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Where are the Carpathians? The Carpathians are a large mountain system located in Eastern Europe. The length of the mountain range is 1500 km, width - 420-1000 km, and area - 188 thousand km 2. The highest point is Gerlachovsky Štit (2654 m). This mountain is located on the territory of Slovakia.

The Carpathians are divided into Western, Eastern and Southern. By their nature, these are medium-altitude forested mountains, often having rather soft outlines. On average their height is 1000 meters. In general, the Carpathians are elongated in the northwest - southeast direction. The northeastern part of the Carpathian Mountains belongs to Ukraine. Together with Romania, these countries are the owners of the largest pieces of the Carpathian mountain system(in total about 70%).

Perhaps you are interested in the question, in which countries are the Carpathians located? They are located within the borders of Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Serbia.

Origin of mountains

The age of the modern Carpathians, by geological standards, is moderate - 25 million years. First, the Outer Carpathians arose - the part of the Carpathians that faces north, northeast, east. Behind them was the sea. Therefore, there (in its place) there are thick layers of sandy deposits.

As for even more ancient times, once on the site of the current mountains there was a chain of ridges called the Precarpathians. However, they were later destroyed, and by the beginning of the Mesozoic, an almost flat plain was formed.

Natural conditions

Many people are interested in the question: where are the Carpathians? They stretch between the Alps and the Caucasus, although they are much closer to the Alps. We can also say that the Carpathian mountain system is located between the Alps and the Black Sea.

The natural conditions of the region are generally quite favorable. The climate is determined by the altitudinal zone and where the Carpathians are located. It is warm, temperate continental. Characterized by a large number of days with cyclones and precipitation. average temperature January - from -15 to -5 °C. In summer, temperatures vary greatly with altitude. In the high mountain zone it is quite cool during this period of the year.

Precipitation increases significantly with altitude. In the highlands their annual amount is 1600-2000 mm. The increase in precipitation with altitude is +12% for every 100 meters. And the temperature drops by about 1 degree. Wind speed increases by 0.3 m/s for every 100 meters. Therefore, hurricanes are not uncommon near the peaks. Thousands of hectares of forest die from them every year.

Precipitation in the Carpathians is often of a torrential nature, and its volume can reach 100 mm/day. Heavy rains lead to floods on rivers, which is also facilitated by human economic activity.

Altitudinal zone

Altitudinal zonation is well defined in the Carpathian Mountains. Broad-leaved and mixed forests grow in the foothill zone. In the zone of 600-1500 meters, dark coniferous forest formations are common, and at even higher altitudes - low-growing shrubs. The highest parts of the mountains are occupied by subalpine meadows. There are no glaciers in the Carpathians.

As for the types of tree species, the most common are beech, Norway spruce and fir. You can also find hornbeam, oak, birch, pine, larch, and alder. Common shrubs include raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and lingonberries.

Geographical features The distribution of precipitation is that in summer the eastern slopes of the mountain system are wetter, and in winter, on the contrary, the western ones. During the winter period, avalanches are common in the mountains. However, they are not so strong as to pose a danger to infrastructure, as in the Caucasus. There are no such steep slopes here, and the snow collection area is much smaller. At the same time, the amount of snow falling is also inferior to the Caucasus.

The climate of Transcarpathia is hotter and moderately humid, sometimes droughts occur there.

Each district has its own interesting features. The Carpathians have the following:

  1. The mountains are still being formed. Earthquakes occur there periodically, with a magnitude of up to 5-7 on the Richter scale. Due to the great depth of the source, seismic waves spread very far, and in history there was even a case when tangible tremors reached Moscow.
  2. Carpathian mountains arose around the same time as the Alps and Himalayas.
  3. Previously, the Carpathians were in full swing with active volcanic activity. The peaks of some volcanoes are visible in the vicinity of Uzhgorod, Khust, Mukachevo.
  4. The minimum distance from the Alps to the Carpathians is only 14 kilometers. And the width of the Carpathian mountain system in some places reaches 450 km.
  5. The Carpathians have their own set of mineral deposits. Oil was found here, as well as gas, gold, marble, and ozokerite.
  6. On the territory of this mountain system, the remains of various ancient animals were discovered: mammoths, huge deer, and various birds.
  7. Human activity in this region has been quite unusual. Shortly before the formation of the USSR, the forest was cut down here. most of forests, and then, already in the Soviet era, forest plantings took place at an accelerated pace, which made it possible to once again cover these mountains with forests. In recent years, barbaric deforestation has been carried out here, due to which half of the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians was deforested. The wood is exported to Europe. Now almost all Carpathian forests are of secondary origin.
  8. The Carpathians are home to the world's largest musical instrument - the trembita. This is a huge tube made of wood, from 3 to 8 meters long. The sound from it spreads across mountain valleys over a distance of more than 10 kilometers.

Resorts of the Carpathians

The Carpathian Mountains abound with ski resorts. This mountain system is not as popular among tourists as the Alps, but many vacationers also come here. First of all, our own, locals. For example, in Ukrainian mining ski slopes Ah, first of all, Ukrainians skate. The Carpathians have their pros and cons. The first include low altitudes (which means it’s easier to breathe here), gentle and safe slopes, a low risk of avalanches, and the absence of severe frosts and extreme weather. As well as reasonable prices and relative proximity to our borders.

Skiing starts in December and ends in March. Altitudes from 1000 meters are used. It should be taken into account that due to climate warming, ski opportunities may decrease. This, by the way, applies to the Alps and even the Caucasus. Therefore, before leaving there, it is worth consulting regarding the current and forecast weather.

The Polish resort of Zakopane is recognized as the best ski resort in the Carpathians. It is located in the south of this state, in a small town with the same name. The total length of its ski slopes is 60 kilometers. Both beginners and experienced skiers can ski here. You can come there from late October to mid-April.

Resorts of Ukraine (Carpathians)

You can go to the Ukrainian resort of Bukovel. It is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and is distinguished good quality pistes and excellent infrastructure. If there are no weather vagaries (which are happening more and more often in Europe), then stable snow cover can be seen here from the beginning of December until the end of April.

Rock climbing

The Carpathians are an ideal place for those who refrain from too dangerous climbs, but still don’t mind getting a good workout. The mountains here are quite flat and low. Some of them have become favorite destinations for tourists.

The most difficult mountain to climb is Gerlachovsky Stit, with a height of 2654 meters. This highest peak Carpathians It is located in Slovakia and is quite popular among tourists. But climbing it requires professional skills, and climbing is only allowed in the company of a guide.

It is much easier to conquer Mount Goverla (2061 m), the highest point of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathians. It is located on the Montenegrin ridge. Climbing this hill will not be difficult, and in the summer dozens of visitors do this every day. On the slopes of this mountain are the sources of the largest river in Eastern Europe, the Prut.

In Romania, the highest is Mount Moldoveanu (2544 m). Climbing it is more difficult than Hoverla, but if you have certain skills it will not be difficult.

Hiking in the Carpathians is also quite common.

There are many interesting places in the Carpathians. Moreover, each country has its own attractions and resorts.


The Sarišska Vrhovina mountain range in Slovakia is famous for a beautiful canyon with an interesting rock called the “Moses Pillar”. There are also a large number of caves, canyons and waterfalls in those places. In addition to natural attractions, there are also man-made ones: the ruins of the ancient Murano castle.

Poland and Hungary

The Tatra Mountains are quite popular in Poland. They are divided into high and low. First there is beautiful lake, similar to the human eye. And also the highest waterfall in Poland called Siklawa. The height of the water column is 70 meters. As for the second, you can see various caves there. One of them is called "Cave of Dead Bats".

In the Carpathians of Hungary, the Mátra mountain range is of interest. There you can visit thermal springs and go skiing. Wine production is developed in the region. And the Duna-Ipoi National Park is replete with springs, streams and rivulets.


The Southern Carpathians rise on the territory of Romania. There are many ski resorts. And the castles are even more interesting. Especially the Royal Castle Peles and Dracula's Castle.

There are also places for rafting in the Carpathians of Romania. The most popular is the Jilu River Gorge in Oltenia. And in Romanian Muntenia you can go rock climbing and see mud volcanoes.

Others interesting objects Romania became stone columns that were formed by the solidification of volcanic lava. And in Romanian Transylvania there is a reserve where about 100 bears live, which previously lived in captivity.


The Carpathians are a large mountain system in Europe. They are located on the territory of several states. The part of the mountain system closest to Russia is Ukrainian Carpathians. The climate in the Carpathians is soft and humid, with pronounced altitudinal zones. The landscapes are forest and in some places taiga. Almost all forests are secondary, there are many clearings and secondary meadows. However, there are many interesting places there. As for the Ukrainian Carpathians specifically, they will be of interest mainly to ecologists (the fight against uncontrolled logging) and skiers (there are good slopes). However, if you study the entire mountain system as a whole, the Carpathians are replete with interesting objects and places, both natural and man-made. In the Carpathians you can engage in hiking, rafting, skiing, viewing caves, canyons, attractions, visiting nature reserves, castles, photographing mountain panoramas and so on. This means that these mountains are suitable for tourists of all categories. Thus, the article examined in detail the question of where the Carpathians are located.

Surely many have heard about the Ukrainian Carpathians. This is a truly wonderful and charming place, perfect for a family or romantic getaway. The mountain system is located closer to the west of Ukraine and stretches for 280 km. Sometimes tourists can encounter mountains up to 2000 m high, but the highest point is Goverla - 2061 m.

It is quite natural that many people want to visit this ecologically clean area and are trying to find out in more detail where the Carpathians are. It is worth noting that the relief here is multi-tiered. Thus, there are high-mountain areas (height up to 1500 m), mid-mountain areas (up to 1300 m), low-mountain areas (up to 400 m) and foothills.

Location of the Carpathians

To more accurately understand where the Carpathians are, you need to know that they are located on the border with countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Nevertheless, officially the mountains are located on the territory of Ukraine, namely its four regions: Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk. Thus, from these regions you can easily and quickly reach recreation centers and take great excursions, as well as enjoy stunning scenery and fresh air. Quite often, the region under consideration is divided into two parts: Transcarpathia and Prykarpattya. In addition to which most attracts tourists, Pop-Ivan, Petros and Khomyak are just as cool and beautiful. Their height exceeds 2000 m, which is why they are considered no less powerful and interesting. It is known that people live in the mountains, but civilization does not spoil the overall picture. At the same time, there is a completely different atmosphere around: nature is practically untouched, the air is clean, sometimes heavy, and the tops of the trees touch the human gaze. The rivers running throughout the Carpathians contain the most different types fish, which is why fishing is one of the most favorite activities of both local residents and tourists.

Where the Carpathians are located is very easy to determine on the map, since it is an impressive territory, highlighted in dark brown. There is only one such site in Ukraine - in the western part of the country.

Hiking trails

Tourism in the Carpathians is most developed in the cold season. Already in mid-autumn, vacationers can visit the mountains and enjoy the first snow by climbing one of the peaks.

Most tourists have no idea where the Carpathians are, but they want to go there with all their hearts. And all because o majestic mountains there are legends, the atmosphere around fills you with strength and joy, and the stunning nature surprises. Are you planning to visit this region in the warm season? Great! A lot of entertainment awaits you: horseback riding, massage and sauna at altitude, fishing and swimming in local rivers, communicating with animals in farm yards, practicing folk crafts and much, much more. In winter, every vacationer will be able to visit the mountain ski resort and try out the best trails in Ukraine; taste the famous Hutsul cuisine and warming mulled wine; visit gorges covered with ice and find other entertainment. When planning a vacation, it never hurts to consider a mountain vacation. Just don’t forget to check where the Carpathians are.

Such settlements as Guta, Yaremche, Yablunytsia, Synevyr, Mizhgorye and Svalyava have become very famous in the Carpathians. Many tourists dream of visiting there. In some villages you can even try locally produced water, which is popular throughout Ukraine and is considered medicinal. It is not surprising that in the Carpathians there are a huge number of sanatoriums and health centers, as well as recreation centers - the air and water here truly work wonders!

It is also recommended to visit famous cities: Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo and Slavske. In the first of them, vacationers will be able to get acquainted with the history of this people, look at amazing sights, visit the Town Hall and much more. The Carpathians of the country Ukraine are the main attraction that people are so proud of. Arriving in Mukachevo, you should visit ancient fortresses, taste unique wine and buy souvenirs. In the village of Slavskoye you can enjoy relaxing holiday or skiing. There is never a dull moment there, so the trip for tourists will be unforgettable.

Stunning heritage of the mountain range

When wondering where tourists are, they first of all mentally calculate the distance from their hometown to Ukrainian attractions. But they will never see those fascinating places on any map. For example, the pride of the Carpathians is the Pearl Cave, on the walls of which calcite balls are formed, somewhat reminiscent of jewelry. No less interesting will be a hike to the Enchanted Valley - a picturesque gorge with powerful rocks. It is also recommended to visit the Hanging Swamp, Stone Gate, Synevyr Nature Reserve, Lovers' Rocks and the Cave of Transparent Walls. In spring, a wonderful place for a walk will be the Daffodil Valley, which is completely covered with snow-white flowers, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm.

Treatment in the Carpathians

The Carpathians occupy an impressive place on the map, the same as in the hearts of many Ukrainians. This is why tourists come here from different countries and for various purposes. It's no secret that the Carpathian climate, fresh air, and healing mineral springs help restore strength and strengthen the body. Comfortable hotels, recreation centers and other health resort establishments all year round are waiting for their guests. They are located in picturesque places, usually near rivers and dense forests.

Pleasure for everyone

The peculiarity of the Carpathians is that almost anyone can visit them. Affordable prices and indescribably beautiful landscapes will help make your vacation or recovery unforgettable and interesting. Also, at certain periods of time, tourists will receive a pleasant surprise - discounts on trips and various bonuses. In addition, the cost of the trip varies depending on the region chosen for vacation, the number of days of stay and the intended cultural program.

We’ve all heard about holidays in Crimea: it was believed that “everyone should” relax there, but about the Carpathians – a place that is becoming popular destination international tourism, the majority of Russian residents have fragmentary knowledge, although holidays in these parts today are very attractive and inexpensive.

Where are they located?

The Carpathians are an ancient mountain system, which is “divided” by many countries on the map of Europe, and, of course, many resort areas created specifically for active rest. The ski and health resorts of the Carpathians attract tourists first of all: the nature here is amazingly beautiful, the level of service is close to Western European, but the holiday in general is much cheaper. The Carpathians are located on the territory of several countries: Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary; to a lesser extent – ​​Serbia and Austria

The places here are incredibly beautiful, there are many natural and cultural attractions, and you can come to the Carpathians all year round, but first, let’s talk about the climate.

Climate Features

The climate of the Carpathians can be called both temperate and mountainous: it is humid, but winters are not very cold. The sun shines often, the temperature is slightly below zero, and there are thaws - even in January. High in the mountains it is colder - up to -15°C, and sometimes -30°C, but this is rare. Most high mountain Gerlachovsky Štit is considered to be in Slovakia - 2655 m, and on the territory of Ukraine - Hoverla, 2061 m high - in the summer, ascents to this mountain are organized even for unprepared tourists.

From May to October the region is warm and sunny - 20-25°C, but there are also heavy rains - more often in the mountains. In summer, when going to the mountains, it is worth remembering the temperature difference: at night it gets cold there - about 0°C and colder. In winter you can relax in comfort: there is a lot of snow - from November to May, although ski season and the time is considered from mid-December to March. It is in the Carpathians that ecotourism is now actively “gaining momentum”: nature here is little affected, and therefore the landscapes are amazingly beautiful - tourists have an unforgettable experience.

As for the cultural and historical attractions of the Carpathians, you can’t talk about them briefly: on the territory of Ukraine alone - not to mention Romania and other countries of south-eastern Europe - there are dozens of ancient castles and temples built back in the Middle Ages. But we will try to briefly talk about some of the resorts of the Carpathians, where you can relax, see the sights and beautiful places, have fun and restore your health: in every country that is lucky enough to own at least a “piece” of the Carpathians, their territory is used to build resorts, sanatoriums, parks and reserves.

Sunny glade of Romania

Romanian Carpathians among European ones mountain ranges occupy 2nd place in size, and “cover” 1/3 of the country’s territory. The majestic mountains, rich in volcanoes and minerals, glaciers and caves, are home to modern ski resorts.

The most famous resort is Poiana Brasov, located in a convenient valley where there are many sunny days. It appeared at the end of the 19th century as a place for recreation and entertainment: then you could walk here, play sports, ride horseback and ski. At the beginning of the 20th century, Poiana Brasov became very famous among locals and foreigners; it does not lose popularity even now, and is generally considered elite.

Summer here is cool due to the mountain climate, but there are many opportunities for recreation: swimming pools and gyms, national restaurants, bars and discos; you can play bowling, ride a horse and go to the skating rink with artificial ice. In winter, ski lovers can be completely happy here: Poiana Brasov has 10 ski slopes, and all are different - even beginner skiers and snowboarders will find many excellent opportunities for themselves. The hotels are located right in the coniferous forests: cars are not allowed - horses are used, so the air is always transparent and clean.

Polish Beskids - rivals of the Alps

Part of the Western Carpathians “enters” the territory of Poland – here they are called the Beskids. The famous Polish resort of Szczyrk is located at the foot of two high mountains– Skrzyczne and Klimczok: they say that it is not inferior in terms of service and development to the most famous European resorts, and even surpasses them in the beauty of the landscapes. Tourists, and especially skiers, have long appreciated the mild climate here: there is almost no strong wind, and winter temperatures seem very comfortable to residents of various regions - the thermometer usually shows just below 0°C.

Tatra Mountains of Slovakia

The Slovak Carpathians are called by a sonorous word - the Tatras, and the High Tatras are indeed the highest part of the Carpathians. The climate is reminiscent of the Alpine, but many mountains are covered with green spruce forests, so the air here is surprisingly clean and healthy. About 50 years ago, these places were declared protected areas, and the main resorts are Smokovec, Tatranska Lomnica and Strbske Pleso. It’s convenient to come here: the resorts are connected by railway, and not only European tourists like to relax in the High Tatras.

The oldest resort in the country is called Smokovec, which is divided into several ski regions. The local hotels and guesthouses seem to be built into the mountain landscape: classic buildings in the local style look natural on the slopes covered with coniferous forests. Here, if you wish, you can climb with a guide to the highest peak of the Carpathians - Gerlachovsky Shtit.

Tatranska Lomnica has the “glory” of a youth resort: you can ski until May, and the network of nightlife and other entertainment venues is well developed. Several trails are designed only for professionals - they are dangerous for beginners, but beginners can ski at the foot of Mount Lomnicky Štit, on gentle slopes. Not far from the resort there are ancient castles, a water park and other local attractions, so your vacation can not be limited to skiing and visiting entertainment venues.

The resort of Strbske Pleso is popular among those who like to relax with families: there are many trails for beginners and for children. There are ski schools, so those who are trying to ski for the first time can come here; gear and equipment can be rented at numerous rental centers.

White Carpathians – flower paradise

This is a landmark of the Czech Republic - the most beautiful national park, on the territory of which there are resort towns that receive many guests for recreation and treatment. There is a lot laid in the mountains interesting routes: you can walk, ride a horse or bike, or raft on rivers. In winter, excellent conditions are created for skiers and snowboarders - from November to April, and those who do not like to ski on the slopes can enjoy skiing on the adjacent plains - routes are also laid there. The White Carpathians are rich in rare trees, flowers and herbs: there are about 2000 high-mountain plant species alone - flowering in the mountains begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. Magnificent beauty, it is a must see.

A great Hungarian holiday for the whole family

There are not many resorts in the Hungarian (Western) Carpathians, but in recent years they have become increasingly lively: people come here not only from European countries, and our compatriots also rate holidays in Hungary very highly.

About 100 km from Budapest there is a recreation area called Matra - in the mountain range of the same name. The mountains here are overgrown with forests of oaks and beeches - the air is clean and healthy, and in the summer a lot of fruits ripen in the surrounding gardens. The vineyards of these places are a special topic: the best wine in Hungary is made here, and it is known far beyond the borders of the country - vacationers have great opportunity try many varieties “in the original”.

In winter, the resort creates excellent conditions for relaxation with the whole family: the slopes of the Hungarian mountains are quite gentle, so beginners and amateurs often ski on them; It’s true that professionals also like to come here, but they skate more often in the evening and at night, when the powerful lamps come on - it’s more interesting for them.

There is also a toboggan run, as well as a ski school: in a few days, experienced instructors help even those who are skiing for the first time in their lives - both children and adults - learn how to ski well on gentle slopes. Ski slopes on Mátra they are now called the best in Hungary and one of the best in Europe: they stretch and meander through the mountains for almost 3500 m, and there is snow here for more than 3 months a year, from December to the end of March. However, if there is a need to “add” it, modern snow cannons start working - everyone has time to ride.

A little to the northeast is the Bükk resort - it is considered the largest ski park in the country. More precisely, the park is called Bükkom, and the ski resort itself is called Bankut. There are also trails for beginners here, but there are more opportunities for experienced skiers. Not far away, in a separate complex, you can not only relax and have fun, but also receive treatment in thermal springs, healing pools and baths; Local water is also taken orally for medicinal purposes.

In addition, the territory of Bükka is very beautiful and attractive for lovers of unusual beauty: there are at least a thousand natural caves with unique natural decorations.

Serbian Carpathians – beautiful places

Among the resorts in Serbia, Kopaonik is considered the best, but it is located in a different mountain range.

Another famous ski and climatic resort of the country, Stara Planina, is located in the Carpathians. Here is also the highest mountain in Serbia - Mizdor, the peak of which is called Babin's Tooth - a protected reserve has been established there. There has been snow for almost 5 months, and winter sports are actively developing - the area is considered very promising.

The Academy was opened a few years ago winter species sports, and now anyone can become a real professional if they have enough patience and perseverance to practice. The Academy trains athletes and coaches, but amateurs can also study if they wish. You can learn to ride alpine skiing and snowboards, improve your skills or become an instructor yourself.

During the warm season, ascents are organized to Mount Babin Zub: it is better to go there from June to September. The level of difficulty may vary, but you don’t need to be an experienced climber to climb to the top: complex equipment is not needed in most cases, and any “conditionally healthy” tourist can test his endurance.

Sights of Ukrainian places

There are a lot of resorts and attractions in the Ukrainian Carpathians, so it is better to briefly talk about recreation opportunities in general. Even if you come here every year, it is unlikely that you will be able to see at least half of the beautiful places and wonders.

To begin with, the local nature amazes with its preserved richness and diversity: in mountain lakes with pure water There are trout and other valuable fish, many species of local animals are considered rare, and many plants are endemic. There are very beautiful places here, the Carpathians in Ukraine are just a fairy tale.

It is still worth mentioning separately about one beautiful place - Lake Synevyr, located almost a kilometer above sea level, and considered the most beautiful and largest in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The water in it is clear, but from a bird's eye view it looks blue; the lake is framed by the bright greenery of forests - they say that the reservoir is more than 10,000 years old. It cannot be called very deep, but the depth is impressive - up to 22 m; the water is cold - no higher than 11°C even in summer, and you cannot swim in Synevyr. However, you can relax here for a nominal fee, although vacationers are strictly monitored: there is a lot of trout in the lake, but catching it is strictly prohibited, as is hunting local animals - deer, roe deer and predators.

The deep Carpathian rivers are used for timber rafting, but this is also monitored - the ecological balance should not be disturbed. There are no rocks in these places, the relief is calm and smooth - they say that in this sense the Carpathians have an even character.

There are many hundreds of different mineral springs in the Ukrainian Carpathians, so there are many health resorts and sanatoriums here: almost every region has its own types of medicinal waters. So, everyone knows the water from Truskavets - Naftusya, which has practically no analogues in the world. Naftusya is universal: it is used to treat various inflammations and pains, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. In many sanatoriums, patients are literally treated with air saturated with phytoncides of coniferous trees, and the properties of water complement its effect: other medications become unnecessary.

The main ski resorts have mild winters - 6°C below zero is considered severe frost - and a lot of snow, so their popularity is growing every year. Infrastructure and services are developing accordingly: local authorities have been actively using all opportunities for growth and development in recent years. There are ski schools everywhere, the slopes are well-maintained, the ski lifts work, and renting equipment has become as easy as in European resorts.

When the ski season ends, “overland” tourism begins: you can choose routes for every taste and age - walking, horseback riding or cycling. The local Carpathians are full of not only natural beauty, but also cultural and historical attractions - for example, castles and colorful mountain villages with unique customs and traditions.

Modern entertainment also allows you to relax and have fun from the heart: there are enough entertainment venues, cafes and restaurants, but Carpathian cuisine needs to be discussed separately.

There are many advantages to vacationing in the Carpathians, but the hospitality of the locals is called “unlimited”: most tourists who come here retain pleasant memories of their vacation and only positive emotions for a long time.

Is it worth going to the Carpathians?

There are wonderful mountain climatic resorts in the southern part of the Western Carpathians - in Hungary; and in the Serbian Carpathians, where there are dozens of mineral springs; and, of course, in Ukraine, where Bukovel alone receives hundreds of thousands of tourists a year - a couple of years ago it was named the world's fastest growing ski resort.

They say that in the Carpathians residents find a second wind major cities, exhausted by the accelerated pace of life, constant noise and polluted atmosphere. They also say that in these mountains everything is real: nature, food, fun, and people, so there’s hardly any point in thinking about it – you should definitely go to the Carpathians.

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Carpathians - famous all over the world european mountains, a large number of tourists flock there. Resorts are open here both in summer and winter, the mountainous expanses amaze with stunning landscapes, unique nature.

The Carpathian mountain system is located in eastern Europe, its peaks adorn the landscape of several countries at once:

  1. Czech Republic
  2. Ukraine
  3. Slovakia
  4. Poland
  5. Hungary
  6. Serbia
  7. Romania
  8. Austria.

The Carpathians are partially located in the last state on the list. But the main part of the Carpathians is located in two states - Ukraine and Romania.

The Carpathian Mountains are very beautiful and picturesque

The Carpathians, along with the Alps, are the most popular mountains in Europe. But the Carpathian mountain system is larger than the Alpine. The Carpathians amaze with their beauty and are a wonderful place to relax. Tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy clean air, nature, active recreation, mountaineering, relaxing at ski resorts, mountain biking. Interesting events are constantly organized in the Carpathians hiking trips, excursions during which you can experience all the beauty of the Carpathian mountain system.

Coordinates and location of the Carpathian mountain system

The system originates near Bratislava, Slovakia, ending in the southeastern part of Romania, close to the Iron Gate. The Carpathians are located in Ukraine in the western part of the state, where the border with the countries passes:

  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Poland.

Location of the Carpathian mountain system on the map

Carpathian coordinates:

  • 47° 0’ 0" (47° 0’ 0) north latitude;
  • 25° 30’ 0" (25° 30’ 0) east longitude.

The mountain system is divided into Southern, Western and Eastern Carpathians, depending on the characteristics of the location. The first are in Romania, the second are in Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary (partially), the latter are in Ukraine. The entire mountain system has a large number of peaks, massifs and peaks of varying heights.

The Carpathians, located in Ukraine, can be reached from Kyiv, where the airport is located. A train runs from Kyiv to Rakhiv (a city right in the mountains). In addition to this flight, direct trains from other countries go to Rakhiv: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary. There are trains and buses from Lviv. There are trains from Romania, the city of Brasov, to the Carpathians; you can also get there by car or taxi. To the Czech Carpathians you first need to fly from Prague by plane or arrive by bus international route. Buses travel from the capital to cities and villages near the mountain ranges, and you can also get there by car.

Education and age of the array

Previously, long before the Carpathians themselves were formed, in their place there were ridges that connected Dobrudja with the Sudetes. Geologists also call Dobrudzha Procarpathians. These peaks collapsed due to powerful movements earth's crust. At the beginning of the Mesozoic period, an almost flat plain formed in their place. The age of the ongoing tectonic processes in the Carpathians is considered quite young in the field of geology and is only 25 million years. The mountains began to form gradually, at the end of the Paleogene. The Outer Carpathians were the first to form; for quite a long time there was a sea between the outer and inner ridges, during the period of which a rather thick layer of sand deposits formed.

Description, brief information and characteristics of the Carpathians

The length of the mountain system reaches 1,500 kilometers; on three sides, in the form of an arc, mountain ranges encircle the territory of the Central European Plain. In the southwest, the width of the Carpathians is 340 km, in the northwest - 240 km, in the northeast, already in Ukraine, - from 100 to 120 km. The height of the mountains located on Ukrainian territory is 1,000 m; the highest peak of the Carpathians in this state is Hoverla, 2,061 m high. In Ukraine, the Carpathians are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Domestic
  2. External
  3. Central

The Carpathians in Ukraine are divided into three categories

The total area of ​​the system is 190,000 km². In Ukraine, the mountain range runs from the northwestern side to the southeastern side, with an average width of 100 to 280 km.

Even in ancient times, according to the chronicles of the Romans of the 1st century AD, people lived in these territories - representatives of the Dacian carp tribe. Linguists and historians are considering options for the origin of the mountain range from the name of the tribe or vice versa. But the most common version is the origin of the Carpathians from Proto-Indo-European, from which the word is translated as “rocks, rocky mountainous terrain.”

In modern languages, equivalents from Albanian from the word karpe - stone, mountain are considered. The most suitable Armenian origin is from the word qaripat - stone wall. There is also a Turkic version, which translates as “overflowing, overflowing the banks.” In ancient and medieval times, the Carpathians had a different name - the Hungarian or Ugric, Sarmatian mountains.

Discovery and first exploration of the Carpathian mountain range

The Austrian G. Buchholz was the first to study these mountains; he went to the mountains with his sons, and then published a book where he described his journey. After him, the Carpathians were explored in more detail by I. Fichtel, a former lawyer who retrained as a mountain explorer. He devoted 19 years of his life to this important matter. The Western Carpathians attracted his attention most of all. Breton B. Akke went on a trip to the Carpathians 4 times to study this mountain range. He studied the Eastern Carpathians, traveled to Moldova, and studied the Carpathian rivers and lakes.

Relief of the Carpathian mountain system

The Eastern Outer Carpathians are one of the most earthquake-prone areas in Europe. Seismic activity was observed by the ancient Romans, who recorded data on earthquakes in the 2nd-3rd centuries. Since in the 18th century the population in these places was actively growing due to urbanization and birth rates, humanity greatly felt the damage from the seismic activity of the Carpathians. The epicenter of activity is located in the Vrancea zone, Romania. It is located at the junction of the Eastern Carpathians of Ukraine with the Southern Carpathians in Romania, in Vrancea County. The magnitude of earthquakes in this zone is very high, up to 8.3. The magnitude and depth of earthquakes is large, which is why seismic activity is clearly felt over a vast area, from the south of Greece to the north of Finland. Strong earthquakes with catastrophic consequences for humans in the Vrancea zone occurred twice:

  • 1940 - magnitude 8.3;
  • 1977 - magnitude 7.2.

The Eastern Outer Carpathians are a dangerous zone where earthquakes occur regularly

There were also volcanoes in the Carpathians, but they have not made themselves felt for 5 million years and, fortunately, their activity is not expected. Today, only a mud volcano is active here near the village of Starunya. The settlement was formed in 1977 after the last earthquake; there was previously an ozokerite mine in its place. Previously, the volcano had 4 vents with different diameters from 10 to 50 cm, the height of the cone was 3 meters. Today it is flat, has 8 permanent craters and 12 small ones that are not permanent. Constantly from every crater in different time There are emissions of oil, gas, and water of varying degrees of mineralization.

Three ethnic groups live on the territory of the mountain range:

  • Hutsuls
  • Lemki
  • strikers.

The Hutsuls are a real mountain people. It was in the highlands that their culture, traditions, and way of life were formed. The ethnic group lives in Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. He is engaged in wood processing and sheep breeding. The Hutsuls differ from other ethnic groups in their bright clothing, unusual architectural and craft elements, and even their dialect is different.

The Hutsuls are a truly mountain people of the Carpathians

The Lemkos were once a mountain people, but deportation and repression under the USSR led to them losing their homeland. Today they live in scattered groups throughout Ukraine. In recent years, the ethnic group has been actively restoring its history and trying to preserve its heritage. There are Lemko villages in the Carpathian foothills, where they were resettled after World War II. The people stand out from the rest with their way of life and dialect.

The Boyki are represented in Ukraine by a huge community of several thousand people. They differ in traditions, culture, dialect. Scientists identify 14 more subethnic groups in the Boyko ethnic group. The people inhabit the Lviv region of the Carpathians, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Transcarpathia.

The highest Carpathian peak

The highest point of the Carpathian mountain system is Gerlachovsky Štit. The peak is located in Slovakia, its height is 2,654 m. This is the main part of the High Tatras massif. Climbers from different countries climb the peak. The name translates as “shield” from Slovak. The name of the peak was changed several times, the very first name was Gerlach, then it was renamed several times in honor of the rulers. Shtit even bore the name Stalin's Shtit. The Slovaks gave this name to the mountain in gratitude to Stalin for liberation from the Nazis.

Climate, altitudinal zones of the Carpathians and their influence on flora and fauna

Climatic conditions Here they belong to the temperate continental type, the humidity is quite high. In mid-summer the temperature is +17-20°C, in winter it drops from -2°C to -5°C. There is a lot of precipitation in the Carpathians per year, up to 2,000 mm. In the highlands it rains three times more often than at the foot. There is also a lot of snowfall in winter, from 30 cm. Avalanches often occur in the Carpathians, there are many places with high avalanche danger, especially in mountain peaks where there is no forest.

There are five altitude zones in the Carpathians

The altitudinal zonation of the Carpathians classifies them as a forest-steppe type. In the Carpathian Mountains there is a significant difference in altitude, a change natural conditions vertical. The massif is divided into several altitudinal zones:

  • foothill - extends to a height of 600 m, forests and meadows of coniferous and broad-leaved species are common here. The soils in this belt are soddy-podzolic, there are many already plowed areas developed by humans;
  • the lower one is a belt of mountain-forest type, stretches to a height of 1,100 m. The forests here are beech, mixed, there is spruce and fir;
  • The upper mountain forest belt is covered with spruce and fir forests of mixed type. The upper altitudinal zone goes up to an altitude of 1,500 m. Here, as in the lower one, the soils are mainly of the mountain-forest type, brown;
  • subalpine - located at an altitude of 1,500–1,800 m, the forests here are sparse, consisting mainly of low-growing pine, juniper, alder, mixed meadows - mixed herbs, cereals;
  • alpine - stretches over 1,800 m, the soils here, as in the subalpine zone, belong to mountain meadows. In the alpine belt, grass meadows and low shrubs are common. The vegetation here is even more sparse than in the subalpine zone.

The Carpathians are the habitat of many representatives of the fauna, of which there are more than 400 species in the mountainous areas and in Transcarpathia. Roe deer, red deer, European eels and marsh turtles live here. Even those animals that are characterized by a Mediterranean climate, for example, green frogs and spotted salamanders, feel great here. Black grouse and wood grouse live in the vastness of Transcarpathia and the Carpathians. Representatives of the fauna live here that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth: the Carpathian squirrel and the Carpathian newt. Snow voles and alpine newts have settled well here. Representatives of birds, bats, bats and rabbits are also found in the Carpathian forests.

Brown bears live in the Carpathians

Animals are found from the foothills at an altitude of 200 m, then at the beginning of alpine bushes at an altitude of 1,800 m. Altitudes from 2,000 m are home to rodents: snow vole, alpine shrew. It is noteworthy that in part of the Ukrainian Carpathians there are many wild pigs. In the forests of the Carpathian massifs live foxes, badgers, many representatives of mustelids, there are minks, otters and ferrets. Thickets and gorges can be dangerous for people; wolves live here. There are protected animals listed in the Red Book: wild cats, brown bears, lynxes. Unfortunately, the population of deer and roe deer in the area has become smaller; hunting them is prohibited by the strictest laws. Recently, new residents have appeared in these places: a raccoon dog, most likely brought here by people who want to replenish the animal population of the Carpathians. The homeland of the raccoon dog is China and Japan.

In terms of the amount of greenery, no other area can compare with the Carpathians. More than 2,000 species grow here, 44 of which are critically endangered. Forests occupy 45% of the entire Transcarpathian region; beech, spruce, and oak species grow most of all. There are larch, birch, alder, ash, pine, yew and maple trees. More than 3,000 exotic plants in the Carpathians, all of them bloom from early spring to last days autumn, so the scenery here is stunning all year round. Some types of apple trees, Japanese sakura, cypress, and even magnolia grow.

Sights of the Carpathian Mountains and surrounding area

A huge number of places of interest are concentrated on the territory of the mountain system. Some of them deserve special attention; they are very popular among tourists.

  • Yaremche;
  • Hoverla;
  • Arch bridge;
  • Prut River valley;
  • Trufanets waterfall;
  • Black Church (Brasov);
  • Mount Tampa;
  • Dracula's castle;
  • Poiana Brasov.

Yaremche - beautiful town, where you can have a good rest surrounded by nature. Nearby is the Yaremchansky waterfall - a gift of nature and beauty. This is one of the most beautiful and famous waterfalls Ukraine. The waterfall has a height difference of 12 m, a very strong flow of water. When it falls, the sounds can be heard over great distances. There is a bridge over the waterfall that you can cross or jump straight into the waterfall stream. These places have very picturesque landscapes and attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.

Mount Hoverla is the highest Carpathian peak in Ukraine. From Romanian the name means “difficult hill”. The height of the peak is 2,061 m. The first ascent to the peak took place in 1880. Climbers, athletes, and amateur tourists regularly climb Hoverla. The border with Romania is located 17 km from the mountain. The peak is part of the Chornohora ridge, Carpathians. In clear weather, stunning views of the city open from the top, you can see the White Elephant Observatory and Mount Pop-Ivan. The Prut River flows next to Goverla, and here you can see cascading waterfalls.

Hoverla - the highest peak of the Carpathians in Ukraine

The Arch Bridge is built entirely of stone; it is an ancient railway bridge connecting the banks of the Prut. Below the building there is a highway. The bridge was erected in 1895, its length is more than 100 meters. The building is still used for its intended purpose today. There is another Austrian nearby ancient bridge 130 meters long, one of the longest railway bridges made of stone in Europe.

The Prut Valley is a left tributary of the Danube River - a stunningly picturesque place in the Carpathians. The climate here is surprisingly mild, with a wide variety of fauna and flora. In the valley there are rivers and lakes with clear water, waterfalls, the air here is clean and fresh. All conditions for a healthy holiday have been created. In the valley there is the resort town of Yaremche, where there are many cafes and hotels, and the Bukovel resort is nearby. Tourists love to visit the valley and the villages and towns located in its vicinity. Local residents are always happy to have guests; guides conduct interesting excursions, tourists have an excellent opportunity to pick mushrooms and berries.

Trufanets Waterfall is the highest waterfall in Transcarpathia with a height of 36 m. This miracle of nature is located on the slopes of the Svydovetsky ridge. The waterfall begins at an altitude of 1,720 m in the subalpine zone, at the foot of the Bliznitsa peak. The total length of the stream is 2,830 m. It has created several cascades and in some places flows underground in the forest. Near the waterfall there are steps and a gazebo, from where you can see it clearly and up close. Trufanets is a natural hydrological monument.

Beautiful views open from the gazebo above the Trufanets waterfall

The Black Church, or Biserica Neagra, is located in Romania. Another name for religious architectural monument- Church of St. Mary. It is one of the oldest Lutheran churches in Transylvania. A popular and famous landmark of Brasov and the Carpathians. The construction of the temple took place in the 14th century; it was built by the Transylvanian Saxons. The style of the church is Gothic, height 65 m. During the Great Turkish War there was a fire here, the walls turned black, hence the name of the church. The architecture of the building is very beautiful and unusual; inside there is a museum where ancient frescoes and a large collection of carpets are kept.

Mount Tampa is a high peak in the Southern Carpathians, completely covered with forests. At the foot of the mountain is the city of Brasov, whose symbol it is. The height of Tampa is 995 m; from the peak, in favorable weather, beautiful landscapes open up. There are 25 paths for tourists to the top itself, but the main part of the mountain is a protected area, home to rare birds and animals.

Mount Tampa - symbol of Brasov

A popular entertainment is climbing the mountain; Tampa has cozy restaurants; on the way to the peak you can see the ruins of fortresses, ancient forts that used to protect Brasov from the enemy.

Dracula's Castle, or Bran Castle, is perhaps one of the most popular attractions in all of Romania. It was erected in the 14th century, and it was built local residents at your own expense. For this, the state freed people from taxes for several centuries. Two more defensive towers were erected later, in 1622–1625. The castle is located on the top of a rock, its shape is unusual in the form of a trapezoid. The corridors with halls are located in a mysterious labyrinth. In the courtyard belonging to the castle there is a well; according to legend, it leads to the dungeon. Count Dracula - Vlad the Impaler, stayed overnight here when he went on campaigns. There is a version that talks about the torture of Tepes by the Turks in the basement of the castle. That's why it is also called Dracula's Castle.

Poiana Brasov is a ski resort in Romania, today it is very popular place tourists. The resort was founded back in the 19th century, located at an altitude of 1030 m, in a coniferous forest. The infrastructure of Poiana Brasov provides holidaymakers with maximum comfort.

  • 20% of all forests in Ukraine are located in the Carpathians;
  • Lake Synevyr is located in the Carpathians at an altitude of 989 m. It is the most beautiful body of water and the largest in the Carpathian Mountains;
  • Europe's largest rehabilitation center is located near the lake brown bears;
  • the highest city of Ukraine, Rakhiv, is located in the mountains, at an altitude of 820 m. locality large difference between streets - from 400 to 1000 meters;
  • the village of Vypchina is even higher - 1,100 m above sea level. The difference between the streets here is 600–1000 m;
  • geologists claim that the Carpathians arose almost at the same time as the Himalayas and the Alps;
  • the formation of mountain systems still continues in the Carpathians. Confirmation of this is frequent earthquakes;
  • Previously, there were volcanoes in the Carpathians that erupted. There are cones of extinct volcanoes in the vicinity of Mukachevo, Khust, Uzhgorod;
  • the depths of the mountain system are rich in minerals, including gold, oil, ozokerite, gas, marble;
  • in some places the width of the mountains is 450 km;
  • the distance from the Alps to the Carpathian peaks is 14 km;
  • in the 20th century, scientists discovered in the Carpathians many remains of animals that lived in prehistoric times: mammoths, birds, huge deer;
  • The Carpathian peaks are the birthplace of the musical instrument trembita. The length of this horn, made of wood, is 4 meters, the sounds it makes can be heard at a distance of 20 km.

Tourism in the Carpathians

There are many routes in the Carpathians and interesting resorts. Tourists climb the peaks of the Carpathians: Mount Hoverla, Petros and Gerlakhovsky Shtit. The first peak is reached from the Ukrainian village of Lazeshchyna, located in Transcarpathian region, to the Kozmeschik tract, from there the path goes to the Gropa meadow, to Goverla.

There are many excursions in the Carpathians, there are routes for tourists

Petros, although lower than Hoverla, is more interesting and difficult to climb. It is not recommended to come here in winter, in bad weather. The path to the peak lies through Lazeshchyna and Kozmeschik, then the direction leads through the Kiyanets stream, the Chernogorsky ridge. The route to Gerlachovský Štit in Slovakia starts from Sklabina.

Ski resorts of the Carpathians:

  1. Bukovel
  2. Yablunitsa
  3. Betony
  4. Dragobrat
  5. Volovets
  6. Podobovets
  7. Pylypets
  8. Krasiya
  9. Slavskoe
  10. Zhdenievo
  11. "Zakhar Berkut"

Bukovel is very popular resort, where a huge number of tourists come every year. It is located near the village of Polyanitsa, at an altitude of 920 m above sea level. The skiing season is open from November to mid-April. Here tourists are offered various types of trails, the infrastructure is well developed. You can admire the peaks of the mountain ranges by riding the ski lifts. You can also have a wonderful vacation in Bukovel in the summer; in 2014, the country’s largest artificial lake, surrounded by a beach, opened here. People come to Bukovel to improve and improve their health.

Bukovel is one of best resorts Ukraine and Europe

Dragobrat is the highest ski resort countries. The snow here sometimes lies on the slopes until mid-May, thus extending the season of ski resorts. The resort is located at an altitude of 1,400 m, near the foot of the Stog peak. Vacationers have everything they need, many trails of varying difficulty, and freeride slopes. You don’t have to live at the resort itself; there are also options in nearby villages.

In addition to skiing, the resort has lakes, waterfalls, mineral springs, and climbing routes to local peaks. Many people come to see the Dragobratsky waterfall - an amazing natural phenomenon. The waterfall is cascading, its height is more than 7 meters.

Natural objects of the Carpathian mountain system and minerals

On the territory of the Carpathian massif there are zones where some mineral deposits are concentrated. Gas, oil, native sulfur, ozokerite, rock and potassium salt are extracted here. There are deposits of zeolites, brown coal, gold, dolomites, limestone and marble in the mountains. Many rivers flow here, there are Watershed Ridge. It is in this place that the border between the huge river basins: the Danube and the Dniester is located. All mountain rivers flowing from the peaks of the Carpathians fall into them. There is no exact information on the number of rivers in the mountains; the known figure is 28,000. The largest Carpathian rivers are:

  • Dniester
  • Stryi
  • Latoritsa.

The picturesque island of Naslavche on the Dniester River

The Prut River is very long, stretches for 967 km, its sources come from Karat, Mount Goverla. The Prut has various banks, the upper reaches are rocky and steep coastlines, in the lower ones they are gentle. In the area of ​​the north of the Prut Valley, the river is very close to the Danube, the distance between them is only 34 km. As an object of water tourism, the Prut is very popular, especially its upper reaches. Extreme river rafting is held here in the Yaremche and Vorokhta zones. This is a real blessing for extreme sports lovers, a 34 km section with a large number of stone ledges and rapids. Located on the Prut beautiful waterfall, not far from the Zaroslyak tourist center. The waterfall includes several cascading powerful streams, whose total height is 80 m. Downstream there is also a waterfall called Probiy, 8 meters high, located on the territory of the resort town of Yaremche. There is a bridge over the waterfall for tourists and observation deck. On the territory of Moldova, in the place where the Prut flows, there is a landmark - the Valley of the Hundred Hills. There are approximately 3,000 hills here, and their origin has not yet been fully studied by scientists. One version says that the hills are the result of a coral reef.

Anything to add?

Hoverla is translated from Romanian as a difficult hill. This is the name of the highest mountain in Ukraine. It rises 2061 meters above sea level. Tourists are interested in this point for its possibilities of conquering it. The first such campaign took place in 1880.

The mountain is located 17 kilometers from the border with Romania, part of the Chornohora ridge in the Carpathians. From the mountain, when it is clear, you have a view of the cities of Snyatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomyia, you can see Mount Pop Ivan and the White Elephant Observatory.

The Prut River originates near Goverla. Here you can admire the cascade of waterfalls. According to legend, the Prut River arose from the tears of a young man in love. His beloved's name was Goverla. The girl's father didn't want his daughter to date a guy he didn't like, so he turned her into a mountain. But the lovers still remained together forever, this is Mount Goverla and the Prut River.

Coordinates: 48.16562700,24.49596900


A wonderful place to relax! At the entrance to the souvenir market there is a bridge under which a river flows and a waterfall falls. Near the market there is a restaurant made of wood, which was built without a single nail.

And what is the market itself worth - souvenirs for every taste and pocket! Colorful people, beautiful nature.

There are many hotels in the city. You can come in the summer - feel the wonderful mountain air, go to the mountains to admire nature, cool off in mountain rivers, when a stormy stream of water washes your body, no Jacuzzi is even close. There are also places for extreme sports enthusiasts to ride bikes or go kayaking. In winter, this place is suitable for lovers of skiing, snowboarding and other winter activities. Don't forget to warm up in the colorful local Kolyba! There you can eat delicious food, drink and just have a good time.

Yaremche is a great, soulful place!

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Carpathian mountains

Karpa "you (Ukrainian Karpati, German Karpaten, Slovak Karpaty, Hung. Ká rpá tok, Roman Carpaţ i, Serbian Karpati) is a mountain system in Central Europe, on the territory of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine (Transcarpathian, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk region), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and partly Austria (Hundsheimer Berge near Hainburg an der Donau and Niederösterreichische Inselbergschwelle near Mistelbach).

The absolute heights of the mountain system range from 120-400 m at the foot of the mountains to 500-800 m in the intermountain depressions and 1500-2000 m along the main ridges. Mountains over 2000 m high: Goverla (2061 m) - highest point Ukraine.

The wooden Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is one of the best examples of Hutsul folk architecture. Built using traditional technologies without a single nail in 1654-57. in the neighboring village Yablonitsa. The church was moved to its current location in 1780. Fragments of wall paintings from the 19th century have been preserved in the interior. Next to it there is a two-tier wooden bell tower, which houses the exposition of the church museum. In 1979, the temple was restored by architects B. Kindzelsky, G. Kruk, I. Mogitich.

Arch bridge

A large stone arched railway bridge-viaduct from Austrian times connects the two banks of the Prut River. The Yaremcha-Verkhovyna highway passes under it. The bridge was built in 1895 during construction railway Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk) - Yaremcha - Vorokhta - Rakhiv. The length of the bridge exceeds 100 m. It is still used for its intended purpose. Nearby there is another old Austrian bridge, which is considered one of the longest stone railway bridges in Europe (130 m).

Kosovo Bazaar

Kosovo Bazaar is a traditional Hutsul fair in the city of Kosovo, the largest in the Carpathian region. Almost all products of Hutsul decorative and applied art are presented here: ceramic dishes, carpets, embroidered clothing, iron, leather, and fur products. Souvenir products are offered at wholesale prices. Previously, the fair was held in the center of Kosovo. Now the bazaar has been moved to the eastern outskirts of the city, to a vast retail space next to the Kutsky Bridge (Kosov-Kuty St. 48°18"59""N, 25°6"42""E). The Great Kosovo Bazaar is open only on Saturday early morning (from 4:00 to 10:00). The rest of the time, branded souvenir pavilions of the best Kosovo folk craftsmen are open in the very center of the city, next to the old Kosovo Bazaar.

Trufanets Waterfall

The Trufanets waterfall in the Ukrainian Carpathians is the highest natural waterfall in Transcarpathia. Its height is 36 meters. It can be found near the Yasinya-Rakhiv highway, 2 kilometers from the turn to Dragobrat. The waterfall is located on the southeastern slopes of the Svydovetsky ridge, on the Trufanets stream, the right tributary of the Chernaya Tisa River.

The stream originates in the subalpine zone at an altitude of 1720 meters, at the foot of Mount Bliznitsa. The length of the stream is 2830 meters.

The waterfall forms several cascades. In the forest it partially, for 230 meters, flows underground. Near the waterfall there are steps and a gazebo (gazebo), from which you can look at it up close. Trufanets Waterfall is a hydrological natural monument.

Coordinates: 48.21415000,24.30233000

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Prut River Valley

The valley of the Prut River (the left tributary of the Danube) is one of the most picturesque places in the Carpathians. The place is distinguished by a mild climate and an amazing variety of flora and fauna. Transparent lakes, clean rivers, bubbling waterfalls and fresh air create excellent conditions for a family holiday.

Most famous resort valleys - a small cozy town of Yaremche. There are many cafes, shops, holiday homes and hotels where you can stay. Near the city there are the Probiy waterfall and the Yaremchansky canyon, the most interesting area for rafting. What is noteworthy is that there is an asphalt road along almost the entire site. In winter, lovers of active recreation also come here - forty kilometers from Yaremche it is located ski center Bukovel, which is rightfully considered the best in Ukraine.

In the river valley there are many more picturesque towns and villages that attract tourists with their hospitality, excursions and even the opportunity to pick mushrooms and berries. Among them is the village. Vorokhta, s. Mykulychyn, s. Tatarov, s. Polnitsa, s. Yablunitsa.

Coordinates: 48.45361100,24.55638900

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