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In the Naroch River basin in the Myadel region of Belarus there is a lake of the same name, which is part of the Naroch lakes group.

It is a tourist area and also a resort with good beaches.

It is also worth noting that Lake Naroch is the center of the Naroch National Park. There are about 40 lakes in total, Naroch is the largest. It is also popularly known as "Belarusian Sea".

No wonder, because the lake’s water surface area is about 80 square meters. km., which in rainy or foggy weather simply makes it impossible to see the opposite shore of the lake.

At the same time, the depth of the reservoir cannot boast of large values ​​- on average about 9 meters. Except that in the area of ​​the Gatov pits the depth of the lake is as much as 25 meters - this is the maximum depth.

In total, the lake has water reserves equal to approximately 710 million cubic meters. The Naroch catchment area is 279 sq. km. A quarter of this area is covered by forests, and lakes occupy only 35%. 17 streams flow into the lake at once. These are Pronki, Kupa, Simony, Antonizberg and so on.

Lake Naroch is connected to Lake Myastro through the short Skema channel. The Naroch River also begins here, in the lake of the same name.

Are you interested? It corresponds to 55 kilometers straight and 63 kilometers along the road route, driving along which you will spend 50 minutes of personal time.

Lake Naroch is one of the cleanest and most transparent fresh water bodies located on the territory of Belarus. The sandy bottom is clearly visible even at a depth of ten meters.

The lake is home to a very large number of fish and other species. The most popular of them are pike, roach, bream, bleak, and selyava. Freshwater eels are often found. In total there are more than twenty species.

Located on the shore of the lake, the fish processing plant is engaged in canning, smoking and salting of products. To some extent, this helps the region develop economically.

South part The reservoir has sandy beaches of sufficient width with a fairly gentle slope. In other words, it's very a good place for swimming.

In view of this, a sanatorium for children called “Zubrenok” was built here. Every year it hosts a large number of young visitors who swim in the lake, play outdoor games and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

But not throughout the entire area Naroch has gentle slopes and sandy beaches.

In the place where the reservoir flows into the Narochanka River, the coastal area is different high level humidity. The banks here are quite low, but swampy, which leads to the formation of small areas of swamps. This habitat is ideal for herons, which can be found in abundance here.

IN locality, which is adjacent to Lake Naroch, everyone can rent water skis, a boat, a catamaran or even a speedboat. Bicycles are also available for rent so you can go on a self-guided sightseeing tour at a leisurely pace.

In addition, there is also a group excursion accompanied by a guide, the cost of which is about one and a half thousand rubles. Taxis operate throughout the city, and there are also a large number of parking lots (paid and free).

It is believed that the lake was formed during the retreat of the glacier several thousand years ago. It collided with the Sventsyanskaya moraine ridge, as a result of which it melted, creating a large body of water, which over time was divided into several smaller bodies of water.

There is a legend about the origin of the lake, associated with tragic love. It tells about ancient times, when on the site of today's Narochan lakes there were dense forests, on the edge of which there was a small house in which a forester lived with his beautiful daughter Galina. She had a fiancé whose name was Vasilek - a brave young man, a jack of all trades.

One day, Cornflower collected grains of spring sand and made a mirror from them, which he gave to his beloved. The mirror was not simple: by looking deeply into it, you could find out your fate.

One day a rich gentleman wooed Galina, but he was old and unpleasant to the girl - she refused him. In response to this, the rich man stole the girl. Cornflower rushed after him, saved his beloved, but at the same time killed the master.

His servants rushed after the fugitives. Vasilek sent Galina home, and he decided to continue fleeing, diverting the attention of his pursuers. But instead of her home, Galina saw the aftermath of a terrible fire. The girl's only hope was the return of her lover. Galina dared to look in the mirror, but instead of her reflection, she saw the body of the murdered Vasilko lying on a hill and a black raven circling above him. In horror, she dropped the mirror - it broke, and its fragments turned into the Naroch lakes. The girl herself became a seagull, and to this day she circles over the surface of the water, calling her Cornflower.

Today, a water protection zone has been created around the lake to preserve its natural wealth.

Within this special zone there are strict restrictions on the use of any natural resources.

However, when relaxing on Lake Naroch on your own, you should be very careful. One of the main problems that emerged here more than twenty years ago is the possibility of contracting circariasis after swimming in undesignated areas.

The fact is that birds and fish of a reservoir can be affected circaria, which can subsequently infect humans. Typical symptoms of infection are itching, redness of the skin, general weakness, skin rash, blisters, high fever. Circariae penetrate the outer skin and lay larvae there. They subsequently die, but symptoms of irritation remain for some period of time. It may take up to ten days for complete recovery.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the problem is relevant not only for Lake Naroch; it manifests itself in more than five hundred reservoirs throughout Belarus.

To minimize the likelihood of infection, it is strongly recommended to swim only in places that are specially equipped for this. As a last resort, you can resort to regular consultation with local residents.

It is also important to take a shower after each visit to the pond. Compliance with these measures can be regarded as a vital necessity that will ensure you a comfortable pastime and protect you from possible problems.

Map of Lake Naroch and surrounding areas

How to get to Lake Naroch

Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district.

The lake is located at a distance of one hundred and sixty kilometers from regional center. You can get here from the city by regular bus, which runs regularly, or by taxi.

Located in the Myadel district, the Naroch river basin, on the territory of Naroch National Park. It is part of the Naroch group of lakes and is a resort area.

It is the largest natural reservoir in Belarus. Its area is 79.6 sq. km. At the same time, the depths in Naroch are small - an average of 8.9 m, and only in the southeast in the Gatov pits do they reach almost 25 m.

Length 12.8 km, maximum width 9.8 km, maximum depth 24.8 m, length coastline about 41 km. Water volume 710 million cubic meters. m. Drainage area 279 sq. km - 35% area under lakes, 25% under forest. 17 streams flow into the lake (Pronki, Kupa, Antonizberg, Simony, etc.) and a short river (channel) Skema from lake. Myastro, the river flows out. Naroch.

A basin of dammed type, by the Nanosy Peninsula (ending with a spit), Lake Naroch is divided into the Small Reach (depth up to 18 m in the north-west) and the Big Reach in the south-east, with maximum depth in the Gatov pits. The bottom of the lake is relatively flat; there are areas raised almost to the surface. The deep-sea zone is lined with sapropel.

Naroch is located at an altitude of 165 m above sea level. The slopes of the lake in the north and northeast are formed by the rampart of the Sventsyansky ridges with a height of 45-50 m, in the south the lower South Narochansky ridge adjoins the lake. The shores are sandy and sandy-pebbly, steep and abrasive for 1/5 of the length (from 2 to 11 m high), in the southeast they are swampy and peaty in places. There are small coastal ridges. Off the northeastern coast is an island (6.2 hectares), declared a natural monument.

The coastal shallows are sandy, partly silted, with a lot of pebbles and boulders near the steep banks. 21% of the area is overgrown. lakes. The most overgrown is the Small Reach, in the northeastern part of which the width of the overgrowing strip is up to 2 km, in the Big Reach - from 5 to 350 m. Reeds and reeds grow to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m, covering less than 3% of the area. lakes, underwater vegetation, among which Characeae predominate, is distributed to a depth of 7.5 m, occupying 18% of the area. lake bottom.

It’s safe to say that Lake Naroch ranks first in Belarus in terms of water purity and transparency. The bottom, covered with sand and stone, can be seen up to 5-7 m in summer and up to 10 m in winter. The transparency and purity of the water indicate the low feeding qualities of the lake, but despite this, 25 species of fish are found here, including pike perch, eel, bleak, tench, burbot, silver bream, Amur carp and others. The catches are usually dominated by bream, pike, and roach. The lake is also home to eel, as well as Naroch vendace - selyava. High quality water makes it possible to breed whitefish here, the fry of which are hatched from eggs in special fish nurseries - ponds on south coast lakes.

Throughout the year, the water is well saturated with oxygen, mineralization is less than 200 mg/l.
In order to preserve the wealth of the lake, a set of protective measures is provided - a water protection zone with special treatment use of natural resources.

Fluctuations in water level throughout the year are up to 40, sometimes up to 70 cm. During floods, the lake area increases by 2%. Average monthly temperature surface layers of water in June 16.9 °C, July - 18.9, August - 18.7 °C.

The lake is distinguished by a wealth of waterfowl; nesting on it and in its environs, rare for Belarus, is the mute swan, lesser tern, osprey, and lesser grebe. Research and monitoring of the state of the lake is carried out by the Naroch Lake and Biological Stations.

The material was prepared by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus

Basic moments

The favorable climate and picturesque landscapes made it possible to create popular resorts on Lake Naroch. Recreation areas are located on the western, southwestern and northwestern coasts. The center of the resort region is the village of Naroch. Lined up here hotel, there are restaurants and cafes, and there is its own entertainment center. In other locations near the lake there are sanatoriums, hotels, tourist centers, and summer camps for schoolchildren. There are comfortable beaches on the shores of Lake Naroch. In winter, skiing, sleigh rides, and ice skating rinks are organized here.

The lake is surrounded by several villages where fans of “green” tourism will find shelter and food. During the season, the surrounding forests are full of mushrooms and berries, local forestry shelters await hunters in the forest thickets, and cottages have been built near the shores for fishing enthusiasts. You can get to Lake Naroch from Minsk by bus or car.

History of Lake Naroch

In the Middle Ages, Lake Naroch was part of the possession of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish kings. At the end of the 18th century, this territory became part of the Russian Empire. By the beginning of the last century, country cottages, private villas, a restaurant, and berths for pleasure boats and sailboats were built on the shores of a vast reservoir.

During the First World War, in March 1916, a major battle took place between Russian and German troops on the shores of Lake Naroch. This battle is known to military historians as the Naroch operation. After the war, the lake ended up on the territory of the revived Poland. In the early 30s, the Polish government nationalized Lake Narach and the surrounding lands. The reservoir was leased from the state by the landowner Yablonsky, who hired many boats and people who caught tons of fish every day. The landowner sent the catch to the markets of nearby cities. Residents of lakeside villages were prohibited from fishing in Naroch and were asked to get a job with the lake’s tenant. The peasants, despite the prohibitions, continued to fish in the waters of the lake, because this activity was the main means of subsistence for many.

In the summer of 1935, a conflict occurred here, which became a striking event in the history of the region. To stop illegal fishing, the landowner called a police boat. In the waters of the lake, the police detained several fishing boats, and a patrol boat took them in tow. But as soon as the procession approached the coast, the desperate wives of the fishermen rushed into the water and, with their united efforts, overturned the police motorboat. The most active rebels were tried, but since then the police have not dared to “board” the fishermen. Following the example of the Naroch fishermen, residents of the entire lake region demanded the lifting of the fishing ban. The unrest turned into protests by thousands of peasants, and the confrontation continued until 1939. Several Soviet Belarusian artists dedicated paintings to the fishermen's uprising on Lake Naroch. Back in 1937, the outstanding Belarusian poet Maxim Tank described the events that took place in the poem “Naroch”, but Polish censorship did not allow its publication, and readers became acquainted with the revolutionary work only after the annexation of this territory to the BSSR.

In 1946, springs were discovered in the forests of the region mineral waters, and in several lakes surrounding Naroch, sapropel was found - bottom sediments rich in useful substances. These discoveries made it possible to create a balneological hospital here. In the 50-60s, camp sites and holiday homes were built near Lake Naroch. The region has gained fame as the best Belarusian climatic and balneotherapeutic resort. Today there are nine health resorts on the shores of the lake.

In 1999, to preserve landscapes and diversity of flora and fauna, a national park.

Geography and climate

Lake Naroch is of glacial origin. About 15,000 years ago, when the melting glacier retreated to the north, rocky moraines appeared on the surface of the earth - gentle hills that make up a wonderful lakeside landscape. There are numerous groundwater outlets, springs and streams on the coast. The surroundings of Lake Naroch are covered with pine forests and deciduous groves, and there are many small reservoirs around.

The southern shores are mostly low-lying and have comfortable sandy and gravel beaches. In the southeast there are peat bogs and swamps. In the north and northeast, the shores are steep, steep, cut by gullies and ground displacements, and there are rocky areas. Near the village of Gatovichi, the height of the coastal cliffs is 4-5 m, and near the village of Cherevki - up to 8-12 m. The western shore is mostly flat, but even here some areas rise to a height of 8-10 meters above the lake surface.

The bottom of the lake has a slight slope, the depth in most of the water area ranges from 2 to 5 meters. In the center and east of the reservoir, the bottom is uneven, here loamy shallows come close to the surface, and there are extensive pools up to 15-20 meters deep. Opposite the village of Gatovichi there are whirlpools up to 24 meters deep, here they are called “Gatovsky pits”. Off the northeastern shore, the glacier left a picturesque island with an area of ​​6.2 hectares; rare animals and birds live on its territory. There is a nature reserve here.

The waters of Lake Naroch are replenished by precipitation, streams and bottom springs. Seasonal fluctuations in water level are 35-40 cm. Circulation ensures good oxygen saturation of the water. There are 25 species of fish here, including whitefish, bleak, carp, and crucian carp. The desired trophies of fishermen are tench, eel, burbot, and pike. Many waterfowl nest in the coastal reeds and reeds - swans, various species of ducks.

The only river flowing from the lake flows to the south - the winding Naroch. At the source its width is 10-12 meters. After 75 km, on the border with the Grodno region, Naroch flows into the Viliya River. An area of ​​6.2 thousand hectares from the source of the Naroch to the south was declared the state hydrological reserve “Cheremshitse”, included in the Narochansky National Park, spreading over 97,000 hectares. There are 43 lakes in the park.

Lake Naroch is located in the temperate continental climate zone. In January, the air temperature rarely drops below –8...–6 °C. The surface of the reservoir freezes in the first ten days of December, the thickness of the ice cover is 60-80 cm. The ice melts in mid-April, but even in May, ice pieces in the coastal pebbles crunch underfoot. In June, the water in Naroch is still a bit cold for swimming, its temperature reaches only +16...+17 °C, but sunbathing on the beaches is already quite comfortable, the air warms up to +19...+22 °C. The swimming season opens at the beginning of July, when a thermometer immersed in water records +18...+20 °C. At the turn of July and August, the water in the lake heats up to +22 °C.


Great sand beach you will find opposite the Naroch Hotel in the resort village of the same name. There are canopies installed here, there are sun loungers, changing cabins, showers, and toilets. The bottom is flat, the depth near the shore is shallow, it is safe for children to splash around here. A long plastic pontoon leads from the shore to a depth sufficient for swimming. There are rental points for boats, catamarans and sports equipment on the beach. The sandy coast stretches for hundreds of meters, there are sports grounds, children's attractions, and beach cafes. About two kilometers away is the well-equipped beach of the Narochanka sanatorium.

The total length of comfortable beaches on the shores of Lake Naroch is 8.5 km. The swimming season lasts about 80 days a year, from late June to early September.

Entertainment on Lake Naroch

The administration of the Narochansky National Park (resort village Naroch, Leninskaya St., 6) offers tourists 3-4-hour bus excursions through the picturesque surrounding areas. The cost of the trip is 6.45-9.65 Belarusian rubles. A visit to the dendrological garden located here will cost 4 rubles, admission ticket to the Museum of Nature - 2 rubles. For children 6-16 years old - 50% discount, for children under 6 years old - admission to the arboretum and the museum is free.

Anyone can go to the neighboring Braslav Lakes National Park. Such an 8-hour excursion will cost 20 rubles. From here you can go sightseeing in Minsk, Brest, Grodno, Vitebsk and other cities, visit the Khatyn memorial, and tour the holy places of Belarus.

Individual and group hunting tours for wetland, forest and field game are also organized here. From May 15 to September 30, you can hunt roe deer; from August 20 to September 30, the hunting season for elk and wild boar is open; from September 1 to March 31, beaver hunting is allowed. Applications must be submitted 20 days before your desired arrival date.

Fishing enthusiasts have at their disposal dozens of reservoirs and rivers located on the territory of the National Park. There are places where you can cast a fishing rod for free (lake Barsuki, Kozye, Glubelka, Shestakovo, Chertok and some others). But on most reservoirs fishing is paid. On lakes Volchino and Rudakovo, divers have the opportunity to go underwater hunting; a daily license costs 25 rubles per person. If you brought windsurfing or kiting equipment with you, you will be provided with a launch pad for 10 rubles per day. On several reservoirs included in the Naroch group of lakes, fishing and swimming are prohibited.

You can purchase fishing licenses (tickets) and familiarize yourself with the rules for staying on the territory of the National Park in the administration building daily from 08:00 to 17:00. If you are traveling to Lake Naroch from Minsk, you can also apply for vouchers in the capital of Belarus at the address: Timiryazeva Street, 125/2, Zhdanovichi shopping center, Veles pavilion. The cost of a one-time daily fishing license is 5 rubles, a three-day fishing permit will cost 7 rubles, and if you decide to stay fishing for up to 10 days, you need to buy a license for 12 rubles.

You definitely won’t be left without a significant catch if you buy a daily fishing tour for 45 rubles to the ponds of the Narochansky nursery, simply teeming with fish. There is a rental point for the necessary equipment. Fishing rods and spinning rods can be rented for 1.6-2.4 rubles, a folding stool for 1.6 rubles, and packages of bait and lures are also sold.

Where to stay

In the resort village of Naroch, on the shore of the lake, a 3* hotel complex “Naroch” was erected (Leninskaya St., 8). There are shops and a Euroopt supermarket nearby, and there is also a market here.

The rooms are located in a five-story hotel building. Single Room will cost 47.5 Belarusian rubles per day, double - 85 rubles. The cost of daily accommodation in two-room “suites” is 100-165 rubles.

The hotel has a restaurant, bar, billiard room. From 08:00 to 23:00, guests have access to a well-equipped gym and a lobby bar with wide choice cocktails and juices. The complex houses Entertainment Center“Vega”, where concert shows, parties, and fashion shows are held. The center is open daily from 16:00 to 02:00, on Friday and Saturday – until 04:00.

The resort hotel complex also includes a car camping hotel. The cost of daily accommodation in a double room is 17 Belarusian rubles per person, in a 3-4-bed room – 14-15 rubles.

In the village there is a sanatorium "Narochanka". Guests have at their disposal a restaurant, bar, indoor swimming pool, and children's playground. All rooms are equipped with TVs and modern furniture. A family room can be rented for 76.5 Belarusian rubles. The payment includes three meals a day.

In the center of the village of Naroch, in a pine forest, you can stay in a 6-bed guest house. There is an equipped kitchen, a dining room with a fireplace, three bedrooms with separate bathrooms and two living rooms. In the yard you can use a barbecue and a wood-burning stove. Daily rent of a cottage in the summer will cost 190 rubles, in the cold months - 220 rubles (with heating).

Several guest cottages were built on the shores of Lake Naroch, away from the resort center. One and a half kilometers away, near the beach area, there is an equipped 4-bed cottage with two bedrooms. Rental cost is 150 Belarusian rubles per day.

13 km from the village of Naroch, next to the children's health center "Zubrenok", 4-bed guest houses camping "Naroch" with parking. The cost of renting a cottage is 150 rubles. Guest house "Pronki" is located nearby. There are three double rooms and one two-room “suite”. The bedrooms are located on the second floor, and on the first floor there is a kitchen, dining room, living room with billiards and a sauna. This eight-bed guest house rents for 270 rubles per day. An additional payment of 90 rubles is required for a three-hour sauna session.

In the village of Antonisberg, 3 km from the village of Naroch, there are guest cottages, each of which can accommodate four guests. Rental cost: 140 Belarusian rubles.

Near Lake Naroch there are a dozen and a half tourist sites designed for setting up tents. There are toilets, designated areas for fires, and garbage is collected daily. At the parking lots “Antonisberg”, “Beloye”, “Kochergi” you can spend the night for 6 rubles; there are gazebos with barbecues. The parking lots “Strugolapy”, “Rossokha”, “Melnitsa”, “Wide Ditch” and others are not equipped with gazebos, but accommodation here is cheaper - 4 rubles per day.

Where to eat

On the ground floor of the Naroch Hotel there is a restaurant with three rooms. No smoking here. Opening hours: 07:30-00:00, break from 18:00 to 20:00.

The camping hotel has its own cafe located in the forest. It offers inexpensive breakfasts and dinners (8-10 rubles per person). The cost of a hearty lunch is 12-16 rubles. The local chef's specialties are stuffed pike, grass carp baked with sour cream, eel fish soup, pies with pike perch fillet. Participants of hunting and fishing tours can bring their catch to the kitchen, and the chefs will prepare delicious dishes from fish and game.

How to get there

WITH Central bus station Minsk to the village of Naroch depart daily Shuttle Buses and minibuses. In addition, passing buses on the Minsk-Zhuravushka and Minsk-Svir routes stop in Naroch. A ticket will cost 9-11 Belarusian rubles.

By car, leave Minsk along the P28 highway leading to the northwest. Travel time – 2 hours.

Narochansky National Park in the Minsk region of Belarus is a whole kingdom of lakes. About 40 serene, transparent windows can be seen from a bird's eye view. Lake Naroch, nicknamed the Belarusian Sea, stands out separately. This huge natural reservoir is shortlisted popular resorts for Russians.

Researchers suggest that the name Naroch comes from the Lithuanian root nar, which is used in words related to water and diving.

The size of the pearl of Belarus is truly impressive: 41 km of shores with picturesque landscapes and 80 km of total area, so it is not always possible to see the opposite shore. Several thousand years ago, a giant glacier, retreating, collided with the Sventsyanskaya moraine ridge (a landform formed by melt water) and, having melted, remained here forever.

Another origin story Lake Naroch– more romantic, but also tragic at the same time. A long time ago, when there was no sign of Naroch, there was a dense, impenetrable forest on its territory. Only one hut stood on the outskirts. There lived a forester and his daughter Galina, a rare beauty and clever girl. Not a single fellow could pass her by, but she fell in love with Vasilko, a brave man and a jack of all trades. In order to completely conquer the heart of his beloved, the young man built a mirror from spring grains of sand, by peering into the depths of which he could find out his fate. One day, a rich and cruel old gentleman wooed Galina, but she, of course, refused him. Then the old man kidnapped his would-be bride. Cornflower sneaked up to the landowner at night and killed him, but the rich man’s servants rushed in pursuit. Distracting the attention of his pursuers, Vasilyok sent the girl home, and he himself led them deep into the forest. Having galloped on horseback to her hut, Galina saw ashes, only a magic mirror sparkled in the place of the burned house. Looking at it, the beauty saw a grave mound and crows circling above it - this was Vasilko’s last refuge... The girl screamed wildly and threw the mirror to the ground. Its fragments turned into a huge sad lake, and Galina herself turned into a seagull. To this day, in clear weather, you can see her circling over Naroch and calling for her Cornflower...

IN Lake Naroch a couple of dozen streams flow into Skema, the shortest river in Belarus, and only one river originates - the namesake Naroch with abundant springs and steep banks. The waters - both lakes and rivers - are very clean, so there are huge fish stocks here. Pike, bream, perch and salmon more than once saved residents of nearby provinces from starvation during lean years. Terns and mute swans are found here, and moose, wild boar and roe deer live in the forests.

Nature itself, of amazing beauty, ordered Naroch to become a magnificent health resort, healing not only the body, but also the soul. The resort has numerous buildings of sanatoriums, holiday homes, camps and tourist centers. Clean, well-maintained beaches are crowded in warm weather, and there is no end to picnic lovers. Churches, ancient parks, the only working water mill in Belarus and the famous pilgrimage Budslav are nearby - holidaymakers never get bored.

Kaluga region, Borovsky district, Petrovo village

Located on the territory of the ethnoyard “Ukraine and Belarus” in the ethnographic park-museum “ETNOMIR”, it recreates the Belarusian folk style and welcomes guests with the warmth of log walls, an atmosphere of intimacy and reliability. Here everyone will feel at home and at the same time feel the flavor of the original culture of hospitable Belarus.

Intimate, cozy hotel-terem, only five rooms.

On the map of Belarus to the north-west of Minsk there is a sweeping green spot. This is Narochansky Park, in the center of which the most big lake countries - Naroch. On the territory of the national park you will definitely find something to do: from contemplating magnificent views to sports activities. We suggest driving around it in a circle and making sure of it. Must-see is Naroch and Blue Lakes, for the rest, “spice up” your route as desired and enjoy the soulful lake-forest journey.


There are several roads from Minsk to Naroch. You can go around the most famous Belarusian lake along the left bank or go east, through Myadel. The entire Narochansky Park, which is almost 100 thousand hectares of forests and lakes, is located on the territory of the Myadel district. Myadel is the largest and busiest in the region, although even there there are not 7 thousand people.

The city has many picturesque views of lakes Myastro and Myadel, but, in principle, there is nothing more to please tourists there. There is baroque Church of Our Lady of the Scapular (Gagarina st., 19/2) , rebuilt in the 1990s, and Trinity Church (Partizanskaya str., 5) the same period. And also Museum of People's Glory (Str. Sharangovicha, 1) . Don’t give in to the melancholy that its name and exhibits behind glass may evoke: if you want to learn about the history of the Naroch region, you need to go there. The museum contains many materials related to the First World War. For example, there are occupation passports there local residents with fingerprints: already in fashion then. And also information about the strike of Naroch fishermen - we’re sure you don’t know about this. When in 1935 the Polish authorities banned fishing in the local lakes, 5 thousand people went on strike (and they also say that Belarusians cannot stand up for themselves). And, by the way, it was the Poles who made the Naroch region a resort. In the 1930s there was even a more boats and yachts than now. You can look at old photos from that period.

Apothecary Garden

On the road to Naroch, turn onto a narrow piece of land between lakes Myastro and Naroch. There, just south of the village of Gatovichi, following the signs you will find an unusual garden. Tourist complex "Apothecary Garden" (54.836072 26.874341) - an ideal place for those who want to better understand medicinal herbs, and for lovers of everything that begins with the prefix “phyto”. A variety of medicinal herbs are planted and labeled in the garden. You can wander among them on your own, so that next time you don’t confuse St. John’s wort and oregano in the forest, or you can walk with a guide who will tell you how these herbs were used before pharmacy green crosses appeared on the streets.

In the herbal lounge you can try tea from any of the herbs you see and have a snack, and in the herbal shop you can buy herbal infusions. They sell Kali Laska teas in cute packaging, sachets, tea leaves, care products: ideal souvenirs from the Naroch coast for yourself and your friends. You can shop at the herbal shop without buying an entrance ticket. To see everything else, get ready to pay BYN 5 (€ 2.2), the tour costs the same.



If you are driving to the resort village, driving around the lake on the left side, you will definitely pass near the village of Nanosy. "Nanosy-Housewarming"- an ethnocultural complex, in which, in addition to guest houses, there are museums, mills and numerous services for active recreation. If you are not going to stay overnight, you can go on an excursion - from a couple of hours to the whole day. This is a visit to museums (there is a museum of samovars, moonshine stills, retro cars, rural life), stables, and mills. The minimum excursion will cost BYN 15 (€ 6.5) per person, and you can only be on the territory of the complex with a guide. In addition to excursions in Nanosy, they offer to rent yachts, ATVs, catamarans, ride a horse with an instructor, ride a Zhiguli from the vintage car museum and rent gazebos for relaxation.

Military history

A line of German fortifications passed through the Myadel region during the First World War. There were many battles in these parts (just remember the Naroch operation). Therefore, today everywhere in the territory of Naroch Park you will see pillboxes, fortifications, cemeteries of German and Russian soldiers, military monuments and even dugouts.

Even on the road from Myadel to Naroch you will find several pillboxes near the village of Pasynki. And near the village of Nikoltsy there is high platform with an obelisk from where it opens beautiful view to the lake. On the western bank of Naroch, near the village of Pronki, there is one of the largest cemeteries of the First World War. You can read more about military tourism in Belarus

Leisure in Naroch Park

A horse ride through the fields and forests will be organized for you in the stables "


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