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Center height Climate type

dry, moderate continental

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(Georgian) (English)

Located on both banks of the Rioni River at an altitude of 125-300 m above sea level. Kopitnari Airport is located 22 km from the city. The distance to Tbilisi by rail and also by highway is 220 km, to Poti 100 km, and to Batumi 150 km.

The name comes from the Georgian word ქვა - stone, since in ancient times only the northern side of the Rioni River was inhabited (which fits perfectly with the quote below from Procopius of Caesarea), which was rocky.

Kutaisi is called the city of May and roses - სავარდო და სამაისო.

“From the Amaranth Mountains, from afar across the Kirkey plain, the stormy Phasis carries wide waters into the sea. Directing the ship Argo to the mouth of this river, you will be able to see the city of Kitey Eet."

“In this country they are rising very high mountains, covered with forest and difficult to access. They stretch all the way to the Caucasian mountains, and behind them towards the east lies Iberia, extending to the borders of the Perso-Armenians. Through these mountains, rising high into the sky, flows the Phasis River, starting from the Caucasus Mountains and flowing into the middle of this “half-monthly” Gulf of Pontus. Some believe that in this place the Phasis River serves as the border of two continents. The places that go to the left when looking downstream are Asia, and the places that go to the right are called Europe. In the part that belongs to Europe, there are all the populated areas of the Laz, but on the other side of the Laz there are no cities, no fortifications, or a village worthy of any attention, except that the Romans previously built the fortress of Petra here. According to local legends inhabitants, in this part of Lazika there was also that golden fleece, because of which in their myths the poets forced the Hellenes to build Argo "

In ancient times, according to the information of many ancient historians and writers, including those mentioned above, Kutaisi was the capital of the Colchis kingdom, that is, the Colchians - the ancient Georgians. From the 8th to the 13th centuries, Kutaisi was the capital of the Abkhazian Kingdom. It was captured by the Turks in the 1760s and liberated by Russian troops in 1770.


The population of the city and municipality as of January 1, 2016 was 147,900 people, as of January 1, 2014 - 197,000 people, as of January 1, 2005 - 184,500 people, as of 2002 - 186,000 people, as of January 1989 - 234,870 people.

National composition according to the 2002 census

  • Georgians - 181,465 people (97.6%),
  • Russians - 2223 people (1.2%),
  • Armenians - 613 people (0.3%),
  • Ukrainians - 293 people (0.1%),
  • Ossetians - 245 people (0.1%),
  • Azerbaijanis -132 people (0.1%),
  • Greeks - 127 people (0.1%),
  • others - 861 people (0.5%)
    • total - 185,965 people


The climate is humid subtropical. The average annual temperature is +14.5 °C. Based on data for the period 1881-1960. the coldest month of the year is January (its average temperature is +5.2 °C). The warmest month is August (average temperature +23.6 °C). On average, during the summer there are 10-12 days with temperatures of +35 °C and above. The highest air temperature was observed on August 18, 2014 and was +42.2 °C. The lowest temperature, −17.0 °C, was recorded on January 14, 1950. During the year, approx. 1530 mm of precipitation. Strong winds in the spring-autumn period are a frequent occurrence in Kutaisi. During the hurricane in February 1979, the wind speed reached 49 m/s.

Climate of Kutaisi
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 23,7 24,1 30,1 35,1 37,4 39,2 41,5 42,2 40,0 35,0 28,5 24,6 42,2
Average maximum, °C 9,3 10,2 14,6 19,2 25,8 28,2 29,6 31,4 27,6 21,3 14,3 9,1 23,6
Average temperature, °C 5,2 5,8 8,3 13,1 19,4 22,5 23,2 24,6 22,1 15,5 8,6 4,2 14,5
Average minimum, °C 1,2 1,8 4,2 8,8 13,7 17,4 18,7 19,3 16,2 11,3 5,4 2,6 11,1
Absolute minimum, °C −17 −11,2 −9,2 −2,7 2,5 5,6 11,4 9,7 1,9 −3,4 −5,2 −14,2 −17


The main transport in Kutaisi is this moment are minibuses. There is also a city bus (buses used are Steyr SL11 HUA280, Neoplan N407, Gräf & Stift, Neoplan N4007NF, etc.). Two railway stations connect Kutaisi with Western and Eastern Georgia. Also located near the city international Airport Kopitnari, which was reconstructed and reopened at the end of 2012.


A drama theater has been operating in the city since the end of the 19th century, and there is also an opera house.

  • Complex ancient city with Bagrati Temple
  • Gelati monastery complex
  • Geguta complex (ruins) - summer residence of the kings of the 10th-11th centuries

In 2012, the construction of a new building for the Parliament of Georgia was completed, which will move here from Tbilisi. The first meeting of the newly elected parliament took place on October 21, 2012.

Notable natives

  • Valyansky, Mikhail Yakovlevich (1915-1987), participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Dzotsenidze, Georgy Samsonovich (1910-1976) - Georgian geologist, full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR (1955), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968).
  • Mzhavanadze, Vasily Pavlovich (1902-1988) - Soviet party leader, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia (1953-72). Hero of Socialist Labor (1962).
  • Mikhailov, Viktor Vasilyevich (1901-1990) - Soviet scientist, academician of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR (1956). Founder of the theory and technology of using prestressed reinforced concrete in the USSR. Winner of the Stalin Prize (1949, 1950).
  • Molodov, Sergey Georgievich
  • Otrakovsky, Alexander Ivanovich - Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Gobedzhishvili, David Nikolaevich (b. 1963) - Georgian, Soviet freestyle wrestler in the weight category up to 130 kg, Olympic champion (1988), World champion (1985, 1990) and European champion (1985). Inducted into the International Amateur Wrestling Federation Hall of Fame. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1985).

Twin Cities

  • Greece Greece, Nicaea
  • Ukraine Ukraine, Dnepr
  • Ukraine Ukraine, Kharkov
  • Ukraine Ukraine, Donetsk
  • Ukraine Ukraine Zhitomir
  • Poland Poland, Poznan
  • Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, Ganja
  • Armenia Armenia, Gyumri
  • Israel Israel, Ashkelon
  • UK UK, Newport

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Topographic maps

  • Map Sheet K-38-62 Kutaisi. Scale: 1: 100,000. Indicate the date of issue/state of the area.


Excerpt characterizing Kutaisi

“What is he now? Is he confused? Angry? Should I fix this? she asked herself. She couldn't help but look back. She looked straight into his eyes, and his closeness and confidence, and the good-natured tenderness of his smile defeated her. She smiled just like him, looking straight into his eyes. And again she felt with horror that there was no barrier between him and her.
The curtain rose again. Anatole left the box, calm and cheerful. Natasha returned to her father’s box, completely subjugated to the world in which she found herself. Everything that happened in front of her already seemed completely natural to her; but for that, all her previous thoughts about the groom, about Princess Marya, about village life never once entered her head, as if all that was a long, long time ago.
In the fourth act there was some kind of devil who sang, waving his hand until the boards were pulled out under him and he sat down there. Natasha saw only this from the fourth act: something worried and tormented her, and the cause of this excitement was Kuragin, whom she involuntarily followed with her eyes. As they were leaving the theater, Anatole approached them, called their carriage and picked them up. As he sat Natasha down, he shook her hand above the elbow. Natasha, excited and red, looked back at him. He looked at her, his eyes sparkling and smiling tenderly.

Only after arriving home, Natasha could clearly think through everything that had happened to her, and suddenly remembering Prince Andrei, she was horrified, and in front of everyone over tea, which everyone sat down to after the theater, she gasped loudly and ran out of the room, flushed. - "My God! I'm dead! she said to herself. How could I let this happen?” she thought. She sat for a long time, covering her flushed face with her hands, trying to give herself a clear account of what had happened to her, and could neither understand what had happened to her, nor what she felt. Everything seemed dark, unclear and scary to her. There, in this huge, illuminated hall, where Duport jumped on the wet boards to the music with bare legs in a jacket with sequins, and girls, and old men, and Helen, naked with a calm and proud smile, shouted “bravo” in delight - there, under the shadow of this Helen , there it was all clear and simple; but now alone, with herself, it was incomprehensible. - "What it is? What was this fear that I felt for him? What is this remorse that I feel now? she thought.
Natasha would be able to tell the old countess alone in bed at night everything that she thought. Sonya, she knew, with her stern and integral gaze, either would not have understood anything, or would have been horrified by her confession. Natasha, alone with herself, tried to resolve what was tormenting her.
“Did I die for the love of Prince Andrei or not? she asked herself and with a reassuring smile answered herself: What kind of fool am I that I ask this? What happened to me? Nothing. I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything to cause this. No one will know, and I will never see him again, she told herself. It became clear that nothing had happened, that there was nothing to repent of, that Prince Andrei could love me just like that. But what kind? Oh God, my God! Why isn’t he here?” Natasha calmed down for a moment, but then again some instinct told her that although all this was true and although nothing had happened, instinct told her that all the former purity of her love for Prince Andrey had perished. And again in her imagination she repeated her entire conversation with Kuragin and imagined the face, gestures and gentle smile of this handsome and brave man, while he shook her hand.

Anatol Kuragin lived in Moscow because his father sent him away from St. Petersburg, where he lived more than twenty thousand a year in money and the same amount in debts that creditors demanded from his father.
The father announced to his son that he was paying half of his debts for the last time; but only so that he would go to Moscow to the post of adjutant to the commander-in-chief, which he procured for him, and would finally try to make a good match there. He pointed him to Princess Marya and Julie Karagina.
Anatole agreed and went to Moscow, where he stayed with Pierre. Pierre accepted Anatole reluctantly at first, but then got used to him, sometimes went with him on his carousings and, under the pretext of a loan, gave him money.
Anatole, as Shinshin rightly said about him, since he arrived in Moscow, drove all the Moscow ladies crazy, especially because he neglected them and obviously preferred gypsies and French actresses to them, with the head of which, Mademoiselle Georges, as they said, he was in intimate relations. He did not miss a single revelry with Danilov and other merry fellows of Moscow, drank all night long, outdrinking everyone, and attended all the evenings and balls of high society. They talked about several of his intrigues with Moscow ladies, and at balls he courted some. But he did not get close to girls, especially rich brides, who for the most part were all bad, especially since Anatole, which no one knew except his closest friends, had been married two years ago. Two years ago, while his regiment was stationed in Poland, a poor Polish landowner forced Anatole to marry his daughter.
Anatole very soon abandoned his wife and, for the money that he agreed to send to his father-in-law, he negotiated for himself the right to be considered a single man.
Anatole was always pleased with his position, himself and others. He was instinctively convinced with his whole being that he could not live differently than the way he lived, and that he had never done anything bad in his life. He was unable to think about how his actions might affect others, nor what might come of such or such an action. He was convinced that just as a duck was created in such a way that it should always live in water, so he was created by God in such a way that he should live with an income of thirty thousand and always occupy the highest position in society. He believed in this so firmly that, looking at him, others were convinced of this and did not deny him either a higher position in the world or money, which he obviously borrowed without return from those he met and those who met him.
He was not a gambler, at least he never wanted to win. He wasn't vain. He didn't care at all what people thought about him. Still less could he be guilty of ambition. He teased his father several times, ruining his career, and laughed at all the honors. He was not stingy and did not refuse anyone who asked him. The only thing he loved was fun and women, and since, according to his concepts, there was nothing ignoble in these tastes, and he could not think about what came out of satisfying his tastes for other people, in his soul he believed considered himself an impeccable person, sincerely despised scoundrels and bad people and carried his head high with a calm conscience.
The revelers, these male Magdalenes, have a secret sense of consciousness of innocence, the same as the female Magdalenes, based on the same hope of forgiveness. “Everything will be forgiven to her, because she loved a lot, and everything will be forgiven to him, because he had a lot of fun.”
Dolokhov, who this year appeared again in Moscow after his exile and Persian adventures, and led a luxurious gambling and carousing life, became close to his old St. Petersburg comrade Kuragin and used him for his own purposes.
Anatole sincerely loved Dolokhov for his intelligence and daring. Dolokhov, who needed the name, nobility, connections of Anatoly Kuragin to lure rich young people into his gambling society, without letting him feel this, used and amused himself with Kuragin. In addition to the calculation for which he needed Anatol, the very process of controlling someone else’s will was a pleasure, a habit and a need for Dolokhov.
Natasha made a strong impression on Kuragin. At dinner after the theater, with the techniques of a connoisseur, he examined in front of Dolokhov the dignity of her arms, shoulders, legs and hair, and announced his decision to drag himself after her. What could come out of this courtship - Anatole could not think about it and know, just as he never knew what would come out of each of his actions.
“It’s good, brother, but not about us,” Dolokhov told him.
“I’ll tell my sister to call her for dinner,” said Anatole. - A?
- You better wait until she gets married...
“You know,” said Anatole, “j”adore les petites filles: [I adore girls:] - now he’ll get lost.
“You’ve already fallen for a petite fille [girl],” said Dolokhov, who knew about Anatole’s marriage. - Look!
- Well, you can’t do it twice! A? – Anatole said, laughing good-naturedly.

The next day after the theater, the Rostovs did not go anywhere and no one came to them. Marya Dmitrievna, hiding something from Natasha, was talking with her father. Natasha guessed that they were talking about the old prince and making up something, and this bothered and offended her. She waited for Prince Andrei every minute, and twice that day she sent the janitor to Vzdvizhenka to find out if he had arrived. He didn't come. It was now harder for her than the first days of her arrival. Her impatience and sadness about him were joined by an unpleasant memory of her meeting with Princess Marya and the old prince, and fear and anxiety, for which she did not know the reason. It seemed to her that either he would never come, or that something would happen to her before he arrived. She could not, as before, calmly and continuously, alone with herself, think about him. As soon as she began to think about him, the memory of him was joined by the memory of the old prince, of Princess Marya and of the last performance, and of Kuragin. She again wondered if she was guilty, if her loyalty to Prince Andrei had already been violated, and again she found herself remembering in the smallest detail every word, every gesture, every shade of play of expression on the face of this man, who knew how to arouse in her something incomprehensible to her. and a terrible feeling. To the eyes of her family, Natasha seemed more lively than usual, but she was far from being as calm and happy as she had been before.
On Sunday morning, Marya Dmitrievna invited her guests to mass at her parish of the Assumption on Mogiltsy.
“I don’t like these fashionable churches,” she said, apparently proud of her free-thinking. - There is only one God everywhere. Our priest is wonderful, he serves decently, it’s so noble, and so is the deacon. Does this make it so sacred that people sing concerts in the choir? I don’t like it, it’s just self-indulgence!
Marya Dmitrievna loved Sundays and knew how to celebrate them. Her house was all washed and cleaned on Saturday; people and she were not working, everyone was dressed up for the holidays, and everyone was attending mass. Food was added to the master's dinner, and people were given vodka and roast goose or pig. But nowhere in the whole house was the holiday more noticeable than on Marya Dmitrievna’s broad, stern face, which on that day assumed an unchanging expression of solemnity.
When they had drunk coffee after mass, in the living room with the covers removed, Marya Dmitrievna was informed that the carriage was ready, and she, with a stern look, dressed in the ceremonial shawl in which she made visits, stood up and announced that she was going to Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky to explain to him about Natasha.
After Marya Dmitrievna left, a milliner from Madame Chalmet came to the Rostovs, and Natasha, having closed the door in the room next to the living room, very pleased with the entertainment, began trying on new dresses. While she was putting on a sour cream bodice still without sleeves and bending her head, looking in the mirror at how the back was sitting, she heard in the living room the animated sounds of her father’s voice and another, female voice, which made her blush. It was Helen's voice. Before Natasha had time to take off the bodice she was trying on, the door opened and Countess Bezukhaya entered the room, beaming with a good-natured and affectionate smile, in a dark purple, high-necked velvet dress.
- Ah, ma delicieuse! [Oh, my charming one!] - she said to the blushing Natasha. - Charmante! [Charming!] No, this is not like anything, my dear Count,” she said to Ilya Andreich, who came in after her. – How to live in Moscow and not travel anywhere? No, I won't leave you alone! This evening M lle Georges is reciting and some people will gather; and if you don’t bring your beauties, who are better than M lle Georges, then I don’t want to know you. My husband is gone, he left for Tver, otherwise I would have sent him for you. Be sure to come, definitely, at nine o'clock. “She nodded her head to a milliner she knew, who sat down respectfully to her, and sat down on a chair next to the mirror, picturesquely spreading out the folds of her velvet dress. She did not stop chatting good-naturedly and cheerfully, constantly admiring Natasha’s beauty. She examined her dresses and praised them, and boasted about her new dress en gaz metallique, [made of metal-colored gas], which she received from Paris and advised Natasha to do the same.
“However, everything suits you, my lovely,” she said.
The smile of pleasure never left Natasha's face. She felt happy and blossoming under the praises of this dear Countess Bezukhova, who had previously seemed to her such an unapproachable and important lady, and who was now so kind to her. Natasha felt cheerful and felt almost in love with this so beautiful and such a good-natured woman. Helen, for her part, sincerely admired Natasha and wanted to amuse her. Anatole asked her to set him up with Natasha, and for this she came to the Rostovs. The thought of setting up her brother with Natasha amused her.
Despite the fact that she had previously been annoyed with Natasha for having taken Boris away from her in St. Petersburg, she now did not think about it, and with all her soul, in her own way, wished Natasha well. Leaving the Rostovs, she withdrew her protegee aside.
- Yesterday my brother dined with me - we were dying of laughter - he didn’t eat anything and sighed for you, my precious. Il est fou, mais fou amoureux de vous, ma chere. [He goes crazy, but he goes crazy with love for you, my dear.]
Natasha blushed crimson hearing these words.
- How she blushes, how she blushes, ma delicieuse! [my precious!] - said Helen. - Definitely come. Si vous aimez quelqu"un, ma delicieuse, ce n"est pas une raison pour se cloitrer. Si meme vous etes promise, je suis sure que votre promis aurait desire que vous alliez dans le monde en son absence plutot que de deperir d'ennui. [Just because you love someone, my lovely, you should not live like a nun. Even if you are a bride, I am sure that your groom would prefer that you go out into society in his absence than die of boredom.]

In western Georgia, on the banks of the Rioni River, lies a surprisingly calm, strikingly beautiful, one of the oldest cities in the world, the city of Kutaisi, the administrative center of Imereti. Today Kutaisi ranks second in population and third in economic importance among all cities in Georgia.

Since its founding, Kutaisi has been the capital of the Abkhazian and later Imereti kingdoms. During Soviet times, Kutaisi was turned into the most important industrial region of Georgia. Since 2012, the city has been the parliamentary capital of Georgia.

In a strange way, modern architectural structures, classic Stalinist five-story buildings and ancient architectural monuments of world significance coexist perfectly in the city.

The Rioni River stretches across the entire city, dividing the city into two parts. The right bank is the old part of Kutaisi, where the historical and cultural attractions of the city are located; numerous new buildings are located on the left bank. Both parts are connected by a number of picturesque bridges and footbridges, emphasizing the majestic beauty of the city and giving it a unique flavor.

Weather in Kutaisi

Kutaisi and its surroundings have a subtropical humid climate. The weather throughout Imereti and in Kutaisi in particular is characterized by strong gusty winds in the spring and autumn. During heavy rains, the water level in the river rises, and city streets are often under water. In winter, the average temperature ranges from 0 to +4 °C, and in summer - +25...+27 °C. The winter absolute maximum is +17 °C, the summer maximum is +44 °C.


The city of Kutaisi is located in the territory Colchis lowland, much of which was formerly covered with magnificent forests. Today, most of it is used for growing agricultural crops such as citrus fruits, tea, grapes, etc.

A rushing river flows through the city Rioni, which originates in the mountains rising above the plain.

The streets, squares, parks and public gardens of the city are surrounded by greenery. One of the districts of Kutaisi is called Mtsvanekvavila, which literally translates to “green flower garden.”

Caves in Kutaisi

A unique natural formation is the famous karst Sataplia caves- one of the main tourist sites in western Georgia near Kutaisi. There are five caves in Sataplia, where amazing representatives of the flora and fauna can be found. Only one of them is presented to visitors. Well-preserved dinosaur tracks have been found in the caves. The vaults of underground palaces are decorated with huge stalactites and stalagmites of the most bizarre shapes. Underwater rivers seethe here, continually making more and more passages for themselves. And from Mount Sataplia itself, in which these amazing caves are located, one can see scenic view in Kutaisi and its surroundings.

Attractions in Kutaisi

Temple of Bagrat

As a legacy from its majestic past, modern Kutaisi received a number of architectural monuments, which are included in the UNESCO List world heritage. One of these monuments is Bagrati Temple, standing on the very ancient place in the city - on Ukemerion Hill. For a long time, the Bagrati Temple was a symbol of a united Georgia, because it was here that King David IV was crowned, who created a unified Georgian kingdom. The temple was partially destroyed during the Turkish attack in the 17th century. and did not recover after that. Since 2001, open-air services have been held here.


Of great historical interest is the historical architectural Gelati complex, located 11 km from Kutaisi. The complex includes:

  • Gelati Monastery of the Virgin Mary,
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
  • academy,
  • three-tier bell tower.

Thanks to the academy, where the country's best scientists taught and practiced science, Gelati became the center of scientific life in medieval Georgia. Gelati was also the tomb of the Imereti kings.

Motsameta Monastery

While sightseeing in Kutaisi, you should pay attention to the small picturesque monastery with pointed round turrets, which is called Motsameta. The monastery stands above the river itself, surrounded by coastal greenery. According to legend, it was built on the site of the execution of the Georgian princes Constantine and David Mkheidze, who refused to convert to Islam. The relics of these great martyrs are kept inside the monastery. The building was rebuilt in the 10th and 19th centuries.

A walk through the streets of the old part of the city, where low stone and brick houses are located on steep mountain slopes, as if hanging over each other, will leave a unique impression.


The most vibrant and refined gastronomy of Georgia is Imeretian cuisine. It is based on the active use of all kinds of herbs and vegetables. This is due to the fact that for centuries the inhabitants of Imereti, a rocky and low-yielding region, had to show rich imagination to invent culinary masterpieces. For example, beet and radish tops, nettles, spinach, cabbage and young shoots of bushes are used to prepare delicious “mkhali”. All ingredients are boiled, nut dressing, garlic and spices are added to them. The dish amazes the imagination of the most fastidious gourmets.

The main meat product of Imereti is chicken, cooked with all kinds of sauces: isrim-makvali (from blackberries and unripe grapes), garlic sauce, tkamali (from tkemali fruits), tomato-walnut sauce with herbs, etc.

Particularly popular are Imeretian khachapuri, richly filled with Imeretian (lightly salted) cheese, cooked in special clay pans - ketsah.

The most popular type of bread in Imereti is corn cakes.

Restaurants and cafes in Kutaisi will delight their guests with traditional Imeretian dishes. The menu in most establishments is compiled only in Georgian, so you should use the services of a waiter to make a choice that can best suit your taste.

Accommodation and housing prices

Various hotels, hostels and guest houses. Hotels that provide a wide range of services to their clients are Imeri Park Hotel (cost of stay from $50 per person), Hotel Kolkha(from 70 $), Hotel Rcheuli Palace and etc.

The cost of living in hostels and guest houses, depending on the time of year, varies from $15 to $20 per person per day.

Detailed information about places to stay in Kutaisi can be obtained from the tourist information center, which recently opened in Kutaisi.

Entertainment and relaxation

A number of museums in Kutaisi offer their exhibitions to the attention of residents and guests of the city. Kutaisi has a unique historical Museum , which stores amazing specimens dating back to the Bronze Age (cult and ritual objects, animal figurines, jewelry made of clay, stone, precious metals, etc.). The museum displays a rich collection of firearms and bladed weapons.

Vladimir Mayakovsky spent his childhood in Kutaisi, so today he works in the city memory museum poet.

Fans of theatrical art can visit the renovated Opera and Ballet Theatre, and Kutaisi Drama Theater.


The markets of Kutaisi sell the best spices in the country. The collection of Imeretian spices will be an original, useful and unforgettable gift for anyone who loves to cook deliciously. Experts know that real “ tklapi"(sun-dried tkemali plum puree, which is an indispensable ingredient for making kharcho) can only be bought there.


The main public mode of transport is the bus. Minibuses are also widespread, plying to all sorts of destinations. There are many taxis in the city. During non-working hours, this is the only type of transport that can be used to get, for example, from the airport to the hotel. By the way, in Kutaisi, as in all cities of Georgia, to find housing, you just need to ask a taxi driver. The cost of the trip should be agreed upon in advance.

The Kutaisi cable car deserves special attention. It leads to one of the city's recreational parks. From a bird's eye view you can admire the panorama of the city.


In Georgia today, Internet communications are rapidly developing everywhere. In Kutaisi, there are several Internet cafes in the central part of the city. The cost of the service is relatively low - about $0.5 per hour of being online.

Tourists traveling with a laptop can use the Internet via Wi-Fi, which is available free of charge in almost all hotels, guest houses, and hostels. You can also purchase a wireless Internet card from operators mobile communications (Geocell, Magti, Beeline). The cost of the Internet will be about $15 per 1 GB of traffic.

You can call abroad using: mobile phone, or by using the services of call centers located in central post offices.


For a long time, the city of Kutaisi was considered the thieves' capital of Georgia, but after police reform, the situation changed dramatically. During the reform, all employees were completely dismissed from the police and new personnel were recruited, salaries of police officers were significantly increased, strict penalties for bribes were introduced (imprisonment for up to 10 years), police units were equipped with modern technology and equipment.

The city was divided into small squares, in which certain employees are responsible for order, who, if necessary, can get to the crime scene within 5 minutes. As a result of all these transformations, crime in the city (and country) has today been almost completely eliminated.

Business climate

During the implementation of liberal reforms in Georgia, economic activity in the country is increasing. The result of the radical tax reform that was carried out in Georgia was a sharp reduction in the share of the shadow economy and the attraction of significant foreign investment.

Kutaisi's business climate has intensified significantly in recent years. The location of the city is not far from the Black Sea and in picturesque mountains, concealing many ancient unique structures, contributes to the transformation of Kutaisi into one of the main tourist centers of Georgia. The reconstruction of the airport had a positive impact on the revival of tourism in the region. Kopitnari" The beauty and uniqueness of the ancient city is emphasized by a modern street lighting system, which, in addition to its aesthetic function, has an environmental function, while reducing energy consumption by several times.

There is a free industrial zone in Kutaisi - a specially equipped area for the operation of industrial enterprises.

Real estate prices

As a result of the transfer of parliament from Tbilisi to Kutaisi, the city experienced a significant increase in real estate prices. First of all, this affected real estate on Irakli Abashidze Avenue in the immediate vicinity of the parliament building. Today, the average price for rented housing is about $250, while in many areas of the city there is no hot and often cold water.

After a long period of stagnation, the development of Kutaisi has recently begun; in this regard, tourists should remember that they can pay with a credit card only in a few places (large restaurants, hotels, shops). The standard of living of the population is still quite low, so it is better to exchange cash with a large denomination for bills of a lower denomination.

When going on a trip to Imereti, you should be prepared for the fact that many houses and even hostels may not have both hot water and heating.

You should also be careful about prohibitions in public places, for example, the ban on smoking - the fine will be about $6.

You should refrain from conversations that involve national themes, and from jokes about Georgians. A respectful attitude towards the hosts of the city will provide guests with the most cordial welcome.

The city of Kutaisi is located in Imereti. It has an ancient history dating back more than 2,500 years. In antiquity, the city was the capital of the legendary Colchis kingdom; it was here that the Argonauts sailed for the Golden Fleece. Kutaisi throughout its history has played an important role in political life Georgia, and in 2012 it became the parliamentary capital of the country.

The river on which Kutaisi stands was called Phasis in ancient times, now it is Rioni - one of the deepest rivers in Transcaucasia and a natural landmark of the region.

And here you can see truly holy places and feel the atmosphere ancient streets city ​​and appreciate the warm Georgian hospitality. In this article we will tell you in detail what you can see in Kutaisi in 1-2 days.

What to see in Kutaisi

The center of Kutaisi is, of course, the cobblestone-paved David the Builder Square. The bus “Bus station – Railway station” runs here. And the first thing that attracts attention in the square is the Colchis fountain, built recently, in 2011-12. In the words of ex-President Saakashvili, “the most expensive fountain in Georgia.”

It is round in shape and consists of 5 tiers (cascades). On each of them there are figures of animals, as well as a man with a horn filled with wine. These are enlarged exact copies of figurines from the era of the Colchis kingdom found during excavations. The upper tier is the smallest, there are two gilded horses in armor - the horses of the legendary king Aeta. All levels are lined with polished stone, the pedestals are lined with blue tiles.

In the evening, the fountain is very beautifully illuminated, as is the Lado Meskhishvili Theater located opposite.

The theater building is a classic in the best sense of the word. Four pairs of columns with posters at the entrance seem to invite you to attend the performance. On both sides of the entrance there are beautiful rows of arched windows. Inside there is an oval-shaped auditorium with a capacity of 700 seats. The theater was built back in 1860, and since then performances have been regularly held here. Standing in front of the theater building and the fountain, you can see a little higher the famous Bagrati Cathedral, to which the street of the same name leads.

In general, central Kutaisi has streets paved with stone and the atmosphere of a real ancient European town. Everything is clean and well maintained. The low buildings have been restored and have a very respectable appearance. Sometimes it seems that you are somewhere in Slovakia. But this is Kutaisi, Georgia.

On the other side of the square, along Shota Rustaveli Avenue, there is the Kutaisi City Square, where you can calmly stroll in the evening and admire the well-groomed flower beds. There is a complex of fountains and sculptural compositions, for example, a monument to the sister musicians. Two girls sing sweetly in expressive poses, and to the right and left of them their sisters (or friends) play guitars.

If you walk along the street. Tsereteli and turn onto the street. Pushkin, then you can go straight to the White Bridge.

It was built in 1872. The bridge has 3 spans, it is metal and stands on stone supports. Structural elements were custom-made in France. The bridge got its name because of the color of the paint with which it is covered. Don’t rush to leave here, stand at the railing and admire the running Rioni and the magnificent view of the city. The sculpture of a boy with two hats in his hands, preparing to jump from a bridge in Rioni, immediately attracts attention. This is one of the moments in the film “An Extraordinary Exhibition” (1968), which was filmed here. The boy is an episodic character. In the film, he jumps into the Rioni, abruptly taking off the hats of the main character and his actor friend. Then he floats up and theatrically shouts to them: “Ampreduso-meduso!”

Sights of Kutaisi

Historical Museum

Located a little further from the central square, you need to walk a little along the street. Tsereteli to the intersection with the street. Pushkin. Located nearby bus stop"Tsereteli". The museum is located in an old two-story building right on the corner. It is elegantly decorated inside. An adult ticket costs 3 lari ($1.1). Opening hours: from 10 to 18-00, closed on Monday.

The museum's exposition includes ethnographic, numismatic and archaeological collections. The museum also houses more than 900 ancient manuscripts and documents - they are of interest to historians.

In the ethnographic department you can see traditional clothing, weapons of different periods (from the Middle Ages to the present day), armor, and household items. The numismatics fund includes more than 10 thousand coins, ranging from antique ones. The archaeological department makes it possible to see artifacts of the Colchis kingdom, mentioned in historical works and ancient Greek myths, found during excavations.

In general, this place is worth visiting for anyone interested in Georgian history.

Cable car

There is a cable car landing station next to the White Bridge. For 50 tetri ($0.2) you can ride through the Rioni to the other side, to the Visarion Gabashvili Park. The equipment is still from the Soviet period, however, everything works properly. The river in Kutaisi flows rapidly and it is interesting to watch it from the cabin and from the observation deck located above. In this position you will see the full landscape of Kutaisi: a cozy Georgian town on both sides of the river against the backdrop of mountains towering in the distance.

Tamara: mega positive, bright and filled with optimism. Not only does she know her city very well, but she is also a certified wine guide and an excellent cook. Would you like to get some free advice about making the right choice Georgian wine or the secret of making khinkali - this is for you! But what is most striking about her is her love for her city. It was after her excursion that I began to relate to this city differently. She knows how to talk about him in such a way that after the tour he seems like family.

Tamara's excursions: Kutaisi is the capital of western Georgia, The underground kingdom of Prometheus + Okatse Canyon - at a bird's eye view.

And if you want real adventure, then book rafting on Rioni. Rafting in the homeland of Khvanchkara - it's not just an alloy. This unique nature, soulful company, a picnic and a short excursion to the sights.

Excursions from locals are not only more interesting, but also cheaper than if booked from Batumi or Tbilisi.

This is another symbol of modern, modernizing Kutaisi, just like the central square, bears the name of David the Builder. It is located 14 km from the city and can be reached by minibus, going in this direction.

The terminal building is modern, glazed, a bit oddly shaped, but everything here is organized conscientiously. Very comfortable sofas with window sills will allow you to lie down and relax, this is much better than ordinary waiting rooms. A couple of shops tourist centre, information desk, Wi-Fi – what else does a vacationer or tourist need? There is a car park and a car rental office next to the terminal. The length of the runway is approximately 2.5 km.

All these transformations made it possible to assign the airport category A and international status; it is the third most important in Georgia. It is planned to open new directions in the near future.

How to get to Kutaisi

There are several options.

If you live in neighboring countries, then a flight is perfect, because near the city there is a small, but brand new and cozy Kopitnari airport. It opened in 2012 and is constantly being modernized. Minibuses run regularly from the airport to the city center; the fare is 3 lari ($1.1). The “Airport-Bus Station” bus also costs 3 GEL. A taxi costs much more - 15-25 lari ($5.5-9.3) depending on the destination.

There is an option to get to Kutaisi by train from Tbilisi, the cost of such a trip is 11 lari ($4.1), duration is 5.5 hours.

They go from Tbilisi intercity buses, such a trip will cost 16 lari ($6).

The bus from Batumi runs every hour from 8 am to 6 pm. The duration of the trip is about two hours. Price - 10 lari ($3.7)


Many architectural and historical monuments have been preserved in Kutaisi. And they are in the first row of its attractions. The good news is that all of them have undergone restoration and even restoration from ruins (like the Bagrati Cathedral). In Kutaisi, you really have the opportunity to see the graceful, stone-paved city and experience the history by visiting its medieval monasteries.

However, new buildings made of metal and glass also deserve attention. They create the modern look of the city.

I would like to note the truly beautiful nature around, including the fast Rioni River crossing the city, and picturesque forests. And Kutaisi itself looks very interesting against the backdrop of the mountains. It is, like Georgia, small, cozy and hospitable. The wonderful impressions of a trip here will last a lifetime, and you will definitely want to come back!

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  • Address: Kutaisi

    Kutaisi, Imereti, Georgia

    Kutaisi is a city of extraordinary beauty in western Georgia, located on two banks of the Rioni River. Yours historical name The city got its name from the word “kuato”, which is translated from ancient Georgian as “rocky” and characterizes the city’s location on a steep rocky area. Arriving in, you not only find yourself in an ancient Southern City, you find yourself in a corner ancient history this hospitable country.

    Kutaisi is one of the most ancient cities in the world. The first monuments confirming its existence date back to the 6th century BC. The population is 150 thousand people - the city ranks 2nd in terms of population in Georgia.

    Geographical location and structure of the city

    Kutaisi flag

    Kutaisi is located on the Colchis lowland. Earlier most the cities were occupied by picturesque forests. Today, fruits are grown here, including tropical fruits and tea. The landscapes are simply mesmerizing. Architectural buildings, parks, boulevards, squares and small streets are decorated with bright green spaces. And all this against the backdrop of the most beautiful mountains.

    coat of arms of Kutaisi

    Kutaisi is the administrative center of Imereti. Imereti is a historically formed region in western Georgia. The area of ​​the city is 70 square meters. km. The city is conventionally divided into two completely different parts - the old and modern city. The Rioni River stretches along their border.

    Kutaisi on the map of Georgia

    The old town is located on the right bank of the Rioni and is a center of architectural masterpieces, historical and cultural attractions. Here you can see the remains of the fortress wall, which surrounded the city at the end of the 19th century. Old city. The residential areas of the ancient part of Kutaisi are picturesque one-story and small two-story houses, densely standing on the river bank, like swallows' nests.

    Residential quarter in the ancient part of the city

    The parliament of Georgia is located in the old part of the city, which is why Kutaisi is also called the parliamentary capital. This is a creation of architecture, made of glass in the shape of a hemisphere.

    The modern part of the city is the opposite of the historical one. It stretches along the left bank of the Rioni River. Numerous high-rise buildings rise here, surrounded by trimmed and manicured lawns. The streets are lined with modern sculptures, and the roads themselves are paved with paving slabs.

    The old and modern city are connected by numerous bridges across the river. They offer a beautiful view, emphasizing all the splendor and picturesqueness of the city of Kutaisi.

    Bridge connecting the ancient and modern parts of the city

    Climate and weather

    The climate of Kutaisi is subtropical, with high humidity, hence the weather. In spring and autumn there are often heavy rains, which overwhelm the river and it overflows its banks. Often the streets of the city are flooded with water. These seasons are also accompanied by strong winds.

    Rainy autumn day in Kutaisi

    Winter enjoys warm weather, and summer is hot. The average temperature in winter is 4-6C above zero. The coldest month according to meteorologists is January. In summer the average temperature is 22-25C. However, in summer (most often in August), as a rule, the temperature stays at 35C for 1.5-2 weeks.

    The strongest wind in Kutaisi was recorded in 1979. The hurricane's speed was 49 m/s.


    A special place among folk traditions is occupied by the celebration of the city day, which is called Kutaisoba. This custom was started by the wife of the governor of Kutaisi, Sasha Chikovani, on May 2, 1905. On this day, she held a charity event, which consisted of collecting help for sick people.

    On this day, Sasha Chikovani went out into the street and began selling daisies, and all the residents of the city joined her: from women from high society to high school girls. All funds collected were donated as humanitarian aid to hospitals.

    Since then, city residents have celebrated City Day or Kutaisoba every year on May 2, paying tribute to traditions and doing good deeds.


    The Georgian language has several dialects. Throughout Imereti and in Kutaisi in particular, the indigenous people speak Georgian with an Imeretian dialect.

    This dialect has minor phonetic differences. For example, the name of the city in this dialect sounds like “Kuteisi”.

    The speech of city residents is fast, loud, and temperamental.

    Attractions in Kutaisi

    Kutaisi is a large and significant city. There's a lot in it.

    The main attraction of Kutaisi is rightfully considered to be a huge and majestic cathedral located on Ukemerion Hill. The temple can be seen from all sides of the city, so finding it is not difficult. The temple is more than a thousand years old; it was built in 1003. Tourists are recommended to visit this architectural monument without fail.


    The cuisine of Imereti, the center of which is the city of Kutaisi, is considered the most delicious and sophisticated in Georgia. The peculiarity of the cuisine is the preparation of dishes with a large number of vegetables, herbs, spices and herbs.

    Traditional pkhali salad is prepared from beets, radishes, onions, cilantro, basil and spinach. The ingredients are boiled and seasoned with a sauce of oil, garlic and spices (khmeli-suneli, red hot pepper, coriander).

    Few people will be left indifferent by the Imeretian ones. They are dough rolled into a bag with meat, mushroom or cheese filling and, of course, spices.

    As for meat, Imeretian cuisine gives preference to chicken. It is served with various sauces: isrim-makvali (from blackberries and green grapes), nut, tomato, garlic and others.

    Chicken with sauce

    Imeretian khachapuri filled with lightly salted cheese made using a special technology will conquer even the most sophisticated gourmets. And the main bakery product in Kutaisi is lean flatbreads made from corn flour - mchadi.

    In restaurants and cafes in Kutaisi, the menu, as a rule, is written only in Georgian. Contact the waiter, he will help you place your order.

    Kutaisi is a very attractive city for tourists. It attracts guests historical monuments architecture, beautiful nature and clean mountain air. If you visit here once, this city will forever remain in your heart.

    Do you want to come here? The Viva-Georgia team will organize an excursion or tour for you, create the optimal travel route and provide any other assistance during the trip.

    I was traveling to Kutaisi, the capital of the Imereti region, knowing only that it is the second most important city in Georgia. The acquaintance turned out to be quite rapid, but this made it even brighter.

    It’s worth coming to Kutaisi to remember the legend of the Argonauts, see the most expensive fountain in Georgia, walk along the stone river bed, cross the 19th century wooden bridge and go to the cable car to drink coffee.

    How to get there

    Kutaisi is conveniently located - in the very center of Georgia. Therefore, when planning your trip to Sakartvelo (I really like to call Georgia exactly as the locals do), consider starting with Kutaisi.

    By plane

    Kutaisi Airport is called Kopitnari and is located just 14 kilometers from the city. It opened in 2012, but in just a few years it managed to become one of the most important transport hubs in Georgia.

    Often, air tickets to Kutaisi are cheaper than to Tbilisi, besides, you will immediately find yourself in the heart of the country, and cities such as Tbilisi or will be equidistant from you. In addition, it is much closer from here to Svaneti, a wonderful mountainous region, while the journey to Svaneti from Tbilisi will take up to 9 hours by minibus.

    You can get from Kopitnari airport to the center of Kutaisi by a regularly running bus for a couple of dollars or by taxi for about $10–15. In addition, from Kutaisi airport you can travel to other large cities: Tbilisi, Zugdidi.

    By train

    There is currently no railway connection between Russia and Kutaisi. There used to be a wonderful train - Batumi. However, it still didn’t pass by Kutaisi, but you could get off at any coastal station and get to Kutaisi by bus.

    Now the train to Kutaisi runs from Tbilisi (travel time about 2-3 hours, ticket price from $5).

    By bus

    In summer there is a bus route - Batumi, which runs through the heart of Imereti. Departure from the Shchelkovsky bus station in Moscow, travel time - 48 hours, costs from $70. A journey for the strong in spirit and body. Check with the station ticket office for details.

    By car

    For land travelers, there is only one road along which you can get to Kutaisi. If you are coming from Russia, then you cannot avoid Vladikavkaz and the Verkhniy Lars border checkpoint.

    Be careful when choosing this route. For example, in June 2016, the Terek overflowed its banks and destroyed the roadway, as a result of which the border was closed and people found themselves in an unpleasant situation. This is the weather, and it is almost impossible to predict its behavior.

    If the situation is favorable, you will cross the border of Georgia, drive along the Georgian Military Road, pass Tbilisi and move to the west of the country. There you will meet Kutaisi.

    Previously, it was much more convenient to drive through Abkhazia (from the side), but now this route cannot be used. If you cross the border of Abkhazia, the Georgians will consider you a border violator (because this republic is not recognized by them) and, at best, will forever ban you from entering Sakartvelo. At worst, you will face a fine and arrest.


    Kutaisi - the time is now

    Hour difference:

    Moscow − 1

    Kazan − 1

    Samara 0

    Ekaterinburg 1

    Novosibirsk 3

    Vladivostok 6

    When is the season? When is the best time to go

    Kutaisi lies among the hills and mountains, in the Imereti Lowland, so it is quite humid throughout the year. When choosing a month to travel around Georgia in general or Kutaisi in particular, remember that the value velvet season no one canceled. You can find out the prices for tours to Kutaisi in different seasons.

    Kutaisi in summer

    In July, the warmest month of the year, the average temperature is +23 °C. But high humidity may make it feel much hotter outside. In the summer of 2016, the air temperature in Kutaisi reached +37–40 °C, and walking around the city became a challenge.

    If your hotel does not have air conditioning, then do not neglect the screens on the windows, as I did: having ignored the order of the hostess of the guesthouse not to open the balcony door, I let mosquitoes into the room and slept under the buzzing and bites. In summer, the city is downright stuffy.

    Kutaisi in autumn

    The sweetest time to travel to Kutaisi (as well as almost anywhere in Georgia), in my opinion, is October.

    The summer heat subsides, the leaves twitch with bright colors, new wine appears (by the way, not far from Kutaisi there is a wonderful mountain region of Racha, where the rare and expensive Khvanchkara wine is made), the air becomes cooler and cleaner.

    Kutaisi in spring

    Spring is perhaps the most changeable time in terms of weather. In March there are long rains, the sky is overcast with gray low clouds, and the city looks rather dull. In April, there are often strong winds that bring coolness from the mountain ranges. In May, summer is about to begin in Kutaisi, and it is better to try to catch the beginning of the month, when the city is dry and warm, but not yet hot.

    Kutaisi in winter

    Winter is mild, sometimes there is a slight minus, and then snow falls. Perhaps the beauty of winter Kutaisi will easily outshine the summer one.

    But when going to Kutaisi in winter, it is important to remember one thing: there is no central heating in the houses, and everyone warms their home as best they can. Some people install heaters, others install radiators. As soon as the owners decide to save money, the house begins to freeze. Therefore, clarify this question in advance when choosing where to stay.

    Kutaisi - weather by month


    Kutaisi - weather by month

    Districts. Where is the best place to live?

    The rocky and muddy white Rioni River divides Kutaisi into two main parts: the left bank and the right bank.

    Left Coast

    On the left bank there is historical Center cities: Opera House, Central Market, Colchis Fountain, Lovers' Park, cable car station.

    Housing here is more expensive and, in my opinion, this overpayment makes little sense: from the right bank you can easily walk to the heart of Kutaisi by jumping over one of the bridges over the Rioni.

    Tsereteli Street, located near David the Builder Square (David Agmashenebeli), will be of interest to those who plan to leave Kutaisi by car for the sake of. The train station is also located on the left bank, so if you arrive in Kutaisi by train, it makes sense to stay somewhere nearby.

    Right Bank

    In the north of the city rises famous temple Bagrati. This place is called Ukemerion Hill, and it is believed that the first settlements arose here. To the south follows the strategically important Rustaveli Avenue: along it you can get to the Central Bus Station.

    In general, this part of the city is less elegant. Rather, this is a residential part of Kutaisi, but this only makes it more attractive: there is an opportunity to observe the life of ordinary townspeople with all this colorful laundry on the lines, hot khachapuri in kiosks and everyday scenes.

    Jewish Quarter

    Located on the left bank of the Rioni, almost opposite the Bagrati Temple.

    A very interesting part of the city. There are as many as three synagogues preserved here, which are reminiscent of the times when Kutaisi was a multinational city, and this quarter was full of small craft shops.

    The so-called Georgian Jews lived here: they spoke the Georgian language, had Jewish roots and were mainly engaged in trade. The main place of settlement was Shaumyan Street. Old-timers enthusiastically remember Jewish weddings, when songs thundered throughout the surrounding neighborhoods.

    What are the prices for holidays?

    Kutaisi is the second largest city in Georgia, its parliamentary capital (in 2012, a modern glass building was built here on the outskirts of the city and the Parliament was moved to it).

    Prices for housing, food and transport are comparable to prices in Tbilisi and other major cities.


    Average cost of one night in a cozy guesthouse in single room with shared shower starts from $10 (20 GEL, Georgian lari). I usually look for guesthouses and hotels on booking (), and you can check if there is a better price somewhere. If you prefer to live in direct contact with the locals, you can rent an apartment or an apartment - options for.

    It is not necessary to settle in the very heart of the city, although this, of course, is suitable for those who plan to walk around Kutaisi, rarely traveling to the suburbs.

    I lived on the other side of the Rioni, closer to the bus station (which was also convenient, given that I went to the suburbs almost every day), and the walk to the center took 30 minutes, not the fastest pace. Housing prices in this area were lower, and I also received a bonus walking tour along Shota Rustaveli Avenue. Of course, in Kutaisi it is not as lush and flashy as in Tbilisi, but it is also quite interesting.


    Lunch or dinner cost me about $8–10 (15–20 GEL), but these were real feasts, after which I dreamed of getting home and was not able to wander around the sights of Kutaisi.

    Of course, if you are traveling as a couple or in a group, you can save money by ordering several different dishes for everyone. Taking into account the traditionally large Georgian portions, everyone will try a little of everything, leaving full and satisfied. Needless to say, taking a whole bottle of wine also turns out to be more profitable than taking one glass.


    If you are lucky, you will agree with the owner of your hotel/guesthouse, and he will take you around the surrounding area. It will cost less than a regular taxi. For $40 (80 GEL) you can be taken to Sataplia Park, Prometheus Cave, and the Gelati and Motsameta monasteries.

    In addition, there is waiting for you free excursion on the road and bright Georgian speech. If you, like me, are traveling on a budget, then you can get to all these places by minibuses, you just need to find out the schedule and adapt to it.

    Main attractions. What to see

    Frankly speaking, Kutaisi can be explored quite thoughtfully in a couple of days at a leisurely pace. Several significant for Christendom temples, a fountain referring to the era of the Colchis kingdom, bridges over the Rioni. Be sure to leave time for the suburbs of Kutaisi. They are, in my opinion, the most interesting.

    Colchis fountain

    You will most likely start from the center. The heart of the city is easily recognizable by the magnificent Colchis fountain. Among the streams of water there are 30 gilded figurines (which is why Georgians joke that this is the most expensive fountain in Sakartvelo), exact copies of images of Colchian culture of the Bronze Age. There are mainly figures of deer, lamb and horses.

    The fountain is new, it was installed in 2011, and the statue of King David the Builder, which previously stood on the square, was moved to the railway station. Important: try to plan your route around the city so that you can see the fountain both during the day and in the evening. At night it is beautifully illuminated. And read the legend about the Argonauts, because it was here, to the capital of the then Colchis kingdom, that they sailed for the Golden Fleece.

    How to get there

    The fountain is located on David the Builder Square (on the map it will be written “David Agmashenebeli”). It can be reached by bus No. 1, which runs from Kutaisi bus station to railway station driving through the city center.

    Temple of Bagrat

    The most famous temple of Kutaisi, which you will see in all photographs and guidebooks, is the Bagrati Cathedral. It's really worth a walk to it (it's on a high hill and can be seen from anywhere in the city). It was rebuilt in 2012. Before that, it stood in a dilapidated state for several centuries.

    The history, like that of most Georgian churches, is broken and complex. There were raids, destruction, and seizures, not only from the Turkish side, but also from neighboring territories (for a long time it consisted of separate separate kingdoms).

    Now Bagrat Cathedral is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. Strictly speaking, it has been listed there since 1974, and the organization opposed its restoration under the proposed project. However, in August 2012, a cross sparkled on the dome, and Kutaisi once again had a symbol of the city.

    It’s worth going up here if only for the view of the capital of Imereti. And in the spring, if you are lucky and the weather is clear, you will see the glaciers of the Rachinsky ridge.

    How to get there

    Walking from anywhere in the city in 20 minutes. If you are lazy, take a taxi for $2 (5 GEL).

    What to see in the area

    I fell in love with the suburbs of Kutaisi with all my heart.

    Gelati. Gelati Monastery

    It is worth driving ten kilometers east of Kutaisi, and you find yourself in a monastery complex made of light stone (by the way, the word Kutaisi comes from the Georgian “stone”). The monastery was built by David the Builder (David actually managed to build a lot of things on the territory of modern Georgia during his 33 years of life) at the beginning of the 12th century. The temple was founded in honor of the annexation of Kakheti (now the famous wine region of the country) to the Georgian state and the victory over the Seljuk Turks.

    An Academy was created at the monastery, unique of its kind for that period of time. They say that Queen Tamara rests here. And there is definitely a grave of King David the Builder here. He asked to be buried directly under the arch of the main gate, thus showing humility in front of ordinary parishioners.

    How to get there

    The easiest way is to take a taxi. The cost of the trip will be approximately $10 (20 GEL). If you want to save money, take a minibus, it starts from 8:00 to 18:00 every 2 hours from Marie Bosse Street behind the Meskhishvili Drama Theater. This theater is located on David Agmashenebeli Square, in the same place as the famous gilded fountain. The fare is $0.5 (1 GEl).

    Prometheus Cave

    Be prepared for the fact that you, like me, will be advised by everyone you meet to go to Prometheus’ Cave.

    Yes, it is really huge, there is beautiful lighting and unusual cave formations of stalactites and stalagmites. But there is also a crowd of tourists and an entrance fee: $3 (7 GEL).

    How to get there

    If you decide to go, then go first to the city of Tskaltubo. From Kutaisi you can get to it by minibus No. 30, which starts from the Red Bridge. The fare will cost $0.5 (1 GEL). You will take a minibus to the market square.

    As you go around the bazaar, you will see a bus station, from there minibuses run to the cave for $0.8 (1.5 GEL). Please note that there are only 4 of them per day: at 07:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 15:30. Alternatively, you can bargain with the local drivers (the drive is only 5 kilometers, so don’t give more than $5 (10 GEL).

    I wanted to be alone, so I chose the Martvili Canyon and the city of Bagdati (by the way, if you do go to Prometheus, take warm clothes: the air temperature inside the cave all year round stays around +14 °C).

    Martvili. Martvili Canyon

    It's also known as Dinosaur Canyon.

    Previously, Martvili was open at any time, delighting guests with wild cliffs and free entry. Now it has been improved: entrance costs approximately $2 (5 GEL). On Mondays, like a real museum, the canyon is inaccessible.

    They say there are dinosaur footprints imprinted in the rocks here. Whether this is true, everyone decides for themselves. But what I can say for sure is that you should definitely take a boat or catamaran ride: from the water you will see a lot beautiful places, clear emerald water, clear waterfalls (you can take a dip in the summer), rocky gorges.

    Afterwards, you can wander around the surrounding area and admire the waterfalls from the ground. There is a small cafe nearby where you can relax before heading back.

    How to get there

    An hour by minibus from the central bus station of Kutaisi (you need to look for it in the simplest and most effective way in Georgia - ask people, or take bus No. 1) to the town of Martvili, and you are almost there. To determine the right minibus, again, just ask people: they will help. They not only escorted me, but even paid for my passage. This is, get used to hospitality.

    In the center of Martvili you will see a cable car with cute yellow cabins that look absolutely Soviet. Don’t rush to jump out, you need to drive another 10 minutes, remembering to remind the driver that you need the canyon.

    When you are dropped off from the minibus, cross the paved road and continue down the dirt road. You will probably be greeted by a pack of local dogs. Try not to react, but rather get to the canyon as quickly as possible.

    Baghdati. Mayakovsky House

    Where you should definitely go for your portion of gastronomic joy is the famous Kutaisi market. First of all, he's handsome.

    Secondly, hold on tight. The aromas of spicy spices, moist bunches of strange greens, cheeses (salty, unleavened, soft, spongy), fresh bread, invitingly sparkling with a golden crust, can make you feel unaccustomed to it.

    It’s better to come in the morning, around 9 o’clock. Bargain with passion (the main commandment of Georgian trade), and victory will be yours.


    Kutaisi is called the city of May and roses. It’s not entirely clear with roses, but with May it’s easier: on May 2, Kutaisoba, or simply City Day, is celebrated here.

    On this day, many citizens and travelers flock to the center. The morning begins with a solemn bell ringing Bagrati Cathedral, the Kutaisi Metropolitan blesses the city and its people.

    The symbol of Kutaisoba is an ordinary chamomile; on this day they are sold on every corner, live and artificial. Fairs, dancing, National character and exhibitions - this will be more than enough for you if you find yourself in Kutaisi on May 2.

    Safety. What to watch out for

    It wasn’t me who said this, it’s sung in one of the thieves’ songs.

    Perhaps earlier the city was considered the unofficial capital of thieves in law, but now the situation has changed. As you know, during the reign of Mikheil Saakashvili, numerous arrests were carried out (I suggest not discussing their justice), and the level of security in the country increased significantly.

    I walked around Kutaisi at night alone, and the only adventure that happened to me was meeting a Spanish engineer who has been living in Kutaisi for a couple of years. We exchanged a couple of phrases in English, I asked how he lives here without knowing Russian and especially Georgian, and we, wishing each other good luck, parted ways.

    Nobody stopped me on the city streets anymore. Perhaps it's time to admit that it is one of the most safe countries on post-Soviet space. What is the reason, the change of government or the mentality of the residents (kind, hospitable and a little lazy), one can only guess. And enjoy walks through the evening cities, not forgetting about the basic precautions that we follow anywhere in the world, including at home.

    Remember: Georgians answer you with what you came to them with. Go in peace and goodness, you will receive the same in return.

    Things to do

    And let my heart be given to another Georgian city(), I must admit that Kutaisi is also very good. It is worthy of coming here especially for a couple of days, or it can become an intermediate point on the way to the Batumi sea wave. Imereti is beautiful and hilly, but for active rest you will have to go to neighboring regions: Racha or Svaneti.


    If you like fishing, then take a ride to the Shaori or Tkibul reservoirs. The water in these reservoirs is clean and the landscapes are beautiful.

    In the Tkibul reservoir they catch pike, in the Shaorskoye - pike and perch. There is a good trout farm in the Racha region.

    How to get there

    These places are located close to each other. You need to get to the village of Shardometi, it is located near the town of Ambrolauri. The easiest way to get there is by taxi, but you can also take minibuses.

    A one-car train runs from Kutaisi to the city of Tkibuli. It departs from the train station (ticket price - 0.5 $ or 1 GEL). Check the schedule directly on site, on the Georgian Railways website or. The schedule may vary depending on the season.

    River rafting

    Rioni is one of the most beautiful rivers in Georgia. It originates in the Racha glaciers and rushes down to Kutaisi. Rioni is rocky and stormy, so this adventure can be classified as extreme. Only experienced watermen are allowed on most sites.

    The rafting begins high in the mountains, in the town of Utsera. The entire journey to Kutaisi will take approximately 7 days (you will have to overcome about 120 kilometers of rapids of varying difficulty: from 1st to 6th category). Beginners can tackle an easy category 1 route on the section north of Kutaisi. Rafting on the Rioni ends in Kutaisi. There you can come to your senses and get ready for your further journey.

    How to get around the city

    The easiest way to get around Kutaisi is by buses and minibuses.

    Buses are usually old and atmospheric. Sit closer to the first door to admire the view from the window, listen to music from the radio and look at the cigarette smoke curling beautifully around the driver. And if you don't smoke, go to the back of the salon.

    The fare costs 30 tetri, Georgian kopecks, which is approximately $0.15. The money is handed over to the driver upon leaving the salon. At first, the Georgians were amazed at my attempts to slip money right at the entrance, as I was used to doing in Moscow minibuses.

    Kutaisi railway station and the city center can be easily reached by minibus No. 1 from central bus station(in fact, it is the only one in the city; the best landmark is McDonald's). The first route is circular, so if you missed your stop, you can make a circle around Kutaisi (the whole circle takes no more than 50 minutes). A taxi from the bus station to the center will cost approximately $3 (5 GEL).

    Previously, there was a trolleybus network in Kutaisi (88 kilometers!), It existed for 50 years until 2009, then it was closed.

    Intercity bus service between Kutaisi and Zugdidi (the closest city to Abkhazia) is well developed, but it is better to check the schedule in advance and arrive 30 minutes before departure to ensure there is enough space for you and your luggage.

    By the way, for freedom of movement you can rent a car, and it’s convenient to look at prices and models on aggregator sites, for example.

    Kutaisi - holidays with children

    Kutaisi is not the most suitable city for families with children. But if you still find yourself here with a child, then visit the places that I will talk about below. You can have fun in them.

    Amusement park

    The full name is the Park of Culture and Leisure named after Vissarion Gabashvili, a Georgian poet of the 18th century. There are few attractions: a Ferris wheel (which can be interesting for adults), horses, cars. Tickets for all cost approximately the same: $0.5 (1 GEL).

    There is a beautiful carousel, similar to those located near Eiffel Tower in Paris. By the way, there is also a tower here.

    The park is crowded on weekends, so it’s better to come on weekdays. In addition to the attractions, the park attracts with an abundance of greenery, in the shade of which it is pleasant to hide from the summer heat. Afterwards you can go up to the Bagrati Temple: it’s just a stone’s throw from here.

    How to get there

    You can get here by cable car (cost in both directions - 0.5 $ or 1 GEL), the lower station of which is located next to the White Bridge in the city center, or on foot. Opens from above beautiful view in Kutaisi.

    City square near the Colchis fountain

    There is a small children's playground in the center of the square. Balloons, cotton candy and other children's delights are sold nearby. This square can be a good stopover point for a walk around the city.

    Reserve "Sataplia"

    Mount Sataplia is named so thanks to the bees that have chosen its slopes. Translated from Georgian, “satapli” means “honey mountain”. This place will be interesting for teenagers and adults.

    Here you can climb karst caves, climb up observation deck overlooking the green mountains and see dinosaur tracks discovered about a century ago by local historian Peter Chabukiani.

    The park contains mechanical figures of dinosaurs that inhabited our planet in ancient times. However, no dinosaur remains were found in the Kutaisi area, only traces.

    How to get there

    Get from Kutaisi to natural park You can take a taxi (10 kilometers, they won’t charge much and you may have to wait) or take minibus No. 45 to the town of Tskhaltubo for $1 (2 GEL).

    Ski holiday

    The closest ski resort to Kutaisi is Hatsvali. It is located in Upper Svaneti (the capital). You can get there by minibus from the Kutaisi bus station. On the minibus it will be written “Mestia”, however, in Georgian. Ask the drivers, they will show you the one you need. You will get there in 5 hours along the serpentine road and 18 $ (35 GEL).

    Hatsvali is a fairly new resort: it opened in 2011. There are trails for beginners and freeride. There is only one hotel in Hatsvali itself, so make reservations in advance or stay in Mestia.

    It is 8 kilometers from Hatsvali, which will have to be covered twice a day by taxi. Taxi drivers often overcharge, so consider the option of walking: the road goes up, but the slope is not strong, and it’s possible to cover 8 kilometers of the road in 2-3 hours. Of course, this will only work if you rent the equipment upstairs.

    Flights- you can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

    Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

    Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

    Anything to add?


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