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Poland is one of the countries with rich history, it has always attracted a large number of ancient monuments and picturesque landscapes. Today you will learn about the sights of Poland, what this country can be remembered for. It is better to plan your trip in advance. This is especially true of what to see in Poland.

What to see first in Poland?

This is a country with hospitable and friendly people, which makes you want to visit it even more. Let's move on to the main thing: what is so beautiful that you can see in a state located in the central part of the European continent?

1. Old Town of Warsaw

Architecture of the Old Town of Warsaw

You should start your trip around the country by getting to know the historical district of its official capital. It is represented by a market square with a large number of shops, cafes and restaurants for every taste and color. A positive feature of this landmark of Poland is the richness of the area with monuments of medieval architecture. It is interesting to know what is based Old city was back in the 13th century, initially it was surrounded by an earthen rampart, later it was replaced by brick walls. Don't forget to take your camera to take lots of beautiful photos.

2. Marienburg Castle

Marienburg Castle - residence of the Teutonic Order crusaders

The main attractions of the country include the “nest” of German knights. The brick bulk of this castle rises on the banks of the Nogat River, which flows 80 km from the border with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Its history began 700 years ago, when the residence of the Teutons was officially moved from Venice to Marienburg. The fortress was repeatedly completed and decorated. In 1945, the castle suffered great destruction, but after the end of World War II it was literally rebuilt. Nowadays there is a museum within the walls of the building; interesting collections of weapons, amber jewelry, and armor are displayed there.

3. Tatras

Mountain slopes of the Tatras

This is the name of the Carpathian mountain system, the highest point of which reaches 2499 m. This place attracts tourists not only with altitudes ranging from 1800-2500 m, but also with glacial circuses, mountain lakes in large numbers, and deep valleys. The rating of this attraction of Poland is rated as high, all because there is still ski resort, known as Zakopane. You can get here from the capital by train. The Tatras are also famous for their caves, of which there are really a lot.

4. Krakow Old Town

Shopping building "Cloth Hall" in the Old Town of Krakow

If you are planning to go specifically to Krakow, it is better to start exploring it from the Old Town, all roads from which lead to the market square. It is a “ceremonial living room”, where both local residents and guests of the country are accustomed to gather. Krakow residents are proud of their square, because it is considered one of the largest in Europe, occupies 200 * 200 m. A trip to the Old Town is worth it because the market ensemble has preserved in detail the layout of the times when trade was carried out with all of Europe.

5. Wawel Castle

Wawel Castle – royal castle on Wawel Hill

This is one of the best attractions in Krakow, represented by a large pedestrian area. A strange sculpture in the form of a dragon immediately attracts attention. Tourists love to take pictures against its background; there is a whole legend associated with it. The castle rises above the Vistula River and stands on a hill. The territory attracts with an abundance of flowers; processions are held here in honor of the celebration of May 1 and more. Entrance to the castle territory is free, but if you want to visit the underground tombs, climb the bell tower or find yourself in the royal chambers, you will need to pay money.

6. Wooden churches in the south of Lesser Poland

Wooden church in Dybno Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Po

Interesting places are located in the south and east of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, where there is a whole group of historically valuable churches made of natural wood from an architectural point of view. Most of them have the appearance of a log house, and some represent various architectural styles. The buildings fit perfectly into the picturesque mountain landscape. From the description of this landmark of Poland you can find out that it is included in the UNESCO list.

Feel the atmosphere of Poland in this beautiful video!

7. Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum in Auschwitz

State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau in Auschwitz

Everyone knows that in one of the Polish cities during the Second World War there were three Nazi concentration camps. There is a museum in Auschwitz dedicated to this topic. It reminds us that hundreds of thousands of people died here at one time. 90% of them were Jews brought from various countries of occupied Europe. During the existence of the concentration camp, more than a million people were killed. When you enter this museum, it is impossible to remain indifferent. This Polish landmark has displays of items that were taken from victims by the Nazis.

8. Old Town in Gdansk

Embankment of the Moltava River in the Old Town of Gdansk

What to visit in Poland? The oldest part of the settlement of Gdansk deserves attention. During the Second World War, a huge number of buildings were damaged, and some completely turned into a pile of rubble. Very few buildings were saved. At the end of hostilities, the architecture was restored in accordance with the appearance of the 13-17 centuries. Where to go first in Poland? Of course, to the old city. It is decorated with many colorful buildings, some of them are decorated with drawings carved on wood and sculptural decorations. The view of the ancient center of Europe always leaves a vivid impression.

9. Masurian Lake District

Panorama of the Masurian Lake District

This d The sights of Poland are among the most beautiful; tourists are delighted with the beauty of the local nature. Masuria is a historical and ethnographic region in the northern part of the country. There are about 4 thousand lakes in this region, most of which are connected by canals and rivers. The total area of ​​Mazury is about 1700 km 2 . Here you can go sailing and kayaking.

10. Statue of Christ the King

Impressive statue of Christ the King

This landmark of Poland is one of the modern ones; its opening took place in 2010. The unique feature of the statue is that it is the tallest in the world (36 m). Before its appearance, it was considered as such famous statue in Rio. If you drive along the highway towards Świebodzin, the figure of Christ with outstretched arms is clearly visible. The idea of ​​building the monument belongs to Canon Sylvester Zavadsky. They consider it their duty to show the statue of Christ to tourists.

Sights of Poland: what else to visit in Poland?

A trip to the country described will definitely be interesting. It contains simply a huge number of historically significant places that deserve attention. What to see in Poland when it seems like you’ve already seen everything?

11. Wieliczka Salt Mine

Central altar of the chapel of St. Kinga in the Wieliczka Salt Mine

30 minutes drive from the capital royal city Krakow is another landmark of Poland. We are talking about a small town with a population of only 20 thousand people. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of salt mines. They were formed naturally; many years ago there was a large expanse of water there. in this direction are held regularly; tourists are shown places where salt was once mined.

12. Słowinski National Park

Landscape by Slowinski national park

Thinking about what to visit in Poland? Head to the city of Leba, where there is an interesting place in the form of a park area in the central part of the Polish coast. It was founded with the aim of preserving the natural beauty of the area. Meadows, lake systems, coastal forests, and unique dunes also needed protection. Reviews about this place are full of admiration; the park has picturesque lakes into which sea water flows during strong storms. The tourism infrastructure here is assessed as well developed.

13. Wilanów Palace

The majestic royal Wilanów Palace

Want to see Poland's most important landmark? Welcome to the palace, located on the southeastern outskirts of Warsaw. It is made in the Baroque style, and adjacent to it is a garden, which the Poles are proud of. The residence for the rulers was built at the end of the seventeenth century, and during its existence it was completed several times. It was within the walls of the palace that one of the first art museums in the country was opened, this happened in 1805, and on the initiative of S.K. Pototsky.

14. Wroclaw Cathedral

Catholic view Cathedral John the Baptist

Go ahead. What to see in Poland so as not to regret it? A beautiful and majestic building in the Gothic style, with neo-Gothic elements, deserves attention. This is already the fourth church on Cathedral Island; the first was built in the 10th century. Its feature was a nave 25 m long. The modern version of Wroclaw Cathedral has the appearance of a three-nave basilica with several entrances. This place is one of those that can be seen in Poland in 1 day. The cathedral is located in the central part of Wroclaw, namely between the botanical garden and the river.

15. Zakopane

The town of Zakopane among the snow-capped Tatras

The city, located in the far south of the country, has many positive recommendations. Here it is considered one of the largest centers winter species sports Ski lovers are offered both simple, gentle slopes and difficult, steep ones. In some places the elevation changes reach 930 m. What to see in Poland, you ask? Head to Zakopane, where 10 ski centers await you.

16. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Fauna of Belovezhsky National Park

This is the largest corner of the relict primeval lowland forest. It once grew throughout Europe, but gradually it was cut down. The trees survived only in the Belovezhsky region, which is in Poland and Belarus. The Pushcha is considered one of the most valuable natural sites, which is under the “protection” of UNESCO. A special feature of the national park is the richness and diversity of vegetation. Numerous animals live there, most of which are listed in the Red Book.

17. Lazienki Park

Palace on the water in the Royal Lazienki Park

In the very heart of the Polish capital there is a unique and very beautiful park area. The park was created back in the 17th century; it was originally planned that it would be nature reserve. There are not many animals here; squirrels and peacocks attract attention. The park's attractions include the Palace on the Water, the White House, the Roman Theater, the Egyptian Castle and more. They all have their own interesting story.

18. Old part of Zamość

Fort in the Old Town of Zamoska

The settlement itself appeared according to the idea and desire of one person, who was the crown chancellor. His name was Jan Zamoyski, he wanted to have his own residence, which would be worthy of his high position. It turned out to be one of a kind architectural ensemble, which includes a large number of masterpieces with historical and cultural significance. By the way, there are no problems with hotels in Poland, no matter what direction you choose, there are apartments everywhere, the main thing is to make sure you book in advance.

19. Churches of the world

Facade of the Church of Peace of the Holy Trinity in Świdnica

What interesting and unusual things to see in Poland? In some cities of the country there are wooden sacred buildings, which are considered the largest in Europe. Just over 15 years ago they were included in the UNESCO list. There is a Church of Peace in Jawor, Świdnica, and Głogów. Each has its own interesting story. They not only hold services, but also organize excursions.

20. Architectural and park complex of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

The monastery complex of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a center of pilgrimage in Poland

In this city there is an interesting religious complex, which looks like a structure made in the spirit of mannerism. The surrounding area has a park and several gardens. The multifunctional complex was erected in the 17th century, namely during the period of the Catholic church-political movement in Europe, when numerous religious buildings were “created” in memory of Golgotha.

21. Muskau Park

New Palace in Muskau Park

The uniqueness of this attraction lies in the fact that it is located on the territory of several countries. It was founded in 1815, the order was issued by the Prussian aristocrat Prince Hermann. He always wanted to have a personal garden that looked like a natural landscape. Having put in a lot of effort, he managed to make his dream come true, and he enjoys the results. modern people. In order to hide the artificial origin of the large garden, a variety of trees, shrubs, flowers and more were used.

22. Książ Castle

Beautiful and monumental Książ Castle

What to see in Poland? If you have the opportunity, do not ignore the beautiful and one of the largest castles in Europe; for the Poles this place is very significant. Its peculiarity is that it is surrounded by a beech forest, in which there are entire thickets of rhododendrons. The building is located near Walbrzych, namely on a rocky cape, surrounded by a natural gorge. In order to return the castle to its former splendor, it is currently being systematically restored and renovated inside.

23. Bieszczady National Park

The expanses of the Bieszczady National Park

In terms of its size, it ranks third in the ranking of national park areas. There are 23 of them in the country. It is Bieszczady that is located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, namely in the south-eastern side. Today, the area of ​​the park area is 292 km 2, it includes the most high points massif called Bieszczady. 80% of the entire park is represented by forests, where there are a huge number of plants, mosses, mushrooms, and lichens. There are also many animals and interesting bird species here, it is not surprising that the place is very popular among tourists.

24. Moshni Castle

Moshnensky Castle - a delightful building of the 17th century

This is not an ordinary palace, because it resembles a theater set. Just think, the structure includes 99 towers. The view evokes admiration not only among children, but also among adults. It is interesting to know that the beautiful castle never served a defensive function during its entire existence. This is the reason for the lack of interest in him from foreign conquerors, which allowed him to remain unharmed. Moshni Castle is a real “cocktail” of styles. Its facade is made in Baroque style, the wing on the east side is in neo-Gothic style, the western part corresponds to the classical neo-Renaissance style.

25. Jasna Gora

Catholic monastery Jasna Gora in Częstochowa Aneta Lazurek

We are talking about the main shrine of Poland. The monastery houses the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, who is also the patroness of the country. This place is one of the popular pilgrimage sites; there are many myths and facts about it. What to see in Poland, namely in the territory of Jasna Gora? Attention should be paid to the towering powerful bastions, main temple and a chapel. Of particular interest is the Knight's Hall, where receptions of honored guests were once organized. The complex of buildings also includes sacristies, libraries with ancient printed publications and more.

26. Old Town in Torun

Medieval Old Town in Torun

It is worth noting that this Polish landmark is included in the List of National Heritage. The ancient part of the city is special because it contains unique monuments architecture. It is separated by a moat and a river, no exception are the city walls, which are only partially preserved. At one time, the Old Town was expanded, now in its central part there is the Old Town Square, the northwestern part is represented by the territory of the former monastery, and in the southwest there is a wedding church. During the Swedish siege, the described part of the city suffered greatly, then a large number of buildings were burned and destroyed. Only after 1945 did extensive restoration work begin. Today, the Old Town is deservedly considered the pearl of Toruń.

27. Old Powązki

Old Powązki – famous necropolis of Warsaw Krzysztof Belczyński

This is a cemetery where famous figures of Polish history and culture are buried. A considerable part of it is reserved for the graves of military personnel and victims of wars of the 19th-20th centuries. The attraction is located in Warsaw; it is interesting because some of the tombstones are real works of art. It is especially beautiful here on the night of All Saints' Day. On October 31, a large number of people come to the cemetery to honor the memory of the fallen, for which they light a huge number of candles on the graves.

28. Mountain of Crosses Grabarka

Wooden crosses of pilgrims on the Holy Mountain of Grabarka

Place with interesting name He is considered a saint; pilgrims come from all over the world to worship him. On major church holidays, a religious procession is held. This is the name for events when a large number of believers walk. Sometimes the distance from the settlement to the mountain reaches 100 km, all this time people carry heavy wooden crosses. This custom has been going on for 200 years. The mountain got its name due to the fact that on its top in the forest each pilgrim leaves his cross, of which a large number had already gathered there.

As you can see, there are really a lot of attractions in the territory of the country described, which is why tours to this destination are very popular. Experienced travelers recommend planning your trip in advance so as not to lose sight of all the most interesting and significant things. The most popular cities among tourists are Gdansk, Krakow, the capital. What is interesting about them was mentioned at the beginning. Whatever direction you choose, everywhere you will be impressed by the unforgettable atmosphere.

Also read about the best and get inspired for your next trip to Europe!

This year I visited for the first time Poland– I spent five days in the country, but that wasn’t enough for me. When planning my trip, I consulted with local residents. When asked what view in Poland, they called me main cities countries: Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Poznan, Wroclaw. And, according to friends living in Poland, all these settlements with very different characters.

What to see in Poland

Choice directions depends on your expectations - the only true answer No. I wanted to feel the old spirit Polish cities, so Krakow was the priority. A couple of tips optionally:

  • needed antique atmosphere? Visit Wroclaw or Krakow;
  • modern the rhythm can be caught in Warsaw, Katowice or Krakow;
  • behind comfort– to Rzeszow or Przemysl.

A must visit Krakow. I liked him old atmosphere y. The Old Town (historic center) with one of the largest European market squares, Wawel Castle, Barbican– all this is worth appreciating. You can look at the city from the height of the Town Hall, but be careful - the steps here are very steep! The clatter of horses on the paving stones also adds to the atmosphere - here you can take a ride in a carriage. And for “dessert” - "Michalik's Pit", one of the oldest and most famous local restaurants.

Journey Krakow is worth uniting with a visit to the surrounding area. You can go to Zakopane to be enchanted by the mountain scenery. Nearby Auschwitz– if you are not too impressionable and you are interested in history, it’s worth visiting. There is a train and, of course, buses running here from Krakow. Another place - Wieliczka. This is an unusual salt mine, a whole underground city.

Wroclaw I liked it because I really like to walk by the water. There are countless bridges, you can take a boat ride and walk around the islands. The center is also interesting - the houses look like gingerbread houses. Tourists come here to count " gnomes" - This the symbol of the city, their figures are found at every step. I found, for example, a gnome journalist and a gnome programmer. And in Wroclaw there is Japanese garden, a huge zoo with a tunnel in the aquarium and multimedia fountain .

What else will surprise Poland?

If you appreciate cosiness, look into Rzeszow. The city is small but charming. There is also an ancient square with a well, churches, and a town hall. I looked with interest at the local lock(though you can’t get inside – there’s a trial there now). A similar atmosphere can be detected in Przemysl.

I also recommend visiting Gdańsk. This northern city, therefore the character here is appropriate - there is almost no heat. Well, if you are looking for something to see in Poland in a modern style, you are in Warsaw. The city was rebuilt after the war, so there are almost no ancient attractions here. But there are many exciting events – you can visit one of them.

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Friends, you often ask, so we remind you! 😉

Flights- you can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Did you know that half of all Polish land is devoted to agriculture? 30% of the country's territory is covered with dense forests, and also in Poland about 10 thousand lakes with pure water . After learning about this, my husband and I are big fans of wildlife We decided that we urgently needed to go on a trip to Poland.

View the natural resources of Poland

It is difficult to convey in words all the beauty of Polish nature; you have to see it with your own eyes. I will share information about the most unusual places we visited, perhaps it will help you create your own unique route.

Seeing in Tatras(this, by the way, highest mountain range Carpathians)Mountain Lake, I couldn’t believe my eyes: I thought that such unreal beauty could only be in photoshopped pictures. But the most real lake has the name sea ​​eye and is located in the Fish Stream Valley.

Once on the territory Słowinski National Park, I just forgot that I was in Poland. It's all about moving sand dunes, which surround on all sides, leaving only a narrow path for passage to the coast of the Baltic Sea.

Travel around Elbląg Canal impressed me to the core: I had never seen such a thing before ships glided on land. The point is that the channel is located VIlavsky Lake District, and in order to overcome the land divide they came up with such an interesting way. Outwardly, it resembles a funicular only with boats.

If the Ilava Lake District became famous thanks to an unusual canal, then Masurian Lake District famous for its beauty. It is surprising that in this region not only nature in its original form, But and a huge number of ancient buildings.

Another noteworthy lake - Solina which is actually huge reservoir and was formed as a result of the construction of a dam. But that doesn’t make it look any less picturesque! By the way, it's best the lake is visible above, from the heights of the Bieszczady Mountains.

And finally, our childhood dream came true: a journey through the mysterious Polish castles. Landscape Park Eagle's Nests is a path that stretches along 160 km from Czestochowa to Krakow, uniting ancient royal and knightly castles. It must be said that from most of them only ruins remain.

Ancient Polish cities

Of course, while traveling around Poland, we periodically visited cities: otherwise we would have gone completely wild in the pristine Polish nature. What can I say about them? All of them are quiet, cozy and beautiful without unnecessary noise and fuss. But I will name three towns that are imprinted in my heart:

  • Torun- an absolute favorite! Not at all because of the gingerbread cookies, which are incredibly delicious, but because it one of oldest cities Poland. It seems that the doorknob is ready to tell you some secret. But what can we say if The entire city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  • Bydgoszcz- Polish city ​​on the water: Such cities are always charming. It doesn’t have any outstanding attractions: it’s just nice to walk around it, feeling like the hero of a fairy tale.
  • Malbork Castle Town- Another one fairytale city in Poland. Agree, it’s not every day that you get the opportunity to be inside a huge 13th century castle(by the way, the castle itself is called Marienburg).

You know, traveling around Poland, I was once again convinced of how little we know about the world around us, and how much new things can be discovered during one trip.

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Wroclaw - the first thing to see in Poland

Many people, when going to Poland, plan to visit Warsaw or Gdansk, or go on a tour of the country’s natural attractions. This is all really worthy of attention, I have no doubt. But I advise you to first go to Wroclaw, and then go to other Polish cities and attractions. Why? I can bring whole 8 reasons to go to Wroclaw.

Ancient castles are the heritage of Poland

If you do go to Wroclaw, you should also not miss the opportunity to visit numerous ancient castles which are located near this city. The easiest way to get to them is by car, but you can also public transport. Lower Silesia (the region that surrounds Wroclaw) has the largest number of perfectly preserved castles. Especially worth seeing:

  • Ksionj Castle(Prince) in Valbrich;
  • castle on the rock(castle hotel open for excursions) in Trebesovice;
  • castle in Klitschkov(castle hotel open for excursions);
  • castle in Grodzc;
  • Czocha Castle in Lusatia.

There are so many interesting castles in this region that it is simply impossible to list them all. The number of such structures in Lower Silesia can be easily assessed by looking at the map presented above.

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The morning following an anniversary is not always good. And not because someone has the Buchenwald alarm bell in their head. But because when you celebrate it at home, in the morning your nest resembles the Battle of Kulikovo, where it is not clear what is where and where it comes from. And you stand there, all jubilee, sober, angry, disgusting, looking for someone to yell at - but there is no one. Everyone is aware, so they escaped until the critical moment. This is roughly how the morning following my DyRy began, but I couldn’t even imagine that the continuation would be simply fantastic. My husband burst into the house, grabbed me in his arms and announced - we are on vacation - week in Poland.

You can see mines in Poland

At first my husband took me to Kovar adits. Such a bastard, if he had known that they were uranium, who knows, he would have dragged me there. These were adits from the heyday of the socialist bloc, and AndIt was this ore that served as fuel for the first atomic bomb of the USSR. Once upon a time there was even a health (!) complex for treating the respiratory tract. Today the adits are flooded, and during the excursion there are abnormal onlookers dive into adits to see a model of an atomic bomb. But what else they see there - yes, yes, it was worth such a risk - amazing world uranium glass. Oh yes, this exhibition was amazing. here we saw the largest collection of “Royal Glass” in Poland. It was even somehow uneasy when the guide began to illuminate the glass with a UV flashlight. The exhibits began to glow with a bright acidic green light. Terrifyingly beautiful.

In Poland you can “walk” through the mines

When we surfaced and drove away from this place, I sighed joyfully - but in vain. The second adventure the kokhany arranged for me was also extreme and also underground - a two-kilometer "trip" on a boat in the old silver mine "Black Trout". To be fair, it’s really very beautiful and interesting there.

Our guide-guide was a good conversationalist - he told us different tales, we just flapped our ears and opened our eyes in different directions, periodically covering our heads from diving bats or looking for “black” trout in the dark water.

But this was not the last surprise from my beloved:

  • we walked along the Polish “Sahara” in Bledow;
  • visited the saltworks in Wieliczki;
  • We were at the Oil and Gas Museum named after. Ignacy;
  • We checked our watches at the Clock Museum. Prshipkowski.

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What to visit in Poland

The first Polish city I visited was. Before rushing to the historical center of this city, I advise you to visit it suburb. Here is one of the Catholic pilgrimage centers - Łagiewniki. Sanctuary of Divine Mercy attracts pilgrims from all over the world. Here are relics of Holy Sister Faustina Kowalska. The tour will take no more than an hour. And then you can go to. What is worth visiting here:

  • Jagiellonian University;
  • Krakow Barbican;
  • Dominican Church;
  • Church of the Holy Apostles and Paul.
  • Church of St. Andrew;
  • St. Mary's Church.

All these attractions can be found in the historical center of the city. And if you go a little further to the Vistula River, you can go to Wawel Castle. This castle complex is a must see.

Weekend in Warsaw

Leave and follow me to Warsaw. The capital of Poland surprised me with its calm and unexpected silence on Sunday morning. First of all, I recommend visiting Market Square and Royal Castle. On the way you can stop by Palace of Culture and Science and climb up observation deck. A few steps from the palace there is an amazing Saxon garden. And if you still have the strength, you can go to Warsaw Library. It is located 10 minutes walk from the city center. There is a unique garden on its roof - a great place for a picnic.

The next day in Warsaw can be spent Lazienki Park. This park covers 76 hectares. Here is a monument to Frederic Chopin, near which free piano concerts often take place. In the park you can visit:

See the sights of Poland

I recommend starting your acquaintance with Poland not with Warsaw, the official capital, but with Krakow, the unofficial cultural and educational capital of Poland. I would compare Polish with Ukrainian Lviv and Russian St. Petersburg. There is something elusively similar in the spirit, in the atmosphere, in the very breath of these cities.

Which interesting places There is in Krakow:

  • Main Market- the square where the Town Hall Tower, the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Church of St. Wojciech stand;
  • Market "Cloth Row"- a treasure trove of souvenirs for tourists;
  • St. Mary's Church;
  • Royal Castle and Wawel Castle;
  • Schindler's factory the same one about whom the film “Schindler’s List” was shot;
  • Jewish quarter Kazimierz;
  • salt mines;
  • Czartoryski Museum;
  • Kosciuszko Mound;
  • Park "Krakowskie Plyany".

Walking Krakow

Besides all sorts of interesting historical places, in Krakow, I personally, even being alone, felt how the spirit of the city accompanies me, guides my feet on my aimless walks and leads me to its most incredible secret places. It was he who led and showed me the unusual one. And every time it all started the same way - with the sound of a trumpet playing every hour from the tower of the Church of St. Mary.

Where the spirit of the city took me:

  • restaurant "Balaton" made in the spirit of the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and where the food is breathtakingly delicious;
  • Krakow University– it seems like an ordinary college town, but Polish students are quieter and calmer. Our guys can be immediately recognized by their noise;
  • Tvardovsky rocks– the view of the city from there is simply incredible, and these rocks are located within the boundaries of Krakow;
  • "Night of Museums"– I came to this event by chance and was glad. A couple of nights a year, about fifty Krakow museums offer night tours, i.e. after 24-00. The lighting is dim – the feeling is semi-creepy. But very impressive.

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Choosing for yourself good tour to Poland, every traveler, to one degree or another, focuses on the most beautiful cities. Of course, if possible, he wants to visit all popular centers in one trip and explore their sights to the maximum.

In order for you to select such a tour as easily as possible, let’s look at the most interesting centers in this country from a tourist point of view, so that you know where to get tickets.

Cities of Poland - excerpts for each

All tourists who managed to visit this amazing country, naming their most impressive cities, they agree on the following:

  • Warsaw- the capital of Poland, a city that combines ancient examples of architecture, as well as modern high-rise buildings. Despite the fact that Warsaw now plays the role of the main administrative center, it manages to maintain its flavor. This city has a lot of attractions, which is why it is often the first place that visitors are advised to visit. It is no coincidence that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Krakow– the second center in terms of administrative workload, but not in importance. This is an old city, there are a lot of interesting objects here, from Rynok Square to small churches. Unlike Warsaw, this former capital Poland was practically not damaged during the war, so the city managed to preserve its original architecture in full.
  • Torun- another wonderful Polish city that managed to survive the Second World War without losses. All the architecture and unusual Polish flavor have also been preserved here. Now it is rightfully considered the center of Europe, of course, cultural. If you choose what exactly to focus on here, you should still pay attention to the old part. Although new cozy areas here are quite capable of charming tourists.
  • Katowice– this city is quite young, about two centuries old. However, today it is one of the most cozy Polish places. There is quite interesting original architecture and original sights. It is worth choosing it mainly for those tourists who are already tired of the pomp of Warsaw and Krakow.
  • Gniezno. This city is the first capital of Poland. The most interesting thing that has been preserved here is Rynok Square (in almost all cities of this country it is a special attraction), as well as several churches.
  • Bydgoszcz– a completely unusual city for Poland. Most of all, it resembles Venice. The main attraction here is the Bydgoszcz Canal.
  • Wroclaw– another ancient city, in which famous old cathedrals are concentrated. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.
  • Poznan- historical Center. A small but very cozy town that should be visited by everyone who wants to know Poland and its history thoroughly.
  • Wieliczka– a city that still hosts the best Polish balls to this day. It is recommended to go here only during the season, and only by invitation, otherwise you will risk missing out on all the fun.
  • Lublin- Another largest place in Poland, where there are quite a lot of historical museums, there are cultural centers and several interesting sites for tourists. And although this city no longer plays the role in the life of the state that it had several centuries ago, you should definitely stay in it.

There are several other small but interesting cities in this country. These are Zakopane, Malbork and some others. But, unfortunately, they are not of such special interest to tourists as the above-mentioned ones.

Main attractions of cities

Almost each of the cities presented has a number of special attractions, without which its understanding would not be complete.

Krakow may be the most interesting of its kind. It is here that Wawel Castle, Kazimierz, and the Bishops' Palace are located. A special zone of this city is Planty. This is a kind of park ring around the old center.

In total, Krakow accounts for a quarter of the country's museum art. Therefore, those traveling to this city can absolutely say that they will find something to see here. You should definitely visit the Czartoryski Museum here; without it, a tour of the city would probably be incomplete. Those who like to spend time with more modern entertainment should definitely visit the local water park. He deserves the highest praise.

For those who want to appreciate the state pomp of Poland best place will become Warsaw. Here you will have to explore the Royal Square, visit several palaces at once: Wilanów, made in the Baroque style, Royal Palace, as well as museums: the Polish Army Museum, the National Museum of Warsaw, the Chopin Museum and many others. Those who want to appreciate the full flavor of the city cannot do without the so-called Old Town, Rynok Square, as well as the Krakowskie Przedmieście.

In Lublin, if you choose this city for yourself, you should focus on the Crown Tribunal, Krakow Gate, and the Church of the Dominican Order. The most extreme tourists can also be offered a visit to Majdanek. But those who do not want to remember the horrors of war should go down to the city dungeon. In Poland this is one of the most popular such objects.

How to visit all cities in a few days

The easiest way to visit all cities in a few days is to choose a ready-made tour from those offered by agencies.

Today there are quite a lot of them. They can include both the two main cities - Warsaw and Krakow, and several smaller ones in addition. Most often these are tours Warsaw-Krakow-Wroclaw, Warsaw-Krakow-Torun and others, depending on the main theme of the excursion.

Such excursions are designed in such a way that a person stays in one place for no more than a day or two. Overnight stays on such tours are mainly in hotels, which are booked by the same company that organizes the trip.

The only disadvantage of such excursions: they, as a rule, have a standard set of monuments, which by default are mandatory for every visitor to see.

They are very good for those visiting Poland for the first time. But if a person is visiting the country for the second or third time, you can either look for more exotic tours (thematic excursions, for example, dedicated to churches or castles of the country), or create a program yourself, which in duration will correspond to a standard tour, but will differ according to the list of places. This way you can easily calculate the time and make a personal tour for yourself.

One way or another, you will be able to choose the optimal program for yourself that will satisfy all your travel expectations. And who knows, maybe one of the cities will amaze you so much that you will definitely want to get to know it better, but as part of a completely different tour.

Sights of Poland. The most important and interesting sights of Polish cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

All All Architecture Places for walking Museums Nature Entertainment Religion

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    the very best


    Auschwitz, Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Auschwitz is the most famous concentration camp of the Second World War, located in southern Poland 60 km west of Krakow. The exact number of victims of this death camp is still unknown; it has been reliably established that there were at least a million prisoners who did not wait for freedom

    the very best

    Wroclaw Cathedral

    Wroclaw, plac Katedralny, 18

    The Cathedral in Wroclaw is consecrated in honor of John the Baptist. This is a very beautiful and majestic Gothic building with neo-Gothic elements, which stands in the city area of ​​Ostrov Tumsky (Cathedral Island). The current church is already the fourth of those that were built on this site.

    the very best

    Krakow Market Square

    Krakow's Market Square is one of the largest medieval squares in Europe. It was built already in 1257, and the buildings framing it are from the 14th-15th centuries. The buildings acquired their current appearance in the 17th-19th centuries, although they retained the Renaissance and Baroque era: attics, portals, galleries of courtyards. The main attractions of the square, in addition to the market itself, are the Town Hall Tower, the Church of St. Wojciech, the monument to Adam Mickiewicz, the Zbaraski Palace and, of course, the St. Mary's Church.

  • Next page Track.

What else to see in Poland


The capital of Poland is one of the most visited cities in the country thanks to the famous Warsaw Old Town (other names - Stare Miasto, Starowka) from the 13th century, which is on the list of UNESCO monuments. Ancient houses, a moat, and the Barbican watchtower carefully restored after World War II - all this creates a unique image of old Poland.

Castle Castle ( Palace Square) is topped by Sigismund's Column and Royal castle with a clock tower and the Noble Gate. Šwiętojanska Street is famous for its main church - the Cathedral of St. John and the nearby Jesuit Church of the Virgin Mary. Šwiętojanska flows into the spacious Market Square, where you can admire the stucco facades of the houses “Under the Muzhinkem” (“Under the Negro”), “Under St. Anna”, “Under the Basilisk” (“Under the Basilisk”). The other end of this street ends at Castle Square. This is where the Royal Route begins, which includes the streets of Krakowske Przedmieście, Nowy Świat and Alee Ujazdowske, dotted with remarkable examples of medieval architecture.

Just 3 km south of the Old Town - and you find yourself in the Royal Lazienki palace and park complex. In the center of it there is an artificial lake, and on it there is an artificial island connected to the shores by bridges. A palace was built on the island in the 17th century, in which the last king of Poland, Stanislaw Poniatowski, lived. The interiors of the palace were decorated with paintings by Rubens and Rembrandt, which were completely destroyed during the Second World War. Now the palace has been restored, and you can come here on a tour or for a concert ( palace website in Polish).

Walking along the numerous paths to the western border of the park, you will see another recognizable landmark of Warsaw - the monument to the composer Frederic Chopin. The history of the monument is dramatic: at first the Poles could not obtain permission to create a memorial, then in 1940 during the Second World War, the invaders cut it into many parts and melted it, and also destroyed almost all copies and sketches, and only in 1958 the monument was rediscovered. There is a pond next to the long-suffering landmark, with benches around it to accommodate visitors to classical music concerts.


Among picturesque mountains The religious center of Poland, Czestochowa, is located right in the center of the Krakow-Częstochowa Plateau. The local monastery on Jasna Góra houses the main shrine of the country - the Czestochowa Icon of the Mother of God, which, according to legend, was painted by the Apostle Luke in the house of the holy family. The icon of the Black Madonna, patroness of Poland, is said to have miraculous properties, which is why this place is a center of pilgrimage for Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The Knights' Hall and the Arsenal are no less interesting; many try to visit the Museum of the 600th Anniversary of the Monastery.


“The Cradle of the Old Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, now the former capital of Poland, has not lost its charm over the years, increasing its historical treasures. Krakow, or rather its Old Town, which is tightly embraced by Planty parks, is the location of hundreds of valuable monuments, and Krakow's Old Town is included in the list of twelve most valuable monuments of the world cultural heritage of UNESCO. Main square city ​​- this is the Market, where the former shopping arcades of the Sukiennice have been preserved, the upper floors of which are occupied by an art gallery National Museum Krakow.

The fortress hill on the banks of the Vistula Wawel is far visible thanks to the pointed towers: Zlodeyska, Sandomierz and Senatorska, and the pompous Royal Castle houses the coronation sword Szczerbiec and a unique collection of medieval tapestries. The Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas and the Zygmunt (Sigismund) Chapel with the famous 11-ton Zygmunt bell are also located here. Its ringing fills people's hearts with anxiety, because turning points in the life of the country make it sound.

Neighborhoods of Krakow

Wieliczka, or rather, an ancient salt mine, also included in the list of world cultural heritage UNESCO, located 10 km from Krakow. The place of pilgrimage is Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, which is 40 km from Krakow. During Holy Week, mysteries are held here, in which thousands of pilgrims participate.


Seen not better times The state of Poznań concentrated its historical wealth on Tumski Island. Here is the oldest gothic temple Poland and the Golden Chapel with tombstones of Mieszko I and Boleslaw the Brave, who were the first to ascend to the Polish throne. Old market with Historical Museum in the Town Hall building - perfect place for walks. The symbols of the city are the Church of St. Wojciech and the Monastery of the Discalced Carmelites.


The town of Kornik is located 20 km from Poznan. It is worth visiting a museum with a collection of antique furniture, paintings and historical objects, as well as an arboretum.


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