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If they create new wonders of the world these days, then it is done in Dubai. To see one of them, you will have to go to Jumeirah, one of the prestigious areas and go down to the bay.
palm islands called the archipelago, consisting of three artificially created islands. For them, the form of trees revered in these places - date palms was chosen. Each got its own name - Palm Jumeirah(Palm Jumeirah) built first, Palm Jebel Ali (Palm Jebel Ali), the largest Palm Deira (Palm Deira). The unusual picture is complemented by small islands. The constituents of "Universe" and "World" are smaller archipelagos of simple form.
It's hard to believe, but it took only 10 to 15 years for the construction company Nakheel to realize this masterpiece of engineering. No country in the world has yet managed to create something similar. Initially, the project seemed beautiful, but at the same time fantastic and not suitable for implementation in the material. But the creators managed to think through the whole course of action and from the very beginning of the work did not deviate from the plan. The speed with which the work proceeded surprised even people who were far from construction.
The project relied on the results of a survey of this part of the Persian Gulf, a relatively shallow and wide strip of the continental shelf. To create a solid and reliable "foundation", a huge amount of stone and sand had to be lowered to the seabed.
To protect the constructed islands from strong storms, they had to be surrounded by a strip of barrier reefs. Even here, the authors did not simplify their task by giving the reefs around the second palm tree the shape of Arabic letters. The blue waves of the bay glide over the lines of the poetry of Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, the former ruler of Dubai. And the islands that rose from the water became proof of what he wrote about - sincere faith in a dream and wisdom can create an unimaginable miracle.
It is impossible to say how many years work will be carried out on Palm Islands- there are many more improvements or additions in the project. But this does not detract from the merits of what has already been created, and real estate on bulk archipelagos is in demand among the elite and celebrities.
After the completion of all work in Dubai, a separate piece of paradise will appear. Everything in it is designed for the comfort of wealthy guests and residents - numerous entertainment complexes, sandy beaches and green parks, golf courses, luxury hotels, and nightclubs.

Palm Jumeirah

It won’t be long before Palm Jumeirah is recognized as a modern wonder of the world - what can be compared with this small artificial archipelago, which really looks like a stylized image of a palm tree. It is the smallest of the three palm islands and is the project of Nakheel, a well-known construction company.
Only five years passed between the laying of the islands and the beginning of their development. About 520 km stretches coastline, and the total area is eight hundred football fields. You can get to the mainland by connecting them with a 300m long bridge. A three-lane (both-way) road tunnel running underwater leads from the shore to the crescent-shaped protective structures.
Among the resorts of the emirate Palm Jumeirah is the most popular.
Now there are more than twenty operating hotels and entire complexes, arranged with a real oriental luxury. For those who prefer a measured rest near a calm warm sea this is the ideal option.No less interesting are the islands for divers - artificial reefs at different depths, old planes brought and flooded and many other original ideas will make diving unforgettable.
The palm tree is divided into three parts. On the central part, which plays the role of the "Trunk", there are parks, several restaurants and large shopping centers. There, among the greenery, there are residential complexes, where wealthy connoisseurs of comfort and beautiful views are offered many apartments of any size - from modest one-room to luxurious, with four or more rooms in 20 multi-storey buildings.Of them opens beautiful view to the Persian Gulf, to the banks of the canal dividing the "Trunk" into two parts. The palm tree has a "crown" in the form of symmetrical "branches" spread out into the sea. There are seventeen of them, each with villas, different in area and design, arguing with each other in luxury and richness of decoration and furnishings. There are almost fifteen hundred of them.

The "Crescent" has its own purpose - it was created to protect the rest of the archipelago that surrounds it. The "Crescent" area is given over to hotels. Here are the most famous hotel chains. Surprisingly, the resulting mixture architectural styles does not seem annoying or inappropriate. The Venetian style is adjacent to the building in Japanese, then you can see the Brazilian or strict European classics.
Main transport connection with Dubai - high-speed monorail train.

Palm Jebel Ali

No matter how magnificent the Palm Jumeirah is, the second island Palm Jebel Ali there is a chance to surpass it in originality. For the man-made island, the site was chosen closer to the harbor of Jebel Ali, the most extensive in the world.
The construction of the island began a year later - in 2002. The work took five years, and the construction itself was launched only in 2009. It is known about the plans to build a larger island city nearby - "Dubai-Waterfort".
The construction is still far from being completed - too big plans take time to be implemented. In addition to business centers, part of the island will be given over to villas and bungalows. And the spit, protecting the island from the sea, is intended for amusement parks. Busch Gardens is set to become the most modern amusement park in the emirate, attracting children and adults alike. In addition to it, there is also Discovery Cove Aquatica and Sea World. The piers are no less originally designed - a giant killer whale, etc. For the entertainment of tourists, a real sea village is being built, where, in addition to a huge aquarium, water super-attractions are installed.
Unfortunately, the decline in oil prices is reflected in the financing and timing of construction. Perhaps part of the project will be postponed until a more prosperous period.

Palm Deira

The construction of the third Palm was the third stage in the creation of an artificial archipelago and began in 2004. Quite a lot is known about the project - Palm Deira should surpass the other two islands in size (by 5 and 8 times) and become the largest of all the islands created by man. It will have enough space for a million people. Initially, the date of completion of construction was called 2015. But the scale of the work, their complexity and high cost, combined with the decline in the world economic level, do not allow meeting the deadline.
The Deira Palm has 41 "branches" on a solid, wide trunk. There were many difficulties in the construction of the obligatory half-moon breakwater. It was planned that the island-palm will revive and decorate the old area, next to which it is being built.

The World - a whole world in miniature

Arab sheikhs have long been famous for their love of luxury and grandiose projects. And oil revenues make it possible to translate the most crazy and fantastic ideas into reality in a short time. So appeared "The World"- a small artificial archipelago of 300 islets. Each of them is a tiny copy of some country. When viewed from above, the outlines of the islands merge into a huge map of the world.

By January 2008, all island countries were ready. The creators did not limit themselves to giving the islands the exact shape of the selected countries and continents. The design and atmosphere of the islands were reproduced in a characteristic national style in compliance with the main traditions.

A lot of work was invested in creating a comfortable environment for the residents and guests of Mir. They tried to bring every little thing to the limits of possible perfection. We succeeded - luxurious elegant villas and mansions against the backdrop of charmingly serene landscapes with lakes and quiet parks seem like a piece of a fairy-tale land. Such an island can be purchased for personal use. But for the opportunity to settle in your own warm country, you need to pay a very substantial amount. Although there are plenty of people who want to.
Therefore, the idea of ​​Sheikh Mohamed, the ruler of the emirate, can be called successful and profitable. As well as the choice of the developer company - Nakheel. Several foreign contractors were allowed to work. Most of materials for the islands received in the Emirates.
The distance from the archipelago to the coast is only 4 km, but the construction of a bridge or a tunnel, as in the Palms, is not planned - only air and water transport. The owners of "paradise islands" always have the opportunity to replenish their transport fleet with a helicopter or another yacht. For tourists, several pleasure ferries and, in the future, airships will be involved.
So far, not all the islands have found wealthy owners - except for Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, Greenland (Sheikh Maktum), Brunei, and Finland have been sold. The last two islands should eventually overshadow the European centers of luxury and fashion.
Twenty islands in the "North American" part of the archipelago are left to the Nakhee. They are to become a resort under beautiful name"Coral Islands". In addition to moorings for small and large yachts and luxury hotels, there is a place for beautiful villages and other components of a paradise for tourists.
The reaction to anthropogenic archipelagos can be different - environmentalists fear the impact on the bay and even the climate of the coast. Many believe that such projects are poorly compatible with the period of economic crises. But it is impossible not to admire this wonderful creation of engineering and architectural thought that arose over several decades.

Do you remember the advertisement of a chocolate bar: a girl with a beautiful figure is basking near a palm tree against the backdrop of a turquoise sea and drinking coconut milk?.. Today we will tell you about a place where you can not only experience heavenly pleasure, but also test real feelings.

Palma - the "true" island

A small piece of land in the middle of the ocean, created as a result of the eruption of an underwater volcano, today is buried in green gardens of indescribable beauty. Palma has become famous for its special atmosphere, which is often noted by those who have been there. And if other Canary Islands attract tourists with active sports and relaxing on impeccable shores, then Palma has its own magic.

Being surrounded by "living" inanimate nature, a person returns to his essence, remembers the soul. Perhaps that is why there are such conflicting reviews about Palma: it attracts some, it repels others, forever.

Have you already felt the power of attraction? Then welcome to the island of Palma! It only takes 708 square kilometers, so we have no doubt that you will want to see it all. And we anticipate the first question upon arrival.

Where to rent a car?

It can be rented directly at the airport, so do not rush to leave it. To do this, you need to have a driver's (international) license, a voucher and credit card. The list of required documents does not end there, so we advise you to take care of the full package of documents in advance and book a car in advance. By the way, if you are under 21, the company may not give the car back. In some regions, the critical age reaches 23 years.

Rent a car to get more out of Palma!

And finally, a couple of reminders about the rules of the road, which are highly recommended on the island of Palma:

  • Everyone must be allowed to pass at the pedestrian crossing. In this place, it is not customary for pedestrians to fear for the carelessness of the driver. In addition to people, goats, cats, dogs and rabbits can jump out onto the road. Be careful, especially at night!
  • overtaking cars on the right is not accepted;
  • want to overtake a car while in the leftmost lane? Turn on the left turn signal - they will understand you and give in;
    if you want to slow down, first put your hand to the left or turn on the left turn signal. So you warn about the stop following you. On the mountain road with poor visibility before turning - horn;
  • yellow markings prohibit parking a car;
  • a fine for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h will be €100;
  • driving under the influence of alcohol can lead to imprisonment;
  • and lastly, representatives of the traffic police do not take bribes

Housing on about. Palm

Now let's talk about housing. What do you want: villa, hacienda, cottage or apartment?

Fazenda keeps a long history within its walls. Sometimes she is two hundred years old. A cozy rural house with gardens, a swimming pool and everything you need will plunge you into complete peace and give unforgettable experience. Weekly rent will cost at least €300-400. The price may include cleaning, transfer to the airport, yacht rental and much more.

Apartments on the island Palma is promised no less comfortable rest, but directly in the resort town, where, in addition to the pool and terrace, you can see the beach and bars-restaurants not far away. The cost is from €300.

Spacious villas will cost you €1000 per week. And for lovers of relaxation with an agricultural “tinge”, cottages are suitable: cozy small houses with a plot of land, a garden or a kitchen garden. You will have to pay €350 or more for them.

Separately, I want to talk about one unique hotel for adults. Have you ever wanted to spend a couple of unforgettable days in the museum? The Hacienda de Abajo hotel offers to walk past the relics and feel like an exhibit in some sense. The history of the estate begins in the 16th century, but it was opened only in 2012 after a thorough restoration. This is probably why the price tag is quite acceptable: from €92 per night. The hotel is located in the quiet historical center of the resort town of Tazacorte, surrounded by banana plantations and with magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean.


There, in Tazacorte, there is an eternally sunny beach, on which gloomy clouds do not cast shadows even in winter. And at night along the coast, dozens of fishermen in boats wait for their catch. The light of the lamps, reflected in the dark water, and the male singing are mesmerizing! The table below shows a few more notable beaches.

Puerto Naos beach on Palma island

Be sure to swim in the natural pools of Charco azul in San Andres on the island of Palma (Spain)

Despite the small area of ​​the island and our rather lyrical introduction, there is something for everyone here. But the priority, of course, are excursions. Here is just a short list of places to go and things to see...


The main attraction of the island is its nature. And amazing fresh air. Since 2002, Palma has been recognized as a World Biosphere Reserve. About 35 percent of its area is covered with pine and laurel forests.

The Caldera de Taburiente National Park. Extensive forests and mountains make the island ideal for hiking.

"Colored" waterfall in national park Caldera de Taburiente.

Together with ferns, dragon trees and other species (and there are more than twenty of them), they form a "dome" that shelters the ancient north of the island. These are the "last of the Mohicans" forests, endangered representatives that for many years covered the south of Europe. Especially for lovers of romance and solitude, trails have been laid here, along which you can walk, “wrapped up” in fog and feeling the breath of wildlife.

A couple of steps from the central part of the city of Los Llanos there is a good botanical garden. Not far from it is the Maroparque zoo with exotic birds and animals: pompous peacocks, fastidious toucans, slender herons, etc. sit in the aviaries.

Los Llanos de Aridane The largest city on the island. Here you can take some spectacular photos against the backdrop of bright facades.

Las Manchas has an original mosaic square of the Four Stones. Here they are buried in greenery small, but beautiful fountain, numerous gazebos and benches, as well as a stage for performances. It is convenient that the house-museum of wine was attached very close. Here you can taste and even buy the vaunted Canarian wines.

Santa Cruz de La Palma is the capital of the island. The city is notable for the facades of houses in the colonial style.

Be sure to visit the cactus garden on the way to El Paso. There are more than seven hundred exotic species there.

For museum lovers:

  • in the cigar museum you will get acquainted with the stages of making high-quality cigars, which are quite comparable in quality to Cuban ones;
  • in the silk museum you will see the process of production of silk products. When leaving, do not forget to buy something for yourself or as a souvenir;
  • There is also the only banana museum in the world on Palma, where you will be told in detail about the impact of a banana on the society and economy of the island. The fact is that this product is the most cultivated and exported

There are many scattered throughout the island. viewing platforms(free!), from where absolutely fantastic landscapes open up for every taste: the coast and cities, amazing sunsets and the vast ocean.

A well-known fact that we have no right not to mention is an astronomical observatory that studies the entire northern hemisphere of the planet. If you decide to visit this delightful place, be sure to register in advance and bring warm clothes and comfortable shoes. The observatory is located on the high point islands: 2400 meters above sea level.

A couple of facts that were not included in the article:

  • Tenerife - for now the only island in the Canary Islands, with which there is air international communication. Therefore, you will have to get to Palma "the old fashioned way", with transfers.
  • There is practically no crime in this place, life is measured and calm.
  • In addition to the forests on the Palm, you can admire the extensive heather fields.
  • Since scientists are monitoring our Universe around the clock, special lighting has been installed on the roads, which does not interfere with astrophysicists' work.
  • There are a few geographical names, which includes the word "Palm". Do not confuse them, so as not to be instead canary island Palma on, for example, Palma de Mallorca, which is on about. Majorca.
  • The average air temperature during the year is approximately 22-24 °C.
  • The palm tree is able to provide itself with vegetables and fruits. And the potato crop is harvested here four times a year.
  • There are not many places for tourists on the island - not a few: only seven thousand. So hurry up! ;)
  • Palma is known for producing delicious honey.


In this regard, the opportunities on the island are no less than the number of attractions. Surprised? It seems, what else can you do in a place surrounded by azure warm water, under the gentle sun? Here's what:

  • diving or spearfishing. If you have already mastered scuba diving, it's time to get down to business smarter. True, there are many conditions for spearfishing to take place. First, not every fish can be caught. Secondly, not on every day and, thirdly, not in any place you like. In addition, prey cannot be sold, and there must be a license to fish. If these restrictions have discouraged you from hunting underwater, well, you can just go fishing. Catching a rich catch - no matter where you are: in a boat or under water - is always a pleasure. Or even easier: just go on a boat trip. It's not bad too;
  • climbing or paragliding. And for this, and for another type of entertainment, there is everything you need here. By the way, Palm Island is considered one of the most ideal places for free flights;
  • organize a real marathon or explore the route on foot, visiting ancient caves. You can use a mountain bike

Pay attention to the possibility of a tour of the acropark, which is located very close to the Refugio del Pilar. Hanging bridges, cables and nets will dilute a relaxing holiday with vivid impressions.


It's delicious everywhere. A little unusual - the influence of many national cultures affects: Spanish, European, Latin American, African and not only. The basis of the dishes is still fresh seafood of excellent quality and impeccable taste. Add to this excellent home-made wine, amazing desserts and, as they say, "impossible to resist"! Prices in restaurants range from €10-15, with wine the amount increases to €50. By the way, dinner on Palma starts late and can drag on until midnight.

Green and red mojo are traditional hot and spicy Canarian sauces.


Here it is, the island of Palma, to which today we deservedly give the palm (no pun intended) among other islands of the Canary archipelago. See you in Palma? ;)

How is the construction on the water going?

Singapore, China and even Holland have stepped forward in capturing part of the reservoirs for construction. But surpassing Dubai in this regard is quite difficult. The impressive sight and completely artificial archipelago of Palm Jumeirah - the birthplace of the fabulously wealthy - is built on 110 million cubic meters of sand taken from the sea.

Palm Jumeirah was conceived as an idea for additional enrichment of the UAE. Jumeirah Island in Dubai, built in the form of a palm tree, has gained fame as a superstructure, the appearance of which in the Persian Gulf is considered a miracle. The possibility of its creation was questioned even by the engineers who worked on this project. But, despite this, everything possible was done to make it a monument of luxury living for the whole world. The construction of Palm Island began after the first conquest of nature by man in Dubai - the construction of the dream hotel Burj Al Arab, which is a tower on an artificial island, located 300 meters from the coast.

The thing is, there was a problem with mass tourism, since the coastline suitable for recreation was only 72 km. Sheikh Mohammed decided to build an island off the coast, designed to increase several times the natural coastline of the coast. Thus, the idea was born to create an island in the form of a palm tree as a symbol of a paradise in the world. In addition, a big plus of this form was the increase in the coastline by as much as 56 km compared to the traditional round island.

The epic construction began in 2001 and was scheduled to finish in 2006.

During this period, an island was to be built in the sea, where they would build luxury hotels, villas and shopping centers. Such a task seemed very daring, but not for Sheikh Mohammed. He was not stingy at all and invested a lot of money in the work of the best consultants from around the world, as well as paying for the ever-increasing needs of construction. Mohammed's idea was to build an island from natural materials, using sand and stones, rather than reinforced concrete structures. Such requirements created additional difficulties for builders. Every day they had to fight against natural forces, as the water mercilessly washed away the stones and sand that were poured to build the island. Extensive research has been done on the effects of tides, rogue waves, storms, and even global warming. Concerns for the creators of such a project were also caused by the so-called Shamal storm that occurs in these places.

Interestingly, the rock and sand for the construction of the island could be enough to build a wall 2.5 meters high, which would encircle the globe

Dutch engineers were attracted to build all the necessary structures, since Holland had already managed to recapture 35% of its territory from the sea. Construction work went well until the World Trade Center towers in the United States were attacked by terrorists. As a result, the flow of tourists to the Middle East has abruptly stopped. Beaches, hotels and restaurants were empty, but no one began to suspend work on the creation of the Palm Jumeirah. Moreover, the project specialists were determined to leave at any moment.

To protect against the damaging effects of the waves, Palm Island had to be protected by breakwaters. For their construction, tons of sand and stones were poured onto the bottom of the Persian Gulf, including huge blocks weighing about 6 tons mined from 16 quarries throughout the UAE. They are supported only by their mass and are not held together by either iron or concrete. Each meter of the breakwater is carefully checked by divers to prevent the destruction of this protection. This powerful barrier from waves of length 11.5 kilometers rises to 3 meters in height. During its construction, the builders encountered the Shamal storm, which raged for 3 weeks in 2002. They had no choice but to see if the still unfinished breakwater could withstand the load. This simple led to a creative decision - to continue to build a separate breakwater and the palm island itself. Such work was quite difficult, because without a ready-made breakwater, the island was defenseless against the destructive effects of the sea.

Construction site on the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai

The construction was further complicated by the fact that it was important to observe the given outlines of the island, which was not so easy, because the branches of the palm tree are bent into a complex shape and it was very easy to go astray. But here Dubai's access to the world's only private artificial satellite helped, which constantly took pictures during the work, so that the drawing of the island and the outlines of the palm tree were correct. Many unexpected problems arose during the work. For example, it turned out that the water near the island stagnates, and on paradise island it was unacceptable. The solution was found quickly and two breaks were made in the breakwater, allowing the water to be renewed.

The world's first artificial Palm Island grew in the Persian Gulf in 2 years. It took a few more years to build 4,500 hotels, buildings and shopping centers. The process was not even hindered by two strong earthquakes that occurred not far from the construction site with a tremor force of about 6 points.

It was assumed that the island of Jumeirah will be inhabited by 120 thousand people, however, after the presentation of the finished project to the public, all the houses were sold out in 3 days

For the sake of celebrities and the richest people on the planet, it was decided to increase the number of buildings. This did not go unnoticed by nature - an island artificially appeared in the bay affected the coastline of the mainland. The wave movements here have changed and there is a real danger that it will be washed out, so the creators have to monitor the sand constantly.

Jumeirah inspired the sheikh to build two more of the same islands in the form of a palm tree, which, together with other structures, extended the coast of Dubai from 72 km to 1,500 km.

With all the luxury and construction costs, Palm Island and other structures built on the water make environmentalists worry. They argue that such interventions in environment lead to chaos for marine organisms and their habitats, and in addition, they destroy the food for fish - coral reefs. Building on water also carries risks for residents, as these layers are not as stable as solid ground. Recently, there have been reports that the Dubai Palm Jumeirah is actually sinking. And yet, in the near future, progress may go even further and even more luxurious underwater houses may appear in the UAE. The Water Discus Hotel off the coast of Dubai will consist of a submerged and surface disc, which will be connected by a vertical shaft. But how all this will affect the oceans and underwater ecosystems remains to be seen.

To leave lines on the water requires insight.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

We were lucky enough to witness the implementation of a grandiose project of the 21st century, which can rightly be called the eighth wonder of the world. This is about man-made archipelago artificial islands in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) under the general name "Palm Islands in Dubai" (Palm Islands in Dubai, or in short - The Palms). Surely, most of us have already heard about the construction of three islands in the Persian Gulf - Palm Jumeirah, Palm Jebel Ali and Palm Deira. In addition to this "trilogy", in January 2008 another archipelago was completed off the coast of the Emirates called "The World", imitating the outlines of the continents of the planet Earth, but we will talk about it a little later.

So, the islands, or rather the peninsulas (since they are connected to the coastline) are made in the form of date palms traditional for Arab countries (by the way, very revered in Islam). Each island is crowned with a crescent moon at the top. It performs the function of a breakwater and at the same time is a Muslim symbol. Also, the islands are surrounded by protective barrier reefs. At the Palm Jebel Ali, they are inscriptions in Arabic, namely, quotes from the poems of the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum:

“In order to leave lines on the water, insight is needed; Great people set themselves great goals. Draw wisdom from the one who has it; Not everyone on a horse is a rider."

Take wisdom from the wise, It takes a man of vision to write on water, Not everyone who rides a horse is a jockey, Great men rise to greater challenges.”

It is he, the absolute monarch of the Emirate of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed, who is in charge of all this amazing construction. Actually, it is known that the economy of the UAE is based on oil. And 3% of all oil reserves of the emirates are located in Dubai. But the sheikhs of Maktoum did not want to put up with such a situation, realizing that the entire economy should not be based on oil alone. And so they began to make Dubai the best tourist resort in the world. And even now we can say that they competently disposed of the money received from natural resources. It is expected that when all scheduled this moment the islands of Dubai will be built, this will add more than half a thousand additional kilometers of territory.

Palm Islands became the first major projects that conquered the world with their uniqueness - the state company Al Nakheel Properties, their construction cost $ 7 billion.

By the way, the Palm Islands is the second man-made structure on Earth (along with the Great Wall of China) that can be seen from the moon with the naked eye. They have become a symbol not only of the city of Dubai, but of all the Arab Emirates. Especially after their picture was taken by Russian cosmonauts from the ISS station.

The Palm Jumeirah project was launched first in June 2001. Palm Jumeirah consists of a "trunk", from which 17 "branches" extend, forming a crown. The breakwater that protects the island from waves at sea has a length of 11 km. It took 7 million cubic meters to create it. m. sand. There will be 28 hotels on the crescent surrounding the island. The total area of ​​the island is 25 sq. km.

In 2006, the main work on the construction and formation of the infrastructure of Palma was completed. Then the newly appeared islanders were able to see their possessions. Currently, work is in full swing on the construction of residential buildings and landscaping. After the completion of the first stage of construction on the Palm Jumeirah, about 1,400 villas have already been built, 11 in each of the “branches” and about 2,500 apartments located in 20 buildings located in the eastern part of the “trunk”. There are plans to build 32 hotels on Jumeirah. The main attraction and dream for tourists is the Atlantis complex, consisting of two pompous towers connected by a bridge. Palm Jumeirah can be proud of 78 km. magnificent beaches.

Most of the villas are currently sold out. Special demand for "marine" real estate is in the UK. Buying a home on Jumeirah is sought not only by celebrities, but also by wealthy inhabitants. Currently over 500 villas are occupied.

The problem of delivering tourists and islanders to Palma is practically solved. It is planned to carry out movement on ultra-modern airships of the Skyship 600 model, as well as launch a 5.5 km long monorail. The latter will start functioning already in April 2009 and will connect the city with the palm island, and tests of the monorail in real operating conditions will begin in October this year.

Monorail cars from Japan will run on the line. The system is fully automatic, however, the driver will be constantly present in the cab. It is planned to transport up to 2.4 thousand passengers per hour in one direction in 4 separate trains, each of which consists of 3 cars. At the same time, the monorail will be integrated with the Dubai Metro.

Palm Jumeirah is the smallest in comparison with sisters - Jebel Ali and Deira.

Following Jumeirah, in October 2002, the Palm Jebel Ali project was launched. Jebel Ali is larger than Jumeirah by about 40-50% and has a more exotic shape. While the sale of real estate on this island is sluggish - supply exceeds demand. Most likely, this is due to the fact that before the completion of all construction work, you need to wait several years, and rich people do not want to rest at a construction site. It is possible that the main bet in Jebel Ali will have to be made on tourism, and not on private housing.

More than 1,000 bungalows will be erected on the "second palm" of the waterfront, supported by Polynesian-style pilings. It is planned to build more than 2,000 villas of different layouts. To attract wealthy investors, even the creation of houses on individual projects is proposed. It is predicted that the so-called "palm" of Jebel Ali by 2020 will accommodate about 1.7 million inhabitants. The infrastructure is currently under construction. Residential complexes will be built last. At 30.000 sq. m. it is planned to rebuild a complex of buildings made of glass and concrete, which in shape will resemble the sails of yachts. 4 will be placed on the crescent surrounding Palm Jebel Ali theme parks entertainment - SeaWorld, Aquatica, Busch Gardens and Discovery Cove.

Here it is planned to build the first marine aquarium in the region, where world-class water attractions will be demonstrated, where you can watch dolphins, killer whales and other inhabitants of the underwater world. sea ​​village become one of the most visited tourist destinations in the Middle East.

The Palm Jebel Ali is approximately 22 kilometers and 17 minutes by boat from the Palm Jumeirah. It is assumed that a separate road junction will lead to the island, through which it will be possible to get to Palma directly from Shaikh Zayed Road. This is the central street connecting the Dubai Mall and the capital Abu Dhabi - it has 5 lanes in each direction and stretches for 55 km.

The first 27 km were built between 1993 and 1998. Shaikh Zayed Road is the most important highway in Dubai. It connects with such highways as Al Ain Road (Al Ain Highway), Hatta Road (Hata Highway), Emirates Road (Emirates Circuit Highway), and others. To facilitate the flow of cars - and it reaches 200,000 cars daily - 13 junctions have been created on this central street.

The construction of the Palm Deira started in October 2004. Deira is planned to be eight times the size of the Palm Jumeirah and five times the size of the Palm Jebel Ali. This project is the largest and longest-term one. After its completion, the “third palm” will become the largest man-made island in the history of mankind, which will serve as a habitat for 1 million people. The work is planned to be fully completed by 2015, however, due to the large volumes and costs, most likely, the significant date will again be postponed for several years.

Deira is an exotic palm tree with a wide, massive "trunk" and 41 branches. The anthropogenic structure is crowned with a crescent - a breakwater. Due to the size of the object, its construction was divided into several stages. Deira island will be located between Dubai Creek and Al Hamria Port. Palm Deira is designed to revive the old district of the same name in Dubai.

"The World" (The World)

And, finally, the last to date, the island project of the Arab sheikhs called The World. Its construction was completed on January 10, 2008. These are 300 man-made islands, each of which is a mini-copy of one of the countries. Together they form geographical map world seen from a bird's eye view. The complex is located a few kilometers from the coast, between the Palm Islands. The archipelago does not just repeat the shape and outlines of the continents - each of the islands corresponds to the national color and traditions of the country it symbolizes. Thus, the Mir complex will indeed become a miniature copy of the globe. An improved copy, because the idea of ​​creating the most comfortable living conditions here will be brought to perfection. Comfortable villas, developed infrastructure, serene landscapes around, parks and lakes. All islands are up for sale. The offer is really tempting: to live in personal Cuba or in Africa. Therefore, the excitement around The World does not subside.

The idea to build a "copy of the globe" belongs to the ruler of Dubai, one of the most influential and richest people in the world, already mentioned at the beginning of our story, Sheikh Mohammed. Officially, the construction is carried out by the same Nakheel company, but in reality, foreign contractors hired by the Dubai government are more involved in the construction of the islands. The materials for the islands are local. The sand for the islands was taken from the Persian Gulf, the rock mass was also mined in the UAE.

The World archipelago is located 4 kilometers from the coast of Dubai. Communication between the islands of the "Mir" and the continent is supposed to be only by water and air. Recall that the Palms will be connected to the coastline of the metropolis through bridges. However, this difficulty does not particularly worry the newly-minted owners of the islands, the rich man, who allowed himself to buy a plot of "water paradise" for 20-40 million dollars, is quite capable of buying a yacht, or even a helicopter. Delivery of tourists to the islands is planned to be carried out by airships latest models, as well as pleasure ships (ferries).

At present, for the most part, the large islands are sold out, for example, "Australia", " New Zealand"," Ireland. There were also buyers for Finlandia and Brunei, which investors plan to turn into capitals of luxury and fashion. "Greenland" was ranked among his possessions by Sheikh Maktoum, who built a luxurious villa surrounded by tropical gardens on its territory.

Nakheel has retained the right to dispose of 20 islands located in the "North America" ​​of the Mir archipelago. This resort was called "Coral Islands". Here it is planned to build magnificent hotels, parking for yachts, as well as picturesque villages.

The other side of luxury

Unlike the builders and masterminds behind the sculpting of the islands, environmentalists do not experience great joy from such serious changes taking place in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Concerns have been repeatedly expressed about the negative impact of artificial islands on the flora and fauna of the coastal zone. Skeptics say that the islands can upset the natural balance, and increased use of the Persian Gulf bay will lead to its pollution. It should be noted that the government of Dubai listens to the remarks of the “greens”, since it is itself interested in the development of the tourism industry. In particular, artificial reefs are arranged around the islands, on which favorable conditions are created for the living of marine life. Desalination and water purification stations will be installed on the central islands of The World archipelago. It is planned to use environmentally friendly energy sources.

The next snag faced by the authors of The World project is stagnant water in the bays of the archipelago. It is difficult to deal with this, because. the complex of islands is framed by a 26-kilometer breakwater 4 meters high, which, undoubtedly, makes it safe, but interferes with the renewal of water.

There are a number of other concerns that torment potential buyers - in particular, the reliability and durability of artificial islands. A number of experts believe that as a result of climate change on Earth and an increase in the water level in the World Ocean, in half a century, anthropogenic land areas will be plunged into the abyss. Supporters of the project refute these statements, "reassuring" investors that their holdings will remain afloat for at least 800 years.

The construction of The World archipelago, however, as well as its sisters Palms: Jumeirah, Deira and Jebel Ali caused a flurry of emotions in the world community. A number of critics call Dubai's projects pompous and overly ambitious, especially against the backdrop of a looming food crisis and the catastrophic plight of developing countries. However, the Emirates, whose standard of living is one of the highest in the world, do not stop these statements at all, but rather, on the contrary, encourage them to implement more and more extravagant projects.

Thanks to the "Tourist Blog" for such interesting information.

Dubai - amazing place in the middle of the desert, where the achievements of scientific and technological progress of the 21st century are intertwined with ancient culture. One of the emirate's most ambitious projects is artificial islands.

Palm Islands is an archipelago of artificial islands, created by human hands on Earth. Between the islands there are also artificial archipelagos "Mir" and "Universe" of small islands. All this creation can be seen from the moon with the naked eye.

Let's start with the palm islands. They are located in the UAE, in the emirate of Dubai. The archipelago consists of three major islands, each having the shape of a palm tree.

Palm Jumeirah

The Palm Jumeirah is the smallest and most original of the three islands. This is the first palm island and a great achievement in the history of world architecture. The construction of the island began in June 2001, in 2006 it was handed over for development.

The "crown" of Palma consists of 17 "branches" - microdistricts, rushing into the sea. On the branches there are exclusive villas that differ in size and design:

It consists of a trunk, 16 leaves, and a crescent that surrounds the island and forms an 11 km long breakwater. Diameter - 6 km. The Crescent is a barrier that surrounds and protects the Palm from sea waves. Hotels will be located on it.

For example, the Atlantis Hotel is located here - one of the most interesting, sought-after and controversial hotels in the Emirates.

Work in progress:

Almost like a mirage

Night view of the Atlantis Hotel:

Residential areas include about 8,000 two-story mansions. 2007:

"The Trunk" is the central part of Palma, where there are parks, shopping centers, restaurants and high-rise residential buildings.

Construction of the central part - the "trunk":

The size of the island is 5 kilometers by 5 kilometers and its total area is more than 800 football fields. The island is connected to the mainland by a 300-meter bridge, and the crescent is connected to the top of the palm tree by an underwater tunnel. The Palm Jameirah is valued at approximately $14 billion.

Palm Jebel Ali

Construction started in October 2002:

This is how the island was supposed to look according to the project:

The bulk artificial island was handed over for development at the end of 2007. It is 50% larger than Jumeirah. More than 1,000 bungalows based on piles in the Polynesian style are planned to be built along the coastline:

But not everything is so rosy here: at present, due to low demand for real estate, most construction work on the Palm Jebel Ali is temporarily suspended.

Palm Deira

This is the largest artificial island of the trio. Its construction began in November 2004.

Few numbers. Deira will be 8 times the size of the Palm Jumeirah and 5 times the size of the Palm Jebel Ali. The distance from the coast to the top of the "crescent" is 14 km, the width of Palma is 8.5 km. The branches of the Palm will vary in length and will be 400-850 apart. With a total length of 21 kilometers, the crescent will be the largest breakwater in the world.

Palm Deira will be built at a depth of 5 to 22 meters.

The creation of a "trunk", 41 branches and a protective crescent will take a billion cubic meters of stones and sand. The length of the branches varies, the distance between them will be from 840 to 3,340 meters.

Once completed, Palm Deira will be the largest man-made island in human history, serving as a habitat for 1 million people. Fully work is planned to be completed by 2015, although this date is not final.

A few photos of what Palm Deira will look like:

Let's take a look at the map of all artificial islands in Dubai:

As you can see on the map, between the Palms there are also artificial archipelagos "World" and "Universe" from small islands.

Archipelago Mir

This is an artificial archipelago, consisting of several islands, with a general shape resembling the continents of the Earth (hence the name - "World"). It is located 4 kilometers from the coastline of Dubai.

The artificial islands in the Mir archipelago are made mainly from the sand of Dubai's shallow coastal waters. It was difficult to find a place for this project, because the coastline was already occupied by the Palm Islands. Then it was decided to build islands 4 km from the coast.

Construction of artificial islands. Sand was dredged from the bottom of the Persian Gulf and sprayed over a construction site to create islands.

The total area of ​​the Mir archipelago is 55 sq. km. Which makes it the largest man-made archipelago in the world. The size of the islands is from 14 thousand to 83 thousand square meters, the width of the straits between them is from 50 to 100 meters with a depth of up to 16 meters.

Mir is connected to the mainland only by water and air. From big waves the islands are protected by an artificially erected breakwater

In April 2004, the first island, dubbed Dubai, emerges from the water. Unlike the Palm Islands, the Mir archipelago is not connected to the continent and there are no bridges. All building materials were shipped by sea.

Breakwater erection:

By May 2005, 15 million tons of rock had been dumped into the bay.

In the future, the archipelago is planned to be increased by the creation of new islands under the "Universe" project.

Will artificial islands be washed away? The Mir archipelago, despite being completely surrounded by water, is designed very reliably - artificial islands can hide under water no earlier than in 900-4,000 years, Arabian Business reports.

The most luxurious houses on the planet will be located on the islands of the Mir archipelago. Not everyone can buy an island: the Nakheel developer itself sends out invitations (50 pieces a year) to the wealthy elite.

The price of one island reaches 38 million dollars and varies depending on the location, size, and proximity to other islands.

Access to all 300 islands will be by sea or by air, regular ferries, as well as private yachts and boats.

Russian moneybags have already bought up the entire "Russia" - one of the largest archipelagos in the world. The representative of the developer, Hamza Mustafal, says that one Russian developer bought two "Russian" islands at once - "Rostov" and "Ekaterinburg". The island "Siberia" was bought by an unnamed Russian woman who is going to sell it in parts.

According to the plans of the creators, the Mir archipelago will become an elite community, which will consist of the chosen inhabitants of the Earth, service personnel and tourists, the total number of which will not exceed 200,000 people.


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