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If someone says that there is nothing interesting in Varna except the sea coast, do not believe this person. Varna is a city with a centuries-old history and a large cultural heritage, which are reflected in many architectural monuments that have become one of the main attractions of this resort.

If you decide to get acquainted with the sights of Varna, then our consultants will be able to tell you where the most beautiful and historically significant places in the city are located. To do this, you just need to leave your phone number in the form below and you will be contacted.

Seaside Park

If you ask a native of Varna what, in his opinion, is the main attraction of the city, he will immediately answer that this is the Seaside Park, which stretches along the entire coast and covers an area of ​​​​about 800,000 square meters.

This park is a favorite vacation spot for both the local population and guests of Varna, since it is here that there are a large number of monuments, several museums, a sports ground with fields for volleyball, football, basketball, tennis, playgrounds, a dolphinarium, a planetarium and an observatory , a zoo, and the most beautiful flower beds and well-groomed alleys, along which a variety of types of trees grow, simply fascinate with their beauty.

Getting around this park on foot is not even easy, but there is absolutely no reason to despair, since for a sightseeing tour of the most beautiful and significant corners of the Primorsky Park, you can use a pleasure train.

Asparuhov Bridge, connecting Lake Varna and the Black Sea, is one of the most spectacular attractions of the city of Varna, as it is the longest overpass of its type in all of Bulgaria.

The length of the bridge, with its height of 50 meters, is 2,050 meters.

Not only is car traffic organized across the bridge, there are also pedestrian paths, thanks to which local residents and guests of the city can admire the beauty of the Varna Bay and the grandeur of Lake Varna.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Adrenaline club organizes bungee jumping from the Asparuhova Bridge.

The Varna necropolis is an ancient burial place, which presumably dates back to the fifth millennium BC, since historians cannot come to a single date and therefore, at the current time of research, the spread in the time of construction of the burials is 500 years.

On this moment The excavation area is 7,500 square meters, and the total number of graves found is 294 units.

Also at the site of the necropolis, employees of the Archaeological Museum of Varna, who were engaged in excavations, found 3,000 gold objects, weighing more than 6 kilograms, as well as at least 600 samples that are part of ceramic household items.

Bulgaria has a centuries-old history, during which many peoples visited the country, who, to one degree or another, left a historical memory of themselves in the form of tombs, fortresses, temples, mosques and many other objects.

The Romans were no exception, whose empire dominated Bulgaria for five centuries.

The Roman Empire left behind many historical monuments, among which are the Roman Baths, located in the very center of the city of Varna - the largest in the entire territory of the Balkan Peninsula. a public bath built in the second century, covering an area of ​​7,000 square meters.

Since 1968, the Roman Baths have been an architectural and construction national cultural monument of Bulgaria.

During excavations from 1959 to 1971, it was determined that behind the high, 22-meter high brick walls, in addition to the bathhouses themselves, there were also meeting and recreation rooms, toilets, locker rooms, rooms for pouring hot and cold water and many other premises, the ownership of which still remains unknown.


The Varna Dolphinarium is truly the pride of the residents of Varna, since not all resort cities could afford to open the same entertainment complex.

Only five dolphins give their performances at the dolphinarium, three of which were brought from Caribbean Sea, and the other two were born in Varna.

The artistry of the dolphins and their ability to perform acrobatic exercises do not leave any visitor to the dolphinarium indifferent.

In addition, at the end of the show, the performing dolphins will be happy to pose in front of you, so that you remember for as long as possible unforgettable experience that you received from their performance.

The Euxinograd Palace, originally called Sandrovo, in honor of the founder of the palace, Prince Alexander of Battenberg, who was called Sandro, was the summer residence of the Bulgarian royal family.

The palace received its present name from the old name of the Black Sea - Pont Euxine - at the beginning of the 20th century at the urgent request of the wife of the Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand I, Maria Louise of Bourbon-Parma.

Majestic three-story building:

On the ground floor of which, at that time, there were reception rooms, a dining room and a music room;

On the second are the royal sleeping quarters and rest rooms;

On the third are the servants' rooms.

The palace is surrounded by a park of incredible beauty, to create which about 300 species of plants were brought from all over the world and 50 thousand trees were planted. Some trees still delight visitors to the Euxinograd Palace with their long-standing grandeur.

In the park of the palace there is a lake, next to which stands a statue of Neptune made of bronze.

Tourists who decide to look at this attraction can admire not only the palace from the outside, but also look at its interior from the inside.

Since the palace is located 8 kilometers from the city, you can get to it by bus number 51, which runs from the Cathedral from the center of Varna.

Broken stones

Broken stones are a unique and, for this period of time, inexplicable phenomenon in the form of a forest of stone columns of different sizes and shapes that grew directly from the ground in the middle of a field, which since 1937 has been a natural landmark of Bulgaria, under state protection.

Historians have different opinions about how and when the stone forest began to form, but there are suggestions that the reason for the appearance of hollow columns of stone, the height of which ranges from 5 to 10 meters and a width of 1-3 meters, may be the ejection of gas from the seabed methane, as a result of which, in the process of rising streams of gas, marine microorganisms accumulated around them, helping to hold the quartz sand together and thereby forming bizarre shapes.

Varna has many names: “pearl of the coast”, “queen of the Black Sea”, “summer capital of Bulgaria” - this resort city is called by many names! Thanks to its long and rich history, Varna attracts tourists not only for its beaches, but also for its interesting architecture and priceless cultural heritage.

The city was owned in turn by the Romans, Byzantines and Turks, which undoubtedly affected its appearance. Roman baths of the 2nd century stand side by side with mansions of the 19th century, creating a rather unusual contrast.

Varna is also important cultural center Bulgaria. One of the central events is the Varna Summer festival, which annually attracts thousands of participants and spectators from all over the world.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Varna?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

Stone columns of natural origin, located 18 km from Varna. They are believed to have been caused by weathering of rocks or formed from hardened corals. Over 200 years of research, scientists have not come to a consensus on the veracity of one of the versions. To preserve the unique landmark, the area with the stones was declared a natural monument.

The summer residence of the royal family on the Black Sea coast, which today is used for government receptions. The palace was built at the end of the 19th century by order of Prince A. Battenberg. The residence of the House of Orleans in one of the suburbs of Paris, destroyed during the Franco-Prussian War, was taken as a model. The surviving fragments of the Parisian palace were used in the construction of Euxinograd.

The park project was created by the Czech master A. Novak in the 19th century. This picturesque garden on the seashore has long become a favorite place for walks and relaxing relaxation. The park's alleys stretch along the coastline, lined with flower beds, fountains and sculptures. There is a terrarium, a zoo, a dolphinarium, sports complex, a planetarium and several museums. The park even has its own beach.

The ancient baths were built in the 2nd century and were used until the end of the 3rd century. Impressive bath complex the size of a football field is located in the center of Varna among residential buildings. It is believed that these were the largest baths on the Balkan Peninsula and the fourth largest in the entire Roman Empire. Today, even from the surviving ruins one can judge the scale of this ancient structure.

Cathedral Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which is located in the center of Varna. It was inaugurated in 1886 in honor of the liberation of the city from the rule of the Ottoman Empire with the active participation of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, whose wife was the aunt of Prince Battenberg. In the architecture of the cathedral you can see features of the Byzantine style, elements of Russian temple construction and even some Gothic touches.

An Armenian Orthodox church, which was erected in the middle of the 19th century on the site of a burnt church in honor of St. Sarkis, a companion who lived during the time of Emperor Constantine and became famous for converting pagans to the Christian faith. The main facade of the building is made of red brick, the side walls are covered with white plaster. The inside of the temple is painted in the Byzantine style.

A rock-cut Orthodox monastery from the 12th century, currently lying in ruins. It is known that Christian hermits lived in the catacombs from the 4th century. The monastery existed until the end of the 14th century, until it was destroyed by the Ottomans, but the monks continued to inhabit the caves for another four hundred years. Previously, almost all grottoes were decorated with frescoes, but today they remain only in the monastery chapel.

The theater stage is located in a picturesque Empire-style mansion, which is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. In popularity, the Varna Opera is second only to the Sofia Opera. The troupe was formed in 1947 and immediately began working on staging works by classical and contemporary authors. Later, operettas were added to the repertoire, which made it possible to attract more viewers.

The museum's collection is considered one of the largest in Bulgaria, as it contains more than 50 thousand items. On an area of ​​2 thousand m² there is a scientific library, showroom, archive and classrooms. Part of the exhibition is displayed in the courtyard. Among the unique exhibits is a collection of gold items that was discovered in the Varna necropolis. Experts believe that its age is more than 6 thousand years.

The museum opened in 1974 in a 19th-century mansion. His collection is dedicated to the culture and life of the people inhabiting the Varna region. The exhibition, located on two floors, covers the time period from the second half of the 19th century centuries to the middle of the 20th century. In the museum you can learn about the traditional crafts of the region: fishing, beekeeping and viticulture, as well as look at tools and household items.

The collection was created on the initiative of businessman Ts. Atanasov, who was engaged in collecting vintage cars and various items that were used by residents of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact. Over time, the exhibition grew to such a size that a separate room had to be rented for it. The main “pearl” of the collection is the Chaka car, which belonged to Todor Zhivkov.

The museum building is located in the center of Varna near the Roman baths. Here visitors can learn about the history of the city between 1878 and 1939. Most of The collection is a reconstruction of city cafes, shops and offices. The remaining rooms display weapons from the First and Second World Wars, as well as the Balkan Wars, clothing, photographs and interior items.

The collection appeared in 1923 thanks to a group of enthusiasts. It consists of naval uniforms, ship models, insignia and ship guns. The exhibits are housed in 12 halls. First of all, the exhibition will be of interest to fans of naval military topics and people simply interested in ships. The museum has a library with a rich book collection.

A memorial complex erected in honor of the national hero Vladislav Varnenchik (Vladislav III Jagiello) - the Polish-Hungarian king who died in the battle of 1444, when a united army of Bulgarians, Czechs, Hungarians, Bosnians, Croats, Poles and Romanians tried to stop the invasion of the Turks - Ottomans to Europe. The museum was created in 1924. On the territory of the complex there is a mausoleum of Jagiello, but the body of the king himself is not there.

Varna, like almost any resort town on the seashore, has its own dolphinarium. All six days a week, when performances are held here, the stands are filled to capacity, as the funny marine mammals leave no one indifferent. The animals dance during the show and “sing” Bulgarian songs, which brings the audience into indescribable delight.

The aquarium is located in the building of the Institute of Aquaculture and Fisheries, which was erected in 1912. Marine inhabitants live in spacious tanks where optimal living conditions are created. Part of the exhibition demonstrates the underwater fauna of the Black Sea, the other part is dedicated to the World Ocean. In addition to fish, here you can see algae, shellfish, octopus and jellyfish.

Varna Zoo is no different large sizes– you can easily walk around its territory in 30 minutes. The animals here are kept in enclosures behind bars, so you can only observe them from afar. The history of the zoo began in 1956, when the crew of a military ship brought a bear from another voyage. The animal was given the nickname Maxim and settled in Primorsky Park. Soon other inhabitants joined him.

The garden opened to visitors in 2002. Previously, a university plant nursery was located on its territory. Exotic plants and local species grow side by side in the Ecopark. Here you can see maritime pine, ginkgo, ironwood, paper and tulip trees and other interesting specimens. The park has a gorgeous rose garden where more than 30 species of this flower are planted.

An extended estuary on the coast near Varna, which is connected to Lake Beloslavskoe and the Gulf of Varna using shipping canals. The reservoir has an area of ​​17 km² and a relatively shallow depth of only 19 meters. Its bottom is covered with a layer of silt and hydrogen sulfide mud, which has medicinal properties. Near the lake there is the famous Varna necropolis.

The cape is located approximately 60 km from Varna on the Dobrudzhan plateau. It is included in the list of the hundred most picturesque attractions in Bulgaria. On its territory there is nature reserve. The sheer cliffs of the cape rise 70 meters above the sea, protecting the bay from cold winds. This place is associated with a legend about 40 girls who rushed into the Black Sea to avoid being captured by the Ottoman Turks.

The beauty of a holiday in Bulgaria, in addition to the content tourism program, in its cheapness. In order to relax and see the sights in Varna, you will not need too much money, as, say, in another European country. Having a stable currency in hand, you can find at a reasonable price what to see in Varna, where to relax and what places to visit. We advise you to look at the attractions of Varna in advance, photos with names and descriptions and decide on those that you would like to visit without fail.

What to see first in Varna

Varna is a cozy old town, famous for its gentle sea, good beaches and notable objects. We will advise you where to go in Varna and its surroundings.

1. Stone forest

Natural stone columns in the Stone Forest valley

This interesting place located at a distance from Varna and is called a forest only nominally, although in some places you can see small grass bushes. This area is almost 70 square meters. km is “planted” with stone columns. The height of some reaches 7 m. The forest is conventionally divided into 3 sections, the stones on them differ in their shape and location. A very original nature reserve that is worth a visit.

2. Evksinograd Palace

Euxinograd Palace and picturesque green Park Spasimir Pilev

We'll tell you what historical monuments to visit in Varna. The residence is located on the coast north of Varna and strongly resembles the Crimean Massandra. Fabulous palace ensemble surrounded by luxurious greenery. The park is divided into zones, each of which has its own appearance and purpose. The area in front of the palace is especially beautiful: there is a bronze statue of Neptune and a fountain. In the park you can see the ruins of the Kastritsa fortress.

3. Roman Baths

Ruins of Roman baths ancient city Odessos (Varna)

What a trip without visiting the most valuable cultural monuments of the city! This example of Roman culture belongs to the Varna Archaeological Museum. Huge baths were built at the end of the 1st century. The baths consist of many rooms; their design used an original heating system with warm air supplied from the floor to the roof.

4. Seaside Park

Flower beds in the Seaside Park or the Sea Garden

But what to see in Varnais symbols of the city? Almost 60 hectares of this park stretch for almost 2.5 km. The infrastructure is comprehensive and includes an aquarium with ordinary and exotic fish, a zoo, the best dolphinarium in Eastern Europe, a planetarium, and an observatory. It’s interesting to look at the sundial and go to the Naval Museum. There are fountains on the territory, and local artists perform daily on the outdoor stage.

5. Varna Opera House

Varna Opera House - a luxurious Empire style building at night

If you like the opera stage, then when you go on a trip , try to get here. The theater in Varna is located in a luxurious building built in the Empire style. With red walls and a green roof, the structure looks like a festive, neatly decorated pie, but it is devoid of pomp. The theater's repertoire is not limited to opera.

6. Assumption Cathedral

Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God on Cyril and Methodius Square in Varna

If you are coming here for a short time, we will advise you on what to see in Varna in 1 day. The Cathedral is a rich historical heritage, the main symbol of the city. The external beauty of the temple will not allow you to pass it by. Inside, Orthodox features of worship are intertwined with Catholic ones. Amazing atmosphere inside and great impression outside. Definitely worth a visit.

7. Armenian Church of St. Sarkis

Armenian Church of St. Sarkis - a functioning temple on the territory of Varna Powerfox

From the outside, the church does not evoke enthusiastic emotions, although the combination of white and terracotta is quite interesting. The style of construction is typical for Armenian churches and is not particularly luxurious. But already upon entering, a feeling of airiness is created, it seems so spacious and bright. The walls are decorated with Byzantine paintings. Reviews say that the temple is open only during services; at other times it can only be viewed from the outside.

8. Aladzha Monastery

Cave in the Orthodox rock monastery of the 12th century - Aladzha

The historical temple surrounded by nature is one of the best attractions in Varna , 15 km from it. Back in the 4th century. hermit monks carved a monastery into a steep rock. Despite the fact that in the XIV century. it was plundered by the Ottoman invaders, the monastery has been well preserved and today welcomes guests as a museum. You can visit the rock complex only between May and October.

9. Dolphinarium

Dolphins in a unique Dolphin show

Even short review the show gives an idea of ​​how interesting and original they are. A good hall with a capacity of up to 1200 seats. Live contact with animals is possible for a fee. Downstairs at the dolphinarium there is a souvenir shop and a cozy cafe, from where you can watch dolphins through the glass of the aquarium.

10. Varna Aquarium

Facade of the building of the Varna Aquarium or the Institute of Aquaculture and Fisheries Clément Dominik

14. Ethnographic Museum

The building of the ethnographic museum is an architectural monument of the 19th century Ilonamay

Another museum that introduces visitors to the life of the Bulgarian nation, crafts, clothing, and traditions. The display cases are filled with objects related to former life, and some rooms exactly replicate the furnishings of ancient life. Thanks to the interest in such properties, hotels in Varna never experience a shortage of customers.

15. Retro Museum

Items that were in use among residents of socialist countries

This museum was created on the private initiative of a local businessman. Tsvetan Atanasov has amassed a huge collection of objects related to Bulgaria's socialist past. Here you can see USSR cars, posters, toys, tricycles, and children's cars. The wax figures of not only Bulgarian figures, but also our compatriots, as well as leaders of countries in the distant socialist community, evoke a storm of emotions. Interesting collection of retro photographs.

Sights of Varna: what else to visit in Varna?

By listing the main attractions of Varna briefly, we tried not to miss the most important of them. But there are still so many interesting things to see in this city!

16. National Maritime Museum

The ship Drazki at the National Maritime Museum Kosi Gramatikoff

The museum’s deservedly high rating is based not only on the uniquely beautiful historical building of architectural value. For 400 sq. m presented maritime history countries since the 19th century The exhibits were collected by officers of the Danube Flotilla. Exhibitions tell about the creation of Bulgarian shipping, shipbuilding and navy. For lovers military history You are invited to visit the extensive library on the museum grounds

17. Park-museum “Vladislav Varnenchik”

Facade of the Jagiello Mausoleum in the park-museum “Vladislava Varnenchik” Maksim

19. Lake Varna

Sunset view with boats on the shores of Lake Varna

This freshwater lake stretches for 10 km. It is known for hydrogen sulfide mud, which, raised from the bottom, has medicinal properties, therefore it is used for medical purposes. Judging by the finds found by archaeologists on the banks, the area around it was once inhabited. At the beginning of the last century, an entire settlement was discovered in the northern part, which continues to be explored to this day.

20. Cape Kaliakra

Gate of the medieval fortress of Kaliakra

This legendary place is endowed with fantastic beauty. Rich story and the amazing views attract a lot of tourists here. Protruding almost 2 km into the sea, the cape contains many interesting objects: the remains of fortress walls, the ruins of historical buildings. There is a small chapel, in the cave there is a small archaeological museum, a restaurant, and a mussel farm. A complete survey of the cape is limited by the location of the radio technical post of the country's Navy.

The temperature graph of Varna is similar to the weather in other places Black Sea resorts, which means excursion holiday in the high season you can successfully combine it with the beach. Bright impressions for you! Read also about and get inspired for your further travel to Bulgaria.

Varna is called the sea capital of Bulgaria. The city, which is the second largest (after Sofia), has unique attractions, it would be a shame to miss visiting them.

Palaces and zoos, children's entertainment complexes and museums - all this is worth visiting and seeing with your own eyes.

Below, you can read our article about the attractions of Varna and its surroundings with photos and descriptions. There is something to see with children, what to visit, where to go, even in one day!

Varna has many sister cities. But Genoa - especially. and - worth a visit.

The Seaside Park, stretching along the entire coast, is the largest coastal park in all of Europe (its length is 8 km). The authorities of Varna planned to give up a large coastal strip for development, but residents opposed the project, and the embankment was preserved.

On the territory of the park there is an aquarium and a dolphinarium, several attractions and playgrounds, which attracts many families with children here. The coastal strip is sandy, you can rent sun loungers and enjoy beach holiday. Numerous cafes and restaurants along the coast offer visitors drinks, desserts and national cuisine.

Address: Bulgaria, Varna, Primorski Blvd., 2

Operating mode: any time of the day.

Price: for free.

The huge glass complex, built and opened in 1984, is home to many of its inhabitants. The heroes of the dolphinarium, take off their shoes, are dolphins. They live in spacious pools (their dimensions are 12 by 15 meters, depth - 6 meters). By the way, three dolphins were brought from the Caribbean Sea, and two dolphins appeared on the spot, in their native pool (the youngest dolphin was born in 2008).

Various shows featuring dolphins and other sea animals are held daily in the indoor pool (the show lasts about 40 minutes). The spectacle is quite worthy to visit with your child. The auditorium, located in a huge “P” shape, seats 1,200. After the show, you are allowed to take a photo with the dolphin (for an additional fee).

Address: Bulgaria, Varna, Seaside Park, Saltanat2

Telephone: (+359 52) 30 21 99

Operating mode: all days except Monday. Performances take place at 10, 12, 13 and 17 o'clock (at summer time), and in winter dolphins perform only once a day, at 12.00.

Price: an adult ticket will cost 25 levs (550 rubles), and a child ticket will cost 18 levs. Disabled people and children under 2 years of age can watch the performance for free.

The Roman baths, whose history dates back to the 2nd century AD, remain as a reminder of the Roman period in the history of Varna. From the once large buildings, only walls and fragments of columns and the remains of bathing sections remain today.

During the time of the Romans, the baths flourished, but over time they began to decline - the cost of visiting became more expensive, the baths were visited less and less, until finally they were forced to close.

Address: 9000 Varna; st. San Stefano

Telephone: (+359 52) 60 00 5

Operating mode: all days (except Monday) from 10 to 17 hours. During the winter, the baths are closed for inspection.

Price: 5 leva for adults and 2 leva for children. Group excursions– 30 leva (regardless of the number of participants).

The observatory building is named after Nicolaus Copernicus. The unique research complex is located in Primorsky Park, on Primorsky Boulevard. The observatory performs the function of observing artificial earth satellites and photographing them.

It was originally just an astronomy and astronautics club, starting classes in 1963; Later the club moved to a more spacious summer theater (1964). A couple of years later, a planetarium was added to the club. The grand opening took place in 1968.

The modern observatory building was restored in 2002. new system lighting, library and lecture halls.

Address: Primorski Park 4, 9000 Varna

Telephone: +359 52 684 441


Operating mode: by appointment. By calling the phone, tourists themselves discuss the time of their visit.

Price: depends on the number of people.

The park complex appeared in Varna in 1934, when the director of the Archaeological Museum took the initiative to turn the empty area into a recreation area for citizens. As a result of construction work, park alleys were equipped, 2 monuments were erected - to Bulgarian soldiers and a bust of Khan Asparukh in military armor (the author of both sculptures was Kirill Georgiev). The park opened a year later, in 1935.

Today the park is a popular recreation spot among Varna residents and city guests. In addition to sports and children's playgrounds, the park contains the museum-historical complex "Phanagoria": here you can look at the recreated dwellings of warriors and shamans, see how and how the warriors lived here for many years. Here you can ride horses or do archery.

Address: Varna, Asparuhovo district, Asparuhovo park

Operating mode: from 9 to 18 hours, all days (except Mondays).

Price: visiting the park is free. Entrance to the Phanagoria museum complex - 5 levs.

The Orthodox monastery, carved into the rock, is located 15 kilometers from Varna. The cell rooms where the monks used to live differ in size - some are very spacious, while others resemble narrow pencil cases where one adult can hardly fit.

The history of the monastery dates back to the 4th century, when the first hermits, adherents of hesychasm, a divine teaching then widespread in Bulgaria and Byzantium, began to settle in these parts. Like any Christian building, the monastery was decorated with frescoes, which have practically not survived to this day.

Inside, the monastery is divided into a temple, a chapel, a kitchen, a refectory, and monastic cells. The best preserved room is the chapel. It even has preserved frescoes on the ceiling.

In some places, traces of icons remained on the walls of the corridors and cells of the monastery, and the icons themselves are kept in a small house-museum, which is located to the right of the entrance to the monastery territory. You can also buy miniature icons and numerous souvenirs there.

Photography is allowed inside the monastery premises.

Address: Priroden park Zlatni Pyasaci Priroden park Zlatni Pyasaci, 9007, Bulgaria.

Operating mode: The monastery is accessible to tourists from Wednesday to Sunday (from 9 to 18 hours with a lunch break from 12 to 13), and Monday and Tuesday are days off.

Price: 5 leva for adults (110 rubles) and 2 leva for children (about 50 rubles).

A unique natural attraction, absolutely not made by human hands. The stone pillars, 5 to 6 meters high, really resemble a forest. There have been speculations that this is, after all, created by people megalithic structure, but scientists have come to the conclusion that the stone pillars are natural stalagmites, formed by nature itself about 50 million years ago.

This place is surrounded by mysticism: some locals claim that this is a “place of power”, others that the forest has healing properties. But even without the mystical flair, this place is quite popular among tourists.

The Stone Forest is located 17-18 kilometers from the city. It is better to get here by taxi, since not a single bus goes to the attraction. You can get to the nearest village of Aksakovo (bus No. 409), and then get there by car (taxi or rented car).

Address: Varna, Aksakovo village.

Operating mode: Available at any time of the day.

Price: entrance costs 4 levs (about 70 rubles). However, no tickets are issued at the entrance.

One of the largest museums in Bulgaria. Here you can get acquainted with the rich historical heritage of the city.

More than 50 thousand exhibits make up the various exhibitions of the museum, which are thematically divided into 4 zones: Prehistory (Paleolithic era), Antiquity (the times of the Roman conquest and early Christianity), the Middle Ages and a hall completely dedicated to the Church (church utensils and vestments, icons and frames).

The pride of the museum complex is a collection of gold products and objects, found during excavations near Varna and dating back to the 5th century BC.

Address: Maria Luiza boulevard, 41, Varna.

Telephone: + 359 52 681011

Operating mode: all days except Monday (from 10.00 to 17.00). In summer, the museum is open every day; in winter, Sunday and Monday are days off.

Price: 8 lev.

The Museum of Military and Naval Equipment, which today has about 100 thousand exhibits, was opened in Varna in 1879. Gradually increasing the number and variety of exhibits, the museum expanded, opening new thematic areas.

Among the equipment on display for tourists are: guns, warships, helicopters, cars, and missiles. In the building of the museum itself there are exhibitions dedicated to military operations (maps and battle plans), awards, and military documents.

One of the most valuable exhibits is the ship “Daring”, which fully justified its name: this ship sank a Turkish cruiser off Cape Kaliakria in 1912, thereby glorifying itself in the history of naval battles.

Address: Primorsky Boulevard, Varna

Telephone: (+359 52) 24 31 23

Operating mode: all days (except Sunday), from 10 to 18 hours, without lunch.

Price: 7 leva (approximately 140 rubles).

When planning a trip to Bulgaria by car, along the way you can stop by cities with incredible sights and views. For example: , or .

The attractions described above are just a drop in the ocean of those structures and architectural monuments which can be seen in Varna. There is a lot to see and admire here.

Alina Pashinskaya

Varna is a huge resort city located along the coast in Bulgaria. And judging by our observations, this port city is popular place recreation tourists from different parts of the globe.

But on many Internet sites, Varna is not liked for many reasons: as if, and the beaches are not like Golden Sands. Personally, we heard from tourists who vacationed at the mentioned resort only positive reviews, we saw their joyful faces and good mood after their vacation.

Varna is gradually changing and transforming, becoming modern European city with your values ​​and... And my husband and I, in a sense, were lucky, albeit not for long, but still to touch leisurely and measured way of life in this beautiful city.

City `s history

Varna has quite rich and ancient history . Back in the 7th century BC. e. On the territory of the present city there was a fortress called Odessos, in which immigrants from Greece lived. Later, in the 3rd century BC. e., the settlement was captured by Macedonian troops, as a result of which, two centuries later, the future Varna came under the influence Roman Empire. Surprisingly, the economy and religion of the city did not suffer from this, but on the contrary, they began to develop smoothly and quickly.

The first mention of a city called Varna in Byzantine chronicles dates back to the 7th century. It was then that the lands became subject to the Bulgarian rulers. Subsequently, from the 14th to the 19th centuries, Varna was alternately liberated from the Turkish occupation by various states. The First and Second World Wars did not spare the city. They negatively affected the state of Varna.

Since 1949, the city was called Stalin. And only in 1956 the territory was again given its old name - Varna.

Varna weather and climate

In the summer, relax in Varna good, comfortable and pleasant. close to the Mediterranean, and the abundance of parks and greenery save tourists not only in the city, but also near the embankments.

Varna always has a warm summer with average temperature air about +28° C and sea ​​water+24° C. There are rains, but not often, mostly in June.

Beaches of Varna

There are quite a few beaches in Varna, both in the city itself and on its outskirts. Shouldn't be trusted anymore outdated information about the questionable cleanliness of the water and the resort’s embankment, because recently their condition has noticeably improved (although not enough to be ideal). Now the main part coastline sandy, With convenient descents at sea and all sorts of benefits of civilization. You will be able to find: changing rooms, showers, sun loungers and umbrellas, various water attractions.

To local residents I prefer the beach located behind the Asparuhov Bridge.

You will undoubtedly be interested in our separate article, with the help of which you will find out which beaches in Varna are considered good? and where sea water is really cleaner: .

The most popular are considered South and Officer beaches, although there is no crowd on them. Also in the city are the Central Beach and beaches called Ribarski, Bunite and Bunite-2.

In addition, on the coast of Varna, you can always find, as on any other, secluded wild or even nudist beaches. On the outskirts of the city there are the beaches of Asparuhovo and Evksinograd, and a little outside the resort - Kabakum and Fichoza.

Almost all beaches are equipped, and next to them there are cozy cafes, in some cases there are also wonderful shady parks. On the coast of Varna you can always not only swim and sunbathe to your heart's content, but also have a great rest from all your affairs and worries.

Hotels in Varna

Paradoxically, although Varna is criticized by some bloggers and even travel agencies, in reality tourists want not only to relax during summer vacation, but also to live. Many, after getting to know the city closely, readily sell or rent out their home and move to Bulgaria for permanent residence.

Since Varna is a big city, it is quite logical that the resort has no shortage of hotels. Here you can find how cozy rooms at quite low prices and luxury apartments with a swimming pool and a full range of services.

You can choose the hotel option you need and like in the resort of Varna directly on our page below. We included in the list most suitable in our opinion, hotel tourists with varied prices and corresponding services.

Shopping in Varna

Shopping in the resort city of Varna is no different from that in or in other cities in Bulgaria. There are several large shopping centers and stores with a large selection of clothing and accessories. Say that prices for the specified goods in Varna we can't go lower. IN shopping centers there are simply a huge number of shops famous brands(Bata, Swarovski, Zara, Bershka, Stradivarius, etc.).

Of course, it’s up to you personally to decide whether to go shopping in Varna. But it seemed to us that prices in city shopping centers far from low, although they have a fairly decent selection.

Sights of Varna

Varna can rightfully be proud of its sights. To the most important, perhaps, first of all it should be attributed Assumption Cathedral, which flaunts in the heart of the city on the square. The temple is famous not only in Varna, but also beyond its borders. It contains a large number of various frescoes, icons and stained glass windows. And on holidays you can hear beautiful singing within its walls famous Bulgarian male choir. The cathedral is especially unique in evening time, when additional lighting illuminates the building with many tiny lights.

This is the view of the Assumption Cathedral in the evening. A very large and beautiful temple hospitably opens its doors to many parishioners every day.

Second by significance and importance we think it's great Dolphinarium, which is located along the coast in a cozy Seaside Park. Tourists vacationing at a resort in Varna trying to get there for one of the performances. Rest assured, not only for children, but also for adults will definitely enjoy the show, arranged by smart and intelligent dolphins.

In the same Seaside Park in Varna there are Zoo and Aquarium. In them you can see a large number of representatives of the animal world.

Besides everything else, for lovers of historical sights: Varna is home to the Archaeological, Historical and Maritime Museums, the Necropolis, the Roman Baths and an ancient, but still splendid church - Cathedral of St. Anastasia.

It is worth mentioning another important attraction of the city - Varna Lake. It is one of the largest and deep estuary reservoirs along the entire coast of the country. Around the lake you can see lush vegetation in the form of trees, beautiful flowers and unusual bushes. And for fishermen here real paradise , because there are delicious sea fish in the reservoir. Complements the perfect picture healing mud, which the lake is rich in.

Also deserves special attention Asparuhov Bridge- most long bridge not only in Varna itself, but throughout Bulgaria. He connects two parts of one city, as well as Lake Varna with the Black Sea. Bridge beautiful at any time of the day, because at night its illumination is reflected in the sea surface. If you find yourself in this area, don’t forget to check out the equally interesting Asparuhov Park, where locals like to relax.

Reviews from tourists about Varna

Varna - a beautiful city , full of secrets and mysteries. When we were traveling to Bulgaria, back at home we planned to devote a whole day to this resort to explore all its beauties. Unfortunately, it was inconvenient for tourists to Varna and did not allow the plan to be realized. But we even liked what we saw.

Tourists who come to Varna from other resorts or are planning to go somewhere on their own from Varna, definitely end up at this bus station.

In this seaside town, every tourist can find something to do: some people will like to swim and sunbathe on one of the many beaches, others will prefer active activities aquatic species sports, some vacationers will devote part of their time to sightseeing, and, of course, there will be lovers of active foreign shopping.

But we are sure of one thing for sure: everyone who chooses Varna resort for their vacation you will definitely like everything here— from to , from varied to . And if you remember that it was in Varna that the famous Bulgarian and Russian pop singer, Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov, was born, then it becomes clear why many want to see this city.

Remember good vacation - this is not necessarily an expensive holiday on distant islands, and Varna is an excellent confirmation of this.

Getting to Varna is very easy: people come here regularly Shuttle Buses . Also in town there is an airport and a port. Those who have the means can come to Varna by taxi or.

You may find our article useful bus schedules from Varna:

For approximate bus schedules from other coastal cities in Bulgaria, see the header of the site, in the “Services” section.

Photo selection from Varna

To immerse yourself in the beauty of Varna and show you a small part of its treasures, we suggest viewing a small selection of photos we took in this wonderful city.

If you don’t know that Varna is one of the largest cities in Bulgaria, then traveling around it you will see everything the same as in other resorts in the country - beautiful buildings, many retail outlets and souvenir shops.


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