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I'll tell you about the most interesting place Kazan - the very heart of the city - the Kazan Kremlin. I’ll tell you how to get to the Kazan Kremlin, how to get there by public transport or walk from the station. I will show you the most interesting sights of the Kazan Kremlin, as well as best route to have time to see everything. I will accompany all this with photographs so that everything is clear and accessible to you.

Let's first consider how to get or get to the Kazan Kremlin. On public transport the route will be as follows: you need to get to the stops “Central Stadium”, or “Palace of Sports”, or “TSUM”
By bus: 6, 15, 29, 35, 35a, 37, 47, 74, 74a, 75, etc. By trolleybus: 1, 4, 10.
Metro: Kremlevskaya station

The route from the stops is presented below: If you travel on your own from the Kazan railway station, the route will be as follows:

Marked on the map:

Marked on the map:

way from the TSUM stop
from the Central Stadium stop
way from the railway station
Kazan Station
Shopping center Pyramid
Kazan Kremlin

After this, you should go up to Pervomaiskaya Square, truly one of the oldest squares in Kazan. At one time it was called differently: Spasskaya, Ivanovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, there was even a monument to Emperor Alexander II, who was demolished), Tash Ayak and others. Now this is the starting point of departure for all excursions around the Kazan Kremlin. (Here you can see spherical panorama area1st of May) .

Here is a plan diagram of the Kazan Kremlin with all the main attractions.

Complex of defensive structures Complex of the Annunciation Cathedral

19 . Blagoveshchensky cathedral
20 . Bishop's House
21. Bishop's Consistory
22. Monument to the architects of the Kazan Kremlin

Junker School complex

28 . Junker School
29. Manege

Complex of Offices

23. Offices
24. Guardhouse

Cannon Yard complex

thirty . Main (Eastern) building
31. Northern building
32. Southern building
33. Western building

Governor's Palace Complex

14 . Presidential palace
15 . Palace Church
16 . Tower Syuyumbike
17. Ruins of a building from the complex
Khan's Palace
18 . Ruins of the mausoleum of the Kazan khans

Complex of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

25. Church of St. Nicholas the Ratnoy
26. Spassky Cathedral
27. Fraternal Corps

Kul Sharif mosque complex

34. Kul Sharif Mosque
35. Memorial stone dedicated to
foundation of the mosque
36. Excursion department building

I present a route around the Kazan Kremlin, which will help you get your bearings and see all the most valuable things.

Below in the text, numbers in quotation marks will indicate the serial numbers of objects on this route

Spasskaya Tower "1" – main tower Kazan Kremlin, it is also the main passage tower of the Kremlin. Initially, it and the front part of the wall, which is shown in the photo, were built by Pskov craftsmen before anyone else. If you come closer, you can see the massive cobblestones from which the walls and tower are made. Originally there was a church there. For a long time there was a large ditch in front of it, which was filled in in the 18th century. And it wasn’t end-to-end, like it is now. The entrance was on the side, because it was better to defend against invaders.

On the square in front of the Spasskaya Tower there is monument Musa Jalil , national hero Tatarstan. While in a concentration camp he created his famous " Moabitsie notebooks", collections of front-line poems, which are now stored in National Museum Republic of Tatarstan which is opposite.

Both the walls of the Kremlin and the square where we are located witnessed crowded rallies and demonstrations in the October days of 1917. They preserve the memory of those who died in the struggle for Soviet power, of those who were shot at the Kremlin wall in August 1918 by the White Czechs and White Guards who captured Kazan. In memory of them at the entrance to the territory. The Kremlin is reinforced with a memorial plaque. On it you see 5 bas-reliefs. These are Y. Sheinkman, M. Vakhitov, S. Gassar, M. Mezhlauk, Kh. Khataevich.

Nowadays, wedding couples leaving the Kremlin and laying flowers at the monument to Musa Jalil are often seen on May 1 Square.

We pass under the arches of the gates of the Spasskaya Tower. To your right is a 3-story building, a former guardhouse building "2" , where the Bolsheviks spent their last hours before the execution.

In front of us is the main street of the Kazan Kremlin. The street begins at the Spasskaya Tower, its length is 550 m. At the beginning of the last century, it was the only street paved with stone, it was called “Bolshoy”. Now she has a name Sheinkman. This is one of the Bolshevik leaders of Kazan during the period 1917-1918. On July 19, 1918, Y. Sheikman led the defense of Kazan from the White Czechs. When they captured the city in August 1918, he did not have time to evacuate, was captured and shot. Why the main street of the Kremlin bears his name is not clear. The cobblestone paving has been restored, and now it is a favorite walking place for Kazan residents. Located on the left complex of administrative buildings . The complex is located in the south-eastern part of the Kremlin. Historically it developed as a center of administrative control. The complex includes Guardhouse "2" And Office spaces "4".

On the right side of the street, immediately behind the Spasskaya Tower, in the south-eastern part of the Kremlin, there is Complex of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery "3" located. The beginning of its construction dates back to 1557. The monastery was the center of missionary activity in the region, as well as the burial place of local saints and the most revered and noble people in Kazan. Currently, the monastery complex includes architectural and archaeological fragments of the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church of St. Nicholas the Ratnoy, Fraternal Corps "3" , Cave of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. (Here you can see spherical panorama P square in front of the Fraternal Corps and the building of the former Manege "5" ) .

Walking around the Manege building you will see right in front of you Preobrazhenskaya Tower "6" Kazan Kremlin. The tower is located in the western wall of the Kazan Kremlin, following the South-West Tower, located on the left side of the Spasskaya Tower - the central entrance to the Kremlin.

Currently, it is a massive rectangular brick tower with two tiers. The first tier is represented by an arch with bound iron gates, which serve as the entrance for tourists to the Kazan Kremlin, the second is converted into a seasonal cafeteria “Temen”. The tiers, like the lower level of the walls from the level of the battle passage, are separated by a stone ridge. The tower is completed by a hipped roof made of wooden planks with a policeman along the cornice. A guardhouse was erected on top of the tent, the cover of which is an ensign with the image of Zilant - the coat of arms of the city of Kazan.

The Preobrazhenskaya Tower has now become a point where the Kremlin administration is intensively extracting money. In addition to archery taking place on the neighboring bastion, there is also an observation deck: for a modest bribe you will be allowed to climb the tower and look at the part of the city adjacent to the Kremlin; the ticket price was 30 rubles in the fall of 2011. I must, however, honestly warn you that you won’t be able to see anything special - the tower is much lower than the level of other Kremlin buildings, so the view to the east is tightly blocked by them, and in front of the walls the landscape from the tower is the same as from the completely free wall below - the square The 1000th anniversary of Kazan, the stadium, the circus, and behind them the Volga.

Descending from the Preobrazhenskaya Tower you will see in front of you M mosque Kul Sharif "8" , located in the western part of the fortress. Created as one architectural ensemble, which includes the mosque itself, a memorial stone and a museum of Islam. The inside of the mosque is very beautiful; if you are in Kazan, be sure to get to the main mosque of Kazan and, perhaps, Tatarstan - Kul Sharif. Kul Sharif was the main imam and defender of Kazan during the capture of Kazan in 1552. Seeing the interior of the mosque is worth it, believe me. Inside there is a hall for men and women, and at the base of the mosque there is a museum of Islam. (Here you can see spherical panorama Kul Sharif mosque in the evening and interior decoration Kul Sharif mosque) .

Here she is, beauty Mmosque Kul Sharif– one of the pearls of the Kazan Kremlin.

Fire station building "7" Memorial stone dedicated to the founding of the mosque "10"

Between the mosque and Sheinkman street is located museum complex "Khezine" . The complex is located in the western part of the Kremlin. Originated in the 19th century. on the site of a mosque, and then the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The complex includes the building of the Junker School "9" , Manege "5" , former barracks. The Kul-Sharif mosque is located on the territory of the complex.

After passing the Kul Sharif mosque and the building of the Junker School, you will see a wonderful architectural monument of a military nature. Artillery Cannon Yard (located opposite Annunciation Cathedral "14" And Syuyumbike tower "18"), the emergence of which dates back to the end of the 17th century at the location of the arsenal and the Khan's guard. The one- and two-story buildings that made up the complex formed a large foundry yard, where heavy weapons were manufactured, repaired and stored in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The entrance to the territory of the Cannon Yard passed through travel tower in the center of the main building; The southern building and archaeological remains of industrial premises inside the main building have been preserved from the former complex.

At the turn of the 17th -19th centuries main building Cannon yard "11" was rebuilt according to Kaftyrev's plan of 1768, following the changed direction of the Kremlin's Bolshaya Street. The building, however, has retained its original composition with a passage gate; Two-story towers were erected at its corners. The reconstruction of the Cannon Yard was carried out by the famous engineer Betancourt, the author of the design of the Manege building, located next to the Moscow Kremlin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Cannon Factory was one of the largest in Russia. A new one was built in 1812 western building "13" adjacent to the Kremlin wall.

In 1815, there was a fire in the fortress, after which the production of weapons in the Kremlin ceased forever. In 1825, the former arsenal and foundry buildings were transferred to the school of battalion cantonists, and then, in 1866, to the cadet school.

Northern building Cannon yard "23" originally appeared in the 17th century as part of the Artillery, Cannon, and Arsenal yard. The building looked like an ordinary industrial building and was two stories high. During its operation it underwent many changes and reconstructions.

In the 19th century its function has changed. With the placement of first the Cantonist School in the western part of the Kremlin, then the Junker School, another floor was added and it became a residential building for officers. In the middle of the 20th century. a fourth floor was added and various departments were located in the building.

In 1997, a project was carried out to restore and recreate this building in the style of the 18th century. In August 1997, dismantling began. In 1998, interior decoration began by the Yugoslav company "Progress" according to the design of the architect Peter Arsic.

From December 1999 to May 2002, the Northern building of the Cannon Yard became the temporary residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan during the restoration of the main building of the former Governor's Palace.

Southern building "12" was built very first in the Cannon Yard - in the 17th century. One of the ends is adjacent to the Kremlin wall, and the other end is partially destroyed and is now a passage for tourists to the Foundry Yard.

Opposite the Cannon Yard is Blagoveshchensky cathedral . The complex includes the Annunciation Cathedral "14" , monument to the architects of the Kazan Kremlin "15" , Bishop's House "17" , Consistory "16" . The wooden church was built immediately after the capture of Kazan. Legend has it that the site for the construction was personally chosen by Ivan the Terrible. The stone one appeared later, in 1556, as stated on the sign on the temple. The interior decoration of the cathedral is very rich. Be sure to stop by when you are in Kazan. (Here you can see spherical panoramic photography interior and exterior of the Annunciation Cathedral) . Syuyumbike . She, in response, promised to do this in exchange for the tower, with which she wanted to say goodbye to her beloved city for the last time. The tower was built in 7 days ( Per day by tier, the tower has 7 tiers in total), after which the queen climbed onto the tower and threw herself down onto the stones. In the place where she fell and the tower tilted. But this is just a legend.

Here is the same tower, close up. In Kazan there is a belief that if you rub a coin on it and throw it across your back onto the mausoleum of the Kazan Khans, which is located near it, while making a wish, it will certainly come true. Give it a try. (Here you can see spherical panorama n the square in front of the Main Building of the former Artillery Cannon Yard) .

From the observation deck behind the Annunciation Cathedral, the residential areas of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan and the building are very clearly visible Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the park in front of it.

Near the Palace Church there is an observation point from which you can see the exit from the Kazan Kremlin through the Tainitskaya Tower and a view of the right bank of the Kazanka River. From here you can clearly see the Holy Dormition Zilantov Convent with the golden domes of the churches and the monument to the fallen soldiers during the capture of Kazan.

From here we go down to the Tainitskaya Tower and leave the Kremlin through travel gates in the tower.

The tour of the Kazan Kremlin ends at the Taynitskaya Tower, which is located right on the banks of the Kazanka River. . In front of you you will see the Lenin Dam and the bridge of the same name across the Kazanka River, behind them are the residential areas of the Moskovsky and Novo-Savinovsky municipal districts of Kazan.

Currently, intensive work is underway here to build a transport interchange and reconstruct the bridge and Lenin Dam. Therefore, if you come to Kazan in the second half of 2013, you will not recognize this place.

From here you can use public transport to reach the city center, as well as drive or walk to the train station.

The Kremlin is not only in Moscow. On the cape of a high terrace on the left bank of the Volga, in the heart of Kazan, there is a historical fortress - the Kazan Kremlin. This architectural and cultural monument combines Orthodox and Muslim, Russian and Tatar motifs in its appearance. Since 2000 it has been an object World Heritage UNESCO.

Photos by Slava Stepanov

A little history. The formation of Kazan began precisely with the construction of the fortress on the hill. And the fortress on the hill, as is now believed, was founded at the beginning of the 11th century.

In 1552, Kazan was taken by storm by Russian troops under the control of Ivan the Terrible and annexed to the Russian state.

According to the royal decree, the fortress was reconstructed and rebuilt in stone. One of the masters was, by the way, the creator of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow.

In 1992, Tatarstan was formed, and the Kazan Kremlin became the residence of the President of the republic.

The Kremlin territory is an irregular polygon in plan, repeating the contours of the Kremlin hill:

As already mentioned, the Kazan Kremlin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In total, this list includes 12 monuments located on Russian territory.

The total area of ​​the Kremlin is 150 thousand square meters. The outer perimeter of the walls is about 1800 meters. In the 16th-17th centuries there were 13 towers. To date, only 8 have survived.

Built in 1556-1562. The upper two tiers and the tent were built in the 18th century:

Inside the Spasskaya Tower:

A clock “with ringing” was installed in the upper tier in the 18th century, and even earlier a large alarm bell was moved from a small belfry. In 1963, an electric clock with dials appeared on the tower.

In front of the tower until the middle of the 19th century there was a moat with a stone bridge:

Until 1917, the tower was crowned with the double-headed coat of arms of the Russian state.

Replacing the wooden tent of the Southeast Tower:

In the 16th-18th centuries this street was called Bolshaya. After 1918 Sheikman Passage is called, in honor of one of the leaders of the Kazan party organization, who was shot in 1918:

On the left is the Khazine museum complex, on the right is the fire department building (“skullcap”):

A guardhouse was erected on top of the tent:

This is the main cathedral mosque of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan:

Construction of the temple began in 1996 as a recreation of the legendary multi-minaret mosque of the capital of the Kazan Khanate of the Middle Volga region in the 16th century. The mosque was destroyed in October 1552 during the storming of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible:

Granite and marble were brought from the Urals, the interior decoration - carpets - was a gift from the Iranian government, a colored crystal chandelier with a diameter of five meters and weighing almost two tons was made in the Czech Republic:

The mosque building in plan consists of 2 squares intersected at an angle of 45° in the form known in Muslim world sign meaning "blessing of Allah":

At the corners of the main volume there are 4 main minarets, 2 small minarets and 2 more at the corners of the main entrance portal:

The total number of crescents is 8 - according to the number of minarets:

The height of each of the four main minarets is 58 meters:

The dome is decorated with shapes associated with the image and decorative details of the “Kazan Cap” - according to one version - the crown of the Kazan khans, taken to Moscow after the fall of Kazan, and exhibited today in the Armory Chamber:

The mosque can accommodate 1,500 people, and the square in front of it can accommodate another 10,000:

Memorial stone dedicated to the foundation stone of the Kul Sharif mosque:

It is the architectural emblem of the city. Its name is associated with the name of the Tatar queen Syuyumbeki, the wife of the last two Kazan khans. Built in the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries.

The Syuyumbike Tower belongs to the “leaning” towers (like, for example, the Leaning Tower of Pisa), as it has a noticeable slope to the northeast. On this moment the deviation of its spire from the vertical is 1.98 m:

The tower consists of seven tiers:

The total height of the tower is 58 meters:

The building was built in the 40s. XIX century in the so-called pseudo-Byzantine style. The project was carried out by Moscow architect A.K. Ton, author of the design of the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. On the right you can see the remains of the palace of the Kazan khans:

Gate of the Presidential Palace complex:

Currently, the building houses the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan:

At the moment, a transport interchange is being built near the Kremlin:

And the last photo is a view from Kremlevskaya Street.

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01. The main entrance and entrance to the Kremlin is the Spasskaya Tower.

The Kazan Kremlin has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2000. Built in the 16th-19th centuries, the Kremlin ensemble incorporates diverse and unique buildings that annually attract thousands of tourists from all over the world. No trip to Kazan is complete without visiting this place. Over the past 20 years, the Kremlin has undergone serious restoration and now looks very elegant.

02. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the exhibition “Eternal Man” was organized. In general, the Kremlin regularly hosts various cultural events and exhibitions.

Years of construction of the Kazan Kremlin structures:
Spasskaya Tower - 2nd floor. 16th century
Annunciation Cathedral - 1561-62
Fraternal Corps - 1670
Cannon yard (Southern and Northern buildings - XVII, Eastern building - XVIII centuries)
Syuyumbike Tower - XVIII century
Governor's Palace - 1840s
Kazan Military School - 1840s
Kul Sharif Mosque - 1996-2005

03. Courtyard of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and Spasskaya Tower.

04. Brotherhood building of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery.

05. Kul-Sharif Mosque.

The Kul-Sharif Mosque is the youngest of the Kremlin buildings. It was built in 1996-2005 and opened in the year of celebrating the millennium of Kazan, taking over the status of a cathedral from the al-Marjani mosque. The mosque received its name Kul-Sharif after the last imam of the multi-minaret mosque of the capital of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed during the storming of Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552. It is worth paying tribute to the architects of Kul-Sharif: the mosque harmoniously fit into the Kremlin ensemble and became another symbol of the city.

06. In the foreground is the fire department building, stylistically related to the mosque.

07. The Kremlin is located on a high hill and at one time was considered impregnable.

08. Stone walls were built already under Ivan the Terrible. After the construction of the white-stone Kremlin, there were 13 towers, of which only 8 have survived.

09. Opens from the loopholes beautiful view on the ice rink, where the Russian figure skating championships were held, he won his first gold medals at the national championship, and in 2013, table tennis players competed as part of it. In the fall of 2016, the Sports Barn will host the World Championships among mixed teams.

It is worth mentioning a very unpleasant moment. Login to observation deck Preobrazhenskaya Tower - paid, 50 rubles. If there were a lot of people who wanted to go there, or some stunning view opened up, this could be somehow understandable. But the Kremlin is already subsidized and conducts a lot of commercial activities, and at the same time it is essentially wrong to charge for air. The big question is how legal such activities are (tickets, cash registers, etc.) or whether this is another self-made variation, as in the Kazan Family Center.

There are so many interesting and memorable places in our country that a lifetime would not be enough to see them all. Today we will go to Tatarstan. The landmark that the capital of the republic is proud of is the Kazan Kremlin, the oldest part of the city, a unique complex of historical, archaeological and architectural monuments, which reveal the centuries-old history of the Tatar people, ancient city and the republic as a whole.

The entire territory of the complex today is a museum-reserve, which has been under the protection of UNESCO since 2000. The Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan) is the main attraction of the republic. The vast territory harmoniously combines Tatar and Russian cultural traditions.

After Kazan was taken by the troops of Ivan the Terrible, most of the Kremlin’s structures were damaged and almost all the mosques were destroyed. The Tsar ordered the construction of a white stone Kremlin here, and for this purpose, architects were sent from Pskov to build the Moscow St. Basil's Cathedral. The fortress was significantly expanded, and wooden defensive structures were replaced with stone ones in the first half of the 17th century.

In the 18th century, the Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan) lost its military function and became the cultural and administrative center of the Volga region. In subsequent centuries, construction was carried out here of the Governor's Palace, a cadet school, a bishop's house, a spiritual consistory, and government buildings. In addition, the Annunciation Cathedral was reconstructed.

After the October Revolution (1917), the bell tower of the Annunciation Cathedral, the temple of the Spassky Monastery, the chapel at the Spasskaya Tower and other unique objects were destroyed in the Kazan Kremlin. In the nineties of the 20th century, the Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan) became the residence of the president of the republic. At this time, large-scale restoration work began.

Since 1995, work began on the construction of the Kul-Sharif mosque. Today it is one of the largest in Europe. The Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan) is a one-of-a-kind bright example of the synthesis of Russian and Tatar architectural style. It is also the most northern point spread of Islamic culture in the world.

Today many tourists from different countries of the world visit Tatarstan. The landmark of the republic that arouses the greatest interest is the Kazan Kremlin. It should be noted that in order to explore all its structures, it will take at least two days, and the sightseeing tour lasts only an hour and a half. But, since we are not limited in time, we will get to know the sights of the Kremlin in more detail.

Kremlin buildings

The Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan) is a museum-reserve occupying an area of ​​13.45 hectares. The perimeter of the walls is about 1.8 thousand meters. On this vast territory there are the WWII Memorial Museum, the Museum of Islam, the Hermitage-Kazan Center, the Museum of the History of Tatarstan and other institutions.

Spasskaya Tower

This tower houses the Main Gate to the Kremlin. Architects Shiryai and Yakovlev built the tower in 1556. The height of this structure is 47 meters. The tetrahedral base has a straight arched opening. The octagonal tier has arched openings on each side and is the belfry where the alarm bell is located.

On top there is a brick cone, which is crowned with a five-pointed star. Another octagonal cone houses a striking clock. They glorified the Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan). The interesting design of the first clocks, which were installed in the 18th century, interested many foreign craftsmen producing such mechanisms. This was explained by the fact that the clock was designed in a very unusual way - the dial rotated around fixed hands.

They were replaced with a traditional analogue in 1780. The clock that is located on the walls of the Spasskaya Tower today was installed in 1963. It is noteworthy that with the start of the chiming clock, the snow-white walls gradually turn a rich crimson color.


The project of the provincial chancellery was developed by the architect from Moscow V. I. Kaftyryev. The building appeared in the Kremlin at the end of the 18th century. There were offices (for receptions) and living rooms for the governor's family. The second floor was dedicated to a luxurious throne room with choirs for the orchestra. In the place where the Sovereign's courtyard was located in the 15th-17th centuries, a guardhouse was built in the mid-19th century.

Today, the premises of the former chancellery house the Department of External Relations of the President of Tatarstan, the Central Election Commission and the Arbitration Court.

Transfiguration Monastery

The Kazan Kremlin, the description of which can be seen in almost all advertising brochures of the city, is famous for another object. In the southeast of the Kremlin territory there is a monastery complex. In its center are the remains of the Transfiguration Cathedral, destroyed in the twenties of the 20th century. At the foot of the main wall of the cathedral you can see a small cave, which since 1596 was the burial place of the Kazan miracle workers.

The fraternal building borders the monastery fence. In 1670, monastic cells were built here. Much later, a gallery and a treasury house were erected. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as the archimandrite’s chambers, are located at the western wall of the complex. The church building was reconstructed according to the design of A. Schmidt in 1815. It is interesting that during the reconstruction the basement of the 16th century was preserved in its original form.

Junker School

On the territory of the Kremlin there is an arena, which was built according to a design previously built in St. Petersburg. This building was intended for combat training. Today the Institute of Literature and Art is located here. Ibragimova. Behind the arena is the school building. It was created by the architect Pyatnitsky as barracks for cantonists.

The building was transferred to the military department in 1861, and later a cadet school was opened in it.

Kul Sharif Mosque

In the courtyard of the school there is the most beautiful mosque in the city. Four minarets soared fifty-seven meters into the sky. The capacity of this grandiose structure is 1,500 people. The minarets are painted turquoise, which gives the building a surprisingly light image. In addition to the mosque, the complex includes a huge open library-museum, a publishing center and the office of the imam.

A round, small, beautiful building with a turquoise dome, located south of the mosque, is a fire station, which is stylistically associated with architectural complex. Kul Sharif was recreated in 2005. Funds for its construction were donated by citizens, as well as enterprises of the capital.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

This is the oldest stone structure in Kazan that has survived to this day. It was consecrated in 1562. The architecture of the cathedral traces the trends of Pskov, Vladimir, Ukrainian and Moscow architecture. The helmet-shaped crowns, located on the side heads, were replaced in 1736 with bulbous ones. The central dome is made in the Ukrainian Baroque style.

In the main basement part of the temple, a museum of Orthodoxy of the Volga region was created. A little further is the bishop's house, which was built in 1829 on the site where the palace of the Kazan bishops was previously located. The ensemble is completed by a consistory. This building was rebuilt from the bishop's stables.

Artillery yard

Behind the mosque and the school is the Cannon Yard, or more precisely, its southern building. This is the oldest building of the complex - it was built at the very beginning of the 17th century. An artillery factory began operating here in the 19th century. And last year restoration took place here. The creation of the exhibition of the Cannon Yard Museum began.

Nowadays, the complex hosts permanent exhibitions, demonstrations of fashion collections, and chamber performances. Near the southern building you can see a fragment of a brick building on a stone foundation. In terms of its depth, this object dates back to the Khan era of the Kremlin. In those days, residential buildings were built here.

Governor's Palace

It was built in 1848 for the governor of Kazan with royal chambers for especially honored guests. The work was supervised by K. A. Thon, who is known for his amazing works. This is the Cathedral of Christ and the Bolshoi in Moscow. The Khan's palace ensemble used to be located on this site.

The second floor of the palace is connected to the palace church by a passage. It was called Vvedenskaya and was built in the 17th century. Today the Museum of the History of Statehood operates inside the church, and the President of Tatarstan and his family live in the governor’s palace.

Tower Syuyumbike

This is the symbol of Kazan. The tower was named after the Tatar queen. As the legend says, Ivan the Terrible, having learned about the beauty of Syuyumbike, sent messengers to Kazan with an offer to the beautiful girl to become the queen of Moscow. But the envoys brought a refusal from the proud beauty. The angry tsar captured Kazan. The girl was forced to agree to Ivan the Terrible’s proposal, but she put forward a condition: that in seven days there should be a tower in the city that would outshine all existing minarets in height.

Ivan the Terrible fulfilled his beloved's wish. During the festive feast, Syuyumbike said that she wanted to say goodbye hometown looking from the height of the newly built tower. Having climbed to the top platform, she rushed down.

Externally, this building is very reminiscent of the Moscow Kremlin. Unfortunately, no exact data has been preserved about the time of creation of this attraction.

The tower consists of five tiers, which decrease in size. The last levels are octahedrons, which are crowned by a tent in the form of an octagonal truncated pyramid and a spire with a crescent. From the spire to the ground, the height of the structure is 58 meters. In the last century, three reconstructions took place here, since it was recorded that today the deviation from the vertical of the spire is 1.98 meters.

Taynitskaya Tower

Below Syuyumbike there are the Tainitsky entrance gates. This name was given to them in honor of the dungeon that leads to the source. During the siege of the city, it was used by local residents. Previously, the tower was called Nur-Ali. The Russian residents of the city called her Muraleeva. It was blown up during the capture of the Kremlin. It was through these gates that Ivan IV entered the city.

The tower was restored, but the architectural decoration was done in the 17th century. Now on the upper tier there is a cafe “Muraleevy Vorota”.

Kazan Kremlin: excursions, prices, opening hours

City guests and local residents The Kremlin excursion department invites you to take a walk through the museum-reserve, accompanied by professional staff. Tours are conducted in Tatar, Russian, German, English, Turkish, Italian and French.

The entrance is open daily through the Spasskaya Tower. The Tainitskaya Tower is also the entrance to the Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan). Opening hours: in summer - from 8:00 to 22:00, and in winter - until 18:00.

The cost of the excursion for a group of six people is 1,360 rubles. For a group of more than six people - 210 rubles per adult.

How to get there?

The Kazan Kremlin (Tatarstan), whose address is Kremlevskaya, 2, is located on the left bank of the Volga. You can get here by buses No. 6, 29, 37, 47, trolleybuses No. 4, 10, 1 and 18. Stop “TSUM”, “Ul. Bauman" or by metro - stop "Kremlevskaya".

Photos of the Kazan Kremlin (2012) helio wrote in September 19, 2012

The Kazan Kremlin is a historical, architectural and cultural monument that combines Orthodox and Muslim, Russian and Tatar motifs in its appearance. The Kazan Kremlin is located on the cape of a high terrace on the left bank of the Volga and the left bank of the Kazanka.

The formation of Kazan began precisely with the construction of the fortress on the hill. And the fortress on the hill, as is now believed, was founded at the beginning of the 11th century. TO XVI century the city acquired the appearance of a powerful wooden and stone fortress with the Khan's courtyard, high mosques and mausoleums.

In 1552, Kazan was taken by storm by Russian troops under the control of Ivan the Terrible and annexed to the Russian state.

According to the royal decree, the fortress was reconstructed and rebuilt in stone under the leadership of the famous Pskov masters Postnik Yakovlev (creator of St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow) and Ivan Shirai.

In 1992, the Republic of Tatarstan was formed as part of Russian Federation. The Kazan Kremlin became the residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 1994, the State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin" was created.

The Kremlin territory is an irregular polygon in plan, repeating the contours of the Kremlin hill, stretched from the northwest, from the Kazanka River, to the southeast, to the 1st May Square and the Gostiny Dvor building.

The Kazan Kremlin has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.
In total, this list includes 12 monuments located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The total area of ​​the Kremlin is 150 thousand square meters.
The outer perimeter of the walls is about 1800 meters. In the 16th-17th centuries there were 13 towers. To date, only 8 have survived.

Spasskaya travel tower
Built in 1556-1562.

Initially it was a white stone two-tier tower with a cranked passage, covered with a high wooden roof and a hipped roof.
The upper two tiers and the tent were built in the 18th century.

In the middle of the 19th century, a pointed arch was pierced into the fortress wall to the right of the tower. Over time, the elbow driveway was laid. After the revolution, a through passage was made through the Spasskaya Tower.

In the 18th century, a clock “with ringing” was installed in the upper tier, and even earlier a large alarm bell was moved from a small belfry.
In 1963, an electric clock with dials on three sides of an octagon and with automatic strikes appeared on the tower.

In front of the tower until the middle of the 19th century there was a moat with a stone bridge.

Until 1917, the tower was crowned with the double-headed coat of arms of the Russian state.

Replacing the wooden tent of the Southeast Tower

Basement of the Transfiguration Cathedral.
Here was located monastery, founded in 1556.
In 1855-1862, a multi-tiered bell tower was built in the spirit of late classicism. It was closed in 1918. Most of buildings are broken.

Sheikman Passage
In the 16th-18th centuries the street was called Bolshaya. After 1918 Sheikman Passage is called in honor of one of the leaders of the Kazan party organization, who was executed in 1918. White Czechs.

On the left is the Khazine museum complex.
The complex includes the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan, the Hermitage-Kazan Center,
Great Patriotic War Memorial Museum and Art Gallery.
On the right is the fire department building ("skullcap")

Preobrazhenskaya Tower
A guardhouse was erected on top of the tent; its covering is completed by an ensign with the image of Zilant - the coat of arms of the city of Kazan.

Kul Sharif Mosque
The main cathedral mosque of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan.

Construction of the temple began in 1996 as a recreation of the legendary multi-minaret mosque of the capital of the Kazan Khanate of the Middle Volga region in the 16th century. The mosque was destroyed in October 1552 during the assault on Kazan by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.
Named in honor of its last imam, Seid Kul-Sharif, one of the leaders of the defense of Kazan.

Granite and marble were brought from the Urals, interior decoration - carpets - a gift from the Iranian government, a colored crystal chandelier with a diameter of five meters and weighing almost two tons was made in the Czech Republic, stained glass, stucco, mosaic and gilding.

The mosque building in plan consists of 2 squares intersected at an angle of 45° in the form of a sign known in the Muslim world, meaning “the blessing of Allah.”

At the corners of the main volume there are 4 main minarets, 2 small minarets and 2 more at the corners of the main entrance portal.

The total number of crescents is 8 - according to the number of minarets.

The height of each of the four main minarets is 58 meters.

The dome is decorated with shapes associated with the image and decorative details of the “Kazan Cap” - according to one version - the crown of the Kazan khans, taken to Moscow after the fall of Kazan, and now on display in the Armory Chamber.

The interior space of the mosque is designed for one and a half thousand people, and the square in front of it can accommodate another ten thousand.

Memorial stone dedicated to the foundation stone of the Kul Sharif mosque.

Northern part of the Kremlin.

Blagoveshchensky cathedral
The cathedral was founded on October 4, 1552, on the day of the ceremonial entry of Tsar Ivan IV into Kazan.
The king personally chose the location for the future temple opposite the palace of the Tatar khans and Muslim mosques.

The wooden church was cut down in three days; The construction of the white stone temple began only in 1556.
Completed in 1562 and consecrated on August 15 of the same year.

Tower of the main building of the Cannon Yard.
In 1812-15 On the territory of the Artillery (Cannon) yard there was one of the largest cannon factories in Russia, new cannons and parts for them were manufactured, and damaged ones brought from the army were repaired.

The Syuyumbike Tower is the architectural emblem of the city.
Its name is associated with the name of the Tatar queen Syuyumbeki, the wife of the last two Kazan khans.
Built in the second half of the 17th and early 18th centuries.

The Syuyumbike Tower belongs to the “leaning” towers (like, for example, the Leaning Tower of Pisa), as it has a noticeable inclination to the northeast.
At the moment, the deviation of its spire from the vertical is 1.98 m.

The tower consists of seven tiers: the first three tiers in plan are square quadrangles of different heights, the next two are octagonal, two more are a faceted brick tent and a watchtower, the last is a green spire topped with a gilded “apple” on which rests a crescent.

The total height of the tower is 58 meters.

Residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The building was built in the 40s. XIX century in the so-called pseudo-Byzantine style. The project was drawn up by the famous Moscow architect A.K. Ton, author of the design of the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.
On the right you can see the remains of the palace of the Kazan khans.

Gate of the Presidential Palace complex

Bishop's House
Currently, the building houses the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

At the moment, a transport interchange is being built near the Kremlin at the exit from the Lenin Dam towards the city center.

View from Kremlevskaya Street.


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