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On the Black Sea coast of Russia there are many resort towns and villages that all year round ready to receive guests. Many of them have long become famous and beloved by thousands of tourists. The most popular resorts on the Krasnodar and Crimean coasts of the Black Sea are:

  • Adler
  • Gelendzhik
  • Anapa
  • Blagoveshchenskaya
  • Alushta
  • Zander
  • Evpatoria and many others

It is difficult to list all the variety of resorts on the Russian Black Sea coast. Sometimes it’s not easy to make a choice about where to go on vacation. After all, it is quite difficult to choose a suitable resort for yourself, as well as a hotel where you can relax according to your income and preferences.

In this case, you can help out with a map of resorts on the Black Sea coast in Russia. On it you will find all the resorts located on the sea coast. There are also accommodation facilities where you can stay during your stay in Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory.

If you are planning a seaside holiday in Russia, a detailed map of holiday destinations 2020 on the Black Sea will help you make your choice. You can choose from large cities, where in the summer a vibrant resort life is in full swing, full of bright emotions. Also on the map you will see small villages that offer a quieter and more secluded holiday by the sea.

It is worth noting that all resort towns and villages of Crimea and Krasnodar region constantly improve their infrastructure. A variety of accommodation facilities are improving service, offering increasingly high-quality service and comfortable living conditions. A map of the Black Sea coast with hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums will help you find out where this or that housing option is located, look at photographs of the object, and also find out all the necessary, and most importantly, reliable information.

How to use the Black Sea holiday card

To move around the map of Cherny and Sea of ​​Azov with resort cities you can use the navigation located on the left side of the map. And to find out information about a particular hotel, you need to click on the mark and follow the link to the site.

Today on the Internet you can find many offers from hotels offering their accommodation services for vacationers. However, not all information may be true. Moreover, it may be incomplete. The resort map of the Black Sea sanatoriums and other types of accommodation will help you make right choice for comfortable rest by the sea.

Choose hotels on the map of the Black Sea coast for your holiday in the 2020 season

By using a map of the Black Sea coast of Russia for your vacation, you can, without unnecessary risks, not only find out all the information you need about the resort, but also choose decent accommodation based on your tastes and preferences. This is very convenient, as you will have the opportunity to find out the location of hotels, inns and guest houses of the Black Sea on the map of Russia 2020. You will also be able to see photographs, rooms, services that are offered to guests. Using the resort card, you can compare offers and choose the option you like best.

A constantly updated database will allow you to learn about hotel news. Using the card, you can directly contact the administration, find out prices for vacations, and also book a room without intermediaries. This will help you save money, which is worth spending on entertainment and exciting excursions.

Connected with Aegean Sea. The Black Sea washes several states at once, in each of which it becomes a popular recreational object. The coast seems to be of high quality resort area with a variety of ways to relax.

Geographical location of the Black Sea

The Black Sea washes the coast of Russia, and its waters also belong to six other states. In each country, a considerable number of tourists go to the sea, wanting to sunbathe and swim in warm sea water. The best time to relax here is from the end of May to the beginning of October, when the water temperature exceeds 20 degrees and sunny weather promotes tanning. Geographical position It is good not only from a recreational point of view, it has important economic, transport and military significance.

The shape of the Black Sea resembles an oval.

The greatest length from coast to coast along the axis is 1,150 km, the greatest depth is 2,210 m. This makes the sea in demand for deep-sea diving enthusiasts. In the northern part of the Black Sea is located Crimean peninsula. The sea separates the European and Asian parts of the continent. Interesting feature there is a lack of islands.

The Black Sea had many names, it was called Russian, in total more than 20 names are known. There are several versions of the appearance modern name, each culture has its own version. According to one version, the north on maps was previously marked as black, and the Black Sea is located just in the north. Another gloomy version connects the name of the object with the history of its appearance - in modern form The Black Sea was formed 7,500 years ago, with the formation of a connection with Mediterranean Sea salty sea water got into it. This led to the extinction of many freshwater inhabitants.

Scientists associate the name with the fact that objects raised from the bottom are black. The reason is hydrogen sulfide at a depth of 200 meters. Among the reasons are black silt washed ashore and strong storms (even desperate sailors found themselves leaving ports in bad weather). There is a widespread version among the Turks that the sea received its name because of the rebelliousness of the shores; when trying to conquer local cities, they had to face fierce resistance.

The geographical position of the Black Sea is probably known to every resident of our country. Why? The thing is that almost all of us have been to its coast at least once in our lives, or are planning to go there on our next vacation.

A map of the Russian Black Sea shows that our country shares it with Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

The location, history, climate and characteristic features of this section of the world's oceans will be discussed in this article.

Section 1. General information

If you look at the Black Sea on the world map, you can be sure that it belongs to the basin Atlantic Ocean and belongs to the internal type of seas. Its area is approximately 422.0 thousand square meters. km (according to other sources - 436.4 thousand sq. km).

Visually, the sea resembles an oval shape with the longest axis being 1150 km. The maximum length from north to south is 580 km. The average depth is 1240 m, and the greatest depth is 2210 m.

The ports of the Black Sea have a number of advantages, since the waters of this section of the world ocean are connected with the Marmara Strait through the Bosporus Strait, then, through the Dardanelles Strait (Hellespont) - with the Mediterranean and Aegean, and the Kerch Strait - with the Azov Sea.

The border line between Europe and the Crimean peninsula juts deep into the northern part of the sea runs through its waters.

Its waters wash the territories of several states at once: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria. In the northeast coast is the partially recognized state of Abkhazia.

The sea basin has a rare property. Its lower layers are filled with hydrogen sulfide, which is why at a depth of over 150 m there is a complete absence of life (with the exception of certain types of bacteria).

The geographical location of the Black Sea is very favorable. Why? The thing is that it has the most important economic, transport, strategic and military significance, and also belongs to the largest recreational zones in Eurasia. The main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are concentrated in the ports of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

Section 2. History of the Black Sea

Photos of the Black Sea, as a rule, attract attention, captivating with their beauty and certain limitlessness. But what do we really know about him?

First of all, it is impossible not to mention that this is a relatively young sea, which has an unformed ecosystem that continues to develop: the water level changes, new representatives of flora and fauna appear, and some disappear.

In the past, which was about 8 thousand years ago, this sea was actually a lake. Its biosystem is highly susceptible to external influences - the influence of climate or humans. Despite the fact that it is much smaller than the ocean and life in it is less diverse, the Black Sea coast and its ecology are of interest to scientists.

Section 3. What is the climate of the element?

The climate of the Black Sea region is due to its mid-continental location and is mainly of the continental type. This region is characterized by warm, wet winters and dry summers. and the Caucasian coast are protected from the winds by mountains, giving it a Mediterranean subtropical climate.

The geographical position of the Black Sea is such that weather Atlantic cyclones have a significant impact, bringing storms and cold temperatures. Winds from the southwest usually bring humid Mediterranean air masses.

In January it stays in the north average temperature up to +2°C, but it gets cold down to -5°C, and snow falls periodically. It is much warmer in the south and the Caucasus. It rarely drops below +5°C here.

July air temperature in the north of the sea averages +25 -+27 °C. Thanks to the sea, the air temperature usually does not rise above 37°C.

The warmest corner of the Black Sea region is the Caucasus coast, where the average is +17°C per year. The Caucasian coast receives the most precipitation (1500 mm per year), with the least in the north-west (up to 300 mm per year).

The Black Sea is not subject to freezing; the water does not cool below +8 °C.

Section 4. Local flora and fauna

Have you ever wondered what kind of organisms inhabit the Black Sea? The characteristics show that the flora of the Black Sea consists of more than 260 species of green, red bottom and brown algae: Cladophora, Ulva, Cystoseira, Zoster, etc.

The phytoplankton of the sea includes about 600 species, among which are diatoms and representatives of dinoflagellates (Dinophysis, Alexandrium, Protoperidinium).

The fauna is less diverse compared to, for example, the Mediterranean. In the waters of this sea live 2,500 species of animals, including 160 species of mammals and fish, up to 500 protozoa, 500 crustaceans, 200 mollusks, as well as other invertebrates. In the Mediterranean today there are approximately 9,000 species.

At the bottom of the sea, oysters and mussels, predator mollusks of rapana found refuge. Among the coastal rocks and stones you can find crabs, jellyfish, shrimp, sea anemones and sponges.

The small number of fauna is affected by the salinity and temperature of the water, as well as the formation of hydrogen sulfide at depths. However, the sea waters are suitable for the existence of unpretentious species that do not require depth.

Section 5. What kind of resorts are located on the Black Sea?

Russian resorts are located in the Krasnodar region. The most popular of them are Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse. Built here the best sanatoriums and boarding houses.

The following resorts are located on the Crimean peninsula: Evpatoria, Alushta, Yalta, Sudak, Feodosiya, Chernomorskoe and Sokolinoe. The health resorts of Abkhazia are a paradise for relaxation. One of the major tourist centers of Ukraine is Odessa, which in recent years has become a real pearl by the sea.


Have you decided to go to the Black Sea? Reviews from travelers unanimously state that it is really impossible not to visit here, and there are actually many prerequisites for this.

First of all, we note that Sochi is the southernmost and warmest resort in Russia. And it is here, on the coast, that dozens of boarding houses and sanatoriums are located.

The beach season in Sochi lasts from May to mid-October. The weather is sunny 300 days a year. Favorable mineral springs and mud have a healing and healing effect on humans. The sanatoriums welcome visitors throughout the year.

The nature of this region is unique and inimitable: mountain gorges with wild rivers, waterfalls and caves, cold lakes, impenetrable forests and high-mountain ski slopes. These places attract lovers active rest and extreme.

Sochi is famous not only beach holiday, but also cultural attractions. There are many museums, theaters, entertainment centers, restaurants and nightclubs.


One of the most famous resort cities of Crimea is Yalta. In addition, he is one of the most beautiful cities peace.

This is a modern resort amazing place called the Black Sea. The map shows that the beaches here are actually huge, 72 km long.

The city is considered the capital of all Crimean resorts and an important administrative, cultural and tourist center on south coast Crimea.

The abundance of sun and vegetation, warm sea and sand, clean air, mountains and a huge number of attractions create favorable conditions for relaxation and recovery.


In fact, it seems that God himself created these places for man to rest. The beach season lasts from May to October and you can enjoy the sun 220 days a year.

Sea water is low in salt, clear and ideal for swimming. Tourist Abkhazia is home to hospitable people, luxurious nature and many historical monuments.

Guests can enjoy excursions to waterfalls, mineral springs and Lake Ritsa, karst caves and ruins ancient city. Famous resorts regions - Pitsunda, Gagra, Sukhum and Gudauta.

The tourism industry of Abkhazia is developing rapidly: old boarding houses have been renovated and new comfortable hotels have been built, there are many restaurants and entertainment centers on the streets. One of the popular resort places is the city of Pitsunda, which is surrounded by pine forests, which create a special microclimate with a healing pine aroma.

It is fresh and cool here even in hot weather. All boarding houses are located in a picturesque bay near the sea.

Section 6. Movement of water in the Black Sea

It is believed that the Black Sea ports have many advantages. Let's explain why. Usually this part of the world's oceans is quiet and calm. Waves appear in windy weather, most often in winter. Their height can reach 15 m, which is dangerous only for small ships. The ebb and flow of the tides does not exceed 10 cm and is almost invisible.

In general, there are two types of currents in the sea - surface and double. The former are caused by cyclonic winds, while the latter are formed in the Bosphorus and Kerch Straits and are caused by the difference in water density in the two basins.

Surface flows form two closed rings. The western ring narrows to the south and is approximately 100 km wide opposite the Danube delta. The speed of this current is almost 0.5 km/h. The Eastern Ring reaches 50-100 km and has a speed of up to 1 km/h.

The double current in the Bosphorus arises due to water exchange between the Black and Marmara seas. The lighter and less salty water of the Black Sea enters Mramornoe at a speed of up to 2 km, and in return receives more salt water Sea of ​​Marmara.

Another double current is formed between the Black and Azov seas. At the same time, the desalinated water of the Azov Sea flows upstream into the Black Sea, receiving in return more salty water.

In addition to horizontal currents, there are vertical ones, limited by the upper layers of water (up to 80 m).

Section 7. Sea threats: winds and fogs

The geographical position of the Black Sea clearly indicates that fogs occur over the coast or coastal areas mainly in the cold season. During a cold invasion of land sea ​​air fog forms over the sea near the coast.

On the coast it usually appears in the spring. The greatest fog is observed in winter, especially in the Bosphorus Strait (up to 80 days a year). However, there are prolonged fogs. For example, in winter in Odessa they last up to 10 days. Photos of the Black Sea taken in such weather are particularly romantic and mysterious.

The strength and speed of the wind at sea is greater than on the coast. When cyclones appear over the sea, moist air becomes vertically unstable, forming vortex winds and tornadoes, dangerous for small ships. Wind speed in winter reaches from 3 to 40 m/sec. Sometimes there are storms. Night winds bring coolness to the coast.

Section 8. Why are Black Sea currents dangerous?

However, the Black Sea can also be treacherous and merciless; the characteristics of this part of the world's oceans clearly indicate the existence of a changeable current here, directed counterclockwise along the entire perimeter.

The current forms two rings called “Knipovich glasses” (in honor of the hydrologist who described this phenomenon). The speed of movement depends on the rotation of the Earth. Also, the change in current is influenced by the force and Sometimes eddies appear in coastal zones directed against the main current (anticyclonic gyres).

The movement of upper alongshore currents is variable and determined by the wind. One of these currents is called a draft, which forms during a storm. Waves rushing onto the shore retreat in powerful streams along the channels formed on the sandy bottom. Such currents are very dangerous for people and can carry them far from the shore. To get out of them, you need to swim to the shore not in a straight line, but diagonally.

Section 9. Why is the sea rough? Ancient legend

The Black Sea is clearly visible on the world map, even on the most ancient one. That is why, apparently, they have known about him for quite a long time, creating myths and retelling epics. And here is one of them.

In ancient times there lived one brave hero, about whose bravery legends were written. One day, an old magician decided to give him a magic arrow, whose magical power depended on the person’s intentions. If it fell into the hands of a villain, it could bring a lot of misfortune on earth. The hero never used it unnecessarily and for selfish purposes. Having grown old, he began to look for a person who could be trusted with an arrow. But only a worthy owner could reveal her secret.

Then the hero decided to hide the weapon in the Black Sea and asked his sons to take her to the very middle of it. He knew that they would not carry out his order the first time, and he sent them again. The sons fulfilled the will of their father and lowered the arrow to the bottom of the sea. This angered the sea, it began to make noise and to this day is trying to throw the arrow ashore.

Section 10. Is the Black Sea getting warmer?

Can you tell exactly where the Black Sea is? The map shows that it should be considered the southernmost maritime border of our state. And, of course, it is also the warmest. However, there is an opinion that the temperature there is gradually increasing. Is it really?

Black Sea ( Krasnodar region taken as the basis for the study) is filled with hydrogen sulfide, which means that only coastal and surface layers of water are suitable for life. By the way, because of this it is one of the most sparsely inhabited seas in the world.

Also, the sea ecosystem is negatively affected by global warming, which has led to increased air temperatures in winter and incomplete cooling of the upper layers of the sea. And this, in turn, complicates the process of vertical rotation of the upper layers of water to depth to maintain the boundaries of hydrogen sulfide.

Warming has led to the fact that the hydrogen sulfide zone has risen to the surface of the sea by almost 12 meters and these waters have become lifeless. The volume of water enriched with oxygen continues to decrease, which raises concerns among environmentalists. This means the Black Sea, whose coordinates are 43°17′49″ N. w. 34°01′46″ E. Most likely, it will continue to warm up.

Krasnodar region - part Russian Federation, which is famous and popular for its resorts. Basically, people come here to relax from mid-May to the end of September. There are about 420 sanatoriums that offer their services. To the main seaside resorts The Black Sea coasts include Sochi, Anapa and Gelendzhik.

Settlements - towns and cities on the Black Sea coast in the Krasnodar Territory on the map.

This article will talk not only about the most famous resorts, but about all that are in the Krasnodar region.

Detailed map of the Black Sea coast

The map is very large and detailed. Enlarge it for easier viewing. This is what it looks like on the map.

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Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory on the map


The village is famous for its wonderful climate, as well as a huge number of different attractions.

The New rocks, which are located almost next to the village, deserve special attention. Various sporting events are constantly held here. Abinsk is perfect for lovers of the supernatural, because it is famous for the presence anomalous zones. The famous Shapsug burial ground is also located here.


One of the most famous resort towns in Russia on the Black Sea. Surprisingly, the sun shines 280 days a year in Anapa. It has one of the longest sandy beaches in Europe. Longest period influx of tourists - from May to October. The city has a huge number of attractions and places to relax. The resort is considered an ideal place for families with children.

Absheronsky district

Apsheronsk is a city that is popular among lovers of active recreation in the settlements of the region. Mountain hikes are regularly organized here. And of course, the city has wonderful air and wonderful nature.


The city is relatively young, it is only 115 years old. The climate is conducive to relaxation in summer time of the year. The maximum influx of tourists here is expected from May to October. The city has a well-developed infrastructure. This is the most popular resort in the Krasnodar region. In terms of popularity, only the Sochi resort can compare with it.

Hot key

One of the oldest resorts, which is located 60 kilometers from Krasnodar. Goryachy Klyuch is popular because there are more than ten mineral springs.

The resort is also different clean air and gorgeous landscapes.


The city is famous for its very hot summers. In July, the water heats up to + 25 degrees. The beaches are located not in the city, but on spits that go straight into the Black Sea.

Here is Lake Yeisk, which is a source of healing mud.

Mostovsky district

The biggest attraction is the biosphere reserve, which is of international importance.

Mostovskoy district is considered the southeastern gateway of the entire Krasnodar region.

There is incredibly beautiful nature and unusually clean air.


A beautiful city visited by millions of tourists every year.

The infrastructure here is developed no worse than in any modern city in Europe.

There are also a large number of architectural monuments here, because Novorossiysk has the status of a hero city. The city has the largest water park in the Russian Federation.


This resort does not require long description, because everyone already knows about him. Sochi is one of the most famous resorts resorts on the Black Sea and around the world. The infrastructure here has been incredibly developed since the times of the Soviet Union, however, the Winter Olympics gave an additional impetus to its development.

It is believed that a person who came to Sochi once will want to return here in the future, because here you can find entertainment for every taste. It is not without reason that many sports and show business stars prefer to spend their holidays not in foreign resorts, but in beautiful Sochi.

Next to this Black Sea resort there are many settlements smaller ones - Loo, Vardane, Golovinka, Khosta, Kudepsta, Adler.

Temryuk district

The city of Temryuk is perhaps the most picturesque resort, because it is washed by two seas at once: the Black and Azov. The village of Golubitskaya and the village of Peresyp - popular places among vacationers. Wonderful ones here sandy beaches, relatively inexpensive housing, many interesting sights and entertainment (Lotus Valley, mud volcanoes, dolphinarium, winery Phanagoria and much more).

Tuapse district

This place is considered one of the most environmentally friendly on the Black Sea coast.

There are a huge number of settlements in the Krasnodar Territory, resorts, recreation centers and sanatoriums. If a person wants to improve his health, and at the same time take a break from big city, then the Tuapse district is exactly what you need.

The resort area of ​​the Tuapse region stretches on the map for more than sixty kilometers.

A large number of resorts in the Krasnodar Territory that you see on the Black Sea coast offer holidays for every taste and budget. Therefore, everyone can make the best choice for an ideal vacation.

There are really many options - from expensive 5-star hotels in Sochi (Swissоtel Resort Sochi Kamelia or Radisson Rosa Khutor) to the opportunity to have an inexpensive holiday in 2016 in the private sector of small settlements on the sea coast - Kabardinka, Abrau-Durso, Dzhanhot.

Krasnodar region is located in the southwest North Caucasus. A map of the Krasnodar Territory clearly shows that the region borders by sea with Crimea, and by land with Stavropol Territory, Rostov region, the Republic of Abkhazia, Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. The region is washed by two seas: the Black and Azov. The area of ​​the region is 75,485 square meters. km.

The Krasnodar region is divided into 38 municipal districts, 26 cities, 411 villages and 12 urban-type settlements. Largest cities regions - Krasnodar (administrative center), Sochi, Novorossiysk, Armavir and Yeysk.

The economy of the Krasnodar region is based on agriculture and processing industries. Interestingly, the region is the oldest oil-producing region in Russia. In addition, the Krasnodar region is the main supplier of valuable tree species. The region's economy has improved significantly due to investments associated with the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

Historical reference

In 1860, the Black Sea Cossack Army was located on the territory of the modern Krasnodar Territory. In 1917, the Kuban region was formed, which in 1937 was turned into the Krasnodar region.

Must Visit

On a detailed satellite map of the Krasnodar Territory you can see the main resort cities: Sochi, Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Adler, Yeisk and others. It is recommended to visit the waterfalls of the Krasnodar Territory - Bolshoi Adegoysky Waterfall, Grafsky Ruins, Agursky Waterfalls, Gebeussky Waterfalls and the Gorge of 40 Waterfalls. Among the natural attractions, the following also stand out: Mount Svintsovaya in Abinsk, the Abadzekh Gorge near Apsheronsk, the mud volcano Akhtanizovskaya Sopka, Cape Chugovpas and the Dagomys troughs.

It is worth visiting the Champagne Museum in Abrau-Durso, the Gorgippia archaeological reserve in Anapa, the water parks of Gelendzhik, the beaches of Dzhemete, the Old Park in Kabardinka, Mount Shakhan in Krinitsa, Witch Lake in the Mostovsky district, and the Riviera park in Sochi and the Lermontov Museum in Taman.

Note to tourists

Gulrypsh - a holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to his wife’s illness, they needed a change of climate. The matter was decided by chance.


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