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On the shore of the Black Sea. No one was afraid, everyone laughed and wondered how such a sculptor was given a diploma. Now about the same thing, but seriously. There is such a Black Sea resort in the Odessa region - Sergeevka. That very park is located right there. It is surrounded by unfinished and abandoned sanatoriums, hotels, abandoned houses.

Tourists still go to Sergeevka because it’s cheap. Websites attract tourists beautiful views and words. What I saw is not so beautiful. Let's try to figure out why the Black Sea resorts are dying?

1. The place there is truly wonderful and beautiful. Between the shore and the sea, a thin thread of sand stretches for several kilometers; when it’s warm, there’s excellent swimming there, I’m sure. The resort is old, famous for the healing mud of the estuary. The first mud baths were built in the 20s of the last century. In 1940, Bessarabia was annexed to Ukraine, and Sergeevka was almost immediately given to the Moldavian SSR, due to the lack of such resorts there. A year later, the Germans bombed and destroyed the resort. In 1944, the region was liberated and began to be restored. What then? Until the 70s everything was fine, but in 1976 it was even better; the village received the prefix “urban type”. Multi-storey hotels and holiday homes are being built, including the Yuzhnaya Hotel, which will be discussed now.

2. About this place, as well as about children's park, I found out by accident. Sitting in hotel room in Odessa, I decided to look around the area again, and came across a huge abandoned hotel. We decided to go there, departing slightly from the main route of the trip. We did not yet know that the hotel was not alone in its abandonment.

3. But still, just imagine: 16 floors of complete destruction. Although many of the windows are intact, we made two circles around the hotel by car to understand: it is truly uninhabited. Having reached the Internet in Izmail, I decided to see if there were other bloggers in these places, and I was shocked: according to the documents, the hotel is listed as operating, I will say more: on all sites glorifying holidays in Sergeevka, rooms are offered in a “modern 16-story hotel (elevators available) with single, double and triple rooms with private facilities and luxury rooms furnished with upholstered furniture."

4. And here is the furniture. She is “tough”, so she has no place in luxury rooms, let her lie in the hall of the first floor.

5. The chairs were also not soft enough. They are also unworthy.

6. Don’t expect breakfast in your room, the cook has been retired for a long time.

7. You won’t be able to drink either - your alcohol license has been taken away. For a long time.

8. It was only when I found this old greeting card on the floor near the bar that I realized that it’s not 2011. And 1990.

9. On all sixteen floors there were only a few things produced after the collapse of the USSR. Will you find them?






15. We had to walk to the very top. Sites advertising Sergeevka need to be held accountable for unfair advertising - the elevators do not work! Although they exist.

16. We went up to the balcony (we never found an exit to the roof) and began to examine the surroundings. This is the main street of the village of Sergeevka. Calculate the ratio of abandoned and inhabited large buildings.

17. "Rear" of Sergeevka. Locals live here.


19. But you look like this, and it seems like nothing like a resort. Who can find the children's park in this photo?






25. This is such a prosperous and lovely resort. No website will say that it actually looks like this. One thing pleased me there - in Sergeevka there was the warmest and most pleasant weather during the entire two weeks of travel - plus four, bright sun, and a complete absence of snow.

And you say - Tuuuurtsia.

This village is one of the most famous, popular and favorite resorts of many tourists on the Black Sea, because holiday in Sergeevka– it’s always a pleasant time spent, with benefit for body and soul. Proximity to real natural treasures, warm clean sea, attractions of Sergeevka and those located nearby settlements- all these are, without a doubt, huge advantages of this amazing place, distinguishing it from other resorts in the south of Ukraine.

The urban-type settlement of Sergeevka is located 15 km south of one of the most ancient cities in Ukraine and the world - Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Its other closest “neighbors” are popular resorts Zatoka, Karolino-Bugaz, etc., but the village differs from them in its maximum proximity to the unique natural object– Shabolatsky estuary (also called Budaksky Lake). Today the number of permanent residents of this village is small - only about 5 thousand people, but during the holiday period, which lasts here from April to October, there are much more people here. Tourists tend to come here to relax, strengthen or improve their health during their vacation.

The location of Sergeevka in a unique area on the shores of the Shabolatsky estuary made it one of the best climatic and balneal mud resorts in the south of the country. The history of the resort today goes back more than a hundred years - the first mud bath was built here back in 1895. Sergeevka began to develop as a resort after A.A. Verigo, a famous Russian chemist, substantiated the healing properties of the mud of the estuary. In addition, the value of the sodium-magnesium chloride water of the lake, which is used today for the preparation of mineral baths, has been proven. The fact that here health is improved not only Natural resources lakes - brine and mud, but also the climate itself: the Black Sea, forested area, steppe - dry warm steppe air here is complemented by sea air, and this is a truly healing combination, a real natural elixir for a healthy life! Tourists who want to achieve high therapeutic results for diseases of the nervous system, spine and joints, respiratory organs, digestion, skin and gynecological diseases seek to relax in Sergeevka; childhood ailments are also successfully treated here.

Today, about 25 thousand people annually vacation in Sergeevka during the holiday season. Boarding houses, holiday homes, campsites open their doors here and are happy to accommodate guests. local residents in the private sector, tent cities. Various water attractions and boat rides are always available to vacationers water transport, a pleasant stay in cafes and restaurants offering dishes of Moldavian and Ukrainian cuisine (for a long time this village belonged to Moldova, which left its mark). Well, inquisitive tourists can entertain themselves by visiting the sights of Sergeevka and its surroundings: go on their own or with organized excursions to the Shabo winery, to Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, to the ancient fortress, to Odessa. In Sergeevka itself you can stroll through the ancient arboretum, where many interesting plants, atypical for these places, and rare flowers grow.

Among the famous balneological and mud resorts of the Odessa region, Sergeevka is increasingly developing. This village is located about 20 km from Belgorod-Dnestrovsk, on the shore of Lake Budakskoye (estuary). The village is separated from the Black Sea by a narrow sand spit. This location provides the main advantages of the resort: the presence of the sea and the healing mud of the estuary.


In summer, the air temperature at the resort often rises above 35 C, and in winter you hardly see snow here. The water warms up in mid-May and remains warm until October. The air is a little dry compared to others Black Sea resorts, which is due to the steppe approaching the village from the north. However, in combination with the sea breeze, this factor gives a special healing effect, and the presence of a forested area with coniferous trees enhances it even more.


The main medicinal properties of brine from the Shabolat estuary were discovered by A.A. Verigo in 1887. In 1889, a settlement consisting of 15 households was formed on the shore of the estuary - Shabolat-Sergeevka. In 1921, landowner Akulich built a mud bath here, which marked the beginning of the development of the resort. In 1940 South part Bessarabia was annexed to Ukraine, but since the Moldavian SSR had its health resorts Black Sea coast did not have one, they decided to transfer Sergeevka under her leadership. For many years, mainly residents of Moldova came here for treatment and recovery.

In 1956, mineral water was discovered in Sergeevka (well No. 2), its composition reminiscent of “Kuyalnik No. 4”. After a series of studies by the Chisinau Medical Institute under the leadership of Associate Professor of Medicine. F.P. Ambrosov water began to be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

In 1972, a pedestrian and transport bridge more than 1000 m long was built across the estuary, which connected the village with the sea spit. Thus, the beach area began to develop, and the resort became even more attractive for vacationers. Today, not only connoisseurs of sea water and sun come to Sergeevka, but also people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, reproductive system and skin diseases. The resort has dozens of medical sanatoriums, recreation centers and children's camps.

Beach and sea.

As already mentioned, the sea in Sergeevka is very warm. The bottom has a gentle relief, which is a plus if you are going on vacation with children. The beach spit has all the conditions for good relaxation and entertainment, there are water attractions, pleasure boats, and banana boats. The only drawback is that you need to walk a short distance to the sea, using a bridge across the estuary or a sea taxi.

Thanks to weather conditions and wind, the Shabolatsky estuary has become a favorite training place for sailing teams. In addition, kitesurfing fans from all over Ukraine come here to catch waves.

In August, at night, the water on the coast glows with jade lights. This is due to the presence in the plankton of the Black Sea of ​​single-celled organisms - dinoflagellates, which have the ability to emit light.

Mineral water

The Shabolatsky estuary has a chloride-sodium-magnesium composition of water, so it is used for preparing mineral baths. Mineral water from well No. 2 is used to treat internal organs. It has chloride-hydrocarbonate-sodium properties. In addition, in Sergeevka there is another well No. 5M, from which water of low mineralization, similar to Mirgorodskaya, is produced.

Mud therapy

In the development of tourism, the resort focuses primarily on sanatorium treatment. Therapeutic mud and brine are the main factor in the development of the resort; in combination with climate therapy, it gives the best results.

The mud of the estuary is characterized by a black or dark gray color, the smell of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, high heat capacity, stickiness and plasticity, and has alkaline properties (pH = 8.2). The organic “skeleton” of mud includes a colloidal complex, including microparticles of iron, humus, and aluminum. The number of these particles is much higher than in the medicinal mud of the Kuyalnitsky or Khadzhibey estuaries. The salt part is represented by sodium chloride.

Rapa and mud of the estuary are used in the treatment of joints and spine, rheumatism, nervous system, male and female genital organs (inflammatory processes, infertility, impotence, prostatitis), skin diseases, after burns, phlegmon, injuries, trophic ulcers or poorly healing wounds, diseases of the ENT organs and lungs. It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use dirt in its pure form; it is used only after regeneration and testing for E. coli and perfringens.

Sanatoriums, recreation centers and the private sector in Sergeevka

Sanatorium named after S. Lazo

The health resort has a residential building and a clinic, which employs a lot of specialists who are ready to simultaneously receive up to 500 patients. The medical building is equipped with a water and mud bath, a swimming pool, a hydrotherapy and underwater massage room, a sauna, physiotherapy rooms, exercise therapy, mechanotherapy, as well as alternative medicine (acupuncture, speleotherapy, herbal and aromatherapy, psycho-emotional relief). The guest building includes single and double rooms, as well as luxury rooms, a dining room that provides 5 meals a day and diet tables upon request. Entertainment includes: a gym, a sauna with a swimming pool, a cinema hall, a billiards room, a children's playroom, and playgrounds.

You can also stay in the sanatoriums “Zolotaya Niva”, “Orizont”, “Victoria”, boarding houses “Chaika”, “Relax with the boatswain”, “ sunny Beach", "Sunny Valley", recreation center "Coral Reef", in cottage complex"Senetatya" and other private hotel complexes. A budget optionprivate sector. Here, with a minimum of funds, you can rent a room or a house for a family.

Restaurants bars Sergeevka. Prices

The village has many places where you can have a snack, dinner, dance or sing karaoke. Establishments have different levels of service, amenities, and prices, respectively. Popular establishments for the “middle class” include the Moldavian Cuisine restaurant, Gibraltar, the Skipper bar, and the London bar. Young people like to relax in “Julia”, where, it must be said, they serve pretty good coffee in the mornings, and in the evenings the disco “lights up”. Well, if you want to surprise a lady and have a pleasant evening, we recommend visiting the Fortress restaurant with live music.

What to see

Sergeevka is located next to Belgorod-Dnistrovsky, one of the oldest cities in Europe, which dates back 2,500 years. A 3D virtual tour of the city fortress is also offered.
We recommend visiting Ukrainian Venice - the village of Vilkovo (130 km) and the Odessa catacombs in Nerubaysky (85 km).

How to get to Sergeevka

It is convenient to get to Sergeevka from Odessa or Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Flights depart every half hour. In Odessa, minibuses to Sergeevka stop at the railway station. Sergeevka receives up to 15 thousand vacationers every season. Improvement of the body and good vacation you are guaranteed!

Distance to Odessa : 86 km.

This place will help you get rid of stereotypes about holidays near the mouth of the Dniester in the Odessa region: they say, the water there is dirty and there are too many people. More clean sea than here, it will be difficult to find in this part of Ukraine. There are plenty of vacationers, many of them are residents of Moldova, but local beaches there is enough space for everyone. And besides the sea, in Sergeevka there is also the Shabolatsky (Budaksky) estuary with nice beach, which makes the city the largest climatic and balneological resort in the Odessa region.

The climate creates the “weather” in Sergeevka, helping the city make a kind of “career” among other resorts in Ukraine. It doesn’t get too hot here, there is a lot of greenery, and the settlement is surrounded by steppes. The cocktail of hot steppe and humid sea air is extraordinary! Inhale the local air without fear: this is a free healing procedure. And the waters of the Shabolatsky estuary? They have long been used as medicinal products and for taking mineral baths: there is a lot of sodium and chlorine here. And an inexhaustible supply of silt mud without harmful impurities. Of course, they do not smell like French perfume: there is a lot of sulfur in the composition, but they perfectly help patients with diseases of the nervous system, joints and spine, digestive organs, people with gynecological diseases and skin problems.

There are also mineral springs: the water from well No. 2 resembles the famous “Kuyalnik”, and from well No. 5 the popular Mirgorod waters.

For those who can’t complain about their health, there is the sea: we get there via a long bridge across the estuary. If you're not in the mood for long walks, go sea ​​beach Constantly cruising boats will take you there. Children will definitely want to visit the Lazurny water park, opened in 2003. Do you want to deepen your knowledge of history? native land? Not far from Sergeevka (21 km) is the ancient Belgorod-Dnestrovsky with numerous attractions.

It is very simple to understand the love of our southern neighbors from Molodova for Sergeevka: after all, the resort began to develop when this area was part of Romania. Sergeevka itself was first mentioned in documents in 1889 as the Shabolat settlement with 15 yards. The first mud bath was built on the birch of the Shabolaksky estuary in 1895. Sergeevka’s resort career began in 1921 with the landowner Akulich, who built the first seasonal mud bath here. Since 1926, the Akimbet resort, which was destroyed during the Second World War, began operating. In 1935, there were already 106 villas on the shore of the estuary, and the only power plant in the area was operating. When Bessarabia became part of the Ukrainian SSR in 1940, due to the lack of seaside resorts on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, it was decided to transfer the resort to Sergeevka to the MSSR. Nowadays, numerous sanatoriums and health resorts in Sergeevka happily welcome vacationers from all over Ukraine and Moldova.

The widely known climatic and mud resort "Sergeevka" (Odessa region, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district) is located at the exit from the Budaksky estuary to the Black Sea. It includes 8 sanatoriums, children's health camps, boarding houses and hotels, occupying almost 650 hectares of coastline.

Shabolatsky estuary is one of the oldest resorts in the Northern Black Sea region

On the banks of the spit to the north and south of the Tsaregrad arm of the Dniester estuary and the Shabolat estuary lake there are sanatoriums, campsites, boarding houses and holiday homes, which are geographically located in the villages of Zatoka, Sergeevka and Kurortnoye. During the season, on the sandy spit separating two estuaries from the sea, there is nowhere for an apple to fall. Everywhere on the beaches flash colorful clusters of vacationers' bodies bronzed from the tan, and other devices for entertainment on

Paleogeographers and archaeologists claim that 25 centuries ago these places were also crowded. Here were large settlements, and the estuary served as a trade corridor and a link between cultures Ancient Greece and A new round of popularity for the Shabolatsky estuary was provided by Odessa balneologists who studied the physical and chemical indicators of local brine, mud and mineral springs in the last decades of the 19th century. The healing factors of the estuary have been highly praised by scientists. The first mud baths began to be built in 1895; the beginning of the Soviet stage of development of the Sergeevka resort is considered to be 1921.

How to get to the village. Sergeevka (Odessa region, Ukraine)

The urban-type settlement is located southwest of regional center. From the Privoz bus station to railway station Minibuses depart to Sergeevka. Along the Karolino-Bugaz-Zatoka sand spit you need to drive to the right bank of the Dniester estuary, passing the villages of Pribrezhnoye and Belenkoye. The distance from Odessa to Sergeevka is 80 km.

The resort is located opposite the central part of the sand spit separating the Shabolatsky (Budaksky) estuary. You can get here by minibuses from the regional center, the final destination of which is the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region), or take a transport going to Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. In the second case, you need to get off at a stop called a “fork” and change to minibus"Belgorod-Dnestrovsky-Sergeevka". The distance from the Odessa-Belgorod-Dnistrovsky highway to the Sergeevka resort is about 6 km.

You can get to the village by private vehicle (there are signs on the highway). The road surface looks better on the bypass route to Sergeevka past the village of Belenkoye. Other sections of the highway may be littered with potholes and cracks. There are enough parking spaces in the village, on the territory of hotels and recreation centers. Cars are the main mode of transport on the land side of the resort. In addition, there is seasonal transportation of passengers between the estuary and the sea on boats and motorboats.

Sergeevka resort (Odessa region). Reviews from tourists and vacationers

Back in Soviet times, the resort village was considered one of the best children's health resorts. The parents of sick children had high hopes for the healing powers of the climate, the peloids of the estuary and mineral water and were not deceived in their expectations. The children returned from Sergeevka rested, tanned, and able to withstand many ailments. According to doctors, healing factors The resort is useful for patients of any age suffering from diseases of the nerves, joints, spine and blood vessels.

The health complexes of the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region) welcome everyone who wants to undergo a course of sanatorium-resort treatment and simply relax on the seashore. Vacationers in their comments note the beneficial effects on human health climatic conditions, water and mud of the Shabolat estuary. A number of tourist reviews are devoted to the quality of services and prices. Guests of Sergeevka, who have been coming to the resort for several years, have noticed progress in improving service, low prices for accommodation and food (compared to Odessa, Koblevo, Zatoka).

According to patients, it is excellent for improving health and family vacation. Doctors and other medical personnel have the necessary qualifications. One of the shortcomings noted in the comments is that the rooms are equipped with furniture from the Soviet period. Many guests of Sergeevka were surprised by the collection of fees for passage and travel across the bridge connecting the village and the sea coast. At the same time, it is not noticeable that funds are allocated to repair and improve the infrastructure of this crossing.

Climate and natural environment

The territory's temperate continental climate is characterized by a significant number of sunny hours and days per year (290 out of 365 days). The warm period begins in April and lasts until October inclusive. average temperature in summer - +25 °C, in July and August it often rises during the day to +32...+35 °C. There is not enough precipitation with such an amount of solar radiation - 350 mm/year. Southern winters have little snow, are short and mild.

The landscapes of the Shabolatsky estuary and the village of Sergeevka (Odessa region) are amazingly beautiful. Photos of the resort give an idea of ​​the absence of industrial enterprises in the area, the cleanliness of the sand spit and the beaches on the seashore. The population uses the steppe spaces in the vicinity of Sergeevka for gardening and viticulture. In the village itself there are fruit trees, boxwood alleys and other evergreens.

Healing factors of the Sergeevka resort

The air from the Black Sea steppes on the shores of the estuary mixes with sea breezes, creating a natural cocktail - one of the local healing factors. The water of the Shabolatskoe Estuary Lake has long been used for mineral baths, rinses, and compresses. Local silt muds do not contain harmful impurities; they are useful in the treatment of a large group of diseases. The springs discovered on the resort territory supply mineral water, reminiscent of the chloride-sodium-magnesium composition of “Kuyalnik” and “Mirgorodskaya”.

Natural medicinal table waters and other healing factors are used by the children's sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region) and other health resorts of this resort area. Local grape varieties grown on rainfed lands are distinguished by their high content of vitamins, minerals, fructose and glucose. Berry juice is also a healing cocktail, but its use for treatment has a number of contraindications (some gastrointestinal diseases).

Treatment of specialized diseases and general health improvement

Medical specialization of the main sanatoriums for children and adults in Sergeevka:

  • treatment and rehabilitation for disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ENT organs and nonspecific diseases of the respiratory system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • pathologies of the urological and reproductive spheres.

Hydrotherapy and peloid therapy are used in Sergeevka sanatoriums for neurological and joint diseases, osteochondrosis, gynecological and skin ailments. Health complexes provide balneological procedures and widely use speleotherapy and a variety of herbal remedies.

The main healing factors - water, peloids, air - are used by the children's sanatorium "Sergeevka" (Odessa region). Children and adults are offered physiotherapy, massage, reflexology, exercise therapy, and a therapeutic diet in health resorts. A number of resort and health institutions practice kinetotherapy. Some sanatoriums have modern technical facilities for laser treatment, clinical diagnostic laboratories and offices, and pharmacies.

Sanatorium "Orizont"

Vacationers stay in health complexes, hotels, private sector of the town. Sergeevka (Odessa region). Sanatorium "Orizont" is one of the modern health resorts of the resort, with a large number of rooms. The institution treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, relieves inflammation in gynecological diseases, chronic prostatitis. At the Horizon sanatorium they help with chronic inflammatory phenomena in the lungs and bronchi (non-tuberculous).

The extensive list of medical services is complemented by climate therapy, health paths, and hydrokinesitherapy. Prescribed to patients for internal consumption mineral waters, mud compresses and tampons, balneotherapy in the form of baths with various healing ingredients (pearl, pine, turpentine).

How does the Sergeevka children's health resort work?

In Soviet times, great importance was attached to the treatment and health improvement of children. Many children came to Sergeevka on free vouchers. Thousands of boys and girls took healing procedures on the shore of the Shabolatsky estuary since 1986, when the Sergeevka children's sanatorium (Odessa region) opened its doors to the first young patients. The photo of one of the buildings in the article gives an idea of ​​the almost homely atmosphere in the health resort. The main part of the territory is allocated for a park area, playgrounds and sports grounds, there is a hall, and a library.

The Sergeevka sanatorium (Odessa region) can simultaneously accommodate up to 400 children (6-14 years old) for recreation and recovery. The average duration of one shift is 18 days. From September to May, educational classes are organized for school-aged children (in the afternoon). The medical specialization of the health resort is respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, ENT disorders, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Golden beaches of Sergeevka

The main thing that the Odessa region, which occupies a coastal location, is famous for is recreation. Sergeevka by geographical location differs from the regional center and a number of resorts on the coast. The village, all its sanatoriums and hotels were built on the shore of the Shabolatsky estuary. A warm and shallow body of water and a sand spit separate Sergeevka and the sea. To get to the golden beaches of the resort you need to walk or drive across a bridge, or cross by boat or motor boat.


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