the world is still in China. The length of the bridge across the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea is about 36 km, which is almost 18 times longer than the new Far East Bridge. Its construction cost China $1.4 billion.

Most long bridge in the world Hangzhou Bay

This bridge connects Shanghai and small town Ningbo in Zhejiang province. It was built for almost 4 years, traffic on it was opened on May 1, 2008. The bridge is quite wide, 6 lanes, 3 in each direction.

The bridge is located in an area with difficult climatic conditions, there are often typhoons, storms and squally winds. Because of this, the structure of the bridge was specially reinforced and a special composition of concrete and steel was used for construction, which is resistant to typhoons.

Hangzhou Bridge has a special shape: it is built in the shape of the letter "S". As the main reason for choosing such an unusual design, engineers cite the desire to make the bridge as resistant to strong tidal waves as possible.

The highest cable-stayed bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct Bridge, which is built at a height of 270 meters. This amazingly beautiful building is located in the south of France and connects Paris with Barcelona, ​​passing through a wide gorge above the Tarn River.

The Millau Viaduct (le Viaduc de Millau) is a cable-stayed road bridge crossing the Tarn River valley near the city of Millau in southern France.

The Millau Viaduct bridge was opened to cars in December 2004, and its construction cost private investors almost 400 million euros.

The bridge has 7 cable-stayed columns, which are located at a distance of 350 meters from each other. The height of the structure (the highest support) is 343 meters, and the length is almost 2.5 kilometers.


The President, in one of his interviews, called the bridge to Russky Island "a new symbol of Russia." It's hard to disagree with him. Our engineers have much to be proud of. The new cable-stayed bridge built in Vladivostok is not just a modern engineering structure, it is a large-scale achievement of domestic scientists and builders.

Having built this bridge, Russia actually proved to the entire world community that it can independently implement large and complex projects from an engineering point of view. After all, all stages of the project, from the design stage to construction, were completely carried out by Russian specialists.

The commissioning of this bridge is also important from an economic and social point of view. Since it opens up new opportunities for the development of both Vladivostok and the entire Far East region.

I would like to hope that this is not the last project of this magnitude for Russia.

Anna Belova,

A major scandal, which risks developing into a corruption one, is flaring up in Vladivostok. There, because of the rain, the bridge literally crumbled, which is a section of the road, for the construction of which 29 billion budget rubles were allocated. According to local residents, the rain was quite ordinary - "medium intensity", which means the bridge fell apart due to a construction defect. The reasons for such a rapid destruction of a large infrastructure facility built for the APEC summit have yet to be established, but already now it can be assumed that the matter is most likely in the carelessness of the general contractor, corruption and the carelessness of officials, as was the case with the infamous “dancing bridge” In Volgograd.

"Just a Light Rain"

As it turned out, the ground crawled under the newly built section of the route. During the day, the ground under the road continued to move down, and this may continue in case of expected rains in Vladivostok this weekend.

As a result, several tons of soil were buried under garages with cars inside and, presumably, one boat: the road runs almost along the coast of Patrokl Bay.

“When I was standing there, I really heard how the wire burst and stones crunch,” a local resident writes about the situation on an Internet forum. - Creepy and scary. The children were forbidden to go to the sea there.”

“But it was just a light rain of medium intensity for two days,” another eyewitness reports.

Local deputies drew attention to the situation with the highway. “I was at the site of a landslide,” City Duma deputy Alexander Yurtaev told PrimaMedia. - My point of view: the builders tried to make the wall more vertical because of the garages below. The route itself is straight, there are almost no storm drains on it, and it turns out that the entire flow of water flows down just in the direction of the gabion grid. And it still rained lightly. And if it charges an ordinary coastal typhoon? The asphalt had to be laid with a slight slope in the opposite direction so that the water would escape. Yes, and the slope itself should be planted with grass and turf to hold the stonework. This road actually cut off the passage to the beach. But the road could have been built in a different way, through Sakhalinskaya, and then the recreation area of ​​the microdistrict would have been preserved. Unfortunately, the situation is an emergency. Now, in order to remove the consequences, we will have to remove more than 40 meters of asphalt, since there is a void under it, and do everything all over again.”

Local residents sent a collective letter to the governor of the region, Vladimir Miklushevsky, because, in their opinion, the construction of the road had practically destroyed the beach, which had turned into a rocky desert.

Retaining wall installed directly on the garage

Representatives of the general contractor who built this section of the road, CJSC Pacific Bridge Construction Company (TMK), said that the eight-kilometer section of the route, on which the collapse of the soil occurred, was to be put into operation only on July 1, but the cars of the townspeople could move along it, since this “It was convenient for them, and everyone turned a blind eye to it.”

Now the traffic on the unfinished section of the highway is blocked by heaps of soil poured after the incident. The asphalt is covered with large faults and cracks for several tens of meters. Local residents are now afraid to use this part of the road. At the same time, TMK spokeswoman Olga Zarubina assured the portal that the incident would not affect the timing of the commissioning of the route.

As a local resident named Aleksey told reporters, the cause of the landslide could be that the builders began installing the gabions of the retaining wall right on the roof of his garage. According to the man, he warned the foreman that the garages were 40 years old and might not survive. However, the builders did not pay attention to his remark.

ZAO TMK said that a special commission is investigating the causes of the landslide and they will be named later. So far, it is clear that one of the main causes of the incident was the rains that have continued in Vladivostok since June 9.

“The soil in the first few months after the construction of the road is very unstable and prone to crumbling with abundant moisture,” commented Oleg Skvortsov, president of the Association of Road Research Organizations. - When the soil is overgrown with grass and stabilizes, it is difficult to move the soil mass. It is difficult to say why the accident occurred. Both the designers and the builders could make a mistake, but here we need to deal with the situation on the spot.”

Who will compensate the owners of garages for material damage and whether it will be compensated at all is still unknown. According to unofficial information, the garages were illegally located on the slope under the road, so local residents can only count on payments for cars buried underground.

The highway Novy settlement - De-Vries peninsula - Sedanka - Patrokl bay, 42 km long, should connect Vladivostok airport and the bridge to Russky Island. According to the builders, due to the fact that the road will be “continuous traffic”, that is, without traffic lights and ground pedestrian crossings, the travel time from the airport to the island, which always took at least an hour and a half, will be reduced to 20 minutes. The highway was planned to be put into operation in 2011, but the dates were revised. 29 billion rubles were allocated from the budget for the construction of the facility.

Everyone dances

It should be noted that last year a scandal erupted around another bridge - in Volgograd. It was built for 13 years, the object cost the budget 12.3 billion rubles. The bridge was opened to traffic in October 2009, and in May of the following year, strong vibrations began to be observed on the bridge, due to which the locals dubbed it "dancing". The area was closed to traffic.

During the investigation of the causes of the fluctuations, it turned out that corruption was the cause of the incident: violations were identified for 152 million rubles, and the project turned out to be more expensive than its true cost by 1.5 billion rubles. So, during the control event, it was found that the administration Volgograd region a significant increase in expenses for the resettlement of citizens from the construction zone was allowed. The share of such expenses in the estimated cost of construction increased from 2.9% to 9.1% and exceeded 1.1 billion rubles.

In November last year, it was reported that specialists reinforced the “dancing bridge” with counterweights to dampen vibrations. The cost of the work amounted to 112 million rubles.

“We can now guarantee the safety of traffic on the bridge. We are now confident that the bridge will never “dance” again, as it happened on May 20 last year, - Anatoly Brovko, then governor of the region, told reporters.

According to materials:


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