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Geography of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a state located in South Asia not far from the equator line, on the island of the same name in Indian Ocean. A beautiful tropical island with long sandy beaches framed by lush tropical greenery is located just 34 km southeast of Indian city Rameshwaram. Sri Lanka is the 25th largest island in the world.

The island of Sri Lanka is separated from mainland India by the Palk bay, as well as a chain of small islands called Adam's Bridge, located in the Gulf of Mannar. The total length of the coastline of Sri Lanka is 1340 km. From the western side, the island is washed by the Laccadive Sea, from the eastern side by the Bay of Bengal (from all sides the country is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean). The state has maritime borders with India in the northwest and the Maldives in the southwest.

Sri Lanka island coordinates

  • Length: from 5° 55"C to 9° 50"C,
  • Width: 79° 41"B to 81° 52"B.

The coordinates are given by extreme points islands.

Distance from Sri Lanka to the equator

Contrary to popular belief, the equator line does not pass through Sri Lanka, the distance across the water from the southern point islands (Cape Dondra in the Matara region) to the equator is 650 km.

Island territory

The area occupied by the state is 65,610 square kilometers, of which 64,740 square kilometers belong to the land, and 870 square kilometers to the water part. Most big Island Sri Lanka has an area of ​​65,268 sq km, its length is 430 km, its width is 218.82 km (Negombo - Kalmunai).


The entire surface of the island of Sri Lanka can be divided by geographical relief into three zones with the corresponding climate: the Central Highlands, plains and coastal lowlands. The relief of the island is very heterogeneous, due to which several climatic zones with significantly different weather conditions and temperatures are located on the territory of the country.

Central Highlands of Sri Lanka (center of the country)

The Central Highlands of Sri Lanka is the heart of the island, this area includes its highest mountains. The high plateau, located in the center of the island from north to south, stretches for 65 km. The highest point in the country is Mount Pidurutalagala (Pidurutalagala) with a height of 2.524 m, located at the southern end of the plateau. At the foot of Pidurutalagala is the city of Nuwara Eliya, famous for its tea. Many kilometers of mountain ranges stretch from Pidurutalagala: to the west to Sri Pada / Adam's Peak for 50 km, the height of the peak is 2.243 m, and also to the east, to Mount Namunakula with a height of 2.036 m. Two lower plateaus are located on the sides of the high central ridges.

In the west of the Central Highlands is the Horton Plateau, a deeply dissected range of ridges, with a steep edge descending to lower elevations towards the north. The Uva Plateau, located in the east of the Central Highlands, consists of valleys interspersed with deep valleys and gorges. In the north, separated from the main part of the mountain and the plateau by wide valleys, lies the Knuckles massif: steep mountain ledges, deep gorges and the peaks rise to over 1,800 meters above sea level. To the south of Adam's Peak lie the parallel Rakwana ranges, with several peaks over 1,400 meters high. The elevation level descends from the central part of the highlands to a series of escarpments, to a height of 400-500 meters, before descending to the low zone of the coastal plains.

Plains of Sri Lanka (North)

Most of the surface of the island of Sri Lanka lies on plains from 30 to 200 m above sea level. In the southwest, ridges and depressions gradually gain height, merging with the Central Highlands. Extensive erosion in this area has led to the destruction of many ridges and the formation of fertile soil downstream the rivers. In the southeast, red lateritic soils create a relatively flat surface of monolithic hills. The transition from the plain to the central part of the highlands in the southeast is quite steep: the mountains rise almost vertically. In the east and north, the highlands are a flat plain, dissected by long narrow granite ridges coming from its central part.

Coastal lowlands (coast along the edge of the island)

The mountainous part of the country is surrounded by coastal lowlands lying at an altitude of about 30 m above sea level. Much of the coast consists of picturesque sandy beaches with extensive coastal lagoons and wetlands. In the northeast and southwest, there are naturally deep inland bays of Galle and Trincomalee.

Natural resources of Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, significant reserves of such rocks as limestone, graphite, quartzite, marble, minerals, phosphates, and clays exist and are being developed.

Mountains of Sri Lanka

The highest mountains of Sri Lanka are located in the Central Highlands in the areas of Nuwara Eliya and Ratnapura, their height ranges from 2000 to 2524 meters. List of the most high mountains islands:

  1. Pidurutalagala - 2524 m
  2. Kirigalpotta - 2395 m
  3. Totupola Kanda - 2357 m
  4. Kudahagala - 2320 m
  5. Adam Peak - 2243 m
  6. Kikilimana - 2240 m
  7. Great Western - 2216 m
  8. Hakgala - 2170 m
  9. Conical Hill - 2166 m
  10. Van Tree Hill - 2100 m

Islands of Sri Lanka

The territories of Sri Lanka include not only the island of the same name, but also a number of islands, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is over 342 square kilometers. Most of the islands are concentrated in the northern and north eastern regions countries: in Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Puttalam, Mannar, Kilinochchi and Jaffna. They were formed millions of years ago during the departure of Sri Lanka from the mainland of Hindustan. Numerous islands in the northern part of the country vary considerably in size. So, one of the smallest in area is Pigeon (Trincomalee), occupying an area of ​​​​only 0.01 square kilometers, while the largest - North Mannar occupies 126 square kilometers.

Rivers of Sri Lanka

Due to the relief, which forms a large number of rivers, and many natural and man-made reservoirs, Sri Lanka has huge reserves of renewable water resources: 53 cubic km. The longest river of the country, whose length is 325 km, is the Mahaweli Ganga River, which originates in the valleys of the Horton Plateau.

The second longest is Malvathu Oya, its length is 164 km. The rest of the rivers (there are more than a hundred of them) are shorter, but mostly also originate in the Central Highlands, such as the Kelani Ganga or Walave Ganga. The total length of the rivers exceeds 4,500 km, on the territory of the island there are reservoirs with a total area of ​​169,941 hectares.

Man-made reservoirs dug in ancient times by the Sinhalese kings throughout the island and the infrastructural works carried out by the Dutch in the 18th century to build canals on the island allow all major cities to be supplied with water to this day.

10 longest rivers in Sri Lanka

  1. Mahaweli Ganga - 325 km;
  2. Aruvi Aru - 170 km;
  3. Malvathu Oya - 164 km;
  4. Cala Oia - 148 km;
  5. Kelani Ganga - 145 km;
  6. Yan Oya - 142 km;
  7. Deduru Oya - 142 km;
  8. Walave Ganga - 138 km;
  9. Maduru Oya - 135 km;
  10. Maha Oya - 134 km.

Coral reefs of Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka is surrounded by coral reefs that are found along the entire coast around it. The corals in the northeastern part of the island are far better preserved than those in the southwest. In the south, they were badly damaged during the 2004 tsunami, which almost destroyed the Underwater Gardens of Hikkaduwa and other resort towns.

Capital - Colombo

Geographical position and relief

The state is located on the island of Sri Lanka in the northern part of the Indian Ocean off the coast of India. The terrain is mostly flat except for mountain range in the central part towards the south. The most high point- Pidurutalagala (2524 m).


The country is agricultural. About 10% of the world's tea production is concentrated on the island. The most important industry is textile, which accounts for approximately 60% of exports. Some natural resources are also mined, such as gems, graphite, salt. An important role is played by tourism, which provides about 9% of GDP.


Most of the country is located in the subequatorial climatic zone, only on the southern shores of the island the climate is equatorial (there is the largest amount of precipitation in the country - up to 5000 mm). Average air temperature within + 26 °C - + 30 °C.


The population is 21,200 thousand people. It is characterized by multinationality among the inhabitants, the largest ethnic group is Sinhalese (74%), Tamils ​​are also represented (11%), Sri Lankan Moors (9%), descendants of Europeans - burghers (0.3%), Veddas, etc.

Geographic location of Sri Lanka.

SRI LANKA, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (until 1972 Ceylon), a state in South Asia, on about. Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, at the southern tip of the Hindustan peninsula, which is separated by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk, between which there is a chain of islands of the Adam's Bridge. The area is 65.6 thousand km2. Population 20.482 million (2004).

The actual capital of the country is Colombo. The official capital is Sri Javayardenapura Kotte, a suburb of Colombo.

State structure of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a unitary republic. Included in the Commonwealth. The current constitution was adopted in 1978.

The head of state is the president (elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years). The President of Sri Lanka since 1994 is Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge (she was re-elected for a second term in 1999).

The head of government is the prime minister (appointed by the president). The prime minister since 2004 is Mahinda Rajapakse.

The legislature is a unicameral parliament (National State Assembly), elected for a term of six years.

Administrative-territorial division of Sri Lanka.

The territory of Sri Lanka is divided into 8 administrative provinces (Western, Sabaragamuwa, North East, North West, Uva, North Central and South), which consist of 25 districts.

The people of Sri Lanka.

About 74% of the population are Sinhalese (inhabit the western, central and southern regions countries), 18% - Tamils ​​[two separate branches: Sri Lankan (in the northern and eastern regions) and Indian (in the central regions)], 8% - so-called. Sri Lankan Moors (descendants of Arabs); there are also several thousand Veddas (descendants of the ancient population of the island), Sri Lankan burghers (descendants of the Portuguese, Dutch and British), as well as Malays.

The official languages ​​are Sinhalese and Tamil, and English is widely spoken.

The religious affiliation of the population basically corresponds to the national-ethnic composition: Buddhism is practiced by about 70% (mainly Sinhalese), Hinduism - more than 17% (mainly Tamils), Islam and Christianity - approximately 8% each (Moors, burghers, etc.) .

Largest cities: Colombo, Moratuwa, Galle, Trincomalee, Jaffna, Kandy.

Climate of Sri Lanka.

The climate is monsoonal, subequatorial in the north and east, equatorial in the south and west. The air temperature on the plains is +26-30 °C, in the mountains it drops to +15-20 °C, and changes slightly throughout the year. One of the coldest places on the island - mountain resort Nuwara Eliya (1881 m above sea level), the average January temperature is +14 ° C, May +17 ° C.

The greatest amount of precipitation (up to 5000 mm per year) falls on the southwestern slopes of the highlands (mainly during the summer southwestern monsoon); at the foot of the mountains - up to 2000 mm per year. On the northeastern slopes of the highlands and adjacent plains, most of the precipitation falls during the winter northeastern monsoon, their annual amount drops to 1000-2000 mm; the dry season is observed for 8-9 months. The least amount of precipitation (less than 1000 mm per year) is on the northwestern and southeastern coasts. In spring and autumn, abundant convective afternoon (so-called zenithal) rains fall in many areas. Air humidity is about 75%.

Natural resources of Sri Lanka.

The length of the island of Sri Lanka from north to south is 445 km, from west to east - 225 km. The shores of the island are predominantly low-lying, often lagoonal, bordered by coral reefs, slightly indented, with separate ingressive bays.

Over 80% of the territory is occupied by low-lying plains (100 m above sea level), above which individual rock remains (up to 700 m high) rise, often of a bizarre shape (resembling either a huge animal, or a giant book, or the ruins of an ancient temple). In the central and southern parts the islands are a stepped highland (average height 1000-2000 m) with leveled surfaces, dissected faults, and steep fault ledges. The upper tier of the highlands is formed by table surfaces and steep peaks - Mt. Pidurutalagala (2524 m), Adamov Peak (2243 m), etc. One of the faults consists of disparate links, generally having a meridional orientation; the other has an arcuate shape and a latitudinal strike; in general, they look like an anchor, the rod of which is extended from north to south.
Sri Lanka occupies part of the Hindustan Shield of the Indian Platform, the foundation of which is composed of gneisses, granite-gneisses, scoopites, amphibolites, schists, quartzites, marbles with intrusions of Upper Proterozoic granites (about 1 billion years ago), dolerite and pegmatite dikes; carbonatites are known. Basement rocks come to the surface in 9/10 of the territory of Sri Lanka; in the north, the foundation is hidden under a cover of sedimentary rocks (sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, limestones, sands, clays) of Jurassic and Miocene ages. Coastal-marine Quaternary deposits (pebbles, gravel, sand, clay) are widespread along the coast of the Indian Ocean. Laterites are developed on crystalline rocks.

Main minerals: graphite, precious and semi-precious stones (sapphire, ruby, aquamarine, topaz, moonstone, chrysoberyl, etc.), coastal-marine "black" sands with ilmenite and rutile, zircon and monazite; apatite, kaolin and other clays, limestone, feldspars, quartz sand.

The river network of Sri Lanka is dense. Short full-flowing rivers (the largest - the Mahaweli River) begin in the Central Highlands and spread radially in all directions, forming waterfalls in the mountains. Kelani and Mahaoya flow to the western shore, Walava and Nilwala to the south, Gal and Yan to the east. Used for irrigation (mainly in the north and east); numerous reservoirs have been built.

The soils are red earth and lateritic, along the river valleys and along the coasts there are strips of alluvial soils.

Natural vegetation covers about 3/4 of the island's surface. On the southwestern slopes of the mountains and in some places at their foothills (44% of the entire country), moist equatorial forests have been preserved (individual trees reach a height of 80 m) with a huge variety of species (palms, dipterocarps, etc.), forests are distinguished by rich undergrowth, an abundance of mosses. The plains in the north and east of the island and the slopes of the highlands adjacent to them are covered with secondary deciduous forests (9-12 m high). The plateaus are occupied by wastelands of the savanna type (a combination of tall coarse grasses with individual trees), above 2000 m - crooked forests. Along the northwestern and southeastern coasts - thickets of thorny bushes, in some places near the coasts - mangrove forests, coconut palms.

The fauna of the Indomalayan type, with an admixture of Madagascar species (lemurs). From mammals: elephant, sloth bear, leopard, lynx, 5 species of monkeys, deer, wild boars, viverras. An abundance of birds (parrots, peacocks, flamingos, storks), many lizards, snakes, crocodiles. Insects (butterflies, ants, termites, etc.) are diverse. The number of large animals is steadily declining due to the expansion of agricultural areas and the reduction of forests.

National parks: Vilpattu, Yala (Ruhunu), Gal-Oya. Reserves: (Ritigala, Wasgomuwa, Hakgala). Near the city of Kandy is the large botanical garden of Peradeniya.

Economy and Industry of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is an agricultural country with a developed plantation economy. The share of industry in GDP is about 35%. The economy remains dependent on foreign, mainly British, capital and the external market. The role of the public sector is growing.

In agriculture, St. 70% of the economically active population. More than 1/3 of the territory is being cultivated. The basis of the economy is the production for export of tea (one of the first places in the world), rubber and coconut palm products. The main food crop is rice. They also grow millet, corn, legumes, sweet potatoes, cassava, vegetables, spices (cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom), industrial crops - fibrous and oilseeds, fruit crops - bananas, pineapples. Animal husbandry is poorly developed, cattle (including buffaloes) are used mainly as a draft force. Elephants are also used as working animals. Fishing (including coastal).

Graphite, iron ore, precious stones (ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, etc.), ilmenite, rutile, zircon, salt, mica, limestone, peat, etc. are mined.

Sri Lanka is predominantly hydropower, so energy production is highly dependent on seasonal fluctuations in rainfall and river flow.

The traditional manufacturing industries are tea, rubber processing, copra and coconut oil production. The light (textile, shoe, paper, etc.) and food (sugar) industries are developed. Mechanical engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, production of building materials, woodworking, and oil refining industries are developing. The main industrial center is the city of Colombo and its environs.

Traditional handicraft production (blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, weaving of mats, bags, hats, ropes, rugs, artistic carving on wood, horn, ivory, tortoiseshell, chasing metal, making gold and silver jewelry with precious stones, etc.) .

Tourism is developing. Seaside (Negombo, Beruwela, Benton, Trincomalee, etc.) and mountain resorts.

Exports: tea, rubber, coconut palm products, ready-made clothing. Imports: textile products, machinery and equipment, oil and oil products, wheat, sugar, fertilizers. Main foreign trade partners: Saudi Arabia, USA, Great Britain, India, Germany, Japan.

Close to Colombo is the international airport at Katunayake.
Main ports: Colombo, Galle, Jaffna, Trincomalee.

The monetary unit is the rupee of Sri Lanka. 1 Sri Lankan rupee is equal to 100 cents.

The island state of Sri Lanka, which means “Blessed Land” in translation, is a real tourist paradise in the middle of the ocean.

Capital of Sri Lanka?

The official capital of Sri Lanka is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, where the Parliament and the Supreme Court are located.
The actual capital is Colombo. Colombo is the seat of government and also the residence of the President.

Area: 65,610 km²

Population: 21,675,648

National composition?

The ethnic composition of Sri Lanka is multinational. Among the population of Sri Lanka, one can meet representatives of such nationalities as Sinhalese, Tamils, burghers (descendants of the Portuguese and Dutch) and Moors (descendants of Arab traders).

Official language?

Sri Lanka speaks mainly Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austronesian languages. The official languages ​​are Sinhala, Tamil and English.


The Sri Lankan rupee is the national currency of the state. It is equal to 100 cents. Banknotes are in circulation in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 rupees, and there are also coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1,2,5 rupees in the country. International payments accepted credit cards. When importing foreign currency into the country, the procedure for its declaration is obligatory.


Time zone in Sri Lanka is UTC+05:30. All Sri Lanka's territory belongs to the same time zone.


The climate in Sri Lanka is tropical. The weather changes with the arrival of the monsoons.

t°C air during the day

t°C air at night


All about food

Sri Lankan cuisine is rich in flavors and spices, much like Indian cuisine. Sri Lankan cuisine still has its own characteristics, which will undoubtedly attract many tourists. In the preparation of their dishes, they mainly use fish, tropical fruits, a lot of herbs and spices.

Real gourmets simply need to try the national cuisine of this island:

stringhoppers- a popular breakfast on the island, which you must try, it will surprise you with its spiciness. This dish is a delicious vermicelli, which is made from rice flour, various spicy mixtures are added, which you should definitely try.

Hoppers is a unique breakfast dish. An unusually tasty flatbread in the center of which you can add various ingredients for every taste
Kokis(Kokis) is a popular dessert dish. Its taste is similar to marmalade, but outwardly very similar to brushwood
.Kiribat white rice with coconut milk deserves special attention of real gourmets. Kiribat is amazingly tasty without additives, but a completely different taste will surprise you when you try it with spicy snacks, for example, with a crushed mixture of hot red pepper, onion, lemon and spices - cattasambol. With coconut flakes and palm "honey", kiribat becomes sweet.
Arak- amazingly tasty palm vodka.

Top 5 restaurants where you can try the national cuisine of the island:

DiyaSisila Restaurant(Elpitiya Road | Bentota - Adaganthota, Bentota 50800);
Malli's Seafood Restaurant (Beach Road | Opposite of Hotel The Surf, Bentota 80500);
Sun & Sea Restaurant(| Robolgoda, Bentota 80500);
Awanhala Beach Restaurant(Galle Road | Near the Railway Cross, Bentota 80500);
Bentota Rock Beach Restaurant(Aturuwella, Bentota 80500);

Top 5 restaurants where you can have a tasty and inexpensive meal:

Ocean View Restaurant(Robolgoda, Bentota, Bentota 80500);
Bamboo Shoot Restaurant(Yalegama Junction, Induruwa 12050);
Pub MachanBentota(357 Galle Road, Bentota 80500);
Barista Bentota(No 88 Welipenna Road, Aluthgama, Bentota., Bentota 80500);
The Red Fish - Sea Food Restaurant(200/1 Robolgoda, Galle Road, Bentota 80500);


The people of Sri Lanka love to celebrate the holidays, of which there are a great many in their calendar. The most important and revered holiday is the ascension of the Holy buddha tooth from a Kandian temple DaladaMaligawa. This celebration is celebrated at the same time as the festival EsalaPerahera where they arrange a colorful procession. On the procession you can see torchbearers, beautifully painted temple elephants, dancers in national costumes and banner bearers. But this is only one of the many holidays in Sri Lanka. To enjoy the view and atmosphere of the holiday, it is worth visiting the celebration of Navam Perahera, which is celebrated on the shore beautiful lake Beira. Thousands of tourists and those wishing to participate in a colorful procession gather for such a holiday.
Holidays worth visiting include New Year, which is celebrated on April 13-14, the May festivals of Vel and Besak, the Kataragama festival, which is held in July or August, and the Unduwap ​​festival in December. Almost all other holidays in Sri Lanka are celebrated in the same way as in other countries.
Every tourist visiting this country should know what not to do on the streets of Sri Lanka. It is considered disrespectful to the mores of the inhabitants of this island to take pictures against the backdrop of the sacred statue of Buddha, i.e. don't turn your back on her. It is forbidden to take pictures of banks, strategic facilities and government institutions. If you want to take a picture with a local resident, you need to ask him for permission so as not to bring the situation to a conflict.

What to do with yourself?

Sri Lanka is a paradise for tourists with different preferences: it is the best suited for lovers of beach pleasures, connoisseurs ancient history culture of the island.
Of course, Sri Lanka will become a favorite destination for surfers and divers. The resort of Hikkaduwa is famous for its steep waves, which real surfers should certainly appreciate. The same resort is also popular among divers. I dive under water, you can admire the richness of the underwater world, as well as see the remains of a sunken ship.
Also, various resorts expect a variety of entertainment: banana, water skiing, canoeing or scootering and much more.
Also, for those who want the wedding to be extraordinary and colorful, you should go to the Bentonu resort, where you can order an official marriage ceremony on the seashore or go through a Ceylon wedding ceremony.

How to visit Sri Lanka and not ride elephants?! The resorts offer a lot of entertainment with an elephant: elephant riding; a drawing drawn with an elephant's trunk; extraordinary massage.
There will also be an opportunity for animal lovers to go on a yacht safari to watch whales and release newly born turtles into the sea.
Having visited Sri Lanka you should definitely visit the famous Ayurvedic therapies, where you can enjoy traditional massage, meditation, yoga, various types of psychotherapy. Feel the whole color and diversity of the island.
And of course, a visit to the Ceylon plantations, after which everyone learns to distinguish the taste of green tea from white.
Rest in Sri Lanka gives health, beauty and good mood.

What is worth seeing?

Sri Lanka is rich in attractions. On the island, both lovers of architecture and history, and connoisseurs of tropical nature will find a lot of interesting things for themselves.
Pilgrimage tours to Sri Lanka are interesting, as there are a lot of religious architectural monuments and monasteries in the country. Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharda one of the most popular places where many tourists come, it is an unusually beautiful and the largest temple on the island. Many believers believe that this temple was consecrated by himself Buddha when I placed it. golden temple Dambulla, which houses the largest number of Buddha statues.
On your journey, this amazing island is definitely worth see: the holy Adam's Peak (2243 meters), where, according to the legends, the human foot first stepped after paradise; visit the rock with footprints of the Buddha; see the unusually beautiful Bo tree, under which the same Buddha once rested, visit the ancient city of Anuradhapura, where there are numerous ancient monuments listed by UNESCO. There are many different parks in the country where you can personally experience the whole flavor of the animal world. It is worth looking into the royal botanical garden in Paradenia. The garden is well known throughout the world for its rich plant collections. And be sure to walk through the wild jungle, where not only many wild monkeys live, but even leopards and cheetahs.

Visiting the country by tourists?

Before you visit the country, you should know that in late spring and until autumn, the rainy season begins in Sri Lanka. During the summer, rain can be avoided on the eastern part of the island. If in winter time rest is impossible, then, knowing this information, any tourist will know where it is better to go in the hot season. And the south or west coast is better to visit in the fall or in winter.

Economic situation?

In the world economy, the island of Ceylon was associated with the production of tea, rubber, cinnamon and the extraction of precious stones. The country is on the 4th place in the world in tea production. Sri Lanka exports tea, rubber, coconuts, graphite, sapphires, rubies and other precious stones. Agriculture provides 20% of exports, the main industry is textiles.

Political situation in the country?

The political situation in Sri Lanka is unstable. There are many servicemen on the streets, checkpoints have been set up on the roads, railway stations and bus stations have been fenced off. At the entrances there are soldiers who check the documents of all passengers. Some hotels, nat. parks and resort areas guarded by the national army.

Religious affiliation of the population?

The main religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam. The main part of the inhabitants, the Sinhalese, professes Buddhism. Most of the Tamil population is Hindu. The Muslim religion is followed by the Malays and Moors. 7.6% are burghers and part of the Tamil and Sinhala population who are Christians.

Customs rules and regulations?

Import and export of any amount of foreign currency is allowed. Large amounts are subject to declaration. The import of the national currency of India and Pakistan is prohibited. The national currency of Sri Lanka (rupees) can be imported and exported from the country in a limited amount. Upon entry, a declaration of expensive items is required.

Duty-free import of 2 bottles of wine and 1.5 liters of spirits is allowed. Duty-free import - up to 200 cigarettes / 50 cigars / 250g of tobacco per person. Tobacco products that exceed the import norms are declared and taxed. Foreign currency: amounts over $15,000 must be declared. Amounts over $5,000 must also be declared if you intend to take them out on your return flight. The import of Indian and Pakistani currencies is prohibited. No more than 5,000 rupees is allowed to be imported. It is necessary to declare jewelry and jewelery in order to avoid overlaps during export.
It is forbidden to import or export:
explosives, weapons, ammunition, stabbing and cutting objects, drugs and psychotropic substances, pornography, materials that make fun of any faith.


For a short visit to Sri Lanka for tourism purposes, business trips or for transit through the country, it is necessary to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) - Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA). For other purposes of travel or for a long-term stay in the country, it is necessary to obtain other types of visas in advance.


Adam's Peak
The most visited attraction in Sri Lanka, which is sacred to 4 world religions.
Sigiriya is picturesque mountain where a city is built on top.
Mount Dambulla is a large religious complex located in the center of the island. This place is deeply appreciated by lovers of architecture and history, as there are unique cave temples, monasteries and other archaeological sites.
the city of Kandy - considered the cultural capital of the island nation, is located right in the middle of Sri Lanka, considered the cultural capital of the island nation.
The Elephant Nursery is home to babies left without parents or victims of poachers. Here the elephants are brought up, after some they are distributed to zoos, and others are trained to work in Ceylon.
Tea industry Until 1839, tea was not grown in Ceylon. Only in 1839, the English colonialists brought the seeds of the tea bush to the island. The father of the Ceylon tea industry is James Taylor. Ceylon tea is recognized as the best in the world for its exceptional characteristics and has maintained an excellent reputation for more than a century. Tea is harvested throughout the year.

Holidays and festivals?

The main holiday in Sri Lanka is February 4 and Independence Day. In addition, a number of Buddhist, Muslim and Christian holidays are celebrated. Days off, in addition to Saturday and Sunday, are the days of the full moon - Roya Day, which are intended for meditation.

Attractions that you need to visit first?

Pinnawala - the kingdom of elephants
There is a wonderful elephant orphanage in Pinnawala. That is why tourists are necessarily taken here to get acquainted with our smaller brothers. You can watch the life of elephants. Moreover, elephants here are of almost all ages: from four-month-old babies to adults, self-sufficient individuals.

Royal Botanic Garden
While exploring Kandy, tourists should definitely look into Peradeniya. It is here that the best Royal Botanical Garden in Asia is located.
Its beauty, like the craftsmanship of the designers, cannot be expressed in words.
elephant nursery

The main areas of tourism?

Main beach areas: Marawila, Waikkal, Negombo, Mount Lavinia, Wadduwa, Kalutara, Beruwala, Bentota, Induruwa, Kosgoda, Ahungalla, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Weligama, Dikwella, Tangalle, Hambantota, Trincomale, Arugam Bay.
The main sightseeing areas are Nuwara Eliya, Kandy, Mount Sigiriya, Dambulla and Polonnaruwa.


Tipping in Sri Lanka is considered optional but desirable, and leaving coins is considered ignorance, so it is better to leave a small bill. Only in expensive hotels and restaurants, 10% service charge is already included in the bill. In cafes, tips are usually 10% of the bill. Taxi drivers, maids and porters will also not refuse a small amount, which will express appreciation for good service.

Currency exchange?

It is better to exchange money at the Colombo airport. The check received at the official currency exchange should be kept until the end of the trip. In this case, when departing from Colombo, the tourist will have the opportunity to convert back unspent money at the airport bank at the rate of their purchase. Money can also be exchanged at any hotel and bank. Banks are open from 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday.
Large hotels and shops accept international credit cards for payment.

Opening hours of shops, bars, cafes, restaurants?

Shops in Sri Lanka work according to the following schedule: on weekdays from 10:00 to 20:00, on Saturdays from 9:30 to 13:00, on Sunday they rest. Many shops in the resort areas are open much longer, often they are open on weekends. Some stores, especially in the provinces, have their own opening hours. In most cases, bars and restaurants operate on their own schedule.

Popular resorts?

Colombo is one of the largest Central Asia sea ​​ports. There are five-star hotels, high-rise buildings, numerous souvenir shops, street markets and all kinds of temples.
The southern coast of Negombo is a popular place for fishing for exotic fish.
Kalutara is a resort area in the southwest of the island, which is famous for its sports clubs.
Beruwala is located 56 km south of Colombo. Within a few years, new hotels appeared here, and the tourist infrastructure was developed.
Bentota - famous resort, which has many hotels, railroad station, shopping center, shops, cafes and an open-air theater where masquerades and puppet shows take place.


With crime in Sri Lanka, the situation is more favorable. There are very few serious crimes. Theft is the maximum that tourists can suffer from. Theft of personal belongings from rooms, pickpocketing, theft from safes in hotels happen, so you should take the necessary security measures. Robberies with snatching out bags, phones, cameras are extremely rare.

Sri Lanka- a state in South Asia, on the island of the same name off the southeastern coast of Hindustan, washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and its Bay of Bengal.

It is separated from Hindustan by the Gulf of Manar and the Strait of Polk. The so-called Adam's Bridge - a sandbank in the Strait of Polk - once completely connected Sri Lanka with the mainland, but, according to the annals, was destroyed by an earthquake around 1481.

The island is 350 km long, 180 km wide at its widest point, and about the same size as Tasmania or Ireland.

Most territories are occupied by coastal lowlands. The mountains are located in the central part of the country; highest peak- Mt. Pidurutalagala (2524 m), another famous peak is Adam's Peak.

Climate in Sri Lanka

The climate of Sri Lanka is tropical, warm and humid. Seasonal weather changes are small. Rain falls mainly at night.

The air temperature on the island practically does not change and is 28-30 ºС all year round, with the exception of mountainous areas, where the average annual temperature is +23 - +25 ºС. In the high mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya, the temperature during the day is + 18ºС, at night it drops to + 10ºС.

Almost 95% of all precipitation falls during the rainy summer season (from May to the end of October). The rest of the months are quite dry, so the period from November to the end of April is the most favorable for a holiday in Sri Lanka.

The water temperature in the Indian Ocean is about +26ºС.

From November to March they blow northern winds, so a quiet sea and comfortable weather should be sought on the western and south coast islands. From April to October, the western monsoon blows, so for calm water and cloudless weather you need to go to the east coast.

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Population - 20,238,000 people (2009). The average life expectancy is 73 years for men, 77 years for women.

Sinhalese make up about 75%, Tamils ​​- about 18% of the population, mainly in the northern and eastern regions. There are also Sri Lankan Moors (larakalla - descendants of Arabs) - about 7%, burghers (descendants from mixed marriages with Europeans) - about 0.3%, Veddas (descendants of the ancient population of the island) - about 1 thousand people.

About 70% of the population (mostly Sinhalese) profess Buddhism, 15% - Hinduism (Tamils), 8% - Christianity, 7% - Islam (Sri Lankan Moors).

The official languages ​​are Sinhala and Tamil. IN tourist areas English is widely spoken.

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The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR) is the currency of Sri Lanka. 1 LKR = 100 cents.

In monetary circulation there are banknotes of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 2000 Sri Lankan rupees, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents and 1, 2, 5 Sri Lankan rupees.

It is better to exchange currency at Colombo airport. It makes sense to keep the check received at the same time until the end of the trip: in this case, when departing from Colombo, it will be possible to convert back unspent local money at the airport bank at the purchase rate. In addition, currency can be exchanged at any hotel and bank. Banks are open from 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday.

Larger hotels and shops accept international credit cards.

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Communication and communications

Phone code: 94

Internet domain: .lk

Police: 133, ambulance: 144, fire department: 122

Phone codes of cities

Colombo - 1, Kandy - 8, Galle - 9, Bentota - 34, Negombo - 31, Nuwara Eliya - 52, Trincomalee - 26

How to call

To call from Russia to Sri Lanka, you need to dial: 8 - beep - 10 - 94 - area code - subscriber number.

To call from Sri Lanka to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

Fixed line

Tritel pay phones (blue) are installed on city streets. The machines can be used with both coins and cards. Phone cards are usually sold in nearby stores.

mobile connection

IN international airport Colombo sells local SIM cards mobile communications- Mobitel (National Mobile Provider of Sri Lanka). The cost of the card is 1000 rupees, half of which is transferred to the account. One minute of conversation with Russia will cost about 11 rupees, calls within the country - 8 rupees per minute.

All questions related to the use of roaming, it is recommended to check with your provider.

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Shopping in Sri Lanka

The best purchases that can be made on this island are blue sapphire jewelry, which is mined only here, as well as amethyst, garnet and moonstone. It is better to buy jewelry in specialized stores (you can buy a fake on the street), and do not forget about a receipt or export certificate so as not to suddenly say goodbye to the paid jewelry at the border.

You should definitely buy tea, bottles of arat - local coconut vodka, exclusive batik products painted in white-blue, sunny-golden and red-ocher tones, spices, aromatic oils and products made of ceramics and leather are also popular with tourists.

Ceylon spices and handicrafts are also popular among tourists: masks, batik, leather things. You can also buy inexpensive textiles in the cities.

Usually on weekdays, shops are open from 9:30 to 17:00, and on Saturdays from 9:30 to 13:00. In the markets and in private shops it is worth haggling (you can reduce the price by about 30% compared to the initial one). But in state stores, supermarkets, shopping malls and duty-free shops at the airport, all prices are fixed.

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Where to stay

Hotels in Sri Lanka are usually small and stand right on the beach. Each is made in its own unique style, but they all reflect the customs and traditions of the local culture and organically fit into the natural landscape. Any hotel has its own programs for entertaining guests: theme nights, ethnic and cultural performances, fashion shows, moonlight barbecues, organizing fishing, picnics, excursions and much more.

Service in hotels varies greatly: in the "five" it is at a high level, and in establishments of the category of four "stars" and below, you need to make allowances for the fact that the service staff are "oriental people", and it would be desirable to give a "tip" so that they moved faster.

In accordance with international rules, check-out time in hotels is 12:00 local time. On the day of arrival, check-in to the room is carried out after 14:00.

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History of Sri Lanka

The oldest inhabitants of the island of Sri Lanka - the ancestors of the Veddas - belonged to the mixed Australoid-Negroid race.

The Sinhalese arrived on the island around the 6th century. BC e. from northern India.

In the III century. BC e. Buddhism comes to the island.

In the III-XIII centuries. n. e. there were large Sinhalese kingdoms on the island with capitals first in Anuradhapura, then in Polonnaruwa. The frescoes of the rock of Sigiriya (Lion Rock) in the central part of the island also belong to this period.

Tamils ​​penetrated the island gradually, and by the 13th century. already formed a large community in the north and east of the island.

After the fall of the Polonnaruva dynasty of Sinhalese monarchs, the capital was transferred several times. By the time the coast of the island was occupied by the Portuguese in the 16th century. she was in Kotta.

In the 17th century The Portuguese were replaced by the Dutch. However, even during the period of Dutch domination, the hinterland retained its independence. The last Sinhalese kingdom, with its capital in Kandy, was liquidated by the British in 1796; in 1802 the entire island became a colony of the British Empire.

In 1948, the country gained independence under the name of Ceylon, remaining a dominion of Great Britain.

In 1972, the country was renamed Sri Lanka and ceased to be a dominion, remaining a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

The next 20 years of the country's history are overshadowed by armed conflict with the rebel organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The armed struggle of the LTTE for the creation of an independent Tamil state of Tamil Eelam in the north-east of the island, inhabited mainly by Tamils, began in 1983. Since then, more than 65 thousand people have become victims of the Sinhalese-Tamil interethnic conflict, hundreds of thousands were forced to leave their homes.

In 1991, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was killed by Tamil terrorists (as revenge for sending Indian troops to the island to help the Sri Lankan government troops in the mid-1980s), in 1993 - Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa.

Numerous Tamil diaspora provides active assistance to the rebels. Starting the armed struggle, the LTTE movement aimed at winning full independence. However, later its leaders agreed to consider a proposal to grant the northeastern part of the island broad autonomy within a single state. In 2002, with the mediation of Norway, an agreement was signed on a temporary ceasefire. However, after hardliner Mahinda Rajapakse was elected president of Sri Lanka in the fall of 2005, proclaiming the slogan "No negotiations with terrorists", the negotiation process stalled.

In December 2004, the country was hit hard by a tsunami caused by an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. More than 38 thousand people died, 6 thousand went missing, hundreds of thousands lost their homes. Sri Lanka received substantial financial assistance. The program for economic recovery is being actively implemented; it is planned to recreate 19 cities destroyed by the tsunami.

On May 18, 2009, a 50,000-strong grouping of Sri Lankan government troops completed an operation in a war that had been waged with brief interruptions since 1983. In the north of the country, on the Jaffna Peninsula, after the capture of Mullaittivu, the main forces of the Tamil separatists from the LTTE movement were surrounded and eliminated (“ Tigers of Liberation of Tamil Eelam). Throughout the week, separate clashes continued with scattered detachments of separatists hiding in the selva, but the outcome of the operation and the war could no longer be changed. The regular forces established firm control over the last pocket of resistance, during the operation the permanent leader of the separatists, Velupillai Prabahakarana, was killed.

On February 9, 2010, President Mahinda Rajapakse issued a decree dissolving parliament and ordered the arrest of opposition leader Sarath Fonseca, thus embarking on a sharp move away from democracy towards authoritarianism.

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The word "Ayurveda" means "science of life". Ayurvedic treatment in Sri Lanka not only prevents and treats diseases, but also daily controls the behavior and psychological state of a particular person. Ayurveda is not limited to the treatment of individual parts of the body, but basically affects the entire body. The biggest advantage of this system is that it does not have any side effects. "Do no harm!" - the main motto of traditional medicine.

All raw materials that are used in the manufacture of medicines consist of natural ingredients. The leaves of medicinal herbs are used in the manufacture of herbal baths, and the roots are ground into a healing powder for aromatherapy, the oils necessary for massage are squeezed out of the seeds and fruits. Ayurvedic medicines are available in various forms: tablets, massage oils, pastes, drops, inhalers, herbal infusions, decoctions.

The most effective and unique treatment method is "Pancha Karma": a comprehensive treatment that includes all forms of Ayurveda, such as massage, herbal saunas (aromatherapy), meditation and other types of psychotherapy, various diets, decoctions and pills (oral therapy). "Pancha Karma" not only treats diseases, but also prevents their development, as it enhances the immunity of the human body. Modern Ayurveda includes all the secrets of traditional medicine, time-tested and improved by modern technologies. The most important treatments that Ayurveda offers are herbal baths and massages, as well as diets.

Even a small wellness course gives positive results: it improves well-being, relieves stress, fatigue and discomfort, and increases the body's resistance to disease. However, in case of serious diseases, a long course of treatment is necessary, under the supervision of specialists. It is known that the course of Ayurveda gives a strong rejuvenating effect.

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Diving, surfing and entertainment

Sri Lanka attracts divers from all over the world with a variety of corals, marine life with unusual names and species (angel fish, Moorish idols, parrot fish), dolphins and whale sharks, which can be seen from March to April. But the main feature of diving in Sri Lanka is visiting underwater rocks, grottoes and sunken ships. About 20 sunken ships of the 19th and 20th centuries are open for inspection at depths of 8 to 30 meters. These are tankers, steamships, bulk carriers, merchant ships and even a modern cargo ship. Many of them are well preserved, and you can even swim inside them.

The abundance of fish in the coastal waters of Sri Lanka attracts fishing enthusiasts here. The coastal reefs of Sri Lanka are characterized by an abundance of plankton, which attracts tuna, Spanish mackerel, marlin and some species of sharks.

The variety of seafood in the fish markets in Colombo or Negombo is striking. A visit to the fish market in the early morning is already an exciting excursion, but it is much more interesting to take part in fishing yourself.

lovers extreme recreation in Sri Lanka they can offer rafting on the mountain river Kelani. The duration of rafting is determined by the tourist himself - the choice of programs here is very large.

Also popular with tourists are 2-3 hour river safari. The most interesting in this regard is the Bentota River (although other rivers are also of considerable interest, such as the Kalu Ganga). There are quite a lot of various living creatures in the river and on its banks - monitor lizards, crocodiles, small species of monkeys, many birds. The banks of the river are covered with mangroves.

The island has several excellent international standard golf courses where you can take a training course.

On the coast of the country, both in the west and in the east, there are many places suitable for surfing, but the most popular of them is the coast of Hikkaduwa. Wide beaches, crystal clear water, scorching sun and excellent surf have made Hikkaduwa the main haven for surfers. From October to April, the wave size here is from 1 to 3.5 meters, and the structure of the waves allows the surfer to move in both directions. In the Hikkaduwa area and further south, there are about 12 hotspots good surf, the most popular are Mirissa, Midigama, Kabalana (surfer hangout place - Kabalana Hotel).

Between April and October, the best place for surfing is located on east coast, in Arugam Bay, near the town of Pottuvil. Arugam bay Surfing Beach is the most popular hangout for all surfers during the summer. In Arugam Bay there are at least 6-7 great places for surfing, some of them up to 1 km in length. The average wave size here is from 1.5 to 3.7 meters. For the most part, the local places are not as crowded as on west coast. The most popular points are Arugam Bay Main, Pottuvil, Okanda, Crocodile Rock.

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Useful and interesting information

Markets, private shops, etc. you can bargain about the price. You can reduce the price by 30% from the starting price. However, this is not allowed in government stores, supermarkets, shopping centers and airport duty free shops.

Despite the small likelihood of theft on the island, luggage cannot be left unattended, because local residents there may be a suspicion that it contains explosives.

If you do not want to be detained, searched or interrogated, do not photograph power plants, port facilities, airports, military units and railway stations.

Sri Lanka is a country with a hot climate, therefore, in order to avoid stomach infections and poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands before eating, as well as vegetables and fruits bought at the market. Tap water for drinking is not recommended: it is better to use mineral water and other factory-bottled drinks.

Evening and visiting national parks and nature reserves it is recommended to use repellents. Before making a trip to the jungle with an overnight stay, tourists should take antimalarial pills in advance. You should not visit temples in shorts, in clothes with an open back and shoulders. Also, when entering the temple, you need to take off your shoes.

Be careful of monkeys! Numerous flocks of which have become something of a natural disaster in Sri Lanka. They scurry around and are very intrusive. They can snatch food or things out of their hands, up to a camera or camcorder. Moreover, monkeys can climb into hotel room and arrange a uniform pogrom there. Therefore, before leaving, always tightly close windows or special mosquito netting frames.

Outside the center of Colombo" night life" is absent, basically any activity on the streets (trade, work of institutions) stops at sunset at 19 pm.

You should be careful when using gestures familiar in Russia: an analogue of the middle finger gesture is a gesture that is performed by squeezing the palm turned up into a fist and sticking out the index finger up.

We recommend wearing light cotton or linen clothing, sandals and a hat. Holidays in Sri Lanka are quite democratic and do not impose strict requirements on clothing, however, out of respect for holy places, you should visit temples in clothes that cover your knees, shoulders and back, and you must take off your shoes and hat when entering any temple. Women are not allowed to sunbathe on the beach in topless.

Ceylon spices

Since ancient times, Sri Lanka has been world famous for its spices, especially during the Silk Road era, when spices played a big role in cooking. Until the 15th century, the spice trade was in the hands of Arab merchants, but when European navigators discovered sea routes to the east, this monopoly was broken. Now cinnamon, cloves, pepper, vanilla, cardamom and other spices are grown in small private farms in the areas of Kegalle, Mawanella, Kandy and Matale, where the climate is quite humid and cool. Most of the products are exported. Spices are used not only in food, but in medicine and in the production of cosmetics.

Spice gardens are scattered throughout the country, where tourists can see how spices grow, listen to a short story about their use, and, of course, buy. Here you will see the most "expensive" tree in the world - a sandalwood tree with a brown-gray trunk, a lot of smooth and flexible branches and leathery leaves of purple-pink color. Trees older than thirty years are used to obtain aromatic oils.

It also sells a wide variety of oils, masks, creams and Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of any ailments made from these plants. Women are given a unique opportunity to purchase real sandalwood and coconut oil here to prolong their youth. In the spice garden, tourists will be shown the preparation of various preparations.

Ceylon tea

For the first time tea was brought to the island in 1824 from China, and in 1839 from Assam (India) and was tested in the Botanical Garden of Peradeniya. It turned out that the Chinese variety adapted better to the highlands of Nuwara Eliya, while the Indian variety adapted well to the plains of the island. In 1867, Scottish planter James Taylor began commercial tea cultivation for the first time, planting 80 hectares of seedlings in the Nuwara Eliya region.

Now Sri Lanka ranks third in the world in tea production and first in export, providing about 25% of world demand. For its unique characteristics, Ceylon tea is recognized as the best in the world. Thanks to climatic conditions local tea has a delicate taste and aroma. Tea is cultivated all year round and grown at three levels: up to 600 m above sea level in the regions of Balangoda, Ratnapura, the Kelaniya river valley and Galle; from 600 to 1200 m and above 1200 m in areas around Nuwara Eliya.

It is better to buy tea during an excursion to a tea factory: the prices here are much lower, and the assortment is larger. In addition, most of the tea bags are decorated in a very beautiful and original way.

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How to get to Sri Lanka

Direct regular flights from the Russian capital to Sri Lanka are carried out only by the Sri Lankan national airline Srilankan Airlines. Travel time - 8 hours 30 minutes. Airbus A-330 flies. Departs from Moscow at 20:15 Moscow time on Tue, Fri, Sat (arrives in Colombo early in the morning - at 6:15 local time).

In addition to it, you can fly from Moscow to Ceylon with a landing or transfer at one of the airports in the Middle East, for example, with Emirates Airlines (Dubai), Qatar Airways (Doha) and Etihad Airways(Abu Dhabi). Flight time is on average from 11 to 15 hours (including connections).

In addition to these four options described above, many other Asian airlines fly to the island - from India, Singapore and Thailand.

Last changes: 06/09/2014


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