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During the Great Geographical Discoveries, Europeans discovered previously unknown and unique Indian civilizations to the world. The Old World was amazed by the original culture and art of these peoples no less than by the countless treasures they possessed. The history of the civilizations of pre-Columbian America goes back to hoary antiquity. It is interesting not only in itself, but its influence on the development of the whole world is extremely important.

The first city-states of the people Mayan with a well-established management system appeared at the beginning of our era on the territory of modern Mexico and other states of Central America. The Maya are the only people of pre-Columbian America who had writing in the form of hieroglyphs. The Mayans wrote their books (codexes) with paints on long strips of material made from plant fibers, and then put them in cases. There were libraries at the temples. The Mayans had their own calendar and knew how to determine eclipses of the Sun and Moon. They were the first to introduce the concept of zero into mathematics.

Story Aztecs before their appearance in the second half of the 12th century. Central Mexico is full of mysteries. They called their homeland the island of Aztlan (“where the herons live”). The location of the island still remains unknown, but it is from here that the word “Aztec” comes. The nomadic Aztec hunters were very warlike and subjugated many Indian tribes. A powerful empire arose with its capital Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City).

The Aztecs were skilled farmers, had excellent skills in pottery and weapons crafts, and knew the secrets of metal processing. When Hernan Cortes took over the Aztec ruler Montezuma, he, in order to stop the advance of the conquerors, sent his ambassadors to meet them with gifts for the Spanish king. Among the many treasures were beautiful works of Indian craftsmen - magnificent dishes, exquisite jewelry, perfect figurines of animals. Such generosity, however, did not save Montezuma and his people from insidious destruction.

Unlike the bulk of Indian jewelry, mercilessly melted down by Europeans into gold bars, Montezuma's gifts were lucky. They went straight to the king and were therefore preserved. Over time, they made an indelible impression on the wonderful German artist Albrecht Durer. He recalled: “In all my life I have never seen anything that would have gladdened my heart as much as these things. So, I saw among them wonderful, most perfect products and was amazed at such talent of people from distant countries.” Material from the site

The largest state in ancient America was the empire. Incas with its center in the city of Cusco, located high in the mountains (in the territory of modern Peru). The Incas themselves called their homeland “Tauantinsuyu” - “four connected directions of the world.” Incas (the word itself meant "ruler") They deified the Sun and were excellent astronomers. They successfully farmed, raised herds of llamas, and produced high-quality fabrics. The Incas invented the original knotted writing - “quipu”. It was a cord to which multi-colored threads were tied in the form of pendants. Combining such threads made it possible to make the necessary “records”. One of the found samples of “khipu” weighs 6 kg. The city of Cusco met the European invaders amazing palaces, temples and squares, and from the four gates of the capital began roads leading to the four corners of the world.

Machu Picchu - the city of the Incas. Modern look

The Conquest destroyed ancient Indian civilizations. Entire states and cultures were wiped off the face of the earth. The Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and other pre-Columbian peoples of America themselves turned into slaves or were physically destroyed en masse. Thus, the Great geographical discoveries had sad and tragic pages in their history.

The Mexican Yucatan Peninsula is a flat plain. Washed by the waters Caribbean Sea, the peninsula is the driest place on the mainland. The Native American word "Maauya" means "land without water." About five thousand years ago, the great MAYAN civilization arose there.

According to the Mayan priests, man originated from corn: “Once everything slept. There was no land, no time, no ocean in space. Once upon a time in the East, days were born, and time began to count down. The first day created the heavens and the whole Earth. The second day created a ladder, using which rain descended from the heavens. The third day gave rise to ebbs and flows, using which the ocean overflowed. On the fourth day the horizon was born, connecting the Earth and the sky. On day five, the meaning of life appeared and indicated that everyone should work. On the sixth day the first light came on. The seventh created the continents. The eighth established order in the world. The ninth created dungeons. The tenth made a path underground for those who lived a mean life and had a poisonous soul. The eleventh day from the Sun created stones and forests. On the twelfth day the winds blew. The spirits appeared from the wind. On the thirteenth day, rain fell and, moistening the entire earth, created man. At first people were made of clay. But they quickly collapsed before they could move. Then they created wooden dolls. But it turned out that they are stupid and clumsy. Then God took maize (corn), kneaded it like dough, and blinded people. The corn people began to live in the world. But they were too curious and poked their noses everywhere. And we saw much more than we should. Then God blew in the fog, and man began to see only as far as the horizon..."

Pyramid of MAGIC

According to ancient legend, the world was created four times, but destroyed three times by the Flood. First there was a world of dwarfs. In those days the Sun shone weakly, and in complete darkness the dwarfs built big cities.

Fortune Teller's Pyramid

Then came the first flood, which washed away everything that the dwarfs had managed to build.

In the second world, only the most resourceful people who escaped this flood remained to live. The third world was developed by the Mayans themselves, who were also washed away. Fourth, modern world are descendants of the ancient Mayans who mixed with other tribes. Since then, the descendants of the Mayans have been waiting for the next flood.

In the beginning, the god Hunaba-Ku created the four corn men Balam-Kitse, Mahukutaha, Balam-Akaba and Iki-Balam. Then, as it should be, four beautiful women were created: Kaha-Paluna, Chomiha, Tsunumiha and Kakishaha. God was helped in his work by a fox, a coyote, a parrot and a crow. They carried corn, from which God sculpted his creations. The cobs were yellow and white. Whites were made into men, yellows into women.

The ruler of heaven, Itsamna, was considered the main God. He was portrayed as a colorful, bearded old man. Itsamna was believed to be the first priest to create hieroglyphs and write the first mystical codes. In second place was the rain god Chuck. The entire future harvest depended on it. The third most popular was the corn god Yum Kaah. He was depicted as a young man with a deformed head. It was believed that his head became swollen and lost its shape from intense care for a good harvest. And finally, very important was the god of death Ah Puch, who had a very terrifying appearance.

The Mayan priests created several accurate calendars. Of these, two are the most famous. According to the solar calendar, the year had 365 days and was divided into 18 months of 20 days each. There was also an additional month lasting only 5 days. The second calendar is ritual. It consisted of 260 days, and counting was carried out in intervals of 13 days. Each day of both calendars had its own patron god. The Mayans had an original cyclical system of chronology: all years went through a full cycle (in a circle) and again returned to their original position. The cycle repeated itself after 52 years.

Temple bas-relief of the rain god CHUCK

AH-PUCH patron of the dead


totem pole

The entire life of the ancient people passed in anticipation of the next ritual holiday. Preparatory activities consisted of four stages:

1. First came fasting and abstinence.

2. Then the priest, who was in a state of insight, chose the best day for the holiday.

3. Then they prepared the future place of the holiday. There they cast out evil spirits, read spells and fumigated idols.

4. On the appointed day, the main festive event was held - a sacrifice.

The Mayan people believed that the world order was maintained by the gods only through sacrifices. In ancient times, the Mayans almost did not practice human sacrifice. Usually they brought jewelry, animals, fish, and various fruits to the divine altar. However, in the most important cases, human sacrifices were made to the gods. Usually such an event was held on the top platform of the pyramid. The victim was stripped and painted blue. Then the four assistant priests laid the person on a round stone, also blue. The priest-preparator (nakom) came out to the victim and opened the chest with a sharp flint knife. With his hands he pulled out a living beating heart, placed it on a special dish, which he presented to the ceremonial priest (chilan). He smeared the blood on the faces of the idols, and the victim was thrown down, where he was torn into pieces by the jubilant people...

The Mayans built large cities (Tikal, Balak-bal, Volaktun, Copana, Washaktuna). Each city had more than 200 thousand inhabitants. Their centers were decorated with temple pyramids, which were surrounded by terraces and statues of gods. The Pyramid of the Inscriptions, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Warriors, the Temple of the Jaguars, the Temple of the Moon and the Pyramid of Kukulcan have survived to this day.

Aztec mother of the gods COATLICUE

YUM KAAH- god of maize

CHUCK– god of rain

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, in the 10th century, almost the entire Mayan people disappeared somewhere. Came to desolation huge cities and temples. A great civilization has disappeared. However, soon, out of nowhere, another people appeared in central Mexico - the Aztecs. Unlike the Mayans, they were warlike and very fierce. These were completely different people who called their homeland the island of Astlaan (“the place where the herons live”).

According to legend, the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli predicted that their people would settle where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus and devouring a snake. For 165 long years the Aztecs wandered around ancient mexico. On July 18, 1325, they saw the long-awaited eagle and founded the first settlement of Tinochtitlan where the capital of Mexico is now located.

The main deity of the warlike people was the god of war, Huitzilopochtli. The wooden idol of this god was of impressive size and was depicted sitting on a blue bench. The bench symbolized heaven as the place of residence of this god. The main deity was assisted by: Tezcatlipoca (creator god), Tonatiuh (Sun god), Metstli (Moon god), Tlaloc (water god), Quetzalcoatl (air god), Centeotl (corn goddess), Hiuketiuktli (fire god), Mihcoatl (goddess hunting), Xicateuctli (god of trade), as well as the gods of hell Mictlacteuctli and Mictlancehuatl. Each name of the Mexican deities is like a short spell addressed to a given god.

The Aztecs' sacrifices were more cruel and varied than those of their neighbors. For the god of war, prisoners were executed, for the god of water, Tlaloc, children were drowned, and for the goddess of forbidden love, Tlazolteotl, prostitutes were sacrificed. A special form of sacrifice was the fighting of captured warriors. Opposite the altar, men armed only with spears fought. It was similar to gladiator fights, where prizes went to the owner of the bravest warrior.

All Aztec ceremonies were strictly regulated. Unlike the Mayans (where the priest chose the day of the holiday), the Aztecs had holiday calendars in advance. In September, the festival of the maize goddess Chicomecohuatl was held. First, they fasted for seven days and periodically rubbed their ears with their hands. If blood showed from the rubbed ears, then it was believed that repentance had been accomplished and the person was clean before God. Then they chose the most beautiful slave girl, 11–12 years old. They wove a wreath for her and made a necklace out of corn cobs. Pleasant music sounded, and the girl was solemnly seated among flowers and corn. For two days she was worshiped, she was the personification of the goddess who was thanked for the harvest. Then the “goddess” was solemnly killed, and everyone present joyfully began to dance.

The Aztecs were convinced that the Sun lived in the East in his own house, from which he came out in the morning, accompanied by dead warriors and sacrificed people. Therefore, they always sacrificed the best. Until noon, God's retinue changed. Further, the Sun was accompanied by women who died during childbirth, whom the Aztecs equated with warriors who died in battle. In the evening, the Sun reached the kingdom of the dead (Mictlan), and returned home at night.

The Aztec Age lasted 52 years, then a new one began. The last day of every fifty-second anniversary was a great holiday, since the Aztecs feared that the end of the world would soon come and new Age may never come. According to ancient legends, the world was created five times. Each appearance of a new world was called "Sun".

In the first Sun, giants lived on Earth. But after 13 Aztec centuries (676 years), the god Tezcatliopoc turned into a large jaguar and ate all the giants. The Second Sun lasted 7 centuries (364 years). During this period, the god Quetzalcoatl again created man. However, a terrible storm broke out and destroyed everything. The remaining people went wild and turned into monkeys. The third Sun was created by the water god Tlaloc. However, after 6 centuries (312 years), fire destroyed everything. Only the birds remained. At the end of the fourth Sun there was a flood, after which only fish survived. The fifth Sun was created by the god Quexalcoatl from his own penis. This century continues to this day. Unlike the well-known myths about the creation of the world, the Aztec legend contains fairly accurate dates for the natural disasters that overtook the “city of the gods” Teotihuacan in the Anahuac Valley. According to the Aztec calendar, every natural disaster occurred at the end of a time period that was a multiple of 52.

Funeral ceremonies among many peoples of Central America took place in the same sequence. First, several of the oldest priests decorated the deceased with sacred figures cut out of cloth. Then they sprinkled him with cleansing water, saying: “This is the water that you received when you came into the world. Let it serve you on your long journey!” Then a jug filled with water was placed at the feet of the deceased. If a woman was buried, she was additionally wrapped in warm clothes. This made the journey of the soul easier. There was a belief that on the way to other world You must cross eight deserts, bypass a huge dragon, overcome shifting mountains, dodge jumping stone knives and avoid many other dangers.

On the territory of modern Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile, there was the GREAT INCAS EMPIRE, which appeared about four thousand years ago. According to legend, the spouses Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo emerged from Lake Titicaca. Father Sun handed them a magic rod, which was supposed to indicate the place where a new country was to be founded. Capac and Oklio traveled for a long time. One day their rod suddenly jumped out of their hands and went deep into the ground. On this site they built the capital of the Incas - the city of Cusco (“center” or “heart”).

Inca Sun God

The Supreme Inca (emperor) was a direct descendant of the sun god. His large family, in addition to several wives and children, even included the High Priest (Wiljak Umu), emphasizing the divine origin of his emperor. How in Ancient Egypt, the Inca Empire had hereditary priestly castes, which were divided into the following categories:

Villaks are priests and diviners.

Punchavilyaks are priests of the sun god.

Malkipvilyaks are priests of the dead.

Huacacquillacs are priestly assistants to the idol (huaca).

Mamakuns are female priestesses.

Alkas - “virgins of the Sun”. They lived in special temples in Alcahuasis and were keepers of the fire. Virgins sewed ritual clothes and prepared festive treats for the entire imperial family.

The Incas were less bloodthirsty than their neighbors. Corn, flour, vegetables and animals were commonly used as gifts to the gods. The year began in December and was accompanied by the festival of Kapak Raymi ("feast of the emperor"). The Inca Year ended in November with the very unusual holiday of Aya Markay Qilha (“month of bringing out the dead”). IN last days years, the Incas entered the graves of their own ancestors and removed their remains. The dead were dressed in the best clothes and exhibited in the most public places. Everyone was having fun and dancing, believing that their ancestors were dancing with them. Then the dead were loaded onto stretchers and “taken to visit”, moving from house to house. At the end of this joyful holiday, gifts and treats were brought to the graves, and the dead themselves were solemnly laid in their place. In July there was another holiday in honor of the Sun God - Inti Raymi. To open it, the priest used a special concave mirror to direct the sun's rays and light the sacred fire. Very interesting was the harvest festival of Situa, which was similar to a carnival and was celebrated in September. These days they organized a general cleaning of the entire city. The streets and houses were washed until they shined. Everything in sight was painted in sunny tones. There was noisy fun everywhere. Crowds of people came to the temples. People held idols and mummies of their own ancestors in their hands. The gods were persuaded to protect against diseases and other troubles.

There were many gods. The most important was the sun god (Inti). His subordinates were Pochacamac (god of fire), Chasca (goddess of beauty), Ilyana (god of thunder), Pachamama (goddess of fertility), Chucuilla (goddess of lightning), Quilla (goddess of the Moon) and Con (god of noise). According to their ideas, the world was created by the creator god Viracoche. The Incas divided the world into three levels: upper (Hachan Pacha), middle (Kai Pacha) and lower (Uku Pacha). Accordingly, these gods personified heaven, earth and the underworld. The underworld was ruled by the devil (Supai), who opposed the heavenly gods and caused harm to people.

The Inca Empire included the famous Easter Island. On its banks there are thousands of huge idols up to 8 meters high and weighing more than 20 tons. Scientists still cannot figure out why these sculptures were needed? Some suggest that these are traces of some mysterious extraterrestrial civilization. Others believe that the idols are ordinary idols of ancient gods.

The author of this book found that the purpose of the huge figures was simpler and more practical. It is known that once on Easter Island there lived an ancient people who possessed knowledge about the world that was unusual for savages. Its representatives knew the exact parameters of the planets of the solar system. They were sure that Jupiter was inhabited, and they considered themselves to be from outer space. There is no doubt that these people were smart and not like other peoples.

In order to protect their island from an unexpected attack by savages who could only appear from the sea, they made giant scarecrow idols, which they placed along the shore. One can imagine how the conquerors turned back in horror, seeing from afar a detachment of gloomy giants standing on the shore. In this way, the resourceful islanders scared off the conquerors, of whom there were quite a lot at that turbulent time.

Independent Araucan tribes lived near the Inca Empire in the territory of modern Chile. They called themselves Mapuche (“people of the earth”), since their main occupation was agriculture. These tribes did not form a single state and were outwardly similar to other Indian peoples. Only their legends and rituals were original.

Unlike other tribes, the Araucanians had a strong belief in ghosts (shadows of the dead), which periodically appeared at night. They also believed in the underground lizard Kolokolo, which sneaked up on sleeping people and bit them to death. Periodically, Chonchons, animals with human heads and huge ears, flew in from the “kingdom of darkness.” They flew, flapping their ears like wings, and drank the blood of weak people. The supreme god Genupillian reigned in heaven.

Temple of Zeus

The Araucanians believed in an afterlife and were not afraid of death. According to their ideas, the entire space around was inhabited by the souls of their ancestors. Therefore, on holidays, the Araucanians treated the spirits of their ancestors by throwing drinks into the air and throwing food. They shouted to the clouds floating in the sky, because they believed that the souls of dead warriors were sitting there. The Araucanians solemnly buried their dead in the ground. But a year later they came to the graves again in order to tell the deceased about what happened during their absence.

The most authoritative priest of the ancient Araucanians was Dunguve (soothsayer). He made predictions and gave practical advice. Health issues were resolved by Machi (doctor). The procedure for treating diseases was reminiscent of the actions of modern Filipino healers. Friends and relatives gathered at the patient's house. Machi would come in and place a tree branch at the head of the patient’s bed.

Then they brought a sacrificial animal, and Machi killed it. After that, he sprinkled the branch with blood and set fire to special herbs. Gradually smoke filled the room. The healer leaned over the patient and pretended to suck out bad blood from the sore spot. The smoke cleared, and Machi showed the admiring relatives some object (a chip, a pebble, or an insect), supposedly taken from a sore spot. Everyone was delighted and thanked the doctor very much. During the entire healing ceremony, the women present sang rhythmic songs, accompanying themselves on dried gourds filled with pebbles.

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Maya This Sanskrit word has many meanings. One of its meanings is “energy”. Yoga-maya is the spiritual energy that supports the transcendental manifestation of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, while its reflection, maha-maya, is the energy of the material world.

From the book of Sri Aurobindo. Spiritual revival. Essays in Bengali author What did the Incas know? Cabrera dubbed the stones gliptoliths, and their creators the gliptolith humanity. He claims that this "pre-humanity" was created by aliens who arrived on Earth during that era. When they didn't find intelligent life, they decided to create it from

A people who inhabited Central and South America shortly before the Spanish conquest of Mexican lands in 1521. The history of the Aztecs is the history of multiple associations of tribal groups that had their own city-states and royal dynasties. “Aztec” also refers to the powerful alliance of the majestic city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan, cities that established their dominance in what is now Mexico between 1400 and 1521.

Aztec civilization, Indian cities and their life.

City-states and settlements Aztec civilization were built on the vast mountain plateaus of the Mexican valley, on which the capital of Mexico is located today. These are fertile lands with a total area of ​​6.5 thousand square meters. km, - lands extending approximately 50 km in length and width. “Valley of Mexico” lies at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level and is surrounded on all sides by volcanic mountains 5 thousand meters high.

The Aztec civilization came to these lands because of Lake Texcoco, which could supply thousands of people with fresh water and food. The lake was fed by streams and mountain runoff, periodically overflowing its edges and overflowing hundreds of meters. However, the lake supplied local residents drinking water, created a habitat for fish, mammals and birds. The Triple Alliance of city-states subjugated vast territories from the borders of Guatemala to what is now northern Mexico. Coastal Plains of the Gulf of Mexico, mountain gorges Oaxaca and Guerrero, the tropical forests of Yucatan - all this belonged to the Aztec civilization. Thus, the Indians had at their disposal all kinds of Natural resources, which were not observed in their original locations.

The languages ​​of the Nahuatl group were dominant in the Aztec civilization. Nahuatl dialects were adopted as a second language and played the role of intermediary language in almost all territories of South America during the period of Spanish colonization. The linguistic heritage of the Aztecs is found in multiple toponyms - Acapulco, Oaxaca. Historians estimate that about 1.5 million people still use the Nahuatl language or its variants in daily communication. The Aztec civilization spoke exclusively Nahuatl languages. The languages ​​of this group have spread from Central America to Canada and include about 30 related dialects. The Aztec civilization, the Indians of this empire, were great experts and lovers of literature. They collected entire libraries of pictographic books with various descriptions of religious rites and ceremonies, historical events, tribute collections, and simple registers. The Aztecs used bark as paper. Unfortunately, most of the books belonging to the ancient Aztecs were destroyed by the Spanish during the conquest. Nowadays, scientists studying the ancient Aztec people have to work with grains of surviving written information. The first information about the Aztec Indians was received, not surprisingly, during the conquest.

Five letters, reports, to the king from Cortes contained primary information about the Indians of America. 40 years later, a soldier, a participant in one of the Spaniards’ expeditions, Bernal Diaz Castillo, compiled true story the Spanish conquest, where the Tenochki and their brotherly peoples were described in detail. The first information sheets about aspects of Aztec lifeand cultures were compiled in the late 16th and early 17th centuries - all kinds of ethnographic descriptions created by the Aztecnobles and Spanish monks. The most valuable example of such writing that has survived to this day is the multi-volume manuscript “General History of New Spain.”

Aztec culture by means of language was connected with the cultural complex of the Nahua peoples. According to myths and Indian legends, the tribes that subsequently formed the once majestic and powerful empire The Aztecs came to the Anahuac Valley from the northern lands. The location of the Anahuac Valley is known for sure - this is the territory of the modern capital of Mexico, but it is not known for certain where the Aztecs came to these lands from. Researchers constantly put forward their theories about the historical homeland of the Indians, however, they all turn out to be false. According to legends, the ancestors of the Aztecs came from the north, from a place called Aztlan. According to legend, the Indians were led to new lands by the god Huitzilopochtli - “god of the hummingbird”, “left-handed hummingbird”.

American Indians settled in the place indicated to them by the gods themselves - the well-known legend about the eagle sitting on a cactus, about the eagle from the prophecy about the new land of the Aztecs. Today, this legend - an eagle eating a snake - is depicted in the design of the Mexican flag. Thus, according to legend, the Aztecs, back in 1256, found themselves in the lands of the Valley of Mexico, surrounded by cliffs and washed by the waters of Lake Texcoco. Before the arrival of the Aztec tribe, the lands of Lake Texcoco were divided between the dominant city-states. The Aztecs, recognizing the power of the ruler of one of the cities, settled on his lands and built their city, their great capital - Tenochtitlan. According to historical data, the city was built in 1325 AD. Today former capital Aztec is historical center Mexico City. According to beliefs, the local population received the Aztecs with hostility; they were considered uncivilized and uneducated, and most importantly, unimaginably cruel. However, the Indian tribes that came did not respond to aggression with aggression - they decided to learn; and they took all the knowledge they could from their neighbors.

The Aztecs absorbed the Vedas of the surrounding tribes and peoples close to them. The main source of development of the tribes was the knowledge and experience of the ancient Toltecs, and the Toltec tribes themselves as teachers. For the entire Aztec people, the Toltecs were the creators of culture. In the language of this people, the word “Toltecayotl” was synonymous with the word “culture”. Aztec mythology identifies the Toltecs and the cult of Quetzalcoatl with the city of Tollan ( modern city Tula in Mexico). Along with their knowledge, the Aztecs also absorbed the traditions of the Toltecs and peoples close to them. Among the traditions were the foundations of religion. Such borrowings primarily include the myth of the creation of the world, which describes four suns, four eras, each of which ended with the death of life and a universal catastrophe. In Aztec culture, the current fourth era, the fourth sun, escaped destruction thanks to the self-sacrifice of the supreme god - the god Nanahuatl, which means “all wounded.”

It is known that the Aztec capital was divided into 4 districts called meycaotl, each of which was headed by an elder. Each district - meykaotl, in turn, was divided into 5 smaller quarters - calpulli. The Calpulli of the Aztecs were originally patriarchal families, clans, and the regions uniting them - meykaotl - phratries. Before the arrival of the Spanish conquerors to the lands of the Aztecs, one community lived in one dwelling, house - a large patriarchal family of several generations - sencalli. The land owned by the tribe was divided into sectors, which were looked after by individual Aztec household communities - sencalli. In addition, at each more or less large village there were lands allocated for the needs of priests, rulers and military leaders, the harvest from which went to support the corresponding castes of society.

Aztec tribes and features of the development of the empire.

The lands of the American Indians were always cultivated jointly - a man and a woman. However, upon marriage, a man received rights to personal use of land. Land plots, like the community's land itself, were inalienable. The life of the Aztecs was built according to certain social canons, violations of which were strictly punished. At the head of each Aztec quarter, the calpulli, stood its own public council, which included only elected elders of the Aztec tribe. The leaders of the phratries and the elders involved in the public council were also part of the tribal council - the council of the Aztec leader, which included the main leader of the tribe. A similar social structure was observed in all tribes without exception.

Aztec tribe, The social system of the Indians was divided into castes of free people and slaves. Slaves could be not only prisoners of war, but also debtors who fell into slavery, as well as poor people who sold themselves and their families. Aztec slaves always wore collars. It is not known for certain in which sectors of agriculture and other Aztec households slave labor was involved; most likely, they were used in the construction of large-scale structures - palaces and temples of the Aztecs, as well as as servants, porters and artisans of low professions.

On the lands conquered by the ancient Indians, military leaders were given tributaries as trophies for their service, whose status was comparable to that of serfs. But not only slaves were artisans; large communities always had their own artisans from free people. Thus, in the Aztec empire, in addition to residual communal relations, there was a complete absence of rights to land, coupled with private property, i.e. rights to slaves, agricultural products and crafts. It is obvious that, along with private property and dominant relations - master and subordinate, in the Aztec tribes there were also remnants of the primitive communal system characteristic of Europe BC. Slaves, or “tlacotin” among the American Indians, constituted an important social caste, different from prisoners of war.

City of Tenochtitlan was a slave capital. The rules of behavior for slaves, and slave life itself, were very different from what could be observed in Europe of that era. Slavery among the Aztecs was more like slavery during classical antiquity. First of all, slavery was personal, not inherited; the children of a slave were free from birth. A slave in the Aztec tribe could own personal property and even personal slaves. Slaves had the right to redeem themselves, or to win their freedom through labor and service. Also, in cases where slaves were treated cruelly or slaves had children with their owners, they could protest their slavery and become free people.

The American Indians respected traditions. Thus, in most cases, upon the death of the owner, slaves were inherited as private property. However, slaves who particularly distinguished themselves by their service and labor to the previous owner were freed. Another feature and property of slavery among the Aztecs: if in the market a slave could, due to the carelessness of his owner, run out of the market wall and step on excrement, then he was given the right to appeal his slavery. In case of victory, the slave was washed, given clean clothes and released. Cases of such emancipation of slaves occurred quite regularly among the American Indians, since a person who prevented a slave from escaping and who helped the owner was declared a slave instead of a fugitive.

In addition, a slave could not be given away or sold without his consent, unless the authorities declared the slave disobedient. In general, increased controls were applied to unruly slaves, the wild Indians; they were forced to wear wooden shackles around their necks and hoops on their hands everywhere. Shackles served not only as a distinctive feature exposing the slave’s guilt, but also as a device that complicated the process of escape. Before such slaves were resold, the new owner was informed how many times he had tried to escape and how many times he had been resold before.

Slave who undertook 4 unsuccessful attempts to escape, in most cases they were given away for sacrificial rites. In some cases, free Aztecs could become slaves as punishment. A murderer sentenced to death could be given into slavery twice as much or to the widower of the murdered man. Slavery also punished unpaid debts, debts of sons, fathers and mothers. Parents had the right to sell their child into slavery only in cases where the authorities declared their offspring to be a disobedient, wild Indian. A similar fate awaited the disobedient students. And the last important distinguishing feature is that the Aztecs had the right to sell themselves into slavery.

In a number of cases, voluntary slaves who were captured Aztec civilization, were awarded a vacation in order to enjoy the price of their freedom, after which they were transferred to the possession of the owner. A similar fate awaited unsuccessful gamblers, old courtesans and prostitutes. It is also known that some captive slaves were treated as debtors and offenders, according to all the rules of slave ownership. In South America during the dawn of the Aztec Empire, sacrifices were widespread and ubiquitous.

However, the Aztecs practiced them on a grand scale, sacrificing both slaves and freemen on each of their many calendar holidays. There are known cases described in Aztec chronicles when hundreds and thousands of people were sacrificed every day. So during the construction of the main temple - great pyramid Aztecs in 1487, about 80 thousand prisoners of war and slaves were sacrificed in four days. It is not entirely clear how a city with a population of 120 thousand inhabitants and several tribes of Indians accommodated such a number of prisoners and slaves, how they were able to catch them, much less execute them, taking into account the fact that Atzizotl personally sacrificed to the gods. However, the fact remains. It is also worth noting that the Aztec tribe did not always sacrifice people; Animals often played the role of alms to the gods. As is known, the Aztecs specially bred animals for such purposes, for example, llamas.

There were also donations of things: communities broke their most valuable property for the glory of the gods. In addition, individual gods and their cults required special alms: The Cult of Quetzalcoatl, along with human sacrifices, demanded the sacrifice of hummingbirds and butterflies. Self-sacrifice was also practiced in the Aztec tribes. During special rituals, people deliberately wounded themselves, performed ceremonial bloodletting, dressed in shackles and clothes with spikes on them. back side. Blood occupied a dominant position in Aztec religion and ceremonies. Indeed, in local mythology, the gods shed their blood more than once to help humanity. So in the myth of the rebirth of the world - the myth of the fifth sun, the gods sacrificed themselves so that people could live.

The rituals, traditions and religion itself of the ancient Aztecs prepared people for the highest sacrifice, for the sacrifice of human life. The ritual of sacrifice took place according to the canons: the victim’s skin was painted blue using chalk; the sacrifice was carried out on the supreme square of the temple or pyramid; the victim was laid down, and the process of sacrifice began. The heart, the first to be separated from the body, was always stored by the Aztecs in a special stone vessel. The victim's belly was ripped open with a stone knife - obsidian was not capable of opening the flesh, and the Indians did not discover iron for themselves.

At the end of the ritual, the victim was thrown down the stairs of the temple, where the priests picked her up and later burned her. The sacrifices of the ancient Indians were in most cases voluntary, with the exception of the sacrifices of prisoners of war. Before the ritual of sacrifice, captured soldiers were treated like slaves, however, without the possibility of pardon and release. The ancient Aztecs also had other types of sacrifice, for example, torture. The victims were burned, shot with arrows, drowned, and parts of their bodies were fed to sacred animals. The Aztec tribe was famous for its cruelty. The line between sacrificial torture and torture of captured soldiers and nobles is difficult to keep track of.

The most famous civilizations of ancient America, which every educated person has heard of, are the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs. These peoples inhabited the territories of central Mexico (Aztecs), southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, western Honduras (Mayans) and western southern (Inca). The grandiose architectural structures of these ancient civilizations have survived to this day. The most famous of them are the pyramids of the American Mayan and Aztec tribes. The Incas, according to scientists, did not build pyramids, although they were able to erect structures of quite impressive size (such as the Sacsayhuaman fortress).

The Mayan and Aztec peoples inhabited America in different time. The Mayan civilization flourished in the 7th - 8th centuries, and the Aztecs in the 14th - 15th centuries. But both these peoples were different high level development. They built large cities, used writing, and shipping was developed. The calendars of those times surprise with their accuracy. Religion occupied a special place among the Mayan and Aztec peoples. It is not without reason that the pyramids that they erected were used for various religious rites.

The exact age of the Mayan pyramids is unknown. These structures are made of rough-hewn stones, which are held together with a fairly strong mortar.

The slopes of the pyramids are steps, i.e. They were built in stages - on each platform the next, smaller one, was built. This process was quite lengthy.

One of the most famous pyramids is Kukulkan, named after the main god in the mythologies of the Mayan and Toltec tribes, who was depicted as a snake with a human head. It is located in the ancient city of Chichen Itza (Yucatan Peninsula). This structure is 25 meters high and has 9 platforms. The number 9 is not accidental; it symbolizes the regions of the kingdom of the dead. The pyramid is crowned by a temple. There are wide staircases on four sides, each of them has 91 steps, for a total of 364, which corresponds to the number of days in a year. The stairs themselves are divided into 18 flights - in the Mayan calendar there were exactly this number of months. The Pyramid of Kukulkan has four sides clearly facing south, north, west and east.

This pyramid is very popular among tourists. The thing is that twice a year a very unusual phenomenon can be observed on its surface. On the days of the equinox at 17:00, a huge image of a serpent begins to appear on the north side of the pyramid, becoming increasingly clear. This effect is achieved due to the sun's rays, and the illusion lasts about 3 hours.

Another pyramid was built in the city of Chichen Itza, the base of which measures 40 x 40 meters.

Another famous Mayan structure is . It is located on the territory ancient city Palenque, in Guatemala. The pyramid got its name because of the huge number of different designs and hieroglyphs. Scientists are still trying to unravel the meaning of these inscriptions. Only in this pyramid was a tomb with a sarcophagus discovered, the surface of which was also covered with drawings and inscriptions. Before this discovery, it was believed that the Mayans did not use pyramids for burials. The remains of a man were discovered in the sarcophagus, who, apparently, occupied a high position in society.

There is another ancient city on the Yucatan Peninsula - Uxmal. This is where the famous . This is one of the most impressive buildings that has been left to us as a legacy from the Mayan tribes. The 38 m tall pyramid has a flat top. Its corners are rounded. This structure was built over many years. Archaeological research showed that construction lasted from the sixth to the tenth centuries. There are 5 temples inside the pyramid - according to the number of construction stages.

The most famous Aztec pyramids

Perhaps the most impressive building of the Aztecs is pyramid of the sun, located on the site of the ancient city of Teotihuacan, near modern Mexico City. It ranks third in the world among ancient structures, ahead only of the Pyramid of Cholula, from Toltec times, and the Pyramid of Cheops, which is located in Egypt, near Cairo.

The Pyramid of the Sun previously rose 71 m high (currently 64.5 m), and the perimeter of the base of this grandiose structure is 893 m. About 3 million tons of stones were required for its construction. 300 years after the pyramid was built, a temple was erected on its top, which was destroyed even before the discovery of the city of Teotihuacan by the Spanish conquerors. Currently, many tourists visit the Pyramid of the Sun. To climb to the very top, you have to overcome a difficult climb of 248 steps, which are distinguished by their steepness. But despite all the difficulties, there are many who want to rise to the very top. After all, if you believe the legends, this is where the so-called “place of power” is located. Thanks to positive energy flows, a person can find harmony and peace of mind.

In the north of Teotihuacan is . This is smaller than the Pyramid of the Sun - its height is 42 m. This five-tier pyramid is located on a small hill. A fairly wide staircase leads to the top - it is a continuation of the path called the Road of the Dead. During archaeological excavations in the Pyramid of the Moon, many remains and burials were discovered. Presumably, various rituals were performed on top of this structure.

Teotihuacan is home to the Citadel, a square that got its name thanks to the Spaniards. It is here that the Temple of the Feathered Serpent is located - a building built in the form of a pyramid. Its walls were decorated with stone ornaments that represented the heads of feathered snakes - from the western part they are well preserved to this day. The remains of animals that were sacrificed during rituals were discovered within the walls of this temple.

The pyramids of the American Mayan and Aztec tribes have not yet been fully studied. The mysteries associated with these structures will continue to attract scientists from all over the world for a long time.

A little over ten years ago - on October 12, 1992, planet Earth celebrated one of the most significant dates in the history of mankind - the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. There are many hypotheses about when man appeared in the Western Hemisphere, in North and South America, on numerous islands, and when people came to the American continent. For the fifth century now (since the 16th century), pundits have been debating this issue. In numerous studies on this topic, among the first inhabitants of America, people from Canary Islands, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, ancient Greeks and Romans, Jews, Spaniards, Egyptians and Babylonians, Chinese and even Tatars and Scythians.

Science developed, and as new discoveries were made, knowledge accumulated and hypotheses were selected. Today there is no longer any doubt that the part of the world marked on the world map as America was inhabited by people from other continents. However, from which ones exactly has not been finally decided. Nevertheless, scientists were able to identify many common features inherent in all Indians, bringing them closer to the Mongoloid peoples of Asia. Appearance The appearance of the original inhabitants of America at the time of their first meetings with Europeans was as follows: a stocky figure, short legs, medium-sized feet, rather long arms but with small hands, a high and usually wide forehead, poorly developed brow ridges. The Indian's face had a large, strongly protruding nose (often, especially in the north, the so-called eagle nose), and a rather large mouth. The eyes are most often dark brown. The hair is black, straight, thick.

Many early European documentary and literary sources indicated that the Indians were red-skins. This is actually not true. The skin of representatives of various Indian tribes is rather yellow-brown. According to modern researchers, the name “Redskins” was given to them by the first settlers. It did not arise by chance. The North American Indians once had a widespread custom of rubbing their faces and bodies with red ocher on special occasions. That's why Europeans called them redskins.

Currently, anthropologists distinguish three main groups of Indians - North American, South American and Central American, whose representatives differ in height, skin color and other characteristics.

Most researchers believe that the settlement of the American continent came from Asia through the Bering Strait. Scientists believe that four great glaciations helped ancient people overcome the expanse of water. According to this hypothesis, during the glaciations the Bering Strait froze and turned into some kind of huge bridge. Asian tribes who led a nomadic lifestyle freely moved along it to the neighboring continent. Based on this, the time of the appearance of man on the American continent was determined - this happened 10-30 thousand years ago.

By the time the Spanish caravels under the command of Christopher Columbus appeared at east coast New World (October 1492) Northern and South America, including the islands of the West Indies, was inhabited by many tribes and nationalities. With the light hand of the famous navigator, who assumed that he had discovered new lands of India, they began to be called Indians. These tribes were at different levels of development. According to most researchers, before the European conquest, the most advanced civilizations of the Western Hemisphere developed in Mesoamerica and the Andes. The term “Mesoamerica” was introduced in the 40s of the 20th century by the German scientist Paul Kirchoff. Since then, in archeology this has been used to designate a geographical region that includes Mexico and most Central America (to the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica). It was this territory that, at the time of its discovery by Europeans, was inhabited by many Indian tribes and presented a colorful picture of the cultures that they represented. According to the correct definition of the Czech Americanist Miloslav Stingl, “these cultures were at different stages of development of tribal society, and the general laws of evolution characteristic of the primitive communal formation manifested themselves here in many local variants and forms.” Scientists include such cultures as the Olmec, Teotihuacan, Mayan, Toltec and Aztec among the most vibrant and developed civilizations of Ancient America (pre-Columbian period).

The study of the art of Ancient America and its history is relatively young. It dates back a little over a hundred years. American studies researchers currently do not have such rich material and achievements as are available today in the field of studying ancient art. They also experience great difficulties due to the fact that to support their conclusions obtained as a result of archaeological excavations and discoveries, they do not have as many written monuments as are, for example, at the disposal of researchers of the Ancient East. The ancient Americans developed writing much later and never reached a high level of development. The written monuments of the peoples of Mesoamerica that have reached us have not yet been sufficiently studied. Therefore, most information concerning political history, social system, mythology, conquests, titles and names of rulers is based only on Indian legends. Many of them were recorded after the Spanish conquest and date back to the first half of the 16th century. It is also important to remember that until this time, ancient American civilizations developed without any influence from European or Asian centers. Until the 16th century, their development proceeded completely independently.

The art of Ancient America, like any other art, has a number of features and characteristic features that are unique to it. In order to comprehend this originality, a dialectical approach is necessary, taking into account the historical conditions under which art and culture developed ancient civilizations Mesoamerica.

Scientists attribute the highest flowering of the culture of the Mayan Indian tribe to the 7th-8th centuries. The Aztec Empire reached the apogee of its development at the beginning of the 16th century. Very often, in the works of archaeological scientists and researchers of ancient cultural civilizations, the Mayan Indian peoples (as older people) are called by analogy “Greeks,” and the Aztecs (as they existed later) are called “Romans” of the New World.

The Mayan cultural traditions had enormous influence in the Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador, as well as in several states of modern Mexico. Geographical boundaries The distribution of this civilization amounted to 325,000 km2 and covered the habitat of several dozen, and possibly hundreds of tribes. In general, the tribes inherited a single culture. However, in many ways it naturally had regional characteristics.

The Mayan civilization stood out primarily for its achievements in construction and architecture. Representatives of this nationality created exquisite and perfect works of painting and sculpture, had unique masters in stone processing and the manufacture of ceramic products. The Mayans had deep knowledge of astronomy and mathematics. Their greatest achievement is their introduction of such a mathematical concept as “zero”. They began to use it hundreds of years earlier than other highly developed civilizations.

The Aztecs appeared in Central Mexico in the second half of the 12th century. No historical data about them has been found before this time. There are only a few legends and traditions from which it is known that they called the island of Aztlan (Aztlan) their homeland. One of the traditional descriptions of the supposed life of ancestors in Aztlan is known, allegedly compiled for the last of the pre-Hispanic rulers of the Aztec state, the famous Montezuma II the Younger, based on ancient manuscripts. According to this source, the ancestral home of Aztlan was located on an island (or was an island) where there was big mountain with caves that served as dwellings. From this word, which denoted the location of the island (Aztlan), came the name of the tribe - Aztecs (more precisely, Aztecs). However, science has not yet established the exact geographical position of this island.

In the earliest stages of their existence, the Aztecs were dominated by a nomadic lifestyle; they were mainly engaged in hunting. This left an imprint on their character. By nature they were very warlike. For almost two centuries, the Az-Tecs waged wars of conquest and at the beginning of the 14th century, having conquered many other tribes living in Central Mexico, they created a powerful empire. Around 1325, the city they founded, Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City), became its capital.

Currently, interest in the study of ancient Indian civilizations has not faded. Architectural monuments, sculpture, jewelry, household items discovered in places where peoples with an original, unique culture lived several thousand years ago, still conceal a lot of unsolved things. Understanding the history of pre-Columbian America, leading archaeologists and modern scientists are trying to find an explanation for many of the most important aspects of the life of ancient human communities.


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