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Crimean sights, as if on purpose, were located very well. No matter how you plan your route, there will always be something interesting nearby. If you lay out all the sights of Crimea on a map, you can easily plan a route for every taste: through cave cities, palaces and museums, south-coast parks, as well as any other historical, archaeological, natural and botanical monuments of the peninsula.

If you love, then most often they are formed on a geographical basis. For example, "Attractions" Southern Crimea"will include the Nikitsky Garden, and at least a couple of palaces - Livadia and Vorontsovsky, as well as the Yalta embankment, a cable car and, for dessert, a boat ride. But on excursions you will not be shown a “parade” of nudists in Fox Bay or majestic rocks and cliffs of Cape Fiolent. All the most interesting places hidden from the eyes of the average tourist and our site will help you reveal the secrets of the wonderful Crimea!

Map of Crimea with attractions

We have collected all the interesting places that every tourist needs to see in Crimea into a convenient guide with photos and descriptions. Each point and each place is accurately marked on the map, you can download any category from the guide in the universal .kml format. This file can then be copied to your navigator, phone, tablet. This will allow you not to get lost and visit all the places planned in advance without unexpected “adventures”.

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Photos of Crimean attractions - everything interesting in Crimea!

Let's say we can consider bird home from all angles in pictures on the Internet, but this is nothing compared to reality. This greatest attraction of Yalta (Crimea) has a peculiarity: you need to look at the Swallow's Nest from a ship, skirting the rock from the sea. Wind, sea spray, cries of seagulls, and above - the crown of architectural mastery of the Crimean southern coast! The sights of Crimea in the photo are only suitable for planning a route. To estimate how big the palace is and how long it will take to explore it. How difficult is the route in the cave, how deep is the bay, how high does it rise cable car...

Sights of Crimea: when to see?

And finally: Crimea is not only a summer resort. Forget this stereotype. The attractions of Crimea in summer are the beach, boat trips, water parks and open airs. Winter Crimea is no less interesting. This is a calm, unencumbered kingdom of luxurious palaces and noble estates, ancient museums and walks through the evergreen parks of the South Coast. Come to us! The sights of Crimea await you at any time of the year! 27123

Mysterious, magical, amazingly beautiful Crimea has many faces, it is not without reason that it is called “the world in miniature”, because it has everything: steppe and mountains, green valleys and healing lakes, protected forests and beautiful parks, beautiful palaces, noble estates and amazing natural monuments, mysterious caves and cultural monuments of long-vanished peoples, the sea with its beaches and underwater caves.

Look at the map of Crimea: the inner part of the peninsula is occupied by the steppe, mountain ranges are concentrated in its southern part, and all this is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Many of the most beautiful places in Crimea are located on the coast, but there are also many that lie off the tourist trail and cannot be reached by transport.

This wild peninsula, one of the most beautiful places in Crimea, is located at its westernmost point and will probably remain the place with which people will never do anything. It just can't. The steep cliffs are too formidable, its underwater caves are too deep.

The sea here is so clear that standing high on a cliff, you can see the stones at the bottom. But the most amazing sight will be seen from the sea: huge through grottoes cut right through the rocks, caves are hidden behind high arches, and the rocks are twisted into the most unimaginable shapes. From time to time, the tireless surf and wind collapse part of the rocky coast, and then a new cliff of a fantastic appearance appears in this beautiful place of Crimea.

Atlesh, the protected area of ​​Tarkhankut, is made up of white limestone rocks, the processing of which has been worked on for centuries by a brilliant sculptor - nature. He cut up the coastline in a fantasy way, giving the rocks of this beautiful place in Crimea amazing shapes:

  • Turtle - a large rock jutting out into the sea, really resembles a giant turtle looking out to sea.
  • The Cup of Love is a rock in the shape of a round pool. Its depth is 6 meters, and it can only be reached through an underwater tunnel.
  • A 150-meter, completely unexplored cave, which can only be reached in one way: by swimming under a rock hanging over the sea.

Ak-Kaya (White Rock)

A huge white cliff is located in the Belogorsk region of Crimea, in the valley of the Biyuk Kara-Su River. The huge stone plateau ends with a sheer wall 150 meters high. The rock, hanging over the valley, is especially beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. It was once the seabed, and its layers are a kind of chronicle of the past 70 million years. A careful eye will definitely notice fossilized mollusks, sea ​​urchins, crabs, and in the youngest layers that are on the surface of the plateau, shark teeth, whale and seal bones are found.

Koyashskoye Lake

This is amazingly beautiful and the most salt Lake in Crimea lies in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. In summer, algae living in the lake color its water pink color, and the higher the temperature, the more intense the color becomes. The shores of this beautiful place in Crimea are covered with salt crystals that smell like violets, and on the water surface there are bizarre salt icebergs. Just a narrow strip sandy beach separates the pink from the Black Sea.

Balaklava Bay

You will not find another such beautiful place in Crimea as this bay. It is sandwiched between two mountains and protrudes into the land to a depth of 1.5 kilometers. The entrance to it is not only very narrow, but also invisible from the sea. The unique shape of the bay in the form of the English letter S makes it the quietest harbor even during a strong storm at sea. You can admire this beautiful place in Crimea from the top of the mountain on the eastern bank, where the ruins of the ancient Genoese fortress Chembalo have been preserved.

New World

This is the name of a small village near Sudak. When the car passes the last turn, an unusually beautiful place opens up before your eyes, provocatively beautiful even for Crimea itself. Mountains Eagle and Falcon protect New World from the winds, and the air is saturated with phytoncides of pine and juniper. The three bays of this beautiful place in Crimea - Green, Blue and Blue - fascinate with the purity and transparency of their waters, and the mountain paths and grottoes add a unique charm.


Among the most beautiful places in Crimea and amazing mountain range, which was once the seabed. When a stone ridge rose from the sea, the sun and wind created strangely shaped stone sculptures from it. In the setting rays of the sun, it seems that the figures really look like running people. Hence the name of the valley with stone sculptures -. Of course, there are many legends explaining the appearance of stone idols in this beautiful place in Crimea, and who knows, maybe something described in them actually happened.

Taraktash trail

You can follow this trail from Yalta to Ai-Petri and in the opposite direction. Of course, it's easier to go down. The views that open to your eyes during the descent are beautiful, but the crazy delight will be caused by one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - the Taraktash tract itself and its main attraction - an arched rock several tens of meters high. It’s amazing that with thin walls and quite high altitude a lonely rock does not collapse. The path will take you along a ravine, then through a narrow passage between the rocks it will lead you out. This passage is called the Taraktash Gate, it’s scary to walk along it, but the delight of this beautiful place in Crimea makes you forget about fear.

If you are lucky enough to be near the rock at noon, when the sun is high, you can see how the rock shimmers in all shades of yellow and brown. The height is breathtaking, but the beauty is such that you don’t notice anything else. Continuing the descent, you find yourself at another fantastically beautiful place in Crimea - “flying water”.


Wuchang-Su - “flying” or “hanging water” in the old days called this two-cascade stream of water falling from Ai-Petri. It appears in all its power only in the spring, when the snow melts. In winter, the water freezes, and its frozen streams become like organ pipes, and this sight is almost more beautiful than the one in April.

Nature is capable of creating monuments of amazing beauty. But the creations of human hands are sometimes no less beautiful. Talented architects wrote history beautiful Crimea beautiful palaces and magnificent parks.

Karaite kenas in Evpatoria

Among the beautiful places of Crimea and snow-white temple complex Crimean Karaites, consisting of two halls, two-story buildings with lancet and semicircular windows. In the courtyard of this beautiful place in Crimea you can see arched galleries and a fountain. The building is not only an architectural monument, but also of historical value.

bird home

In the village of Gaspra, which lies on a beautiful South Coast Crimea, on the very edge of the Aurora cliff, stands a tiny building made of white stone. The crenellated walls, tall lancet windows and round tower with spiers make it look medieval knight's castle. It was once a country house with fireplaces and thick ceiling beams, but it doesn't matter what it is now. , like an elegant toy, seems to float between the sea and the sky, attracting the gaze of every guest to this amazingly beautiful place in Crimea.

Livadia Palace

Known as the summer residence of the last Russian emperor and the site of the Yalta Conference. But it’s not so much that makes him attractive historical facts How beautiful is the palace and the park that was laid out around.

The snow-white building in the Renaissance style with four courtyards, luxurious chambers and a unique interior fit perfectly into the landscape of the Crimean coast and became one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. The park, laid out on 40 hectares of land, was developed and preserved to this day: winding paths go around beautiful flowers and rare trees, green lawns are decorated with sculptures and fountains, shady alleys lead to the sea, and from observation platforms the endless sea opens to the horizon.

Palace in Massandra

Emperor Alexander III is considered one of the most amazing and beautiful places in Crimea. The palace is small, but incredibly beautiful and elegant. The architect, having decorated the facades with balconies, ornaments and sculptures, gave it the appearance of a fairy-tale, simply gingerbread castle. On the spacious terraces and in the park, according to the fashion of that time, sculptures of satyrs and chimeras were installed. The building was erected right in the forest, and it formed the basis of a beautiful park. Paths were laid out throughout the park and flower beds were laid out, additional junipers and conifers were planted along the alleys, and exotic plants were brought from abroad.

Foros Church

Between Sevastopol and Yalta, between the sea and the mountain range, the Red Rock rises, and at its very edge, like a fragile toy in the palm of a giant, stands the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It is clearly visible from the highway, and everyone who drives past involuntarily turns their head to see this beautiful place in Crimea once again. The legend tells about miraculous salvation the daughter of a rich merchant on the edge of this cliff. There was salvation, but it was about Emperor Alexander III. Built in the Byzantine style, it has survived four restorations, and services are still held there.

Vorontsov Palace

Among the most beautiful places in Crimea is the beautiful palace in Alupka, which was created by order of Count Vorontsov, who was then the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory. The Count wanted the palace to combine English austerity and the luxury of Indian palaces. Such luxury was suitable for these beautiful places in Crimea: from the windows of the palace one could see the sea, on the other side the Ai-Petri massif hung over the palace, and numerous springs would help grow a beautiful garden. This is how it turned out: the heavy English style is diluted with elements of luxurious oriental style, and the battlements of watchtowers are adjacent to openwork decorations and arches.

Palace Park deserves a special place among all the beautiful places in Crimea. Both of its parts – the Upper and Lower parks – are amazingly beautiful. There are three meadows in Verkhny (Chestnut, Solnechnaya and Contrast), and on each of them separate types of trees grow. There is also Swan Lake, where these beautiful birds live, and Mirror Lake, there is even a waterfall. Lower Park decorated in Italian style, many unique plants grow there. Anyone who has been there claims that this beautiful place in Crimea is always in a festive mood.

Yusupov Palace

The magnificent Yusupov Palace is located in one of the most beautiful places in Crimea - in Koreiz, on a steep rocky seashore. It was built in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and its interior is simply luxurious: Viennese sofas and chairs skillfully made by Austrian furniture craftsmen, porcelain and bronze figurines. But the palace park is even more beautiful! It is decorated with trees aged from 100 to 500 years, and in total there are 7.5 thousand species of plants. The entire territory of this beautiful place in Crimea is decorated with fountains and small pools with figures of goddesses, naiads and mermaids. All entrances to the park, all niches are “guarded” by marble lions.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The garden was founded more than two hundred years ago. Its director, Christian Steven, conceived the idea of ​​creating a nursery for plants that had never grown in Crimea, in order to acclimatize them to the Crimean soil. And he did it very well. But the main goal was to collect on the territory of this beautiful place in Crimea all the plants that could benefit not only Crimea, but also the whole of Russia. Within three years, the botanical garden’s collection included 50 varieties of pear trees and almost a hundred varieties of apple trees. Gradually, the collection grew with Italian and French grape varieties, magnolias, palm trees, and plane trees. Plants unique to this beautiful place in Crimea have appeared: Californian sequoia, Caucasian fir, cedar, eastern pine, strawberry tree, bamboo, and it’s hard to even count the types of flowers. Today the collection consists of 30 thousand plants from all over the world globe. And no matter what month you visit this garden, you will always see flowering plants: in the spring it is the “Tulip Parade”, in the summer – the “Rose Ball”, in the autumn – the “Chrysanthemum Ball”. The Botanical Garden, a wonderful creation of human hands, is still considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

And thanks to the construction of a grandiose bridge across the Kerch Strait, getting to its wonders and attractions has become easier. If you are planning your first trip to the “peninsula back home”, or have already been there on vacation, but want to see something new and interesting, we will advise the most beautiful places in Crimea. The list was compiled taking into account reviews from tourists on review sites, as well as recommendations from travel agencies.

Wuchang-Su Waterfall

The name of the largest waterfall on the peninsula translated from Turkic means “flying water.” There is a beautiful legend that a beautiful girl was turned into a waterfall and, becoming a rapid stream, helped her loved ones get rid of the drought. In the summer months, the waterfall is not particularly impressive, but during the period when the snow melts on the Yalta Yaila, it fully lives up to its name.

bird home

This is one of the most famous tourist attractions, featured on many postcards and photographs dedicated to Crimea. The castle, made in the neo-Gothic style, was erected on the steep cliff of Aurora. Near it there is a wishing tree and observation decks, and art exhibitions are held inside the castle.

Valley of Ghosts

This mysterious place full of oddly shaped rocks. Some of them look like people and animals, others look like objects or fantastic creatures. At dawn and sunset, thanks to the play of light and shadows, the figures seem to come to life and change their outlines, color and even shape.


Admire beautiful views in Crimea you can with picturesque mountain Ai-Petri. You can climb to the top of the mountain using the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car, and we recommend going back down along the beautiful Taraktash trail, leading straight to Yalta.

Livadia Palace

The former summer residence of Nicholas II served as a meeting place for Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. The Yalta Conference of 1945 took place in this palace, where issues of the post-war order were resolved. Currently, the palace hosts thematic exhibitions, and there are two permanent exhibitions: one dedicated to the Romanov family, the other to the Crimean Conference of Leaders of the Countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition.

Karadag Reserve

Tourists are allowed into this natural monument only if accompanied by reserve staff, and they must travel along special eco-paths. Many representatives of the flora and fauna of the Karadag Reserve are listed in the Red Book. During the four-hour excursion, you can admire unusual rock formations (“King and Queen”, “Ivan the Robber”, “Golden Gate”, etc.), numerous bays and the enchanting beauty of the Black Sea.

Marble Cave

One of the most beautiful sights of Crimea is divided into several halls, each of which has its own unique appearance. Beautiful crystals, sintered columns, openwork baths and pools, and other wonders of this treasury of the mountain king make the Marble Cave a must-see when visiting Crimea. Just dress warmly, because in the underground chambers the temperature does not rise above 8 degrees Celsius.

Massandra Palace

The construction of this palace took a long time - from 1881 to 1902. However, it was not destined to become at least a temporary home for the top officials of the Russian Empire; the last Russian autocrat preferred the Livadia Palace. Currently, the Massandra Palace attracts tourists with its beautiful park and park area.

Lake Panagia

Near the village of Zelenogorye, in the gorge there is the purest deep-water lake Panagia, the waters of which have an emerald hue. They reflect the mountain peaks surrounding the lake. In the vicinity of Panagia there are the Arpatian cascades of waterfalls.

Swan Islands

In the reserve with beautiful name In summer, up to 5 thousand swans and up to 250 species of migratory birds live. Seagulls, ducks, cormorants, gray and white herons and other feathered beauties inhabit six islands stretching along Black Sea coast Karkinitsky Bay.

Jur-Jur waterfall

In size, Jur-Jur cannot be compared with, but it is the deepest and one of the most beautiful waterfalls Crimea. It throws out up to 270 liters of water per second. It is better to admire this miracle of nature from a distance; it not only makes noise, but also “throws” stones that fly down along with the water.

Chersonese Tauride

One of the main historical monuments in Crimea was an important Greek settlement in the 5th century BC. It was with him that the Greek expansion to the east and west of Crimea began. Now you can visit Tauride Chersonesus either independently or in the company of a guide who will tell you interestingly about Greek customs, traditions and legends.

Cape Chameleon

This cape got its name due to the fact that it changes color depending on the time of day and weather. It is made up of shales that reflect light differently.

Baikal Spit

This landscape park is located near the village of Steregushchee - one of the. There are no equipped beaches on the spit, but there are “wild” ones with pleasant yellow sand. An ideal place for walks and relaxation.

Vorontsov Palace

Crimea is home to some of the most beautiful palaces in Russia. And one of them is Vorontsovsky, named after his customer - Count M.S. Vorontsova. The structure is unique with a mixture of Indo-Moorish and English architectural style Tudor. The palace is surrounded by a large and well-kept park, and in the building itself there is a museum with pompous interiors.

Yalta embankment

Chekhov and Yesenin once walked along this one and a half kilometer embankment. Abundantly “seasoned” with greenery, the Yalta embankment combines modern chic with elegant antiquity. On its territory there are bars, restaurants, hotels, a children's amusement park, as well as the Roffe baths, built at the end of the 19th century.

Balaklava Bay

This is the main attraction of the small resort town of Balaklava. The bay is hardly noticeable from the sea, a winding fairway protects it from strong waves, and steep cliffs protect it from the wind. The best way to appreciate the landscapes of Balaklava Bay is by boat, yawl, or by going up to the Chembalo fortress - it offers a breathtaking view of the sea.

Lavender fields

Although lavender is considered a calling card French Provence, in Crimea there are no less beautiful lavender fields. They can be seen, in particular, on both sides of the Simferopol-Sudak road, on Cape Tarkhankut and near Alushta, near the village of Lavender.

Cape Fiolent

The main feature of this piece of land, formed by volcanic rocks, is the bizarrely shaped rocks and the clear sea with emerald green water. To the east of the cape is Jasper Beach, which is reached by a staircase with 800 steps.

Baydar Valley

This huge basin, located in the southeast of the peninsula, is surrounded on all sides by green mountains. Many rivers flow into the valley and form small waterfalls. And in the center of the basin is the Chernorechenskoye reservoir - the largest in Crimea. The Baydar Valley is home to many rare plants, and for its pleasant mild climate it received the unofficial title “Crimean Switzerland”.


In this article you will find an overview of the main attractions of Crimea with photos, videos and descriptions, location on the map. In Crimea there is always something to see in summer and winter. Holidays in Crimea with children are an excellent idea, since this is where they are concentrated best beaches, water parks, museums, entertainment centers, sanatoriums. The most popular tourist places in Crimea are nature reserves, castles, fortresses, caves, museums, waterfalls, temples, grottoes and much more.

You can take a walk and listen to the sound of water and the cries of seagulls on the oldest street in the city - the Yalta embankment, along which great artists, painters and even kings walked. Also on the Yalta embankment are the famous white marble Roffe baths. The main embankment closes with the Crocodilarium, which will be interesting for both adults and children. If you move up Kievskaya from the crocodiles' home, you can get to the old Yalta market, replete with local products. You can also taste and buy local products at the popular Massandra winery.

One of the main attractions of the region is the ruins of the ancient city of Tauride Chersonesos, where you can also see the Fog Bell, the museum and the Chersonesos Cathedral. At Cape Chersonesos you can see the Chersonesos lighthouse, which has rich history. Also on the cape are huge boulders with engravings and drawings, the origin of which is unknown.

The Baydar Valley pleases with its magnificence, on the territory of which there is an important historical monument- Baydar Gate. Sevastopol carefully preserves great natural monuments for future generations: Cape Lucullus, Cape Aya, grand canyon Crimea, Chernorechensky Canyon, Balaklava Bay, Diana's Grotto, Kozyrek Waterfall, Akhtiarskaya Bay, Fatma Koba Cave, the ancient Chorgun Aqueduct, Suatkan Waterfall and much more.

Admirers of religious shrines should visit the Vladimir and Intercession Cathedrals of Sevastopol and many other churches. The unique pyramidal temple is located within the boundaries of the memorial cemetery of Sevastopol - St. Nicholas Church, erected in 1870, stands on a hill and serves as a monument to the heroic participants in the defense of the city.

While taking a promenade around Sevastopol, you can look into Victory Park, Primorsky or Historical Boulevard. It will also be very interesting to visit Maksimov’s dacha, go to the Black Sea Fleet Theater or the Sevastopol Art Museum.

The ancient city of Inkerman has preserved for posterity the St. Clement Cave Monastery and the ruins of the medieval fortress of Kalamita.


The resort town of Feodosia is famous for its architectural monuments from different eras. The Aivazovsky Gallery and the Alexander Greene Memorial Museum with an interesting exhibition are located here.

A little further from Feodosia is Cape Chauda - a picturesque place in the eastern part of Crimea with wildlife and breathtaking scenery. The best way to get there is by car.


In the vicinity of Crimean Alushta there are several natural attractions: mountains with impressive views of the area, the always foggy Valley of Ghosts, the unusual Valley of Stone Mushrooms (Sotera), where a complete mammoth skeleton was found. Almost every traveler strives to see the most powerful and picturesque waterfall, Jur-Jur.

For those who just want to soak up the sun, the Professor's Corner is a quiet and cozy sanatorium area located in the western part of Big Alushta. The Almond Grove recreation park has all the resort and recreational conditions, therefore, it is very convenient to relax there with children.

For lovers active rest such sights of Alushta as Angarsky pass, Crimean nature reserve, Mount Demerdzhi, “Bottomless Well” cave, Mount Kastel, Funa fortress, Golovkinsky waterfall, Dzhurla waterfall and many others.

In the immediate vicinity of Alushta you can visit such great monuments as the ruins of the Aluston fortress, the Babugan-Yayla massif, the Kutuzov fountain and the palace of Princess Gagarina.

There are several temples in Alushta. Church of Theodore Stratelates, or the Temple of All Crimean Saints and Theodore Stratelates, is the main Orthodox church of the city. Kosmo-Damianovsky monastery, according to legend, in the Middle Ages it was the abode of the brothers Cosmas and Damian, who had the gift of healing. The Church of the Royal Martyrs in Alushta is also a place of pilgrimage for Christians.


In the once closed city of Balaklava on the southwestern coast of Crimea, tourists will be interested in visiting the fort, the Genoese fortress of Chembalo, and the Submarine Museum and the picturesque Balaklava Bay. Stunning views of the sea and Balaklava Bay open from the 19th battery - a military-historical landmark. The battery has been poorly preserved to this day - all that remains is a concrete structure and gun yards.

One of most beautiful places in the Koktebel area there is Cape Chameleon, which can change color depending on weather conditions. Feel the unforgettable feeling of being on mountain peaks possible on Mount Klementyev. It is here that the so-called “golden mean” of our planet passes and air currents are formed.

Another excellent vacation spot is Quiet Bay. The landscape park has attracted camping enthusiasts and naturists for many years. The name “Quiet” did not arise by chance, since even in inclement weather the sea here remains quiet.

Not far from Koktebel there is an observation deck “Starfall of Memories”. The site offers gorgeous, endless views of the peninsula.


If you start your trip from Kerch, then you should definitely see a new attraction - Crimean Bridge. Many people go to see the Kerch crossing, since it is rare to see so many ferries at once.

Undoubtedly, the main Kerch attractions rightfully remain the ancient Greek Panticapaeum, Mount Mithridates with an obelisk, Fort Totleben and the Kerch fortress, the pink Koyash lake belonging to the Opuk reserve, the Adzhimushkai quarries, the healing pink lake Chokrak and the magnificent General beaches.

The attention of travelers is often captured by the Royal Mound from the time of Panticapaeum, which has a very unusual shape (a man-made gorge). Among the ancient cities, Kitaeum next to Panticapaeum, the crypt of Demeter, Myrmekium and Tiritaka are also known. In a later period, the Yenikale fortress was built to protect the Turks from the Russian fleet. And the Crimean Atlantis - ancient greek city Acre - only divers can see it.


In Gurzuf, famous to every Soviet child for the Artek camp, you can see many iconic places. It is here that Chekhov's dacha is located, the second after Yalta. A cozy house at the foot of Genevez Caye with its own bay inspired the world famous writer to complete the story “Three Sisters”.

Koreiz and Alupka

The coast of Koreiz and Alupka is replete with attractions. It is here that the majestic Mount Ai-Petri and the Miskhor - Ai-Petri cable car are located. Near Mount Ai-Petri, as if breaking away from the main mountain range, stands the Shaan-Kaya rock. The southern slope of Shaan-Kai is used by extreme sports enthusiasts for jumping into the abyss.

The Uchan-Su waterfall is a famous natural landmark of Crimea, located on the slope of Mount Ai-Petri about 6 km from Yalta. In terms of height, Uchan-Su ranks first among other waterfalls in Crimea, it is 98.5 meters. The waterfall is significant natural object, which is part of the Yalta mountain forest nature reserve.

In Miskhor, along the embankment and a series of beaches, the picturesque Miskhor Park stretches, where you can walk endlessly. It’s worth noting the monument to the mermaid holding a baby in her arms and looking sadly at Miskhorskaya embankment.

Very nearby, in Gaspra, on one of the spurs of the Ai-Todor rock, there is the Swallow's Nest castle - the most recognizable landmark of Crimea. Also in Gaspra there is the Kharaks palace and park complex, now part of it is reserved for a sanatorium. Nicholas II once visited it. Also nearby is the Murad-Avur estate, which forms an excellent architectural ensemble.

Getting to know the city is not complete without visiting the central Theater Square, where the Pushkin Theater is located. In general, in Evpatoria there are many interesting museums, among which we can note the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, the pharmacy museum, the House of Wine, The Harasho gallery of contemporary art and much more.

West of Yevpatoria there is a huge lake with healing water Donuzlav. On one side, the lake is framed by the Belyaus spit, on which there is one of the cleanest sandy shorelines - Belyaus beach.

The pearl of western Crimea is the Dzhangul tract. The natural landscape reserve is a rocky strip stretching across the sea along coastline. An amazing formation that represents a sharp contrast between the sea and the steppe.

IN national park“Beautiful Harbor” is home to a unique natural wonder called “The Cup of Love”. The natural pool has a depth of 9 meters and a natural tunnel, the entrance to which is at a depth of 4 meters. Through a natural underwater passage you can reach the sea. It is enough to swim only 5 meters.

The westernmost point of Crimea is the picturesque Cape Tarkhankut. The southwestern part of the peninsula is occupied by the Bolshoy and Maly Atlesh nature reserves. The unique underwater museum “Alley of Leaders” is located at a depth of 12 meters near Bolshoy Atlesh. The main political figures of the whole world are located next to each other seabed. Alas, the exhibition can only be seen by scuba diving.


There is an opinion that you shouldn’t stay long in Simferopol, because there is no sea there. This is a deep misconception, since Simferopol has many noteworthy attractions.

Another amazing natural monument is the “Weeping Rock” in the valley of the Western Bulganak River. The rock received such a “talking” name thanks to karst cracks oozing with water.

Lovers of antiquities should definitely visit Scythian Naples, ancient city III century BC e. In the vicinity of Simferopol there are such iconic sights as



There are quite a few on the map of Russia attractive places, but one of them has a particularly amazing magnetism in its essence - this is Crimea, which attracts tourists not only beach holiday, but also the sights of Crimea, which absolutely everyone who comes to relax for the first time should see Crimean peninsula. This is where you want to come for a dose of patriotism and mountain adrenaline, for positive emotions from admiring the majesty of the sea, exploring caves and diving into the water column, for new knowledge on history and geography, culture and religion. A visit to the peninsula for guests of this part of Russia often ends with a plan to purchase housing in Yalta, Sevastopol, Alushta, Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol or Evpatoria.

Detailed information on the indicated settlements presented on our website in specialized sections. Why are Crimean cities and small settlements attractive from the point of view of international tourism?

Interesting places in Crimea: focus on historical and cultural value

For travelers unfamiliar with Crimea and its attractions, it is best to turn their attention to interesting places in Crimea that represent historical and cultural value not only of Crimea, but of all of Russia. On the territory of this Russian site there are many attractions that should be considered of historical significance for the modern generation and those who like to look for answers to the questions of the present in the past.

The facility is located in the city of Sevastopol. It is under the protection of UNESCO and is under the special control of the city and country governments. Here you can feel the spirit of history, find evidence of the presence of representatives on the territory of Crimea ancient civilization. Every summer, performances are held on the territory of the Ancient Theater, during which spectators are immersed in the past.

Sudak and its heritage

The Sudak fortress will be of interest to tourists of all ages. Here they organize special costumed performances, sell souvenirs, offer horseback riding and a visit to the museum complex.

Crimean palaces

Livadia Palace

Residence of the Romanovs on the Crimean coast. The museum, which has the status of a nature reserve, is located in close proximity to Yalta. It is interesting because a famous woman lived here royal family, and many years later the Crimean conference of the heads of major world powers took place.

Muslim style, the Middle Ages and the English Renaissance are woven together in the ensemble of this architectural monument. The palace dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, but to this day attracts the attention of both tourists from Russia and guests from other countries of the world.

Yusupov Palace

Located in Koreiz. It is one of the most beautiful heritages of the peninsula. Architect Krasnov took the Art Nouveau style as a basis when creating this object. The powerful Ai-Petri ridge rises above the Palace.

Khan's Palace

Bakhchisarai landmark of the sixteenth century. Found reflection in the works of Pushkin. The spirit of Islam reigns here; interesting collections of printed publications, household utensils and decorations are presented. Majestic and luxurious not only for past times, but also by the standards of the modern day.

Riches of Crimea: pie attractions of Crimea

The Crimean mountains, the sea, nature reserves, caves and canyons are the treasures, the real riches of the Crimea, we will get to know the most significant and popular ones a little closer.

Mount Ai-Petri

You can get to the top of the mountain (1346 meters) in three ways:

  • cable car (tourists are guaranteed additional impressions from the views of Crimea opening from the trailer);
  • renting special transport or traveling in your own car along serpentine roads;
  • hiking (more suitable for experienced tourists).

At the top, guests will find the most amazing views of the coast and the mountain and forest reserve of Yalta.


The Valley of Ghosts and the Funa Fortress are not the only advantages geographical feature, located near the village of Luchistoye. To realize that Heaven on Earth exists, you should climb Demerdzhi at least once. The weather here is completely different, there are amazing stone sculptures, cleanest air. For some, Demerdzhi is harsh and impregnable; for other travelers, the mountain becomes one of the favorites on the peninsula.

Walking in this area is best done in the company of experienced guides or travelers. Numerous lakes, waterfalls and baths will remain in memory along with fragrant herbs and numerous flowers. But it’s beautiful and interesting here not only in spring. At other times of the year, the canyon has many pleasant surprises hidden for guests.

Karadag Reserve

You can explore the object both from the sea and in walking tour. Both options are interesting and will give you a lot of impressions from seeing natural treasures.

Crimean cave cities

On the territory of the peninsula there are several dozen cave objects that were once full-fledged ancient settlements and cities. The most visited and famous of them are:

  • Mangup;
  • Chufut-Kale;
  • Eski-Kermen;
  • Tepe-Kerman;
  • Kachi-Kalyon.

Mostly ancient settlements are concentrated in the central part of Crimea. Acquaintance with these objects will be correctly accomplished with standard tourist preparation, a map of the area and a guide.

Memory of wars and exploits in Crimea, objects of military significance

This year it will not be enough to spend a few days, since the city of heroic glory cannot be thoroughly studied even in a month’s stay in it. But there are still some key attractions that a tourist visiting Sevastopol for the first time should definitely pay attention to:

  • Malakhov Kurgan;
  • Historical Boulevard and Panorama of Sevastopol;
  • Diorama and Sapun Mountain complex;
  • Grafskaya pier and Nakhimov embankment;
  • Memorial plaque of honor;
  • Museum of the Black Sea Fleet;
  • complex Bayonet and Sail, monument to Soldier and Sailor;
  • 35 Coastal battery;
  • Mikhailovskaya battery.

At every monument, every building and structure of Sevastopol amazing story. This is necessarily a story of honor and valor.

Neighborhood of Balaklava - submarine base

The object is interesting because it was kept secret for a long time and was of great importance for ensuring the security of the peninsula. Today, daily excursions are held here, during which guests are introduced to the purpose of the construction and its history.


In the hero city of Kerch you should definitely visit such sites as:

  • Adzhimushkay quarries;
  • Mount Mithridates;
  • Museum of the Eltigen landing.

Extreme and adrenaline on the peninsula

Here, nature itself has created ideal conditions for diving into the water column with special equipment and exploring the marine world. The thicket of love, numerous underwater caves and tunnels, and along with them the “Alley of Leaders” will leave the most pleasant impressions in the hearts of scuba diving lovers. Finding experienced instructors on Tarkankut to master the science of diving will not be difficult.

Mount Klementieva

It is from here that all activities related to air sports start. Paragliding, mastering the parachute direction, climbing above the ground balloons- all this is available today to everyone who comes to eastern part peninsula to explore new areas or hone skills in already chosen areas.

Karabi Yayla and its numerous unequipped caves

Here real paradise for people interested in speleology. Getting here is extremely problematic, but your vacation on the yayla will become truly complete, serene and calm. You can not only discover new caves, but also enjoy the fragrance of Crimean herbs, of which there are countless numbers.

Crimean heritage for romantics and creative individuals


The Voloshin Museum, scuba diving stations, an amazing embankment and a private cognac enterprise - all this is in Koktebel. And every year in August an international jazz festival is held here, which attracts a large army of fans of this musical style.

bird home

The Gothic-style castle building is located on the very edge of the Aurorino rock. Geographically, the object belongs to the village of Gaspra. From the observation deck, which underwent a major reconstruction several years ago (but some work continues to this day), an incredibly emotional view opens up.

Gazebo of the winds

Located on the most high point Shagan-Kaya. Created from stone in 1956. The floor mosaic becomes a compass rose, hence the name of the object. From the gazebo you can see Gurzuf, Partenit, Ayu-Dag and the Black Sea in clear weather.


This city is home to one of the most famous art galleries in the world, which displays works by Aivazovsky.

Yalta and Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Balls and flower festivals - this is what can add a romantic touch to the relationship of lovers. Find this “flower dope” near Yalta - in Nikitsky, famous along the entire coast botanical garden. Here, every season of the year, exhibitions of different plant varieties are held, created thanks to the work of the employees of the scientific department of the institution.

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

Admire distant constellations, watch a meteor shower, or see the Moon through a modern telescope - these options will especially appeal to those who are sensitive to the night sky and rush to make a wish every time a star falls. Now you can realize your stellar dream in a special center located in the village of Nauchny (located at the turn from the Sevastopol-Simferopol highway). Excursion services are available for groups and individually by appointment.

Where to get healthy: a healing and empowering peninsula

Health resorts of Evpatoria, Sak and South Coast

On the territory of Crimea there are all the appropriate conditions for the treatment of almost all types of diseases known today. In sanatoriums and health resorts, patients are offered physiotherapy, mud therapy, massages using hydraulic equipment, and visits to hydropathic clinics with special health baths. Both in the western and southern parts of the peninsula, the approach of specialists to treatment is extremely responsible and serious, for this reason Crimea has long earned the title of a unique health resort.

Health paths:

Taraktashskaya road

The Uchan-Su waterfall will become the starting point from which the indicated route will begin. Then the trail will go up to the Ai-Petri plateau, and along the way you can admire the views of the Taraktash rocks. Recommended for experienced hikers.

Greene's Trail

A well-known writer in Russia gave the name to this road of health, because he himself loved to enjoy the beauty of the Crimean nature, while taking leisurely walks through the forest. The beginning of the journey will be a point in Old Crimea, and then you will have to walk 17 kilometers through mountainous terrain, as a result of which you will reach Koktebel.

Shtangeevskaya road

One of the first hiking trails in the world. Taking into account the difference in altitude, a tourist will cover 2.6 km in an average of two hours. Start from the Uchan-Su waterfall, finish the trail at the top of Stavri-Kaya.

Traveling along such Crimean roads as:

  • Botkin trail;
  • Pushkin trail;
  • Royal Road;
  • Roman way;

Religious sites on the peninsula

Church of the Resurrection of Christ

This religious site has another name - Foros Church. It is often used, since the structure is located above the village located under the Red Rock. The church rises 400 meters above the sea, which makes it visible from the Sevastopol-Yalta highway.

Monastery of St. Anastasia

The church belonging to this monastery is called today the “beaded temple”. Its decoration (both external and internal) is unique. There is some resemblance to the ethnic style in the way this religious site is decorated.

Juma-Jami Mosque

The second name of the mosque was Khan-Jami. Located in Evpatoria. It is perfectly visible from the sea, and at the same time from the coastline. The famous Turkish architect Hoxha Sinan worked on the object.

St. George's Monastery

Located on Fiolent, it was founded in 891 by Greek sailors. The Holy Great Martyr George came to their aid at the moment when the sailors suffered a shipwreck near the Fiolent rocks. In honor of his appearance to sailors, the Rock of the Holy Appearance with a cross, located in the water near Jasper Beach, was also named.

St. Clement Monastery

Near the monastery are the ruins of the Byzantine Kalamita. The monastery itself is clearly visible even from the railway tracks. This place once became a refuge for Christians hidden in the rocks.

St. Nicholas Church

The structure has the shape of a pyramid. Located on the hill of the Fraternal Cemetery in Sevastopol. It is a monument to people defending the city from enemy attacks. This year the temple turns 160 years old.

Temple of Donators

Located in a hard-to-reach place in Crimea. It is difficult to find among the Eski-Kermen massifs, but having accomplished such a feat, tourists will not be able to contain their emotions. The tiny cave-type church is beautifully painted with frescoes. Monks have been hiding here for a long time.

The lighthouse, which is also a temple, is located in the heart of the village of Malorechenskoye, not far from Alushta. It can be seen from different points of the peninsula, as the structure rises above the sea. There is also a unique operating museum, which contains exhibits from sunken ships (from the Titanic to the Kursk) from different eras.

Synagogue of Yeghia-Kapai

It is also called craft, since it was the artisans who invested in the construction of this facility in 1912 most funds. Excursion support is available.

Karaite kenas

The spiritual center in Yevpatoria is intended for the small nation of the Earth - the Karaites.


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