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One day they heard from local residents that the island of Crete is washed by several seas at once. But this is interesting, because by that time we had already noticed how different the sea in the south of Crete is from the sea washing the northern coast of the island, and the west is noticeably different from the east of the island. Naturally, it became interesting and we tried to figure it out, talked a lot with local residents, read many different sources, and in the end we even got a little confused. After all, someone said that Crete was washed by three seas, someone claimed that there were four, on some map they saw that the seas were generally mixed up, yes, they saw this too. Fortunately, years of searching for information on this issue unexpectedly led us to an interesting person who opened our eyes to many things. And here's what we found out...

Mediterranean Sea

We will definitely not be mistaken if we say that the island of Crete is primarily washed by waters Mediterranean Sea, stretching between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. This, by the way, is where its name came from. But it is interesting that there are documents according to which the Mediterranean Sea is divided into the Western Basin (which includes: the Strait of Gibraltar, the Alboran Sea, the Balearic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ligurian Sea) and the Eastern Basin (which includes: the Strait of Sicily, the Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea and Aegean Sea). The island of Crete is located in the Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea, southeast of the Ionian Sea and washed from the north by the waters Aegean Sea.

However, often in Crete we heard such names of seas as: Libyan, Cretan and even Cyprus. The fact is that some names, despite the fact that they are not reflected in these documents, have been used by local residents since ancient times and continue to be used today. For example, we often hear how the southern part of the Aegean Sea, in the area of ​​the northern coast of the island of Crete, is called the “Cretan Sea”, and the sea area, if you look at the map, located between the southern coast of Crete and part of the northern coast of Africa is the Libyan Sea. Only a couple of times, but one of the locals told us that Crete is washed by the Cyprus Sea from the east, because... to the east is the island of Cyprus. As for the sea in the area of ​​​​the western coast of Crete, sometimes disputes arise on the topic: is it the Ionian Sea or not. And here it would be time to turn to the documents again, but is there any point in doing this within the framework of this note? Although we’ll still pay a little attention to this issue later. Well, for now, let’s briefly try to explain where each of these seas (the names of which are still popular among local residents) is located, at least approximately, so that on vacation you can imagine what we are talking about:

Aegean Sea (Cretan Sea)

The entire northern coast of Crete, including the northern part east coast, up to Cape Salamon (Akra Plaka), is washed by the Aegean Sea. This provision, as we wrote above, is recognized by documents. However, there is often information that the northern coast of the island is washed by the Cretan Sea. If you look at the map (on some of which, by the way, we also see this name), then the Cretan Sea is considered South part Aegean Sea - in the area of ​​the northern coast of the island of Crete. That is, in fact, the Cretan Sea is a smaller sea located north of the island Crete.

Well, and the Aegean Sea... Ferries go from Crete to Athens, and catamarans go to Santorini. It is the Aegean Sea (Cretan Sea) that meets us at the airport in Heraklion. The sensations you experience when leaving the plane cannot be fully expressed in words. Sea air, hot sun, softened by a light breeze from the sea.

It is worth noting that the northern coast of Crete and the Aegean Sea itself are very, very popular among tourists. A large number of sandy beaches, smooth entry into the sea and amenities, because it is the northern coast that can boast of a larger number of beaches that have received the Blue Flag of Europe.

European Blue Flag on the beach of Agia Marina (northern coast of Crete)

“Summer, sun, sea, sound of the surf”, you’ve probably come across such a romantic description of a real vacation more than once! But in summer the surf on the Cretan Sea is not so a rare event. Yes, it seems to us that the sea surf should not be confused with a storm. The storm in Crete is, in our opinion, a little different. In summer in Crete we are often talking about the surf and a refreshing breeze as a pleasant addition. And this phenomenon is due to the fact that from May to September the Aegean Sea is dominated by north winds- Meltemi. It is Meltemi that gives a breeze in the summer, a life-giving coolness that softens the summer heat so well. But the same wind can also cause sea surf or, as you can often read on forums about Crete, waves on the northern coast. By the way, in addition to the breeze, there is another positive side of the surf - the air at this time is saturated with useful sea particles, and the delicious smell of the sea simply cannot be compared with anything.

Well, of course, all this does not prevent the Cretan Sea (aka the Aegean Sea) from remaining the most beloved and popular among millions of tourists, romantics, beach, sports and even extreme species recreation.

Libyan Sea

Libyan Sea (as it is often called local residents, the same name is sometimes found on maps) is located between the southern coast of Crete and Libya. In other words, it is believed that South coast Crete is washed by the Libyan Sea. If we understand correctly, this name is not displayed in official documents, but it still appears quite often, both in conversations and in some guidebooks and maps.

And, it would seem, the Libyan Sea is only 50-60 km from, but the difference between the seas, at least according to our personal feelings, is amazing.

And also, based on personal observations over many years, we can assume that in summer the Libyan Sea is still calmer than the Aegean (Cretan). Therefore, if there is surf on the sea on the northern coast, then it is quite possible that in the south of Crete the sea may be calmer. The reason for this may partly be the fact that in many places the southern coast of Crete is protected from northern winds by high mountains.

Loutro (southern Crete)

Cyprus Sea

Some local residents of the eastern coast of Crete, with whom we had the opportunity to communicate, believe that the eastern coast of the island is washed by the Cyprus Sea. Indeed, the island of Cyprus is located east of Crete, which is probably why the name “Cyprus Sea” appeared. But it is worth noting that it is believed that the northern part of the eastern coast of Crete, up to Cape Salamon (Akra Plaka), which forms the bay south of the village and the beach of Chiona, including, by the way, the famous palm beach of Vai, are washed by waters.

Most likely, this is why there is so much controversy about what kind of sea the eastern coast of Crete is washed by. We don’t know how correct this is, however, some local residents continue to believe that, at a minimum, south of the cape Salamon, the eastern coast of Crete, is washed by the Cyprus Sea. Therefore, in order not to get confused ourselves, we will continue to call it that, although, as we wrote above, we have not seen this name of the sea in official documents.

So, the Cyprus Sea, surprisingly, for some reason is not as popular among tourists as, for example, but there are very unusual beaches here, for example, Zakros beach, next to which there is a unique archaeological territory of the famous Minoan palace Zakros. But in general, the Cyprus Sea reminded us a little, where natural plates were also found in the coastal zone, where there are also small coves, pebble beaches and, of course, clean water, peace and tranquility. And so far we have not been able to understand which sea (Cypriot or Libyan) belongs to the stunning, rather secluded, one of the most beautiful and very beloved beaches - Xerokambos, located in the south-eastern part of the island.

Staying overnight on Xerokambos is our most cherished dream. Moreover, both

Is the Ionian Sea washing the western coast?

And here’s an interesting point. Indeed, according to documents that define the boundaries of the seas and straits included in the Mediterranean Sea, the Ionian Sea, or rather its southeastern border lies in the area of ​​​​the island of Antikythira (), approximately 30-35 km northeast of the famous Balos beach. That is, if we understand everything correctly, then the Ionian Sea does not wash the shores of the island of Crete. However, one often hears that West Coast Crete is washed by the Ionian Sea. Well, we won’t argue, but since we don’t know for sure, we will try to avoid this statement in the future in this note. Moreover, even on a Google map you can roughly understand where exactly the Ionian Sea passes.

And yet, it is impossible not to note the fact that from the west the islands are a completely different sea and it is very different from those seas that wash other parts of Crete. Just look at the famous Balos Lagoon, where different time In a day you can count from 12 to 17 shades of water. The sea in the Balos Lagoon area is quite shallow and very warm in summer. And, by the way, in the Balos region there is a border, this is by the way. So, thanks to the fantastic beauty of the lagoon, the pirate history of neighboring Gramvousa, this place is incredibly popular, not only among adults, but also among children.

The sea washing the western coast of Crete, despite the fact that there are not many beaches here, is very popular among tourists who prefer to explore the island by car. Here are some of the most beautiful beaches, well, we think so (and maybe not only us), the sea plays and surprises with its brightest colors. And what are the views of infinity and stunning sunsets at sea:

Where can you find a calm sea (without waves) around the island of Crete?

This is perhaps the most frequently asked question. Probably because it is difficult to give an exact answer. No, on the one hand, it would seem that everything is simple, because most often the cause of rough seas is the wind (we will not take exceptions into account now), which means, in theory, you could just find a place protected from the wind and swim calmly . That’s right, but the wind can be of different strengths, directions, and sometimes even in the most sheltered bays the sea may not be the calmest. So, of course, there is no need to talk about any rules. But, nevertheless, when vacationing in Crete, we also prefer a calm sea without waves, so we have drawn some conclusions for ourselves over the years:

  • When deciding where we will go for a swim today or tomorrow, just in case, we study sites with current weather reports on the direction and strength of the wind in this or that part of Crete. By the way, here we published useful links to services that we ourselves constantly use: Weather in Crete (Climate of the island of Crete). By the way, in the same article they also left links to services where you can find out online the sea water temperature in the area of ​​​​the island of Crete and even the height of the waves.
  • And here we remember a sign that a local resident once told us: “If the wind blows from the sea, then there will be surf. If from land, then the sea will most likely be calm near the shore.”
  • And also, especially if we are planning a trip to another part of the island, if possible, we watch webcams via the Internet, if, of course, they are available in that area. In fact, this is very clear, because in real time you can see what is happening at the other end of Crete, is it calm there? this moment sea ​​time or not. Here is a link to some. Important to remember , that when viewing webcams, Internet traffic can be greatly consumed, which costs a lot of money.
  • In general, it has long been noticed that in the summer on the northern and western coasts of Crete, sea surf is a fairly common occurrence. Although, of course, it doesn’t happen once in a while. This is due to the fact that from May to September in the Aegean Sea, as we said above, the northern Meltemi winds dominate (in the area of ​​​​the island of Crete this is most often the northwest wind), in addition to the surf, giving refreshing breezes and noticeably softening the heat.

    When the waves on the northern coast of Crete become too big, and there is no desire to go to other parts of the island, then we simply look for beaches closed from the northwest wind, such as, for example: see hotels in the Elounda area on >>);
    Agia Pelagie ();
    the village of Bali ();

    This is a list of our preferences. Of course, there are more such places in Crete. Well, turning to our many years of experience, we can say with confidence that, even though in such coves in the summer the sea is indeed often calmer than on the open beaches of the northern coast, there are also waves here from time to time - the wind can change its direction and sometimes even several times a day.

  • And in the summer we often do this: if there is surf on the northern coast of Crete, then we go to the southern coast, where we quite often find a calmer sea. Of course, this is also not a rule, as practice has shown, but in the summer we often do just that. And in general, even just traveling to the other side of the island, there are so many interesting things you can see along the way. It’s funny, sometimes we didn’t even get to the sea in this way, being carried away by other interesting aspects of Crete. But this is also a separate topic for a separate note :)

There is something romantic in this sea

In general, what can I say, since Crete is an island, it is washed by the sea on all sides. The Aegean (Cretan) Sea is probably ideal for absolutely everyone, including for holidays with small children, at least due to the well-developed infrastructure on the northern coast. Slightly less popular: The Cyprus and Libyan seas will appeal more to lovers of a quiet and measured holiday. And the west coast surprises with the truly bright colors of its beaches and the romance of fantastic sunsets. With such diversity, everyone will find their favorite corner. It is not for nothing that artists, photographers, musicians, writers and, of course, true romantics come to Crete every year, not just to relax, but also in search of inspiration!

Yes, it seems to us that the sea is indeed a little different in different parts of the island, but we definitely agree that it is equally romantic everywhere. We have been pondering the question for many years: what exactly constantly motivates us to return to Crete? There are, of course, many reasons. But one of them, of course, is the sea. We always think about it, look through photographs, watch videos of the sea surf, we have our favorite places where we constantly return when vacationing in Crete and... often we simply dream of Crete and the sea and this is something more personal. ..

The island of Crete is the mysterious homeland of the minotaur. A luxurious resort for the whole family among olive groves.

Beaches and sea of ​​Crete

The shores of Crete are caressed by three seas: in the west they are washed by the Ionian Sea, in the north by the Aegean Sea, and in the south and east by the Mediterranean. Sometimes the northern waters are called the Cretan Sea, and the southern ones - the Libyan Sea (these are parts of the Mediterranean Sea). The water warms up very quickly, so already in mid-April the first tourists swim off the Cretan shores.

They have different surfaces - there are sandy, pebble, and mixed areas. Perhaps the most favorite beach among vacationers is Elafonisi. Couples with children come here, to the south of Crete - the entrance to the water is very smooth, and the sand is soft, light pink. Lovers of snow-white sand, palm trees and silence choose east beach Wai. Divers flock to Balos Bay looking for pirate treasures in a sunken ship. In the island's capital, Heraklion, the sand and pebble beach of Paleokastro is popular. There are two notable beaches in the Chania region: Falasarna and Frangokastello (near the Venetian fortress).

Resorts of Crete

Crete is usually divided into four resort areas: Heraklion, Chania, Rethymno and Lasithi. At each resort, tourists are guaranteed an azure sea and spacious, clean beaches surrounded by olive groves and vineyards.

Heraklion - Big City, capital of the island of Crete. Tourists often stay in the areas of Agia Pelagia, Amoudara, Chersonossis, Stalida. From Heraklion it is convenient to go on excursions around the island and on sea cruises.

Lasithi is known for the “reserved” place for tourists, Agios Nikolaos, on the shores of Mirabello Bay. The Lasithi region is home to attractions such as the Cave of Zeus and the Valley of Windmills.

The cozy town of Chania is famous for its long beach. It is pleasant to walk along the local narrow streets, hiding from the heat in hospitable taverns.

Rethymno is a picturesque resort town with several satellite villages. There is a thriving nightlife here, many colorful shops and beautiful long beaches.

Sights of Crete

The main Cretan “brand” is, of course, the Minotaur. It is impossible to do without a visit, where, according to legend, the monster lived. The myth says that the minotaur was the main trump card of the Minoan civilization - they traditionally used it to intimidate their neighbors, so much so that they annually sent seven young men and seven girls to “feed” the horned creature. Theseus put an end to the sacrifices, helped by Princess Ariadne with a ball of thread.

The Palace of Knossos was destroyed by an earthquake caused by the eruption of the Santorini volcano, 130 km from the island. It was not possible to restore it entirely - the territory of the palace is huge, its corridors, rooms and dungeons really resemble a labyrinth. and everyone can admire the ancient frescoes.

The second myth, which is also inextricably linked with Crete, is the birth of Zeus. According to legend, he was born in one of the caves, which is now called Dictey. The cave is truly impressive - it has stalactites, stalagmites, and even a beautiful underground lake.

The third myth is associated with Artemis and Athena. According to legend, the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of hunting loved to swim in the “bottomless” lake Vulizmeni. The lake is relatively small, but its depth is amazing: in the middle it is almost 64 meters! The lake is located in Agios Nikolaos.

Fans of natural attractions will also like it - the longest in Europe, as much as 18 kilometers. It is located in the Chania region and is famous for its unique flora and fauna - only here the Cretan cypress grows and the Kri-Kri goat runs around. If you are going to the gorge, do not forget about comfortable shoes. This place is very picturesque, there is even a palm forest - according to legend, the father of all date palms on the planet.

Cruises to the island, to its blue and white churches and black sand beaches, are popular. We recommend a trip to the island of Spinalonga, where half a century ago there was the largest leprosopria in Greece. Now this secluded place has turned into a find for tourists - there is an ancient fortress, narrow streets and many taverns and restaurants.

Cuisine of Crete

The cuisine of Crete is famous for its seafood and vegetables. Be sure to stop by the restaurant and try fish, octopus, shrimp and snails, which the locals call “khokhlya” or “escargot”.

Goats and sheep are raised in Crete, so the cheese and meat here are always fresh and very tasty. Try ofto - grilled lamb or goat meat; skafiani - lamb with cottage cheese; Delicious Kalitsunya pies fried in oil and filled with white cheese. Of course, you can find both horyatiki salad and moussaka in restaurants. Homemade wine, tsikoudia, and ouzo are served with the meal. You can try all these dishes at the “Cretan evening” - the tables will be laden with dishes, and national dances will delight your eyes.

Everyone knows that when Crete is mentioned, the exciting blue sea immediately comes to mind. Crete and the sea are inseparable, because it is thanks to the sea that human activity has developed here throughout history. Today, the island of Crete is one of the most visited islands by tourists: people rush to get closer to the sun and carefree summer in order to gain strength after busy days at work. But only a few of them will answer with absolute accuracy which sea they swim in, and to the question “How many seas does Crete wash?” many simply shrug their shoulders. The reason for their ignorance is the fact that the data in many sources is very different from each other, and in some places the names of the seas are completely confused. Let's figure out once and for all how many seas surround the island of Crete and what they are called.

The seas surrounding the island of Crete

Let's start with what is surrounded by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Since the Mediterranean Sea is intercontinental, it was conditionally divided into several basins, and after some time people began to call them “additional seas” or “water areas of the Mediterranean.” The island of Crete itself is washed by 3 seas:

  • Ionic.
  • Libyan.
  • Cretan.

They can be called related, because they all take their origins from one single sea. But still, each of them has its own unique characteristics.

Crete in the West

Western Crete connects to the Ionian Sea. This sea is rightfully considered the deepest basin of the Mediterranean Sea, its depth reaches five thousand meters. But closer to the beach areas, the seabed is flat and shallow, which is a definite plus for vacationers with children. The location of the sea is easily visible on the map with the naked eye - between Sicily and Crete itself. The name of the sea comes from the name ancient tribe- the Ionians who lived on its shores many years ago.

Water temperatures in the Ionian Sea favor rapid development beach resorts, fluctuates around 27 C in mid-summer and does not fall below 10 C in mid-winter. The water warms up most in August, so at the end of summer the island has the most tourists. The sea is calm and friendly by nature and does not frighten visitors with strong storms and cold winds. It is also worth noting that the nature of the Ionian coast is picturesque and colorful; here, half of the territory is covered with green forests. The coasts are famous for their white sands and fertile soil. The flora and fauna that live in the depths of the sea itself are no less diverse than on land. A myriad of algae grow here (about several thousand species), and among the living creatures you can find dolphins, octopuses, turtles and various species sea ​​fish.

Crete in the South

The southern part of the island borders the shores North Africa, namely with Libya. Therefore, it is not surprising that the sea is called Libyan. The Libyan Sea is located only fifty kilometers from the Cretan Sea, but their temperatures differ significantly from each other. The reason for this is the location of the Libyan Sea: many nearby mountain springs flow into it, thereby lowering the water temperature by several degrees. Considering this factor, you should not hope that at the height of summer the sea will warm up to 28 C; on average, the water temperature does not exceed 22-23 C.

The water of the Libyan Sea is crystal clear, and seabed the small one is developing with might and main animal world: in addition to sea fish, crabs, sea crayfish, jellyfish, lobsters, and turtles live here. Therefore, if you have considered the idea of ​​going diving while vacationing in the south of Crete, feel free to implement it! The shores of the Libyan Sea can hardly be called “beach”; there is practically no sand here. Their main component is stones, densely located on top of each other, and the careful lines are ornate. Places suitable for beach holidays are covered with pebbles and black sand. The seabed is also pebble, but in some places it consists of stone slabs.

Crete in the North

On the northern side, the island is washed by the sea of ​​the same name – the Cretan Sea. North coast, perhaps the most populated, due to the abundance of sandy shores suitable for beach holidays. The coast of the Cretan Sea is so ecologically clean that it has rightly received the “Blue Flag of Europe” as an award, which is given for meeting the high requirements of beach conditions. Reviews about the Cretan Sea from tourists are always the most enthusiastic. And no wonder, because there are the largest number of sandy beaches, a favorable climate and developed infrastructure.

Water temperature in summer time comfortable for swimming, reaches 26-28 C, in winter - not lower than 10 C. For lovers of storm tides, this sea will especially appeal, since the height of the waves during storms in the northern part of Crete reaches one and a half meters. Although such a sea is dangerous for swimming, there are still extreme sports enthusiasts who prefer to swim in the midst of the rage of the sea.

Holidays on a tropical island- one of most popular destinations in modern tourism. As statistics show, the majority of tourists from Europe today prefer tours to the Mediterranean Sea, which is very rich in various islands and archipelagos. Crete is one of those beautiful tropical islands.

Crete is the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and the first in the Hellenic Republic. The fact is that many who dream of a holiday in Greece, they strive to get to this picturesque island, there is nothing surprising. Rest on Crete is an opportunity to touch the rich and original culture and history of one of the ancient civilizations on the planet, plunge into the gentle waters of one of the most warm seas, try delicious Mediterranean delicacies and, of course, soak up any of the many sandy and rocky beaches.

Sights of Crete

Tourists from all over the world are attracted by stunning nature Crete with its numerous mountains (White Mountains, Dikti, Fripts and others), caves, gorges and cozy bays.
The highest point is Mount Ida. Its height is 2434 meters. Tourists are attracted here by the ancient monastery - Arkadi, located at an altitude of 500 meters on the western slope. The exact date of foundation of the monastery Arkadi unknown, there is a theory that its construction began during the reign of Emperor Flavius ​​Arcadius, around the 5th century AD. There is also a legend according to which there was once a very rich and beautiful cityArcadia. Today he works at the monastery interesting museum, the exhibitions of which contain truly priceless relics.

There are also very interesting caves on the island, formed in prehistoric times. In Antiquity, they were used as places of worship where various rituals were carried out, including quite bloody and cruel ones. Today, excursions to the caves are specially organized for tourists on the island. Crete(many of them have become natural museums), during which they can see with their own eyes mysterious petroglyphs and ancient archaeological artifacts.
The most famous of them is Diktean cave. According to legend, it was here that the main Olympian Zeus was born.

History buffs will also be interested in taking a look at ancient cities Crete, and first of all it is worth visiting Heraklion, where it is located – outstanding architectural monument Minoan era. Interesting excursions and museums await tourists in cities Chania, Gortyna And Rethymno.

IN last vacationers will be able to visit the fortress Fortezza, Archaeological Museum, fountain Rimondi And Monastery of St. John Preveli.

Beaches of Crete

There is a beach nearby Preveli- one of the most famous and cozy beaches Crete. It is located in a quiet bay, surrounded by a palm forest, which creates a unique tropical atmosphere and gives a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Among others (and there are hundreds of them on the island, and all are distinguished by their spaciousness and excellent service), we can highlight Balos, And Frangokastello. These are sandy beaches, clean, safe and well equipped. On their territory there are rental centers, spas, diving schools, cafes, various attractions and even sports grounds.

Crete is one of the largest and most popular Greek islands. The northern shores of the island are best suited for relaxation, as they are flat and sandy, unlike southern shores, which are rocky and steep. The beach holiday season usually starts in May and lasts until the end of September (maximum until mid-October). The advantage of Crete is that the island is simultaneously washed by several seas. So, on the western side it is washed by the Ionian Sea, and this part of the island is considered the most beautiful and picturesque, but a minor drawback can be considered the almost complete absence of attractions in this part of Crete. The beaches here are varied, there are many shallow beaches that are ideal for families with children and those who are poor swimmers. Many tourists are attracted to this coastline by its unusual beaches with pink sand.

On the northern side, the island is washed by the Cretan Sea, but this is the popular name for the sea, and the generally accepted name is the Aegean Sea. The northern part of the island is popular among tourists due to the abundance of sandy beaches and the presence of convenient slopes (Crete is a mountainous island and in many places there are problems with convenient descent). The disadvantage of this sea is its unpredictability; a calm sea can be replaced by a sudden storm with strong winds.

For those who are exclusively interested beach holiday and nothing else, the coast of the Libyan Sea is often chosen. But it is best to come to this sea in July and August, when the water warms up to maximum temperatures. The fact is that the temperature in this sea is usually several degrees lower than in the Ionian or Aegean. This is due to the fact that many mountain springs flow into the sea (these are springs with a water temperature of no higher than 10 degrees). On the coast of the Libyan Sea there are many small bays that are closed by steep cliffs and thanks to this the likelihood of strong waves, and even more so storms, is unlikely. A slight inconvenience can be caused by the difficult descent, which most often takes place along small well-trodden paths (it’s almost impossible to get there by car). In some places, entry into the sea is carried out on natural slabs and in this case you need to be extremely careful so as not to get injured.

The issue of ebbs and flows in Crete can be considered irrelevant, since they are practically not felt here, this is not Thailand or the island of Bali, so when choosing a place to relax on this Greek island, you can not pay attention to this factor.

One of the main dangers for vacationers on Crete are sea urchins, whose injections are quite painful and can cause a lot of inconvenience, including hospitalization in a medical facility. There are a number of beaches where there are especially many sea urchins, and in order to protect yourself from contact with these sea inhabitants, it is advisable to swim in special shoes, which you can take with you or purchase on the spot. In the coastal waters of Crete, the appearance of sharks is periodically recorded, there is different information about what kind of sharks they are, what species they belong to, but the main thing is not this, but the fact that there is not a single officially recorded case of a shark attack on a person, and this says that you don’t have to be afraid of sharks (if there were a lot of sharks there, the island wouldn’t be so popular among tourists).

There are also snakes in Crete, most often this happens on land, but there is evidence that they have repeatedly seen snakes in the water. Scientists reassure tourists and say that there are no poisonous snakes in Crete, but whether this is true or not is difficult to judge, especially considering the fact that many people are horrified by one type of snake.

As a result, it turns out that Crete can be characterized as a fairly safe island for relaxation, without significant ebbs and flows, as well as with a minimum of natural hazards, but you should not lose vigilance. But be that as it may, this year you are unlikely to be able to swim in one of the three seas that wash the island (only if you enjoy swimming in cold water).


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