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To the question: What “colored” lakes do you know? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is the Five Flower Lakes in Jiuzhaigon National Park (China) are known to many for their clear turquoise water. The photograph clearly shows trees lying on the bottom.

This volcanic lake in Flores is given its bright turquoise color by single-celled algae and bacteria.

Algae can change the color of lake water to the color of hot chocolate.

Lake Blanca in Mt Baker-Snoqualmie National Park, Washington (USA). The color of the water of this lake resembles the color of sea water.

Yamdrok Tso is translated from Tibetan as “turquoise lake”. This artificial lake, formed during the construction of a dam, is located at an altitude of more than 4500 meters above sea level in the Tibetan mountains

Deep red lake on the Sanetsch pass in Switzerland.

Large salt lake in Uyuni (Bolivia). The red color is caused by a large number of microscopic organisms living in the upper layer of water and the crust of salt.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What “colored” lakes do you know?

Answer from Kairat[expert]
salty and fresh, for example Lake Balkhash is half blue and the other half green

Answer from Sit[active]
Lake Dalneye in Kamchatka

Answer from freshly salted[guru]
A lot on geographical map so-called "colored" lakes. These lakes really have the most varied, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black.
Such lakes are scattered throughout the globe. Let's name just a few of them and try to explain the reasons for their unusual coloring.
IN Carpathian mountains near the village of Sinyak, not far from the city of Svalyava Transcarpathian region Ukraine, at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, Lake Sinyak is located. Sulfur compounds dissolved in it give the water an intense blue color.
There are especially many such lakes in the Caucasus Mountains. So, not far from Lake Ritsa there is a small blue Lake. Another blue lake is located in the Chersky Gorge of Kabardino-Balkaria. It amazes with the bright blue-green color of the water, reminiscent of a solution of copper sulfate. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, which is supplied to the lake by underground springs.
The national poet of Azerbaijan, Samed Vurgun, called Gek-Gel Lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams.
A lot on globe white lakes In Russia alone, up to 20 lakes have the name “White”. Many of them are located among forests and numerous rivers and lakes of the Vologda region. It would seem that the lake is like a lake, but when on its rather large water mirror, with an area of ​​1125 sq. km, the wind raises the waves, it seems to be covered with white lambs. Indeed, at this time, eroding the clayey shores of the lake, the water acquires a whitish color.
On the island of Kunashir (Kuril Islands) there is a milky-white lake of even more intense color. The lake is boiling. It has been established that it is filled with a concentrated solution of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, and hot volcanic gases rise all the time from its bottom, which heat the water to a boil.
White, but not boiling, lakes are known on the Indonesian island of Java and on the Japanese islands.
In the south of the European part of Russia, in Western Siberia and Central Asia there are many lakes with purple-red colored water. During sunset, they change their color somewhat and seem to resemble bowls filled with molten gold. This type of lake includes, for example, the famous salt Lake Lower Volga region - Elton (translated from Kazakh Altyn-nur means “golden lake”).
Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red crustaceans, Artemia, in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.
Lakes with water from pink to bright red are also known in the sands of the Karakum desert in the Uzboy riverbed, as well as in Western Siberia. The widely known Raspberry Lake is located on the territory of the Kulunda steppe, in the south of Western Siberia. But it’s not just its color that makes it stand out among the thousands of local lakes. The fact is that in the water of this lake everything is born and grows all the time... stone. As it turned out, the water in Raspberry Lake is saturated with magnesium salts, and the underground springs that feed it contain soda. When mixed, these solutions form a mass that immediately turns to stone.
In some cases, purple bacteria are the culprits behind the pink color of water in lakes.
It's a pity that you don't have comments enabled

Answer from Shatoon[active]
Baikal is transparent :)
In winter you can stand on the ice and watch the fish swim

Answer from Condorita[guru]
Even here in Belarus there are so many colorful lakes.
There are 36 lakes with the name Beloe, for example. Of course, the water is not white, but very clean and transparent (at least it should be like that, but alas... not always anymore)
There are about 15 lakes called Chernoe - these are mostly swamp lakes with a high content of humic substances.
There are 3 lakes named Krasnoye. But the name has nothing to do with the color of the water - it means “Beautiful” from ancient Slavic. In Belarus there is another analogue of this name - Lake Chervonoye (or Prince Lake) in the Zhitkovichi district of the Gomel region
There are 2 lakes called Blue. The water in them (in one of them - I was there) is dark blue. A lot of hydrogen sulfide (naturally a lot).
There is Lake Goluboye or Golubino.
Of course, I won’t rewrite the directory “Lakes of Belarus” (I compiled it, by the way)...
Here's more from the "web" (for a snack)
The national poet of Azerbaijan, Samad Vurgun, called the “Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness Lake Gek-Gel (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but sufficient deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color due to the salts of various minerals and the large amount of hydrogen sulfide supplied by its numerous streams.

Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red brine shrimp in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.
And most of all colored lake is located in Australia. Its water changes color several times a year - the water is yellow, then blue, then red. And even orange, which depends on the iron content in the water. This is Topo Valley.
There are “colored” names and lakes not only here, but also in the USA and Canada
In Canada and the USA, these names sound like Black Lake (Black Lake), Brown Lake (Brown Lake), etc. Ontario, from the group of the Great North American Lakes, in the language of the Iroquois Indians - “beautiful, wonderful”.

Answer from Alyonk@[guru]
Some geographical names although of foreign origin, in translation they also mean color. For example, Cape Verde in Africa means "Cape Green", the island of Greenland - "Green Country", the Black Forest mountains, from which the Danube River originates, - "Black Forest", the Karatau Mountains in Central Asia - "Black Mountains", Mount Mont Blanc in the Alps - " White Mountain", the Yellow River in China and the Sarysu in Central Asia are "yellow", and the Song Coy in Vietnam, the Red River and Colorado in the USA are "red" rivers, etc.
But there are especially many so-called “colored” lakes on the geographical map. These lakes really have the most varied, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black.
The national poet of Azerbaijan Samad Vurgun called the Gek-Gel lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams.
There are many white lakes around the globe. In Russia alone, up to 20 lakes have the name “White”. Many of them are located among the forests and numerous rivers and lakes of the Vologda region and are now part of the Volga-Baltic waterway. It would seem that the lake is like a lake, but when on its rather large water surface, with an area of ​​1125 sq. km, the wind raises the waves, it seems to be covered with white lambs. Indeed, at this time, eroding the clayey shores of the lake, the water acquires a whitish color.
Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red brine shrimp in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.

One of the most beautiful lakes in Azerbaijan is Goygol. During the catastrophic earthquake, the epicenter of which was in the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, huge debris from Kapaz (a three-hundred-thousand-meter peak fifty kilometers from Ganja) blocked the gorge where the Askhu River flowed. This is how Lake Goygel, a blue lake, was formed.

His birth was subsequently sung by Nizami in his works. He visited Gey-Gel and could not help but be inspired by the poetic beauty of these places. Mountains covered with mighty forests, like palms, engulfed the crystal-blue bowl of Gay-gel. If you climb along the picturesque piles of rocks, going around the corner of a blue lake that stretches several kilometers deep, you can get to a rise with a pure beech forest and thickets of viburnum, euonymus and rose hips.

Goygol (Azerbaijani: Göygöl) - one of the mountain lakes of Transcaucasia - is located at the foot of Mount Kapaz, in the gorge of the Agsu River. The lake was formed as a result of a devastating earthquake that occurred on September 17, 1138, as a result of which the top of Mount Kapaz collapsed into the gorge of the Agsu River. The resulting dam is Lake Goygol.

The lake is located in the Goygol Nature Reserve, created in 1965 with the aim of preserving the integrity of nature and wildlife. Visiting these places is provided by numerous tourist routes in the South Caucasus. Goygol and its surroundings are also a recreation area for the residents of Azerbaijan; their air is healing for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

The fish fauna of Lake Goygol consists only of trout, which feeds mainly on amphipods and dragonfly larvae. The lake's importance is limited to sport fishing.

Goygol resort attracts tourists with excellent climatic conditions– fresh and clean air, crystal, cool water of Lake Goygol, unique medicinal properties mountain air and climate...

Goygol Nature Reserve

The Goygol Nature Reserve is located in the southwest of the country. Founded in 1925, area 7.1 thousand hectares. Protects the natural complexes of mountain broad-leaved forests and subalpine meadows on the slopes of the Lesser Caucasus, the unique grove of relict Ellar pine and yew trees, as well as the high-mountain Lake Goygol.

The flora of the Goygol Nature Reserve includes more than 400 plant species. The fauna includes more than 30 species of mammals (bezoar goat, Caucasian tur, Caucasian red deer, roe deer, Brown bear, wolf, pine marten, badger, weasel, brown hare, squirrel, dormouse and others), as well as about 50 species of birds, among which, in addition to forest birds, there are inhabitants of the alpine and subalpine zones - alpine accentor, mountain bunting, Caspian snowcock, mountain pipit, rock partridge, red-capped finch, mountain redpoll.

The reserve is also home to 8 species of amphibians and reptiles, and in Lake Goygol there is a special subspecies of lake trout - Goygol trout.

Dear readers! Our Motherland is gifted with the most beautiful magnificent natural landscapes, natural resources, unique flora and fauna, there can be no doubt... From time immemorial, our land has been distinguished by its fertility and generosity, and an example of this is the “Pearl of Azerbaijan” - Goygol! And today we will tell you about the Goygol Nature Reserve.

Goygol Nature Reserve is one of the most beautiful national park ov in the world. It was created in 1925 to protect the mountain lake Gek-Gel, which is located 30 km from the city near the Adjikend resort.

The formation of the lake was caused by an earthquake in the 12th century.

Today Gek-Gel is the most large lake on the territory of Azerbaijan, the pearl of the country and an extremely attractive tourist point on the map of Ganja and its environs. Until 2007, the reserve was closed to tourists, but after receiving the status of a national park, travelers were able to visit its territory.

History of the creation of the reserve

Goygol state reserve- the very first in Azerbaijan, it was created in 1925. Then in 1950 it was liquidated and restored again in 1958. After existing for three years, it was liquidated again in 1961 and restored on July 14, 1965. However, during the restoration of the state reserve, factors contradicting the status of the reserve were not eliminated. The operation of sanitary and health institutions, a number of catering facilities, parking lots, etc. was allowed on the reserve territory. In addition, grass was mowed on the territory of the reserve. All these factors had a negative impact on the natural environment of the reserve.

It is worth noting that previously the Goygol National Park consisted of two territories - the main one (the Goygol Nature Reserve itself) and a branch located 80 km away, which was called the Eldar Pine Grove. Now the grove has also received its own status as a separate reserve "Eldar Shamy".

Located in the northeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus Range at an altitude of 1100-3060 meters above sea level, the Goygol Nature Reserve was created in order to protect the typical landscapes of mountain forests and the subalpine zone and ensure the safety of the purity of the waters of Lake Goygol.

The main territory of the reserve is mountainous, most of of which is rich in forests. The northeastern slopes of the Murovdag ridge are an alternation of longitudinal ridges and deep river valleys. The dominant peak is Mount Kapaz (3065m). In 1139, a strong earthquake destroyed a significant part of this peak. Stone blocks rushed down and blocked river gorges, including the Agsu River. As a result, many lakes were formed, including Goygol.

Goygol is the largest and most beautiful mountain lake in Azerbaijan. It lies at an altitude of 1556 meters above sea level. Length coastline- 6460, and depth - 93 meters. The water is fresh, clear and appears blue, which is why the lake got its name. In total, there are eight large lakes on the territory of the reserve, among them Maralgel, Zalilgel, Garagel and others. Like Goygol, they are surrounded by mountains, and the landscape of each lake is very diverse and picturesque.

The fauna of the reserve is represented by many species of animals and birds, including red deer, roe deer, badger, East Caucasian tur, brown bear, stone and pine martens, chukar, bearded vulture, black vulture, Caspian snowcock, etc. There are two types of trout in the reservoirs of the reserve: lake and brook. A population of lake trout (Geygol) formed in Lake Goygol and other lakes after their formation in the 12th century. More than 50 species of birds nest in the reserve. Rock partridge and Caspian snowcock, which are listed in the Red Book of the International Council for Nature Conservation, nest in the subalpine and alpine zones.

It seems that nature was favorable to this region, since not only animals, but also vegetable world it is full of rare and endemic species. About 20 of them are Caucasian endemics of various ranks. These are Georgian oak, Trautfetter maple, Nizami rosehip, long-nosed wrestler, silky cuff, bloodspotted astragalus, fragrant cloves, Ruprecht geranium, etc. Many of these herbs are medicinal and are widely used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Sights of the reserve

An attraction of the main mountainous part of the reserve is the hooked pine (also known as Koka, Sosnovsky pine), significant groves of which are concentrated near the lake. Geigel. With increasing height, beech and hornbeam are replaced by oak, then by open forests of eastern oak, warty and Litvinov birches, mountain ash, junipers, rose hips, and honeysuckle. Among other tree species, maple, linden, elm, chestnut, walnut, plane tree are common. Buckthorn, wild cherry, almond, hawthorn, hazel, cherry plum, euonymus, black elderberry, barberry are common in the undergrowth, and among herbaceous plants - fescue, woodruff, fern, undergrowth, clover, nettle, etc.

Above the open forest zone, subalpine and post-forest meadows extend to the very foot of Kapaz.

The fauna is represented by a variety of birds, animals, insects, but their numbers are small. The most common species here are: the common hedgehog, the Caucasian mole, the brown hare, the wood mouse, the fox, the badger, the otter, the pine and stone martens, the bear, the bazoar goat, the lynx, and the roe deer. Of the 39 species of birds, the most interesting are the bearded vulture, vulture, black vulture, snowcock, alpine jackdaw, and chukar. The most notable reptiles are Radde's viper, yellow-bellied viper, copperhead, green lizard and green toad.

How is unique natural heritage protected?

As it turned out, the creation of a National Park is one of the ways to protect natural heritage from robbery and pogrom by irresponsible private individuals. Unlike a nature reserve, the structure of a national park is such that the territory of the reserve is preserved as the “core”, and the expanded territory becomes publicly accessible to ecotourists. Perhaps in the near future tourist centers will be created there that will not cause a direct negative impact on the ecosystem of the reserve.

This could not be done on the basis of a reserve, and therefore the status of a national park can only help preserve that unique flora and fauna, that landscape that has evolved over tens and hundreds of thousands of years, as well as the unique freshwater lake itself, which gave its name to the entire National Park!

By the way, scientists studying the flora of Goygol were quite surprised - more than 800 species of precious medicinal plants grow on the territory of the former reserve.

For many centuries, Goygol was sung by poets and ashugs of Azerbaijan; hundreds of songs and poems were composed praising Goygol.

Dear readers! Here we come to the end. It should be noted that this year the Goygol State Reserve, by order of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, finally received the status of a national park of Azerbaijan. Read our section and know all the heavenly corners of our Motherland!

Pervina Mehdieva

These lakes really have the most varied, unusual shades of water: red, crimson, blue-green, blue, yellow, white and even black.

Lake Blanca, Washington

Tiwu Ata Polo

Deep red lake on the Sanetsch pass in Switzerland

"Colorful" lakes are scattered throughout the globe.
The national poet of Azerbaijan Samad Vurgun called the Gek-Gel lake (that is, “Blue Lake”), which is located at an altitude of 1576 m in the Asgun Gorge, “the Queen of Lakes” for its amazing picturesqueness. Small in area (0.8 sq. km.), but quite deep (93 m), it is widely known for its bright blue color. This is how its waters are colored by salts of various minerals and large amounts of hydrogen sulfide, which are supplied by numerous streams.


On the island of Kunashir (Kuril Islands) there is a milky-white lake of intense color. The lake is boiling. It has been established that it is filled with a concentrated solution of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, and hot volcanic gases rise all the time from its bottom, which heat the water to a boil.
White, but not boiling, lakes are known on the Indonesian island of Java and on the Japanese islands.

In the south of European Russia, Western Siberia and Central Asia there are many lakes with purple-red water color. During sunset, they change their color somewhat and seem to resemble bowls filled with molten gold. This type of lake includes, for example, the famous salt lake of the Lower Volga region - Elton (translated from Kazakh Altyn-nur means “golden lake”).


Near Astrakhan there are “raspberry” lakes. They differ not only in color, but also in their unusual raspberry-like aroma. That is why once upon a time the salt, which was extracted from these lakes in the amount of 100 poods annually, was considered the best and was supplied exclusively to the table of Empress Catherine II. Painted in a pale pink or orange color, which, however, soon disappeared in the sun, it retained a persistent aroma of raspberries or violets. Such properties of the salt of these lakes are explained by the presence of small salt-loving red brine shrimp in their waters. As they die and decompose, they give the salt its unique odors. These crustaceans are a favorite delicacy of flamingos.

Lakes with water from pink to bright red are also known in the sands of the Karakum desert in the Uzboy riverbed, as well as in Western Siberia. The well-known Raspberry Lake is located on the territory of the Kulunda steppe, in the south of Western Siberia. But it’s not just its color that makes it stand out among the thousands of local lakes. The fact is that in the water of this lake... a stone is constantly being born and growing. As it turned out, the water in Raspberry Lake is saturated with magnesium salts, and the underground springs that feed it contain soda. When mixed, these solutions form a mass that immediately turns to stone. The local population widely uses this extraordinary natural “factory of building materials”, but in the conditions of the steppe they are in acute shortage.
In some cases, purple bacteria are the culprits behind the pink color of water in lakes.

There is even a unique two-color lake on the Japanese island of Kyushu. One half of it is painted yellow due to sulfur impurities, and the other half is colored yellow. pink color, because iron oxides come out at the bottom.
Lakes with red water are also found on the shores of Mediterranean Sea in Western Europe. Lake Colorado (i.e. “Red”) is similar, seemingly abandoned at a height (4550 m) in the South American Cordillera (Bolivia).

An interesting “colored” lake is known in Algeria, near the city of Sidi Bel Abbes, among picturesque mountains Atlas. The local population, in an arid climate, knows how to appreciate even small sources of water, but the water of this lake, although not salty, is not diverted into irrigation canals, nor is it used for drinking. You will not see a single fisherman on its banks. It turns out that the lake basin is filled not with water, but with real ink. Only two small rivers flow into it. But the waters of one of them are saturated with iron salts, and the other, which flows through the swamp, contains the remains of various vegetation. Mixing, they turn the lake into a large natural inkwell

Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

But on the island of Flores in Indonesia, on the top of one of the volcanoes, there are not one, but three “colored” lakes, with water of different colors. In one of them the water is bright red, in another it is pale blue, and in the third it is white like milk.
Lakes in the crater of Keli Mutu volcano, Flores island, Indonesia

How can we explain the unusual colors of these lakes? It turns out that the internal forces of the Earth and... chemistry are to blame for this. The lakes were formed in different craters of the volcano, rich in various minerals. Red, as you guessed, contains a lot of iron compounds, and the water here “behaves” calmly. In the blue and white lakes, salts of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are dissolved in various concentrations. The water here is boiling all the time, and thick steam swirls above it.

Tiwu ata Polo, Flores Island, Indonesia

Lake Goygol (Azerbaijan) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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One of the most beautiful lakes in Azerbaijan, which bears the modest and cozy eastern name of Goygol, is definitely worth a visit. Located in the west of the country, this reservoir is part of the national park of the same name, so the richness of the surrounding flora and fauna here can only be envied. Unfortunately, only walruses can swim in the lake - even in August the water does not rise above +17 °C, but the local landscapes more than compensate for this shortcoming.

From Azerbaijani Goygol is translated as “blue lake”, and the name fully justifies the appearance of the reservoir - the water here is of amazingly beautiful color, clean, transparent even at great depths. By the way, this is also one of the largest lakes in Azerbaijan, although, of course, it cannot compete with Baikal: Goygol is 2800 m long, about 800 m wide, the depth varies from an average of 30 m to an impressive maximum of 96 m.

As a rule, tourists come to the northern shore of the lake, where the resort of the same name is located. The local microclimate and air have a beneficial effect on people suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract and nervous system.

National Park

Around the lake there are as many as 423 species of trees and shrubs, as well as medicinal plants. Along the banks of Goygol live red deer and roe deer, bears and wild boars, wolves, foxes, mountain goats, jackals and badgers, porcupines, and lynxes. But in the lake itself there are trout.

Around the lake and national park several routes have been laid out, but it is not recommended to go along them on your own - it is better to take a guide who will show you the most picturesque corners of the park and the most beautiful views to the lake.

What to see

The Goygol area is notable not only for its national park and lake; it turns out that since the 19th century, German colonists settled here en masse, and on August 22, 1819, they founded the city of Elenendorf - the future Khanlar - on the site of the ancient village of Khanlyglar. Today the German heritage is sensitively preserved, so that in the area you can see about 30 historical and architectural monuments, belonging to the hands of pedantic Teutons. In particular, in Khanlar it is worth visiting the Lutheran church (1854) and three bridges built by German hands.

Local is also of interest cultural heritage: Gabriel Temple in the village of Shakhriyar (1674), the Anagid mausoleum in Chaikend, the Maiden Tower in Uchbulag, cemeteries of the late Bronze Age - early Iron Age in the territory of Gushgara and Balchyly.


Address: Goygol district, Goygol national park.

You can get to the lake by direct buses from Baku or Ganja, which stop in the city of Goygol.


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