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Located on the territory of the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region (70 km west of the village of Kyshtovki) on the border with the Muromtsevo district of the Omsk region.

According to legend, the lake was formed at the site of a meteorite fall, hence its amazing property - clean water with a high content of silver. The meteorite broke up into five parts - hence the name of the Five Lakes system (this includes Lake Danilovo, Lenevo, Shaitan Lake, Urmannoye, Secret)

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The lake is located within 1 km from the village of Kurganka, Omsk region. The diameter of the lake is one kilometer. The depth of the lake is 10 meters greater than that of the Tara River flowing nearby - 17 meters; water transparency is 5 meters. The banks are flat, overgrown with cattails and reeds near the water, and pine, birch and aspen above. Around Lake Danilovo there are two shafts, one and a half meters high and with a distance between the crests of ten meters. The lake is not like any other body of water in the Novosibirsk region, and rather resembles a mountain one: practically not overgrown with aquatic vegetation, very deep, with clean, transparent water.

Also, according to legend, if you swim in each of the lakes in a certain order, you can be cured of any disease. But the difficulty is that one lake has not yet been found, although it is said that it is in plain sight... hence the name - Hidden Lake.

Danilovo Lake is very popular among those who come to it because it has healing properties. The water is enriched with oxygen, numerous springs gush out from the bottom, and on the shore there is healing clay, which pilgrims use.
Also this lake and the area near it are famous mystical place, because UFOs are observed almost constantly, people have various visions and everything like that. People also believe that if they make a wish here, it will certainly come true. Therefore, another name for Lake Danilov is Lake of Desires.

How to get there:
Coordinates N 56° 25.582", E 75° 50.654"
1. Drive through Vengerovo to Kyshtovka (600 km from Novosibirsk, about 400 km from Omsk), and from there to Malokrasnoyarka (about 50 km from Kyshtovka), then ask, anyone will show you.
2. Through the Omsk region. From Novosibirsk along the Omsk highway through the entire Novosibirsk region to the turn to Kalachinsk. From there the route is as follows: Kalachinsk - Gorkovskoye - Alekseevka - Muromtsevo - Kondratyevo - Kurganka. From Novosibirsk it should be about 870 km. In front of Alekseevka there will be a section of broken-down road, but there is a parallel road across the field (10 km, speed 60-70 km/h without killing the suspension). And between Alekseevka and Muromtsevo there are about 60 km of broken asphalt (speed 40-80 km/h). Otherwise, you can safely drive 120-140 km/h. There is ALPI in Kalachinsk, so you don’t have to bring food with you.

Russia is famous for its water resources, and is no exception: the famous “five lakes” of the Omsk region are located on its territory.

This is a mystical place, according to many, surrounded by many rumors and speculations.

In contact with

Description, geographical location, map

Omsk region occupies less than 1% of the entire territory of Russia, its area exceeds 140 thousand km. One of its attractions is the “Five Lakes” system.

It is located in the Muromtsevo district on the border between the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions and includes five lakes.

The unifying factor is their common origin and all sorts of legends that are associated with them. Some believe that the lakes are also connected by an underground river.

This gave rise to speculation about the “celestial” origin of the reservoirs: some researchers suggest that a large meteorite fell to the ground, the fragments of which “dug” several holes. They, in turn, filled with water during the Ice Age.

Danilovo Lake

It is also called Silver. Perhaps the most famous of the Five Lakes group. Location - Kyshtovsky district, Novosibirsk region. The diameter of the reservoir reaches one km, the depth is 16 m, and transparency reaches 5 m.

The latter greatly distinguishes Danilovo from its neighbors: the water is so clean that it can be compared with mountain water. A transparent reservoir with virtually no vegetation.

Danilovo Lake

The banks of the reservoir are flat, overgrown with reeds and cattails. There were also birch, pine and aspen trees there.

It is important to know: Danilovo Lake is a wonderful holiday destination for a large number of tourists from all over Siberia. Hotels for tourists are located 2 km from it, and the village of Kurganka is located on the very shore.

On the shore you can rent a catamaran and scuba gear, but the entrance to the lake is paid - you won’t be able to get to the shore for free. Near the shores of the reservoir there are deposits of green-blue clay, which has medicinal and cosmetic functions.

Lake Linevo

The lake is located west of Danilov, the Tara River flows near it. Its size is much more modest: it is almost 2 times smaller, but this does not prevent the lake from attracting tourists with the beauty of its landscapes.

The depth reaches 11 meters, transparency – 2.5 meters. Water lilies grow on the surface of the water; on the shore there is a pine forest with mushrooms, berries and many wild inhabitants: ducks, hedgehogs, squirrels. The lake itself contains a large number of fish: pike, perch, roach, carp.

Among vacationers, Linevo Lake is the most popular: there are several tourist centers here, there are places for sports recreation and fishing. For example, the wonderful Kurshavelka recreation center, where you can rent a house, a tent or just a parking lot and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Although this is not a sanatorium, thanks to the healing climate and clean water, we can safely say that the effect of staying in this area will be comparable to treatment in an institution.

Note: since 2014 the reservoir has been natural reserve and is protected by the state.

Should not be confused: in Kurgan region there is a lake with the same name - Linevo, which is famous for its fishing spots and beautiful scenery.

Pike Lake

Petropavlovka and Nadezhdinka villages. Its dimensions are even more modest - 2 times smaller than Lake Lineva, the depth reaches only 6 meters.

Pike Lake

Unlike its larger “brothers”, the reservoir is very quiet, almost deserted, and is best suited for fishing: pike, crucian carp, bream, and roach are found here.

For lovers of the latter, fishing and tourist bases have been built on the shore.

Shaitan Lake

The second name is Urmannoye, which in translation means “Devil’s”. The reservoir is located near the villages of Inciss and Okunevo and is in great demand among tourists, despite some difficulties in reaching it.

It is surrounded by swamps, which is why it looks almost inaccessible. The only access to the water is along the wooden flooring. There are not many fish in the reservoir, but there are quite a lot of mushrooms and berries in the neighboring forests. You can also swim in it, but due to problems with passage, few people decide to do this.

Take note: however, the lake is famous not only for its natural beauty: its water is considered healing, and there are many rumors and legends among the people.

The five lake system is considered anomalous zone, strange things happen here, magnetic and seismic vibrations and other strange things. Most tourists come specifically for the mysteries, and local residents, trying to expand the flow of visitors, happily share stories about ghosts, buried treasures and flying saucers.

hidden lake

The second one is called Krivoe. The place is mysterious, little known. This lake is a quarter of a kilometer from the Tara River, on the left side is the village of Okunevo.

The lake is not distinguished by its external beauty: it is small and located in a heavily overgrown area. However, in its waters there are twice as many fish as in the above-mentioned “neighbors”.

hidden lake

Also sometimes included in the system is Nameless Lake - it is located near the village of Porechye. The water in this lake is saturated with oxygen, as in Danilov.

Interesting fact: Legend also says that the reservoir has no bottom. Some scientists believe that it may be a way out underground tunnel, but no research has been conducted on this topic.

In the Omsk region there is Lake Skokovo in the Kolosovsky district, as well as others: Bakangul, Pestroye, Lebyazhye, where many noble birds of the same name once lived. Or Zhiloye Lake, rich in crucian carp, in the village of Novosoldatka.

Legends and mysteries

There are many legends about the “five lakes” that attract tourists:

    1. The most famous legend– about the origin of reservoirs from a meteorite that split into five parts when it fell. Unfortunately, scientists cannot yet completely refute or prove this legend.
    2. The next legend is connected with the first: the water in Danilov is unusually clear, with a lot of silver. This is where the second name of the reservoir came from - Silver. Legend claims that silver was brought to the site of the reservoir by a meteorite.
    3. It is believed that Danilov’s “silver” water is healing and can cure severe skin diseases such as psoriasis. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet confirmed this fact.
    4. But not only the first lake can boast of healing properties: legend says that a person who plunges into all five lakes in turn will be completely cured of all diseases and will become younger. The researcher of the water system, Rechkin, even connected this legend with the fairy tale “About the Little Humpbacked Horse” by Ershov: his Ivan the Fool also plunged into three cauldrons in turn and became prettier, and the king who rushed after him was scalded.

  1. Popular rumor ascribes not the best fame to Shaitan Lake. They call him filthy, rotten. It is believed that horses do not drink water from it, since it contains dead water - this legend is reflected in fairy tales, where the hero was asked to bring “dead” and “living” water. Swimming in it was also not recommended. Most likely, the ban was due to the swamps and the inability to get close.
  2. “Living” water is found in the first three lakes. Alas, beneficial properties were found only in Danilov, although their strength has not been conclusively confirmed.
  3. IN full list Lakes do not always include the fifth, the Hidden One, which has the shape of a regular circle. It is believed that it does not allow everyone to approach it, but only a select few. Therefore, it was practically impossible to plunge into all five bodies of water to gain strength. It is worth noting that the shape of Crooked Lake looks like an elongated horseshoe.

All the legends today can be easily heard among local residents, but whether to believe them or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Scientific research

Since the beginning of the 21st century, about 9 expeditions of geophysicists and biophysicists have been organized to the “five lakes”, the first one took place in 2003.

In 2008, an expedition from the Siberian University of Physical Culture and Sports took place. She turned her attention to Lake Danilovo and took a sample of water; her tasks also included examining the bottom to prove the fall of a meteorite.

And although both problems have not yet been solved, this gave impetus to the study of reservoirs. Today, those who wish can explore the reservoirs on their own by renting scuba gear. In addition, this made it possible to increase the interest of tourists in Pyatiozerye.

But the “five lakes” are famous not only for their secrets and beautiful legends:

  1. The writer Ershov, the author of “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” lived in the Omsk region and probably heard more than once about dipping into bodies of water.
  2. The so-called Okunevskaya anomaly is well-known and is of great interest: in photographs taken by tourists, extra incomprehensible objects are clearly visible, for example, fireballs, laser beams, tracks of huge footprints similar to those of a bird, coming from nowhere, and much more.
  3. Indian myths say that it was in this place that the great battle between Rama and Evil took place. The victorious hero Hanuman received Siberia as a reward and established a temple near Okunev, inside which the cosmic crystal of Wisdom was kept.
  4. It is believed that the temple mentioned above was located exactly on the site of Shaitan Lake. That is why, at the end of the 20th century, Rajni, a follower of the Indian guru Sri Babaji, unofficially settled nearby. In summer, the Solstice festival takes place here.
  5. During the exploration of Lake Danilov, a depression was discovered, over which hung a “cornice” with old trees. Perhaps its bottom was once the surface of the earth, and then sank down.
  6. Today it is believed that the meteorite could have crashed into the earth at an angle. This is evidenced by the displacement of the earth at the bottom of Lake Danilov;
  7. In 2007, the Municipal State Institution “Five Lakes - Muromtsevo” was created, uniting all tourist centers and youth camps in the region.

Places for rest

The area of ​​“five lakes” is located 200 km from Omsk and 800 km from Novosibirsk, that is, travelers can stay in major cities and get to the place.

It is also worth considering that local residents largely live off tourism. You can stay with them or choose one of the many recreation centers. They can be located right on the shore or several kilometers away, renting out only rooms or entire houses.

On the shores of several lakes, scuba and catamaran rental points are organized for tourists, and there are places for fishing. On the official website you can find detailed information of interest, for example, where to stay.

For interesting data about five lakes in the Omsk region, see the following video:

Danilovo Lake is located on the territory of the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, on the very border with the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region, but is more popular among residents of the Omsk region than the Novosibirsk region.

Danilovo Lake is part of the group of so-called “Five Lakes”, which also includes, according to various sources, Lenevo Lake, Shaitan Lake, Shchuchye or Urmannoye Lake and the most mysterious semi-mythical Hidden Lake.

The diameter of the lake is about a kilometer. This is the largest of the Five Lakes. The depth of the lake is 17 meters, which is 10 meters more than that of the Tara River flowing nearby, and the transparency of the water is 5 meters. The depth of the lake significantly exceeds other lakes in the region. The banks are flat, overgrown with cattails and reeds near the water, and pine, birch and aspen above. Around Lake Danilov there are two shafts, one and a half meters high and with a distance of ten meters between the crests.

There are legends among the people that the lake was formed at the site of a meteorite fall, hence its amazing property - clean water with a high content of silver. There is another version, more like a fairy tale, that an unidentified flying object fell here, and the alloy of an unknown cosmic metal enriched the water with life-giving components for earthly organisms.

The lake was discovered around the 1950s, and since then its fame has been constantly growing. The lake has a firmly established reputation as a healing lake, and is also surrounded by various legends.

The place is truly amazing. The lake is not like any other body of water in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, and rather it resembles a mountain lake: practically not overgrown with aquatic vegetation, very deep, with clean, transparent water.

It is believed that this water successfully treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various skin diseases. The water of Lake Danilov does have a healing effect, but not at all the kind that people attributed to it. A research expedition of Omsk geologists visited the lake and comprehensively studied Danilovo Lake. The water samples taken were examined in the laboratory of a technical university. The range and amount of metals in the water turned out to be quite earthly and ordinary, even the silver content does not exceed normal standards. It is contained in negligible quantities in the lake water. But a huge amount of free oxygen was discovered: the water in the lake is constantly changing thanks to many underground sources rich in oxygen. According to scientists, this explains the healing properties of the lake’s waters. Free oxygen improves metabolic processes in the body and activates its protective mechanisms.

Another result of the study is a clue to the origin of the lake. It's a pity, but a beautiful legend about a meteorite or a UFO, it seems, we will have to part ways: the theory of extraterrestrial origin has not received scientific confirmation. Scientists analyzed a two-meter section of soil from the ramparts on the shore of the lake and compared its composition with the composition of the soil on the shore of Tara. They turned out to be identical. This inclined scientists to believe that the lake most likely owes its origin to the work of underground water. It washes away soft sedimentary rocks, forming voids and failures. At the site of one of these failures, Lake Danilovo was formed.

In the summer, many vacationers come to Danilovo, and the results of human activity are already beginning to affect the cleanliness of the lake. Local fishermen also caused considerable damage to the lake by digging a trench from the river to the lake during the spring flood. They hoped that fish would come into Danilovo, but instead they only released dirty fish into the lake. river water. And although the lake is coping with the negative impact so far, scientists believe that it should be treated more carefully. In theory, the lake should be given the status of a natural monument with limited use. It’s worth it: in addition to the unique natural properties of water, plants listed in the Red Book grow on Danilov - beautiful egg capsules and water lilies.

Danilovo Lake is located in the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, near the border with the Omsk region. It is the most famous and popular among the “Five Lakes” group, which allegedly appeared as a result of a broken meteorite falling to Earth. This version has not yet been scientifically confirmed, but the legend lives on and is passed on from generation to generation. In addition to Danilov (or Danilin) ​​Lake, the “meteorite five” includes reservoirs located in the Omsk region. These are Linevo, Shchuchye, Shaitan and Krivoye (also known as Secret and Nameless).

Dimensions of Danilov Lake:

  • length - 800 meters;
  • width - 700 meters;
  • length coastline— more than 2 kilometers;
  • maximum depth - 17 meters;
  • the average depth is about 10 meters.

The nearest villages - Kurganka and Lnozavod, which are part of the Omsk region, are located a couple of kilometers from the reservoir, the administrative center of the Malokrasnoyarsky village council is 11 km away. The distance to Novosibirsk is about 450 km, to Omsk - 220 km, to the regional center of Kyshtovka - 40 km.

Recreation centers

The Lukomorye base is located on the shore of the reservoir. On its territory there are several wooden houses, for accommodation in which you will have to pay from 1000 rubles per day per room. A tent site will cost 150 rubles for the same period of time. For a fee, vacationers are invited to take a steam bath in a cedar bathhouse, order three meals a day (cooked over an open fire or in a Russian oven) and take part in hiking trips to places of Power and ancient burial mounds. At Lukomorye you can taste homemade kvass, kumiss and tea made from local herbs.

The Danilovo Lake recreation center is more like a guest house, which is a one-story building with four rooms and a kitchen. The toilet and shower are located on the street, the nearest store is a kilometer from the reservoir, in the village of Kurganka. On the territory there is a sports ground, a bathhouse, and a rental point.

Relaxation on the pond

Mostly residents of the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions come to Danilovo Lake. On the shore there is a small equipped recreation area, as well as a place for setting up tents. Vacationers are offered to use the rental services of catamarans, boats, scuba gear, etc.

Visiting the equipped recreation area is paid.

Locals say that swimming in Lake Danilov helps to quickly heal wounds and abrasions. After acceptance water procedures psoriasis spots are significantly reduced in size, and the rash disappears. Water is taken internally for gastrointestinal diseases; it protects teeth from caries, and the throat from sore throat. In addition, vacationers actively use the deposit of green-blue clay, smearing themselves from head to toe. In this way they get rid of skin problems, as well as joint and spinal pain.

The reservoir warms up by July, but vacationers begin to come here earlier. The transparency of the water allows for scuba diving, and fishing is very popular in these areas. Several fonts are being prepared for Epiphany, which, according to tradition, are consecrated by the priest of the Kyshtovsky temple.

Almost all vacationers take with them bottles of “living” water, which can be stored for years without losing its natural properties, and small bags of dry clay for further use in cosmetic masks.

Features of Danilov Lake

The reservoir has an oval shape, elongated from southwest to northeast. It is considered the deepest in comparison with the nearby small lakes of the Novosibirsk region and differs from them in being more transparent, clean water. Compared to its “meteorite” counterparts, Danilovo Lake looks more impressive and is considered more popular.

The gentle banks are surrounded by mixed forests, where mushrooms and berries grow in summer and autumn. Reed and cattail thickets are found almost everywhere near the water. In the high part of the lake there are two one and a half meter ridges resembling folds earth's crust. The distance between the ridges is about ten meters.

When planning a trip to a reservoir, you should check weather forecasts in advance.

Legends and reality

The inexplicable healing phenomenon and unique energy of Lake Danilov are associated with the “cosmic” origin of its basin. Locals Lake water is called “living” due to the supposedly high concentration of silver particles in it, as well as its saturation with oxygen. There have been attempts to scientifically prove the cause of the healing effect more than once.

During environmental expeditions, various studies were carried out under the guidance of scientists, doctors and professors:

  • geomorphological;
  • geobotanical;
  • environmental;
  • hydrological, etc.

The collected samples were sent to in-depth study in the laboratories of Omsk and Novosibirsk. The results showed that silver is present in water in small quantities, almost at the level of the usual norm, but there is really a lot of “free” oxygen here. It is he who actively participates in healing processes - strengthens the immune system, facilitates breathing, improves metabolism, calms the nervous system, and stimulates the functioning of defense mechanisms. The high content of the oxygen component is explained by the large number of springs feeding the lake.

Expeditions were also organized to study the underwater part of the lake basin, in which professional divers participated. During repeated dives, it was found that the flat muddy bottom of Lake Danilov does have a certain feature, which can be quite associated with the fall of a meteorite fragment in this place. The fact is that the greatest depth of the reservoir is shifted to the shore, next to which two parallel natural shafts are formed. This fact suggested that the space object crashed into the Earth at an angle with enormous force. However, no large objects in any way associated with the meteorite were found.

Laboratory analyzes revealed the high alkalinity of the lake water and the absence of a standard set of minerals in it. It was found that such a combination, including the oxygen saturation of water and the pine aromas floating in the surrounding atmosphere, has a beneficial effect on the human body. To a certain extent this explains medicinal properties Danilov Lake. The legend about silver and the influence of space remains at the level of myths and legends.

Versions of the origin of Lake Danilov

The following facts speak in favor of the meteorite formation of the reservoir:

  • correct shape in plan - the shores are smooth, not indented by bays, bays or capes;
  • significant depth and flat bottom;
  • the purest water - transparency up to five meters;
  • the presence of two parallel curved shafts of unexplained origin.

As for the presence of small amounts of silver particles in the water... In fact, no research can reliably determine what their concentration was in the lake even a couple of centuries ago, not to mention the moment the reservoir appeared. It’s not for nothing that people call it Silver. Perhaps this metal was awarded to Danilovo Lake by a fallen meteorite.

A similar version mentions an unidentified flying object (UFO) instead of a cosmic body. It certainly broke when it fell. And an alloy of metal unknown to earthlings contributed to the enrichment of lake water with useful and life-giving components for the human body.

Third, official version based on the findings of scientific expeditions. It states that Lake Danilovo is of entirely terrestrial origin. Its formation is associated with the washing out of soft sedimentary rocks by groundwater and the appearance of a hole, which immediately filled with water.

How to get to Danilov Lake

Public transport does not approach the reservoir, so you can only get to the lake by car. Considering the presence of only dirt roads in the area, it is not worth taking risks driving to Danilov Lake in a sedan. The best option will become an SUV.

From the eastern side you first need to get to the village of Malokrasnoyarka, and from the western side - to the village of Muromtsevo. Next, it is recommended to use a GPS navigator.

Lake Danilovo: underwater, video

On hot summer days, residents of the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions come to relax on Lake Danilovo. Here you can not just enjoy nature, but gain positive energy, as noted by many tourists who have visited this reservoir. But why is Danilovo Lake (Omsk) so popular among vacationers, and how do locals respond to it?

Description of the lake

In the Omsk region, this body of water is the most famous and is part of the “Five Lakes” group. It is located in the Kyshtovsky district (Novosibirsk region), bordering the Muromtsevo region).

The diameter of the lake reaches one kilometer, and its maximum depth is 17 m, which is 10 m more than the Tara River, which flows nearby. It is easy to conclude that this body of water is the deepest in this region.

Danilovo Lake (Omsk Region) has comfortable, gently sloping shores, many of which are overgrown with reeds and cattails. The picturesque landscape is created by aspen, birch and pine trees growing nearby. The coastal area is also distinguished by two low shafts, rising one and a half meters. They were located 10 m from each other.

Many people like to visit here, since Danilovo Lake (Omsk region) is more like a mountain reservoir. It is much deeper than the others, and also clear, its transparency is up to 5 meters. There is also very little underwater vegetation. It is these characteristics that distinguish it from neighboring lakes in the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions.

Legends of the Lake

Since Danilovo stands out from other bodies of water, there are legends about it. Healing properties are attributed to him; they say that his waters can give an extraordinary surge of strength. According to legend, it is believed that a meteorite fell in this area and split into five parts, forming five pits. Over time, they filled with water and entered the system now known as the Five Lakes. It is believed that thanks to the meteorite, the waters contain a large amount of silver, which is why it is so clean here. Local residents are confident that this reservoir is healing, and use it to treat various diseases. But according to scientific research, this theory has no evidence yet.

Holidays on the lake

Although the miraculous properties of the reservoir have not been proven, many people choose Lake Danilovo (Omsk region) for recreation every summer. The photo shows how wonderful the area is to take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle. Everyone who comes here can not only sunbathe in the sun and swim, but also take a pleasant walk among the mesmerizing trees and breathe in the cleanest air.

Residents of the region often come here on one of the weekends. In the evening, vacationers return home. You can come here with a tent, but you must not forget that in summer time There are a lot of mosquitoes and gadflies here. Therefore, most vacationers prefer to stay in a guest house equipped nearby. There is also a recreation area on the shore of the lake, where you can rent scuba gear, catamarans, and boats.

Recreation centers

As already mentioned, Danilovo Lake (Omsk region) “sheltered” a guest house near its shores. The residential building can accommodate 20 people. You can stay here during the warm season - from May until September. No meals provided.

There is a grocery store a kilometer from the base. The territory is equipped for complete relaxation. There are gazebos, barbecues, and barbecues. There are also volleyball and paintball courts. Table tennis is available. You need to walk two kilometers from the recreation center to the beach. If you wish, you can take a walk to the neighboring lakes.

It is worth noting that there are several similar recreation centers and mini-hotels near the lake. Some of them have their own baths. If you prefer to relax with tents, but you don’t have your own, you can rent one at the rental point for as many places as you need.

Not far from the recreation centers there are cozy cafes that offer lunch.

Fishing on the lake

Fishing enthusiasts will also be able to cast their fishing rods and enjoy their favorite pastime. The reservoir is home to pike, as well as tench and perch.

Human intervention

Since the lake gradually began to shallow, in 2002 the authorities decided to make a canal from the Tara River. The purpose of this step was to enrich the lake with fish and water. Unfortunately, this action led to the fact that the reservoir began to gradually become clogged. But it is worth noting that the surrounding area, as a rule, is clean, since events related to nature conservation are regularly organized here.

Lake Danilovo (Omsk region): reviews from vacationers

Over the years, thousands of vacationers have visited this famous body of water. Everyone had their own opinion. According to some vacationers, the most beautiful place is Lake Danilovo (Omsk region). 2014 was no exception, although many noted that on certain days there were a lot of mosquitoes. There are healing muds nearby, but this is where there are the most annoying insects.

Some vacationers stop in the village of Kurganka. The residents here are friendly. In the morning you can get up and walk through the forest, which will lead to Lake Danilovo (Omsk region). Reviews also say that the water is truly healing and can relieve skin and other diseases. But there are vacationers who dispute the miraculous effects of the local water. That's why The best way- is to go here yourself and form your own opinion.

But in recent years there have been a lot of tourists here, which makes the shores of the lake too noisy, trampled and sometimes dirty. But since entrance to the shore is paid, beach staff try to monitor the cleanliness.


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