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After conquering the summit of Mont Blanc, Mountaineer's Day began to be celebrated all over the world. The mountains and the breathtaking beauty of the views attract many enthusiasts, some dedicating their entire lives to it. Kuban also has its own interesting places and routes that are worthy of attention both for professional climbers and for those who simply want to enjoy unity with nature and an easy climb.

1. Mount Tsakhvoa

Mount Tsakhvoa is the most high point Krasnodar region. Its peak is 3346 meters above sea level. It is worth saying that it is located on the territory of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. According to tourists, this is one of the most beautiful peaks in the Caucasus. On the northern slopes you can see a glacier with an area of ​​about 2500 sq. m. It descends down the slopes in three narrow tongues. It is believed that the glacier is one of the largest in Kuban.

To get there from Krasnaya Polyana, you need to obtain a pass from the Reserve and a pass from the border guards in advance, just in case. Base camp usually placed at an altitude of about 2500 meters. To climb to the very top, experts recommend not neglecting an ice ax and helmet, as well as a rope.

2. Mount Fisht

Photo: Anna Andriyanenko, VK Press

Mount Fisht is known to many tourists and climbers as the highest point of the Lago-Naki plateau. Together with Oshten and Psekha-Su, it forms the Fisht-Oshten massif on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. Its height is 2868 thousand meters. There are many things about these mountains beautiful legends that attract the attention of travelers.

Translated from the Adyghe “fisht” is translated as “gray-haired” or “white head”. There are several ways to get to the top of the mountain. It will be easiest to do this through the Great Glacier; it will be more difficult along the eastern wall. There is an option to exit through the Fisht shelter between the Belorechensky and Armenian passes. It will be easier to climb summer time, but even in winter, with suitable equipment, it will be possible to conquer the peak.

3. Mount Big Thach

In fact, there are different opinions about which Bolshoi Tkhach belongs more to: the Krasnodar Territory or Adygea. The mountain is located on their border in the watershed area of ​​the Malaya Laba and Belaya rivers. Height Big Thach- 2368 meters. If we translate the name into Russian from Adyghe, we get “forever young god.” Some local residents they call it Lysa, which can confuse tourists a little.

The mountain is also interesting because it contains several caves, which many residents and guests of the region want to visit. For example, Crystal or Move to the Underworld. You can get to the place in different ways, but the most common route is from the village of Novoprokhladny. The other starts from Uzlovoy in the Mostovsky district. You can also get to Bolshoi Tkhach from Psebay, the route will be difficult, but very beautiful.

4. Pseashkho mountain range

This mountain range is located 20 kilometers from Krasnaya Polyana. It is usually referred to as the Main Caucasus Range. There are such peaks as the main one - Northern Pseashkho, 3267 meters high, Southern Pseashkho - 3251.2 m, Uzlovaya - 3196 and others. The lowest is Western Pseashkho - 2899.8 m. There are also 11 glaciers in this massif. The largest of which is the largest in the entire region.

Many peaks have different routes of difficulty for tourists and climbers. For example, a four-day trip from the camp on the Bzerpinsky cornice. Travelers are invited to visit Semiozerye, climb from the Pseashkho pass to Perevalnaya Yuzhnaya and other peaks.

5. Mount Agepshta

This is the highest mountain peak on the border of Russia and Abkhazia, located on the Gagra ridge. Its height is 3256 meters. It can best be seen from the observation tower of Mount Bolshoy Akhun. Routes of varying difficulty have been developed for climbing Agepshtu. To get to the southern slopes, where the ascent is easiest, the most logical thing to do would be to move through Abkhazia from the Geg waterfall. Travel is possible at any time of the year.

A vast part of the Krasnodar Territory is mountainous. Moreover, as you approach the Caucasus, the height of the mountains increases. Thanks to the altitudinal zones in the region, you can see many different natural and climatic zones in a relatively small area.

European deciduous and mixed forests turn into mountain coniferous ones, then the zone of alpine meadows (scientific name) begins, and at the top, on the very high peaks The snow caps are turning white. Such diversity cannot but attract people who are in love with the mountains. There are routes for people with different preferences and levels of training. Climbing lovers hiking, caving, cycling and horseback riding will find here what they like. Let's tell you more about the most famous and visited mountains in the region.

Located on the Southern Front east of Krasnaya Polyana, as part of Sochi national park. It consists of 4 peaks - peaks 1, 2, 3 and the Black Pyramid. Peak 3 has the highest elevation - 2462 m. The northern exposure of the massif is quite interesting for skiers and snowboarders, which is why the well-known after the Olympics sports facilities “Alpika-Service”, “Mountain Carousel” and “Rosa Khutor” were located there. The relief here is complicated by depressions of glacial origin. The Black Pyramid, due to its tricky structure, is popular among mountaineering enthusiasts.

This attraction is already located on the coast - on the Taman Peninsula, between the Akhtanizovsky and Starotitarovsky estuaries. To the east is the Cossack Erik - a man-made canal built by the Cossacks to access the sea. We can say that this place grows out of the water surface. In ancient times, all the surrounding areas were covered with water and the hill was the only island of land in the entire area, which is why it was used as a place of trade - hence the name.

This is a small elevation (only 76 meters and 1.5 km in diameter). The uniqueness of the hill is that it is unusual for this natural area species composition of vegetation, most of which is relict. The entire hill was covered with low deciduous forest and bushes. Curly oak, hornbeam elm and Tatarian maple grow here. Visitors can pick rosehips and hawthorns. The vibrant green forest contrasts sharply with the surrounding dry landscapes of the peninsula.

Tourists can visit this natural monument of regional importance, wander through the forest and take a boat ride along the Cossack Erik.

This is one of the mountains in the western part of the Main Caucasus Range. There are several translations of the name Oshten, such as: “eternal snow” or “eternal winter”, “where the hail gets stuck.” There is an opinion that the name came from local languages, where Uashkhdon means “water mountain”. In any case, the name is associated with snow for a reason: you can easily see squirrels on the top. Towards the top, the vegetation habitual in this area is replaced by a zone of alpine herbs. This rare place where you can see such species diversity. Climbing routes of difficulty categories 1B and 2B lead to the top of the mountain. It cannot be said that Oshten is often visited by crowds of tourists, so your vacation will not be spoiled by noisy crowds and mountains of garbage.

Papay Mountain Range

Located on the territory of the Abinsky and Seversky districts. The height is almost 819 m. The etymology of the name presumably means 7 noses, since the massif includes seven main peaks: Western, Central, Northern, Main and Eastern Popeye and two unnamed ones. This massif is known for its sharp rocks, which attract crowds of tourists with their severity. This is, in fact, the border of the Greater Caucasus in the west. The Ubin, Papay and Bolshaya Khabl rivers originate here. The massif has very rich plant ecotopes. Many species characteristic of the Mediterranean region grow here. Oak communities predominate. Closer to the top, juniper bushes dominate. This is a real botanical paradise: you can find many medicinal and rare herbs. Many species are listed in the Red Book.

Pseashkho mountain range

Located near the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The name “Pseashkho” means “high-water mountain” in the Adyghe language - there are indeed several rivers and streams originating in local glaciers. It's quite big and beautiful mountains. There are 9 peaks exceeding 3 km. These peaks are: North Pseashkho Mountain - 3256.9 m, South Pseashkho Mountain - 3251.5 m, Sugar Pseashkho Peak - 3187 m, Kozhevnikov Peak - 3072 m and others. The Urushten and Malaya Laba rivers originate in this place.

The area is replete with glaciers. With a southeastern exposure lies the huge Pseashkho glacier - the largest in Krasnodar region. Its length is 3.1 km and width 1.8 km. The Pure River is born here. The total glacier coverage area is 5.5?km?^2. To the north and west you can see 4 smaller glaciers. The largest of which is Marble. In the northern part mountain range there is the Kholodny glacier, from which the stream originates. Over the past decades, the area of ​​glaciers has been decreasing.

Peak of Mount Pshada

To get here you need to go 13 kilometers southeast from the village of Ubinskaya. This mountain is the watershed of the sources of the Ubina River. Height - 743 meters. The peak is a complex pile of rock covered with dense forest. Experts believe that the name comes from the Abkhaz-Abaza word “apshad” - “windless” or “shrouded in fog.”

Photos of the mountain can be found in the collections of many tourists - there are very picturesque views, rock outcrops and waterfalls.

The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region with a height of 3345.9 m. It is part of the Herzen ridge. This place, with its beauty and exciting climbing, attracts tourists from all over the country. Travelers can see a huge glacier here from the northern slope. Despite the fact that glaciers have been melting recently, this one has retained its majestic appearance.

The territory of the Krasnodar Territory is huge, over 760 thousand square kilometers, which is much larger than individual European countries such as Belgium, Armenia, Israel, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark and so on. The mountains account for twenty-nine percent of the Kuban land, and if in concrete terms, then more than two hundred and twenty square kilometers. Let us also recall that the length of the borders of the region exceeds 1,540 kilometers, of which 740 kilometers are sea (Kuban has two seas - the Black and Azov). The length of mountains, for example, Black Sea coast, from Anapa to our southeastern borders exceeds three hundred kilometers.
Initially, Smidovich Peak (Akaragvart) was considered the highest peak of the Krasnodar Mountains - 3457 meters above sea level. After painstaking clarification, we came to the conclusion that the height is exaggerated and actually amounts to a little over 3140 meters. The peak of Smidovich lost the palm to the peak of Tsakhvoa - 3345.9 meters, located in the Mostovskaya region of the world-famous Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. This is despite the fact that the highest peak in all of Russia and Europe is Elbrus (5642 m) on the borders of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. There are thousands of climbers all over the mine, burning with an indomitable desire to conquer it; many lucky ones managed to do it.

    The Great Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea coast gave shelter to the most famous resorts south of Russia. And they start from the health resort for family and children's recreation and treatment of Anapa, widely known both in our Fatherland itself and in near and far abroad.

    The highest mountain in Gelendzhik is Thab - 905 meters above sea level. There are also lower elevations, the most popular among them is the Markotkhsky ridge - just over 600 m. Around it in Gelendzhik life is in full swing.

  • The further along the coast, the higher

    Following Anapa, other resort towns are comfortably located along the Black Sea coast - Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi, and all of them are at the foot of the Great Caucasus Mountains, creating a unique microclimate from Mediterranean to subtropical. The sun shines for up to 280 days a year and generously provides vacationers with vitamin D, the sea never freezes, and even in winter the air temperature on average stays within 10-12 degrees plus, and in Sochi it’s even higher, sometimes over 15.

    The hero city of Novorossiysk near the Black Sea is protected from evil winds from the north by the Markotkhsky ridge. Although, it must be said, bad weather also gets here in the form of a forest, with violent gusts that penetrate through and through all living things. The highest mountain of the Markotkhsky ridge is Sugarloaf (558 m above sea level), the ridge itself continues fifty kilometers towards Gelendzhik. Just below Sugarloaf Mount Sorcerer (447 m). Between Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik there is a wonderful place to relax. Or rather, there are two of them - one by the sea, the other in the mountains known as Abrau-Durso. The fact that by the sea is Durso, in the mountains is Abrau with a healing lake of the same name. The height of the mountains is not high - from 130 meters above sea level. But a unique place for growing sunny berries - grapes. There are entire plantations of it here. And for Abrau-Durso champagne and other sparkling wines people come here from many places in Kuban. The plant was built on the basis of a former royal estate. Who indicates the date - 1870. Who else - sooner or later. But wines were produced here back in the fifth century, specifically in ancient greek city Bata in the vicinity of the present Tsemes Bay.

    And also the mountains of the Krasnodar region and their signature potato Fisht - these are dozens of amazingly beautiful waterfalls and caves stretching underground for hundreds of meters, including karst ones - Phanagoriysky, Bolshaya Azishskaya, Vorontsovskaya with stalactites and stalagmites that always surprise with the bizarreness of their forms. The peaks of not only Fisht Mountains, but also Chugush, Pseashkho, Ateista, and Magisho rise above the snow line. Rich vegetable world Greater Caucasus. At an altitude of 600-700 meters above sea level there is a broad deciduous forest; in the mid-mountain belt of 700-800 meters there are beech and other forests; 1300-1900 meters - birch, spruce, fir, and after this zone alpine meadows begin, the grasses and flowers of which simply cannot be counted. Animal world mountains is a topic for another discussion.

    As you know, Kuban borders in the north with Rostov region, in the east - from Stavropol Territory, in the south - with Abkhazia, Adygea, Circassia and Georgia. The Greater Caucasus is a kind of border between Europe and Asia. Its mountains have a double direction - from northwest to southeast. And from south to north. The first direction is the Main Caucasus Range from the lower reaches of the Kuban River to the Absheron Peninsula. The second goes to the Kuban Plain. In front of her the mountains are not high - five hundred meters or higher, hills. There are so-called side mountains - the Black Mountains. In our mountains, according to some data, there are 64 glaciers with an area of ​​18.8 square kilometers. Of these, 5 square kilometers are occupied by glaciers of the Pseashkho mountain range. The famous glacial karst lake Psenodakh is 165 meters long, 72.5 meters wide and 0.2 - 0.8 meters deep in the shape of a crescent at an altitude of 1938 meters above sea level. It is located north of the Fisht-Oshten Pass at the bottom of the glacial circus in the upper reaches of the Tsitsa River. The surface area of ​​the lake is more than nine thousand square meters. It should be noted that glaciers feed the rivers of the region, including the Kuban.
    Many probably remember the lines from Vladimir Vysotsky’s famous song “Farewell to the Mountains”: “So leave unnecessary disputes, I have already proven everything to myself - better than the mountains there can only be mountains that you haven’t been to yet.” If you haven’t visited us yet - in the very heart of the Great Caucasus Mountains, in Krasnaya Polyana or the majestic surroundings of the Kuban brand “Sedoglavy Fisht”, on other peaks of the region, come here by all means: mountains Kuban will captivate your hearts and souls with its dazzling, fantastic beauty! And at any time of the year, your visit here will add health and energy to your cheerful mood. After all, in the summer, a variety of attractions await you here, including extreme ones (jeeping, rapid rafting rivers, the same giant swings, etc. many other breathtaking pastimes), and in winter, descents one at a time, in the company of friends and with comrades on skis, sleds, snowboards, and you don’t need any Switzerland, no Alps - everything is Russian, native , safe!

Krasnodar region of Russia with its magnificent Black Sea, warm gentle sun, spacious sandy beaches, delicious fruits and beautiful natural attractions - a wonderful place to relax. It is impossible to describe all the amazing nature of this region, rich in all respects.

The relief of Kuban is of great diversity: from the gigantic peaks of the foothills of the Caucasus to the lowlands of Sea of ​​Azov. Its entire territory can be divided into 2 parts: mountainous southern and lowland northern. Moreover, the first part represents wonderful landscapes of fabulous beauty.

From this article you can learn interesting information about one of these peaks - the highest in the Krasnodar region.

Mountains of the Krasnodar Territory: names

It is impossible to briefly describe the incredible beauty of the surrounding nature of this wonderful region. passes, gorges, caves, lakes - everything is unique in its splendor and fabulousness.

Mountains and ridges occupy almost a third of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory - this is approximately 25 thousand square meters. kilometers. Almost all of them belong to the Caucasus Nature Reserve.

Magnificent peaks are Fisht, Agepsta, Tybga, Bezymyanny Peak in the Tsakhvoa massif (3290.7 meters), Northern Pseashkho (3256.9 meters) and many others. All of them attract attention with their majestic and unique beauty.

The most significant peaks that are located in these territories and are of particular interest to numerous climbers are:

  • Tsakhvoa is 3346 meters) - this is the highest mountain in the Krasnodar region.
  • Chugush (3237 meters) is the highest mountain in Adygea.
  • Fisht (2867.7 meters) is another calling card of the region and the Republic of Adygea.

Each of these mountains has a certain zest and uniqueness. To have a true understanding and get unforgettable experience about them, it's worth seeing it all.

This is the highest point of the Herzen Ridge (its northern end), which is part of the system of the main ridge of the Caucasus. The mountain is located between the river of the same name and the Bezymyanka River.

Tsakhvoa is also part of the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve, most of which is occupied by the mountains of the main Caucasus

Mount Tsakhvoa, in terms of climbing it, has simpler and easier paths than

Description of Tsakhvoa

This mountain is famous and very popular among climbers and tourists due to the fact that it has magnificent steep slopes. Conquering the peak is quite a difficult task, but the result (getting great pleasure) is worth it.

The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region has a magnificent snow cap that does not melt in the summer. The northern slopes are covered by the Tsehvoa glacier, whose area is 2500 square meters. These mountains are also notable for the fact that the wildest rivers of the region originate in them.

The mountain is composed of conglomerates, granites, sandstones and metamorphic rocks. The vegetation here mainly consists of spruce-fir forests and yew (especially the lower part of its slopes). A little higher up are amazing alpine meadows.


For some period, the title “The highest mountain in the Krasnodar region” was borne by Smidovich Peak. Many geomorphologists of Krasnodar thought so. This peak bore the name of the famous Bolshevik, chairman of the committee on reserves under the Central Committee. It was fashionable to perpetuate the names of party leaders in this way. As stated at that time, the height of this mountain was approximately 3457 meters. Then a small error in the measurements was discovered, and around the mid-70s, the title of the highest peak passed to Mount Tsakhvoa.

MOUNTAIN FISHT Latitude 43°57′13″N (43.953562) Longitude 39°54′11″E (39.902891) Mount Fisht is the western beginning mountain range Main Caucasian ridge. Height 2868m. This is the most high peak Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif, formed by the mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su. The territorial border between the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea runs almost from north to south of Fisht. If you sail 6-8 kilometers from Sochi into the open sea by boat, Fisht will be very clearly visible to the naked eye - it stands out strongly against the background of other lower mountains. In clear weather, the top of Mount Fisht can be seen from Apsheronsk, Maykop, Krasnodar, and even Timashevsk (which is about 200 km in a straight line!). The surroundings of Fisht, like the mountain itself, can safely be classified as one of the most wonderful and mysterious places Western Caucasus. Many scientists and researchers have been interested in Mount Fisht for many years, studying its rock formation, layered faults and the movement of stone blocks. The structure of Fisht is made up of karst landforms. It contains a large number of layers of limestone deposits. Due to the process provoked by continuous movement...

LAGONAKIY RIDGE Latitude: 44°12′13′08′70′′′N Longitude: 39°91′49′74′01′′′E Lagonaksky Range is a mountain range located near the Lago-Naki plateau (Maikop district, Republic of Adygea ), stretching from northwest to southeast for almost 17 km. The territorial border between the Republic of Adygea and the area of ​​the Mezmaysky rural settlement passes through the crest of the ridge. Absheronsky district Krasnodar region. Also here the territories of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the World Heritage Site are divided natural heritage"Western Caucasus". Most of the Lagonaki ridge is covered with a grass carpet, on which a variety of endemic species of flowers are located, among the thickets of which you can see running lizards. Broad-winged birds soar in the sky: bearded vultures, vultures, kites. The Lagonaksky ridge includes smooth dome-shaped peaks such as: Mt. Lysaya (1159m), Mt. Matazyk (1328m), Mt. Ryrytaya (1514m), Mt. Bukva, Mt. Zhitnaya (the highest point of the ridge / there are also such names as “Tour” and “Ostraya”), Matuk, Mezmay. Fantastic panoramas open from every mountain top. &...

NAGAY-CHUK RIDGE ǀ NOGAI-CHUK ǀ NAGOY-CHUK Latitude: 44°05′83′33′3′′′N Longitude: 39°89′19′44′4′′′E Nagai-Chuk Ridge (Nagaychuk, Nogaychuk ) is a mountain range located at an altitude of 1897m in the Lagonaki Highlands (Republic of Adygea). Translated from Circassian “Nagaychuk” means “land of Nagai Tatars”. The ridge of the Nagoy-Chuk ridge stretches from north to south for almost 8.5 km. The highest level of elevation reaches 2467m above sea level. The northern and part of the eastern slopes of the Nagoy-Chuk ridge are high cliffs, from the tops of which the corridor of the Tsitsa River gorge can be seen. In the southern and western parts the relief is sloping, allowing you to go around the peak radially. The surface of the massif is dotted with gently sloping basins, various-scale karst depressions and cracks made of ancient Jurassic limestone. The perennial snow cover lies in the craters and does not have time to melt. White firn spots look very contrasting against the background of fresh green grass, which even in summer remains low, in contrast to the foot of the mountain range overgrown with stinging hogweed and nettles...

MOUNT PSHEKHO-SU Latitude 43°59′23″N (43.989722) Longitude 39°53′28″E (39.891111) Pshekho-Su (Pshekha-Su, Pshekhasu) is one of the mountain peaks of the Western Caucasus. It is located in the southern part of the Republic of Adygea and is part of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif, as well as the highlands of the Lagonaki Highlands. Approximate dimensions (taking into account the spread out slopes): about 5 km long and almost 3 km wide. Mount Pshekho-Su is adjacent to the northern side of Mount Fisht and has a height of 2744 m above sea level. It ranks third in height after Mount Fisht and Oshten. Just like the nearby mountain peaks, Pshekho-Su captivates with its power and beauty. Translated from the ancient Kabardian-Circassian language, the oronym Pshekho-Su means “Water of the Princess.” The local population has another name for this mountain - Chuba (“Chube” - many bison). This toponym refers to the giant rocky blocks scattered around the area - khitsans, which from afar look like the bodies of cattle. Some Adyghe people translate the word “Chuba” as “sheer grotto.” This is explained by the fact that in the relief of Mount Pshekho-Su there are many karst miaroles. Scattered small snowfields are observed on the Pshekha-Su slopes all year round. On the …

MOUNT OSHTEN Latitude 43°59′49″N (43.997057) Longitude 39°55′57″E (39.932369) Mount Oshten is another remarkable peak of the Western Caucasus. It ranks second (after Mount Fisht) in height - 2804m above sea level. It is located in the Maykop region of the Republic of Adygea, on the southern section of the Lagonaki Highlands, between the Fisht-Oshtenovsky and Armenian passes, near the mountains Pshekho-Su and Fisht. Turning to toponymy, one can find several semantic meanings of the oronym “Oshten”. Doctor of Philological Sciences K.H. Meretukov translated the name of Mount Oshten as follows: “oshu” - hail, “tene” - get stuck, - “the place where the hail gets stuck.” Also, among the Adyghe settlement, there is such a translation as “centuries-old snow.” In addition, there is a legend that around the 3rd millennium BC, in the territory of present-day Adygea, local residents worshiped various gods and were in eternal anticipation of sunny days. At the top of the mountain a sacred altar was placed to worship the Hittite Sun God - Estan, from whose name the name of the mountain came. Subsequently, Mount Oshten became a divine place for the Circassians. The strangeness of this fable is that at the base of the peak, all year round there are clouds accompanying...

LAGO-NAKI ǀLagonaki Highlands Latitude 44°3′0″N (4430) Longitude 40°0′0″E (4000) Lago-Naki is a plateau of the Western Caucasus, protected by the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. Most of The territory belongs to the Maykop region of the Republic of Adygea. In the northern (canyon of the Kurdzhips River) and western (Mount Messo region) side - to the Absheronsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. On the eastern front, Lago-Naki borders on the Stone Sea ridge; in the southwest it is joined by the mountains of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky massif. The Lagonaki Highlands rise to a height of 2200m above sea level and are famous for their alpine fields. The space on which the plateau is located occupies about 800 km². Many pass through the plateau tourist routes, and there are also slopes with ski slopes and lifts. The beds of rivers (Tsitsa, Pshekha, Belaya, Kurdzhips) and streams make their way through the limestone rocks, forming solid canyons with a depth of 10 m. On all sides the Lagonaki Plateau is surrounded by such mountain peaks like: Fisht (2868m), Oshten (2804m), Pshekho-Su (2743m), Abadzesh (2369m), Blyam (2378m), Nagai-Kosh (2090m), Nagai-Chuk (2467m), Guzeripl (...

MOUNTAIN CATHEDRAL-SCALA Latitude: 44°09′12′40′′′N Longitude: 39°65′69′20′′′E Mount Cathedral-Skala – located 5 km northwest of the village of Otdalenny (Shpalorez) in the Absheron region Krasnodar Territory, in the pre-estuary space of the Khakhopse (Agops) River, which flows into the Pshekha River. The height of the mountain is 1205m above sea level. Refers to the eastern foothills of Mount Shessi (1839m). The Cathedral of the Rock is the most interesting natural object, striking in its appearance. The vertical lines of the rock give it a resemblance to the ancient gothic temple. Because of this analogy, the name of the mountain came about. The Cathedral Rocks ridge extends from northwest to southeast over a distance of 1.5 km. On the southern side, the slopes of the mountain rise up to 350m, having a width of 200m. Submarine eruptions and plate movement earth's crust occurred in the Western Caucasus 165 million years ago, during the Middle Jurassic era. The Cathedral Rocks massif, as well as its brothers stretching from southeast to northwest - the Grachev Venets (1545m) and Indyuk (859m, 40 km in a straight line from the village of Otdalenny) mountains - is composed of gray volcanic rocks - powerful and durable tuffs liparitic-dacite composition. St...

MOUNT CHERNOGOR “SLEEPING CHERKESS” Latitude: 44°09′16′66′7′′′N Longitude: 39°78′19′44′4′′′E Mount Chernogor (“Sleeping Cherkess”) – the highest point of the plateau Montenegro (height 1754m). It is located in the Apsheronsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, 6 km from the village of Otdalenny (“Spalorez”), at an altitude of 1582 m above sea level. Belongs to the territory of Chernigov forestry. If you look at the hill of Chernogor from the village of Otdalenny, you can see in the outline the image of a lying man. The relief clearly shows a hat, eye sockets, a sharp nose, lips and chin - the silhouette of a clear representative of the Circassian population. The ridge of the Montenegro tract stretches from northwest to southeast for 3 kilometers. A vast forest has grown on the slopes, consisting of fir, yew and evergreen cherry laurel. The rocks are covered as if with a carpet of lichens and juniper bushes. The rocky cliffs of the Sleeping Cherkess massif reach a height of 20 to 150 meters and consist of massive rock of the Upper Jurassic tuff breccia (volcanogenic clastic materials) and limestone. Walls of Montenegro...


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