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Cluster of Onega petroglyphs. The key ones are the 2-meter images of a demon, an otter and a catfish.

The figure of the “demon,” a two-meter humanoid creature with disproportionately small legs and splayed fingers, has been causing controversy among scientists for many years. Located among the “otter”, “catfish” and many smaller images of animals also carved on the rock, it may be the “owner” underworld", that god or demon whom the ancients worshiped.

Scientists have determined that the “Demon Nose” was once a pagan sanctuary. It is likely that the pagans poured blood into the creature's mouth, and the vital liquid flowed into the dark waters of the lake. To this day, local hunters, passing by, will not fail to put something in the mouth of the demonic image “for good luck.”

Next to the rock paintings there are more than 50 ancient sites and settlements of the 6th-1st millennium BC.
Photos of petroglyphs:
Film about petroglyphs at Cape “Demon Nose”:

The cape is famous for its petroglyphs, among which stands out an anthropomorphic image called a “demon”, approx. 2.30 m, which is about 5 thousand years old. The name “demon” was given to the image by pioneering Christian monks in the 16th century. Petroglyphs are classified as archaeological Neolithic monuments.
The collection of pertoglyphs of Cape Besov Nos is considered the richest in Finoscandia.

In approx. 200 meters from the cape to the west in the lake there is a small rocky island called “Besikha”. There is also an inactive lighthouse on the cape. 1 km. to the east of the cape, on the continent, there are the remains of the abandoned village of Besonosovka. The village ceased to exist in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 15 km. to the east on the continent is the village of Karshevo. Besov Nos is connected to Karshevo by a dirt forest road.

Approximately 1 km. To the north of Besov Nos there is Cape Peri-Nos. At the same distance to the south is Cape Kladovets. Cape Besov Nos and adjacent capes are a common place for local fishermen and hunters to visit - from the village of Shalsky - 20 km to the north along the coast of Lake Onega and from Karshevo.

For decades, Besov Nos has been the target of constant expeditions of archaeological units of the Karelian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as archaeological scientists from Scandinavia and other European countries. The cape was also an important geodetic point and landmark for water tourists and yachtsmen, including participants in the Onega Regatta. In recent years, Besov Nos has also begun to be intensively visited by autotourists.

The territory of Cape Besov Nos is a natural and historical reserve.


Besov Nos is a cape on the eastern coast of Lake Onega, 1.5 km north of the confluence of the Chernaya River into Lake Onega. The cape is famous for its petroglyphs, among which stands out an anthropomorphic image called a “demon”, about 2.30 m long, which is about 5 thousand years old. The name “demon” was given to the image by pioneering Christian monks in the 16th century. Petroglyphs are classified as archaeological Neolithic monuments. The collection of petroglyphs at Cape Besov Nos is considered the richest in Fennoscandia (Scandinavia and Finland).

In fact, in this place on the eastern shore of Lake Onega there are several capes and an island that contain petroglyphs on their rocks - Besov Nos, Peri Nos and Kladovets Nos. Why exactly Demon Nose? Probably because of the legendary drawing of a “demon”, to which the restless monks of the Murom Monastery in the 15th - 16th centuries painted a cross in order to reduce its “demonicity” and neutralize the devil’s power.


Cape Besov Nos is a unique natural and archaeological monument of the European North, where numerous rock paintings Chalcolithic era. Among these images, a special place is occupied by the central image of the Demon - a colorful figure dissected by a deep crack into two proportional parts. The demon has a square head with a nose, mouth and two eyes. One eye is shown as a round spot, the other as a circle with a spot in the center. Bes has a thin neck and arms bent at the elbows. The legs are also widened downwards and bent at the knees (in the form of a “dancing man”). The right hand of the figure is covered by a Christian cross with monograms of Christ on both sides. It is believed that the cross was knocked out by the monks of the Murom Monastery, which is located 25 km away south of the cape A.

There are different interpretations of this image, and in particular, the deepening in the oral cavity is explained by the fact that the Demon was fed and watered while making sacrifices. The crack in the rock is associated with an earlier time than the appearance of the Bes here.

In connection with the discovery of the catastrophic earthquake in Pegrem (4200 plus or minus 50 years ago), a new interpretation of Bes and exact time its creation. In particular, residents who left Pegrema due to the disaster noticed changes in the landscape: huge cracks appeared in the rocks. The appearance of these cracks before their eyes was accompanied by the roar of collapsing rocks, thunderous sounds, light effects, etc. All this created the idea that the evil spirits of the lower world, having destroyed the earth’s firmament, broke through cracks into the middle world and did their dark deeds.

Having left the “God-cursed place” - Pegrem in the Unitskaya Bay of Lake Onega, people came to East Coast lakes, where a crack was discovered in the rocks of Besov Nos, which in miniature repeated the cracks of the rocks of the Unitskaya Bay, which arose after the catastrophic earthquake that claimed the lives of fellow tribesmen. Impressed by the tragedy they suffered, they reflected their ideas about this event on the rock.

The demon, in their opinion, is the master of the lower world and the evil forces that he possessed. The asymmetrical location of his body relative to the cracks indicated the place in the earth's surface where evil spirits break out from the lower world into the middle. Sacrifices to the Demon could appease him and protect people.

There are three largest patterns on the Demon Nose. In addition to the demon himself, there is also an otter and a catfish.

Such places, despite their fame and accessibility, are naturally gradually destroyed and destroyed not only by the savagery of “tourists”, but even by the specialists themselves. For example, in order to preserve petroglyphs, part of the rock on Peri Nos was separated by explosion and transported to the Hermitage. At the same time, some of the petroglyphs were lost forever.

But, initially, these places were remote from settlements, which emphasizes their ritual nature. Those. These places were apparently used for religious ceremonies and were specially visited for these purposes. But for some reason they didn’t settle in the immediate vicinity. The abandoned village and cemetery that are now located near these capes are in no way connected with the settlements of a thousand years ago.

The mystery of the place, the unclear meaning of many of the drawings - all this has a stimulating effect and awakens an endless series of questions: starting with “where”, ending with “why”. Indeed, why are the petroglyphs not scattered evenly over all the rocks of Karelia, but concentrated in two places (Belomorsk and Cape Onega)? Why, despite the relatively short distance between these places, are the petroglyphs different in nature? Why are petroglyphs clustered in such dense groups?

Lovers of the otherworldly, mysterious and mystical attribute to this place abnormal forces that have a pathogenic effect on a person: at first they attract like a magnet, then they force them to return and even lead to various misfortunes. And scientists who are far from mystics ask more riddles than find answers. This is especially true for the so-called lunar patterns in the form of circles and crescents with outgoing rays. Some believe that this is an image of traps, others that this is an image of the sun and moon. Some believe that this is due to religious rituals, others - with the cosmic nature of the drawings, others assume astronomical knowledge from the ancients, others calculate the directions of the rays and reach the idea of ​​​​an ancient observatory. In a word, there are more questions than answers - and this only fuels the process of proliferation of speculation and legends.

Finding and discovering new drawings requires knowledge, skill and experience. The most distinct drawings, which are usually viewed by tourists, are quite large and clearly visible. But this is just the tip of the iceberg! It is clear that it is simply not possible to see “scratches” on the flat surface of a stone. Therefore, it is always recommended to view petroglyphs on a sunny day when the stones are dry. To see the small relief of “weak patterns”, it is best to do this at sunrise or sunset, when the rays of the sun illuminate them lengthwise and the shadows allow you to see what is almost impossible to see with “vertical” lighting. When there is no time to wait for favors from nature, experts use various tricks: they cover themselves with thick fabric, allowing light to pass onto the stones along the surface.

Be that as it may, this place really makes an indelible impression. You really feel the breath of millennia. Indeed, something mystical envelops you. It really attracts and makes you want to come back there again.

Dear readers, according to my dream vision, I was shown the following on this topic.

Dear readers, I am sure that many of you have heard the comic song about the “Cursed Island” from Leonid Gaidai’s film “The Diamond Arm. It contains these words:

“The crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow,

They cry to God and pray without sparing their tears,
The crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow!

They lived the same way local residents on the eastern shore of Lake Onega, in the area of ​​Cape Besov Nos, which is located 1.5 km to the north, from the confluence of the Chernaya River into Lake Onega.
The cape is famous for its petroglyphs, among which stands out an image called a “demon”, about two meters and thirty centimeters long, and which is about 5 thousand years old.
The image of the “demon”, as well as other petroglyphs, is made on stones by notching and chipping the surface of the stones.
The name of the image “demon” was given by Christian pioneer monks in the 16th century. Petroglyphs are classified as archaeological Neolithic monuments.
The collection of petroglyphs at Cape Besov Nos is considered the richest in Karelia.
About 1 km north of Besov Nos, there is Cape Peri-Nos. At the same distance, but further south is Cape Kladovets. Cape Besov Nos itself and the adjacent capes are a common place for local fishermen and hunters to visit, as well as various archaeological expeditions and tourists.
For decades, Cape Besov Nos has been the target of constant archaeological expeditions, part of the divisions of the Karelian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as archaeological scientists from Scandinavia and other European countries. Cape Besov Nos is at the same time an important geodetic point in orienting water tourists and yachtsmen, including participants in the Onega Regatta.
Currently, the territory of Cape Besov Nos is a natural and historical reserve.
In recent years, auto tourists have also begun to visit Cape Besov Nos.
Dear readers, in this essay, I also invite you to visit Cape Besov Nos and plunge with me into those distant historical events of the past that happened to local residents about 5 thousand years ago! So….

In those distant, distant times, when the local residents of Cape Besov Nos were still savages, one winter two aliens flew here in a spherical flying machine.
It is this spherical flying machine that is depicted on separate petroglyphs, with two legs, behind which another pair of legs is hidden.
Looking ahead, I will say that the main alien forbade the local stone cutter to depict their balloon on the petroglyphs, and therefore he often examined new petroglyphs and spoiled them - connecting these two legs with a line. It is these “corrected” UFO legs that we can see on the petroglyphs damaged by the alien, which have become like some kind of mushrooms with round caps!
The alien hoped that people in the future would not be able to guess what the stone carver depicted when he painted these petroglyphs. Dear readers, we still managed to unravel the mystery of the damaged petroglyphs!
The alien also damaged other petroglyphs from the stone carver, which directly indicated the presence of aliens in this place. Today we see that some of the petroglyphs on the “space theme” still remain intact, which means that the alien did not have time to spoil them.
These petroglyphs served the ancient people, if we apply modern terminology to them: an album with drawings for transmitting visual information to their heirs! Also, conditionally, this album can be compared with the textbook from which the youth of a given tribe studied.
For example, a young man, going to bed, asked a question to his father or grandfather, and he told him the legend of their tribe. In the morning, the father or grandfather led the young man to the petroglyphs, and already looking at them, they explained what had been told to the young man in the evening: a legend, a true story, a legend….

However, let's go back to the moment the aliens landed on the top of the hill, when they saw from a balloon an elk running through the bushes and 2 hunters, who were from different tribes, hunting for it.
Since this elk was running close to the aliens’ balloon, the aliens decided to stop the whole hunt! The aliens in turn irradiated each of them with some kind of “Stop Energy” so that they all froze like statues and could not move!
The aliens came out of the balloon and approached each one individually: the first hunter, then the second, then the moose itself. The aliens carefully examined the hunters and seized their bow and arrows. Then they approached the elk and took out two arrows from its side, which only slightly pierced its skin, and therefore the elk remained completely healthy.
After going around all the participants in the hunt, the aliens removed the “Stop Energy” from the first hunter and entered into dialogue with him.
The hunter told the aliens his story about hunting an elk, his weapon, and began to claim that it was he who killed the elk, and therefore the killed elk belongs to him!
The aliens again immobilized the first hunter and removed the “Stop Energy” from the second hunter, who also told the aliens his hunting story, about his bow and arrows and the markings of the arrows. Then the hunter began to claim that it was he who killed the elk and that the elk he killed rightfully belonged to him!
Since the arrow shot by the first hunter pierced the elk’s side deeper than the arrow of the second hunter, and the elk itself ran towards the first hunter’s tribe, the aliens themselves decided that the elk should belong to the first hunter.
The second hunter was indignant, but could not do anything, because... two eccentrics from the balloon threatened him with death if he did not go to his tribe. The aliens threatened the hunter that they would simply immobilize him, and he would freeze to death in the forest by himself!
The second hunter was really shivering from the cold, and therefore, snarling and threatening the first hunter with his reprisals, he wandered towards his tribe.
Dear readers, indeed, hunters and fishermen from different tribes very often quarreled over prey! As a result, from time to time they had battles between the tribes! And now: the second hunter promised to return in a few days, with a group of fellow tribesmen who would get even with them for this elk!
The reason for the failures in hunting lay in the fact that in order to kill an elk, the hunter had to run after it through the forest until the elk got tired in order to come within shooting distance of a bow shot.
The second reason was that their bow and arrows were primitive; arrows fired from such a bow did not fly far and had weak penetrating power. In addition, there were no tips on the arrows.
The third reason was that often each hunter hunted alone and only for his family!
If the prey was small, then it all went to the hunter or fisherman.
If the prey was large, then they shared it with their relatives.
If the prey was especially large (moose, bear, deer, big fish), then it was shared with other families, especially with those families that were poor or did not have men in their family.
The same heated debates about fish occurred with fishermen on Lake Onega. The same technical backwardness: only two boats per tribe, which were passed from family to family every new day. Fishing gear included: a fishing rod, a stick, a stone, and a spear. So….

When the second hunter went to his tribe to agitate the men, the senior alien told the first hunter that he would now revive the elk!
The hunter immediately began to fuss and began to beg the alien to wait a little, because... he had to find an arrow and a bow so that he could use them to kill the elk!
The alien went inside the balloon and pressed the right button - the petrified elk came to life and ran away from them about 50 meters and stopped, thinking: What was wrong with him?
The hunter began to get excited about the loss of the elk, but the alien calmly answered the hunter that he would kill the elk from this distance!
The hunter did not believe the alien and continued to scold the alien for releasing the elk early.
The alien asked the hunter to go into the balloon and when he went inside the cabin of the balloon, he pointedly pressed the button with his thin finger - the elk immediately fell dead on the snow, as if cut down, causing the hunter to be in an ecstatic state of mind!
The joyful hunter asked the alien that how he killed this elk, because... There were no fatal wounds on the elk's body.
The alien simply told the hunter about the “miracle button”, with which he can kill every living creature on Earth! The alien allowed the hunter to use a “miracle button” to also kill a couple of birds.
The hunter really liked the miracle button, and the alien barely persuaded the hunter to get out of the balloon.
Having picked up a couple of birds, the hunter led the alien to his tribe.

Due to technical and mental retardation, savage people were starving and were ready to follow anyone who would feed them!
As one Russian saying goes: “Come in and you will be a guest!” If you bring a bottle of vodka, you’ll be the owner!”
The same thing happened here, when the people of the tribe found out that their guest did not come empty-handed, but got them an elk, they immediately fell in love with him and made him an honorary guest of the tribe!
Several people from the tribe brought the elk, cut it up and fried it on the fire. It was a real holiday for their entire tribe!

Sitting by the fire, the alien told the savages that he had been sent to them by God and now life in the tribe would improve qualitatively!
The savage people pointed to the wooden idol that they worshiped and told the alien that he was their God!
The alien was not taken aback and immediately answered the savages that he was sent by the Supreme God, who lives in heaven, to help their idol, who was already tired of helping people from their tribe! The alien gave a living example to the savage people that they are now starving due to the fault of the idol, who was tired and asked the God of heaven to send him a replacement!
Dear readers, you and I know that the alien simply lied “okay and smoothly” to the savages from Lake Onega, and therefore the savage people, who had gorged themselves on elk meat, began to show all sorts of honors to the alien and ask him for forgiveness for not immediately recognizing the messenger from heaven !
The savages, having drunk their chatter, climbed up to kiss the alien, while others began to bring him from their homes - stale amulets and rare bones from animals and fish that were once eaten by them or even by their ancient ancestors!
As a result, the “meat feast” ended, and the alien went with gifts and souvenirs to sleep in his balloon, and the savage people went to their homes, which were located right under the bushes, in the open air!

Just as a leaf of a birch broom sticks to the buttocks in a bathhouse, so the leader of the tribe stuck to the alien, demanding from him proof that he was a messenger of God!
The cunning alien decided to deceive the annoying leader of the tribe by asking him to build a certain tall log house, on top of which there would be their wooden idol! Further, the alien explained to the leader that when people from another tribe attack them, they will not be able to steal their idol, because... it will be on top of the log house. That daredevil who nevertheless climbs to the top of the log house, behind the idol, can be easily killed, still below!
The leader of the tribe liked this alien’s idea, and he gave the order to build a log tower for the idol.
The frame was not continuous, as is usually the case with a real well frame, but with one log missing. Conventionally, such a log house can be compared as if we were putting together such a log house from matches.
Finally, this wooden frame tower was built, and a wooden idol of this tribe was placed on top.
Every evening, the people of the tribe gathered at the idol and solved their problems: they prayed, complained, asked for a sign, asked for successful hunting and fishing, and made a sacrifice.
In the evenings, the alien began to climb onto this log tower and, standing next to the idol, loudly voiced in his voice what the idol said, answering people from the tribe to certain requests or their problems. No one else, except this messenger from heaven, had the right to climb the tower.
Thus, the alien seized power in the tribe and began to control the people from the tribe at his own discretion!
However, the leader began to suspect the alien that he was speaking from himself, and not from their idol!
Then the alien persuaded his compatriot on the planet to climb the tower with the idol in advance and, hiding, answer the aspirations of the people from the tribe!
The junior alien initially refused, but then was forced to agree in order to help out his alien commander.
As a result, in the evening, people from the tribe gathered near the idol for prayer, and each of them began to ask the idol something, and it began to answer them, giving this or that advice or answers.
On this “demonstration evening” at the bottom of the tower, next to the leader of the tribe, an alien stood and each time convinced the leader that it was the idol himself who was speaking, and not him!
The leader was personally convinced that the answers were given by the idol, and not by their new friend, because... he was standing next to the leader!
After this “trick” of the alien, the savage people began to trust the messenger of the Heavenly God more and give him all the honors due to his rank!
It must be said that the alien commander successfully ruled the savages, moreover, he supported this not only with words, but also with deeds. When savage people successfully pray to the idol, consider it to be that he rewarded the people with successful hunting or fishing.

Everything would have been fine, but people from a neighboring tribe decided to attack this lucky tribe and get even with them for the elk!
The defector informed the leader of the lucky tribe that tomorrow morning they would be attacked by people of a neighboring tribe, who invited men from other tribes to join their army.
The leader of the lucky tribe panicked because... he had fewer warriors than their neighbors. However, a messenger from heaven came to his aid, who ordered to make trenches in the cracks between the stones and store stones, wooden darts and sticks, bows and arrows in them. The alien himself spent the night in a stone dugout, outwardly similar to a modern observation pit.
It was the stone dugout that was shown in the video filmed by the scientific expedition. So….
When the warriors of the neighboring tribe approached the stone trenches, they were successfully attacked by the warriors of the lucky tribe under the command of the alien!
Since the warriors of the messenger of heaven were in the stone crevices, they suffered less from stones, sticks and arrows than the aggressors. In addition, for the first time in their lives, certain “fireballs” were thrown at the aggressors, consisting of dry branches of bushes and dry grass, which led the warriors of the aggressive tribe to flight.
The battle was fierce and dense, but the warriors of the heavenly messenger still defeated the warriors of the aggressive tribe and they fled to their place, saying that they would return again in a couple of months.
Warriors from an aggressive tribe made their way into the stone dugout to the two aliens, but they famously fought them off and could not be defeated in a duel.
It was in this fierce battle that the alien’s right eye was knocked out with a stone.
So, the victory took place, the battle was won, the people from the tribe thanked their messenger from heaven!

Everything would be fine with the savage people, but one day the time came for the second alien to return to his planet! No matter how much his commander begged him to stay: to stay on Earth a little longer, he stubbornly wanted to fly to his home!
The alien commander reported this to the leader of the tribe, who was also saddened, because... With the messenger from heaven, their lives became more satisfying and calmer.
The alien assured the leader that he would return back to Earth after some time!
The leader asked the “breadwinner”, how would he recognize him if they all looked the same there?
The alien replied to the leader of the tribe that a certain cast, an image, could be taken from him! The alien who is similar in size to this image will be recognized by the leader as a messenger from heaven!
Decided - done! The alien lay down on a stone slab, and the artist carved out his external characteristics in stone. This particular petroglyph is now called “The Demon”!
The alien demanded from the leader that the people of the tribe make a blood sacrifice to his image on the stone. With this they will feed their messenger from heaven!
When the stone cutter was gouging out the mouth of the messenger of heaven, he struck too hard, causing the stone to crack upward along the face of the alien image.
The stone cutter was scared because... the messenger of heaven will have to lie down on the stone again and do all the work all over again.
The stone cutter came up with the idea of ​​telling the alien that they would pour the blood of their victims into their mouths, and on top there was a certain funnel with a hole inside through which all other sacrificial offerings from heaven would flow!
The alien hardly liked such a vague interpretation of the stone cutter, and he did not demand from him a new image of his beloved!

Everything would have been fine with the savage people, but the alien, who was the balloon pilot, killed a man from a neighboring tribe! They promised to come in a crowd and kill him!
The alien messenger had no choice but to quickly leave the tribe he loved, in which he was revered as God! As a result, the balloon flew over the tribe and departed towards the Barents Sea!
When men from another tribe came to get even with the alien pilot, the leaders still managed to come to an agreement among themselves, due to the fact that the “offender” managed to leave them forever!

When the alien commander of the balloon, considered a messenger of heaven in this tribe, arrived for the second time, the savage people greeted him unfriendly! They grabbed him and took him to their tribe, where they tied him to a pole so that they could hang him in the morning! The savage people decided to do a favor to the foreigner in view of the fact that the alien told them the names of their long-dead ancestors!
When the leader of this tribe came to execution early in the morning, the alien cried out to his gods and began to remind him of the legend of their tribe, which said that a messenger from heaven would fly to their tribe!
The tribal leader remembered this legend because... About 135 years have passed since then! Let me remind the reader that at that time people lived on average 30 – 35 years! Then the alien reminded the leader that they would have to recognize the messenger of heaven by the imprint on the stone!
The leader remembered this condition of their legend, and agreed to take the messenger of heaven to the place where the image of the messenger of heaven, in modern terms “demon,” was carved on a stone.
The alien lay down with his back on his image on the stone, and the leader of the tribe began to compare its external contours with the contour on the stone. The contours coincided, then the leader suggested doing the same with the hand. When the alien placed his palm on the stone, the contours and dimensions of the palm coincided again! Thus, the alien was recognized as a messenger of heaven and began to be revered as a messenger of heaven who returned to their tribe for the second time!
Since the legend of this tribe said that at that time, under the messenger from heaven, people lived well, now they have hope that now they will all live just as “curly” - prosperously!

However, how wrong the savage people were when they trusted the messenger of heaven, who was offended by them and, in revenge, decided to destroy all the people from this tribe!
Everything happened in the tribe as before: people prayed, revered the alien, pinned their hopes on him, but who, secretly from the people, began to harm them by quarreling and pitting people against each other!
For example: if a hunt ended in failure, then the messenger of heaven began to blame the good hunter, who was immediately attacked by the wrath of the people of his tribe!
As a result, the sentence followed - to sacrifice this hunter to the idol!
It happened that the messenger of heaven accused women of treason, and then execution followed again, with sacrificial bloodletting, on the stone face of the messenger of heaven! If in ancient times the stone image of the messenger of heaven (the demon) was saturated with blood only with the blood of sacrificial animals, now the human blood of the murdered person was sacrificed!
Thus, pitting people from the tribe against each other, the messenger of heaven achieved the almost complete destruction of the people of the tribe!
In the end: some people fled from the tribe to other tribes; old people, children and women died of hunger!
When the messenger of heaven sentenced the leader's girl to death, it was only after her death that the leader of the tribe realized that this messenger of heaven was to blame for all their troubles! As a result, the leader and the messenger of heaven fought hand-to-hand! The leader of the tribe forcibly dragged the messenger of heaven to the sacrificial stone, where he wanted to sacrifice the messenger of heaven himself in his own image!
The messenger of the sky was helped to free himself by an alien pilot who came running to the telepathic call of his commander. He hit the leader on the head with a stone, after which the leader’s strong hands unclenched, and the messengers of heaven were able to go to their balloon!
Having urgently taken their seats on the balloon, the fake messengers of the sky flew towards their home! There was nothing else for them to do here on the lake! Almost all the tribes were destroyed by aliens like these! For the second time, not just one balloon flew to Earth, but several at once! It was these same aliens that quarreled all the tribes among themselves, who began to quarrel and fight among themselves, killing each other!
In the last battle between the tribes, the tower with the idol was set on fire, but the most valuable thing was that they saved ancient stone with ancient petroglyphs! When the savage people saved this stone, sacred to them, carrying it on sticks, like on a stretcher, their enemies shot at them, threw stones and threw sharpened darts until they dropped the stone to the ground! It was this very stone that was found and turned over by members of the scientific expedition, who transferred the petroglyphs to paper, and the stone was placed in its old place. They don’t care that several brave savage people laid down their lives for this stone at the same time, trying to save their relic for new generations!
Since the savage people of this tribe most often ate catfish and water rats, which we call otters, it was they who were depicted on the petroglyphs.
The petroglyph "Whale" reminded them ancient legend that once upon a time their ancient ancestors hunted whales! But when the stupid leaders of the tribe came to power, their lives changed for the worse. They were ashamed of eating otters!
In those ancient times, the men of their tribe would go fishing and whaling to the Barents Sea for two months!
The petroglyph “demon” has one eye, which means that one of the alien’s eyes was knocked out with a stone in the battle for the elk!
The “demon” petroglyph has a through crack in the stone in the middle. However, initially, this crack was not there, there was a drain for blood! When the savage people wanted to destroy the petroglyph on the stone in revenge, they lit a large fire on the stone before the tide. When the water level in the lake rose, the stone simply cracked in half due to the temperature change!

When Orthodox monks and pioneers began to come here in the 16th century, they perceived the image on the stone as an image of a “demon” that the locals worshiped here! By this time, savage people no longer lived here!
Some walkers came and went further, but there was one persistent monk who decided to ruin the alien’s petroglyph by hollowing out an Orthodox cross next to it! He went to this place for several days in a row and hollowed out a cross in the stone, making it clear that the Orthodox cross suppresses the demon (evil)! That is, how would he neutralize the harmful effects of this demon!
Thus, this cape was nicknamed Cape Besov Nos. Dear readers, I thank you all for your active participation in my historical expedition through the ancient times of the Neolithic, and wish you new educational excursions on the pages of my “Dream Essays” - essays about dreams!

Dear readers, please note that this is just my dream, and therefore: Believe it or not! You never know what each of us can dream about.

In the previous part, we, having covered a three-hundred-kilometer section of our journey, passing Kirillov, Ferapontovo and Vytegra, stopped for the night near the village of Oktyabrskoye, which is on the border of the Vologda region and the Republic of Karelia. The further route, in theory, led us through Pudozh to the Osudareva Road - a path laid from the Nyukhcha pier on the White Sea to Povenets on Lake Onega by order of Peter I. The total length of the road is approximately 260 km.

After have a great holiday, which invigorated the soul and body, we all suddenly and unexpectedly decided at breakfast that here we have the legendary Demon Nose right next to us and it’s probably worth stopping by on the way to White Sea. Not that we are prone to such eccentric adventures, but some excitement made us think about this little “detour” in our route. Back at home, I marked the Demon’s Nose as an additional point of interest, capable of diversifying the “routine” road with a little adventure.

> Morning camp cooking.

In a geographical sense, Besov Nos is a rocky cape, protruding 750 meters into Lake Onega, located between capes Perry Nos and Kanin Nos and being part of a belt of coastal outcrops of crystalline rocks. In a historical sense, capes Besov Nos and Kanin Nos are monumental paintings of primitive man that have survived to this day. The gloomy stone shores of these capes bear groups of patterns of varying complexity - petroglyphs. The sets of petroglyphs of capes Kanin Nos and Besov Nos are among the largest on the Onega coast, containing about 100 images. In the petroglyphs of Cape Besov, the image of an anthropomorphic creature, called Bes, stands out especially because of the depicted growths on its head, reminiscent of horns. The size of the image is about 2 meters long and it is surrounded by many smaller images that depict birds, people, and drawings from everyday life. Petroglyphs are monuments of monumental artistic creativity of the primitive era and date back to the 4th-3rd millennium BC.

In the jeep-tourist sense, Demon's Nose is a transit point for all road travelers in Karelia. There are two roads to Cape Besov Nos. One is through the village of Karshevo, along the Chernaya River. The other goes along the eastern shore of Lake Onega from the village of Shalsky. Most of the road through Shalsky passes along the sandy Onega beaches, several times going into the forest in order to overcome three small capes cutting the Onega coastline. In our case, the most optimal, from the point of view of travel logic, was the route Karshevo - Besov Nos - Shalsky. Remembering numerous stories and videos about the heroic battles of jeepers on the roads to Demon’s Nose, we were aware that our cars were in an insufficiently prepared state and in the event of an insurmountable obstacle we would have to return back.

All things considered, it turned out to be very, very interesting. Unexpectedly, after breakfast, it turned out that everyone was already mentally prepared for the rush to the Demons and was in a state of mild euphoria that accompanies the beginning of a real adventure. We quickly assembled the camp and set out on the road. The asphalt part went without any difficulties. In the last year, the roads of Karelia have risen to a new level and a small section, 40 kilometers long, is completely easy to overcome. Next there was a small section of a broken field road and after crossing Karshevo we found ourselves in front of a raised barrier. Then, having overcome the shaky bridge, we began to delve deeper into the thicket.

> The road after the last village takes on a more wild look.

> The bridge is a very sad looking one, its purpose is to stop travelers from rash actions and restrict entry into the territory of the “Demon Nose” nature reserve.

In the deep forest I remembered my first acquaintance with the nature of this northern land. Karelia, for the first time, greeted me with northern summer weather - it rained non-stop for a day and the wind blew, then it rained half the day, and half the day it was cloudy, and on the third day it was dry, sunny and beautiful. Then the cycle of three days was repeated and this continued for the 14 days that I spent in Karelia. On our next trip we met as “old” friends and all 15 days it was sunny and warm, it rained a couple of times, but otherwise it was dry and beautiful. It seemed that the local spirits tested me in difficult conditions of bad weather and discomfort, and when they saw that I was not afraid of the hardships, they graciously allowed me into their lands. And once an acquaintance of mine, originally from Petrozavodsk, having heard my story about how I came here for the first time, said such a strange phrase - Karelia, this is the land where gods walk the earth. For some reason, these simple words remained in my soul and since then, for me, the Karelian land has become a land of miracles.

> In some places the road becomes unusually wide.

> Prepared ambush sites are carried out on winches.

> Those less prepared find ways around ambush sites.

As soon as we found ourselves in the forest, we immediately had a feeling of the fabulousness of the surrounding world - giant pine and birch trees tower around us, growing here for decades, untouched fields of blueberries and lingonberries lie all around, here and there colonies of mushrooms can be seen - porcini mushrooms, russula, boletus . And there is a persistent feeling that someone invisible is watching every step, as if the owner of the forest is peering at the guests, trying to understand as quickly as possible what to expect from them. And as you move deeper and deeper, you understand that there is a reason for such unfriendliness of the local forest owner. Here and there you can see traces of thoughtless attempts to drive right here - trees are cut by winch cables that were tied without protective slings, the road is literally “exploded” by those who like to press down on the gas pedal when the SUV is obviously helplessly buried in the ground, spontaneous miniature dumps of technical waste are periodically encountered . It should be noted that in the evening, having crossed the Demon Nose and setting up camp, we fell into prostration when we saw huge heaps of garbage all around, most of which was quite clearly left here by tourists who came here for a “cultural holiday”. But that was later, and until then the presence of someone invisible did not leave me for a minute.

> The road winds parallel to the Chernaya River and therefore views of the water and autumn forest often flash from the side.

> Most often, there are detours at especially ambush places.

> The views of the expanse of the river and the redness of the autumn forest are mesmerizing.

> On the opposite bank you can see “Bald Mountain” at the base of Mount Kalya (71 meters, by the way).

> You have to drive carefully.

> You often have to trample through puddles - it is not possible to determine the cross-country ability by eye.

> The first reminders of a raging hurricane are encountered - the butt of a fallen tree is noticeably higher than the car.

> The road goes somewhere up the stone. When you drive along such a road for the first time, you experience very unusual sensations.

Overcoming pits full of dirty water, overcoming local swamps, the bottom of which consisted of white clay, we crawled forward. The whole team spent almost the whole day on their feet - they had to carry cables, measure fords, help each other overcome difficult terrain, circle around the car when there was a slalom among tree trunks and stumps. Late in the evening, pretty tired, we made our way to the shore of Lake Onega. To tell the truth, I couldn’t believe it until we descended onto the sand of the beach. Only when the dense, still air of the forest, saturated with the smells of grass, trees, and the sounds of birds and animals, was replaced by fresh and clean humid air blowing in from Onega - only then did it come to the understanding that we had overcome this road and we had reached the shore of Onega. There was only a kilometer left before Besov's Nose. In order to take our time and calmly wander around, we decided to go for a walk to Cape Kladovets, see the petroglyphs, drive a little inland and set up camp so that we could leave the inspection of the Demon’s Nose the next morning.

> Onego is ahead!

> The team's smallest security guard jumped out to stretch his paws after a whole day of shaking in a stuffy car over pits and potholes.

> The shore of Lake Onega is predominantly sandy, interspersed in places with rocky headlands.

In the vicinity of Cape Kladovets, we met two surveyors of a very mysterious appearance who were conducting some kind of observations or surveys in part of the terrain. And besides these two, we also met a wonderful, cheerful, shaggy beige dog, who came from nowhere. Sobakin deftly galloped over the stones, rushed among the mast pines covering Cape Kladovets and looked very joyful and satisfied with his life. It seemed to us that in what form the local spirit of the forest should live, so we decided to treat him with some tasty treats, so as not to anger him with our presence. The spirit of the forest turned out to be very friendly and peaceful - the sky cleared, although heavy gray clouds hung in the sky all day, the setting sun came out and the wind flying from Onega began to subside. In order to somehow call the cheerful spirit of the forest in the form of a dog, we named him Chuy. Chuy cheerfully galloped after us, showed us petroglyphs, and lay on the rocks of the cape.

> Here he is - the cheerful spirit of the Chui forest.

> Petroglyphs of Cape Kladovets. Unfortunately, most of the stone rock (!) was taken away for souvenirs.

> Petroglyphs of Cape Kladovets

> Petroglyphs of Cape Kladovets

After wandering around a little more, we returned to the cars and drove off to set up camp. The day that was coming to an end turned out to be rich not only in new emotions, but also in the harvest of mushrooms. Having prepared a delicious dinner, we decided to sit for a while and chat about this and that. The restless Chuy circled around the camp, received a portion of the evening delicacies, was very pleased with them and, wishing us good night, rushed off somewhere at dusk to settle down for the night.

> Cape Karetsky is visible in the distance.

> Pleasant fatigue was conducive to a quiet pastime.

> The red disk of the sun was drowning in the endless surface of the great Onego.

> "Noble Dons" help with the strength part of camp cooking during a leisurely evening conversation.

The morning greeted us with wonderful weather, conducive to a short walk. After having a quick breakfast, the group of enthusiasts set off to conquer Cape Besov Nos. The road from the mainland to the tip of the Demon's Nose makes it possible to feel the power of nature and the force of the hurricane that hit the cape several years ago - mighty pine trees were torn out of the ground, tall, larger than a person, butts of giant pine trees can be seen here and there. Having made our way through the windfall, we came to an old non-working lighthouse, saw below the blackened coastal cliffs of the cape and walked along them, carefully moving from one stone to another. After some time, the first petroglyphs appeared, the number of which increased as they approached the center of the entire group of images - Besu.

> A windfall blocked the road to Demon's Nose.

> An inoperative lighthouse hinting that Cape Besovo Nos is already close.

> Chui's cheerful spirit accompanied us on this walk.

> The same Bes.

> Petroglyphs of Cape Besov Nos.

> Petroglyphs of Cape Besov Nos.

> A monumental canvas for painting by our ancestors.

> Chuy carefully monitored that everything was calm around

On the way back to the camp we decided to go along the shore - although it took a little longer, but the views were wonderful. When we got to the camp, the second breakfast had already been prepared and we were slowly getting ready. Indeed, there was really no need to linger too much - we were faced with an unknown road to Shalsky, the condition of which was unknown and which could also end in an insurmountable obstacle that could turn us around reverse side in the direction of Karshevo.

> View from the camp to the Demon's Nose.

Schematically, the road to Shalsky can be divided into three special sections separated by runs along the sandy road. coastline Onegi. And although our return journey was somewhat longer than the arrival from Karshevo, thanks to the long journeys along the banks of Onega we hoped to quickly reach civilization. Indeed, the runs along the coastline amounted to about 60 percent of the journey, but we remembered the remaining 40 percent of the route for a long time.

> The team is ready to hit the road.

The first special section began immediately after the Shalsky tract (in many sources it is listed as the former village of Besonosovka) and consisted of a complex mud road, limited to the fact that it was actually cut through a windfall and often changed directions. By the way, our cheerful spirit Chui stubbornly accompanied us until we went ashore. While we drove ashore, he remained in the forest, sitting on the ground, and as soon as we were on sandy beach Onega, he looked at us, shook his tail and, wishing us a good trip home, rushed off somewhere into the forest on his forest business. The second special stage was a little more difficult, because the mud road was supplemented by low-height rock rapids and an abundance of stumps of all kinds. The third special stage began with a hill, 20 meters high and an incline of 45-50 degrees, which had to be overcome using winches. Then the road retained all its previous features - rock rapids, stumps, rocky dry rivers, mud, and more stones appeared. After we again found ourselves on the sandy beach of Onega, several kilometers of beach road along the sand awaited us, the finish line of which was the village of Shalsky.

> The road again spoiled us with views of the forest, painted with golden-purple flowers.

> The first rock rapids appear.

> Overcame such stone mountains.

> All around there are still fields of moss with scarlet drops of lingonberries and blotches of blueberries.

> From time to time there are hunting lodges, in some incredible way nestled on the rocks.

> In some places, to drive along the beach, you have to overcome spits like these.

> There are no photographs clearly showing the steepness of the slide, so it’s just a view through the pilot’s eyes.

> Stone thresholds have become commonplace.

> The stone trial, from a certain point, stopped being annoying.

> Rocky shores of Onega.

As soon as we stopped in the center of the village, the sky was clouded with dark, heavy lead clouds (although this could have happened earlier, but we didn’t notice), and the way back to civilization was somewhat difficult, so we wanted not to bother with spending the night in the field. We just had to drive a little to Pudozh and there, we decided to look for a guest house with beds, a hot shower and clean linen. While replenishing fuel supplies at a TNK pump located at the exit of the city, we noticed at the cash register unobtrusively laid out business cards of a local guest house. That’s where we decided to head – and we’ve never regretted it. The house is located in the depths of Pudozh, on a dead-end street, there is silence and tranquility all around, behind the site on which the house stands the Vodla River meanders. Having parked our cars in the yard, we took out especially valuable things and some food and went to rest.

> A little bit of beach vegetation.

> Asphalt and civilization - it was like being on another planet, especially after two days at one with nature and the team.

And ahead of us were kilometers of the Karelian grader, the Osudarevo road, repairs and the western shore of Lake Onega.

So, we've arrived!
A four-day trip to the shores of Lake Onega.
Petroglyphs are older Egyptian pyramids, a half-abandoned monastery, sand spits and NOBODY.

And it all started with a terrible downpour when starting from Moscow. We took this as a good sign.
And exactly. Already in Karelia we were greeted by cloudless weather.

Having covered 850 km, according to the already established tradition, we stop at Andom Mountain.

The height of the shore is 80 m, a pleasant breeze blows from the lake, no mosquitoes and sunset

The next morning we decide to first try to get through to the Murom Monastery.
The road begins with a straight road, laid through a real swamp.

The road ends with an exit onto a sandy strip along Onega, 20 kilometers long. Along it we have to get almost to the Monastery itself.

The wind is quite strong, you come across hefty logs and small rivers that you have to go around on water

Somewhere here, having decided to go around another log, Nivchik began to reverse and drove into my wing.
Picture: sea, almost straight wide flat road, not a soul for 20 kilometers around and we have an accident. Tough.

But the sandy strip ended and we had to move into the forest. Difficulties began.

It’s not deep, but there are serious stones and logs at the bottom. I had to move very carefully.
But! All this lasted about 500 meters. Then there was a smooth path right to the monastery. And they scared us...

People live in the Monastery, we saw children. There are a couple of Urals, construction is underway. Lively place.
And very picturesque. The buildings themselves are located on a small peninsula.
Piercing wind... And what space! Fantastic.

We take a report photo at the confluence of the Muromka River and Onega and have lunch.

It’s about 12 o’clock. We never planned to get here so quickly. We decide to go to Demon Nos.
I wonder what awaits us on these famous 17 km?

We slowly drove to the Vologda Kizhi hiding place, drove up to the Black River, looked at the water level and went into battle.

By 8 pm we were already there. And this takes into account the constant reconnaissance, stops and searches for the front number plate that I lost once again (we found it, thank God).

The prepared cars never sat at all, the standard Pajero Sport only twice.
And this is at the beginning of June. Who would have thought.

So, we are on the cape! Hooray!

We set up camp in a picturesque place, climbing a steep sandy slope, some on winches, some not;)
Bonfire, food, sunset again... Where is our beer?

In the evening of this day we managed to go see where the Chernaya River flows into Onega.
They say Rybnadzor is rampant here. People swim out to this bay, leave their boats and go on foot to see if there are any patrols.

We manage to find the first petroglyphs, take a couple of shots and sleep.
Tomorrow is an unplanned day of relaxation and contemplation of the surroundings! :)

The next morning we decide to drive straight to the lighthouse on Besovoye. A couple of boulders and we are there.
What views!

It has become much warmer, we are walking, enjoying... Ehh!

Few petroglyphs were found, but some of them caused a lot of discussion;)

We also saw a certain structure similar to a millstone, obviously not new.

Favorite colors of the north.

But on this island we discovered a solid house with a bathhouse, a hammock and a television antenna (!).
Guys, this is where you should have a dacha.

Sunset again, wow, relaxation.

The next morning, get up at 6 am and go home.
The return journey took about 1.5 hours.

Many thanks to everyone who participated!
To all sympathizers too!
To everyone who wants to escape the stuffy city, take a couple of days off and spend 4 fantastic days - good luck!


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