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In Muromtsevo district Omsk region there is a village with beautiful name- Okunevo. However, it became famous not because of its “fishing” name - it is practically the center of the anomalous zone, where, as they say in Rus', God knows what happens. (website)

The village of Okunevo and its surrounding lakes

In the village itself, a story is passed down from mouth to mouth that anomalies were first noticed here immediately after the Great Patriotic War. Just in 1945, boys playing on the banks of a river suddenly saw three enormous women emerge from the water. Children rushed to the village to tell adults about this miracle. But, of course, no one believed them. However, in 1947, a local teacher one day heard bells ringing from the sky. Raising her eyes, the woman was stunned: horses of unprecedented beauty were flying above the ground in the air...

Photos from open sources

And further in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo, similar anomalies began to occur more and more often, for example, multi-colored balls and UFOs in the sky became so common for local residents that no one pays attention to them anymore, unless they have to hold the cattle at this moment, which is why -gets very worried and runs away.

Maybe the mysterious lakes surrounding the village are to blame for this? There are four of them, but there is a legend that somewhere (apparently, in a parallel dimension) a fifth one is hidden, and a mixture of liquid from all five lakes is supposedly capable of acquiring the properties of real fabulous “living water” - from all illnesses and misfortunes.

But so far no one has found the fifth mythical reservoir, medicinal properties attributed to himself mysterious lake named Shaitan. Pilgrims from all over Russia, and even from abroad, constantly come to him for healing water. They say that the water from this lake really helps against many diseases, even just being in this anomalous zone (which is why pilgrims near Okunevo constantly organize summer camps) harmonizes a person’s energy, which contributes to healing, as well as his spiritual enlightenment. Just yourself local residents somehow they are not distinguished by either great health, or longevity, or any kind of great spirituality - ordinary village people.

Photos from open sources

True, that itself is a separate conversation...

Anomalies of Lake Shaitan near the village of Okuneva

Perhaps this is not connected with the lake itself, but with the village, but pilgrims come here most often for the water and mud of Shaitan. There is even a legend that the Siberian Shaitan Lake hides the city of the giant Hanuman, who once helped the god Rama in his fight against evil forces (there is supposedly a story about this in the Indian epic “Ramayana”). That is why people come to this legendary reservoir from all over the Earth and especially often from India.

Happened here not too long ago interesting case. Hindu pilgrims came to see him. In the morning they took the direction to Shaitan Lake using the compass and went on their way. It took about an hour to walk. But our Indians walk for an hour, then two, and still there is no reservoir. And the forest is becoming denser and more unsightly. In general, the persistent pilgrims walked like this for seven hours, but still did not reach the lake. Finally, they couldn’t stand it (and they were already scared), and again turned back according to the compass - after 20 minutes they returned to the village of Okuneva.

Photos from open sources

But the locals were not very surprised by this adventure: it turns out that sometimes it is better not to go beyond the village limits at all, especially when the sky is covered with strange purple clouds in the morning. It happens that people do not return from such trips, so the Indians are lucky...

Local hunters are sure that somewhere there is a breakthrough into a parallel world, hence all the misfortunes. You can leave and get lost in that looking glass for a long time, sometimes for several days, or you may not return at all. And “from there” guests often visit our world: fishermen often notice traces in the snow “ Bigfoot"Up to a meter long (imagine this giant humanoid!). As a rule, such traces stretch in a chain and suddenly... break off, as if a mysterious creature had disappeared into thin air...

Attempts to scientifically explain the anomalous phenomena of the village of Okuneva

Scientists and independent researchers have appeared on Lake Shaitan more than once paranormal phenomena in order to discover the causes of the above anomalies. Specialist scientists, for example, eventually determined that in wetlands near a reservoir, specific bacteria are cultivated due to decaying marsh grasses and algae, and supposedly all this leads to the accumulation (in calm weather) of a special marsh gas, which causes hallucinations and fainting. In windy weather, poisonous gas can spread and cover this entire “anomalous zone”.

Photos from open sources

However, local residents did not believe in this theory of scientists. Everything is too simple and unambiguous. How can we explain the same traces of the Yeti that suddenly appear, suddenly disappear, balls and UFOs in the sky, and all this is calmly filmed on photos and videos today (what kind of glitches are these?). How can we explain the temporal-spatial gaps that people often fall into here (for example, the same Indians). And it’s good if they return, many disappear without a trace. So all this cannot be explained by hallucinations - it’s too simple, there’s something completely different here...

People love to invent various myths and legends and pass them on from generation to generation. But sometimes what happens is really difficult to explain logically. There are many strange anomalous zones in our country, about which local residents tell many amazing stories. Let's get acquainted with ten of the most interesting and famous of these places!

Molebka village, Perm region

In the area of ​​this village, such a concept as the Moleb triangle is common. According to local residents, this natural anomaly occurred when a meteorite fell from the sky in 1980. RAS scientists were unable to find anything concrete here, but residents continue to claim that they sometimes see multi-colored flashes and luminous objects, and visitors suffer from temperature changes and headaches.

Village Rastess, Sverdlovsk region

Once upon a time, the Babinovsky tract passed near the village, connecting the western part of the country with the eastern, and in the settlement itself lived gold miners who assured that evil spirits lived here, and sometimes inexplicable glows appeared.

Dyatlov Pass, Ural

This pass is also called the “mountain of the dead.” And he became famous when in February 1959 a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov died. The circumstances of their death could not be found out, but the bodies of the tourists were so disfigured that a huge number of versions of what happened began to appear.

Lovozero, Kola Peninsula

Visitors to this lake have repeatedly encountered temporary changes and spatial distortions. There are also rumors that this is where Bigfoot lives.

Death Valley (Vilyui River), Yakutia

They began to talk about this valley of the Vilyui River as an anomalous zone after the events of the 1950s. It was then, according to local gold miners, that seven huge boilers that looked like copper ones suddenly appeared in the area of ​​the Algyi River. Some people who were in this place for several hours noticed signs of radiation exposure.

Medveditskaya ridge, Volgograd region

Between two mountains Volgograd region there are hills inside which tunnels have inexplicably appeared. Local residents said that they saw ball lightning flying along the corridors. However, during the Great Patriotic War, the entrances were blown up, and over time, legends began to appear about gold buried inside and evil spirits trapped inside.

Devil's Cemetery, border of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region

Somewhere in the 1920s, people began to notice that their cattle, when they came to this clearing, died or disappeared without a trace, and people here immediately became ill.

Lake Shaitan, Kirov region

Shaitan means “devil”, so this place is also called “devil’s lake”. It was not by chance that the locals called him that. Sometimes water begins to gush out of the lake like a geyser, and small islands appear on its surface every now and then. Previously, people were so afraid of Shaitan that they were even forbidden to approach him or fish in him. After all, according to the residents, everything that happens to the lake is the work of an angry demon living in the depths of the water.

Arkaim, Chelyabinsk region

Age ancient city Arkaim, according to scientists, is 4 thousand years old. People say they saw fireballs and light flashes flying above it.

Sasovskaya funnel, Ryazan region

In 1991, residents of the city of Sasovo suddenly heard a powerful explosion that occurred near the village. Then half the houses in the city had their windows broken. They were unable to find out the cause of the incident, but as a result of the explosion, a crater 4 meters deep and 28 meters in diameter was formed. Some townspeople claim that they saw several luminous balls on the night of the incident.

Anomalous places are the holy of holies of everything unknown and mysterious. Hundreds of people visit them at their own peril and risk to see with their own eyes what refutes science and contradicts common sense. Most visitors are drawn here by the desire to touch the unknown and change their lives for the better. But there are also those who seriously study mysterious phenomena: scientists, magicians and psychics.

Unfortunately, not all ancient monuments have survived; of many, only traces and reminders remain. But even the ruins and debris are imbued with such a powerful force that they attract people from all over the world. Such places are called places of power. In areas with negative energy to an ordinary person appearing is dangerous. The energy here is indomitable and destructive, it will destroy anyone who was careless to come into contact with it.

In this article

Map of anomalous zones in Russia

The map of Russia is full of places that have telling names: damned, devilish, secret, forgotten, ruined. Rumor and legends reliably store these names, because this is how our ancestors designated danger. In the Devil's Glade you can disappear without a trace, and the Lost Swamp will drag an unwary traveler to the bottom.

There are many anomalous zones in Russia

It has not yet been studied what causes anomalous zones. We only know that there is nothing permanent about them. Even time and space change their usual course, and some zones can move travelers to another reality and show alien worlds.

The mysterious city of Arkaim

Arkaim is a place of power, safe for humans. Therefore, experts recommend starting the study of the anomalous zones of Russia with the ancient city of the Slavs and Aryans. It is believed that Arkaim is the birthplace of Zarathustra and the cradle of civilization, keeping the secrets of its ancestors. They are reliably hidden from prying eyes and not everyone can unravel them. This is a city from the times of the Rig Veda (the oldest of the Vedas) and the Avesta, the sacred texts of the Zoroastrians.

Arkaim in the 20th century BC. e.

Magicians claim that tourists come here feeling a call. Intuition calls them. They want to touch the energy of the ruins that cleanses them of negativity. Arkaim is called the city of the Sun because of the strong flows of energy passing here. Deep under Arkaim there is a fault earth's crust. The power of the ancient city can awaken the dormant memory of the ancestors. Those who often come here say that after trips to Arkaim:

  • health improves;
  • vitality improves;
  • Positive changes begin to occur in life.

Repeated trips to Arkaim give spiritual balance and tranquility, awakening a craving for creativity and self-expression.

The remains of the legendary city are located in Chelyabinsk region and access to them is open to visitors. Now Arkaim is an archaeological site, an open-air ancient monument. People come here in groups from all over the country or individually. A hotel is open for tourists, but you can spend the night in a tent next to the place of power.

In ancient times, Arkaim was a large, well-defended city. It was built in the shape of a circle. From a bird's eye view, the remains of the fortifications look like runways for aircraft. Legends confirm theories that the apparatus and mechanisms of a lost civilization could be located here. There are theories that the city was a temple or even an observatory. The inhabitants of Arkaim were familiar with pottery and metallurgical production. Science confirms that the city was destroyed by fire, but who set Arkaim on fire is unknown. Whether it was enemies or the residents themselves who were to blame for the fire still remains a mystery. Like many other things hidden in the ruins of this mysterious city.

The Mystery of the Lakes of Death (The Horror of the Ancient Temple)

The water depths, hidden from view, have always terrified our ancestors. It is not known what ancient animals lurked in the muddy waters of lakes and reservoirs, what forces alien to man were hidden in the thick layers of dark water.

But lakes that received names such as Dead, Empty or even Devil’s a long time ago were not always like that from time immemorial. Many have become abnormal due to destructive human activities.

Lake of the Drowned

Not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky there is a lake in which tourists often drown. People ignore warning signs installed on the shore and enter the water. No one can answer the question, where do the corpses of drowned people disappear?

Bodies disappeared without a trace in the lake

Local residents do not swim in the lake, but often fish in it. Despite the fact that the local sanitary and epidemiological station checked the water many times and found nothing dangerous in it, sometimes fishermen come across fish that are difficult to classify as already known species. Either these are species unknown to science, or mutants, of which there are also a great many here: one-eyed, with paws or hair instead of scales.

Old-timers once saw how one of the visitors swam to the middle of the lake and, screaming, went under the water, as if he had been pulled to the bottom. Air bubbles rose to the surface, and along with them an oil slick rose, which immediately began to spread across the water surface of the entire lake. At night, at the place where the person died, a wide light circle about 5 meters in diameter appeared.

Two old men swam on a boat to the circle, and immediately the boat began to exude a greenish shimmer. Following this, a fountain hit the sky from a circle on the water, covering the brave souls who decided to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Local hospitals have preserved records of several cases of a strange skin disease. All the sick people had one thing in common: swimming in the lake. Their hair fell out all over their bodies, and their skin became covered with colorless horny plates that looked like scales. On the head, the plates fused into processes similar to horns, which then began to crack and peel, and subsequently fell off completely.

Scientists became seriously interested in the lake and analyzed the water, and also invited a diving service to study the bottom. During the inspection, cracks were discovered in the soil of artificial origin, which forcefully drew in large masses of water. It was never possible to determine where the water got through the cracks. But here's what's interesting: the water level in the lake always remains the same, even though the water quickly leaves the lake through cracks at the bottom.

Flooded Temple

In the vicinity of the Leningrad region, not far from Sosnovy Bor, there are eerie legends about the origin of Lake Kalishchenskoye. Local residents also call it Kaplishchenskoye and diligently avoid the terrible place.

Rumor has preserved legends that say that earlier on the site of the lake there was an old Russian temple, a place where the ancient Slavs made cruel sacrifices to the gods. Around the lake there is a dense forest full of birds and animals. But everyone who visited the lake paid attention to the eerie silence that shrouded the forest around Lake Kalishchenskoye. There are no fish in the lake.

Few of the visitors stayed overnight on the lake shore. After a few hours spent here, people began to get nervous, they were overcome by inexplicable fear, and they left in a hurry. It is difficult to say what was to blame: the oppressive silence of the silent forest, the awareness that the huge lake in front of my eyes was devoid of life, or something inexplicable suggested from the depths of the reservoir that staying here was dangerous for the psyche. But the fact remains: the lake has a bad reputation.

Sometimes in the forest around the lake, local residents find carefully dug holes that are a perfect square, meter by meter wide. Adding to the mystery of the lake is the inexplicable night glow over the water, which can be seen from afar on clear and calm nights.

Fiery Rock of Theater Square

The capital of Russia, Moscow, did not escape the appearance of an anomalous zone almost in the very heart of the city, not far from the Kremlin. In the 18th century, construction of the Bolshoi Theater began. With the permission of Empress Catherine II, the first theater building was built on Petrovka, which burned down even before the opening. Soon after this event, Prince Urusov, to whom she entrusted the construction, lost interest in him and transferred the rights to the construction to his companion, Michael Medox.

Under the leadership of an Englishman, the first theater building appeared in Moscow. It was low, three stories high, made of brick and with a wooden roof. A quarter of a century later, the building burned down.

A new theater building was erected on Arbatskaya (future Teatralnaya) Square. But evil fate overtook him too. The building burned down during the great fire of 1812.

After 9 years, they began to rebuild the building, and in the middle of the 19th century it burned down again. It was determined that the fire that destroyed the theater began in a carpentry shop. Many people died in the fire. All that remains of the building are the stone walls and the colonnade at the entrance. After 3 years they managed to rebuild the theater.

If we take a closer look at all the cases of fires that befell the Bolshoi Theater, we can pay attention to one significant detail: all fires always started in the basement of the building.

After another fire at the Bolshoi Theater, rumors spread throughout Moscow about a curse weighing on Teatralnaya Square. And there was a basis for these rumors: the legend of Nikita Dvinyatin and his tragically deceased family.

Man in black

This happened in the 17th century, when the city was swept by a plague epidemic. Many families locked themselves in their houses and did not allow anyone to enter the door, fearing the painful death in the air. The Dvinyatin family did the same, but despite this, all family members became seriously ill and were close to death when a mysterious guest knocked on the door, introducing himself as a doctor.

He promised a speedy recovery to the doomed people, saying that he had brought with him a wonderful medicine that would save them. Despair took hold of Nikita Dvinyatin, the head of this family, and he opened the door and let the stranger in. No matter how much Nikita tried to make out the stranger, he was unable to do anything. The guest was dressed in black. A dark cloak hid his figure, and his hood was pulled low over his face.

The whole family, except for the son, named Nikita after his father, drank the medicine and died immediately. The medicine was poison, the stranger poisoned them. Having made sure that the witnesses were dead, he began to rob their home.

Nikita hid from him and secretly got out of the house. The fear of imminent death did not frighten him as much as the unknown man in black. When he reached his neighbors, he called them for help. Together they returned and overtook the stranger as he left the Dvinyatins’ house with the loot. Fierce people caught him and gave him a terrible medicine, which killed Nikita’s family.

Dead body uninvited guest thrown into the swamp, where hundreds of years later there will be Theater Square. Witnesses of the fires said that shortly before the flames consumed the building, the ghost of an unknown man dressed in an old-fashioned dark cloak with a hood was seen in the basement of the theater.

The Wanderer and Three Stations

The area of ​​three train stations in Moscow has long had a bad reputation. Homeless people, beggars and murderers flock here from all over the city and country. It is possible that they are attracted by the negative energy that reigns here.

In the 14th century, on the site of the square there were swamps, among which was located monastery. The legend says that one stormy night, a traveler who accidentally wandered into the swamps knocked on the gate of the monastery. He asked the monks to shelter him and save him from a terrible thunderstorm. But the monks refused him for an unknown reason. Then the wanderer cursed the monastery with a terrible oath, wishing it to fall underground. The strong walls of the monastery shook, and soon the monastery began to collapse. The monks' attempts to restore their home were in vain and they soon left this place.

The people were afraid of the ruins, knowing that a curse was hanging over them. For three centuries there was a wasteland here, until Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered the construction of a travel palace on this site. A tower-tower was also built here, which gave the name to the place: Kalanchevskoye Field.

At the end of the 17th century, on the site where the Leningradsky and Yaroslavsky railway stations are now located, there was an artillery warehouse building. It was destroyed by a fire that started in 1812 after the explosion of shells stored there.

In the 18th century, a wooden theater was built here, which repeatedly burned to the ground.

A century later, it was decided to drain the swamp, and the construction of the Nikolaevsky station (in the future - Leningradsky) began. Workers died at a construction site under unclear circumstances. The erected buildings suddenly collapsed, as if they were being destroyed by an unknown force, but the construction was still completed.

In the 30s of the 20th century, during the construction of the metro under the square of three stations, workers found the remains of ancient buildings. The construction was stopped, archaeologists were invited to the site of the find, but heavy rain prevented the exploration of the finds, which were more than 500 years old. It lasted for several days and flooded the mine. As a result of the flood, the frame of the tunnel began to collapse, and only thanks to the selfless efforts of the Komsomol metro builders, the tragedy was prevented. In their honor, the station was named “Komsomolskaya”.

Komsomolskaya station before the flood

They say that sometimes an old man dressed in rags appears in front of the Kazan railway station. He walks, bent low to the ground, and leans on a long stick. At the very entrance he falls to his knees and prays for a long time, frantically crossing himself every now and then. And then it disappears. It is believed that this is the wanderer who once cursed the monastery. He never found peace and is now trying to remove sin from his soul by repenting and reading prayers.

Curse of the Mother Superior (Cathedral of Christ the Savior)

Alekseevsky was previously located on the site of the future Cathedral of Christ the Savior convent. By decree of the tsar, it was decided to move the monastery to Krasnoye Selo and build a temple in its place.

Alekseevsky Monastery in the 19th century

According to historians, the abbess, who was the abbess of the monastery, opposed the king’s order and ordered the nuns to chain themselves to an oak tree that grew in the courtyard of the monastery. She was forcibly taken out of the gate and as she walked, turning around, she cursed this place, predicting that “not a single building will stand here.”

Construction lasted 44 years from 1839 to 1883. In 1931, it was decided to blow up the temple and build the infamous Palace of the Soviets in its place. The rubble of the temple was cleared away for a year and a half, after which construction began, but was interrupted by the Second World War.

In 1960, the Moscow swimming pool was opened on the site of the temple. And only in the mid-90s a decision was made to restore the temple. In 1999, the opening and consecration took place.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is main cathedral countries where large religious services are held. Thousands of believers visit them. But, despite this, the attitude towards the temple among Russians is ambivalent. Many will agree that there is an unfavorable aura in the temple. There is an opinion that it is only a copy, a remake without the ancient history.

Moscow region: ghosts and UFOs

Residents of the village of Chapovnya near Moscow are sure that they live in the epicenter of an anomalous field. Psychics who have been there claim that the village is surrounded by evil spirits, which from time to time seek contact with people.

Among the anomalous zones of the Moscow region, the Chapel is considered the richest in events. It was named so because of the abandoned chapel that stands in the central square of the village. Every year hundreds of expeditions come here from different cities of Russia and even from other countries.

At any time of the day you can hear eerie sounds coming from the village cemetery. The local population knows that searching for the source of the sounds is dangerous: the ghosts that live there can drag a person away or scare him to death.

The village is popular among domestic ufologists. According to eyewitnesses, guests from other worlds often visit here, and several years ago their activities led to a strong explosion in the forest not far from the Chapel. The source and cause of the explosion have never been established.

Abandoned chapel in the center of the village

The result of scientific observations was the conclusion that the village is located in an unfavorable place for living, among geodetic and geological phenomena. Every day, local residents and visitors witness unexplained phenomena:

  • flashes in the sky;
  • falling trees;
  • strange sounds;
  • jumping shadows.

All these are signs of a geopathogenic zone that has captured the village of Chapel. It spreads far beyond the village. It is considered dangerous to enter the forest because of the goblin that lives in the thicket. They are wary of humans and do not come close to human habitation, but if a person wanders towards them, the goblin can cause confusion on the traveler as punishment. A person who has fallen under the spell cannot find his way back and begins to wander in a circle, every now and then getting lost on a simple route. Finding the way home becomes possible only if the darkness subsides, but this depends entirely on the favor of the evil spirits.

Seraphim stones

Hundreds of tourists gather every day. This is the most famous anomalous zone Nizhny Novgorod region. It is believed that Seraphim of Sarov lived here, not far from the destroyed monastery. His miraculous energy is so strong that it is still preserved in the places where he visited.

There are two stones associated with the name of the saint: Bear and Small. A bear emerges from the ground closer to the monastery. According to legend, Seraphim prayed while standing on this stone. After the death of the recluse, his pet, a forest bear, came to the stone and died of longing for its owner. Bears are often seen here. In the middle of the 20th century, a bear came out of the forest to meet a group of pilgrims and, walking around the stone, returned to the forest. Periodically she returned to make a circle around the shrine. Eyewitnesses say that the last time she was not alone, but with a bear cub.

A small stone is a group of stones surrounded by a fence. The largest of them bears marks similar to those of hands and knees. Not far from them on the ground lies a stone called Verigi. According to legend, Seraphim of Sarov constantly carried this stone in his shoulder bag.

The saint's footprints are visible on the stone

All stones are cold even in hot summer weather. And some of them grow over the years. Observers claim that in just a few years the Bear has become twice as large.

Next to the stones, a source of healing water gushes out of the ground. People come here to touch the shrines and be saturated with positive energy. Visiting the stones will strengthen spirituality and give peace.

Silicates Cave

In the village of Devyatskoye near Moscow, not far from the Silikatnaya station, raw materials for white stone architecture were once mined in one of the quarries. Since then, the cave has been empty until a bomb shelter was installed in it during the Great Patriotic War.

There is a legend about a soldier who, at the cost of his life, saved people hiding in a bomb shelter. When the soldier saw a stone slab falling on people, he picked it up and held it while the people left the cave. Among those rescued was the soldier's elderly mother.

When the soldier's strength ran out, he let go of the slab, and it fell, crushing him. The rescued people, in gratitude to the soldier, decided to bury his remains, but when they moved the stone, they found nothing. They searched for him as much as they could in the dilapidated cave, but neither the soldier nor his traces were ever found.

After the war, the cave was closed for half a century until a group of enthusiasts rediscovered it. There are often excursions to Silicates. Visitors look here for lost things from long-gone eras, which the cave has stored for many years.

The cave has very narrow passages

Often the ghost of a man in military uniform flashes among the narrow corridors. Sometimes he leads an old woman by the arm. Apparently, this is the soldier's mother, whom he saved many years ago.

Leningrad region

40 km from St. Petersburg in Lake Blyudechko there lives a mysterious beast that attacks local fishermen. saucer - small lake, it looks like a pond. But the depth of the reservoir reaches 30 m. The lake has a double bottom. Perhaps the beast is hiding there. There is an assumption that this is a miraculously preserved plesiosaur. The victims of the attack saw only its paws and large mouth.

In the city of Pushkin, flashes and fireballs are often observed in the sky, flying at high speed across the sky. Ufologists claim that this is a UFO. Alien flying vehicles have also been seen in Vyborg district at the Yellow Bay and the Luga Reservoir. It is unclear why these lakes in the Leningrad region interested the alien guests.

Another anomalous zone not far from St. Petersburg is the Sablinsky Caves. Those who have been there have often heard strange sounds coming from the darkness, and photographs of the caves are full of glare and blurry spots. Perhaps this is all due to the diggers, whom tourists mistake for ghosts, but no one can say for sure whether this is so.

Near the Teplobetonnaya railway platform, an iron cross was erected in memory of the victims of the war, which is often mistaken for a mass grave of soldiers. The cross was welded from rails, erected and consecrated in honor of the fallen front-line soldiers. During the consecration, a photograph was taken in which, during development, all participants in the events disappeared. On film they were replaced by fireballs.

Anti-tank hedgehogs are installed around the cross

After this, the monument became of interest to many people who suffered from serious illnesses. Next to the cross, they were miraculously healed of their ailments. Healthy people were charged with positive energy from the monument. Psychics who visited there explained these miracles by saying that the cross accumulates cosmic energy, which heals the sick and helps healthy people. In addition, they claim that the cross was installed in a place of power where hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers died, who gave their lives for the well-being of their descendants.

Kostroma region - Devil's Kladez

The Kostroma region has long attracted the attention of psychics, ufologists and those interested in everything unusual and mystical. The explanation lies in the fact that pagans lived here for hundreds of years after the baptism of Rus'. Kostroma land hides many secrets. Mysterious groves grew here, temples were erected and pagan sacrifices were made to the stern gods. This is the edge of power.

Local residents sometimes have no idea that they live in a fabulous land. They have long been accustomed to being in the vicinity of evil spirits, and they diligently avoid anomalous zones, without going into details: why do they do this and why?

Suicide wave and drought

One of the anomalous zones of the Kostroma region is the Devil's Kladez. Documents say that a hundred years ago there was a wave of mass suicides here. The surviving inhabitants suffered a new misfortune: drought.

The summer turned out to be dry, and local residents decided to ask their departed ancestors for help. They spent the whole night in the cemetery, reading prayers and sprinkling the graves with holy water. In the evening of that day, the sky over the Devil's Well turned black and heavy rain began. Large cold drops of rain mixed with hail.

As soon as the rain stopped, three houses burst into flames at different ends of the village. The wet thatched roofs were burning so intensely, as if the straw had instantly dried out after the rain.

UFOs and scary animals

According to eyewitnesses, the Devil's Well attracts guests from other worlds. Round and cigar-shaped aircraft are often seen in the sky here. Sometimes they quickly fly high in the sky, leaving no traces behind, and sometimes they fly slowly, touching the tops of trees.

UFOs have cast bodies without identification marks; in seconds they can reach monstrous speed and disappear from visibility. Often alien ships visiting the Devil's Well land in a dense forest near the village. So far there is no evidence of contacts between local residents and aliens.

Perhaps guests arriving on our planet conduct experiments here on the local fauna. Otherwise, how can one explain the appearance in the local forest of wolves with skin that cannot be shot through? Several times local hunters encountered these mysterious creatures. Their bullets bounced off the fur of the animals with a ringing sound, and the animals themselves behaved strangely: instead of attacking people, they hid in a difficult thicket.

While exploring the forest, teams of ufologists often came across burnt trees and traces of landings of large and heavy aircraft. Some scientists were lucky enough to even witness flashes in the sky, which were accompanied by a wolf howl.

Parapsychologists who have visited the Devil's Vault are confident that the village and its surrounding area are full of negative energy. Its source is located deep in the earth, but what it is has never been found out.

Death Valley (Kamchatka)

Local residents avoid these places. There are no paths or roads here. Death Valley is full of bones of dead birds and half-decomposed corpses of large animals: bears, lynxes and wolves.

The first to discover the Valley were hunters. Their dogs got lost at the foot of the Kikhpinych volcano. After a lengthy search, hunters discovered the corpses of dogs among many carcasses of dead animals. Leaving the valley, the hunters felt unwell and suddenly overcome with weakness. Only by miracle did they manage to escape from the terrible place.

Victim of Death Valley

Word of the anomalous zone spread throughout the Union, and a stream of researchers poured here. Their bodies can still be found at the bottom of Death Valley.

Scientists suggest that the acid fumes that the earth exudes are to blame. Tests have established that there are toxic cyanide compounds in the air in the Valley.

Omsk region, Okunevo village

Researchers of anomalous phenomena and scientists from all over the world constantly come to the village of Okunevo, which is located in a remote area more than 200 km from Omsk. And it is no coincidence, because it is often observed here:

  • crimson fog;
  • ghosts;
  • luminous objects;
  • flames in the sky.

According to the assumptions of Siberian historians, here, in the territory that belongs to the Muromtsevo district of the Omsk region, people lived long before the 18th century, when the first settlers arrived. About 300 thousand years ago, in western Siberia there lived a civilization that disappeared without a trace for some unknown reason. Traces of her presence are still found. For more than two decades, archaeological excavations have been conducted on the banks of the Tara River, which flows near Okunevo. Scientists find here the ruins of residential buildings, religious buildings and necropolises.

Skulls found in Okunevo

The famous Indian prophet and clairvoyant Satya Baba claimed that he professes a religion that was brought to India by ancient settlers from Western Siberia. He said that previously in Siberia there was a temple of Hanuman, the ape, patron of knowledge and healer. Hanuman could fly through the air, change his appearance and had the power to move mountains. The priests of the temple, according to the clairvoyant, were initiated into many secrets of the world. God rewarded them with a crystal of extraterrestrial origin, granting spiritual insight. There is a theory according to which the chronicle of an ancient civilization was recorded on the crystal.

Not far from Okunevo, an ancient altar was found on which bloody sacrifices were made. He was found by Rasma Rositis, a follower of the ascetic Mahavatar Babaji. The discovery was preceded by a week of fasting and prayer before the luminous beings led Rasma to the altar. Having studied it, she came to the conclusion that this is an omkar, a place where the planet exchanges energy with the Cosmos. People called him the navel of the Earth.

The village of Okunevo is surrounded by four lakes. Siberian healers believe that the water in these lakes is healing. These lakes appeared as a result of a meteorite falling to Earth, and they were filled with the healing energy of the Cosmos. One of the lakes is still hidden from prying eyes; no one has yet managed to find it. According to healers, soon people on the planet will be struck by a disease that can only be cured with water from a hidden lake.

The famous Western mystic and predictor Edgar Cayce predicted in the mid-20th century that humanity would be struck by a major cataclysm in the future. Many countries will be flooded and millions of people will die. Siberia will become a new Ark for people, the cradle of civilization. Here they will be saved and from here they will begin to revive life on planet Earth.

Mysterious Green Island

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, a aircraft. Eyewitnesses mistook it for a German reconnaissance plane. Such aircraft models were, in fact, developed by the Nazis. The Ahnenerbe archives contain photographs of them: flying disks that look like alien ships. Ufologists still believe that an alien ship crashed on Green Island. Perhaps they are right, given what happened to the island in the future.

UFO or the development of German scientists?

The NKVD organized security at the crash site, and the incident was classified. But the war interfered with the research. There were fierce battles for the island with the Germans, who were desperately trying to get to the mysterious aircraft.

Modern eyewitnesses claim that people often disappear on the island. The missing are found sleeping. Before disappearing, they all saw a black stone that called them to itself and put them to sleep as soon as they approached it. The disappearances occurred in the least studied western part of the island or on the approaches to it. It is difficult to get there due to the dense vegetation, which, like a barrier, protects unexplored places.

Several scientific expeditions have identified faint anomalies in the western part of the island. Perhaps their appearance is associated with destroyed underground structures, access to which is blocked by rubble.

"Samara Luka"

In terms of the number of mystical phenomena, Samarskaya Luka Park is considered one of the most active anomalous zones in the world. Bigfoot is often seen here. Eyewitnesses describe him as a two-meter giant, covered with thick fur and with deep-set eyes. Rangers constantly find grass crushed into perfect circles. Ufologists who visited the park believe that these are traces of UFO landings.

On the territory of Samarskaya Luka there is Mount Svetelka. This place is considered blessed. Many tourists go specifically to climb the mountain and recharge with positive energy. Visitors' health improves and negative thoughts go away. Scientists have discovered a fault in tectonic plates under Svetelka. It is believed that such natural phenomena are the gateway to other worlds. People with psychic abilities can develop their talents here as these are places of power.

This is where equipment breaks down and disappears. mobile connection and batteries are quickly discharged. Tourists often find themselves in spatial anomalies, where time flows differently. Wandering inside the anomalies, they find themselves in a different reality. The hours they spend there become days on Earth.


Anomalous zone in Murmansk region. It was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by an expedition of local historians led by A. Barchenko.

Here the following phenomena were identified:

  • gravitational anomalies;
  • distortion of time and space;
  • encounters with Bigfoot;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Figure 14. Lovozero – a place of power

In 1999, the expedition of Valery Demin visited here. Scientists were looking for traces of the legendary Hyperborea.

The mystery of the Vilyui boilers

The anomalous zone in Yakutia was nicknamed Death Valley. Not far from the Vilyui River, in a valley hidden from the world by rugged mountains, huge metal structures reminiscent of boilers are sunk into the ground. Rumor keeps many rumors and legends about these buildings. They say that rooms have been dug under the arches of the boilers, which are always warm, despite the severe Yakut frosts. Perhaps the appearance of the buildings is associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

The mystery of the Vilyui boilers has not been solved

Expeditions of ufologists came here more than once in the hope of finding mysterious buildings in Death Valley. But each time, tragic accidents prevented scientists from reaching their goal. Sometimes buildings disappeared, and expeditions wandered for a long time without finding them.

Those who managed to reach the metal buildings complained of malaise, headaches and attacks of causeless panic. The buildings themselves were surrounded by abnormally dense thickets of grass and bushes.

In 2002, a group of local geology students managed to find one of the boilers near the flowing river. They were unable to determine the exact size of the metal cauldron because only one edge was above the ground. Geologists tried to break off a piece of the cauldron with axes, but the strange metal turned out to be harder. Researchers could not find the entrance to the underground rooms, and permafrost prevented them from digging through the ground.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

Lake in Yaroslavl region became famous for its unusual fogs. Once in them, people lost their sense of time and experienced an extraordinary elation. The fog reliably hid from them the world, but scattered over the black path, as if inviting him to walk along it. The path, according to testimonies, was always straight and, walking along it, people saw the silhouettes of knights in the thick fog and heard the monotonous muttering of old voices in an unfamiliar language, similar to ancient prayers. When the fog cleared, the travelers found themselves ten kilometers from the place where the white clouds overtook them. But not everyone was lucky enough to emerge from the fog; many went missing.

On the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo lies the famous relic - the Blue Stone. It is believed that the stone cures ailments just by touching it. By ancient legend, a tribe of pagans that lived here before the Slavs, worshiped the Blue Stone as a deity. The Slavs who came after them built the temple of Yarila on the hill where the stone lay, and they began to make sacrifices on the stone.

With the advent of Christianity, the temple was burned, but the monastery, and later the chapel, erected in its place, did not take root. They were destroyed by fire. Local residents perceived these signs as a manifestation of the power of the ancient gods. Here they celebrated major pagan holidays - Maslenitsa and Kupala Night. Alarmed church ministers assured the residents that the stone contained demonic power, but their persuasion was in vain. The blue stone attracted people to it. Then it was decided to get rid of him and put an end to the cult of the pagan shrine.

The stone was loaded onto a sled and carried on ice across a frozen lake. It was planned to lay it in the foundation of the church, but the stone fell out of the sleigh and, breaking through the ice, sank to the bottom. After half a century, the stone made it to the shore, and soon independently reached the foot of the hill, where there was a temple. Parapsychologists believe that telekinesis or evil spirits were involved here. On moonless nights, the stone emits a bluish glow.

Every year the stone sinks deeper into the ground

Alien ships have been repeatedly spotted over Lake Pleshcheyevo. Perhaps guests from other worlds also feel the strong energy of the ancient shrine.

Popov Bridge

The bridge that was built across the Pesochnaya River in the Kaluga region is considered one of the anomalous zones in Russia.

Cars stall on it, horses refuse to approach the bridge, and local residents often see pale silhouettes of ghosts. It is still unknown what happened here and what caused the presence of restless souls. They say that there is a curse on the bridge, cast by a witch. Apparently, it also affected the old cemetery, which is located near the Pesochnaya River.

Researchers have repeatedly monitored the bridge and the surrounding area, but so far have not been able to record anything unusual.

Shushmor tract

A disastrous and terrible place in the Moscow region. For many kilometers around it there is no settlements, no residential buildings. The tract became notorious because of the many people who disappeared here. They disappeared without a trace, leaving behind neither traces nor bodies.

Those who have been here and survived say that the vegetation in Shushmore is abnormally active: the grass reaches the height of human height, and the tree trunks are unusually wide.

Ufologists who explored the Urochishche recorded:

  • lights in the sky;
  • sounds of unknown origin;
  • ball lightning.

Local legend says that in the center of Shushmor there is an ancient temple built in the shape of a hemisphere. Another legend says that the building is a burial mound, under which one of the Mongol commanders who attacked Rus' is buried.

Solovetsky labyrinths

IN Solovetsky Archipelago includes dozens of islands of different sizes. On many islands the Solovetsky labyrinths have been preserved since ancient times. Historians call the approximate time of their creation – the Stone Age.

Sometimes spirits are seen here moving through the spirals of the labyrinths

Labyrinths are spirals on the ground lined with stones. In the center of the spirals are piles of stones. According to one version, these are ancient cemeteries. Their shape symbolizes the transition of the soul from the world of the living to the world of the dead, and also does not allow evil spirits to enter our world.

The video contains information about places of power in Russia. The creators are trying to understand their origin, to find out what is a myth and what is reality:

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom. Only working practices and techniques for restoration, cleaning and increasing energy

Many skeptics who do not believe in mysticism and believe that everything can be explained scientifically will certainly doubt the reliability of the information presented below. But in any case, it makes no sense to deny that in nature there are a number of inexplicable anomalies that are not just frightening, but truly terrifying.

Stories of mysterious disappearances and deaths in disastrous places that can be found in Russia chill the blood and make you truly horrified. In the continuation of the article you will find a list of the most terrible places in our country.

Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory)

75 people are known to have disappeared or died over the past 30 years. On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, at the top low mountain, there is a strange clearing with a hole in the very center. According to some sources, it was formed in 1908. Versions have been put forward that the appearance of this place is directly related to the fact of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, and the hole in the center is nothing more than the crater of a long-extinct volcano, pierced by the object during its fall. People called this strange place the Devil's Cemetery.

Over the past thirty years, at least 75 people have either disappeared or died in this area. Being in the Devil's Cemetery is destructive for all living things. Hundreds of cows died, deciding to taste the grass from the clearing. In the post-war period, all residents of these unsafe places were resettled. From the stories of old-timers, it became known that a huge number of people died either on the territory of the clearing itself, or when they found themselves within a small radius from it.

In the 80s, researchers became interested in this anomalous zone and began to persistently search for the Devil's Cemetery. Several expeditionary forces are still considered missing. About 75 searchers also did not return from search trips.

In 1991, an eerie clearing was found. A large, serious expedition was assembled to study it. In the same year that the clearing was found, a film was made about this place, called “Devil's Cemetery.” Many publications published articles and photos about this mysterious place. Those wishing to visit the Devil's Cemetery area should know that you should not set up a camp closer than one kilometer, but it is more correct and convenient to set up a camp at the mouth of the Deshemba River. The easiest way to get to your destination is by river. Successful rafting is possible only from May to early June. Only professionals should go on this hike, as the area is very difficult.

Mountain of the Dead (Sverdlovsk region)

In 1959, a group of young enthusiasts led by Igor Dyatlov went on an expedition to the Mountain of the Dead. The ascent to the summit began on February 1st. By coincidence, it is on this day that a magical festival called Candlemas takes place. Before reaching the top, a group of nine people sets up camp for the night. It is unknown what the young people witnessed and what forced them to cut the tent from the inside and hastily leave it, going out into the cold with virtually no clothes. No traces of any third party presence were found. No signs of a struggle. No traces of the elements. All participants had horrific injuries, some had their tongues torn out, and everyone’s skin was purple or orange, unnatural even for the dead.

By decree from above, everything related to the Dyatlov expedition was kept in the strictest secrecy. The Dyatlov group was not the only one who died on the slopes of the terrible mountain. Several expeditions never returned home after visiting her. In the 90s, the publishing house of the Gentry newspaper published a huge material dedicated to the Mountain of the Dead. At the same time, specialists from Vladivostok carried out thorough ufological studies. And today this place does not attract tourists very much because of its notoriety. Although on this moment There are no anomalous manifestations on the mountain and it is safe for visits.

Devil's Lair (Volgograd region)

In the Volgograd region, on the ridge called Medvetskaya, there is a place called the Devil's Lair. According to the information received, spontaneous combustion of people occurs in this place. The corpses of local shepherd Yuri Mamaev and combine operator Ivan Tsukanov were discovered. But it is reliably known that Ivan burned down while saving a combine harvester and a grain field from an unexpected fire.

In the case of the shepherd, there is evidence that the cause of his death was the burning of hay. Nevertheless, this place is considered unkind, although the expedition did not reveal any anomalies. It is safe for hiking trips.

Lake Labynkyr

In the east of Yakutia, in the Oymyakonsky district, there is a reservoir overgrown with legends and amazing stories. Lake called Labynkyr. According to legend, an animal of incredible size lives in the lake; it is assumed that it is of relict origin. According to local residents, this creature swallows large animals and people. Based on rumors, the death toll is more than ten people. But all this is not reliable, there are no real evidence. The terrain is wild and difficult to navigate, which is not conducive to attracting researchers. It is precisely because of its mystery that this place is included in the list of the creepiest. There are several “valleys” that claim to be the Valley of Death. One of them is located in Valdai, in the Novgorod region. According to local beliefs, somewhere there is a mysterious “stump”, near which people and animals disappeared. In fact, no one saw this “stump”; the police were also skeptical; there were no reports of missing people.

Yakutia also has its own “Valley of Death” - Elyuyu Cherkechekh. Its supernatural nature has not been confirmed; none of the researchers have seen any hemispheres emitting heat, copper cauldrons or other anomalous formations. We studied data about this area for ten years, invited about 2,000 specialists during this time, and this does not take into account the help of people who responded to our advertisements in newspapers. And, summing up, we came to the conclusion that the supernatural nature of this zone is just a fiction, based on local legends.

Another Death Valley is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, not far from the Valley of Geysers. This time its existence is confirmed. There is a large number of animal deaths there, and there have also been unconfirmed reports of human deaths in the area. As a result of our research, it was revealed that mortality among animals is explained by gas poisoning; the causes and frequency have not been identified. For a person, being in this zone does not pose a danger, since he will be able to independently leave the zone if gas escapes. It is not recommended to spend the night in this area.

There is one section on the Kolyma Highway, running between two rocks, where a fairly large number of accidents and incidents, including fatalities, have been recorded. No anomalies were detected in this segment. There was no point in organizing an expedition; there are similar sections on almost any route. According to legend, not far from Belozersk, Volgograd region, there is a burial mound of the Varangian king Sineus, brother of Rurik. During Soviet times, the upper part of the mound was dismantled for construction needs, and in the remaining part a cellar was dug for a large potato storage facility. But all the potatoes, like the logs of the inner lining, rotted, and in this place a pit filled with a fetid mess formed. Many cases of falling into it were recorded; local residents repeatedly pulled out corpses. According to legend, it is the embittered Sineus who lures people into the pit. The expedition was not organized, and the location of the mound could not be established. In the Novgorod region, in one of the forests there is a swamp. During the Great Patriotic War, it took the lives of many soldiers, whose remains are still swallowed up by the swamp.

The exact number of deceased is unknown; according to preliminary estimates, we are talking about tens of thousands. Sad story This area creates an atmosphere of fear around.

Near Cape Ryty, Baikal, many different anomalies are observed - compasses and navigators begin to go crazy, sometimes an increase in background radiation is observed, which is why there are currently no settlements near the cape. The nature of these anomalies could not be determined; usually the background radiation is within normal limits. Staying near the cape does not promise any danger; you just have to be careful of the very aggressive earth bees living there, whose stings are painful. Devil's ravine near the village of Lyady, Pskov region. It was said that several people disappeared there before the war. Also, several cases have been reported after 1974. Some people still came back and told amazing stories. The expeditions did not reveal any anomalies in the area; the disappearances were attributed to the difficult terrain, so it is not recommended to go there alone without equipment and appropriate knowledge of the area.

For lovers extreme tourism and traveling to anomalous zones, it is not at all necessary to go overseas and look for adventures on your own in other countries. The most amazing and strange places are very close to us, we just need to reach out and touch.

One of these places, a village with an appropriate name that evokes melancholy and animal horror, Black Stream, is located not far from Kaluga, very close to the regional center with no less strange name- Lyudinovo.

It is in Lyudinovo that all sorts of phenomena, so adored by ufologists from all countries, are periodically observed, that is, events similar to alien intervention. However, the village of Black Stream itself has absolutely nothing to do with aliens. Here the matter is completely different.

Residents of Lyudinovo prefer to avoid the endangered village; they try not to travel here unless absolutely necessary, because it is believed that previously only witches and sorcerers lived here, and now they live here even after their death. They say that ghosts roam here at night, lying in wait for a random traveler, ready to attack at any moment as soon as he gapes and loses his vigilance.

The village is located in a very mystical place, on the edge of the forest, where birds do not sing and small rodents do not rustle in the grass. And large animals do not appear often in this part of the forest. The whole situation here seems to breathe ancient witchcraft, or maybe just harmful gas rising from the nearby swamp? This may be so, but being here you clearly feel uncomfortable.

Entering the village along an unbeaten, overgrown road, it immediately becomes clear that it has been empty for many years. However, this is not entirely true; there are people in the Black Stream. Moreover, on the outskirts of the village, a wonderful log church was recently built; it flaunts throughout the entire area with its unpainted wooden sides and beckons invitingly with the ringing of bells.

However, in the middle of the day, early morning or late evening, you will not meet any passersby going about their business. The remaining inhabitants of the Black Stream sit quietly in their homes, showing no trace of their existence. But if you really want to, then by walking around the courtyards, you can even find someone who will shelter a tired traveler for the night. They will certainly take pity on you and let you into the house for the night, you can be sure. The most desperate ones pitch tents and light fires, looking sideways until the morning and shuddering from the night rustles.

Getting here to Black Stream is quite easy. Buses run constantly from the capital to Lyudinovo. And from there a bus goes all the way to the village of Black Stream. True, he only walks once a day, and sometimes not every day. So, when going here, be prepared for the fact that you will still have to spend the night in the Black Stream.


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