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April 10th, 2014 , 10:39 am

We will devote this post entirely to attractions northern capital of Tenerife - Puerto de la Cruz. Even when planning our independent travel in Tenerife, this city fell into our souls so much that we immediately decided to stay here.

The question immediately arises: “Why Puerto de la Cruz?”

We will try to answer this question as accurately as possible and analyze all the pros and cons of a holiday in the north of Tenerife.

So, our choice was initially carefully thought out and was not a simple accident.

Puerto de la Cruz became a tourist mecca only in the 50s and 60s. City officials made a small fishing town tourist centre, which became very popular among the “new Russians” in the 90s.

The main attraction is its unsurpassed climate, which played an important role in choosing our location for our summer vacation.

When we landed at Tenerife South Airport, we were surrounded by yellow stones. And doubts have already crept into my soul whether we are really on one of the the most beautiful islands Canary archipelago.

But as we moved to the north of the island along the road, we began to see banana plantations and a wide variety of flowers.

Everything around appeared before us in bright, cheerful colors. You simply won’t find anything like this in the south of the island.

Many visitors remain loyal to this city, despite the fact that much cooler than, for example, Las Americas. Sometimes the sun can hide behind gray clouds for several days. But despite this, the air temperature almost never drops below 27 °C.

Walking around the city in sunny weather, one could always enjoy the view of the majestic peak Pico el Teide. This gave the city a certain charm and grandeur.

Although upon arrival we did not immediately notice her because of the gray clouds she appeared to us only on the second day of our stay in .

One morning, when we opened the curtains of our room, we saw this:

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The wonderful island of Tenerife offers a holiday for every taste. For those who still want to feel Spain at this international resort, we recommend staying in the city of Puerto de la Cruz. Unlike Las Americas and similar faceless tourist places that pretend to look like a European Miami, Puerto de la Cruz is an ideal option in many ways.


Compared to the cities of the polished southern coast, Puerto de la Cruz is a city with its own character, soul and flavor, ancient by local standards. It is suitable for contemplation, leisurely walks along the streets and lush green parks. Here tourists are not the masters of life, but only guests who briefly plunge into the hectic life of the Spanish city.

The northern airport is only half an hour away (about 20 euros for a taxi).

Previously, Puerto de la Cruz was the main resort of Tenerife, until in the 1970s they began to actively develop South coast, building Las Americas, Los Cristianos and a second airport closer to the beaches. Yes, it's hotter in the south, but it's hotter in the north too good weather and there is an atmosphere of a real Canarian city that attracts many visitors to the archipelago much more than the lazy beach holiday. That is why there are significantly fewer Russian tourists in Puerto de la Cruz; Germans and English predominate, who know the value of money and always get the maximum quality at the best prices. Let's follow their example!


If in Las Americas the catering is of high quality, but standardized to the needs of the average European, then here restaurants and cafes are actively visited local residents according to the good old Spanish tradition, eat out at least once a day. Accordingly, guests of the city are simply obliged to take advantage and taste fresh seafood in restaurants near Playa Jardín, walk through all the cafes in the center with beautiful interiors and leisurely service.


In terms of climate, Puerto de la Cruz is often cloudy and humid in winter. In summer it is a little cooler than in the south, and when it is very hot there, it is quite fresh here. Due to high humidity, the city and its surroundings are surrounded by greenery of various shades. From cacti to grapes, mango and almond trees, everything grows and bears fruit on this coast of Tenerife. Having been in the south, where every bush is entwined with artificial drip irrigation pipes, you will want to quickly return to the north and breathe oxygen deeply.

The ocean on this side of the island is also different, wilder and more untamed, and makes a person feel like a grain of sand in comparison. The waves in the ocean in the area of ​​​​Puerto de la Cruz are quite strong, so people usually swim here in the complex of famous artificial lakes with sea water, Lago Martianez.

A large lake with sunbathing islands and a fountain and several smaller lakes are surrounded by gardens with local flora and are combined into one recreation complex for children and adults. It is located right on the rock in the open air. This is the work of the famous Canarian architect Cesar Manrique, who managed to succinctly incorporate all the man-made beauty into the rocky shore. Here you will also find a casino, a restaurant and several bars. In the evening, the fountain is beautifully illuminated, so you can linger in the bath until it gets dark and admire the lights.

When with water treatments done, go build sand castles and sunbathe on the natural beach that is absolutely stunning in Puerto de la Cruz!

The main city beach is called Playa Jardin. This is a bay, slightly fenced off from the ocean, but the waves here are strong, so be careful.

Once upon a time, the Spaniards actively fought off pirates from the tiny fortress Castillo de San Felipe, which has survived to this day. And today it is a large, well-maintained beach with showers and sun loungers, sandy in places, rocky in others. The black sand is slightly different from the "southern" sand, apparently due to the fact that the volcano is closer to this side of the island, and there is no windblown light sand from Africa.


Church Square (Plaza de la Iglesia) is the center of the old town in Puerto de la Cruz. Here stands a monumental cathedral from the late 17th century. long name Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia, or simply Cathedral. It has a very beautiful iconostasis, and around the building there is a park with an unusual fountain, the murmur of which makes it pleasant to relax in the shade.

Branching off from the square is the charming pedestrian street Calle Quintana, the local Rambla with bustling cafes, souvenir shops and street performers. Here you will see the monument to Augustin Betancourt. This name is known to every St. Petersburg resident, since it was this engineer and architect who created the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, as well as a complex technical system that made it possible to install the Alexandria Pillar in just an hour and a half without cranes. He founded the University of Railways, which gave Russia many generations of talented engineers. All roads and bridges built in Spain in the first third of the 19th century were also the work of Betancourt. He was born in Puerto de la Cruz, into a noble family.

The main square is called Plaza del Charco. This is not even a square, but a large shady square with fountains, planted with trees. Here you can have a snack at local cafe and go shopping.

We remember that in the Canaries goods are not subject to VAT, so you can profitably dress up or update your gadgets. Interestingly, fur coats and other winter clothing are sold in Tenerife. Not because it’s cold, but because it’s beneficial for sellers and, of course, buyers.

The huge Mercado Municipal market is located on Avenida de Blas Peres Gonzales, near the famous Jardín Beach. Stocked counters with fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood are interspersed with cafe tables where you can try it all. At the entrance to the Mercado Municipal there is a flea market where you will be offered to buy interesting antique items, jewelry and other small items.

Taoro Park and Garden is located on a hill in the city center. Once upon a time there was a wasteland, scorched by lava after the next eruption of Teide, then a hippodrome, and now it is a fertile garden of tropical plants, decorated with waterfalls.

The Botanical Garden (Jardin Botanico) in Puerto de la Cruz is one of the most beautiful places on the island. This is the oldest botanical garden in Spain, founded in 1788.

Unique rubber trees, all kinds of palm trees, cacti, aloe and many unprecedented plants grow here. It is not close to the center, the road goes uphill, but it makes sense to get here: the place is extraordinary, charging the body and soul with strength.

As with any coastal city, a stroll along the promenade is a must in Puerto de la Cruz. It is called San Telmo (Paseo de San Telmo). On one side of you, crushing waves will crash against the rocks, on the other, there will be a string of shops and restaurants catering to different tastes and budgets. The premises of one of the restaurants are carved directly into the lava mass.

Down with soulless tourist slums, long live real cities, with real story, going deep into the Middle Ages. Puerto de la Cruz has been known since the first half of the 16th century. This city definitely has its own flavor, its own face and unique soul. Tourists fade into the background here, and local residents are the rightful owners of the city. But this does not mean that you will see arrogant faces and hear an arrogant tone. All the townspeople of Puerto de la Cruz are very friendly and hospitable.

Until it was built, Puerto de la Cruz was the main resort of the island. With the emergence of Las Americas, a huge part of tourists moved there. Still, infrastructure is a decisive factor when choosing a vacation. But, despite this kind of competition, this town still holds quite good positions, and is in second place in popularity among tourists in Tenerife. Whatever one may say, more and more tourists are choosing a real, colorful Canarian city rather than an artificially created tourist paradise.

Perhaps the lack of infrastructure and usual tourist sites makes Puerto de la Cruz not so popular among domestic tourists. By the way, this factor may be another bonus and you will choose this authentic town for your vacation. Mostly middle-aged German and English tourists can be found on the streets of the city. For young people, holidays in Puerto de la Cruz are a little boring. There is no place for noisy parties and late-night bar hopping.

Tourists prefer to silently and calmly contemplate the beautiful landscapes, sitting at one of the tables of cozy cafes. No one is in a hurry here, and the rhythm of life is measured and calm. Of course, here you can also find several bars open late, but this is rather an exception to the rule. You will be surprised, but at night the locals are used to sleeping soundly.

Puerto de la Cruz has excellent cuisine. You can have a snack or a hearty meal at every turn, and the level of food and cuisine is at an excellent level. The fact is that, along with tourists, you can also meet local residents in cafes, but you can’t really spoil yourself with such picky people as the Canarians. Therefore, you have to keep the establishment’s brand up to date, otherwise word of mouth will quickly spread bad news throughout the city, and you will lose a significant number of customers. Walking through the old city, you can easily find the most unusual restaurants, with interesting interiors and original cuisine. There is no room for luxury here, and the whole idea simply comes down to excellent cuisine. In the western part of the city, not far from, you will always find fresh fish and seafood. But the most exquisite fish delicacies, which even local residents are inclined to favor, are located in the area of ​​​​the old harbor.

There will also be no problems with choosing hotels in this city of Tenerife, regardless of income. Numerous city hotels with simple but comfortable rooms offer guests everything they need without unnecessary luxury.

As in most European cities, Puerto de la Cruz has big problems with parking space. So before you rent a car, check to see if there is accessible parking nearby. Otherwise, if you park your car in the wrong place, you will be forced to pay a huge fine. In general, the city is quite small, so it will be quite comfortable to move around it on foot.

Weather in Puerto de la Cruz

The local climate raises many questions among tourists. Someone, having read rumors on the Internet, is too categorical and rushes to conclusions and, as a result, makes a choice in favor of another resort. And some people think that since this is the northern part of the island, it must be cold here. Of course, the climate of the northern part of Tenerife differs from the south of the island and not for the better. In winter it is cool and often rains. But you need to understand that Puerto de la Cruz is a city with its own unique microclimate, since it is located in the lowlands and is located exactly in the middle north coast islands.

The temperature here is indeed a little lower than in the south, but this is felt only in winter or early spring. In summer you will not feel any difference, moreover, due to the high humidity, the north may seem even hotter. In any case, you should not take hats with earflaps, down jackets and felt boots with you.

And another big misconception. When you see a weather report for Tenerife, it usually refers to the capital of the island - . Remember, this city has nothing to do with Puerto de la Cruz. The island has several different climatic zones, and to find out the exact weather forecast for Puerto de la Cruz, you need to check for which particular region of the island.

Before you dive into the ocean, think better. Perhaps, having gone into ankle-deep water, you will come to your senses and return back to the shore. And the point here is not in the cold water, but in the choppy sea. There are strong waves in the north of the island. Local and numerous tourists prefer to swim in the city swimming pool complex Lago Martianez, located in the east of the city.

Attractions in Puerto de la Cruz

Among the popular attractions of Puerto de la Cruz, as they say, must-sees, there are several interesting places.
For example, Casa de Miranda is the oldest mansion in the city, owned by the Venezuelan national hero Francisco Miranda. Also, be sure to take a walk around the old town, near the fishing harbor. Some houses in the area date back to the 17th century.
Go to main square city ​​- Plaza del Charco, which is the actual center of Puerto de la Cruz. To the east of this square is the main pedestrian street of the city, Calle Quintana, which is lined with cafes, shops and restaurants.

Pay attention to the local zoo, which is called. If you come on vacation with children, you should definitely visit this most famous zoo on the island. If you like flowers and plants more, then go to your local

– the largest of the Canary Islands archipelago was and remains the oldest resort of Puerto de la Cruz.

History of the resort

It is located in the Orotava Valley in the north of the island, 25 km from Los Rodeos airport and 37 km from the capital of Tenerife - Santa Cruz. Rich and varied vegetable world with evergreen forests (monteverde), extensive banana plantations outside the city are due to the influence of trade winds, which maintain the humid climate of the resort.

Here life goes on at its own leisurely pace. It seems that elderly seniors playing dominoes in the shade of numerous palm trees imported from Cuba, office workers rushing to work, children playing on the playgrounds do not notice the numerous tourists at all.

Puerto de la Cruz began its existence in the 16th century as the port of the community of La Orotava. Soon a square and a church were built in the port, but Puerto de la Cruz remained an inconspicuous fishing village until the eruption of Mount Teide - high point throughout Spain, the main port of the island of Garachico was not destroyed in 1706.

Thus, Puerto (as the inhabitants call it for short) became the most important port of the island. The settlement grew and soon became a significant trading center for wine, the production of which was facilitated by fruitful grape plantations.

At the end of the 19th century, the city with full municipal autonomy came to the attention of moneybags from Foggy Albion, who chose Puerto as a vacation spot.

The healthy ocean air and mild climate increasingly attracted guests, to accommodate whom the first Grand Hotel Taoro was built and redeveloped into hotels old mansions"Monopol" and "Marquesa". After the government developed the island of the sunny south in the 80s of the 20th century, numerous tourists flocked there, and the city became the second most important.

Resort attractions

It’s definitely worth getting out into the city, since its embankment is a favorite place for wandering musicians, artists bringing culture to the masses, and street vendors of contraband goods. It has been and remains a place for a pleasant walk for couples and families with children.

If you need freshly caught seafood and fish, you can go shopping in the morning at the local fishing port (next to Portovaya Street - calle de la Marina) or do it even easier - at the nearest supermarket. There is also a decent selection of dairy products and cheeses.

Please note that there is a poor selection of cereals in stores. To buy buckwheat, you still need to look for it. The same situation applies to loose leaf black tea. Almost a shortage, who would have thought? Of course, there is a good selection of tea bags, but sometimes you want to drink natural tea.

And we tell you about the dishes of local Canarian cuisine, where meat and seafood predominate.

Such attractions of the city as the botanical garden, “Loro Parque” or parrot park, the central square of the city “Plaza del Charco”, the Archaeological Museum, the Anglican Church of All Saints and “Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia”, etc. are always attractive not only for old people -English, but also tourists of all ages.

Beaches of Puerto de la Cruz

Atlantic Ocean in the north of the island there is no longer control, and swimming in it is often dangerous due to the huge waves. There are 2 beaches on the resort territory that deserve attention.

Playa Martianez

The natural beach in the eastern part of the city is covered with black volcanic sand. Its length is 350 m, width – 25 m.

It is not protected from the waves in any way, so it is not suitable for swimming, but for surfers it is simply a paradise and can compete with the small resort of the south of Tenerife, a Mecca for windsurfers and kitesurfers.

Near this beach, a complex of artificial lakes Lago Martianez, filled with ocean water, and islands made of volcanic lava, has become an excellent alternative to swimming in the unpredictable ocean. The complex is the creation of the architect and artist Cesar Manrique, according to whose design the unique lakes in 1977.

An artificial lake with an area of ​​15,000 square meters with fountains occupies almost half of the entire complex. Small pools are intended for children. Lago Martianez, decorated with numerous palm trees, installations and sculptures by the architect, is open every day from 10:00 to 19:00, but you can only enter until 17:00.

A ticket for one adult will cost 3.5 €,
for children aged 4 to 10 years – 0.5 €.
Discounts are available for 2-4 week passes.

Playa Jardin

The spacious beach, surrounded by palm groves, is located in the western part of the resort and is covered with dark volcanic sand.

Architect Cesar Manrique completed the beach by 1993, which required 4,000 concrete blocks to build a breakwater and 230,000 volcanic sand.

Its length with divisions of rocks into three sections is 700 m, width – 50 m. Next to it there is a botanical garden, from which the beach got its name.

Puerto de la Cruz Hotels

Unprotected from bad weather, clouds and frequent precipitation, Puerto is not so attractive to hotel business tycoons, who prefer to build hotels in the southern part of the island, where the air temperature is several degrees higher.

We cover them month by month in this review – it’s definitely worth taking into account when planning your vacation.

Therefore, there are not many hotels in the city, among which these deserve attention.


The hotel has 5 bars, 2 swimming pools with sea and fresh water, a luxurious SPA center and a children's playground.

A distinctive feature of the hotel is that the hotel staff asks guests not to visit bars and restaurants in shorts after 20:00.

Also, to visit an oriental restaurant, evening dress is required. There is live music in the lobby in the evenings.

A free shuttle bus runs between the hotel and the city center on weekdays.


The hotel consists of 17 floors and is located on the ocean, but there is no beach near the hotel. All standard double rooms and 2 suites have sea views. There is a swimming pool with ocean water right on the rocky shore. In addition to it there are 2 more fresh water and heated swimming pools. Distance to the city center – 1.5 km, to the nearest Beach Playa Martianez – 1.3 km.


One multi-storey building-tower with 260 rooms is located 200 m from the Playa Martianez beach, next to the shopping center and the Lago Martianez artificial lake complex.
The hotel has three swimming pools, two of which are heated winter time years, three bars, a shop, a hairdresser.

The views from the windows are stunning: some rooms overlook the Atlantic Ocean, while others overlook the Teide volcano, which is the symbol of Tenerife and is even depicted on its coat of arms.


The hotel, like the previous one, is located near shopping center and Lago Martianez, 50 m from the beach. The hotel has 2 swimming pools and solariums on its roofs.


The hotel building, located 1 km from Playa Martianez beach, was built back in 1973, and its reconstruction was completed by 1998.

On its territory, surrounded by greenery, there are 2 swimming pools for adults and 1 for children. In the evening, in addition to watching the show program, you can walk to the center or the botanical garden in just 10 minutes.

It is worth mentioning such “fours” as cozy hotel with a green area SOL PARQUE SAN ANTONIO 4*, located near Taoro Park, 2 km from the ocean, and the eight-story SOL PUERTO PLAYA 4*, which deserves special attention, because it is located 200 m from the Playa Jardin beach and only 500 m from commercial and historical center cities.

Such hotels are also excellent options.


The hotel has been awarded the high status "Golden Crown RCI" for high quality serving guests.

The five-story hotel buildings, decorated in traditional Canarian style, are located in the central part of Puerto.

1 large swimming pool with a children's section, a gym, a restaurant and a bar are at the disposal of guests who can stay in studios, apartments with one or more bedrooms and penthouses.

Each room has an equipped kitchen and a balcony or terrace. The hotel also hosts daily daytime animation and evening shows.


The hotel has been operating since 1996 and is an excellent budget option.
Located 1 km from the ocean, but only 100 m from the botanical garden and a 2-minute walk from the supermarket.

You can walk to the city center in just 10 minutes or use free bus, regularly running between the hotel and the center.

City of Puerto de la Cruz in Spain

Puerto de la Cruz is a wonderful city, one of the most popular resorts in the north of the island of Tenerife. It is part of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and belongs to the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The area of ​​the city is approximately 9 square kilometers, height – 4 meters above sea level. Currently, about 35 thousand people live in Puerto de la Cruz, but during the tourist season this figure increases significantly. If you are wondering what the weather can be like in Puerto de la Cruz, then take a look at our special section. In general, it is slightly cooler here than in the south and more humid. In this regard, there are many more interesting plants, including ancient ones.

Hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

If you need an inexpensive hotel in Puerto de la Cruz, then pay attention to the apartments, there are very good ones, including those with heated pools, which is important in winter. Fans of luxury options can look at the already proven ones. One of best hotels Puerto de la Cruz – Botanico 5*, on the third line, but close to the beach. Guests are satisfied with everything: location, food, service. A simpler option (three stars) is Miramar 3*, on the third line (for Tenerife this is absolutely normal, there are almost no hotels right on the shore). It also gets great reviews. Also among the hotels in Puerto de la Cruz you can consider Catalonia Las Vegas 4* (it’s right on the beach), Turquesa Playa 4* (also on the beach, apartments) and H10 Tenerife Playa 4* (also on the first line , which is why many people choose it after evaluating the placement).

Of the inexpensive hotels in Puerto de la Cruz, we particularly like tourists Hotel Sun Holidays, 4 Dreams Hotel Chimisay, Hotel Monopol and Hotel Don Candido are one of the most profitable. Remember that the city is built on uneven terrain, so the further from the ocean, the higher. Take this into account when choosing where to live, especially if you find it difficult to constantly get up and down.

Transport in Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz – Big City by the standards of the island of Tenerife, so there are both urban and intercity buses. We bring brief information about routes, if you need it detailed information, please ask questions in the comments.

  • 101. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It can also take you to La Laguna, La Victoria and several other towns. The bus runs from early morning until evening - quite often.
  • 102. Allows you to get from the capital - Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Puerto de la Cruz through the Northern Airport. The bus runs around the clock, not too often, but not too infrequently.
  • 102. Transport from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Puerto de la Cruz is also express. Walks from early morning until evening, with average frequency.
  • 325. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Los Gigantes via Icod de los Vinos. Walks from morning until late evening, quite rarely.
  • 339. From Puerto de la Cruz to Realejo Alto (circular). Through Las Arenas - at 21.30 and 23.30, through Las Dehesas - at 22.30 and 0.40.
  • 343. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Los Cristianos - via both airports. Walks from morning to evening with average frequency.
  • 345. Transport Puerto de la Cruz - La Caldera de La Orotava. From morning to evening, with average frequency.
  • 348. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Cañadas del Teide. The only way to get to the wonderful views from Teide is public transport. Leaves Puerto de la Cruz at 9.15, from the volcano at 16.00.
  • 350. Transport from Puerto de la Cruz to La Orotava, runs from early morning to late evening, average.
  • 352. Bus to La Orotava and Los Realejos, from early morning until late evening.
  • 353. Allows you to reach La Orotava, Realejo Bajo, Realejo Alto. From early morning until late evening.
  • 354. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Icod de los Vinos, from early morning until evening, not too infrequently, via San José, La Guancha, El Pinalete.
  • 363. Transport to Buenavista via Icod de los Vinos, from early morning until evening.
  • 382 - city bus in Puerto de la Cruz, runs quite rarely between Plaza Reyes Catholicos and the San Antonio area, including through the city market.
  • 383. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to La Bera via Las Arenas. It departs only a few times a day - in the morning and at lunchtime.
  • 390. Puerto de la Cruz - Realejo Alto via La Montaña. Not too often, not too busy.
  • 391. Bus from Puerto de la Cruz to Realejo Alto via San Agustin. It runs only on weekdays, several flights a day.

You can buy a regular ticket or a round-trip ticket (for short trips, 10 percent discount). They also sell cards that make travel cheaper, but they cost 15 and 25 euros.

On average, a bus trip to Puerto de la Cruz will cost about 1.5 euros, to the North Airport - almost 5, to South Airport– about 14 euros, to Costa Adeje – 15. With cards it’s much cheaper. The road from Puerto de la Cruz to Santa Cruz de Tenerife costs about 5-6 euros.

Puerto de la Cruz on the map of Tenerife

Puerto de la Cruz: map

Puerto de la Cruz weather

The weather in Puerto de la Cruz over the past years is presented in the material “Weather in Tenerife by month”.

Sights of Puerto de la Cruz: what to see

Puerto de la Cruz is a wonderful city with always something to do.

Firstly, among the attractions of Puerto de la Cruz are: Old city. There are buildings built several centuries ago. The second attraction of Puerto de la Cruz is Loro Parque. People come here from all over the island. Next is the botanical garden, and entry to it is free.

Among the entertainment in Puerto de la Cruz is Lago Martianez, a complex of artificial lakes, suitable for those who want to swim even during strong waves, but are not ready to risk diving into the ocean. Entrance is paid, but the territory is very comfortable.

You can read more about the attractions in Tenerife in the adjacent article, but for now – a little about the city itself. Puerto de la Cruz is built in “levels”, i.e. To get to the top of it, you have to climb significantly. There is a promenade along the ocean. There are many cafes and tourist attractions, souvenir shops, and tour desks. There are also many hotels located here. However, once you move away from the promenade, the tourist orientation of the city ceases to be felt that way. Puerto de la Cruz is perfect for those who like to see the life of the locals, but also will not refuse the tourist infrastructure.

Beaches of Puerto de la Cruz

And, of course, one of the main aspects tourist city– these are its beaches. We will talk about them in order. Imagine that you are looking at a map of the island, from west to east there are 5 beaches - large and small.

The westernmost one is called Punta Brava (Playa de Punta Brava). Some consider it part of Hardin Beach, others consider it separate. Beautiful black sand, convenient entrance, equipped beach: there is a rescue post, rental of sunbeds and umbrellas, shower, toilet, cafe. The beach is approximately 220 by 50 meters, is popular, and entry is free.

Playa Jardin is one of the most famous beaches in Puerto de la Cruz. It is perfectly equipped, designed by an artist, and therefore very beautiful. Near the beach there is a beautiful promenade garden, a waterfall, and fish restaurants. The waves are quite strong, so surfers have fun here. Quite a lot of hotels have also been built around this beach; the beach itself is 400 by 80 meters in size, also with a shower, toilet, and rental of umbrellas and sun loungers.

Playa de Puerto is not an ordinary beach. Rather, it is an old fishing harbor, usually no one swims here, the water does not seem clean and comfortable, and the entrance is also not the most convenient. The beach is not equipped, the length is about 15 meters.

The fourth beach in Puerto de la Cruz - Playa San Telmo - is also a beach in the harbor; there are no strong waves here thanks to the rock protection. The entrance is not very convenient, many people climb up the stairs, but no winds are scary. This is a kind of alternative to the “pontoon entrance” in popular hotels. The beach is small and not equipped, but all the infrastructure is nearby.

And the last one, the most east beach Puerto de la Cruz is Playa de Martianez. Playa de Martianez is large and comfortable. Sometimes the waves are too strong, but the rest of the time it is quite suitable for both regular swimming and surfing. By the way, you can admire incredible stunts performed by experienced athletes. Dimensions - about 40 by 400 m. There is equipment rental on the beach.


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