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Cool! 10

Perhaps summer is the most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren, because it’s time for the holidays. We study for nine months so that in the summer we can enjoy beautiful weather and a break from classes. This summer has become special for me.

In June I went to my grandmother’s dacha. My grandmother is almost at the dacha all year round. It’s easy to get there even in winter, and she doesn’t miss this chance. Probably, like most grandmothers, she loves to plant a variety of plants and grow flowers. I went to see my grandmother with my brother, so I wasn’t bored. Fortunately, the weather was sunny and not rainy at all throughout June. In the morning we rode our bikes to the grocery store. Granny delighted us with various delicious breakfasts: she would bake pancakes or pancakes, then buns or croissants with ham and cheese, sometimes just scrambled eggs, but incredibly tasty, with tomatoes and fresh herbs. In general, in one month at the dacha, my brother and I gained two kilograms each. During the day we went to the river to sunbathe and swim, and in the evening we sat down with grandma to watch the news and some movie on TV. I loved sitting on the porch with my brother at sunset with a cup of strawberry tea and talking. These moments of unity with family and nature mean a lot to me.

In July, our parents decided to surprise us and told us that we were going on a trip to Italy! We couldn't believe our ears! The vacation was planned for two weeks; mom and dad rented a house on the seashore. We went on many excursions and swam in the sea. To be honest, everything that the guide said was difficult for my brother and me to understand, so our parents simply briefly explained to us what was in front of us and why it was a landmark. We were told about the Arch of Constantine, the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museum complex and many others historical places. We took a lot of photographs, and when we arrived home, my mother arranged them in a separate beautiful album. Before leaving home, the whole family wandered around the shops looking for gifts for family and friends. This trip was very memorable for me, because it was my first vacation abroad!

I spent the whole of August in the city. Since most of my friends and classmates, even if they went somewhere on vacation, returned home in August, so we spent time together. Many films premiered this summer, so I managed to go to the cinema four times in a month. Every weekend the park held all sorts of events for children and adults, my parents and I enjoyed it. There are many interactive platforms and various master classes are held for both adults and children. My friend Dima and I also went to an amusement park on August 12th. I will never forget this day! It was very fun and scary at the same time. At the end of August I was preparing for school: I bought textbooks, clothes and school supplies.

This summer has been very busy for me. I hardly sat at home and barely found time for the works that we were assigned to read over the holidays. I am grateful to my parents and friends, because without them my holidays would not have been so wonderful.

Even more essays on the topic: “How I spent my summer”:

Finally, the difficult school year has ended, and the long-awaited summer holidays. The hot, long summer days have arrived. We spent time in the courtyards until late in the evening. We played football with the guys from neighboring yards, I was a goalkeeper, and I was very good at it.

My parents and I went on picnics to the shore in an extraordinary way beautiful lake. It was a very pleasant time there. They swam in clear water, fried meat and vegetables, and played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up for the pool.

My father and I went fishing early in the morning. I really enjoyed spending time near the river. The beauty and silence of nature is mesmerizing. We cooked delicious fish soup from the caught fish.

For a month I went to Kid `s camp to the shore of the Black Sea. There I met many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phone numbers, we will keep in touch and be friends.
In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathed, swam in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home and arranged them beautifully on a shelf as a memory of the camp.

After lunch I went to clubs. We burned various drawings onto the board. Wonderful crafts were made from cardboard and paper. They painted with paints on glass. They made toys and clay plates. I brought these crafts as souvenirs to my family and friends. They were very pleased.
In the evening we spent time around the fire, sang, danced, and played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

At the end of summer I had a birthday, my parents gave me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In the cafe on the summer terrace, tables were set for us with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated with balloons, and various interesting competitions were held. It was a lot of fun.
It was a good holiday, I'm looking forward to the next one.


My summer holidays this year turned out to be interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. Which one should I start with?

At the beginning of summer, my classmates and I went to a summer labor camp. I had to work a lot: weed the field from weeds, plant seedlings, remove dead wood from the forest. But the main thing for me was time free from work. We played a lot of sports games, competed in various types sports, held various competitions. I liked coming up with and organizing competitive programs - I was good at it, and the guys began to ask me to do it. The evenings usually ended with discos, which everyone also liked. We became friends with each other, got to know each other better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, my parents started their vacation, and we went on vacation to Crimea, to Feodosia. Rocky beaches, wonderfully gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked all this. Mom and Dad allowed me to scuba dive. And I got the opportunity to study life on the seabed. We also visited a water park, rode a catamaran, took boat trips, and rode horses. A holiday at sea brought an unforgettable experience!

Upon returning from Crimea, I went to visit my grandparents. This is not the first time I come to them in the summer, and I have many friends in the village. We swam and fished all day long, and in the evenings we gathered in large, cheerful groups. Now that everyone has gone home, friends call, write messages and arrange new meetings.

Summer holidays, although the longest in duration, fly by surprisingly quickly. Now the school year has just begun, but I’m already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences, new friends, travel, classes.


The last bell of this school year rang. The grades were posted in the diaries, and summer greeted me with the onset of the holidays. I spent the first month of summer in the city with friends. We played in the yard from morning to evening, and only in bad weather did we gather at someone’s house to play on the computer or any other games available at home.

Then I went on vacation to a children's camp. I very quickly made friends with the guys from my squad. We also quickly became friends with the counselors; they came up with different tasks and entertainment for us. Every day interesting events took place in the camp: the war game “Zarnitsa”, manager’s day, Neptune’s day, as well as many, many concerts and competitions. I arrived from the camp feeling rested and even slightly fatter.

After resting in the camp, I went to the village to visit my grandmother, where my cousin was already waiting for me. How long have I dreamed of this meeting! My brother and I are best friends, but since we live in different cities, we can only see each other during the holidays.

Of all the summer activities, I liked staying with my grandmother the most. Every day we came up with new games and entertainment. We played baseball according to our own rules, using homemade bats and a tennis ball, built huts, played war, in the forest, and even managed to make a real raft that could float on the local lake, calmly supporting the weight of me and my brother.

After all the summer adventures, it was nice to be home again. A few days were just enough to transition to a quiet city life. And then the first of September crept up unnoticed, as always, and here I am again at school.


Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What an amazingly delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

In the summer there is enough time: you can go for a walk with your girlfriends, go on a visit, and play different games. But most of all I was looking forward to a trip to the sea with my parents. I finally learned to swim this summer and I'm very happy about it.

I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and so mysterious that sometimes it even frightens with its unpredictability. The sea can be both close and distant, warm and cool. How nice it is to plunge into fresh, cool water on a hot summer day! And swim, dive, splash!

Upon arriving home, I laid out sea shells on the table and, putting them to my ear, I could hear the sound of the surf. You can even feel the power of the sea wave that flies and, hitting the stone, throws a lot of bright salty splashes into my face.

The summer flew by quickly, but that’s not bad, because I saw my classmates and shared my summer impressions with all my friends and girlfriends.

I think that next summer I will say with complete confidence: “Hello! Come and we will relax and have fun together! After all, we deserve it!”

What haven’t we written! It seems like the holidays were long and there were a lot of events. There is nothing to tell the teacher. It seems that today's children fall into a stupor in the same way when they pick up a pen in the first days of school. And they write this... We have collected for you the funniest pearls from school essays about summer.

“How I spent the summer is no one’s business. This is my personal business, since summer is my personal time, I am not obliged to account for it in the essay. We must respect human rights! And if you give me a bad mark for this essay, then you and I, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, will see each other in the European Court.”

“But there is no summer. I've never seen summer. Autumn immediately follows spring. In spring everything is green, in autumn everything is yellow, in winter everything is white. What about in the summer? There is no summer. I didn't notice summer. Either it was still spring, or it was already autumn.”

“Twitter, TV series and food. #I've said everything."

“I spent this summer with my imaginary friend Akakiy. All summer he accompanied me in my adventures. I also hung out with cows and chickens in the village. I was so bored that I talked to the tomatoes and cucumbers, but they turned out to be somehow silent.”

“Well, I didn’t spend it badly. Except that I was in a godforsaken village for almost two months. But grandma's pies were of the highest quality. And it was fun with the guys whom I hadn’t seen for about five years.” (Spelling and punctuation preserved. – Ed.)

“Well, I had a normal summer. I didn’t do anything, I ate, I didn’t go anywhere. I also watched “X-Men”, but somehow they weren’t very good. I don’t want to go to school, it would be better if summer didn’t end.”

“I spent the rest of the summer with my grandmother at the dacha, she always has a lot of work, so I helped her: chopped, sawed and dug.”

“From June 1 to July 15, my grandmother and I picked berries, and from July 16 to August 31, mushrooms. In addition, haymaking is planned, and we are also fattening the pig.”

“I didn’t rest at all this summer. I worked a lot and hard. Took out the trash. I bought bread."

“In the summer I went to visit my grandmother in the village. The village is called Bet Zera, it's in Israel. It’s good in the village: you can read books, play the violin and piano, and eat. It's a good summer in Israel!”

In the summer, our whole family went to the circus. This was not my first time at the circus, but this time I especially enjoyed it. Before the show started, I was cheered up by buying my favorite cotton candy.

The performance was very interesting. The first part featured acrobats, clowns, and jugglers. And in the second - trained predators. It’s amazing how man manages to subjugate wild animals?

I especially liked the tiger who jumped from pedestal to pedestal through a hoop covered with paper, and then even through a burning hoop.

We returned home very cheerful, discussing the numbers we liked.

Kuzminova Kristina

Summer is the most wonderful time. I always really look forward to the summer holidays. I like to play football, swim in the river, go to the forest, and travel. Summer is the best time of year for all this. This summer I played a lot of sports - I played football at the school stadium almost every day.

In the summer I not only walked, swam and sunbathed. When it rained, I read my favorite books. One of them is “White Fang” by Jack London. I really liked it and I want to talk about it. Main character– White Fang is a wolf dog, very loyal and fair, capable of great and sincere affection. These qualities are sorely lacking in many people today.

I would like to have a four-legged friend like White Fang. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Sokolsky Misha

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. In the summer we gain strength and have fun. The three months of rest went “excellently”, leaving a lot of impressions. During the summer holidays, I went to the sea, relaxed at a school camp, stayed with my grandmother, and spent the rest of the time well at home.

I really liked the school camp, it was interesting and educational. We went to the river, to the zoo, and visited holy springs. I especially remember the trips to Zadonsk and Khvoshchevatka. Visiting different temples, I learned a lot and felt a special, calming atmosphere.

July was memorable for a trip to the sea with the whole family. The weather allowed us to swim and sunbathe, see the sights of Anapa and do interesting photos as a keepsake. I really remember the water park with a variety of slides, pools and lots of water. We also went to the zoo, which left a lot of good impressions. At the entrance we were offered to buy various treats for the zoo’s pets. I liked feeding birds and animals from my hands. It was funny to watch the behavior of a monkey, toucan, raccoon and ostrich. But the cockatoo especially surprised us by starting to jump excitedly, flapping its wings and making unusual sounds. I have never seen such a variety of birds.

In August I visited my grandmother, where I felt comfortable and good. I read books, rollerbladed and biked. Arriving home, I met with my classmates. It seemed to me that there was nothing more beautiful than these holidays.

My holidays were “excellent”, because I had a rest with my family and friends.

Tolokonnikova Masha

We saw tanks and anti-aircraft guns taking part in the battles. For the first time I saw the famous “Katyusha”. Then we went to the museum. The guide told us about the days of the war and the life of soldiers in war time. The museum displays various items of our soldiers: spoons and razors, weapons and uniforms from the war. We saw letters that soldiers wrote home.

Dementeevskaya Evgenia

When mom began to go into the water, a squeak was heard from the reeds. They were ferrets. They ran along the shore towards the reeds. They ran in formation, in a line, at the same distance from each other. About ten of them ran through. And when I approached the shore, the “commander” squeaked somehow differently, and those ferrets that did not have time to run fell silent. That day my mother and I didn’t see them again. But two days later I saw ferrets. The same ones. They ran back.

Nikitin Pasha

That's the end of it best time year - summer. And with it comes the most carefree time – summer holidays. We waited for them for a very long time, but they flew by very quickly. All summer I played my favorite football, went with my parents to the river, and relaxed at the dacha. But all good things come to an end quickly. This happened with the summer holidays.

I wanted to spend the last few days with double pleasure. So I went to my grandmother in the village of Bor. My grandmother allowed me absolutely everything. She even took part in some of my pranks. Seeing my happy face, my grandmother also rejoiced like a child.

But now there are two days left until the start of the school season. Mom devoted these two days to preparing for the first of September. At the beginning, we bought new clothes, hemmed everything, ironed it, prepared bouquets.

The Day of Knowledge has come. Even though I'm going into sixth grade, I still felt a little nervous. We woke up and dressed up in snow-white shirts. And a surprise awaited us in the kitchen - my mother baked an incredibly delicious huge cake. And with the whole big friendly family we went to school. I felt the happiest.

I even find it difficult to choose the best day of the holidays. I was happy every day!

Bondarev Misha

I sit and look out the window. It's cloudy and cool outside. And I really want to go back to summer, because my summer holidays were fun and interesting. In June I attended a school Orthodox camp. Tatyana Nikolaevna Shilova and I made various trips to holy places and learned a lot of new and interesting things.

When my parents started their vacation, we went on vacation to the Black Sea in the village of Vardane. We sunbathed and swam all day long. This summer I learned to swim confidently without the help of a circle. In Vardan I met girls from Moscow. We walked, played, watched cartoons, listened to music. It was very interesting for us. My dad was engaged in underwater fishing at sea, he caught fish that I had never seen. In the evenings, my parents and I went for a walk along the embankment, where discos were held and all sorts of things were sold. My parents' vacation ended very quickly, it was time to return, but I didn't want to.

The last month of summer flew by. On the weekend in August we rested on our Voronezh river. It’s a pity that every year it becomes dirtier, and vacationers don’t appreciate such a wonderful vacation spot...

This is how I spent my summer holidays. I'm looking forward to next summer!

Karnashova Anya

When the summer holidays end and school begins again, schoolchildren should be ready to write an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer.” Such a task has not been excluded from the school curriculum for decades. Therefore, mothers and fathers will definitely be able to tell their child what the essay should be like.

What to write about in the essay “How I spent my summer”

You can write a short essay, or you can tell everything in detail. Such tasks help to understand how rested the child is, whether he studied during the holidays and smoothly set boys or girls up for work.

Regardless of age, every child wants to show off their travels and adventures during a long vacation. If no special events happened, then children can use their imagination and describe the vacation of their dreams. The most important thing is that the essay on the topic “How I spent my summer” is interesting and readable in one go.

Essay plan

Parents can pre-prepare their child for this task. This will help boys and girls express their thoughts beautifully, competently and in the correct order. To do this, you can write a detailed plan for the little ones.

  1. Introduction. In this part you can talk about the fact that the summer that you have been waiting for for so long has finally arrived. You can also write about what your plans were for last summer.
  2. Main part. It should tell in detail where the vacation took place, what places you were able to visit, and what you remember most during your summer vacation.
  3. Conclusion. Here you need to briefly and beautifully end your presentation. In conclusion, you can write about whether the vacation was a success or not, and how you would like to complement the vacation.

This plan will help you write a great essay. Therefore, you should ease the child’s lot and suggest how to write correctly and how to finish the essay beautifully. Then the daughter or son will be able to get an excellent mark for the assignment.

Essay on the topic “How I spent my summer” for the little ones

First grade students do not need to write complex sayings and phrases; it is enough to describe in their own words the most memorable events that happened during the holidays. We will also look at how to finish an essay. For example, you can write a short essay with the following content.

When the summer holidays arrived, I was filled with emotions and expectations. I have been waiting for this rich and wonderful period for a whole year.

In the first month of summer, my mother and I went on vacation to a base near the city. Every day some adventures happened to us there. On the first day we went into the forest, there I found a hole of some animal. I don’t know who lived there, but the hole was quite large. A few days later we went for a walk on the ship, right in the middle of the river we dived into the river in life jackets, it was a lot of fun.

In the second month of summer, my mother went to work, and I went to the sea with my grandmother Katya. We lived right on the shore. Therefore, when I woke up and saw the shine of the sea, I immediately ran with my grandmother to the shore to build. One day there was a competition for the best sand figure. I took second place by making a mermaid out of sand, with willow branches as her hair. For this they gave me a medal and a refrigerator magnet.

At the end of summer, our whole family went to the dacha. There we spent our time calmly and quietly, without incident. In the mornings I helped my grandmother pick berries from the garden, and in the evenings I fried kebabs with my dad and he told me that I had become quite an adult, a real man.

I'm very pleased with how I spent my time this summer. I'll be looking forward to the next one. I gained strength, rested, and am ready to study and gain knowledge again.

This story is perfect for kids junior school. You can safely take note of it. We will look further at how to finish an essay about summer.

Essay “How I spent my summer” for middle school children

Middle school students can write a more complex essay on the topic “How I spent my summer.” Of course, you should still adhere to the given plan, but more complex phrases and sayings can be included in the essay. You can take the following essay as an example.

I had a wonderful summer. My beloved parents planned my holidays in advance so that I would not be bored for a minute and would spend my time usefully.

In June I visited the wonderful children's pioneer camp "Lazur" outside the city. There, the whole detachment tried to receive awards every day. Every two days we had concerts on different topics. I especially remember KVN. Each squad prepared entire performances, it was fun and interesting. Our team took first place, we won a visit to the amusement park located on the territory.

In July, I flew to Egypt with my mom and dad. It was my first time abroad and I really enjoyed it. The adventures began on the plane. I had never flown before, so it was exciting and interesting to look at the ground when it seemed tiny. I really remember the hotel and the beach. Our room was very nice and they brought fruit and juice every day. And on the beach, hotel workers offered delicious cocktails of different colors every day.

In August, I was home for half the month because I had summer homework to do. And the second half I lived in the country with my grandmother. There, in the mornings we went to the nearby lake, and in the evenings we lit a fire and fried sausages.

My summer was wonderful, I will never forget it. I am very grateful to my mom and dad for organizing such a wonderful vacation for me. I feel that my vacation was useful, now I’m ready to study and do homework again, because this way I’ll earn the opportunity to have a great time next summer.

How to finish the essay “How I spent my summer”

You should carefully consider the ending of your essay. Options for how to finish an essay could include the following ideas.

I had a great summer. My parents told me that if I study well, then next year they will arrange a wonderful holiday for me. For this I am ready to try hard and get good grades.

I wouldn't want to change anything about my vacation. Everything was as I dreamed, so I can say with confidence that I had a wonderful summer. Thanks to mom and dad for an unforgettable vacation. With new strength, I will be able to study well and show excellent results.

Mom and dad said I deserved it interesting holidays. Therefore, now I will diligently study all subjects, so that next year I will also spend the whole summer exciting and fun.

I had a great rest during the holidays, now I am full of energy to gain new knowledge.

This is enough good ideas how to finish an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer.” By briefly summarizing what was said in the main part, the child makes his story complete and complete.

How to get a high grade on an essay

To get a good grade for writing a summer story, you don't need to do anything special. By adhering to the essay plan and expressing thoughts sincerely and competently, the child will achieve his first excellent grade of the year.

Summer for me was not rich in adventures and travel. I stayed in the city with my parents. While my parents went to work, I helped them around the house: washing dishes, cleaning, and even sometimes preparing dinner.

Almost every day my friend Lesha and I visited each other, played computer games, went for walks, rode bicycles and skateboards. Lesha’s mom taught us how to make delicious, cool lemonade to escape the heat a little, and we made it almost every day.

Over the summer I read a lot, I also watched educational programs on TV about animals. In the middle of summer, my parents took a vacation, and we now spent more time together. In the evenings we often played board games, watched comedies and went for walks.

Even in the summer we went to the dacha to help my grandmother with the garden, but this was not often. We stayed with her for several days. Mom helped her tighten the jars, make jam, and close the compote. Dad helped with minor repairs, tightened shelves, cabinet doors, and door handles. My parents and I often went on picnics outside the city. We always took something tasty with us: sandwiches, fruit, lemonade or cold fruit drink, sometimes we fried kebabs or sausages.

If we stopped by the water, we also swam. I liked being in nature, my dad coached me in football, we made goals from large branches, and we brought the ball from home. While we were playing, mom collected flowers into a beautiful bouquet, which she then brought home. I don't regret that we didn't go anywhere this summer. We spent a lot of time together and did a lot of important and useful things. We had a good rest at home, the main thing is that we were together.

Essay option 1: How I want to spend the summer

Hooray! It's summer. This is the most favorite time of the year, as you really look forward to it. I was really looking forward to these holidays, as in the summer there is an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for the next school year. I decided that I would spend these summer holidays in the village with my grandmother. There is very beautiful nature and clean air.

In the village you have the opportunity to diversify your holiday, as there are many ways active rest. Every summer my friends and I go to the river and swim, and this is very good for our health. There is an opportunity to go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, of which there are a lot at this time. I really love fishing and when I have a free moment, I go to the river, where I can spend the whole day.

The air in the village is very fresh and you can breathe very calmly and freely, unlike in the city, which is filled with harmful emissions. There is also something to do in inclement weather: reading books. I really like to spend my summer holidays in the countryside and if there is a choice: city or village, then I choose the second way of relaxation and would not exchange it for anything. Over the entire summer, you can gain strength and use it fruitfully throughout the school year. I will look forward to the end of the school year and mentally prepare for my next vacation.

Essay option 2: What will I do in the summer?

In the summer, everyone can find many interesting things to do, because summer is three months of free time that needs to be occupied with something. However, you need to combine business with pleasure. In the summer you can go to the sea and relax after a busy school year. If knowledge is important to a person, he can engage in educational activities, which will significantly increase his success and grades next year.

Summer is the time when you can walk for days on end. At this time of year, you can earn a little extra money if your age allows you to do so.

In a word, whatever you do in the summer, the main thing is that it brings you both pleasure and benefit!

Essay How I spent my summer

The last bell rang. The hot summer season has arrived and the summer holidays have begun. For an excellent end to the school year, my parents made my long-standing and seemingly impossible dream come true. They gave me a puppy as soft and fluffy as a bear. I was very happy, together with the guys on the street we ran and frolicked, rode bicycles, played with the puppy. Everyone really liked him.

The first time, together with my faithful friend - a puppy, I spent in the village with my grandparents, I love them very much. I really enjoyed helping them with housework and spending time in the garden. We went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, I collected bouquets of amazing wildflowers. Enjoyed nature and the extraordinary singing of birds. During the day we swam in the river in clean and cool water. In the evenings I spent time with my friends. We played various and exciting games, sang songs and danced.

In the middle of summer, my parents and I went to the sea. The weather was wonderful and we spent time sandy beach, swam and sunbathed. We went on excursions to the mountains, where I was amazed at how picturesque and beautiful the nature was. We rode on a ship on the endless sea. We went to the zoo, fed the animals, I was especially delighted with the monkeys.

We visited the dolphinarium, where I got a lot of positive impressions. I brought home many interesting souvenirs and photographs that will remind me of my first trip to the sea for many years.

My parents and I often went out into nature, relaxed, cooked kulesh and fried kebabs.

A circus also came to our city, I was delighted with the clowns and trained animals.

Unfortunately, the holidays flew by quickly, I began to prepare for school. My parents bought me new clothes and school supplies.

Summer brought me a lot of bright impressions and unforgettable moments.

Essay How I spent my summer

The difficult school year has finally ended and the long-awaited summer holidays have begun. The hot, long summer days have arrived. We spent time in the courtyards until late in the evening. We played football with the guys from neighboring yards, I was a goalkeeper, and I was very good at it.

My parents and I went on picnics to the shore of an unusually beautiful lake. It was a very pleasant time there. They swam in clear water, fried meat and vegetables, and played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up for the pool.

My father and I went fishing early in the morning. I really enjoyed spending time near the river. The beauty and silence of nature is mesmerizing. We cooked delicious fish soup from the caught fish.

For a month I went to a children's camp on the Black Sea coast. There I met many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phone numbers, we will keep in touch and be friends.
In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathed, swam in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home and arranged them beautifully on a shelf as a memory of the camp.

After lunch I went to clubs. We burned various drawings onto the board. Wonderful crafts were made from cardboard and paper. They painted with paints on glass. They made toys and clay plates. I brought these crafts as souvenirs to my family and friends. They were very pleased.
In the evening we spent time around the fire, sang, danced, and played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

At the end of summer I had a birthday, my parents gave me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In the cafe on the summer terrace, tables were set for us with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated with balloons, and various interesting competitions were held. It was a lot of fun.

It was a good holiday, I'm looking forward to the next one.

Option 5

Many people spend the summer in warm southern seas, but this summer we decided to go to the White Sea. It is located in the north of Russia and is also called Studeny. There are islands in the very center of the sea. They are called Solovetsky. My parents and I went there. The trip took place at the end of July, so for the first half of the summer I made a list of necessary things and read information about Solovki on the Internet.

The Solovetsky Islands include several islands:

  • Bolshoi Solovetsky,
  • Anzer,
  • Big and Small Muksalma,
  • Zayatsky.

There is something to see there:

  • monastery,
  • Sekirnaya Mountain,
  • labyrinths,
  • man-made dam,
  • lake-canal system of the island,
  • Filippovsky gardens,
  • Botanical Garden.

On the first day, after we arrived and checked into the hotel, we decided to go for a walk to the Cape of Labyrinths. It was located not far from our hotel, just a 5-minute walk. The labyrinth is made of stones. True, it was made recently, but the real ancient labyrinths are located on Bolshoi Zayatsky Island. It is unknown who built them on the island and why, but they are more than several thousand years old. You cannot walk through the labyrinths on Zayatsky Island, because the island is a nature reserve.

On the second day, we rented bicycles and went to the island of Bolshaya Muksalma, which is connected to the island of Bolshoi Solovetsky by a man-made dam from huge stones 1km long. When we rented bicycles, we were told that the road to the dam was bad, the distance to it was 11 kilometers, some of which we would have to carry the bicycles on ourselves. It will take an hour and a half. To say that the road is bad is to say nothing! Huge puddles, swamps - we encountered it all! But the dam is worth a look.

On Mount Sekirnaya, there was an excursion there on the third day, there is a monastery - a lighthouse, and from there from observation deck opens beautiful view to the Big Solovetsky Island! Sekirnaya Mountain is the most high point islands. It's not easy to get there - a wooden staircase leads up. They say that a person who climbs it has one sin forgiven!

The main attraction of the Big Solovetsky Island is the Monastery - a unique structure. The walls are made of huge boulders. This is a kind of fortress that has withstood several sieges. Previously, the monastery was a prison. The chambers have been preserved, which you can look into if you wish. We went there on our last day on the island.

We bought home the most popular souvenirs from Solovki - roe gingerbread, seaweed marmalade, fried Solovetsky herring and a few other trinkets! We didn’t have time to see all the sights of the Solovetsky Islands, so we decided to return there next year.

Option 6

This summer was simply unforgettable and somehow unusual. And this is exactly what I will talk about today.

I just love summertime. This is the time when you can relax and do nothing. And most importantly, you don't have to go to school.

This summer I went to visit my grandmother in the village. Not for the whole summer, but for about one month. This village is located an hour's drive from the city. There is a small grandmother's hut there. Why a hut? The fact is that the house is very small, it only has three rooms. The house is adobe, not built of brick. My grandmother has many animals and a large vegetable garden. It was a great surprise for me to see cows, ducks, geese and chickens. Most of all I fell in love with a dog named Tuzik. Now I have another friend.

I had to work a little at my grandmother's. But it was even interesting. In the morning we got up early to feed the animals and clean their barns. Then I could go herd sheep with a neighbor. Or I could watch my grandmother milk the cows. Many discoveries happened for me this summer. From how cute chickens can be to the fact that the toilet can be located outside. I was very surprised by the summer shower, the water in which is heated by the sun.

I also had to dig up the garden a little and pull out the weeds there. I remember how scared I was when I saw the earthworm. In general, while I was with my grandmother, I managed to miss my parents and younger brother. How I still love them!

After returning home, my mother was very happy to see me, and I was happy to see her. We went for walks to parks with children's attractions. There I rode swans and on a Ferris wheel. On those days when we took our brother with us, my mother bought us ice cream and we licked it for a long time.

This summer I had the opportunity to visit the zoo. There you could feed and even touch cute animals. What I remember most is the giraffe. He's so funny and tall. And what I liked least of all was the wild boar. It's small and smelly.

This summer I wanted to visit the water park, but my brother got sick and we were never able to visit this cool place.

This summer was one of the best of my life. I will look forward to the coming summer months to learn and see something new and interesting for myself.

My summer

During the next holidays, my parents suggested going abroad. I gladly agreed, because what was waiting ahead an amusing trip by plane to another country. Shortly before the flight, I had to pack the necessary things, and was looking forward to an unforgettable vacation.

July 21st has come the long-awaited day. When we boarded the plane, it was a little scary. When we rose above the ground and looked out the window, it turned out to be a stunning view, and the fear quickly dissipated. We landed in amazing country Portugal. Here he was waiting for us luxury hotel and colorful excursions. First of all, we went for a walk around the capital of the country - Lisbon. We spent a long time enjoying the masterpieces of architectural art and visited the Torrey de Belem towers. I was incredibly surprised by the openwork balconies, jagged walls and gorgeous views that opened from the top of the castle. After resting a little, we went to the beautiful beaches strewn with snow-white sand and swam in the clear, warm water. At the end of the day we just sat on the shore and enjoyed the tide of the waves.

During our vacation, we learned something new every moment. A wonderful ride on the symbol of the city, the yellow tram, amazing fado, a gorgeous oceanarium and an incredible water park. A lot of exotic food was sold on the streets, which was incredibly tasty and nutritious.

Every moment spent in Lisbon will remain in your memory forever. I will never forget the helpful people, luxurious castles and well-groomed beaches, and beautiful views from the top of the mountain. When the time came to go back, it became very sad. I wanted to lie carefree on the beach and visit other interesting places. On the way back it wasn’t scary at all; I told my family and friends about the wonderful places and our adventures in the new country. I hope that we will be able to discover new cities every summer, and that vacations abroad will become an annual tradition in our family. Travel inspires, motivates you to work more and study well.

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