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All urban ground transport moves according to established traffic rules. The driver, pedestrian and passenger - road users, that is, you and me, are responsible for compliance with these rules.

During the day, while on city roads, we can turn into different road users many times. The pedestrian got on a bicycle or in his car, and now he became a driver. If we are in the cabin of a bus, tram, trolleybus, then we are passengers.

You may think that a passenger is a person traveling on some type of transport. This is not entirely true. For example, when we enter or exit a bus, we are passengers and must follow the rules prescribed to us.

We wait for transport at the landing site, which can be on the sidewalk or on the side of the road. If it is located on the roadway at the same level as it, in this case its boundaries are marked on the road with a solid white line. The landing site may even be in the middle of the road, but in an area raised above the roadway - such as a tram stop. Basically, landing sites are equipped with a canopy, seating, and traffic route diagrams.

Boarding public transport must be carried out in an organized manner, when the tram, bus, trolleybus or minibus. The same applies to disembarking from a vehicle. There is no need to push and fuss while passengers pay their fare. It is strictly forbidden to jump into public transport while it is moving when it departs - you may find yourself pinched by the doors or run over by the wheels. It's better to wait for the next trolleybus or bus.

In a train or tram car, trolleybus or bus, look where the emergency exits are located, read the instructions on how to use them. To avoid injury and to avoid falling while driving and when vehicles suddenly brake, do not lean against the doors and be sure to hold on to the handrails. If you have to travel far, do not position yourself near the exit where there is a congestion of passengers.

While in transport, do not push, do not step on people’s feet, do not speak too loudly, and do not litter. In case of danger, contact others or the driver (driver). Prepare in advance to go out.

There is another danger on tram and trolleybus lines, which increases during heavy rains, thaws in winter time- with high air humidity, with strong wind. In these cases, the possibility of electric shock arises because both of these modes of transport run on electricity. Do not enter a trolleybus or tram if it turns out that someone has been electrocuted.

On any trip, monitor the situation in the cabin and on the road. This will help you notice the threat of a collision or fall in time, take the correct body position and firmly grasp the handrail or chair.

Fire in public transport

If you and I are in the salon public transport or a train carriage, we should be alerted by the appearance of a burning smell and smoke. We know that they are harbingers of fire. It is necessary to urgently inform the driver or driver about this.

To ensure safety, in addition to the primary fire extinguishing means - a fire extinguisher, in the cabins of buses and trolleybuses, in trains and trams there are emergency exits - these are windows. Information about which window openings (compartments) are equipped with additional exits is posted in prominent places.

Remember the procedure in case of fire:

    immediately report the appearance of smoke or fire to the driver (driver, conductor);

    notify passengers, wake up sleeping people;

    Protect your mouth and nose from smoke with a handkerchief, scarf, sleeve, or hollow jacket. If possible, wet the cloth with water. Bend down when getting out of the burning cabin. Do not touch metal parts in a trolleybus or tram - in the event of a fire they may become electrically live;

    On the train, get away from the fire into the front cars. If this is not possible, close all doors tightly - in compartments, vestibules and inter-car passages;

    if there is a threat to your life, do not try to save your luggage;

    jump out of the carriage only as a last resort, putting on a lot of clothes for shock absorption or along with a mattress.

Safety in a passenger car

A passenger car poses a greater danger to passengers and drivers than large public transport. It is more difficult to create all the safety systems and space in a small car than in a bus or carriage. Passenger cars tend to travel at higher speeds, which increases the likelihood of accidents. Inside the car, seat belts and airbags are responsible for safety.

Collision statistics show: the most dangerous place in a car - next to the driver. Therefore, children under 12 years old without special child restraint devices or seats are prohibited from sitting there.

Transport children only in child restraints.

The traffic rules establish that: “Transportation of children is permitted provided their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat a passenger car - only with the use of child restraints” (clause 22.9 of the Road Traffic Regulations).

Be sure to buckle up.

Both the driver and passengers must wear seat belts. A simple example: if a person is not wearing a seat belt, a collision at a speed of only 50 km/h is equivalent to falling from the third floor. The belt reduces this speed to 7 km/h.
The driver must insist that all passengers wear seat belts: both those sitting in the front seat and those sitting in the rear seats. Because an unbelted passenger in the back seat puts not only himself, but also other passengers, at risk. You need to understand that the belt protects not only in frontal vehicle collisions, but also in other types of accidents, for example, rollovers. Staying in place in the cabin during an accident is in many ways staying alive. After all, 75 percent of those thrown out of a car die. In general, wearing a belt reduces the risk of death or serious injury.

The seat belt must be fastened correctly.

The belt, in addition to being fastened, must be fastened correctly. That's right - it's like this: the belt is located along the chest, closer to the neck. This is important because the shoulder and chest part of the body takes the main force of the blow. The lower part of the belt holds the pelvis, and in no case the stomach, so the belt should go around the hips. After fastening the belt, be sure to tighten it. The belt should be placed as close to the body as possible.

We ourselves must take the first step towards reducing injuries and deaths on the road. Buckle up yourself and place your child in a correctly installed child seat. The use of seat belts reduces the severity of the consequences of an accident several times and saves you from severe injuries. In a high-speed collision, an unbelted driver is first thrown with his chest onto the steering wheel, and in the next fraction of a second, with his head into the windshield. When hitting the steering wheel, the usual consequences are chest injury, often with fractures of the ribs and sternum, not to mention extensive hematomas... But this is not the worst thing. There is a considerable risk of getting a lung bruise, and worse, a heart bruise, which doctors equate to a myocardial infarction. It can lead to death, and not immediately, but several months after the accident. In addition, it is possible that a blow to the lower part of the steering wheel that hits the solar plexus will cause an instant reflex cardiac arrest. Unbelted drivers and passengers who are thrown into the windshield by the force of inertia suffer no less horribly. Characteristic “cobwebs” remain on the glass at the points of collision - approximately the same effect will occur if you hit it with a hammer. You can imagine how much worse it is for the head. At a minimum - a concussion and hematomas, but most often such accidents result in open or closed head injuries, damage to the eyes and hearing organs, and severe cuts to the face. The consequences are even more serious when those sitting in a car during an accident are thrown through the windshield onto the hood.

Just buckle up and in many cases you can avoid serious harm to your health.

    While waiting for the train on the platform:

    stand on the right, go on the left;

    Rules of conduct on trams, buses and trolleybuses

      Trucks used for transporting people are specially equipped with an awning, stairs for boarding and disembarking, and seats in the back. If children are transported, the truck must have a box body and the identification sign “Transportation of Children.” An adult must be with children.

      A number of safety precautions must be remembered and observed:

      You cannot stand in the back while the truck is moving;

      You cannot move from place to place while the truck is moving;

      Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks.

      You cannot get out of the truck towards the roadway

      When going down the metro on an escalator:

      You must wait for a bus, trolleybus, or tram only at the landing site, and if there is none, on the sidewalk or side of the road.

      When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway to get to the tram stop, you need to inspect both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving traffic, head towards the stopped tram.

      While waiting for the train on the platform:

      do not go beyond the boundary line;

      Boarding the vehicle is done through the front doors, and disembarking is through the doors that have the inscription “Exit” on them.

      As a rule, boarding should be done through the rear doors, and alighting through the front doors or through doors marked “Exit”.

      To pay for transport fares, tickets with a magnetic stripe and contactless smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards are used.

      After disembarking from public transport, when crossing the roadway, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic. When getting off a tram or bus, if you need to cross the roadway, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the roadway along it to the other side of the street. On a country road where there is no pedestrian crossing sign, you should wait until the bus leaves and, after making sure that it is possible to cross safely, cross the road.

      stand on the right, go on the left;

      You cannot run up the steps of the escalator or sit on them.

      If something falls on the rails, do not try to get the item yourself, contact the person on duty.

    Man created vehicles for ease of movement. Today we cannot even imagine our life in the city without buses, trams, trolleybuses, and metro.

    We are used to using vehicles to travel to school, a store, a stadium, or another city or country. For this there is urban, water, air and rail transport. Passenger a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets on it) or exits the vehicle (gets off it) is called. This means that we are all passengers and are obliged to know the rules of passenger behavior and measures safe behavior in transport.

    City transport that carries passengers is called public. These are trams, trolleybuses, buses and metro.

    All types of public transport travel along certain routes, which you can find out about by number. Public transport stops equipped with special landing areas are indicated by signs.

    In order for your trip to be safe, it is important to follow generally accepted rules.

    Safe behavior in transport

    Rules of conduct in all types of public transport

     Boarding of the vehicle is carried out after it has come to a complete stop and when passengers get out of it. When boarding, you must take into account that the doors open and close automatically, you cannot push, you cannot fuss, and you cannot disturb other people.

     Upon entering the cabin, you need to look around, choose, without disturbing the passengers on the bus, comfortable spot, where you would not disturb anyone and no one would disturb you. You should look at where emergency and emergency exits are located. If there are no free seats in the vehicle, you should try to stand in the aisle without interfering with the movement of passengers, hold onto the handrail or special pendants with your hand. You cannot stand at the front door, much less lean on it, as it may accidentally open.

     It is necessary to remember that in public transport you cannot make noise, be naughty, talk loudly, behave provocatively, or eat ice cream. You can't lean out of windows.

    Rules of conduct on trams, buses and trolleybuses

     You must wait for a bus, trolleybus, or tram only at the landing site, and if there is none, on the sidewalk or side of the road.

     When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway to get to the tram stop, you need to inspect both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving traffic, go to the stopped tram.

     Boarding a vehicle equipped with an automated passenger control system (automated passenger control system) is carried out through the front doors, and disembarking is done through doors marked “Exit” (except for vehicles equipped with an automated passenger control system).

     As a general rule, boarding should be done through the rear doors and alighting through the front doors or through doors marked “Exit”.

    To pay for travel on vehicles equipped with ASCP, tickets with a magnetic stripe and contactless smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards are used.

     After disembarking from public transport, when crossing the roadway, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic. When getting off a tram or bus, if you need to cross the roadway, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the roadway along it to the other side of the street. On a country road where there is no pedestrian crossing sign, you should wait until the bus leaves and, after making sure that it is possible to cross safely, cross the road.

    Rules of conduct when traveling by truck

    Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks.

    Trucks used for transporting people are specially equipped with an awning, stairs for boarding and disembarking, and seats in the back. If children are transported, the truck must have a box body and the identification sign “Transportation of Children.” An adult must be with children.

    When traveling by truck It is necessary to remember and observe a number of safety measures:

      you cannot stand in the back while the truck is moving;

      you cannot move from place to place while the truck is moving;

      You must not get out of the truck towards the roadway.

    Rules of conduct on the subway

    When going down the metro on an escalator:

      stand on the right, go on the left;

      You cannot run up the steps of the escalator or sit on them.

    While waiting for the train on the platform:

      do not go beyond the boundary line;

      If something falls on the rails, do not try to get the item yourself, contact the person on duty.

    Dangerous situations in transport

    , it is necessary to immediately inform the driver and passengers about the fire; demand that the vehicle stop and open the doors.

    When blocking the doors, to evacuate from the vehicle interior, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and exits through the side windows (if necessary, you can kick out the windows). When evacuating, do not panic and follow the driver’s instructions.

    In any transport there are materials that, when burned, emit toxic gases, so you must try to leave the cabin quickly, but without panic, covering your mouth and nose with a scarf or sleeve of clothing.

    If a fire occurs in a subway car, immediately inform the driver about this via the intercom and subsequently follow his commands.

    If an open fire appears in the carriage while the train is moving, try to extinguish it using fire extinguishers located under the seats or available means.

    Under no circumstances should you try to stop the train in the tunnel using the emergency stop valve; remain seated while the train moves through the tunnel. When a train stops in a tunnel, do not try to leave without the driver's command.

    After permission to leave, open the doors or, if there is no other way out and your life is in mortal danger, kick out the windows, get out of the car and move in the direction indicated by the driver.

    1. Who is considered a passenger?

    2. What transport do you use most often? Make rules for using this transport.

    In your safety diary, write down a summary of the rules of conduct in case of dangerous situations in transport.

    1. Imagine that there is a fire on the bus. Describe the procedure for passengers.

    2. You go down the escalator to the subway. Suddenly you drop the bag and it slides down the steps. Your actions?

    Item Basics of life safety
    Class 5
    Lesson topic Passenger. Passenger safety
    The purpose of the lesson Consider the general responsibilities of a passenger, systematize their importance according to the rules of safe behavior in public transport to ensure personal safety.

    Educational: generalize knowledge about urban transport. Create conditions for studying and reinforcing the rules of conduct for passengers in emergency situations.

    Educational: development of students’ cognitive interests, ability to work in a group with a textbook, additional material, analyze, draw conclusions; develop creative, communication abilities and imagination of students.

    Educational:cultivate caution, develop a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and for the safety of others.

    UUD Personal UUD: development of sustainable cognitive motivation and interest in the topic being studied, formation of the ability to self-determination, development of empathy, respect for other opinions. Regulatory UUD: the ability of students to set educational goals and objectives for the lesson; plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher, evaluate the work of classmates, work in accordance with the assigned task, compare the results obtained with the expected ones. Cognitive UUD: independently identify and formulate the cognitive purpose of the lesson, define concepts; structure knowledge; consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; analyze and select information, process information to obtain the desired result. Communicative UUD: cooperation with the teacher and classmates in searching and collecting information, the ability to express one’s thoughts.
    Planned results Subject: know the general responsibilities of a passenger when using public transport. Personal safety rules when using trams, trolleybuses and metro. Ensuring personal safety in the event of a dangerous situation in public transport.

    Personal: the ability to express one’s attitude to what is happening and give one’s assessment.

    Metasubject: the ability to independently determine learning goals and set tasks; ability to lead independent search, analysis, selection of information; develop the motives and interests of your cognitive activity; the ability to evaluate the correctness of completing a learning task.

    Basic Concepts Passenger; types of public transport.
    Interdisciplinary connections History, geography
    Lesson Resources Textbook, workbook, multimedia equipment.
    Lesson forms Frontal, group.
    Technologies Problem-based reading technology, ICT, collaborative learning.
    Description of lesson stages
    Lesson stage Contents and activities of the teacher Student activities UUD (universal learning activities)
    I . Organizational
      greeting checking students' attendance checking students' readiness for the lesson I wish you a good mood and interesting work in the lesson
    -the teachers greet, -visually check their readiness for the lesson, and take their seats at their workstations.

    Personal: self-organization.

    Regulatory: the ability to regulate one’s actions, predict activities in the lesson
    II . Repetition of covered material. Activating students using trap questions. Guys, I suggest you remember the material you have covered. What is a road?(this is a strip of land or the surface of an artificial structure that is equipped or adapted and used for vehicles.) Why do you need road markings?(to ensure safety on streets and roads, control the flow of vehicles and pedestrians.) What are the names of the signs that inform the driver that he is approaching a dangerous section of the road?(warning signs) Well done, you know the material well - answer questions, - reason, - give examples

    Personal: the ability to express your thoughts, give examples, and draw conclusions.

    reasoning ability

    Communicative: interact with the teacher as a group.


    Ability to analyze, highlight and formulate a problem; the ability to consciously construct a speech utterance.

    III . Motivation for learning activities Now I ask you to turn your attention to the screen (Slides 1) Tell me guys what you see on the screen? How do you assess this situation? Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson?"Passenger. Passenger safety" For what purpose will we study the topic of the lesson? Consider the general responsibilities of a passenger and the rules of safe behavior in public transport. To achieve our goal we will need to solve a number of problems. To achieve the goal of the lesson, what will help us?(textbook, notebook, projector, reference material) answer questions; - choose optimal solutions; - record the topic of the lesson in a notebook; - observe and record observed processes (written and oral) Personal: constructing logical reasoning Communication : expressing your thoughts, giving reasons for your opinions Regulatory : planning sequential actions
    IV . Presentation of new material

    Man created vehicles for ease of movement. Today we cannot even imagine our life.

    We are used to using transport to travel to school, a store, a stadium, or another city or country. For this there are different types transport.

    What types of transport do you know?


    city ​​water air railway

    Now I suggest you unite in groups of 2 people, and using the textbook material p. 39

      What kind of transport is called public

    City transport that carries passengers is called public (tram, trolleybus, bus and metro)

      Who do you think the passenger is? Let's formulate the definition of a passenger.

    This is the person who is in the vehicle, as well as entering or exiting it.
    During independent work with the textbook, students highlight the necessary information, write down the definition

    Ability to express one’s opinion and listen to the opinions of others

    Carrying out educational activities in accordance with the task (P). Ability to express one’s opinion, listen to the opinions of others (K)

    V .Physical training minute Video Perform physical education
    VI .Practical work I now suggest you unite in small groups of 2 people and consider the rules of behavior in public transport: Tell me guys, have any of you taken the subway?Are there any rules of conduct on the subway?(Yes) Which ones, can you name them? Guys, we can also encounter dangerous situations in public transport. Let's read them in our textbook page 43 and find out what they can be. formation of safe work; - implementation of practical work using instruction cards.

    Personal: mastering the norms and rules of labor organization;

    Development of hard work and responsibility for the quality of one’s activities


    the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice, monitor the results, identify mistakes made in the labor process and justify ways to correct them

    Cognitive: ability to navigate concepts.

    Communication interact with the teacher as a group.
    VII .Secure the material I gave you worksheets with a task where you need to choose the correct answer. If you agree with the statement, then put the number (1), if not (0). I will ask you to sign the names and answer them.

      City public transport follows a specific route and carries passengers. (1)

      On a special public transport stop sign you can find out which stop will be next (0)

      While the bus is moving, try to hold on to the handrails (1)

      If the doors are locked, you need to sit and wait for the locked doors to open(0)

      In the event of a fire on the bus, you need to open all the windows and ventilate the interior of the bus (0)

    - reason, - answer questions, Reasoning (L). Formulation of answers (R).
    VIII . Reflection

    Guys, now let's take a look at our scale and determine how much

    They evaluate their activities in the lesson and the achieved learning results. Regulatory: assessment of achieved results
    IX .Homework Make your own rules for using the transport you use most often.To complete your homework, you can use a textbook or an Internet source.


    listen and write down homework in diaries.

    Personal :development and deepening of the needs and motives of educational and cognitive activity

    Rules of conduct on trams, buses and trolleybuses

      Trucks used for transporting people are specially equipped with an awning, stairs for boarding and disembarking, and seats in the back. If children are transported, the truck must have a box body and the identification sign “Transportation of Children.” An adult must be with children. It is necessary to remember and observe a number of safety measures: You cannot stand in the back while the truck is moving; You cannot move from place to place while the truck is moving; Transportation of people, including schoolchildren, can be carried out by trucks. You cannot get out of the truck towards the roadway When going down to the metro on an escalator: You must wait for a bus, trolleybus, or tram only at the landing area, and if there is none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. When boarding a tram, if the tram tracks are located in the middle of the street and you need to cross the roadway to get to the tram stop, you need to inspect both sides of the road and, making sure that there is no moving traffic, head towards the stopped tram. While waiting for a train on the platform: do not go beyond the boundary line; Boarding a vehicle is done through the front doors, and disembarking is through the doors that have the inscription “Exit”. As a rule, boarding should be done through the rear doors, and disembarkation must be done through the front doors or through the doors that have the inscription “Exit”. To pay for transport fares, tickets with a magnetic stripe and contactless smart cards that meet the requirements of international standards are used. After disembarking from public transport, when crossing the roadway, you must be especially careful, given the heavy traffic. When getting off a tram or bus, if you need to cross the roadway, it is safest to walk along the sidewalk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and cross the roadway along it to the other side of the street. On a country road where there is no pedestrian crossing sign, you should wait until the bus leaves and, after making sure that it is possible to cross safely, cross the road. stand on the right, go on the left; You cannot run up the steps of the escalator or sit on them. If something falls on the rails, do not try to get the item yourself, contact the person on duty.
    © Evgenia Ivanovna Soshina, life safety teacher, 2015

    Lesson Objectives

    Consider the general responsibilities of a passenger, the rules of safe behavior in public transport to ensure personal safety

    • Remember the types of public transport.
    • Learn the basic rules for passenger safety.
    • To develop knowledge about dangerous situations in public transport.

    Types of transport





    public transport.

    If there are many people traveling in a car, then such a car is called public transport.

    If there are many people traveling in a car, then such a car is called public transport.

    If there are many people traveling in a car, then such a car is called public transport.

    Regular bus

    Minibus taxi



    You need to wait for a bus, trolleybus or tram only at stops - places marked with signs such as in the pictures. And where they are not - on the sidewalk. In rural areas, if there is no equipped stop, the bus is waiting on the side of the road.


    At a bus stop you should never stand at the edge of the sidewalk. You may be accidentally pushed and end up under the wheels.

    Passenger - face, those in the vehicle, as well as those entering and exiting it.

    • Row Rules of behavior on the bus
    • A series of Rules of conduct on trams and trolleybuses
    • A series of rules of conduct when traveling by truck

    Dangerous situations

    in transport

    If you notice a fire in a bus, tram, trolleybus

    • it is necessary to immediately inform the driver and passengers about the fire; demand that the vehicle stop and open the doors.
    • When blocking the doors, to evacuate from the vehicle interior, it is necessary to use emergency hatches in the roof and exits through the side windows (if necessary, you can kick out the windows).
    • When evacuating, do not panic and follow the driver’s instructions.
    • In any transport there are materials that, when burned, emit toxic gases, so you must try to leave the cabin quickly, but without panic, covering your mouth and nose with a scarf or sleeve of clothing.

    In trolleybuses and trams, metal parts may be live, so it is better not to touch them when leaving the cabin.

    In this case, you need to jump and land on both feet at the same time to leave the tram or trolleybus.

    If a fire occurs

    in a subway car

    • Immediately report this to the driver via the intercom and subsequently follow his commands.
    • If an open fire appears in the carriage while the train is moving, try to extinguish it using fire extinguishers located under the seats or available means.
    • Under no circumstances should you try to stop the train in the tunnel using the emergency stop valve; remain seated while the train moves through the tunnel. When a train stops in a tunnel, do not try to leave without the driver's command.
    • After permission to leave, open the doors or, if there is no other way out and your life is in mortal danger, kick out the windows, get out of the car and move in the direction indicated by the driver.
    • City public transport follows a specific route and carries passengers.
    • On a special public transport stop sign you can find out which stop will be next
    • While the bus is moving, try to hold on to the handrails
    • If the doors are locked, you need to sit and wait for the locked doors to open
    • In the event of a fire on the bus, all windows must be opened and the interior of the bus must be ventilated.
    • Remember the types of public transport.
    • Learn the basic rules for passenger safety.
    • To develop knowledge about dangerous situations in public transport.
    • Make your own rules for using the transport you use most often.

Flight safety.

The safety of aircraft on the ground and in the air is a critical issue affecting not only transport and military aviation, but also private aviation. At all stages of aircraft development, flight safety issues are given the greatest attention. A closer look at aviation safety reveals that many existing safety rules and regulations are outdated. If instead of them new rules that meet modern conditions are developed and put into practice, then this can be considered one of the greatest achievements of aviation in the entire time that has passed since the first airplane took off. Improving flight safety is the direct responsibility of aviation managers and flight crews, who must join forces to achieve maximum success in this area. Many people believe that absolute flight safety is practically impossible. This may be true, but nevertheless, we must strive to reduce the number of flight accidents, accidents and unnecessary casualties. In order for the airplane to continue to become increasingly integrated into society, aviation leaders must feel a sense of responsibility in this regard and must strive to make everyone's desire for maximum aviation safety a reality. Safety doesn't just mean security. The performance, productivity and nature of relationships with staff and clients largely depend on it. Radical strengthening of transport security is the call of the times. As part of the administrative reform of the industry, a new structure was formed - the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport. In addition to control, its tasks include, in particular, coordinating (together with law enforcement agencies) the application of preventive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of technical equipment and passengers in transport. Together with the Russian Ministry of Transport, the service is developing a draft law “On Transport Security”.

Passenger safety.

Before purchasing a ticket, most people want to know whether the airline they are going to fly on is safe or not. However, this is very difficult to do based solely on accident statistics. Sometimes statistics show that safety does not always depend on the airline itself. Many factors influence flight safety: environment(difficult mountainous terrain, difficult weather conditions, powerful thunderstorm activity), a region of flight operations where frequent cases of aircraft hijackings, attempted explosions and other terrorist acts prevail. However, there are integrated methods for assessing and rating airlines in terms of flight safety around the world. Every year, the world-famous German company JACDEC conducts in-depth research and publishes information about the 60 most best airlines from a flight safety point of view. For many years, the first place has been occupied by the Australian airline Qantas. In second place is Finnair from Finland. Russian Aeroflot is in 49th place. Turkish Airlines closes the list.

We may advise passengers to fly on airlines that have passed, or are seeking to pass, an international aviation safety audit by the International Association of air transport IATA (IOSA IATA). In the CIS and Russia, the following airlines passed such inspection: Aeroflot, Aeroflot-Don, Aerosvit (Ukraine), Air Astana (Kazakhstan), Armavia (Armenia), Belavia (Belarus), " Moldavian Airlines", "Air Moldova" (Moldova), " Ural Airlines", "Azal" (Azerbaijan), "Russia", S7, Sky Express, "Transaero", "Ukraine International Airlines" (UIA), "Uzbekistan Airways", "UTair", "Vladivostok-Avia", cargo airline " Volga-Dnepr".

During the flight

You need to know a few simple things and do them:

· Always listen very carefully to the information from the flight attendant, watch the video demonstration on flight safety.

· Read the Passenger Safety Card (available on all aircraft) carefully. All this is intended not only to point out important aspects. All this is intended to a short time make you a more competent passenger. And the main thing is that you feel more confident, because the information you receive will increase your chances of surviving rescue in an emergency situation.

· You definitely need to know the emergency exit closest to your seat, where the life jacket is located, how its pressurization works, and how to put on an oxygen mask in case of depressurization of the plane.

· Always wear a seat belt during a flight. In aviation, there is a concept called “clear air turbulence,” which occurs unexpectedly and can lead to serious injury.

· If possible, it is necessary to fly non-stop flights, since most aviation events occur during take-off, climb, descent, approach, landing. Non-stop flights reduce the likelihood of encountering these events.

· You have to choose large aircraft- they are safer than small ones.

· Do not place heavy items in the overhead compartment designated for carry-on luggage. There are many examples of passengers being seriously injured in severe turbulence.

· Do not bring hazardous materials with you. There is a fairly long list of hazardous materials that are not allowed, but common sense should tell you that you should not bring gasoline, corrosive gases, poisonous gases, etc.

· Never drink alcohol on the plane. In an airplane cabin, you seem to be constantly at an altitude of 3500-4000 meters, so the influence of alcohol will be much stronger than at sea level. Remember, a drunk cannot be saved.

· And one last thing. Even if it happened aircraft accident don't be fatalists. Save yourself, statistics show that active passengers survive. Passive ones die.

Organization and implementation active rest V natural conditions often associated with the need to use various modes of transport (land, air and water). The number of vehicles in the world is constantly increasing, the speed of their movement is increasing, their reliability and comfort are increasing, engines and fuels are improving, helping to reduce the environment.
At the same time, it is impossible to completely ensure the safety of the movement of passengers on any type of transport. Accidents and disasters in transport have occurred and are occurring. As a result, many drivers and tourists are killed and injured every year.

Safety in all types of transport is ensured by a person and depends on his level of training and responsibility when using the vehicle. The safety of tourists is ensured by specialists who participate in the preparation of vehicles, their management, and monitor compliance with traffic rules. There are special services responsible for the safety of land, air and water vehicles.

Each tourist (passenger), for his part, can also increase the level of personal safety. He must potentially be prepared for an emergency and, if necessary, use his capabilities to the maximum to preserve life and health. In addition, the passenger is required to comply with a number of safety rules when traveling by certain types of transport.

In modern conditions, experts in the field of life safety have developed various recommendations for the safe behavior of a passenger on the road and his actions in various emergency situations. Let's look at some situations that may arise when traveling by car and on a train.

Tourist safety in a car

Imagine that you are driving with your parents in a private car out of town. Before you start driving, you must always fasten your seat belts, and putting a seat belt on just for show (without the necessary tension) in the event of an accident will cause additional injuries.

1) you should strongly strain your entire body (muscles);
2) you should pull your head into your shoulders;
3) you should raise your arms up, clasp your head with your hands, protecting from blows;
4) you should not relax until the car comes to a complete stop;
5) you should not jump out of the car when it collides or rolls over.

If the car overturns, you should fall into the seat next to you (if you are not wearing seat belts), grab the seat tightly and bury your face in it.
When a car catches fire (as a rule, the fire starts under the hood), it is necessary to remember that a person can remain in a car on fire for no more than a minute, since the entire car burns out within a few minutes. To ensure personal safety, you must cover your mouth and nose with a cloth (scarf, handkerchief, shirt) and quickly leave the cabin after stopping the car.

Tourist safety on the train

When boarding a train, you must comply with the following rules:

1) you should not run along the platform next to the carriage of an arriving train;
2) stand closer than 2 m from the edge of the platform while the train is passing;
3) you should approach the car after the train has completely stopped;
4) board the car only from the side of the platform or boarding platform;
5) upon entering the carriage, assist passengers in placing their belongings in the compartment;
6) remove from your luggage everything you will need on the road before putting it on shelves and in special compartments;
7) place heavy things below so that when the train pushes they do not fall off the shelf.

When moving a train, the following personal safety rules must be observed:

1) you should not lean out of the window while the train is moving;
2) open the outer doors of the train;
3) stand on the step;
4) touch the stop valve unnecessarily;
5) move far from the train when leaving the car at stops;
6) you should think over your actions if the seat is on the top shelf, so as not to fall from it in the event of sudden braking of the train;
7) for drinking, use water only from titanium (a large water boiler) located next to the conductor’s compartment, or sold in plastic bottles.

In the event of a fire, you must immediately notify the conductor. If it is impossible to put out the fire and contact the train manager or driver, you must stop the train using the stop valve and try to exit the car through the doors or windows. It is strictly prohibited:

1) jump out of a moving train;
2) try to get onto the roof of the train.

If the burning train continues to move, and the fire has broken out in the front cars, then you should go to the train cars where there is no fire, tightly closing the doors behind you (it is advisable to move crouched down and breathe through a wet cloth).
Sometimes on railway transport accidents happen. In this case, during the push (impact), you should try to grab hold of the stationary parts of the car with your hands or group yourself and cover your head with your hands to avoid injury.
When the car overturns in the event of an accident, you should grab hold of the shelf ledges and other stationary parts of the car, close your eyes and rest your feet against the wall. After the car has gained stability, you need to look around and outline a way out of it; if the door is jammed, you should get out through the windows.

Ensuring the personal safety of tourists on water transport

Every day in our country river and sea ​​vessels transport more than a million people. Modern ships are equipped with satellite navigation and radio communications. All ships on the voyage are monitored and maintained in constant radio contact.

All passenger ships In case of an accident, they have life-saving equipment: inflatable rafts, lifeboats, life jackets and suits. There are places on the life-saving craft (boat and raft) for all passengers and crew members.

In addition, there are international maritime distress signals, which are issued by ships in distress to attract attention and help. Having received such a signal, the captain of any ship that happens to be nearby is obliged to take all measures to provide assistance to those who are in danger.

At the same time, despite all safety measures, several dozen ships are still lost every year. The main reasons for the death of ships are their collision at sea, fire on the ship, and storms.

Safety regulations. Practice shows that trouble can be avoided if you follow certain safety rules. Experts recommend that every person who climbs onto the deck of a ship know and strictly follow a number of generally accepted rules. Each passenger must know where he should be and what to do in case of evacuation and in which specific boat his place is determined.

In an emergency, you should not panic. Each ship has its own evacuation procedure that must be followed. Each passenger must be able to use a life jacket, for which it is necessary to study the instructions for its use.

You also need to know what to do in case of a fire alarm. Therefore, it is especially important to remember the path along which you will have to get to the boat deck.

Passengers should avoid walking on the open deck if it is wet or when the sea is rough. It is also important to know the location of the ship's first aid station.

You should also remember about the possible occurrence of another nuisance - seasickness. It occurs during motion sickness and is accompanied by headache, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting. To prevent this disease it is recommended:

Do something to distract yourself;
- stay in the fresh air, avoid the sun;
- drink very little and take a small amount of food every hour, despite the lack of appetite.

Actions of a tourist during a shipwreck. One of the most important rules that a person needs to remember during a shipwreck is not to panic and quickly follow all the instructions of the captain and crew of the ship.

You should take your documents with you, having previously wrapped them in a plastic bag, and put on a life jacket without taking off your clothes and shoes. It is necessary to quickly, but without haste, climb to the upper deck and, at the command of the crew, when the turn comes, get into the life-saving craft (into the boat, onto the raft).

If it is not possible to get into the boat (raft), you must jump into the water with your legs bent down (the life jacket is already on), covering your nose and mouth with one hand, and holding your belt with the other so that the life jacket does not come off. Once in the water, you need to swim away from the side of the ship as quickly as possible. If necessary, you should take part in joint efforts to rescue and provide assistance to those who need it.

When you see a boat with empty seats, you should swim up to it and, with the help of rescuers, climb onto it. If there is no room in the boat, you need to ask for help to throw a rope (halyard, rope), you need to tie the rope under your arms and swim behind the boat.

While in a boat (on a raft) with strong solar radiation, it is necessary to protect your head and exposed areas of the body to avoid sunstroke and burns. During emergency navigation (on an auxiliary vessel), you should rationally use the supply of water and provisions and believe in salvation.

Ensuring the personal safety of tourists in air transport

Air transport is the most modern, relatively safe and comfortable form of transport.
It is known that airplanes have high flight speed and can deliver passengers, including tourists, to a given point on the planet in a matter of hours.
At the beginning of the 21st century. There were even the first space tourists who traveled around the Earth on a commercial basis.
Comfortable flight conditions and quick arrival at your vacation spot make air transport increasingly attractive for long-distance travel.
On the ground, dozens of highly qualified aviation specialists are responsible for flight safety. These include engineers and mechanics who prepare the aircraft for takeoff, air traffic control specialists who provide control of the aircraft on the ground and in the air, weather service specialists who prepare weather forecasts at take-off and landing airfields and along the aircraft’s flight route, as well as specialists who maintain continuous , reliable communication with the aircraft crew.
Airliners carrying passengers are controlled by aviation specialists (pilots, navigators, flight engineers, radio operators), who are able to bring the aircraft to any destination in difficult weather conditions, at any time of the year, day or night.

Each aircraft is equipped with special means to ensure the safety of passengers during flight and in the event of a dangerous situation.
To ensure personal safety, passengers must follow a number of rules. Let's look at the most important of them.
Preparing passengers (tourists) for aircraft takeoff. Travelers' hand luggage must be placed under the seat in front of them. It is prohibited to place hand luggage near emergency exits and in aisles.
The shelf above the passenger's head is intended for outer clothing and personal items.
Having taken your seat in the cabin, you must make sure that the folding table in front of the passenger is closed, and the back of the seat must be in a vertical position. Next, you should open the curtains on the windows, fasten and tighten the seat belts tightly.
Passengers must carefully listen to the flight attendant's information about the rules of conduct, safety equipment on board the aircraft and emergency equipment: emergency exits, their location and designation.
Experts recommend remembering the rules for using an oxygen mask (an oxygen mask is provided for each passenger on board the aircraft). The flight attendant will explain how to use an oxygen mask in the event of depressurization of the plane in the air. She will show how to use a life jacket in the event of an emergency landing on water. The passenger must also remember where the life jacket is located (in the panel above the seat or under the seat of the seat on which he is sitting, depending on the type of aircraft).
In airplane. If the aircraft cabin depressurizes in the air, you must immediately put on an oxygen mask, fasten your seat belts and prepare for an emergency descent. To activate the mask, you must pull it sharply before putting it on.

In case of an accident on takeoff, you must take a safe, fixed position:

1) bend and clasp your hands tightly under your knees;
2) tilt your head towards your knees as low as possible;
3) rest your feet on the floor, having first stretched them out;
4) at the moment of impact, group and tense your body;
5) you should not leave your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.

In case of a fire on an airplane. Modern aircraft equipped with reliable fire extinguishing equipment. In the event of a fire, the crew, according to instructions, will take all measures to extinguish the fire and land the aircraft at the nearest airfield.

In the event of a fire, passengers must follow the crew's commands. After the plane lands, you need to leave it as quickly as possible, protect yourself from heat and smoke with clothing, bend down to the exit, breathe only by covering your mouth and nose with a cloth (scarf, sleeve). Hand luggage Experts recommend not to take it with you.

At emergency landing airplane. If the aircraft crew decides to forced landing passengers are warned about this in a timely manner. During an emergency landing, you must follow the instructions of the commander and crew of the aircraft.

If passengers have the opportunity, they should wear outerwear that will protect against injury. Experts advise passengers to brace themselves and tense their bodies and try to stay in place during the sudden braking of the plane after it lands. You should not get up from your seat until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the crew has given the appropriate command. After stopping the aircraft, you should leave it using the emergency exit and move away from it to a safe distance (at least 100 m). If an aircraft makes an emergency landing on water, it is necessary to put on a life jacket and inflate it immediately before leaving the aircraft.

Experience shows that the most dangerous factor in an emergency is panic. In most cases, panic occurs when tourists (passengers) are not prepared for an emergency situation and do not know how to mobilize themselves for calm, reasonable actions in the current situation. Therefore, once on the plane, you should think about what to do in various dangerous situations. This will allow a person, if an emergency actually occurs, to act more calmly and confidently in order to save his life and other victims.

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